James Braha - Hindu Astrology For Modern Western Astrologer

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ANCIENT HINDU ASTROLOGY MODERN, WESTERN ASTROLOGER es Tan Other Books By James Brabs: ow Pris Your Faure ‘Stef Baste and Wester Asology ‘The Pastry Aspects Explained Asto-Loges Revlatons of Hinde Atop ‘Tomy father for his character, The Acad Practice of Aen Hind oy to Emmett Wal fori seiessness, ‘sta ts Best acer 0 Side nd to Dennis Young (GHEML] for his wore in Ase. nd hiole in alesting aman sere Heretic Press ong Key, Brie 3228, ay seme Cage Crd 8314 rote tng ang oy ag Yo Ping Pact. i ‘Srna tno ea "TABLE OF CONTENTS Pra eels at ng a ney Sei tin ten aon ne Fa see datne ps a Sige Ste ® Pacayfoe s Heusen ® ‘ran Paty pce 8 ‘Stein Daemaning Panay Seg & te Rr a tra & ijedahe- iar Acton icing uareafe ae Sho cme eaae tee gps [ah Hae expt one Dato bse at Ray Pes ‘erating hartge: Peas art en ts Te es Siem Carer asi Te Sand ane ‘etch eon at tn Sen 8 SSSSRUERSISERR ESE ES Deter te ea 1 Tepito anager gt Asner nner sna anno regen sono gana tantordyetene setae yeaa te terrae et se Saar ae ast 2S See ee SSSR 3 es St ite Slain rat gee ean roto a eee ieee Pee ed SSS sas Sica eae Soevaieon Seaeuae a Chimie camer wae or oan Bate Se Sea PSs eee eeaae ow ree ee 22S eee evcanicmnantnn aetna set Ber sce my et jury na i ete te ‘note a ont eng torent 2 ee ‘eS haa wang a exrancsy te Te oe oh Sten hepa te oeac ae aye mt cated wth sree ne ital pts nd rane we ea Thame ne ny bx ploy fe ions a et ‘tj ny nt wn mnt ‘ern nig canandenan anc Sa ry ‘notes sich be uptheban tat eecron ies vg wre wits tt dan Weer ean ‘erect eho eet ame ah te 2 gt ‘Setarinora cannes pent ang. Freep ‘hs be wo we saa megs he oad spd ‘the we now appre eS Io al Nae ae ‘Sete testes penn ine pt ape se, ‘raed eager mae my ce {hatwe reine af oe ecg ets neo Sse fini ee cen a pm ome setters te ete See ees Hee Gs iesccocsaeet s2eccr seater antes Se eure ee ena meg erie Eocene neem Pao eS ceracnee ae lange we ety impor tht unos oe rh wel | at pean noe wo a en ta ethan ay kw nt SATS te aoe Oe ceemes = xox wna ess ae ure: St eee roe Me ar enc nonesne Thee {the tink cur Western erg a mere apa we he ane Ins Sts re unio Ao meron ee ans ‘np eprne an Fut wich oro eto Ret ag ‘Sd wich may ona aur earns png ring att ‘eat ues that Wah ane wel ‘ng cent eat ets os Me eg ‘ines eH olson psy a [aS Wetamanrgreim cman er pci eh a 9 rat ‘loca iting nie oes wl form ar ead ‘Senet prec non Un aeaen nag : ‘Thee a ww thse he Hat wae cpt by Westen so sey arf ie ere tr eae ‘eee oe i te ses rn Pe Sep. wn mann to ie eae nan eg ‘etree pte and gusting alae Tes a a ‘ern ru na ls ae een et ‘Seater essa ce Hiss pele ta he ee ‘osm wan ses a seat ed gee ea ‘Geer een au ot ower a rere neal ential more difiit ton Weser sao ape Sey em a ‘Sure naira ora ase 60 er el wh es eo ‘Moorea pc sporting ie a ten, And when hep in permpertine ty lon for awe my. mcr aren te pci te meal esto {hat rt bos an thatthe stn hep Westerners ah ‘5 sua ney sup tare ee ‘bang ot tery mn a wel spp br no ey nthe Bg aging Ad the ey few css fo ins ‘Eesha te a ‘Sewn ne ren are machen thee te grt many oe enemy cote he be nity te Fn sai ped ta te ‘he and aed cch et te ena sass ‘Sona tat ce ar Wn goed ts efit comune tenes arisen Se 22 Fen in gun str Cretan sd en ‘is it eter nego eae emacs an ee [Gera soc theta in peor sg seg roe uc i yar tng pop ‘reenter hen nr mr ese are ns sg i tein eee eae eee Spee in datmihe Sokesratarsns Scher igscemaea att pent es isi Sanco cements Sng oconeianmae crohns yo mtb ety under hat gu ny ne eras Sahn tre in ee Sait a See oetay Since ow are SEAN ay Sater os Sanam fee pet eyo gel ee ha ie ren rea pu essed aa se Feta fetes nr a Sa an Tse lt ac tn Ene caterene etorethanee at Slant cee cue tbs ae SErertana ate eirecbangsbenan mae ts ‘Sos tate Soe gn She ee ISS SNS cai ce taal ah Baraat agen rack Ste role att Soe a pan a SES pa cheat nee ne mete Se ‘hata eal ses mae seed a tot Seu pars cng" soe Sant rata ras csr te ctf ieee natn to stent ely and eon eg ‘nanos Tis stn ay na ao sen Dnt a nt te Sapersmecoe Soy neene Remiomenevaers ae Seer eeeamae [eee Bienen commen seo eee Eco nee acy earcanaes tte tah tt ich ake a eo per Wea te oe See pees ‘cotinine sensed the acne hein ae “Tee Is aoter tn wih dh ot ete ts zou peter ened sins ‘hte mara ning psn ge sw een ‘ei nt hep rece sys {bart horectee restarts eat ME Cas eat eS ay hat ey he a the ore ho propery mode his aaa ‘Tc ular hat he these ae ‘wun inna oar wee tee ests “eter i some nape fa matin ta he pt ‘Sim escrito ee pe ‘Smeg raster toned ceo ‘cert enemas is Wed ah tere ct ol oun hte age perce st a ie Irtencenceatewin px poe ‘tat pp far Prasat tise he gh this ‘Footie tens which opemay winnaar and Fa. ie tm emt on saben ‘en cpt when chaps pl dese "ee hry Teh the ronan’ mye a ony for me ee wing Caan dary wes ince epee se ‘ou hrc eich ae egeed nc, ‘sscitieancate cm snd oatwaintnemege tte Ply pa be ee hat nds aay np ecu bie za tani arn wa fa {Sci al uh seus tee a ty eens Te sonore dl cuts a yin we hast aan Conn he scone Pas nti enaes ‘psc ewe he et ied the seo ‘ero an enya ee afer tera anh tne wey Meter cage ath ae [Seay veneer! ele te ae oP ‘ome a te subarea be pina ree fitted cn oo eye st nee ha St alae ping ne ay fr wd tera acume presen aon a syg tn ‘edt set nascent a ae ey Icon a estoy ba ayn \WITH KNOWLEDGE COMES POWER. THERE IS NO GREATER TesT. “THEREFORE USE THIS KNOWLEDGE WISELY. ang ably athe al he Rea toh at SOORSC a tie hie amas une ain ‘ood rt of dees ach ow eve Aa {See lpn crn ost nar Hoe at (ete pen te equine wh sas mcr ppt Ica nasa ey tea ne tho ores tsp ers) many fare ae ae ema, hv ime abut dares Sete ne Ii and tego the aes Tere we eee ‘athe angi ces of i rate tae (Scmeny acute, bons te Sun ae bg bed 23 Seren onsen ‘The ate whe Western asi he wich uid ‘econ eee pin Toe ean etna ‘Soul sorely the Iendunnce teem ene ‘ney seen ih ane er led fice se Te way the comes a ep race to ec [Gries br on erent te ey ste ‘prone sends he ne of he pt ech ee Now hat phere that he Hd wa 2 rea sie and Weer seine on nero ton tray ee ‘edn produc the mat sure ard ease ee” Se Dah ‘ethos have wd th ete nee oe ot ug ey trae oanen tat ie essary apr we ae ‘Spey st it cern pose tu st sone end et ‘say tesa tn pose tem eon ped {way eng co pee died rae oe tore me: eto be the ve The tn ese ares ‘Sit cone ud creetnees ned oscar ya ene ‘cons ao te ser ole ene rer ne gee 9 Sreeenn ainda raaly ke abot nace it wi ly ern ec expereince thes Thee eases pe clit he cary ey a pny of a te at ‘roe are rr pre wh ay eae ae eso ee {fe anc saat auing ay de st te eo {Eft a pets te ore se ches pas (Eater panes Son Mos ae amen ay moe ie ‘Se age af araser tute wa owe acy ben Scum ‘Siesta noc cage ones cso cen Sah ‘ia soa eed wh i ean crear so {te ip ston ere pay nomenon pera ‘o'er eating nas peste cg oe oe ‘sya teenie ht pret ec a See Beste Be os i hacer aan at tu ane thea of agora roves ‘a Te apenas ogi ene berer hee SORSELD'S Ma he tes tcc he Toe te one res ante Sea ee he a ‘edi wp oe Tepe ta fe oer {entry pina be tee sola ths ene ‘Niece th gas pw fit pes the oa phone Snes nn echo ts precos eee iia we te mts gti ey 2000 Toe cermin of ths et 3 pnt tran {hath mits we aon wheat tr sete sun AD (50, tment wy ep mene fr ear ‘Scanewe setwen 98 ep ea 850 Agha ‘tices he ok fa Stas ts as {atonal tat gs atone we ane hs aeramas ‘Sew agama wl pro tao tovugh tee te nso eae pict ee ‘intake anan tem a mans pene ‘Tomar ie ity pore wich te rach Bey puta Fie hea ee da ed pa Se oe Mes posta at ih aps mere 26 dpe erences sa Vegas ata aaatotnptyaseuchars5 yeas ain anes “Tm ayanaman svn of toe etn ede om seca pan aap yc wl Seana thyatoed year sunny There thes wank (Sie ter cerchatos toch nese ee ‘hey ancmee whe estore re ta ‘Uaonanayt comet be aed ta Fen rng ‘teen metrenen nee teeny st pe smo he Aung Eun ve dong tit att a ane ‘Betjeman cao ces meg obit cermin SS ees Spee ete mame ener eae Fees Sateen ferme Sais inten tee tas NC agra int 2 ae in Paty ‘geen mer ‘Suny 1800 28°38 3 Eescommca ni hangs PLANETARY SYREBOLS: PUUMETARYSMBOLS Sex ems Mom Satu Mus gas Mecuy 2 Men 8 sorenoos Ai nw Cost Satan 7 comer S| Gap We amt ema co wat at ove wet es Sou s Sa rts ewe se eon sw. a ® nw. > 4 ‘enol panty mar seca the se edt Koei hea ‘penny ages apa ac er ang wie wee ‘hg Te a eqa howe st a see eee ‘Sutton att int ne een eich bb te hae gun Ti a nit tet a pel wane ‘Ss the nite Nout cian hr sent care be hea [ne Tere dnc ogres eat Fore {heer ee ee aun th pa ‘yar Son wb eed ied ue eT {pelo hag tay me tet ug ad ert tne Ste yea fe mu ly hs ‘ogi eed yt sath forte ot 2 eh wih Fe gibeeeae agencies Sacer ase ecto ionsteawaier ears eet sg ate al be tne at bats For ae the cen iio Sasemettetcareacs Sees becom moran Sriasieiow eee ee ona hrosnn curiae subningisrasee ‘pot pons oe wh tt ew do ens ‘Bint maters cnt owe to owes tg hw ed {ee tine becuse ees pcan ae Tee ‘nt lg ty foc suns tt el ‘gett eet ae hy aaa brat wie Bl Bth ‘Suc re ae in med Po teen rece ‘Sehr wou ne pt be haa at os a Sight hae eon n ta ee afar aba. Tat ‘hyo enone he ete ma te ng oe ‘Sra mount tna xp the po are pe ‘dort Ad ata ed ee lo tae oh (Ssbece nema nr eatin hw beat Ae tapers tue a mc any ada ep fo ‘Seothacaopes we the tan cep sn exe ere Son ‘Ste corso foe arte Te pony ere gue ‘Sng cote pt ited owl geben quero I ch abut ee pan pcos dato ‘itn enema noes wre lated rey toe ie a ay ewe tthe nd cea eee Sty ta ‘hum nrg bdo oe ean peo bt ar Ingest ohn feta ete a bck A Mksreinn wi uss i ete secs ae pay sn ec Atte re rae ‘Sal net The syonamsns re gen on Fae 3 Te Pare ok ‘arta phe bow aaa tong 170 3855 cated vee sete an Sages een ha a pope ee wo 908 ‘Tove sodas etre lenge ae ha af i meu mn eben a he Opes Toe nS Micuibendees ee “The Sun 1052-22 mur 22°98 06°48 2 48: We aie 2 ier > i | [28 "THE NAVAMSATHE ONE MONTH DIVISTON (HARRIAGE CHAR) gener iu ar maya nes sc, ‘eral 1b de Bet pe et tan wet be, ‘renin te oppo af ett wach the ma per ar ‘horoscope thas wth persons roship ose ana fetuncione There the nator ne at race oo etal in xp i steno in et ‘toh sates cos be mano etic etal ‘mae cart i ne i pcos pee {rv oh chr caren pd ea of pero tn ‘tsar fr eas s.r ams notaan ead ot In tht wn on he ring hop tremens ‘acai wy. Seta fy pint eae In ‘Son te the sponte re wousoemarA.me a ‘abc br lenin she naan hn he paar so hat Pe wl be etsy ean tn that pes eae aay Feet “cnet on ug) sone mnt sry mim ape ‘Sn ato be memes ta he fe sre pe th omssatans shia tg rar One Ss [Stan eu noted cron what namo tana ‘sca Ths sca then «pt nthe pavmansvaps e ‘sone na to hoarpeAenent os eae on inp sane tat pane he ena sa ee ‘Bren ped nt om sign pla ae i in ‘reamaeccoureon noeat sexu bt aed oad nh igi et ‘Borat un puncte nt et sou oer ed ee (Stat mane ranges tye os per ed ‘Sein nemon at ei oer ‘rar ino gut tat pete ea ct be dated es coh potter cea at eo =o eso eare h se otiat mca eh ea Soetoa site secrete Ei cael eter rants Sz Ratemeyseiemes metas eae ‘tpt eth Noon he aaa ce mean See chee cn oes Shorter watetvemeas eee =o aieereeaeeac cers SSeS ge eee aoe sect ee ed ne pt Te nin ty con ite ft erp etn he mbes te SDEREAL ow) 200K POSTION eee = SS & HPSS ‘Teepe aepacnotete sel he tench pet ope ats nie gn ae ied ee evasaselfns narnia rename amcor. {ihtonaeof panting (ar =e caste fom be {corsa panto wer gs ec as Ca For eumple Venn hl cere na sg nevanat CSS SA Ee van pam | eos ee ‘RAVI-THE SOR O ‘Toe Sn, been of nen ae lant a Mn cig eno dey tome oy Mr ad nt tr enentny shear sobs te ‘Siete ye aT on aed cnet {et ete cote psn whee mest en Pein {© darn tht oo aes ofp ee ‘ator gue, ne te Suna one te est ace in Weer, sing ch ni can een Te sted a {nde te Sun re boat be ens nina ata ba the Sioa aie tp pry sce re tusang dace parate forthe otal tpn to general weg o's panos Toe un ‘pow and atin alo nate lather aha et de ee eyecare cnn oon ane cond te ashen ener mae th “mata Ha sere Ba matt See ein re es fe tte pene Se Silene tapes in a8 aun ears “Te nega ects fhe Su ae ema cy alee wen ‘nes specs tem Tere wtp by Yen ter ote nn. the Sun it pace her bers eat Asa 2 {iss he eval hse cnet ere aCe eee ‘Seat sot eS peer ep ‘Srguwng hue CeO lode and were as newest ‘Teun placee a the Sun hte ase whee ete nine renal engin fen tt cp es ‘eer atcha ig weet i nen rhea ‘ete ery routines ta seme om oe “Te Sa met In der A haley be et ‘Si Fin tress we Sa eye ‘et andcpyr tea tet one Sn ‘recto tn oton opty Tite tee me eae aR HE MOOR D os rence eo ete tn te ena ene Eerawennicea Pertanian gas Serres eam pert siagarearcmaww acm ‘ipower ster dart on eet he eee Eetieiteemomnoremannes nthe he staan he ie Tso er Both ‘Se pemag tr ers mano Go wo he bh ‘cn er wt anal Nena re eer we eh tracy arse oe ote neyo ther toc only enn cana pong tate Meni poston eb re neti Tenge tat pee ‘Sie tn conan ee re Te fre fem a cn er ie sew the magn he wun te bea ‘Gente meet wn oer he Mls rat a he Sie Ga enhanc oi ‘Rnd we deg homo techc m prs ‘nis tone bp ed eo shh ‘Sets ere es oa dy dleaton tein he alten of ‘MOEE Sete, ta th Me tbe ted the ‘So thre se en ner contr he um preci EScut tn crt nese er utes pt ‘ipa sting ent veer ham pn a er ‘afew ine apeate hr wibe rene ino [Pal tne ane Sy tog me ecagca ne mare oe nae ores teen fn an Wee re (Siena Mt nd att tr termine wet Mniecooned ke te mma ete Fe {toes tan has an a ing ‘di kee ring Mon thao wy ees ay ne 2 ea pc i xy Si ‘Sor un ada ranng oon th ntsc a there ‘Sune ad ta he brighter te Moor the mare perl te ‘Tete dint eee as eee rhe Sito house acne an acs ae els cpa athe ere ee ie a oh Weer ‘un exremay daa nts aoe She Sem pete Moh, ‘Sota nl antl toon eon fr nd ap Smt sion eter Smee the Moo tama ner ta he Sa ate ne ‘Ecctpe hte thet iw toms opeto a the Sarit then wang eg eras ache ‘Tesi mega to en sre at psy ped Sop oan The ‘rls Caner apes ey arena ae eee ‘ste ese ee te Moon ner ae ae Sa Sienna sie he oe [eee tengitin tone ae ‘eetetrerance eter ‘einem ce mc ihe ry S Sriram ea arent at {ie crate Sty pt ney paral ts de ta ao le enraged ray an lity foci ‘Tet eerie and commas tev stare Ue hae lteter terete sano gaan ped an. SLI Ate nel a ed moan SOURS aera ee mens ante {2 an ater etn Mars teen ns a Western ‘eel hat ne Hn yn as ee nef there ‘Setar tyre eta ane pope at see ‘ty pum wor eterno tat ths eee te of ‘Seis rr ch rs ete sen dope ad ret hice ipa nono he pea er oboe ie ‘Sisto or hth bee much pte wo es Mrs scl dey, ap on bo aed he 1 ee eres di aia ea see gers So {eiprr. ted gn and wt noe ai ee 1 inatna wl oA an Sort gant ea Toe ge ‘arte meena wate hy ler Te so sh tet nl eran ect ay he se cure trae Siete cae emt = ‘BUDDHA —MERCORE O srcernss eecgetet pet t yyy tee co te atk es oaeres ona Ses ee Sheen anuracne Seco rotny heonenetrtnaieme aie mete cet a wry bent energy and become powerfully enhanced. The orice ciate orate tera ting sts newer a cars ‘> rope Owe tr dpencrs pen cnn of ey a Se un an ese enya sataricon san Sal ‘nlc ise ena ng ele ed ‘alkene eines naan eres are ee ie een nn gwen ‘tenth ec tg er ne Ar {he min ance sage sre te ho bi teary se sr le 3 el i the tac te ee a a ancl erg tons ‘ate aif we nee ae on Pe {en an Komment en prune i a In ‘SStvtot mcs ent of ae cna sone ye Tie gsc tay the a se rt got ea 0 ‘Sita an sited Mery yen ema The a ey ‘er the Sum and etme Mey we en ‘Senco Mey whe as Sept el ee seen ent emcee a agi ito ane eis SS Erwan memes Sen Siecoen stant erorees ‘Spec spetunntar tons ce nti apr i enn gen pier ‘So tte ble ut eon her an ere Sr ‘ited cer in eed atin sp ee ‘Sent Ice the pts Cau Nee at ape td ‘Sin a crise bute pnn pate econ ee ‘Slay aise ma hs terest ort at SEES a tay nit tn “he denen a at eae beter tu a esnips {techn plot est fener iced ‘oper he prac cy on nsw neh ST ite grr rs i re aed ager spre eet an mai tense ane tn rin acon ee en Seer Sgr snd Pesan pot ey gt er {the ga tat haw pct the It ere re athe Bey antes te cere snd Saar era Se ‘yar arsenic Sieh ao se ‘Butea ncn espe apt ‘mcaTions oP sure EES 2 ‘Citi es comfort an rae tr apron when en ‘eset pce Apr rm he tt go ch ra ‘a ee ste ad nr eh peal es ape ‘Tuacare amet nner angel nn can pl te ens ‘Ties any aie Vern sn eat rae eral td ‘eS rmgcte sn trv i pps ee perc Sm rn eye ae snl te min wn hey a Schuhe ann tse mee a en ts ie hence oor sea psu ee ‘how lanes emir stare cnc happiest Steet inprancr ftps hes oop ne tas te ‘pote mig my aba bento at enV hn ‘Soe home faa Me 300 pre # esa ‘Semin and ring ve ti i me ty dt enh FE iTeiinde apy andra vepubee eles rors ‘Tape ose a fice ens ode el ee then Sager ec ea marge oe mater oe mt treo Si reaper ‘SANT-SATURN h tne cine catalan era te me rete fa nts ete poms maces are ‘et ocean news ape pony ons ‘Slee cher Sans cece seater a ‘lr way. aring tat her en er an st ‘Seen sb nnd asthe pt weinges Fema unt tispned ns ue atc te mae ta et [Remthoeistnay obese ens on Alou Satur very rate oe eye des. sie ate tet erp nH sr spo ‘sown te arene tomy quate pose ry pout 8 ‘Saupe aw pled Sum upon wade ‘yan dane I epee ae the ors on Be ‘pat eget sting perc Saturn say fg enon ste mt ene sue forte ‘ay ines un aes asp nen parece ‘Set tat nary the nec bern ea on Sins pops atm ang eS, oder insta Sar ta goer i ep sx: tntheanen nrg tas ent ot he ‘Mears ue ose os ay ies et at he ‘tre ney Sturn St en uted enero ae te puny or nlgee tte th Supe ther ope ‘ol plane tn arn Sent pane stra it ston ‘teeta goer and tr conte ori mie the eee ein ‘hela tne aston mere ee ‘Ste tch sho ema nt the rage ane ‘Sip aged o Sau power ant weeps Stor, ‘ate ane i aught abe on rab ot ‘eh wtih oe sane nM ig oe [Shas na Se he er fn a > eee Samat ea ai {sean eta ager he Say ‘Sie qr your apa gto ae aerate Hr, a emma Sora tnt te ie ‘Seabee rtm Are. en a ley Caprice, hae ee Pe tne eeu a oe $e Bn nase cern sae er na SS hres cece chops heeeiorenmenactinn alton Seite ochre oyatectaalomae Sevcieyinmnsiaweecms Sane TEESE dota tester THe toe esx Sie ata gatos cpp or nd ac ete TENSES Mielec cod Se ‘RAHU & KETU—THE NORTH ARD SOUTH NODES. AU speibtctaenaty eencoge re Stier stewie eek enetear Sore comererateee Eeecee eect camer Seat alae ie rem e SS Ene eaiei cae wees SS aeranemeraremntwaemes eso aogier yo ners eee eee Monica drngety ele wr min coat Smces mt teeta and Reuter ae etdmon Sic bein may be tg oem timate feu ihn ce negocio erga ee ‘Smlestmnaon tea pony ap Ths oun eel se fea whose use nei a fata wo eeS ‘uy connec a meee en i rc [Rolf hare ior uh at nn pay oe aid Ree ‘Sparen tie ipen ethan nine pct eft aan ‘nde te os nes Canale esc oe tees hin ft Rae Ket a se ec ore tha ath pa on he ear arg pce ed ‘eras a a et ore crstee plar nin ‘hefty oele nen ty ae octets i ro ‘Seacrest ied oes No ae {te ey tc pert eel Ae gh a a ‘Watney biten tender tae mc cy (inka nthorcee Sune omy hte mde ey eter pe nas wh ca te male lt te Sn {STN aa tha re rsd tac an uy Set eto ep ees acne nats dt ti sent pea tere ef Stier ba panos males fe onda nee ‘orient ardor aurea cet Stn 12S mae apc onsen te erent ts or tan, ‘Css rl Ro ewe cpa sf (ea poe penn mee ar tien etc (ceo oe ot pe tar ee of a are Tesora stacey tc tom he ome har etait ne ern ae sree ‘ae hat water gen oe tear a dasa pera ‘Saheim torent at pen nat of eget A Ide tse aye op (cc Sp qn nse eran Nectar i nt ‘non nan re a a erm mea aoe in (drm nna wen nee pete eg ‘Sent There sen whe pt reseed np ‘Shion pes ascrinaine nese eee pees ‘230g ge hat asec ae sa Sates spans: fae ts tra rnp see Pr et. ‘Thc inant lce can insite na ‘Tested omni dors me scsi ln ane sete fae sh en thecoreDne Sesion hte eho re Ran te me Sine Ha ay Ging moped eee 0 lene ot = pomertn oasctonmsera tO {tee bars ae ae th Re ems aed ot en antigen ant be omega aoe seni ar il i ad Sent gs rescn a sling thro ot Tye enon smeyinoveryecnied Soke Seeman ee gia ox Smt et ee ee cee Se cuaee conection es Sees eee Se Seeger Eee acini cay mgr ceet SE ee a aeeees Sreretatinateriectaetetames ‘mo Ro Aue ty apt nt he ss a Seer es beara cnr enar 2S oe aac Siiaeoes ‘sate wy ees ar hy ee vrice {el obese nye am ae Uetagetrenpotentat ote con wath ere) sect platy Sesonne a "ee | sooner rs | En atm tee ‘ite wri ama a emcee ems pera ial att ot tend SEmeaiama! ‘Rope end content ‘ine amar et pe Since exper oft Sire gue toe Fi ree rine ong ton by ere park Sc Seca peti el ees Socom tes yin suites mae ger kot on ert ‘peracetic cha. nae eeepc ate Stay eme ‘sera ‘esata ae when eee sce ‘otons res ems posns oer sre mbt and tes ima aon ere ration sate ‘te er eaten ha tat pans {rs tte en ee {Rison neste fr esuicen ‘eet cin "RASIS—THE ZOBIAG BIGRS ug he of te nc a nay ae eae feted os» ence ead ea gal ce wey le meee ‘raced fam ther ue Cert ater Hi ate ators hae Se es {ests re ty ce yy paso ‘ind gr ete nec asso reo tay eg tt ae ern Gnu si My roel nee ‘ye sce, O a sega ot ee sled ta sia Mise” Sear gh pe sy Sa si Bi the Wey sf natn of Yous Sep ‘Scie jay ens. saben at of cds Ts posed pat teh ne rea Se Se herein it a once egy ‘Se maestro teins ‘ite tara Pes nen utd onto (Sed covey sent Cage oar oe aa nun wines san ty 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proces eM Nimyrtone fees pao oan ‘Kesselman ‘eo Giantess te eae of eee ‘etl ne ta pea ol Ree pt Sia wad cnr ert Comino oes Feletnureoaigeaniouseomnisions noma ean Notte code, Home tht they ae ae he oppose ne ‘Sept sr Pc anny pm ae nef he ten an se a seca epigastric acon ‘Siti "ten ta as wears of ce pn ee be ty ean se pcr | ao ae ane in under tenn od sey ta on compensa par nant nse aes ake ‘ibeausol ale ‘the conan ror re aie te SS EEsies eat ran then oun cat nd pte ‘Seite, That ert om te ely etree he {belch Ko st ‘Egan erunacsie ‘memoreed: The ster planets ramen Nepean Po were mo we ‘anes ues a are sil wes So a ot aig re ‘ocho hth ence inde ra atelel|s¢ + > : 8 Sa ae alelele Seer temas Sateen enna neeee 22a ores Enaoes eco eens Secon fete aairatenmertoche Seniesa Shane nearearepmeee ‘ieee ma snr ats tien nei oe [- Tem [ eos [oe] [Jom] ome ma] wie soley» |[ale “ee? dos elo goola> mi> | ova ee | 1 vou ||vpele [em siejs ee wfleler gay afelo = [ee |[elelieo da | ale oes | [x]el> prone Hone 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ht ‘Anyplaetrangan poche oe ago mee er: ah sultan apschana gc re ‘Totes in dpacnaage ge Ot gr esa mPa tere ore tebe sortie poche th best eet li Te strong fe sald ud ny ae coe wth ede lane I brn fh tt Pray psn ih Se Minder morse) *Phnet pte he nate at te aed oe way “heed peor STASI “ngage ge ‘ig apna acerca Suse mi aaueerees ‘Sens crac Thi ate an een sae a ‘tenor main sb ede uh nrg hay ‘Speen in Hd lg Te mem sy it ee ‘then bh mrs ar plinth ue sen ach ce ‘eich wane eae neh terse steal tte {she Mo sarge te marae ee eo ‘haere my pele ie nape repro ema ‘i ower hs ey sana er ee te Sihertrgatetns ote plant nuestra ea ca son mar ng eh eg selene ere eee ere tonemes eas SEER ciieesien emesis steereilonycchoa ude ecrmno pan sc tn 7 ea ea ‘hpteropc sic hn peor a, ‘etm arpone te 7 Jono ol anesthe rece ae tn he ies ne oy ba SEES Se Shen Sng te rnp ttre ‘Sie yout nt teh Ta cad eect eo ERip he St wes ac toi of sn ape pee ulnnteplre ante te ge Msp how dee Shy TS hy le hy opt hens (ites aetna mpl decyl hye acne tropa fe han We wl oe SESS not ne oe ts ‘pte at the bec rs binge ‘inca tren The stip sa peti pees ‘SEONG hint ref te rue th peting fines snc) pone ce wel spr ron ‘Rite a i rtm be une aaron (eine ee ste edad nah emg mre ‘Gabinete used wien eng pte en rope Penns Pope gene sok apc ae rier npr mt ee be gore On of Peteaplhtedn ne Eucla odie opt ‘esa yas hss thomas ee Spee er ts Cte nd ee ‘En tence od oral pend sue on ‘Somat apctng pte at acy ene eRe oe lt Tey ene sca mo tape Pon nrg ae ‘Sores nwt thu wren oe Wee se (heya powertan to ae Ne Aes Hy lag sept ze ‘Schirato bce cs Wee ‘So ans er dager as Planets me ye (Scher ings sng © pat 2 sper oe 3 art ‘Bost hen 9 een tei cope Cheon. {Retin oncogene pet nt a eu ‘eel eae cay ee the apt epee Ieee erst ce apc ot wi he ‘icra el Gancring pect hare ae fe Ingrantfts e ‘et pe cae fae fe ese soci tere Te a {Batata gresal eatmen oto Dus sea a it ‘Sng wi aber no uper ts para ecope ‘Sette ne wich ite ny od Sarton, ‘Nowe se nae de ae on ne Rye | s vel thes 38 ve ites 87 {Soprienine we Moon, ‘newyears r SG bhatt no tl net te the concen ot {i Speten! ae eeu one pe may bee ed ‘Shc sharma bow secu nae oe ‘etc ge ape Mars {Sates Seat ln pent rif oe {Skin apc umbne Capa 6 hn {t= sun pete te te a oe ‘Me ampen rad bu apr hh nape wh a be hey lapel 9 ase iso meray come sash Tey ad presi eed pa tg ord ps Ta {SS fc bt encanto be deg by pre tag ascanper for pay cima past ge oho ‘pnt pet the Se 10 ae a ec th 8 Apt pct he a es em et wh 4 + Some nen strat Rad ts net he A, ec tt ns Bone bt tal stan yt a Jen aplenty ae con on tecy Sh panes ta mre eee paseo) in seagate nea fy exer ena aes Sonor a we oka wep or a ‘reduce a spiiulo ace tare, seth pron tay te cnet Seem ta mf tun hv ae te Sv ae Se ‘scrip then tap pres steepest 15 The apt mare pro Wes utente eae eee ere EErEE cera te coating at wees a ‘Scplaly deat orpeiten mtn hae eee ete {feet Toe rc el sa eo ace ‘Genes of adhe att reas wth spe pode Keeton wel ue ge Boch 'oue wees acre a ah, lak pel a goed mah nth Mar or Saar al {Seaver ves wea or ed tae cc pare oat ‘cations of sha Ho a my hrm a ah eves mab mn nal Sel eee oat oe ‘Set he eho praca nel cert a ee ‘eat fs lane seme unos Ttoyta Sha (ot peduee psa ice dr aan stow Fei aw acca aad dct Siete et ‘athe who wa am tn etaone tee ao bol ech ‘Suite miata nats Bon by OV Res sate ‘tonal lab ae Dea Otte 6 sures sng he it 9 ae ey inert he ‘he alee ee tie a tee cea oe oy ‘ans n cate igi arog nc nt rena preset poet anes intr orm es — ‘tnt sca en taten tr she nana hart Tenant ter og sn ane wc sg hese sin tbe nase aie aa ‘hr en song Tis conan ed Vora pes ec tt hs oon mont ei plat cng, \Scwrsion ‘Ths ot esp oat es he Pes eal ae east ae med oy ree se ened aes fem the ma aie Sag are ao {TR Snand ase over inte fo {Soro man powetlithe ine 7 ‘Tre pagtare weakest nthe hae pte mt pow steel ioe ei el sg ee rt ce spent en up Man Merny) ‘scared Piney pe yt et The der te eo ic net ae «nati rath asd pon eh seus ne hae ors as tough ay Poa ‘Sry eso : Aa Ketn Sper he on Maan Sar ae pone re Sn dtr tense ome an anes tng ine ton at ae arog Tl sla en Sana he oe nt ee og ‘tna rere ai pe nrg read tb et Thonn pce ano eee owe 1h Sun ap Manna strange ln of et nee e e "Spr urn Ps ha a FLANETaFe WAR ten 2 ante cnunt min deel natn ny seat Rg Te er tpt ‘Sette forest lee ean so ah upset ivi en Venn aration ‘Sear Panty ons nthe Son the Mes aor et {COMISTION ICUS! inet wn des he ‘sm oe Ha oR nan oe abd eg i {hes bur pono ty the Sune neue ond oth Sie pwc gs a a he ASPECTS ected the ed af he 5 or ae LANETHe 20NES FOR LANES NCO SENSLEN'A™. 1) at ae srt ee aren og ae sey ele ‘ue ea ey ft pe eS ‘ntact cen sy bol te fates hey hes cea Accent at eng 8 me en ans pee genes eae STATIONARY DiREC—Pate th te ae crit ome incon uc te gee ae ct nas i eed ter ie bene ‘on eu ec Wnt ort ofthe anh plas re in ety rating rfelewng iow: we t s cat plney o e ‘outta te ay anette are pane ‘Pepe ain i on ene ny mac hn Teo oo ame at she hater eeancaenes leer eres eiearurnerornangonaerense LANETS OPPOSITE ON StONS_Papet tat apy op- mat St concep tren py Far cp Seta, ‘iv oe pe a aloha nse eter age, ‘Rhee ns Sapo and aos by pcg nena ‘ecu nce ua mounelabuntases ioe mpm Te nipple fac endtonperantione bo gun tere "THE EFFECT OF RETROGRADE PLANETS R ‘hegre pa os me cae Ts IS are tie and inte as base a (ac heute ge of Se ole age ne et ‘oe poet than es ord tin een pnt ‘Slfng «hose, tener mening btn {heer ate et ns ben es ape ae {ta pet part ae se when rate Bee secs ov tere eed iy tt sh ed nce oie nt ray eth oak ‘ite omained ot : In gracis the ma le retreat dice emg eet ay hte oe sono oe ee es (Sede ence otto eat De the hse Hepa [ea let pect Tee been none ent ‘Svar mt The tne rere maton on mas qe ‘steer opal mus See ce see St tt a ie i ret eo ‘pcs od yar testes dps aa oo ‘itera the oem scp t's tad pn co ‘nw hn our ot es anh tee egting ve ae eee fey plants trend man he ee arena oat Ba ern ean se hy ‘Se nc en mare. ne Ra ch power ee fi dso meer contra evan Hine us, Ge fo Ss est weakened Pale mardi he ater a se harm pas mascot ey ct ‘ettetbire ser sefuilerone miners Fring the mes npr be mene concer te sree hts rac ant hao ae es Peat ste tremre inane os ania Sree oeec tian tartar ett renin ae oearnrass Seong eee ner nee aaa eet muestra tower ry nes {SSSR aid Sey ae ana nc yeni ie Se Co hbiceeengitade menefaramecs ‘Santy monn whe ne parts planet op Ged ie En See ee: SERRE SE eieemecnents ‘Sota Stem ere ohn es Rowers Sr Hpencrnumr gaan cates ‘Snes th Sous nodes tn Wester stag) torn me back Eee eieeca ELS eriieenens Eeaaicy cee mene aera SSSR Ss eee ee eaenemematen oar et le Gates be a Mas See ESS Suet nieces Sag Seectmncacm eee ered Seca eres eee area Sey Serene eam eer Encay mowoenrtoue ree La | 7 mel ye? 7 ots]? Le ‘Ann haa ea tant why vey ata eon to teat sparc use Foren bem upset ‘oe Sethe et ne ns eh hg bse a ot ‘pe sun sere i wes ‘vhost tek ie oon aa een We he oon even eam nin tere pe ef i {etnies al rem th ar es es Soaiietn see Sean te rb may els an eis in mag ewe nye get une ate rs mee Shure he fs cnet ay be ty ras ae eps mnadthy arote thraus rgo nenerrase tant ids nage ecg» pret rato: er ele ni Serna a ne ens ae od ‘ta the enna mt te Sun oe ‘hetoue fegon when pote inthe tno phe eh ‘Sit an ares bein ele any pi Goss ‘ore hacacpe fora ning one ka Te I sod a fe ew se as "APFECTING MARRIED LIFE stro etm erent denaeigiage era leaSeeeece Sa ‘aden Mare ft am ste smn wo nt ants pers mre a aes a Wt a fw sep tare ta ue os ‘ten art eh to sts tt pote ‘nc ay coon tute tr vdtoe our ar ee ‘Sitter poor ated eapunersty heen ‘anu hd o faclen compat y pet ae a {Eaten trea ute snp eer fae et nape a bint bien ta «rin hea Si: ath pe teen ran apc cement ‘dn sat tied ro ere ate ncah to i news a Riga ce gh ee ‘Srna mart pe weeny emg se ose nen Na toh rahe a {i Te a dos tape meh toon! eh cpa shou nthe i nga pets eT whee oF ‘UPAYES—ANTIDOTES FOR PLANETARY APFLICTIONS— © (GEMSTONES & MANTRAS) Te gmare once” “herrea ne ‘Re pon er taupe nde nh. ‘ek sie sytem fH pine snag so ae he gules ten ante em mgs oneal he are ‘bet cheer wt deri prin Co pss seu tog borage Mga geese {ies crete to be mong nl Hwee ee ‘the hy he a ae pia a i gee rere ‘ie tn og hart wen Meg ee ‘Secica'tcf tnt mot ae fs fan pases a {Se fat th cc och pte te mod ‘ath pracned tenon nin gen tobe erg ae Pes Spy went rmtone ce ey Pabedb Siac erupt corer ect SS es age ann mies oie haem eae iceeupe tay aan use ea en san or mee ‘ral mais then ne ond war a re mero pom 0 SeSyan eyo cpg e spec gata in ‘ec rca twa ring ay aor pei taint tgs ie oe ey eran he ite te crane cece wie tinge en st ete soe ge an sos antler ae ea. Fos ennai nt Sn nti rca l See ma th oes ne te Mera ile, oe Sa od ao ney, es, enti he eof ae ane a peng ae ESStequseual son se a ead owe Souci yon ncaa mgt ar pee en etsindage of png pune eos autocrat ‘a Gua eae Cure soe te a tetra ae oy be pune ection oy te ‘Sinful mpc ana roe ane oa es tt ee saad sn he per ee we ‘WHER PLANETS | ter garage 116 ‘owt naa dea Jha 8 Santana saouforioge ana, ‘injector. or tat ptm Mary of Pat on page 27 soeurnenoscore _ se. om Te i : 3s] [e= RTE ert eens SEES ees eee taae et glace Erie ees speceeargeeas Eee aeons Sioa emer Sear oeieanedcaaetron wnat Ecce eeene nn ceeruiat Siosec core natcnnamicimesteen a ‘bay fared the chasing ef te appropiate mates pea oo Sep eeitgee ines Ene ie hig wt en atin 2 Spee mates Lhistosorcsessvese ie vena ere ny tara heats She encen aasag rater Eaeeercr ees Soche tomes tanec Eager he tl major cnr Satur, wih abo vey Wek ant thet rn be ah Re an etry en ae ‘Beet Sate 1th and ih oe oe Se ‘be sored wiht tring i pasos By ‘ere Stun rape ces ag ete 36 of ‘Sts try Sl be sot ao we ag ‘am ned Perreteweof cus ao sen Peseta intr argent Seer pa ‘Spected ty Joe aan! tothe ect dee. Nowe were pt ey eth ere a th at 2 in ‘Runs tn saturn ag thest apes are ey Weak gre Sigman he ton em iy SON Neeser inary em tsb ioe i San a awe Seca teee ga t ecg me a ce opt ee ne ge SS eeeoeenecet Sgr nea peso eo he Yo Sn ene Snes Sankt be ng the Vee an ay of eee ‘shpat in and some be nae ase ‘ehehllc gene su ure urge aun ee Is ‘each and hese es aso rude Saeslapimnomp omnes acca ers nt he ited tec en nt ft pat apy ep eee (Ci tee pees tel rw cchtans ae! wenger Toschi cay ach eset ao tae (Exton hex Cinous eh a coe gene ay ‘gt ee ay sean a an ny a cs ee TLL San Siri gee wesereees ieee eee ees ates oes i pascaaewnataeemtoas Ind erareon emti meer tren ceeesang ets See eee are eee Sie eats eee oe Siemens ore Se lovesce es eel Fon eke ces ee ees Spucwammctliem datas ‘thou ame pe ef ned aye eat ocr os Gets genera Se ae een ania oem Pet erate erties peter eed Sreceagoae cect anwar ieee tcp naman, a eters opener eta Eis renee tonearm power menses Serra eearereee Soccer Soret ete goer mee ane eens ‘pr noms tks aie pean matin amr sae abpacman pein sme sera Let chan the ofthe Su own tye Dat tone seh ety cg sane Re rahe ea crt so ee lea ot ‘enteo pie ad Shara ‘arane pb andor ithe ma prt tact ‘te tau manga psn yea or my nan oto oe ae Mare ne sain he eo he ert stint ence ig be apne Stemming se Preygane pi yam regen pater a, sect ‘Sena pin ues ans nahn oan ow om to Buh, fhe planet Merny we et es gpa gh of papa on hon byes at ‘attains ene poem a ae Gao: ‘en abe rane gra anand tan ‘fe tt a nee pte no wn to iat gf ene pte He he ae ‘i Raelinapee esthecnatew cates en mal ta dane pa na pan as ‘ovum ae a ys ory btn the drt fv ie Ys, sa aden ea Seameo tamale rede ‘eka an epee cia "od ann Sar we cmp da oe en anne Te bter a eer ese tbe San gat be Ca seis ‘ena chan dpe emda sgh ka aac ye poms poner gale oe Sao Sgeesacuoeseesewms == ~~ PLaners THE HOURES sts ct eno on epebaniviom riroumape neces See dante ner men {Geen abouts ple! as hose ust be erred nde of ha oe tee Sa pee raeneta SiS cereclsccusmumeerereee Sp oe owen eeenehanms Seas ere mente mae Bonita ansemecemace cee a eroeaseas aes Eine ee ney tia eerie Eececeneeeyeeeitegeracimeates ‘Thee cn‘ oe asaya Sues of a ed ‘Seo deletion of 2 pane ahead See Sonor Serene ems ‘Stone Tinfrecte proces oe un er uu Ween SS oeareeene nee ‘preteen tray busines fran estrange oho suet bel Serena emcee {hat the explanation wi elle ar ofen er eset ts Bu 1 Sees Se eens = SS hn oe lowest asa epee pn ton of tw ace mage ht man aes ae eto poe ‘tee th ter but wih pear Pune A ean mats mention sich es a ay pgrmags and exes th ‘roche men see aarp ee els be ‘che ieee pe a es a th, rege pees tise not cen ey cp et tha tb cw serpin whch ne ‘ura ‘eu co Far erage mate se ot eters ona 3. LHC meting aan Ket he ents gel apn Sores sn mange Mees age" Gon {Se vind, er ne hme bt ng Ie Got ‘tigen tat nome for sony ae rte sont four net wien ag py od resin say east avs tebe ab omens ewe ‘pecs td elena ie sf nie eo [REECIA—Tee po aed pn fen yoston o Ra o cetera an en sean eee Se, Sion inatherel tenga te nega cSt ey ean ove ger ah get fa eis the od we Unkan wal ed oro tape te may ath pts oa mae GME odaate canoe taines pnt ost conn pan doe ant ee ples Thee ‘Sanna magus Ie pean inte aap (ase ute Tres poner crate say The pr ‘alt terse nein rl neat Teil ‘as ict in cut naucmRem gess wearin oe Seth sere Sang pans eg saute {fo fo he cde es the tn ano Hea han nnn ovine nether rn ning td the pr, {ne The engender ea ‘Seperonay Te ray bea compute kt nts ‘oc stn let ee fd inl the pts wl be ppc He aaa oe reed ae NEEL ten thre gr pn ae pon Kat ‘ut ln pty pel a Cue oa oan ee ee Sn and ‘en nar the ponte the ui soe ocaenaghenet angel fete 60 ear ae ee yo eps or uring ican The pr ay ay ier Stn gan ner et eae fan werk ts“ mayr no be pencuns spunea or pM Soren sane "t 20 cos an eth ad eee 4 ‘Wes ng me dona optee ote sch cSt gato, fc, ae ect tena {ton jm es caution edu ed ao nea, ‘etme cy toe ‘irs Sones ated ys ser se ste che ie rates. ed te 2d one ni i te ‘Slostyiatowtcormie sire expen orp ‘Tehama eee te aoe pe aa wes taught ones chara snd recent pte eet sme ane m kano un Dee Cale foray ae ‘banking oetueaton sto phe ed gene toy Sag HS pe ages Re ee ce ay et wen doug he hepa bases sea er ten itinerant May ge wets pope tm ter, my an ‘oo ota gotten Sere poder Westy, money Osough spun o wating ep, are ony pene gts we een a ee amin ge my cra ico ut wrath sme our a flr. te nt {teh eeprom pe fm Nd ‘nen whch sn pce wth tr sac nga ba a, ‘rl hoe ean ‘ugh on imc ora ag anaes = NE ‘rot ge pec pees medina ‘ay sa ht hay toy ie baron a [Beton te ye may carmen rac es ‘Reet ioe rah pt ee eal Hon fu te ers lg iit nt wale Ser ek Gor pee py yd thor rong wel cae ng ay. ath trea re cer, ga 8 pan Nay ‘Shithmghommee etn motu een ess asthe bt pin fo wth ni, ar a ide roan ays cath ale tere {isa ongoing aes ror, cama cnr geal dt sen et ee sles dma es lrg ‘ese Mince up ay i rd a ‘eee bm ‘ge and education Hindu sein atte that a we crowed ed See lason cya as Sucratancmnmeare cima cts Soe eeerees ate Se ee eo eccoreres “ee emai y te hte Mery. tthe Moos Tae ecureuil fia rg and we Ture hes edo ‘Scteticnpprn innate etc ane tren nd se le se trae ay: 2 ie un pores may eT tp {he attr cen te oho a le era ets Slike tds wt ear oe ‘Th Sun he se a ly ee oa 0 uae ie any rose ie un pce 8 acc ett tonal ene by tae tee es Ie inthe ant Sum eases prance ant re {Ste andicaer ering wea Poe panna hin eed ‘orto He wi pa hyo se agg Ne abe ea {Shon Yomay ie w sons the pon il ea ‘Stove fa ww he Son el sped rng gd “Ace ind spares nc tha hee te nett ‘men ote ao aes ‘ese he 2 the peso tl be wey rw. ed ‘fa fe wtb see use om goes ot ‘Ente fe et goo Hele ta son ay lm is ane ener power ot feos ty ent ne io gato Tere wb ee {fea ete ye aca em th ‘he pee ay ate ay a wh gh ‘Masia MHDS eaten wl pee’ oem ‘enharmonic ay Meee coo wg neg peak es Seana ees ee sot ew bess ee ey Mater een ad ‘Gy ie Te pera wi nea ee Hea ‘one care ecto tre aie a oe ‘Sete pen hoy Th ern tan eth tah Sean ‘ten eter tephra a yep ‘eho ring te Te pean weve bail te ‘sehen tc neta ea 2p Steerer tate rye eee eon eons eoesencemeniaas {cton ae mrs nthe eerste bean EBC tf an gi he nt ‘re ea od ing nga Soyeigarin verieteren eas face, He ents bad foods. He may speak profaney, and he mye. “ “hen ghee il tn th th ea A ie ere ‘Tus msc Sth tecac fico eed = sas sn he 2nd ne he pean aa in wealth Bt bes nth a onal oe Sea ‘Srloane tas nepeth an ley ung elgg ay ‘peak fseoods arly Me is aucurbed Tere a be 2 ect he Bort pwn tc mb waco same Sa ‘ere an ho px ly na Hs mie ‘aie “Capricrn Aten oe Seorpi in the 2 boue,he porsn wilt ey aly Sas Sesh ei exo = oss power naan Pane Hewat cura ue ec mnt abo The esos poo an eae Socaetcetscayie com aeenrerie Son caters etiiecommonymncti ieee caer iar siege =o canes Era hhalgeaecnee aetna Eevee gages Soin ‘Koomiadeaite and ae 8 fine dation fe wilt be wey ad a ‘mony hep bu oh elon tet sr a Ith chow sere med ert a et (98 soni The pes wl pnk ily a tet. cer wl ee nen ‘Bein ft simp and wy Role ‘Gen ote ue eben ren sone et Sate inher gh ‘teri argo: Hee sep ga ‘uth eth a toe Pal ie tured eet ter tinted th pc wc aye ‘ev si ine ane he ecto ew ei arta cee andere i ve sea ‘ato amg cop ane ost ‘iat ote ew be it ef gee NIH SWART ao Me pte ‘ROWS thee Gent wes ea Teper ot eed {fa owe ine ies ap ety oe SESS eeepc Aare te EEC an Ste tn Capron nthe 2s ee a ey pon ene Fae» mares Tee wo Sn efi, epg manna on tears meth pana eee She pron Pa Speke sh Se ps ge a fa eee 16 ea a a te ese wale ceasing nd hase ves the 2a hue he sn wb why a prety wilh stan nee Rh ie ae aay fe pe [ndgati ants gor un way ones ay ay eset nh uns sean tren yo er nt {Sigaees Topo mgt roe pry el a et (ical os ged apne an wnt et ree il ‘shane tn tb Heo ‘ats The pono wi be rar sn Sone ie wl be ‘SIS the pet toni sand may te me ed ‘onset ean ete mai _REBCHA len) iin he eo he ern tie ror Hwa tl fester aa ong ey in i eat cag tal men ofa Jefe pee ‘tap doesn nt aye bmg tite eye nb {Su guage ew et ae Tre may bes poi ot {Sew oe Tere may ao be dames tee moth eh ot ‘eo et i et th 25h, a a ae ere Ie agaton ste mayer wi that eer cee tthe muh eh rune Te nea bata ope {SSour ae ole res onthe es apo ae ‘Zest ae penc uy been ne a arurns mpc oe th ‘me's a forint may neh rosie tn (ceo tg and ner Wa epee hr hh rn iia ae ae he SSRIS i I cs cc [Pode rape signa ref ura ore eros ira met cnet cena Send

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