Chapter 3 General Materila Balance Equation PDF
Chapter 3 General Materila Balance Equation PDF
Chapter 3 General Materila Balance Equation PDF
𝑾𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑾𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓
Boi Rsoi
Ramyar Adnan
Rs Solution gas-oil ratio Reservoir Engineering II-PE402
Material Balance Equation
Data used in MBE calculations cont’d:
Term Name Unit
Rp Cumulative produced gas-oil ratio SCF/STB
W Initial reservoir water bbl
Wp Cumulative produced water STB
Bw Water formation volume factor bbl/STB
We Water influx into the reservoir bbl
cw Water compressibility psi-1
∆P Average pressure psi
Swi Initial water saturation Fraction
Vf Initial void space bbl
cf Formation compressibility psi-1
Ramyar Adnan Reservoir Engineering II-PE402 16
Derivation of Material Balance Equation
• The derivation of general material balance equation will be divided
into three volume changes between the start of production and any
• Change in oil volume (∆N).
• Change in gas volume (∆G)
• Change in water and rock volume (∆(W+Vf)
Ramyar Adnan
Change in Oil volumeat = 𝐍𝐁 − (𝐍 − 𝐍𝐩 )𝐁𝐨
Reservoir Engineering II-PE402 𝐨𝐢
3-1 18
Derivation of Material Balance Equation
𝐆𝐁𝐠𝐢 Change in gas volume (𝐆 − 𝐆𝐩 )𝐁𝐠
NBoi (N − Np )Bo
𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫
Ratio of initial free gas to initial oil volume = 𝐦 =
= + 𝐍𝐑 𝐬𝐨𝐢 − 𝐍𝐩 𝐑 𝐩 − [(𝐍 − 𝐍𝐩 )𝐑 𝐬𝐨 ]
= + 𝐍𝐑 𝐬𝐨𝐢 − 𝐍𝐩 𝐑 𝐩 − (𝐍 − 𝐍𝐩 )𝐑 𝐬𝐨 𝐁𝐠
Ramyar Adnan = 𝐦𝐍𝐁𝐨𝐢 − + 𝐍𝐑Engineering
Reservoir 𝐬𝐨𝐢 − II-PE402
𝐍𝐩 𝐑 𝐩 − (𝐍 − 𝐍𝐩 )𝐑 𝐬𝐨 𝐁𝐠 3-2 20
Derivation of Material Balance Equation
𝑮𝑩𝒈𝒊 Change in water volume (𝑮 − 𝑮𝒑 )𝑩𝒈
𝑁𝐵𝑜𝑖 (𝑁 − 𝑁𝑝 )𝐵𝑜
𝑾 𝑾𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓
Initial reservoir watervolume = 𝐖
Ramyar Adnan
Volume of encroached water at t = 𝐖𝐞
Reservoir Engineering II-PE402 21
Derivation of Material Balance Equation
Change in water volume = 𝐖 − (𝐖 + 𝐖𝐞 − 𝐖𝐩 𝐁𝐰 + 𝐖𝐜𝐰 ∆𝐩)
= 𝐖𝐩 𝐁𝐰 − 𝐖𝐞 − 𝐖𝐜𝐰 ∆𝐩 3-3
Change in void space is the negative of the change in the rock volume
Ramyar Adnan Reservoir Engineering II-PE402 22
Derivation of Material Balance Equation
• Combining the change in water and rock volume in one single term:
𝐖𝐩 𝐁𝐰 − 𝐖𝐞 − 𝐖𝐜𝐰 ∆𝐩 − 𝐕𝐟 𝐜𝐟 ∆𝐩
𝐍𝐁𝐨𝐢 +𝐦𝐍𝐁𝐨𝐢
Since 𝐖 = 𝐕𝐟 𝐒𝐰𝐢 and 𝐕𝐟 =
𝐍𝐁𝐨𝐢 + 𝐦𝐍𝐁𝐨𝐢
𝐖𝐩 𝐁𝐰 − 𝐖𝐞 − [ ](𝐒𝐰𝐢 𝐜𝐰 +𝐜𝐟 )∆𝐩
𝟏 − 𝐒𝐰𝐢
𝐒𝐰𝐢 𝐜𝐰 + 𝐜𝐟
𝐖𝐩 𝐁𝐰 − 𝐖𝐞 − (𝟏 + 𝐦)𝐍𝐁𝐨𝐢 [ ]∆𝐩 3-4
Ramyar Adnan Reservoir Engineering II-PE402
𝟏 − 𝐒𝐰𝐢 23
Derivation of Material Balance Equation
• Equating the changes in both oil and gas volumes to the negative
change in water and rock volumes.
𝐦𝐍𝐁𝐨𝐢 𝐁𝐠
𝐍𝐁𝐨𝐢 − 𝐍𝐁𝐨 + 𝐍𝐩 𝐁𝐨 + 𝐦𝐍𝐁𝐨𝐢 − − 𝐍𝐑 𝐬𝐨𝐢 𝐁𝐠 + 𝐍𝐩 𝐑 𝐩 𝐁𝐠
𝐒𝐰𝐢 𝐜𝐰 + 𝐜𝐟
+ 𝐍𝐑 𝐬𝐨 𝐁𝐠 − 𝐍𝐩 𝐑 𝐬𝐨 𝐁𝐠 = 𝐖𝐞 − 𝐖𝐩 𝐁𝐰 + (𝟏 + 𝐦)𝐍𝐁𝐨𝐢 [ ]∆𝐩
𝟏 − 𝐒𝐰𝐢
Add and subtract the term 𝐍𝐩 𝐑 𝐬𝐨𝐢 𝐁𝐠 to the left side of the equation
𝐒𝐰𝐢 𝐜𝐰 + 𝐜𝐟
= 𝐖𝐞 − 𝐖𝐩 𝐁𝐰 + 𝟏 + 𝐦 𝐍𝐁𝐨𝐢 ∆𝐩
𝟏 − 𝐒𝐰𝐢
Grouping terms
𝐍𝐁𝐨𝐢 + 𝐦𝐍𝐁𝐨𝐢 − 𝐍 𝐁𝐨 + 𝐑 𝐬𝐨𝐢 − 𝐑 𝐬𝐨 𝐁𝐠 + 𝐍𝐩 𝐁𝐨 + 𝐑 𝐬𝐨𝐢 − 𝐑 𝐬𝐨 𝐁𝐠
𝐦𝐍𝐁𝐨𝐢 𝐁𝐠
+ 𝐍𝐩 𝐁𝐠 𝐑 𝐩 − 𝐑 𝐬𝐨𝐢 −
𝐒𝐰𝐢 𝐜𝐰 + 𝐜𝐟
= 𝐖𝐞 − 𝐖𝐩 𝐁𝐰 + 𝟏 + 𝐦 𝐍𝐁𝐨𝐢 ∆𝐩
Ramyar Adnan 𝟏−𝐒
Reservoir Engineering 𝐰𝐢
II-PE402 25
Derivation of Material Balance Equation
• 𝐁𝐨𝐢 = 𝐁𝐭𝐢 and 𝐁𝐭 = 𝐁𝐨 + 𝐑 𝐬𝐨𝐢 − 𝐑 𝐬𝐨 𝐁𝐠
𝐍 𝐁𝐭𝐢 − 𝐁𝐭 + 𝐍𝐩 𝐁𝐭 + 𝐑 𝐩 − 𝐑 𝐬𝐨𝐢 𝐁𝐠 + 𝐦𝐍𝐁𝐭𝐢 𝟏−
𝐒𝐰𝐢 𝐜𝐰 + 𝐜𝐟
= 𝐖𝐞 − 𝐖𝐩 𝐁𝐰 + 𝟏 + 𝐦 𝐍𝐁𝐭𝐢 ∆𝐩 3-5
𝟏 − 𝐒𝐰𝐢
𝐍𝐩 𝐁𝐭 + 𝐑 𝐩 − 𝐑 𝐬𝐨𝐢 𝐁𝐠 + 𝐖𝐩 𝐁𝐰
= 𝐍 𝐁𝐭 − 𝐁𝐭𝐢 + 𝐁𝐠 − 𝐁𝐠𝐢 3-6
𝐒𝐰𝐢 𝐜𝐰 + 𝐜𝐟
+ 𝟏 + 𝐦 𝐍𝐁𝐭𝐢 ∆𝐩 + 𝐖𝐞
𝟏 − 𝐒𝐰𝐢
𝐒𝐰𝐢 𝐜𝐰 + 𝐜𝐟
+ 𝟏 + 𝐦 𝐍𝐁𝐭𝐢 ∆𝐩 + 𝐖𝐞
𝟏 − 𝐒𝐰𝐢
Water influx
Ramyar Adnan Connate water andReservoir
expansion 28
Derivation of Material Balance Equation
• Equation (3-6) with all terms is used for saturated oil reservoir and
with gas-cap reservoirs.
• Equation 6 can also be modified to be used for different reservoir
• Undersaturated oil reservoirs
• Gas reservoirs
𝐦𝐍𝐁𝐭𝐢 𝐒𝐰𝐢 𝐜𝐰 + 𝐜𝐟
= 𝐍 𝐁𝐭 − 𝐁𝐭𝐢 + 𝐁𝐠 − 𝐁𝐠𝐢 + 𝟏 + 𝐦 𝐍𝐁𝐭𝐢 ∆𝐩 + 𝐖𝐞
𝐁𝐠𝐢 𝟏 − 𝐒𝐰𝐢
𝐍𝐩 𝐁𝐭 + 𝐑 𝐩 − 𝐑 𝐬𝐨𝐢 𝐁𝐠 + 𝐖𝐩 𝐁𝐰
𝐒𝐰𝐢 𝐜𝐰 + 𝐜𝐟
= 𝐍 𝐁𝐭 − 𝐁𝐭𝐢 + 𝐍𝐁𝐭𝐢 ∆𝐩 + 𝐖𝐞
𝟏 − 𝐒𝐰𝐢
Ramyar Adnan Reservoir Engineering II-PE402 30
Derivation of Material Balance Equation
G 𝐍𝐩 𝐁𝐭 + 𝐑 𝐩 − 𝐑 𝐬𝐨𝐢 𝐁𝐠 + 𝐖𝐩 𝐁𝐰
𝐦𝐍𝐁𝐭𝐢 𝐒𝐰𝐢 𝐜𝐰 + 𝐜𝐟
= 𝐍 𝐁𝐭 − 𝐁𝐭𝐢 + 𝐁𝐠 − 𝐁𝐠𝐢 + 𝟏 + 𝐦 𝐍𝐁𝐭𝐢 ∆𝐩 + 𝐖𝐞
𝐁𝐠𝐢 𝟏 − 𝐒𝐰𝐢
• For gas reservoir
𝑵𝒑 𝑩𝒕 + 𝑮𝒑 − 𝑵𝑹𝒔𝒐𝒊 𝑩𝒈 + 𝑾𝒑 𝑩𝒘
𝐒𝐰𝐢 𝐜𝐰 + 𝐜𝐟
𝐆𝐩 𝐁𝐠 + 𝐖𝐩 𝐁𝐰 = 𝐆 𝐁𝐠 − 𝐁𝐠𝐢 + 𝐆𝐁𝐠𝐢 ∆𝐩𝒄𝒇+ 𝐖𝐞
𝑺𝒘𝒊 𝒄𝒘 +
= 𝑵 𝑩𝒕 − 𝑩𝒕𝒊 + 𝑮 𝑩𝒈 − 𝑩𝒈𝒊 + 𝑵𝑩𝒕𝒊 + 𝑮𝑩𝒈𝒊𝟏 − 𝐒𝐰𝐢 ∆𝒑 + 𝑾𝒆
𝟏 − 𝑺𝒘𝒊
Ramyar Adnan Reservoir Engineering II-PE402 31
Derivation of Material Balance Equation
• Undersaturated oil reservoirs
𝐍𝐩 𝐁𝐭 + 𝐑 𝐩 − 𝐑 𝐬𝐨𝐢 𝐁𝐠 + 𝐖𝐩 𝐁𝐰
𝐒𝐰𝐢 𝐜𝐰 + 𝐜𝐟 3-7
= 𝐍 𝐁𝐭 − 𝐁𝐭𝐢 + 𝐍𝐁𝐭𝐢 ∆𝐩 + 𝐖𝐞
𝟏 − 𝐒𝐰𝐢
• Gas reservoirs
𝐍𝐩 𝐁𝐭 + 𝐆𝐩 − 𝐍𝐑 𝐬𝐨𝐢 𝐁𝐠 + 𝐖𝐩 𝐁𝐰
𝐒𝐰𝐢 𝐜𝐰 + 𝐜𝐟
= 𝐍 𝐁𝐭 − 𝐁𝐭𝐢 + 𝐆 𝐁𝐠 − 𝐁𝐠𝐢 + 𝐍𝐁𝐭𝐢 + 𝐆𝐁𝐠𝐢 ∆𝐩 + 𝐖𝐞
Ramyar Adnan Reservoir Engineering II-PE402 𝟏 − 𝐒𝐰𝐢 32
Derivation of Material Balance Equation
• Since in gas reservoirs there is no amount of initial and produced oil
therefore, equation 8 will be:
𝑺𝒘𝒊 𝒄𝒘 + 𝒄𝒇
𝑮𝒑 𝑩𝒈 + 𝑾𝒑 𝑩𝒘 = 𝑮 𝑩𝒈 − 𝑩𝒈𝒊 + 𝑮𝑩𝒈𝒊 ∆𝒑 + 𝑾𝒆
𝟏 − 𝑺𝒘𝒊
• Equation 3-9 is the general MBE for gas reservoirs.
𝐍𝐩 𝐁𝐭 + 𝐑 𝐩 − 𝐑 𝐬𝐨𝐢 𝐁𝐠
= 𝐍 𝐁𝐭 − 𝐁𝐭𝐢 + 𝐁𝐠 − 𝐁𝐠𝐢 + (𝐖𝐞 −𝐖𝐩 𝐁𝐰 )
𝐁𝐠 − 𝐁𝐠𝐢
𝐍 𝐁𝐭 − 𝐁𝐭𝐢 𝐁𝐠𝐢
𝐍𝐩 𝐁𝐭 + 𝐑 𝐩 − 𝐑 𝐬𝐨𝐢 𝐁𝐠 𝐍𝐩 𝐁𝐭 + 𝐑 𝐩 − 𝐑 𝐬𝐨𝐢 𝐁𝐠
𝐒𝐰𝐢 𝐜𝐰 + 𝐜𝐟 𝐦𝐁𝐭𝐢
= 𝐍 𝐁𝐭 − 𝐁𝐭𝐢 + 𝟏 + 𝐦 𝐁𝐭𝐢 ( )∆𝐩 + 𝐁𝐠 − 𝐁𝐠𝐢 + 𝐖𝐞 3-11
𝟏 − 𝐒𝐰𝐢 𝐁𝐠𝐢
Eo Ef,w Eg
• Havlena and Odeh choose to neglect the effect of formation and
connate water compressibility.
• Havlena and Odeh defined the following terms and re-arranged
equation 11.