DNB Win-with-ABM Ebook
DNB Win-with-ABM Ebook
DNB Win-with-ABM Ebook
ABM or ABX? 4
Why ABM? 4
6 | ABM Tools 23
What is RevTech? 24
The Account-based marketing Honestly – it’s just good marketing (and sales).
Understanding your addressable market, most
Our goal is to give B2B revenue teams the
information they need to create and scale their
likely buyers, and how and when to reach ABM strategies so that they can deliver end-to-
has become the dominant them effectively is the foundation of successful
growth strategies.
end account-based experiences that engage
and delight buyers — and help them close
way that companies are But challenges remain for many B2B teams,
more deals.
identifying and new pursuing what ABM is and how to run an ABM program
successfully. According to a 2022 study by
With this ebook, you can learn:
• What account-based marketing is and why
opportunities — and seeing Statista, the 270 B2B marketers surveyed
reported these challenges to executing an
you should be thinking holistically about
account-based experiences
performance growth.
ABM strategy at their companies:
• W
hy you should implement an ABM strategy
and how your marketing and sales teams can
40% said lack of internal expertise gain from it
According to the Dun & Bradstreet 8th Annual B2B Sales &
• W
hat to consider when planning your
Marketing Data Report, 86% of teams that are using an ABM 1% said no interest in running a
ABM strategy
specific kind of ABM project
strategy saw increased performance, while 64% of teams not • H
ow to identify your ideal customers
23% said lack of consensus and accounts
using ABM saw no increase.
on the best approach
• T
actics you can use to be successful with
account-based marketing
8% said no budget
• W
hat to consider when evaluating tools
and tech for your program
That’s where we come in. We understand how
important it is to have a great account-based ABM can be a significant undertaking, but one
strategy in today’s digital-first world, but we with significant rewards. The information here
also hear the questions B2B teams ask and see can help you build or scale your program to
the hurdles they face. increase your chances at success.
A marketing campaign on its own buyers, and designed to capture their attention experiences based on their preferences” • M
ature ABM programs result in 79% of all
and move them through their buyer journeys, sales opportunities
• 4
6% of people want to go through their
Just one channel or activity from awareness to decision.
entire buying journey on their smartphones So, chances are you’ve already thought about
ABM is a strategy that shifts you toward ABM (or ABX) and have dipped your toes in
Spray and pray sales and marketing Planned and personalized online experiences
more focused marketing and selling one-on- the waters and your real question is how to
are crucial to converting buyers who expect
one, where the one is a buying group at an mature and scale your program. Let’s get to
brands will know something about their
account. This helps you to improve your ROI the foundation you need to do just that.
interests and deliver relevant messages — and
The purpose of account-based marketing is from your marketing efforts and capture the
do it digitally.
basically to cut through the noise and identify right buyers — and let your sales team have
the prospects most likely to convert. conversations with buyers who are more likely We’ll continue to use ABM throughout this ebook
to convert. since it’s more recognized across the industry.
However, we’re thinking about it as ABX.
Here are some key steps to take to help your PLAN, PLAN, PLAN
teams make ABM a way of life. An account-based experience has to be
planned from end-to-end. ABM is an
K NOW YOUR GO A LS orchestrated journey, and when done well, can
come together beautifully like a symphony. But
It’s just a good practice to answer this question
that means you can’t get halfway through the
before starting any kind of revenue growth
performance and just start improvising.
program: why are you doing it?
You need to have a thorough understanding
The first step in your ABM implementation is
of your buyer’s journey in order to guide them
to know what you want out of it. What goals do
through it and you have to map out every step,
you want to accomplish?
from first touch to last. That includes the pieces
Some questions you might ask during this step of your marketing campaign, but also the hand-
to prioritize your goals: off from marketing to sales. You can have the
best marketing campaign in the world, but
• Do I want to focus on acquiring new
if those leads just sit in a CRM and nothing
customers? How many?
happens to them, your ABM strategy will fail.
• Do I want to focus on upsell or cross-sell to Proper comprehensive planning ensures your
existing customers? What product(s)? buyer’s experience is seamless and helps them
make the decision to purchase.
• Do I want to focus on increasing revenue?
By how much?
In short, it’s time to build your Ideal heads trying to determine and prioritize those
Customer Profile. criteria. One way to arrive at your ICP is to
create multiple theoretical profiles and rank
An Ideal Customer Profile, or ICP, is a bit self-
them from best to least preferred (a good
explanatory — it’s a set of criteria that helps
opportunity to weed out accounts that aren’t
you define who your best buyers and to target
the right fit).
accounts. However, teams often scratch their
What is an Ideal
other companies that fit that use case. You
• Over $100M ARR (can afford your product)
might create a sophisticated set of segmented
user personas for more mature organizations, • G
rowing (more likely to have available
Customer Profile? with a variety of “familiar” segmentation budget than a company that is shrinking)
approaches in between, based on organization
• R
elocation and/or opening new offices
size or industry.
A description of the company that’s (needs new furniture)
If you have an ideal customer profile, being
the right fit for what you’re selling, able to match your account list to that profile
• O
ver 50% employees are office workers
(greater need than a remote workforce)
including key details. Those may is an obvious first step in prioritizing your
time. Tools that automate lists of companies • H
igh Tech and BioMedical segments (more
include items like: that match your profile — and keep that list likely to invest in designer style)
updated — can be indispensable.
• C
orporate initiatives around environment
Revenue Maybe you need some help in defining that (willing to invest in sustainable products)
ideal customer profile, especially if you need
You should have a rationale for each criterion in
to go beyond the basics of segmenting
your ICP. But also, be conscious of not being too
Business size around company size or industry. An efficient
narrow or you could end up with a universe of
way to start is to gather data on your existing
accounts that is too small to support your goals.
customers to glean insights into who your must
Industry lucrative buyers already are, which can help you
target similar buyers or identify opportunities
with new types of accounts.
A good next step is to identify “look-alike”
companies that match your ideal profile, giving
Technology they use you a set of targets that are more likely to be
receptive, and so are worth prioritizing.
• Third-party data
• Company and contact data
Second-party data is essentially the same
• Technographic data information you’d collect as first-party data,
you’re just getting it from another source, like a
First-party data, also called deterministic data, Say you have an agreement with another
is data that you gather directly from your business whose solutions complement yours
customers. You may gather that data through and you have also agreed to trade data
cookies or pixels on your website, or your about each other’s customers that is mutually
customers might just give it to you. They fill out beneficial. You may get useful insights from
a profile or a form on your website and offer up their data that you didn’t uncover in your own
their emails, phone numbers, and addresses, first-party data, but that can help you refine
and maybe check some boxes about their likes and segment your account list. For example,
and interests. First-party data is an excellent because your partner is offering a different
source to use for retargeting ads, building and complementary solution, they may have
nurture email lists, and sales outreach. a different perspective on customer interests
and behaviors that you don’t.
However, one of the challenges with first-party
data is that it often is anonymous. If you’re Second-party data also is useful for ad
gathering information through a cookie or a retargeting, nurture, and sales outreach.
pixel to glean information about your users’
You may start with an ad or social media outreach. Each step is designed to guide
post that drives to content on your website the buyer on their journey to purchasing
where someone can fill out a form that is your product or solution.
then followed up with a nurture email or sales
The well-written and visually engaging Here are some tips for targeting in particular
content you produce needs to be promoted channels, although ABM is most effective when
in channels where your buyers will see it, or you use the right mix for your target audience.
your ABM program will fall flat. Again, data can
guide you to understand where and how your
buyers use different channels so that you can
It’s a bit of a paradox. If you ask the average
take an omnichannel approach.
person what they think about online ads, they
For example, you might be able to learn from may describe them as intrusive. But the fact is
third-party data that people with the attributes that ads still drive a significant part of the buyer
you desire tend to frequent LinkedIn during journey – when ads are relevant and targeted.
certain hours, so you’d want to schedule posts
When thinking about ads as a part of your ABM
during those hours. Or they may be more likely
program, start by building a segment of your
to open marketing emails on certain days and
target accounts using digital identifiers, such as
at certain times, so you can plan those sends
cookies or device information. Here, a partner
based on that data.
who can build the segments at the company
A few questions to ask here: site location, leveraging a unique business
identifier, like a Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S®
• Where do my stakeholders spend their time
Number, can be beneficial.
You can expand to multiple locations using
• What is their mindset when using different
company hierarchy (for example, parent
company and subsidiaries) as another
• Where are you likely to reach them when dimension. Then narrow down to the decision
they’re in-market? headquarters and the site locations where
buying signals originate. Overlay persona data
A good best practice is to be thoughtful about
(such as job function and seniority) to further
how you use each channel and consider quality
narrow it down to a smaller audience within the
over quantity when engaging your buyers. Too
target accounts.
many messages, whether it’s emails that are
Win with ABM | 13
You can go wide (multiple site locations) and This kind of information can be invaluable in that is relevant to your buyer’s needs can be scores should be continuously updated to
deep (specific persona and decision-making aiding your understanding of what your buyer attention-grabbing and provide excellent ROI. move accounts through buying stages based
locations) with precise targeting and less waste. is thinking, feeling, and doing in their journey. on engagement across all channels.
However, as with social media, it’s important
Now, install this segment into your digital- You can like or follow your buyer’s accounts, to strike the right balance. Too many email This takes lead scoring beyond just email
marketing platform (DMP) or your demand- like and comment on posts, and message touches can drive a buyer to unsubscribe. opens and clicks. ABM propensity scoring
side platform (DSP) for campaign trafficking. them directly to engage with them. However, Too much personalization too early, like using includes:
Leverage the people-based targeting be thoughtful in how you use social media someone’s first name in a first touch, can feel
• intent (first- and third-party data),
capability of DMPs for three key purposes. channels to contact your buyer. Relationships creepy and intrusive.
are a key part of social media, and trying to sell • b
ehavioral (ad clicks, page views, email
When you’re ready to run your email program,
SOC IAL M EDIA to someone through social media before you
you can load your ABM segments and relevant
clicks, offline interaction),
develop a relationship can feel “spammy” and
Social media posts and advertising can be an data into your marketing automation platform, • and profile data.
turn your buyer off.
effective way to reach buyers. Most people or MAP, to start your targeted campaign. If you
Account scoring is an integral part of ABM. You
have some kind of social media account, and already have a CDP in place, that should ease
likely more than one. Your B2B buyer likely uses E MA I L this process; it should have native integration
can roll up all the known and unknown contact
engagement data to score the account and then
LinkedIn and may also follow brands on Twitter Email remains one of the most effective tools into your MAP.
make the scores available across all channels.
or Facebook. at a marketer’s fingertips. The number of email
Once this data is in the MAP, you have flexibility Move them through the buyer’s journey based
accounts globally continues to rise, and email
Your buyer may also be posting about the to further break it down into smaller logical on score changes. Then, orchestrate campaigns
presents an opportunity to speak directly
actual challenges they face in their day-to-day segments, match content to them, and set that respond to these scores, delivering the
and personally to your buyer. A concise email
work and the problems they’re trying to solve. up always-on nurture campaigns. Propensity right content at the right time.
Personalize Customer
As we mentioned already, there’s so much digital noise and
your buyers only have so much attention to give before they get
overwhelmed. So how do you grab their attention and keep it? The
answer comes from buyers themselves. They want personalization.
• 7
4% of buyers feel frustrated when • B
uild precise, targeted audience
companies don’t personalize web content. segments — personalization can lose its
impact and value if you cast your net too
• 6
3% of Millennials and 58% of Gen Xers
widely and speak too broadly in an attempt
say they will hand over their data for
to reel in every possible fish
personalized offers.
It also matters to strike a balance between
These numbers pretty clearly say that
personalization and privacy. Yes, people are
personalization is the way to your buyers’
willing to sacrifice some degree of online
hearts — and wallets. But it’s easy to say,
privacy for relevant content and offers, but
“personalize content and offerings.” The
when you show that you know too much about
trickier part is knowing how to do
a buyer and their preferences, it can feel creepy.
it successfully.
It’s going to be important for all your teams
Think about the journey your buyer will take
to align on a data and privacy strategy. Know
through your ABM program. They may start
what kind of data you’ll be collecting, where
with an ad, social post, or email and end up
you’ll be collecting it from, and how you’ll be
on your website. It’ll be imperative to optimize
using it about your visitors. Set rules about
your landing pages — really, your entire
data use and privacy and communicate clear
website — to increase engagement and drive
conversion. If a visitor follows a link from your
ad, social media, or email but doesn’t see
anything interesting or relevant, they’ll quickly
bounce. And then you’ve lost an opportunity.
Measure, Optimize,
Once your campaigns are activated, it’s time to measure results
using the KPIs you set. Decide how often you want to measure
and report your results.
• Ad clicks
ABM Tools
To execute a true omnichannel ABM program, you’re likely using
multiple platforms stacked together, depending on the different
channels in your mix.
What’s the
Future of ABM?
Simply put, the future of ABM is ABX, driven by RevTech.
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