Eng 103 Digital

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Course Book

unit 2
Unit 1: Actions

Unit 3: Comparison

Unit 4: Processes

Review Unit B unit 5 unit 6

Unit 8: Energy

Review Unit D

Unit 9: Measurement

Unit 12: Innovation

Review Unit F
1 Teamw or k

Start here 1 Discuss these ques tions with a partner.

• How many mechan ics work in a pit-stop crew in a big rac e?
a) abo ut 4 b) abo ut 10 c) about 20
• What jobs do they do? List the most important jobs.

Readi ng 2 Read this interview with th e head of a pit-sto p crew. Chec k yo ur answers to 1.

How do mechanics service a car so quickly in the middle of a

Making car race? Will Peters is chief mechanic and crew leader of a

every pit-stop crew. Here he explains his work.

I'm the crew leader, and I have twenty mechanics in my crew. It's dangerous work , so

second we wear fire suits and safety helmets. I have live teams: whee/-gun, wheel -on, wheel -off,
whee/-jack and fuel.

count Every second is impo rtant in the middle of a race, so everyone moves quickly and work s
together as a leam.

I give the order: 'Get ready! ' The four wheel-on me cha nics bring out the new whee ls. The
- 30 sees tyres are still covered in warm blankets. The team lea der adj usts the air pressure in th e ly res .

-10 sees The ca r enters th e pit lane, an d slows dow n. The driver pr esses a button in his coc kpit. This
opens the fuel flap.

The car approaches the ga rage. I signal to the dri ver: STOP. T he dri ver slo ws down and
-3 sees drives towards the crew . Th e wheel-gun team leader signals with his han d, and th e driver
stops the ca r next to th e w heel gu ns.

4 . . Actio n
The four wheel-gun mechanics run to the car. Th ey loosen the nuts with their wheel guns.
00:00 sees Then they move back quickly.

The two wheel-jack team mem bers run to the ca r, and place the jacks unde r the fron t and rear
00:01 sees of the car. They raise the car off the ground and move back quickly.

Then three members of the fuel team move forwa rd. One car ries the fuel nozzle. and the other
00:01.5 sees two carry the fuel hose. (It weighs 40 kg!). The front fuel mechanic pushes the nozzle into the
fu el sock et on the car. They then switch on the fue l pump.

The wheel-off mechanics move forward. They tak e the old whe els off and take the m away
00:02 sees quickly.
Now the wheel-on guys move forward. They take the warm blankets off the new whee ls, put the
00:02.5 sees new wheels on the car, and move back quickly. On the other side of the car, anot her mechanic
puts his arm into the coc kpit and cleans the driver's visor.

The wheel-gun guys move forward and tighten the nuts. Then they raise a hand to signal that
00:03 sees everyt hing is OK.
The wheel-jack peop le lower the car to the ground and take the jacks away. Now everyone is
00:04 sees waiti ng. The fuel guys are still pumpi ng fuel into the ca r. They hold the fuel nozz le and hose in
place until all the fuel is in the car.

00:05.5 sees I signal to the driver: SELECT FIRST GEAR. He pushes the gear lever into first gear, and waits.

The fuel pump switches off, and the fuel guys pull out the fuel nozzle. Another (ueffeam member
00:06.5 sees cleans spilled fuel off the car, and moves back quickly, Immed iately, I signal to the driver: GO.

00:07 sees The ca r moves to the end of the pit lane. The driver presses the button to close the fuel flap.

The car speeds up and leaves the pit lane.

00:10 sees It's in the race again .

3 L abe l t h e p art s .

flap hose jack nozzle socket

wh eel gun

4 Com p l ete t h is chec k list 01

instructions lor each team.


1 1 Bring out the new w heels.
2 Raise the ca r off the ground. 2 Adjust
4 4 Take the covers
5 Take 5
Loosen the wh eel nuts on the old wheels . 1 Push
2 WAIT. 2 Pump
3 Tighten the wheei nuts on the new wh eels. 3
4 4
Take the old wh eels off.

Action a 5 I
2 Training

Start here 1 -/H- You are a t rai nee pit-st o p m echani c. A t rainer is giving you
in st ru ctio n s. Listen and write numbers 1-1 0 t o show t h e correct order of

_ Trainee

! Adjust the air pressure in the tyre.

, I
Tighten the wheel nuts. I I
Raise the car with the jack. I Bring the new wheel out. I
Loosen the wheel nuts. I
I Put the new wheelon. iI
Take the old wheel off. I, I Put the jack under the car. I
Take the old wheel away. I I Lower the ca r an d take the jack away. I

Vocabulary 2 Match the pictures w ith the ve rbs in t he box .

lift up pick up pull out push in pui down put on take away take off

I!J..............- ....... ... 0- - - 11 - - - -

I I ! 1
I i
Language Imperat ive I Present cont inuous Present perfec t

Take the tyres off. i I'm taking the tyres off now. I've taken the tyres off.
- - -- - --
Take off the tyres. ' I'm taking off the tyres now. I've taken off the tyres.
Take them off.
- ---
i I'm taking them off.
I've taken them off.
Not: Take eff l Ae",. i Not: 1'", laking elf lAe",. I Not: I've lal,ell eff tAe", .

3 a;-'Hi Listen and r esp ond to t h ese instructi ons qui ckly. Confirm (a) what
you are doing and t h en (b) w hat y o u hav e d o n e.

Example: J (You hear) Bring out the new tyres. ( You say) Right. J'm bringing
them out now. OK, I'oe brought them out.

6 . . Action
Speaking 4 Work in pairs. Make di alogues be tween a s u pe rvisor (S) and a train ee (T) from
the checklists .


put new tyres on
tighten wheel nuts
in progress 4
·· switch off electricity
tes t all circuits
in progress
• adjust air pressure not yet done • find any fau lts not yet done


take cover off
repa ir computer
' in progress 5
·· strip off old paint
plaste r holes in wall
I done
in progress
• take out damaged chip notyet done • buy new paint not yet done
• rep lace burnt wire done ·· take apart telephone don e
·• switch on power
check other wires
in progress
notyet done

put it together again
test it
in progress
not yet done

S: How are you getting on ?

Phrases to gain more time: T I've put the new tyres on. I'm still tightening the wheel nuts. It's almost done .
Hang on. Just a minute.
One minute. Nearly finished. S: OK, good. Have you adjusted the air pressure yet?
Almost done.
T No, I ha ven 't done that yet. I'll do it next.

Lan gua ge yet is us ed with pres ent perfect questions and negatives to emphasise the period
of time up to now.
Has Bill finished that job yet? The speaker wanted or expe cted Bill to finish the
job before now. John hasn 't cleaned the car yet. The s peaker wanted or expected
Jo h n to clean th e car be fore now.

Task 5 Work in small grou ps. Choose one of th ese car jobs. With your group, make a
set of instructi on s for d oin g the job.

6 Turn to page I l l. Find useful instructions lrom th e list . Revise your ow n set of
instructi on s . Rewrite them if ne cessary, and make them sh ort and s imple.
7 Roleplay th is s ituation with someone from ano t her group with a different job.
Stu de nt A. You're the man a ger of a garage . You're showing a new tra inee how
to do th e job. Tell the train ee how to do the job, but don 't look at your set of
instruction s . Give ins tructions, and check how the trainee is getti ng on.
First of all, loosen the wheel nuts. Have you done that ye t? Good. Right. Now lift
up the car with the jack. OK? Well done.
Stude nt B. You're a new train ee in the garage. Follow the man a ger's
instruction s . Mime the actions if yo u ca n. Tell the manager how you're getting
Hang on. Just a min ute. No, not yet. I'm still loosening the wheel nuts. It's alm ost
don e. OK, I've finished. I've taken it off. What do I do next?

Action a 7
3 Method

Start here 1 How do you start or activate these devices?


2 Complete the sentences.

break kick pick up press pull switch on touch

1 The passenger activates the ticket machine by touching the screen.

2 You switch on the phone by the handset
and the green button.
3 The user starts the outboard motor by the handle of the cord.
4 The rider starts the engine by the battery
and the lever downwards.
5 The burglar activates the alarm by the laser beam.

Speaking 3 Make questions and answers.

A: How does the passenger activate the ticket machine?
B: He activates it / He does it by touching the screen.

Language I Method
You start the outboard motor by pulling the cord .

The burglar activated the alarm by breaking a laser beam.

4 Work in pairs. Match the devices with the methods .

Device How to start/activate it
1 accelerator on motorbike a) put it under an electric lamp
2 voice-operated computer b) step on a sensor in the door mat
3 solar battery c) rotate the handle
4 emergency stop in train d) insert the key and turn it
5 shop door alarm e) pull the lever
6 car engine f) speak to it

Speaking 5 Make questions and answers.

A: How do you activate the accelerator on a motorbike?
B: By rotating the handle. (or You activate it by rotating the handle.)

8 a Action
Writing 6 Write sentences expl aining how to activat e or start the de vic es in 4.
you, the us er, the customer, the dri ver, th e passenger
I You activa te / The use r activates the accelerator on a motorbik e by rotating
the handle.

Reading 7 What can th is robot d o? How does it wo rk? Dis cu ss with yo ur partner.
S Read this magazin e ar ticle. Write the names of the d evic es in the chart.


we ighs less t han 5 kg and is only 508 mm tall, but

it ca n do so meth ing tha t no oth er robot can do. It ca n ride a bike. Ho w does it do this?
By mea ns of senso rs and w ireless techno logy. One se nsor is located in t he robot's
body. Th is sensor keeps the robot uprig ht and prevents it from fallin g sideways .
The robot can loo k ahead using a sma ll came ra in its he ad. The cam era helps th e
robot to ride in a straight line. Another sensor is located in its chest. This sensor
preve nts it from hitting a wall or ot her object. The robot can receive inst ructi on s from
an external computer by meansof a wireless receiver in the box on its back.The
co mp ute r makes it follow the co rrect roa d. Fin ally, if the roa d is not flat , another
sensor (in the fram e of t he bike) ca n feel the movem ent of the wh eel. T he
sensor allows the robot to ride over bumps in the road.
Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

Murata Boy can do these t hing s , device I location

(1) It ca n stay in a vertical position on the bike I sensor body

(2) It can receive instructions from an outside computer

(3) It ca n detect changes in the su rface of the road
(4) It can look stra ight ahea d and move stra ight forward

(5) It can detect wal ls and move aw ay from t hem I,

Th e robot can look ahead a camera in its head.
by using
I by means of

Speaking 9 Supply the q uestions for this interview with th e inventor of the robot.
1 A: What _ ?
B: It can ride a bicycle.
2 A: How _ ?
B: It wo rks by means of sensors and wireless technology.
3 A: ?
B: By mean s of a sensor in the frame of the bike.
4 A: ?
B: By a sensor in its c he st.
5 A: ?
B: By using a camera.

Action a 9
1 Routines

Start here 1 Would you like to work on an

offshore oil platform? Why/Why not?
Discuss wit h a partner.

Lis te ning 2 . I ' Tore and Ken wo rk on

different oil p latforms. List en to
their phone call and comp lete th e
information on the left.
ON DUTY: _ weeks .
3 Listen to Tore (T) and Ken (K) again
ON LEAVE: _ weeks .
and complet e the conversation.
T: Hi, Ken. How are things on your rig?
ON DUTY: _ w eeks.
K: Hi, Tore. Well , we (1) very hard at the moment. But
ON LEAVE: _ weeks .
I (2) on leave tomorrow.
T: That 's great. Where (3) ? Back home?
K: I usually (4) home to Nigeria. But this time
I (5) to France for a holiday.
T: Ah, fantastic. (6) two wee ks on, two weeks off?
K: No, I (7) three on and three off. How about you?
onshore» offshore T: I (8) two two.
on duty .. off duty K: When 's yo ur next leave?
on leave = on holiday
T: I'm on the helicopter right now! I (9) to Norway!

La ngua ge The present s imple is used to talk about (1) regular or routine events ; (2) job
descriptions ; (3) processes
The present continuous is us ed to talk about (1) things happening no w;
(2) things happening temporarily around now; (3) p lans or intentions for the
near future.

Speaking 4 Work in pairs . As k eac h other about the changes in the work routine .
A: What does Tore usually do from six to seven forty-five?
B: He usually supe rvises the deck crew. But not today.
A: What's he doing today?
B: He's operating the main crane.

Changes to Monday morning duty roster for today only (because of staff illness)
06 .00-07.45 08 .00-09.45 10.00-1 0.45
iFl3fwet ufleler"aler l3il3¤S 3uiJervis¤eliye rs eeme!uet safety El rill
ch eck diving equipment inspect blowout preventer attend safety meeting

3t1136r vis8 e1eek C1 8v. BfJ¤rate fI ,ai, i erafl¤ "011< iF! eSA t fell SSfI'
operate main crane trai n new de ck crew wo rk on de ck
eAeel, §¤f1¤f81eF3 Be mai fll sfl8f1ee ,. erl, test eleetrieal s.. i1eAes
repair power line supervise electricians write safety repo rt

10 II Work
5 a;':H» Listen to these oil r ig wo r kers talking about the ir jobs . Tick their jobs
on the organisation charts.

Sub-Sea Engineer Crane Operator Driller Ma intenance Supervisor

Assistant Sub-Sea Assistant Roustabout Assistant Driller Chief Electrician
Engineer Crane II- II- II-
Operator Derrick Man Pump Man Electrician

6 Complete the job descript ions. Use the co rrect form of these ve rbs .
maintain operate repair report supervise

1 The Ass istant Sub-Sea Engineer repairs an d the platf orm

and the pipes under the sea. He to the Sub-Sea Engineer.
2 The Ass istant Crane Operator and the
cranes on the ma in d eck. He to th e Crane Operator.
3 The Ass istant Driller the d rilling equi pme nt. He
_ _ _ _ _ _ the Derrick Man and th e Pump Man. He to
the Driller.
4 The Chief Electrician and all the
electrical equipment on the rig. He th ree electricians. He
_ _ _ _ _ _ to the Maintena nce Supervisor.

Speaking 7 Work in pairs . Act the parts of two of the o il r ig wo rke rs . Ask each other a bo ut
yo ur jobs.
Whats yo ur job? What do you do?
I'm an Assistant Driller. 1 ope rate the drilling equipment.
Do you supervise anyone? Who do you supervise? Who reports to you?
Who do you report to? Who supervises you?

8 Write down your job titl e and a s ho rt job description. If yo u d o not h ave a job,
th ink of a job you want whe n yo u finish all your training.

9 Work in pa irs . Ask each other about yo ur jobs .

Work II 11 I
2 Plans

Start here 1 What jobs d oes a safety offi cer on an offshore oil platform have to do? Discuss
with yo ur partner.

Lis tening 2 &-',,'. Ben is a safety officer on an oil rig. Listen to his • •
phon e call. What is th e purpose of the call?
Day: _
a) to discu ss safety rul es c) to arrange a meeting Time' _
b) to talk a bo ut th e strong wind Participant s' _

3 List en to the ph one call aga in and complet e th es e notes.

Agenda' _
4 Listen to Tore (f) and Ben (8) again an d fill in th e ga ps .
T: Hello, Deck Crew. Tore spe ak ing.
B: Oh , hi Tore. This is Ben. How's it go ing?
T: Not bad. But this strong wind is a problem for the cranes. Anyway, what can
I do for yo u?
B: I (1) hold a meetin g for th e deck crew so me time soon.
T: OK. What's the meeting (2) be about?
B: I (3) tell them a bout th e new safety rules for crane
operat ors .
T: OK, that's fine. When (4) the meeting?
B: How a bo ut three o'clock next Thursday?
T : Yeah, that's great. Three a 'clock next Thursday. See yo u then. Bye.
B: Cheers. Bye.

La ng uage Th e present co nti nuous , or going to + ve r b, is us ed to talk a bout plans or

intentions . I'm holding / I'm going to hold a meeting next Thursday .
to is used after verbs such as plan, want, intend, hope . I want / intend / hope to
finish this report next week .

Speaking 5 You are Ben and this is your d iary for th is week. Explain yo ur plans .

MON (1)09.30 meet safety manager -discuss safety report

(2) 14.00 take helicopter te HQ - meet companymanager
(3) 12.00 write neIVsafetyrules for cranes

WED (4)08.00 inspectfireexits (5)10.00 runfiredrill

(6) 14.00 visit Nord Platform - discuss newsafety rules with manager

(7)- day off!

FRI (8)09.30 write report about vis it te Nord Pla tform

(9) 14.00 inspect sub-sea safety eqUipment

Example: On Monday at 9.30, I'm meeting the safety manager. We 're going to
discuss the safety report.
6 Ask Ben q ues tions a bo ut his diary.
Example: When are you meeting the safety manager? What are yo u going to

12 II Work
Ta sk 7 What t hings do you have to do to day (or at t h e weekend)? Make a list, and
then wo rk out a timetable for do ing them. Present your plan t o t he class .

Writing 8 Rewri te this email replacing t he phrases in itali cs .

Thanking for
0.-''' ''' Thanks for; Many thanks for
Referring to . With reference to; With regard to;
To: Crane Officer top ic I
From: Safety Officer
Remind ing of i As you are aware,; As you may
Subject: Change to safety meeting backgro und i know, ; As you may be aware,
Cc: Safety Manager Confirming I This is to confirm that ; I'd like to
someth ing i confirm that ; I confirm that

Thank you for your emai l this morn ing. Introd uci ng bad i / am sorry to tell you that;
news I Unfortunately, ----_._-
As you know, I have arranged a safety meeting for the
Intro d uci ng / am pleased to inform you that;
Deck Crew tomorrow.
good news Fortunately,
/ am sorry to inform you that I cannot atten d the meeting
Giving new / would like to inform you that; This is
beca use I have sick leave for one week. However, , can
information to let you kno w that
confirm that my assistant Bob will run the meeting in my
Requesting Please; Cou ld you please; I would
action appreciate it if you could
/ would be grateful if you couidtell Tore about this change .
Showing you Please do not hesitate to contact me
Please let me know if you need any further information . are avai lable if,' Do let me know if
I'm attaching a copy of the agenda FYI.
Rgds I attach
docu ment
Kind regards; Regards; Best wishes;

9 You are Pe te. Write an e-mail in reply to this fax.

FYI = for you r information

Fax to: Pete Norman , Manager, World

Dear Mr Norman
I unders t and your compa ny sells safety equipment fo r the oil industry. Do yo u sell
heat -resist ant ropes? What sizes are they? I would be gratefu l if you would send me a
cat alogue.

Ben Brenner (Saf et y Officer. Nord Oil)

• thank Ben for his fax to day

• remind him: Safe ty World specialises in safety for oil platforms
• confirm: yo u sell heat-resistant ropes-si zes 10 m , 20 m and 30 m
• request action: fill in the attached order form
• show you are available: to answer any ques tion s
• attach: catalogue and order form

10 Exc hange yo ur e-rna ils with a part ner. Take the part of Ben, and reply to yo ur
partner' s e-mail.
• thank Pe te for his e-mail yesterday
• confirm: you want to buy t hree heat-resis tant ro p es , 30 metres long
• request action: deliver as soon as poss ible
• attach: completed order form

Work II 13
3 New job

Start here 1 Have yo u ever written a CV? What informati on goes into it?
Reading 2 Read this section of a CV and answer th e questions bel ow.


Surname(s) J First name{s) PETERSONS Anna

DESIRED EMPLOYMENT Senior Audio Maintenance Technician

Dates September 2006 - present day 2

Occupation or position held Audio maintenance techn ician 3
Main act ivities and Maintain digital audio equ ipment, make recordings,
responsibilities do troubleshooting and repairs, buy new equipment
Name and address of employer Omega Studios , Riga, Latv ia 5
Type of business or sector Electronics, entertainment, media 6

Dates 2003 - 2005 7

Occupation or pos ition held Technician 8
Main activities and resP,,"o.. Repair video and DVD equipment + "'-i
Name and address of employer Comet Electronics, Riga, Latvi a 10
Type of business or sector Electronics 11

Dates 2005 - 2006 12

Tit le of qualification awarded Diploma in Aud io Technology 13
Princi pal subjects/occupational
skills covered
Aud io electronics, studio equipment, digital audio technology, ed iting , acoustics 14

Name and type of organisation

prov iding education and training
Thames Valley University, London, UK 15

I What is Anna's s u rname? 5 Where did s he wo rk in 2004?

2 What job does s he wa nt to have? 6 What we re her re s pons ib ilities t hen?
CV = Curriculum Vitae
3 Where does Anna work now? 7 What qu alificati on d oes Anna have?
4 What is her job description? 8 Where did s he s t udy?

Scan ning 3 Pr a ctise yo ur speed reading. Look for t he informati on yo u need on the SPEED
SEARCH p ages (118- 119). Try to be t h e first to co mp let e the task.
Tas k: Find an advert for a job relevant to Anna's career p lans, qualifica tions
a nd work experience.

Li stening 4 Anna is talking abo ut her Cv. Fill in the gaps.

Fro m 2003 until 2005, I (1) at Comet Elec t ro nics as a
tech nician . I (2) Comet in 2005 and (3) a full-time
student at Thames Valley University in Sep tember 2005. Fro m 2005 to 2006,
I (4) audio electronics at Thames Valley. In 2006, I (5) _
my Diploma in Aud io Technology. Then in September 2006, I (6) _
wo rk as an audio maintenance technician at Omega Stu dios .
5 a/"'. Listen to Anna, and check your answers .
14 II Work
Vocabulary 6 Put th es e headings in th e colour ed b oxes .

adjective coliege subject equipment person scientific concept

noun I
1 i en gin eer : en gine en gin ear ing I

2 ! el ee tri cia n I I I el ee tri ci ty I el ee tric al

3 I el ee tron ics el ee tron I 81ee tron ic
4 mech an lc I mech an is m I mech an ics I mech an ic al
5 tech ni cia n I I I
! tech ni ca l

6 I tech no 10 gist I I tech no 10 gy I

7 Underline the stressed syllabl es in the words in the white boxes .

8 a;;':ln:1 Listen and check your answers to 7.
9 Fill in th e ga ps.
1 The is re sponsible for every in the factory.
(e ng ineering/enginee r/engine)
2 I'm a , but I want to b ecome a engineer.
(me chanica l/mec h anic/ mechanics)
3 The lab maintains all th e equipment.
(tech nician/tech nical/tec h nology)
4 The rep airs all the eq uipme nt on the ri g.
(e lec t rical/elect ric ia n/ elec t ricity)

Read ing 10 Write the numbers from the CV ne xt to th e questions to Anna.

a) What type of business do you work in? _ _
b) Whe re are you wo rking at th e moment? _ _
c) What's your job title? _ _
d) When di d yo u join Om ega Stud ios? _ _
e) What qualifications d o you have in audio te chnology? _ _
f) Where did you s t udy for your diploma? _ _
g) Whe re did yo u work before Omega Studios? _ _

Spea king 11 Work in pairs , A and B. Take turns to int erview e ach other.
Stu de nt A. You are Anna. Answer questions about your Cv.
St udent B. You are the int erviewer. As k Anna q uestions about h er Cv.

Task 12 Write a s hort vers ion of your cv.

13 Prepare for a job int erview. Writ e notes in a nsw er to these questions about a
job you would like to apply for.
o Why do yo u want th is job?
o What skills will yo u bring to this job?
o Why d o yo u want to leave yo ur present jo b?
o What question s wo uld you like to ask the interviewers?
14 Work in small groups . Pa ss your CV around your group. Roleplay a job
intervie w. Take turns to b e int ervie wed by the rest of the group.

Work II 15
1 Match the pictures with the instructions in the box.

Pull it out. Push them down. Push it forward. Put it in. Pull it back. Pour it in.
Take it off. Pick them up. Switch it on. Take them out. Take it away.
Put it on. Pour it out. Switch it off. Put them down. Push it in.

[ 6..--'
L __
6---- __
VI b'1


2 Complete these dialogues.

1 A: Have you switched off the engine yet? (switch off)
B: No, not yet. I'm SWitching it off now.
2 A: Has she the jack yet? (bring out)
B: No, she hasn't. Look, she's now.
3 A: Has he the wheel nuts yet? (take off)
B: No, not yet. I think he's at the moment.
4 A: Have you the new wheels yet? (put on)
B: Hold on. I'm right now.
5 A: Have the mechanics the jacks yet? (take away)
B: Not yet, but I think they're now.
6 A: Has Bill the spark plugs yet? (put back)
B: I don't think so. I think he's now.

16 • Review Unit A
1 Matc h the pictures with the instruction s in the b ox.
Pull it out. Push them down. Push it forward. Put it in. Pull it back. Pour it in.
Take it off. Pick them up. Switch it on. Take them out. Take it away.
Put it on. Pour it out. Switch it off. Put them down. Push it in.

2 Complete these dialogues.

1 A: Have yo u s wit ched off the engine yet? (switc h 010
B: No, no t yet. I'm SWitching it off now.
2 A: Has she the jack ye t? (bring out)
B: No, s he hasn 't. Look, s he 's now.
3 A: Has he the wheel nuts yet? (take 010
B: No, no t ye t. I think he's at the moment.
4 A: Have you the new wheels yet? (p ut on)
B: Hold on. I'm right now.
S A: Have the mechanics the jacks yet? (take aw ay)
B: Not yet, but I th ink they're now.
6 A: Has Bill the spark plugs ye t? (put back)
B: I don't think so. I think he's now.

16 • Review Unit A
3 Comple te thi s progress report by th e car mech an ic (M) to his
supervisor (S) .
S: Have you checked the lyres ye t?
M: Yes, we (I) checked (check) all th e tyres first thing this morning, and
we (2) (find) that the rear as tyre was worn. So we
(3) (re place) it.
S: What about the lyre pressures? Have yo u adjusted them yet?
M: Yes , we (4) (adjust) them wh en we (5) (put) th e
tyres on. Then, at a bo ut ten thi s morning, we (6) (examine)
th e fuel system. We (7) (take) it a pa rt and (8) _
(unbloc k) the fuel pipe.
S: Good. Have yo u repaired the damage d paintwork on the door?
M: Yes , we (9) (s trip) off the damaged pai nt just before lunch,
an d th en str aight after lunch , we (10) (cle an) the door,
(II) (repair) it and (12) (re paint) it.
S: Good. Now what about the air conditioner? Have yo u che cked it?
M: Yes , we che cked it at about three this afternoon. Then we (13) _
(pump) som e new fluid into th e air conditioning syste m.
S: What about the ai/ leak under the car? Have yo u had time to took at that yet?
M: Yes, we (14) (do) that about an hour ago.

4 Comple te th es e stateme nts with the words in the box.

bring carry cover keep look open press
protect put raise shield wear

The dri ver shields his eyes from dust by looking throu gh th e vis or on his
2 The fuel guy the 40 kg fuel hose to th e car by
_ _ _ _ _ _ it on his shoulders .
3 Th e wh eel jac k guys the whol e car by jacks
und er th e front and rear.
4 Th e wh eel guys th e new tyres warm by _
th em with elect ric blankets.
5 The mechanics themselves from fire by fire
suits .
6 Th e d river the fuel flap on his ca r by a
button in the cockpit.

Chief Engineer

Maintenance Manager


5 Des crib e th e organisatio n in this dep artment. Use the words in the box.
manage report to supervise work for

Review Unit A • 17
6 Complete thi s job des cr iption with the words in th e box.
check have inspect make maintain order repair report supervise woc


The Chief Mechanic is responsible for maintaining all the mechan ical equipment on the oil rig. He or she
( I) repairs the diesel gener ators, and (2) every machine on the rig. He/She
(3) all the equipment daily, and (4) sure that all machines are in good
working order. He/She (5) broken equipment and (6) replacement parts and
new tools. Most of the time he/she (7) outside or on deck . The Chief Mechanic
(8) to the rig Maintenance Manager, and (9) a small crew of two assistant
mechanics and two motormen. He/She normally (10) a two weeks on/two week s off schedule.

7 Work in pairs, A and B. Have a phone conversation to arrange a meeti ng with

each other.
Use different structures and ve r bs: I'm attending .. .jl 'm going to.. .jl'm planning
to ...
A's plans for next week B's plans for next week

• ••
MONpm - arrange visit of customers to site
•• • ••••• •
MON am - attend project meeting
rUEam - go to computer training course rUEpm - run training cours e for staff
WEDpm - showcustomersaroundsite WEDam - inspect damagedwarehouse
THU am - meet new s ta ff THU am - visittrade fair

A: Are yo u free on Monday morning?

B: No, I'm sorry I'm not. I'm attending a project meeting. How about Monday

8 Practise yo ur speed reading. Look for th e informati on you need on th e SPEED

SEARCH pages (118-119). Try to be the first to complete the task.
Task: Find this advice about job interviews :
• one th ing yo u should do before your int erview
• one thing yo u should do at your int erview
• on e thing yo u s ho uld not do at your int erview

9 Complete this part of a job interview.

• Where (I) ? (yo u / wo rk)
o I work at Centra l Telecoms. I'm a techn ician there.
• How long (2) there? (you / be)
o (3) there for two years. (1 / be)
• And whe re (4) before that? (you / work)
o Before that (5) a jun ior technician at Mob ileForce. (1 / be)
• Why (6) MobileForce? (yo u / leave)
o Because (7) to work in a bigger co mpa ny. (1 / want)
• (8) yo ur part-time diploma? (you / finish)
o Yes, I have.
• When (9) it? (yo u / complete )
o Last July.

18 Review UnitA
10 Identify the device s fro m thei r de script ions.
I This devic e sells rail or bus tickets to travellers . Th e traveller ac tivates it
by touching the screen.
2 This d evice so und s an ala rm when an intruder enters a building. The
burglar act ivates it by int errupting a las er beam .
3 Thi s machine is locate d on th e rear of a motorb oat . Th e sailor starts it by
pulling a han dl e. The h andle is att ac he d to a cord (or ca ble) .
4 This device makes a mo torb ike go faster. You ac tiva te it by tw isting the
handle on the hand lebars .
11 Correc t the mista kes in thes e sentences.
1 My b rot her is a mechanism. He stud ied mechanical at technique college.
2 We need to find a good elec tricity to repair the elec trician wires in the
h ouse.
3 I'm a computer te chnical. How can I help yo u?
4 I'm studyin g for a d iploma in elec tro nic. I want to be an elec tron engineer.
12 Rewri te this em a il. Replace words/ ph rases in italics with ones from this list.
Make any ne cessary ch anges to punctuation.
best w ishes; th is is to let yo u know ; I'd be gra teful if yo u would; w ith reference to

6 0 6 In C)

Hi John

Concerning our phone ca ll this morning, this is to inlorm you that I have
now writte n the repo rt.

Could you please let me know how many copies you need.



Project 13 Start wo rk on a full ve rs ion of your ow n Cv.

• Refer to the Eur opass template on th e Web. (Key Europa ss CV int o a sear ch
eng ine) .
• Write a first draft. Remem ber to update it wh en your information changes .
Note: if you h ave not ye t worked in a full-time job, wr ite about p art-time or
holiday jobs in th e Work Experienc e section of the cv.
14 Res earch a jo b yo u are int erested in.
• Collect interesting job ad verts . Make a list of the skills you will need .
• Find out more about the job.
• Find out a bo ut some comp an ies that yo u a re int erested in.
• Write a descri pt ion of the job yo u want.
• Put all the information you have collected into a special fold er.

Review Unit A • 19
1 Limits

Start here 1 What do these road signs tell yo u?

Listening 2 A custom er wants to d rive her car onto a car ferry. Listen to her
ph on e conve rsatio n with t he sales staff of the ferry company. Comp lete the
approximate s pecifications of th e c us tomer 's vehicle on the left.
3 Listen again an d complete th e conversation.
• How ( !) ?
o It's just und er (2) me tres wide .
• OK, t hat's fine. The ve hicle mus t not be (3) 2 metres .

o Great.
• (4) ?
o It's exactly (5) me tres long.
• Plea se measure it again carefully. ft must not be (6) 7 metres .
o OK, I'll d o that a nd ge t bac k to yo u.
• (7) ?
o It' s just ove r (8) metres high, incl udin g the bicycles .
• Mm, that's too high. The vehicle must not be (9) _
2.9 met res .
o OK, I'll take the bike s off.

Readin g 4 Read the Sup er Fe rries web page. Whic h ve hicles on th e left can boa rd the
ferry? What a re th e vehicl e type s (large car, standard car, etc.)?


is a cars-on ly Vehicles must not be heavie r than 3.5 tonn es. Th ey must not be wide r than 2.0 m , longer
- 7.6 m-
service: we than 7.0 or high e r than 2.9 m .

do not take STANDARD CAR : A 'standa rd car' must not be longer tha n 5,0 m . wider than 2.0 m or
& t
coaches o r
highe r than 1.85 m. It must ca rry a maximum of five passe ngers . If it carries me re than five
...-....- !>.9 m persons, it becomes a 'large car' .

- -
e' !
7m - -
lorrie s . LARGE CAR: A 'la rge car' must not be longer than 7.0 m, wider than 2.0 m or higher than
2.9 m . It must ca rry no more than nine passe ngers .
-'-'-- - -- --
HIGH CAR : A 'high car' must not be higher than 2.9 m , longer tha n 5.0 m or wider tha n 2.0
m. It must carry a maximum of five pas seng er s. This vehicle type allows passen gers to put
extra luggage on the roo f of thei r cars , within Ihe limits.

'- 5 m- - CAR ANDTAAILER : A ca r and trailer mus t not be lon ger than 7.0 m . highe r than 2.9 m or
wide r tha n 2.0 m . It must carry no more than nine pas senge rs over the age of three .

20 • Comparison
La nguage The comparative form of single-syllable ad jectives ends in -er, e.g. lo nger, w ider.
Two-syllable adjectives ending in -y a lso end in -er, e.g. noisy noisier.
Notice the spelling changes: big bigger; wide wider; easy easier.
than is used aft er th e comparative a djective, e.g. The van is higher than the car.
Irregula r comparatives: better, worse , farther/fu rther, more and less.
mo re + adjective is used with ad jectives of more than on e syllable, e.g. more
expensive. less is used with all types of a djective, e.g. less cheap, less expensive.
If something is the wrong dimens ion for some thing, or above a limit , you ca n say:
The lo rry is too wide for the bridge . The bri dge is not wide eno ugh for the lorry

5 Explain th e probl em .
The bridge is 2. 7 metres high, but the lorry is 2.9 metres high. The lorry is too
high for the bridge.
1 height o f brid ge: 2.7 m; height of lorry: 2.9 m
2 width of ship: 12.2 m; width of ca nal: 11.5 m
3 length of p lane : 19.3 m; length of hangar: 18.8 m
4 d iam eter of CD: 12.2 em ; width of box: 11.3 e m
5 thickness of coin: 3 mm ; wid th of sl ot : 2.88 mm
6 length of screw: 5.5 em; length of hole: 4.35 em

Task 6 Work in pairs . Read the text , then discuss the invention. Do yo u thin k people
will b uy it? Give yo ur reasons . Make not es of yo ur discu ssion .
• compare it with (a) a n ormal ca r a nd (b) a small a ircraft
• list (a) its strengths and (b) its weaknesses


plane You can park it in your garage, drive it to your of fuel. The tan k holds 76 iitres of super-unleaded
nearest airfield, fly it to your destination, land it, petrol. In car mode, it can go 17 km per litre of
then drive off the runway, along a road to your fuel, and can travel at normal car cruising sp eeds,
workplace. In the air, it has a wingspan of 8.4 m, but it has only two seats and no space for luggage.
a length of 5.7 m and a height of 2 m. It can fly The cost of the road-ready piane is approximately
at a spe ed of 185 kph for 740 km on a single tank £75,000.

Writing 7 Work ind ivid ually, _lSI _l: _Ill... , J2 L :!... t.<.:t:::.... q,, - 10_ _

Rep ly to this
e mail from your Hi Bob
company d ire ct or. What do you think about the road -ready plane? Could you put a
Use the not es from few ideas in an email to me? Perhaps you can use these headings:
your dis cussion . 1 What it can do. 6 Main weaknesses.
2 What it can't do. 7 Recommendation (that is,
3 Comparison with small plane. should we buy one for our
4 Comparison with car. company executives?)
5 Main strengths.
Thanks. Tom .

Compari son II 21
2 Products

Sta rt here 1 Which features are most imp or tant to yo u in a mobile ph on e? List th em in
order of importan ce. Compare your list with your partner's .
Here are some examples: size of phone , screen size, siz e of keys, talking time ,
recharging time, storage capacity, weight, video, music, organised address book .
Thi nk of other features .

Listening 2 ...1101 Listen and co mplet e the deta ils in the customer call record .

complained about fault in ePhone

cancelled order for classic e Phone

requested service assistance

reque sted eP hone catalogue

requested information about ePhones

placed order for classic ePhone

3 Listen again and complete the sentences.

1 Sorr y, yo u repeat th at , please? (p hone ca ll 1)
2 I have your nam e, please? (phone ca ll 2)
3 like to cancel an order, please. (phone call 3)
4 yo u think yo u tell me the model nu mber, please?
(p hone call 3)
5 [ like so me inform atio n about th e ePhon e, please. (p hone call 4)
6 yo u like me send yo u a spe cificatio n tab le? (Phone call 4)
7 I put yo u thro ugh to the service de partment? (Pho ne call 5)
8 yo u mind me wh at th e pro blem is? (Pho ne call 6)
4 Match the sentences from 3 with these langua ge functions.
a) saying what yo u wa nt
b) offering to do som ething
c) asking someone to do something
d) chec king information

Speaking 5 Work in pairs. Roleplay pho ne co nversations between customer and s ervice
staff. Practise the six dialogues. Use the customer call record in 2.
Stu dy th e Aud io script on page 121 befo re yo u begin.

22 D Comparison
6 Look at the cha rt and c omp lete this phone conversation .
Comparison between two ePhones
Classic I Fonarama

Dimensions 115 x 61 x11.6mm i 96 x 52 x 9.7 mm

Weight 135 g 94 g
Screen size 188.9 mm (diagonal) 72 mm (diagonal)
Capacity 8GB, 12 GB 8GB, 12GB, 16GB
Battery 116 hours 24 hours
Charging time 13.5 hours , 3 hours

A: What 's the difference between the Classic and the Fonarama el'hones ?
B: Well, the Fonarama is much (1) than the Classic. It's only 9.7 mm
A: I see. And what about the weight?
B: The Fonarama is much (2) th an the Classic. It weighs on ly 94 g.
A: OK, and what about the screen size?
B: The screen of the Fonarama is much (3) . It' s only 72 mm across .
A: I prefer a (4) screen size. I want to watch movies on it. I'll order the
B: Certainly. Which one would you like? The 8 GB one or the 12 GB one?
A: The 12GB one, please.
7 Practise the conve rsation. Add more informatio n from the c hart.
a Which word does one refer to in this dialogue?
A: I'd like to buy an MP3 player, please.
B: Which on e would you like? Do you want the wh ite one or the black one?
A: The black one, please.

Language one is used when someone has already mentioned a thing, there is a choice
between two or more types of the thing, and you don't want to repeat the name
of the thing.
A: Please pass me a spanner.
B: Which one do you wan t? The long one or the sho rt one?
Speaker B wants to mention two types of spanner, but does no t want to repeat
the word spanner.

Speak ing 9 The word one is missing from four places in this dialogue. Mark the places.
A: Hello, I'd like to buy a portable rad io, please.
B: Certainly. We have two co lours , red or b lack. And there are two models.
There's with rechargeable batteries , and there's wit h normal batteries.
Which would you like?
A: I'd like the red with the rechargeable batteries, please.
10 a/". Listen and check your answers.
11 Practise the corrected dialogue with your partner. Use th es e notes .
Portable radio
model: with rechargeable or normal batteries / colour: red or black

Comparison II 23
3 Equipment

Start here 1 Work in small gro ups. Discuss these questions about each world record .
• Is it still a wo rld record? If not , what is the new record?
• If it is still a record, how long will it last? Why?
1 Th e fastest men in the wor ld ar e Powell and Gatlin. They ran 100 m in 9.77
2 Th e world's tallest building is the Taipei 101 (Taiwan) , at 509.2 m.
3 Th e wo rld's smallest transistor is only 18 nanometres long.
4 The longest stay in space was 437 days by Valeri Polyakov.

Reading 2 Jeff and Bob work in a company that provides motorboats for hire to tourists.
Read their email co rres po ndence and answer the questions.

In. 0-1
6 0 0
s 7 , d'
_ Repl>, Reply AlI---.!o,...,. rd Sew :" '::
ill>:",:" '=-':":"':"
0.. From I
To: Chief Engineer aJ,
From : Manager, Motorboat Fleet
Subject: Tender for purc hase of new outboard engi nes

Je ff
As you know, we 're going to rep lace all our outboa rd eng ines . Cou ld you please test five eng ines from
different suppliers? Let me know the cheapest and the best performance. :",1
T hanks. Bob. "
6 0 0 rn C)

'C' {2' Z ri ,..... 0.' F'Om

Delele All __ M'..
" S•• rch

To : Manager, Motorboat Fleet Ill,

From : Chief Enginee r
Subjec t : Re: Tende r for purch ase of new outboard engines
Hi Bob I
Thanks for you r email. I can confirm that we 've finished the tests on the five eng ines. I'm attachi ng specs
and test results. I'll send you a full repo rt in a co uple of days.

1 What is the purpose of (a) the first e mail (b) the s econd email?
2 In the first ema il, what does Bob (a) remind Jeff about (b) want Jeff to do?
3 In the second e ma il, (a) what new information does Jeff tell Bob (b) what
does Jeff promise to d o?

Scanning 3 Practise yo ur s peed reading. Look for the information you need on the SPEED
SEARCH pages (118-119), Try to be the first to complete the task.
Task: Und erline the correct answe rs below.
1 Engine A has a (shorter/longer) shaft than Engine B.
2 Th e heaviest engine is Engine (A/B/C/D/E),
3 Engin e D is the (cheapest/most exp ensive) engine,
4 Engin e C is (as powerful as/more powerful than/less powerful than) Engine E,
Test r esu lts
1 Th e (fastest/slowest) engine was Engine C.
2 Th e (most rapid/least rapid) accelera tion from 0-40 km /h was Engine C.
3 The (quietest/nois iest) engine was Engine B.
4 The engine with the lowest fuel cons umption was Engine (A/B/C/D/E).

24 II Comparison
Language To change the comparative into the superlative form, change -er to -est, more to
most and less to least , e.g. longest, widest, biggest, noisiest, most expensive, least
the is used in front of the superlative, e.g. the fastest car in the world.
There are five irregular superlatives: best, worst, farthest/furthest, most and least.

Speaking 4 Make comparisons. Think of as many differences as possible. Think of some

more groups and make comparisons.
1 Zinedine Zidane / Wayne Rooney / Cristiano Ronaldo
2 Mount Everest / North Face of the Eiger / Aconcagua
3 coal-fired power / nuclear power / wind power
4 diesel /petrol /LPG
5 Work in pairs. Write down three items or products you know about. Compare
them and make notes .

Task 6 Work in small groups. Have a meeting to discuss this problem and agree on
the best solution.
You and the other members of your group work on an oil rig in a desert. The
Q - - cab rig is about 130 km from the nearest town. The town has a small airport.
There is no road between the town and the rig, and an aircraft cannot land at
the rig. Between the town and the rig the land is sandy and rocky, with some
hills. Your team needs to transport small teams of three to eight engineers
and to tow a trailer with heavy drilling equipment between the airport and the
rig. Your team wants to buy a 4x4 with the following features:
• long wheelbase • large fuel tank
• high clearance • towing power (able to pull other
4 x 4 = fourwheel drive
• powerful engine vehicles)
say: four by four • space for up to 8 passengers • high cab (to allow driver to see easily)
• low fuel consumption • low price
Student A: your information is on page 111.
Student B: your information is on page 113.
Student C: your information is on page 115.
Student D: your information is on page 117.

Writing 7 Work Individually, Write a short report on your meeting. Give your group's
decision and the reasons for the decision. Use these headings.

Int roduct ion

Our team helda meeting yesterday to choose
2 Comparison offour vehicles
We compared the specifications of the fourvehicles:
1.1. The Toyota Land Cruiser has the iongest wheeibase. it is 2850 mm inlength.

3 Decision
We decided to buythe because...

Compar ison II 25
1 Infrastructure

Start here 1 What is this? What do es it do ? How MB471/316 Tunne l Drill Spe cifi cat io ns
does it work? Discuss with yo ur partner.

Li s t en in g 2 12;>lfW List en an d co mplete the Diameter

specifications chart. Speed
Manpower needed
Reading 3 Read this ar t icle and put thes e Cost
headings in th e corre ct place.
Co llecting th e rocks Cont ro lling the movement Moving the cutter
Cutting the rock surface Stre ngthe ning th e roof Sup plying the electricity

THE MB471 -316 TUNNEL DRILL - one of the largest hard-rock drills in the world
The face of th e cutter has 85 teeth. Each tooth is 60 cm long. Fifteen e lec t ric mot ors s upply the ma ch ine with 6,375
The cutt er fa ce rotates a bo ut seven times a minute. When ho rse power. The power is co nnected to the cutters by
it rotates , th e teeth cu t large circles into th e surface of th e means of a 13,80o-volt cable.
roc k. 5
2 Th ere a re tw o d rills att ach ed to steel ar ms. These are
Pieces of ro ck fall to the ground. They are coll ected by located immediately behind the cu tt ers. Whe n th e mac hi ne
larg e scoops . Th ey a re th e n d ro pped into chutes . When t he moves forward s, holes a re d rille d int o the roof of th e
cutter face ro ta tes up war ds . the ro cks fall on to co nveyo r tunne l. Then t he holes are filled with bolts and ce me nt. Thi s
belts. Th ey a re then ca rried to th e rea r of the machine. stren gthens th e ro of.
3 6
Hydraulic cylinders p ush the body of the cutter slowly The machine op erator sits in a ca bin at the heart of th e
forwards . As it mo ves forwa rds , steel s hoes move ou twa rd s ma chine . He re he /s he co ntro ls its speed and direction.
and grip t he tunne l walls . At th e sa me t ime , two legs push Video cameras mo nit or the cutt er and th e tunnel.
down and li ft th e machine off t he floo r.

Vocabulary 4 Make a list of all the nam es of parts of the body and clothing in the text in 3.
5 List othe r technical contexts wher e the item s in 4 are us ed .
Example: 'teeth ' are also fou nd on gears.

26 a Pro cesses
Language In an ac tive sentence, the s ubject = the agent. The subj ect does th e action.

SUbject = agent Active verb I Object

Hydraulic cylinders push I the cutter.
Large scoops collect I the rocks.

In a passive senten ce, the s ubjec t is NOT the same as the agent. The subject
does not do the ac tion. The age nt does the action to th e subject.

Passive verb
Subject Agent
'b e Past participle
The cutter is pushed I by hydrauliccylinders.
The rocks are I collected I by large scoops.

6 Cha nge this set of ins tru ct ions int o a des cription of a p ro ces s, usin g the
passive and the wo rds in th e box.

finally first next now then

How to 1 Run the engine for a few minutes. 5 Put the oil drain plug on

change the 2 Switch off the engine.

3 Take off the oil drain plug.
6 Take off the oil filler cap.
7 Pour in the new oil.
oil in a car
4 Empty the old oil into a container. 8 Put the oil filler cap back on.

- Begin: First the engine is run for a few minutes. Then it is switched off Now
the ...
7 Make a set of instructi ons a bo ut a process you know ab out. Th en rewrite it as
a process d escription in th e passive.
Examples of pro cesses: food manufacture, steel making, cann ing, assembling
comp uter components, manufacturing a CD, dairy processing.
8 Fill in the ga ps , using the co rrect form of t he verbs in bra ckets.
1 Large drills (make) holes in th e roof o f th e t unne l. Then the
hol es (fill) with bolts and c em en t.
2 A large propeller (pus h) the hoverc raft forwards. The
propeller (d rive) by a p ow erful engine .
3 Hot water (flow) fro m the engine int o th e radiato r. Here it
_ _ _ _ _ (co ol) by the fan.
4 Th e robot (monitor) by a computer. This compute r also
_ _ _ _ __ (contro l) a ll the other robots in th e building.
S First, th e rusty mac hine parts (bring) into th e fact ory.
Th en they (clea n). Th en th e rust (remove) .
Next the parts (pa int) . Finally, they (ta ke)
out of th e fact ory aga in.
9 Make a list of headings for the main stages of a process yo u know about. Make
each heading begin with a verb ending in -i ng, like th e on es in 3.
Example: Moulding and shap ing steel - I Melting the steel; 2 Casting;
3 Cooling; 4 Rolling the steel; 5 Straightening; 6 Cutting.
10 Give a s hort talk to the cla ss expla ining yo ur process . Use your he ad ings .

Processes . . 27
2 Manufacturing

Start here 1 What do you know about cars? Discuss with a partner the location and
function of these parts: body, chassis, drive shaft, axle, transmission.
2 The photos show the main stages in assembling a car, but they are in the
wrong order. Write the figure numbers in the correct boxes in the flow chart.

_ _ __ ,-_ .__ '-
:If=ig. 5 r Fi9. 6

_. --

A B c

the parts

3 Make captions for the six photos with the verbs and nouns in the box. Use
verbs ending in -ing.

add attach install paint lest weld body chassis finished car parts

Example: Fig 6. Welding the body panels to the body frame.

28 II Processes
Reading 4 Read this web site of a ca r company and chec k your ans wers to 2 and 3.
e 0
..... e + Q
en »

Assembling a car
First, the parts are delivered by truck or rail to the delivery Meanwhile, in the chassis line, components are added
area of the car assembly plant. From here, some parts are to the chassis. First, the chassis is turned upside down,
taken to the body shop, and other parts are transported to to make the work easier. Then the fuel system, the
the chassis line. The parts are carried around the plant by transmission, the suspension, the exhaust system, the
forklifttrucks or conveyor belts. axles and the drive shaft are all installed. Next the chassis
In the body shop, the panels are welded to the frame to is turned over (rightside up). The engine is lowered into the
form the body of the car. This is done by more than 400 chassis and connected to it.
robots. Now the chassis and the body move simultaneously to the
Then the body is taken to the paint shop. Here it is final assembly line. Here the body is attached to the chassis,
cleaned and painted by robots. Special clothing is worn by and all the tinal parts are added. The tyres and the radiator
the robots to protect the paint. After this, the body is checked are added here.The hoses are connected, and the radiator
by human workers to look for faults. and air conditioner are tilled with fluid.The car's central
Next, the painted body moves along a conveyor belt to the computer is also installed here.
trim line and many parts are added to it. For example, the Lastly, the finished car and all electrical systems are
instrument panel, the air conditioning system, the heating tested. The car is tilledwith fuel and the engine is started
system and the electrical wiring are all installed here. The for the first time. The car is put on special rollers to test the
windscreen is inserted by robots using laser guides. engine and the wheels. It it passes the test, the car is finally
driven out of the assembly plant.

Language to + verb is used to talk o r write a bout th e purpose of an action .

Why do you paint the car body ? To protect it from rust.
The car body is painted to protect it from rust.

Speak ing 5 Match acti on s with th eir pur poses . Refer to the text in 4.
action purpose of action
worker s weld thin metal s heets a) to che ck th e movem ent of th e
to a frame wh eels
2 th ey turn th e cha ssis upside down b) to make th e car bod y
3 the robots wear s pecial clothes c) to inspect it for faults in the paint
4 they turn the ch assi s rightside up d) to protect th e wet paint from d ust
5 workers put th e finished car on e) to ins ta ll th e fuel sys tem ea sily
ro llers
6 workers check th e ca r body by f) to lower the engi ne into it
han d
6 In pairs , ask and answ er th e qu estions in 5. Use the passive form in the
q uestion.
A : Why are thin metal sheets welded to a frame?
B: To make the car body.
7 As k questions to get th es e answe rs. Refer to th e text in 4.
I Th ey're delivered by truc k or rail.
2 They're welded togeth er in the bod y s hop.
3 They're carried by fo rklift trucks or conveyor belt s .
4 To look for faults in th e paint.
5 It's done by human worker s .
6 It's done using las er guides .

Processes II 29
3 Communications

here 1. oc 'Iou Imow COffiffiunlcatlons sa'te\\I'tes1IJo 'thl" "''lIe '>ll'th "':i0Uf

partner. All the numbers are approximate.
1 How high are communications satellites above the Earth?
a) 15,000 km b) 25,000 km c) 35,000 km d) 45,000 km
2 How last do these satellites travel around the Earth?
a) 7000 kmjh b) 11,000 kmj h c) 15,000 kmj h d) 21,000 krn /h
3 What frequency are signals from a communications satellite to your
satellite dish?
a) 12 GHz b) 1 GHz c) 500 ,000 MHz d) 5000 MHz
4 What frequency are the signals from your satellite dish to your TV?
a) 150 MHz b) 1500 MHz c) 15,000 MHz d) 150,000 MHz

Scanning 2 Practise your speed reading. Look for the infor m ation you need on the SPEED
SEARCH pages (1 18-119). Try to be the first to complete this task.
Task: Check your answers to the quiz in 1.

Reading 3 Read this instruction leaflet and label the diagram with the words in the box.

computer dish DTV card feed horn satellite TV TV station

How to receive satellite r

digital video broadcasts
Equipment needed
You witl need a computer with a DTV (digital TV) card.
TranSmiltin g/
s This is connected by cable to a satellite dish, which r
i r
should be between 60 cm and 1.8 m in diameter.
The dish must have a feed horn. This converts high-
frequency signals to low-frequency ones.
10 How it works
There is a communications satellite in orbit high above c
the Earth.TV programmes are transmitted from TV
stations up to the satellite, which then sends the signals c
down to Earth. These signals have a high frequency of
several GHz.
Your dish receives the high-frequency signals and r
reflects them to the feed horn, which then converts the
signal into a lower frequency. c
7 20
The feed horn is connected via a cable to the DTV card,
which processes the signal. It extracts the video and c
audio, and plays them via the PC monitor and speakers.
4 What does w h ich r efer to in the text?
via = by means of 1 line 5 a) the cable b) the satellite dish
2 line 13 a) the satellite b) the TV stations
3 line 17 a) the frequency b) t he feed horn
4 line 20 a) the DTV card b) t he feed horn

30 II Processes
Language I the satellite. The sate llite I
Signals are transmitted to I I then sends the signa ls to Earth .
the satellite, which

Adel. Adel
John reports to I is the training manager.
Adel, who

5 Join these pairs of sentences. Use who or which.

1 My com puter has a DTV card. This is co nnected by cable to my satellite
2 If your DTV card doesn't work, contact our technician. He will repair it .
3 The dish reflects the signal to the feed h orn. This converts the sig nal to a
lower frequency.
4 Please send any complaints to our customer serv ice manager. She will
then contact you.
5 The radio station sends signals to the satellite. Th is then transmits the
sig na ls to my dish.
6 My DTV card extracts the audio and video. These are then displayed on
my PC monitor.
Example: I My computer has a DTV card, which is connected by cable to my
satellite dish.

Vocabulary 6 Match words with the same or similar meaning.

transmit receive convert I get send take out
extract display operate change work show

7 Complete the sentences. Notice the hyphens Co).

1 The signal has a high frequency. It's a high-frequency signal.
2 This pump uses high pressure. It's a pump.
3 The fuse breaks at 13 amps. It's a 13 -amp fuse. (Note: amps -7 amp)
4 The cable carries 13,800 volts. It's a cable.
5 My satelli te dish is 1.8 metres wide. It's a dish.

Speaking 8 Draw a simple diagram and make notes abo ut a setup yo u know about. If you
prefer, use th is satellite dish setup and make no tes about the diagram .

9 Describe the setup and explain to the class how it works.

Processes D 31
Review Unit B
1 Choose two of these cars and make comparisons between them.

i -- - - 409 1 :---- - 4635- - - -1

Car 1: the Audl IT 2.0T FSI Car 2: the BMW Z4 2.Oi SE Roadster Car 3: the Saab 93 convertible 1.8t 150bhp

Fuel tank capacity SS L Fuel tank capacity 55 L Fuel tank capacity 62 L

Engine size 1,984 cc Engine size 1,998 cc Engine size 1,998 cc
Top speed 149 mph Top speed 137 mph Top speed 127 mph
Acceleration o to 62 mph: 6.6 sec. Acceleration o to 62 mph: 8.2 sec. Acceleration o to 60 mph: 11.0 sec.
Fuel consumption 36.7 mpg Fuel consumption 37.7 mpg Fuel consumption 37.2 mpg
C02 emission 183 g/km C02 emission 181 g1km C02 emission 233 g/km

2 Compare all three ca rs. Say which on e yo u like best, and wh y.

3 Complete th e text.
Which is the be tter fuel for a car? Is it pe tro l or d iesel? Petrol is (I ) more
common (common) because it ma kes a ca r go (2) fas ter (fast) th an dies el. It's
also mu ch (3) less noisy (no isy) th an dies el. Diesel usually costs less th an
petro l, and you can travel for more kilometres pe r litre, be ca use d iesel has
a bout 10% mo re en ergy per litre th an petrol. But diesel engines are
(4) (n oisy) and (5) (heavy) than petrol
o nes, altho ugh th ey last lon ger. From an enviro nme ntal point of view, d ies el
o il is (6) (good) than petrol, because the exhaust from
d iesel engine s produces less pollution . It's also (7) (safe).
Becaus e diesel is (8) (combustible) th an petrol , it's less
likely to catc h fire in an acciden t.
A newer fue l, LPG (Liq uid Petrol eum Gas) , makes cars go as fast as petrol,
but pro du ces less ene rgy per litre. However, LPG is becoming very popular
in so me countries becau s e it's th e (9) (h arm ful) to th e
enviro nme nt co mpared with diesel or petrol. Of the three types of fuel (LPG,
pet rol and diesel), cars th at use LPG emit th e (10) (s mall)
amount of pollution from th eir exhaust. LPG is also the (I I) _
(cle an) fuel wh en yo u're filling th e car, becaus e th e gas is complete ly s ealed.
There are two more strengt hs of LPG: it's the (12) _
(q uiet) fuel, and the (13) (ex pe nsive) of th e three. LPG
engines are about the same weight as pe trol ones , but th ey're much
( 14) (d urable) .

32 • Review Unit B

4 Match th e s ente nces with th eir language functions .

Sentence Language function
1 I'm s orr y a bout the delay. a) sayin g what you wan t
2 Sorry. co uld yo u repeat yo ur b) offering to do som et hing
s urname, please? c) chec king what som eo ne said
3 Is that B-E-N or B-E-N-N? d) asking some one to do s omething
4 Would you min d sending me e) checking how to spell s omething
the invoice today? f) a pologising for doing s omet hing
5 I'd like to s peak to the man ager,
pleas e.
6 Would yo u like me to send you
a broch ure?
5 Comp lete th e phone conversation. Add capita l lett ers wh ere necessary. You
do n't need all the wo rds in th e box .

I'll I'd do did will shall would could

• MobileExpress. This is Customer Service, Robert speak ing. How can / help
o Hello. (1) like som e infor ma tio n a bo ut yo ur new mobil e ph on e,
• Certainly. (2) you like me to send you a brochure?
o Yes, please. Do yo u th ink you (3) send it by ema il?
• Of course. (4) / send it as a Word attachm ent?
o Yes, th at's fine.
• Good. So (5) / have yo ur ema il address, please?
o Yes, it's [email protected]
• Sorry, (6) yo u say db /3?
o No, db30.
• Thanks. And how (T) yo u spell eas iso ft?
o E-A-5-I-S-0-F-T.
• Right. (8) send it today.
6 The word one is miss ing from s ix places in this dialogue. Mark th e places .
• Hello, I'd like to buy an external hard drive, please.
o Certainly. We have two types. There's with a ca ble, and there's a wire less .
And there are two types of cable. There's with a USB co nnec t ion, and
the re 's with FireWire connec tion. Which would yo u like?
• I'd like the with the USB cable connection, plea se.
7 Mat ch th es e descripti ons of a 4 x 4 vehicle .
it has a lo ng whee lbase a) it can drive a long way on one tank of
pe trol
2 it has low fue l cons umption b) it ca n pull another vehi cle or tr ailer
ea s ily
3 it has high cleara nce c) th e petrol tank is very big
4 it has st ron g to wing power d) th e drive sha ft is long
5 it has large fuel ca pa city e) th e d river ca n see clearly all aro und
6 it has good driver visi bility f) th ere's a lot of space between the
grou nd and the ch assis

Review Unit B • 33
8 Change thes e instructions int o a d escription of a proc es s , using the pas sive .

How to clean a spark plug

1 Take off the spark plug cover.
2 Loos en the spark plug with a s pecial wrench.
3 Rem ove the s park plug from the socket. .
4 Clean the spark plug using a wire brush.
5 Re place the spark plug in the socket.
6 Tighte n the spark plug using the wre nch.
7 Put the cover back on the spark plug .
Begin: First of all, the spark plug cover is taken off.
Then the spark plug is .. .

9 Change the second paragraph into a set o f instructions , using imperatives .

You can make your own radio us ing a few simple components:
two length s of wire (one 3 m long, and the other 6 m lon g) , a
metal rod, earphones and a detecto r. Th is is how to do it.
First, the rod is hamm ered into th e gro und . Then th e
insulation is stri ppe d off th e end of the 3-metre wire. The
wire is twisted aro und the rod ten times to make a good
connection. This is the earth wire. Next, the detector is
earth wire att ac hed to th e ot her end of the earth wire. The 6-metre wire
is now taken and one end is connected to the other end of the
detector. (This wire is your antenna. ) The antenna is hung
from a tree (making su re that the bare end does no t to uch
the earth). The two wires from the ea rpho nes are connec te d
to each end of the detector. Finally, the earphones are put on.
detecto r (
Now yo u can hear the radio s tation (if yo u are ve ry close to
the trans mitter!) .

Begin: I Hammer the rod into the ground.

2 Strip the insul ation off the end of the 3-metre wire.
10 Make a set of headings for a talk on t hese t o pi cs. Make each h eading begin
with a verb ending in -ing.
1 First, I'd like to t alk abou t h ow the com m u nicatio ns satellite is launched .
2 After that, I'll talk abo ut how the p rogram mes are transmitted to the
3 Then I'll look at h ow the d igit al signals are rece ived from t he satellite.
4 Next, I'll explain how yo u r satellite dish and d igital receiver are in stall ed.
5 Then I'll go o n to menti o n how your d ish is co n nected t o the di gital TV
6 The next t op ic is how high-freq uency s ignals a re converted to low-
freq uency ones.
7 And then I'll move o n to h ow t he video and audio are extracted from t h e
d igital s ignal.
8 Finally, I'll mention how the video and a udio a re played via the m onitor
a nd speakers.
Example: I Lau nch ing the commun icatio ns satellite

34 • Review Unit B
11 Com plet e these. Use hyphen s Co). Not e: Be careful with plur al nouns.
I Th e plan e is ready for the road. It's a road-ready plane.
2 Th e engine has a cycl e o f four st ro kes . It' s a 4-stroke engine .
3 Th e propelle r has three blades . It' s a propeller.
4 The cable is s ix metres lon g. It' s a ca ble.
5 Th is computer is activat ed when you us e your voi ce. It's a
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ co mpu ter.
6 Th at ticket ma chine starts when yo u tou ch the screen. It's a
___ _ _ _ _ _ _ tick et machine.
12 Ask and answer qu estions about a car assembly plant.
d eliver car parts a) method: tru ck or rail
b) destination : delivery area
2 carry pa rts a) destination : d ifferent parts of plant
b) method: forklift tru cks or conveyor belts
location = where something 3 weld panels to frame a) tocation: bo dy shop
destination = where
b) agent. 400 ro bots
something is goingto c) purpose: make the bod y of ca r
4 che ck the car body a) time: after painting
b) agent: human workers
c) purpose : look for faults in the pain t
5 ins ert windscreen a) destination : front of car bod y
b) agent: ro bo ts
c) me thod: las er guides
6 move chassis and a) destination: final assembly line
bod y s imultaneou sly b) purpose: attach body to chassis
I a) How are the car pa rts de livered? They 're delivered by truck or rail.
b) Where are they delivered? To the deli very area.
13 Write full senten ces us ing the passive.
Example: I The car parts are delive red to the delivery area by truck or rail.
14 Rewrite this set of instru ctions as a paragraph d es cribing a process. Use th e
passive form of the verbs.

Servicing a car battery

Open the bonne t of the car. Locate the battery.
Loosen the battery cables, using a wrench . Remove the battery cables from the posts.
Always remove the negative (or earth) cable first, then the positive.
Carefully lay the detached ends of the cables to one side.
Wipe away corrosion from the top of the battery, using baking soda and water.
If corrosion is very heavy, you can clean it from the posts using a wire brush.
Apply petroleum jelly to the inside of the terminals and the posts.
Reattach the cables . Close the car bonnet.

Begin: First the bonnet of the car is ope ned and the battery is located. Then ...
Project 15 Research an industry you a re interested in.
• Find ou t abou t an imp ortan t process in the industry.
• Draw a flow chart of the main stages in the proces s .
• Writ e a d es cription o f the pro cess.
• Exp lain the process to the class .

Review Unit B • 35

1 Uses

Start here 1 Think of some tool s or devi ces you use. Discuss why they are us eful with a

Reading 2 Read th es e advertis em ents and match th e o bjects with their des criptions .
1 Use the X-beam wrenc h for loosening tight and rusty old bolts
without hurting your hand. The ends are at ninety degrees to each
other, so you always grip a wide, flat surtace, not a narrow edge.

2 What do you do if your ca r battery goes flat in a storm, and you

don't have jump leads or roadside assistance? The Black &
Decker Simple Start allows you to start your car without getting
wet. It plugs into the 12-volt socket in your car, and it's designed to
restart your car in ten minutes.

3 This is designed to jump, dive, roll and move over and under water
at 30 mph using a 175-hp engine. Innespace Sea Breacher is a
two-seat, 5-metre long, underwater vehicle, shaped like a dolp hin.
It acts as a jetski and as a fast submarine.

4 Have you forgotten where you put your keys? Use this smart
device to find the m. Simp ly attach the electronic tag to your keys.
Then, if you can't find them later, switch on Loc8tor, and it will
point in the right direction - not only left or right, but up or down
too. It will show you where your keys are. At the same time, the
tag on your keys will emit a beeping sound.

Speaking 3 Discuss the ob jects in 2 with a partner. Wha t do yo u think of th em? Are th ey
us eful for you?

Listening 4 Listen to thes e inventors answering q ues tions about their inve ntions .
Identify the invention s.
a) Invention number _ _
b) Invention numb er _ _
c) Invention nu mb er _ _
5 List en again and co mplete the dialogues .
A: So, te ll me about yo ur inventio n. What's it for?
B: It's (I) _
A: OK. And wh at a bout this device. What's it used for?
B: It's (2) _
A: Tell me about t his invention. What can it be us ed for?
B: You (3) _

36 II Descriptions
Lang uage Present simp le What does the carburet/or do? It mixes air and petrol.

What 's this tool for? It's for hammering in naifs. What's this machine used
for + verb -ing
for? It's used for p roducing drinking water.
You use this machine to charge batteries. This device is designed to find
to + verb
lost objects.

ec t es « noun The fan of a hovercraft acts as a propeller.

Speaking 6 Work in pairs . Make questions and answe rs abou t th e uses of the devices in 2.
A: What s this device used for?
B: It s used for turning nuts and bolts without hurting your hand.
7 What do you think th ese devices are used for? Discuss them with your partner.

Vocabulary Many nouns end in -er or -or. These are often agent nouns. An agent noun sh ows
th e person or thing th at does an action, e.g. A calculator (n.) is a machine. It
calculates (vb.) su ms.
Not e thes e changes of s pe lling when yo u add -er/ior:
• double the final conson ant afte r a s ho rt vowel. Exampte: propel propeller
• delet e th e final -e. Example: receive receiver

8 Find th e agent nou ns for the verbs in the box. Use a dictio nary if necessary.
calculate conduct contain generate receive stabilise transmit

9 Fill in th e blanks. Use nou ns from th e list in 8.

1 The number pad on a co mp uter can be us ed as a _
2 Your body can act as a of elect ricity in a thund erstorm.
3 A car engine functions as a whe n it recharges th e battery.
4 The ant enna on a mobi le phon e ope rates as a and as a
_ _ _ _ _ _ of radio signals.

Tas k 10 Work in s mall groups . Choose one of these obj ects with your gro up.
a tin can, a belt , a brick, a tyre , a water pipe
• brainstor m as many unusual uses for th em as you can
• write down yo ur best ideas
• pres ent yo ur group's best idea s to th e class
Examples: A tin can - You can use it to store pencils. You can put flowers in it.
You can use it as a cup. Two or three cans together can act as a door bell, etc.

Descriptions II 37
2 Appearance

Start here 1 Do you know where these buildings are?

(Answers on page 115)

2 Choose one of the buildings. Don 't tell your partner which one. Describe its
ap peara nce. Can your partner identify it from your description?

Reading 3 Read these ne wspaper cutt ings . Match the descriptions with the buildings.

D building looks like a huge ship, an ocean liner, II The skyscraper is shaped like a giant sail. Th e sail is
sailing up th e river. One part _of the building is
standing on a short surfboard in the sea .
shaped like three hulls. The other part looks like the
decks and th e bridge.

This building is in three parts. In the centre there's
I!I The building looks like a TV transmitter. It has three a tall H-shaped building. On the left th ere's the top
spherical structures. The bottom two are connected pa rt of a dome. It looks like an upside-down plate.
by a structure which is shaped like a ladder. It On the right there's th e bottom part of a dome , like
looks like three onions on a ske wer! The foot of the a soup bowl.
building has legs , like a tripod.

II It's trian gular at the base, but thin an d rectangular

mIt consists of three L h
e -s aped structures, attached to

at th e top. It looks like a huge chisel, with an empty ach other. It looks like a square link in a chain.
s pace in the middle of the blade.

Language You can d es cribe the shape or appearance of something in these ways:
'. The building looks like a TV transmitter.
o The building is shaped like a dome. It's a dome-shaped building.
o The plan is in the s hape of an L. It's an L-shaped plan.
o The screen is in the shape of a circle. It's a circular screen.

4 Des cribe the build ings in th e photos in 2. Cover up the texts in 3.

38 II Descriptions
Voca bula ry 5 Match the no uns to the shapes.
circle cone cube cylinder hemis phere rectangle
semicircle sphe re square triangle

6 Write an adjective for each no un.

Example: cylinder - cylindrical
7 Un derline the stressed sy llable in each wo rd .
1 tri a ng Ie 3 eir cu lar S tri a ng u lar 7 rect a ng le
2 re ct ang u lar 4 cy lin der 6 ei rc Ie 8 cy lind ric al
8 a;.sitl Listen and check your answers to 7.
9 Unde rline the correct words .
1 A s ur fboard sail is ro ughly triangle/triangular in shape , with one c urved
sid e.
2 A food tin (or ca n) is basically a metal cylinder/cylindrical.
3 TVs and comp uters normally h ave rectangle/ rectangular screens .
4 Don 't cut that wood wit h the h and saw. It' s q uicker to us e the circle/
circular saw.
S My bass am p lifier is the new cube/cubic mod el. It's exactly 30 x 30 x 30 cm .
6 The Earth is not a perfe ct sphere/spherical. It is flatt er at the poles .
7 The s pacesh ip's re-entry caps ule is in the s hape of a cone/conical.
8 A p rotr actor is a semi-eircle/semi-eircular instr ument for measur ing angles.
10 Match t he nam es of the objects in the b ox wit h th eir pictures .
A-frame E-clip G-clamp G-clip T-junction U-bend U-bolt V-engine

Task 11 Work in pairs , A and B. Play twenty questions.

Student A: Think of an everyday object. It co uld be a vehicle , a tool, a
me asuring instrument or a useful device. Don 't tell yo ur partn er what it is.
Answer your partner's q ue stions .
Student B: Ask a maximum of 20 q uestions and try to guess Student F;s object.
You can't ask directly What is it? But you can ask question s like thes e:
• appearance: What does it look like? What colour is it? What shape is it?
• use: What); it for? What's it used for? What does it do ?
• materials: What's it made of?
• dimensions: How long is it? How wide is it?
• properties: Is it flexible? Is it water-resistant?
When yo u have finished , change ro les.

Descriptions II 39
3 Definitions

Sta rt here 1 Here are some ideas for devices that appeared on a TV programme for
inventors and entre pre ne urs. Which ideas do you think were s uccessful?
Discuss with a partner.
(Answers on pa ge 1l3)

• Are you a technical

• Do you have a good
idea for inventing and
j manufacturing a new
• Do you think you can sell
your device and make a
• Do you need money to
start your business?
Explain your idea to a tea m of rich business
experts - the Dragon s. Try to persuade them to
invest their mone y in your idea . He re a re some
ideas f rom previo us prog ram mes :
An elect ronic de vice fo r bo iling eggs
wit ho ut usin g wate r.
2 A boat a larm sys te m for find ing an MO B
(man ove rboard) .
3 A music we bsite for downloading and
mixi ng da nce music.
4 A seat belt a djuster for protecting ch ildre n
in car booster seat s.

Listening 2 The four inventors in I are making their op ening sta tem en ts . Listen
and complet e the sentences with w hich , who or that.
I My invention is an electronic device (I) ca n bo il eggs without
us ing water.
2 lifeGuard is an alarm system (2) can find someon e (3) _
has fallen off a boat.
3 This is a musi c website (4) allows you to download and mix
dance musi c.
4 It's a seat belt adjuste r (5) pro te cts childre n in car booster seats.

Language Defining relative clause

Wor d be Type
Pronoun Function
LifeGuard is an alarm system which can find an MOB.
MusicWorld is a website that downloads dance music.
Inventors I are I people who create new devices.

• which is used with th ings

• who is us ed with people
• that can replace wh ich or who

40 II Descriptions
Vocabulary 3 Fill in the blanks with the most suit able 'type' no un in the box.
device instrument system technician tool vehicle

[' A sorar panef'Is a/an . It co nverts sunlight into electricity.

2 The hovercraft is a/an . It carries people over land and sea.
3 A lab assistant is a/an . He or she mainta ins th e eq uip me nt in a
laborato ry.
4 A tor qu e wrench is a/an . It tightens nuts and bo lts .
5 GPS is a satellite . It gives th e locat ion of objects on the ground .
6 An ammeter is a/an . It measures elect ric current.
4 Combine each pair of senten ces in 3 into a s ingle senten ce in the form of a
de finitio n. Us e which , who or th a t.
Exam ple: 1 A solar panel is a device which converts sunlight into electricity.

Read ing 5 Read this advertise me nt and answe r the questi ons below.

This dig ital-sonar alarm system transmits a

signal to you r boat crew if you fall overboard
into the water. It consists of three devices: the
alarm pod, the hyd ro pho ne and the display.
The alarm pod is an egg-shaped device, worn by each crew
me mber, which tran smits a dig ital-sonar coded signal whe n it is
submerged in water.
The hydrophone ;s a trans ducer, attached to the inside of the
Alarm pods boat hull , that listens tor signals from the alarm pod .
The disp lay is a control unit, attached to the dashboard of the
boat, which shows informa tion from the hydrophone by means of
LEOs and digita l displa ys.
When the MO B (man overboard) hits the wat er, the ala rm pod
is submerged . The alarm pod has two pins . If the se pins are in
co ntact with wat er for one seco nd, and the co ntac t is co nstant
ac ross the two pins, the pod is activated. It the n sen ds a signal
under the water. This signa l is picked up by the hydrophone,
which relays it to the display.
Four thing s the n happen immediately:
Bright LEOs in the display show a visibie alarm.
Hydrophone Speakers on the boat sound an audible ala rm .
• The MO B's location is shown on the dis play via the internal
GPS system.
Red and gree n LEDs navigate the boat to the MOB 's location.

I Which devic e acts as (a) th e transmitter (b) th e rec eiver (c) th e co ntro ller?
2 Which device is fixed (a) ins ide th e hull (b) on the crew's bod y (c) on th e
3 Wha t happens if drops of ra in fall on the pins on th e alarm po d? Does th e
alarm sou nd? Why/Why not ?
Display 4 Does th e signal tr av el fro m the pod to the dis play uni t (a) d irectly (b) via
the hydrop hone (c) via GPS (sate llite)?
5 Which word in the text means (a) able to be seen (b) a ble to be heard?

Task 6 Work in sm all gro ups . Decide on an idea for a new invent ion. In a s ingle
sentence, give the definition of your device. Then , in a few sentences , ex plain
how it works .

Descriptions II 4t
• ,
1 Safety

Start here 1 Make a list of the ha zards (A-H) in this warehouse in note form .

Reading 2 Read this wa rehouse safety poster. Mat ch th e rul es to the hazards in 1.
Warehouse safety
1 Hand trucks mus t not be overloade d.
2 Aisles have to be kept free of all blockages .
3 Boxes need to be pushed in until they are level wit h th e ed ge of the shelf.
4 Gas cylinders must always be strapped or chaine d to hand trucks.
5 The forks of a forklift tru ck must never be used for carrying people.
6 Larger boxes sho uld no t be stacke d on higher sh elves .
7 Trucks must be pulled , not pu shed , up a ramp .
S Only one item s ho uld be re moved from a shelf at on e time.

Helmets -
musVshouldihave to/need to '
- -- - - - - -----;, be
Iworn here.
musVshould not I I taken off.

42 II Procedures
3 Where can you see these labels? What do they mean?

1 J

4 What could be inside containers with the labels ?

bottles of liquid fruit food glass hats electrical goods plants

5 Complete these explanations of the labels . Use the correct form of the modals
and the passive form of the verbs in brackets.
1 Th is item (need / han dl e) carefully.
It (m ust not / dro p or throw).
2 This item (need / carry) this way up.
It (m ust not / turn) upside down.
3 This item (s hould / keep) insid e the warehouse.
It (have / protect) fro m the rain.
4 This box (should / deliver) as soon as possib le.
It (m ust not / leave) for more than three days.
5 This box (have / freeze).
It (must no t / leave) outside the freezer.
Example: 1 This item needs to be handled caretully. 1t must not be .
6 Change the ins tructions in 5 into the active form.
Example: 1 You need to handle this item carefully. You mustn't ...

Tas k 7 Th ree safety procedures have become mixed up . Work in pairs, A and B.
Put all th e no tes together under the best h eadin gs in th e best order. Each
procedure h as eight steps.
Student A: turn to page 112 to find your set of notes.
Stu dent B: use the no tes below.



If you hear an alarm,remain Do not return to the building

unless you are authorised by Check the person's condition.
the fire department.

Do not stop to collect
If the person is breathing.
your belongings.
they should be placed in the
recovery position.
Remain near workroom
until Chemical Safety
staff arrives. The workroom must be
ep others out.
seCured to ke

Move at least 30 metres

from building.
Attend to any injured persons
if you can do 50 safely.
Ca\l112. ,........ -i
Procedures II 43
2 Emergency

Start here 1 Work in small groups. Decide on a plan to rescue th e diver.

Mike, Ben and Tom are scuba divers. They go in their motorboat about
2 km from land and drop an chor. Mike dives down to a shipwreck on the
seabed. Ben stays on the boat. Mike has an accident, and injures his leg.
His leg is trapped in the shipwreck and he can't move. After some time,
Ben and Tom know that Mike has a problem. Ben dives to look for Mike.

20-30 m 2 km
I Marker buoy Tom



In your group,
o brainstorm and make a list of all the tasks Ben has to do , in any order
o discuss and decide on the best order to do the tasks

Listening 2 &':11. Listen to this diving instructor brainstorming with trainees how
to rescue someone trapped under water. Number the points in the order in
which they are mentioned .

take to hospital tow diver

to safety

G ive first ai0. >Ci _

how to rescue
make diver buoyant

r trapped diver
prov ide extra • do artificial
air respiration

free diver's leg attract help

mark position locate diver
at surface

44 II Procedures
3 ."IfA Now the instru ct or is gelling the trainees to put thei r ideas int o the
best order. Liste n an d number these not es in the correct ord er.

Diver's air s upply low? Give extra gas cy linder to diver.

Diver's locat ion und er water unknown? Locate diver and mark their position. -l
• Diver not buoya nt at t he s urface? Inflate diver's wet suit.
Not breat hing? Give artifi cial respiration.
• Other boat s in area? Send s ignal f or help.
• Serious injury? Call helicopter to ta ke to hos pit al.
• Diver close to boat or land? Remove from water.
they is often used to mean No help available at s urface? Tow diver to boat or land.
he or she
them is otten used to mean
Diver t rapped underwater? Free diver with knife.
him or her Diver submerged in water? Bri ng t o surface caref ully.
the ir is often used to mean
Diver needs immediate t reatment? Give fi rst aid.
his or her

Speaking 4 Make full q uestions and a nswe rs ba sed on 3.

A: What should we do if the diver's location under water is unknown?
B: You should locate them and mark their pos ition.

Language Must is used to show that an action is necessary, e.g. Safety helm ets must be
worn at all times.
Should is used to show that you're r ecommending or suggesting an action,
e.g. People think safety helmets should be orange. In my opinion, they should be
ye llow.
Should + passive is us ed in th e recommenda tions s ection of a report, e.g. New
first aid equipment should be purchased immediately

Reading 5 Read this email. Whic h section gives:

• old information (e wh at Jon already knows)?
• new information wh at Jon needs to kno w)?
• action what Jon nee d s to d o)?


[R I. . . R. ply ....l ' O.....,d
.L r; "".
'1_ C;. l loljil
0,. "om

Fro m: Rescue Centre Manager III

To : Air-Sea Rescue Operations Co-ordinator
Subj ect: This morning's rescue operauon
Hi Jon
You'll remember that we talked about the trapped diver (Mike) on the phone this morning.
The rescue leader has just told me that Mike is now going to the hospital by helicopter.
I'm hoiding a meeting next week to discuss our rescue procedures. Could you please
send me yo ur recommendations for improving them?

Writing 6 Write an email giving Jon 's reply. Give old inform ation, new informati on and
ac tio n. Include s ix rec ommendati ons in the new informati on .
Choose six item s from th e tabl e in 3, or give som e of yo ur own ideas for

Procedures D 45
3 Directions

Start here 1 Identify th es e landmarks on th e

photo .
flyover ga ntry motorway
roun dabout slip road under pass

Reading 2 Match the directions with th e map s .


n •

1 take th e second turning on th e left

2 take th e third exit from the ro undabout
3 turn right at the T-junction
4 co me out of the building and turn right
5 go straight ahead at th e crossroads
6 leave th e mot orway by th e s lip road and turn left at the ro und ab out
7 go over the bridge and take th e first road on the right
8 com e out of the car pa rk and turn left un der the flyover

Language First describe the situation .. . then give the instruction

There is a STOP sign at the end of the road. Turn left here.
There are two sets of traffic lights on this road. Turn right at the second set.
Wh en you come out of the station, turn right into Market Street.
Don't turn left here. Take the second turning
You'lI see a police station on your left.
on the left.

If you cross a bridge ove r the river, you've gone Do a U- turn. Go back across the bridge . Then
too far. Itake the first turning on the right.

46 II Procedures
Read in g 3 Read this em ail an d m ark TurboTech on the m ap .

8 0 6 In C)

(g I;; lZ C) D '0.. From

Oelelt. Reply Reply All Forward New Mailboxt.5 Get Mail Search Mailbox

Dear Ms Olsen
Thank you for your email yesterday requesting
A B c
directions to TurboTech. It's located in the Science
Park in Cambridge.
After you enter the Science Park, you'll come to a
roundabout. At the roundabout, take the second
exit (we drive on the left in the UK!). Then go
straight ahead.You'li pass a lake on your left. After
the lake, you'li see the TurboTech sign. Take the
first road on your left, and TurboTech is on your
right. Drive into the car park and then walk to the
Reception Desk.
I look forward to meeting you and your colieague
tomorrow at 11 .

l_ _
Ben Anders, General Manager

o ..
' ----d

Li sten in g 4 K;':I':I Listen to these E1 : Entrance to South

tel ephone d i rections and

m ark the Engin eer in g
Depa rtm ent and the
Sports Centre on the
m ap .
Note: the u niversity is in
a co un t ry w hic h driv es
on the left.

Spea king 5 Work in pairs, A and

B. Give each other
telephone directions to
places on the ma p in 4.
St ude nt A.
Turn to page 112.
Stude nt B.
Turn to pag e 114.

Task 6 Work in pairs . Li st three

local p laces you know.
• Tell your partner ho w t o get t here.
• Listen t o your partner's di rections and draw sketc h m aps .
• Exchange m aps w ith your par t ner and check the details .

Procedures II 47
1 Com plete th e sentences. Use th e corr ect form of the verbs in th e box.
carry convert detect start treat

1 Jum p lead s are used for a car wit h a flat batter y.

2 The purpose of a hydrophon e is to signals und er water.
3 Th e func tion of a transducer is to e nergy from one form to
ano ther.
4 A first a id kit sho uld on ly be us ed for minor injuries .
5 A fork lift tru ck mus t be us ed to boxes aro und the
ware ho us e.
2 Work in pai rs . Dis cuss with your partn er. What do you th ink is th e func tio n of
ea ch item of th e diver's equ ipment?

3 Take turns with yo ur pa rtn er to desc ribe the fun cti o n of each item o f
eq uipme nt . Use the correct form of the verbs.
Equipmen t Function
1 d em an d valve control th e flow of air to th e diver (for)
2 cylind er store air und er high pr essure (used to )
3 p ressure ga uge indi cate th e am ount of compressed (p res e nt
air in th e cylind er s impl e)
4 cylinder transport c o mpressed air with th e di ver (used for)
5 d epth ga uge ind icate th e de pt h o f the wa ter (des igne d to)
6 harness faste n th e equipment to th e d ive r (for)
7 diving mask allow d iver to see clearly under water (d esigned to )
8 pr ess ur e ga uge a wa rn ing for the div e r (act as)
9 dema nd va lve supply co mp ressed air to the d iver (present simple)
10 ha rn ess s u pport fo r the sc uba eq uipment (ac t as)
Examples. I The demand va lve is for contro lling the flow of air to the diver.

48 • Review Unit C
4 Supply th e qu estions in t hi s inter view abo ut t he Man Overb oa rd a larm sys te m
on page 4 1.
• So tell us abo ut yo ur invention. What :, (I) ?
o It's called a 'd igita l-s ona r a larm s ystem' for boats .
• A nd what's (2) ?
o We ll, it's for find ing people wh en they fall off a boat into t he water.
• I see. And how (3) ?
o We ll, wh en t he person fa lls int o t h e water, a sensor on t he pod sends a
sona r si gn al to t h e hyd ro p hone .
• Hold on a minute. What exactly (4) ?
o A hydroph on e is a t rans d ucer whic h can d ete ct s ignals under wa te r.
• I see. So who (5) for?
o It's d esigned for everyo ne o n th e boat . The c rew a nd t hei r family.
• OK, so tell me about the pod. What shape (6) ?
o Well, it's s haped a bit like a n egg.
• A nd how (7) ?
o It's q uit e small. It's a bout 15 c m long.
• Where (8) ?
o You wear it on yo ur b elt. It has a clip .
• What (9) ?
o It' s ma de of a very tough polymer.
• What ( 10) ?
o It's a ver y br ight colour, usua lly yellow or red.
S What d o yo u t hink t h es e a re for? Disc uss wit h a part ner.

6 Write a d es cri ption of the four dev ices in 5. Des cri be (a) their a ppearan ce a nd
(b) t h eir fun ction.

Review Unit C • 49
7 Make definitions.

1 an MP3 player instrument loosen and tighfen nuts on wheels

2 fibreglass system repair underwater pipes and machines
3 artificial respiration tool powered by elecfricity from a solar pane l
4 GPS technician dow nload and play music from a comp uter
5 a sub-sea mechanic vehicle use satellites to locate your position
6 a solar-powered ca r procedure calculate diver's depth in the water
7 a wheel wrench device used for making hulls of boats
8 a depth gauge material help a casualty to breathe

Example. 1 A n MP3 p lay er is a device which down loads and plays music from a
8 Write a reply to th is ema il.
Note: th e campus is in a co untry which drives on th e right.

- -_.. .
o M


Hi Steve,
I'm coming to the software conference too,
so I'll see you there . I know it's Building 3 1
on the Microsoft Campus . Can you tell me
how to get there, please? I'll be coming
along 156" Ave NE from the south.

9 Change th es e instru ctio ns int o the passive.

1 You must carry two air cylinde rs at all tim es during a dive.

2 All st aff have to wear lifejackets on board thi s oil rig.

3 You must not stack boxes or crates in the aisles .

4 You need to freeze all thi s food before you s end it to th e wareh ouse.

5 Workers sho uld never us e forklift trucks as people ca rriers .

6 You have to push trucks down a ramp. You must never pull th em down.

Example. 1 Two ai r cy li nders must be carried at all tim es during a dive .

50 • Review Unit C

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