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MKTG 4370-01

Sales Management
Inter/Summer 2019

Class Meetings: Tuesday and Thursday 5:30pm – 6:50pm, Odette Building Room 110
Instructor: Celso Oliveira
Office hours: 60 minutes after each class, by appointment
Contact Details: E-mail: [email protected], Phone: 226-280-2917, Office: OB
Secretary: Ms. Lena Razwan
Office: Odette Building Room 406, E-mail: [email protected]

The University of Windsor is situated on the traditional territory of the three fires confederacy
of first nations – the Ojibwa, the Odawa, and the Potawatomi.

It is your responsibility to withdraw from this course during the two week add/drop period if
you have NOT successfully passed the following pre-requisite course(s):

1 course needed from: MKTG 2320 / 04-74-232 (Marketing Problems: Applications & Decisions)

Failure to withdraw will result in your automatic withdrawal by the Registrar’s Office at any
time during the term. NOTE: The student is responsible for fees and tuition incurred for the
course until the withdrawal date.

Course Description:
From Student Information System: “The study of the personal selling area, including an
examination of the role and responsibilities of the salesperson, the sales management, and
sales management functions. (Prerequisite: MKTG 2320 / 74-232.)”

A core aspect of marketing is sales. Companies need to ask for purchases, manage the sales
process and develop a loyal customer base. To do so, there is a need to select, train,
compensate and manage a sales force. This course focuses on Sales Management – the
strategic and tactical issues that face Sales Managers. To be a successful Sales Manager,
however, it is important to understand the key components of the sales function. As such,
considerable time will be spent on understanding the sales process, sales techniques and the
characteristics of a successful salesperson.

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Note: Simple attendance will not produce success, but you cannot participate meaningfully if
you are not there. Pre-reading the materials assigned in this outline will help you participate
fully in discussions. As upper level university students you will be prepared to participate as a
member of the class’ community of scholars.

Learning Objectives and Expected Outcomes:

You will learn the principles of Sales Management in a challenging, enjoyable, and accountable
manner. On completing the course, you will have a working knowledge of Sales Management.

You should be able to:

• Demonstrate knowledge of the selling process and differentiate the skills required to be
a good sales person versus a manager;
• Critically evaluate the relationship between marketing and the role of the sales force
organizational structure;
• Evaluate current sales management theory and techniques;
• Apply / integrate theoretical concepts in practical sales management situations;
• Practice communication skills;
• Understand how to select and train sales people;
• Understand how to establish sales materials, territories and goals;
• Understand how to evaluate and support the success of a sales representative.

Bachelor of Commerce (BComm) Assurance of Learning (AoL) Goals and Course

Each Odette Program has learning goals and learning objectives. Together, these define the
knowledge, skills and values possessed by our graduates. Rubrics for each program learning
goal are available on the Odette School of Business Course Policies document on the
Blackboard website for this course. This course contributes to the following BComm program
learning goals through the course learning objectives listed below.

For MKTG 4370 the following learning objectives are taught and tested:

BComm. Program Learning Goals MKTG 4370 Course Learning Objectives Tested Using
2. Critical Thinking M4: Synthesize • Cleary identifies problem with evidence of all relevant Presentations,
models of thinking with personal factors facing the organization. Project
experience making decisions to • Demonstrates the ability to construct a clear insightful Reports and
improve conclusions drawn in various statement of all issues with evidence of all contextual Exams.
ambiguous, complex, unpredictable factors.
business contexts. • Critically evaluates the advantages and disadvantages
Assess the quality of evidence of several relevant alternatives solutions in terms of

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available various business contexts and costs and consequences.
propose ways to reduce the • Proposes one or more solutions that match the
detrimental effects of, or harness identification of issues, match contextual factors, follow
legitimate benefits from ambiguity, ethical, logical and cultural dimensions of the issues.
complexity and unpredictability in
various business contexts.
4. Business Communications M4: • Structure, Organization: Organizational pattern is Participation,
Integrate appropriate forms, styles and clearly and consistently observable and is skillful and Presentations
techniques of analyses and persuasion makes the content of the presentation cohesive. and Project
with personal experience in • Demonstrates detailed attention to and successful Reports.
communication to enhance execution of a wide range of conventions particular to a
communication intended to either specific discipline and/or writing task including Project
reduce, consequences arising from organization, context, presentation, formatting and Reports and
ambiguity, complexity and stylistic choices. Exams.
unpredictability in various business • Uses graceful language that skillfully communicates
contexts or to harness their legitimate meaning to its readers with clarity and fluency and is
benefits. virtually error free.
5. Leadership M4: • Ability to make plans, establish and effectively Project
Synthesize models of personal manages teams and projects and works effectively as a Reports and
leadership with personal experience team member. Presentations.
in leadership to recognize and
harness opportunities to expand
leadership development.
Recognize and propose ways to
promote and act on elements of CSR in

Textbook and Other Materials:

• Required: Selling Today: Partnering to Create Value, Seventh (7th) Canadian Edition.
Gerald L. Manning, Michael Ahearne, Barry L. Reece & H.F. (Herb) MacKenzie, 2016,
Pearson Education Canada, ISBN-13: 9780133984064.
• The text is available from the University of Windsor bookstore. You may also be able to
find older editions, which would be acceptable. Text on course reserve at Leddy Library.
• Other resources: Periodically I may make other materials available on Blackboard. You
may find these materials helpful as an indication of the things I will consider important
when grading.

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Class Schedule, MKTG 4370 – 01 – Inter/Summer 2019:

Week Dates, Topics & Assignments Tuesday Thursday

Course Introduction/Outline
1 May 7th and 9th Chapter 1: Relationship Selling
Opportunities in the Information
Chapter 2: Evolution of Selling
2 May 14th and 16th Models that Complement the Guest Speaker/Engagement
Marketing Concept
Chapter 3: Ethics: The Foundation Chapter 4: Creating Value
3 May 21st and 23rd for Relationships that Create with a Relationship Strategy
Chapter 5: Communication Styles: Chapter 6: Creating Product
4 May 28th and 30th
A Key to Adaptive Selling Today Solutions
Chapter 7: Product-Selling
5 June 4th and 6th Strategies that Add Value
Chapters 1 – 6
Chapter 9: Developing and
Chapter 8: The Buying Process
6 June 11th and 13th Qualifying Prospects and
and Buyer Behaviour
7 June 18th/20th (Reading Week) No Class No Class
Chapter 11: Determining
Chapter 10: Approaching the Customer Needs with a
8 June 25th and 27th
Customer with Adaptive Selling Consultative Questioning
Chapter 12: Creating Value with Chapter 13: Negotiating
9 July 2nd and 4th
the Consultative Demonstration Buyer Concerns
Chapter 14: Adapting the Close MIDTERM EXAM #2:
10 July 9th and 11th
and Confirming the Partnership Chapters 7 – 12
Chapter 16: Opportunity
11 Chapter 15: Servicing the Sale and
July 16th and 18th Management: The Key to
Building the Partnership
Greater Sales Productivity
Chapter 17: Management of the Dillon Hall 265. Team Project
July 23rd and 25th
12 Sales Force Reports Due / Presentations
Team Project Presentations,
13 July 30th and August 1st Team Project Presentations
SET’s and Final Exam Review

FINAL EXAM – TBD FINAL EXAM: Chapters 1 – 17

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Course Assignments and Grading:
Evaluation Date Percent
Participation Throughout Classes 10%
Team Project Reports & Presentations (Knowledge & Empathy). July 25th 20%
Midterm Examination #1: Based on Chapters 1-6 (Knowledge). June 6th 20%
Midterm Examination #2: Based on Chapters 7-12 (Knowledge). July 11th 20%
Final Examination: Based on Chapters 1-17 (Comprehensive TBD 30%
TOTAL: 100%

Team Project Reports and Presentations

During the first three weeks of classes you will create your own teams of at least 3-5 members,
of which size will depend on final enrollment. If necessary, I will assign ungrouped class
members to teams after May 23rd. You will have the opportunity to work with a local sales
manager from an organization, which can be one you are involved with already, a local business
or non-profit organization, or a global business. Throughout the term, we will discuss this
project in detail, with associated examples and rubrics. Start discussions early and move fast.
This project requires considerable reflection and supporting research. Do not leave the project
until the last weeks of the semester. Both printed and electronic submissions (submitted and
subject to SafeAssign) via email are required. Late submissions will NOT be accepted.

The instructor MUST approve the topic for the team project. Components of the project will be
delivered in a written report, of which details will be provided in the rubric. Beyond the sales
practice management reports, including; pipeline, activity, referral, lead and marketing list and
closed/won opportunity reports, you will have the opportunity to work on the following
throughout the term:
• LinkedIn Profile & Sales Management
• Relationship Profile Introduction

Presentations will be made throughout and at the end of the semester. A rubric will be
provided. Examples of presentations include:
• Team Sales Meeting and Pitch
• Individual Sales Pitch

Team project reports and presentations will constitute 20% of your final grade, a combination
of which will be individual and team based.

NB: Written project reports must be submitted through Blackboard and subject to SafeAssign.

Participation/Teamwork (10% of final grade): I employ lectures, analysis, presentations and
class discussions to facilitate your learning experience. As there is group work and you depend
on each other for grades, only those group members who contribute should get credit for it.
Peer evaluations may count toward your final grade. Please note that simple attendance does

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not constitute participation. Your involvement in class discussion and asking questions in or out
of class makes a difference, especially if your questions give evidence that you have given
thought to the class materials. It is important that you are part of this community of scholars!
Note also that up to half of the 10% of the final mark given for class participation may come
from the professor’s subjective evaluation of your involvement in the class. A participation
rubric will be released and reviewed in class.

Peer Evaluation and Contribution:

A peer evaluation will be applied to team marks when I calculate individual marks. Evidence of
superior contribution, or lack of contribution, will be taken into consideration. The evaluation is
attached and is subject to instructor evaluation and analysis when received. Students who
receive a unanimous score of 0, denoting non-performance, will receive a grade of 0 for the
reports and presentations. Students whose score is lower than 5, as assessed by team
members, will receive one-half of the grade received by the group for the reports and

How to Do Well In This Course?

• In the spirit of learning by doing, this course requires you to do “work” every week. This is not
the type of course that you can solely study once for a midterm and once again for a final. I
assume you will have read the assigned materials and therefore you will have this base
knowledge to actively participate in the discussion. You must read the assigned materials
before class each week.
• Contributing ideas during each class is paramount in this course. It is not optional. In
preparing for each class, you will get a handle on the materials, which will result you in turn
doing well on the written, oral and participation components of evaluation.
• What you get out of this course depends on you, not the instructor. The job of the instructor
is to orchestrate learning opportunities. It is up to you to take advantage of such opportunities.
• This is a “business” course in a “business” school. Your fellow student and I expect you to act
like an Executive. They have passion and commitment. They show up on time. They do their
preparatory work before meetings. They collaborate to clarify and test their thinking by
exchanging ideas (not by sitting silently throughout the whole meeting). They strenuously argue
to explain their point of view realizing that our challenger today might be our partner
tomorrow. They think in terms of dollars and cents and talk specifics.
• 20% of your final grade is dependent upon team work, ensure your team is well aware of this.

The following will be uploaded to the course website:

- Presentation, Participation & Project Guideline and Rubric

Course Website:
 The course website can be accessed through Blackboard
( under the course number MKTG 4370-01. You must
be registered in the course to access the website.

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 Please check Blackboard frequently for announcements, course materials and your
grades. Forms for group project contributions are also available on Blackboard.
 All assignments should be submitted through the course website. Communication with
the instructor should be done through this system.

Secondary data use, evaluation, interviews and focus groups REB approved
This course can be expected to be evaluated as part of either an internal or external quality
assurance process and reporting requirements to funding agencies, and as research data for
scholarly use. As a student in this course your online student data (e.g. data from Blackboard)
will be used for evaluating the course delivery and your engagement in the various aspects of
the course. This will only occur after final grades have been submitted and approved so it will
not have an effect on your grade. This course data provides information about your individual
course usage and activity during the time that you are enrolled in the course. Your anonymized,
aggregated data may also be used in the future in reports, articles or presentations.
During the final weeks of the course you may also be invited to participate in further research
about the course. If you decide to participate you may be asked to fill out anonymous online
questionnaires that solicit your impressions about the course design and student learning in the
course. The survey participation is voluntary and no questions of a personal nature will be
asked. Your participation will have no effect on your grade and your instructor will not know
who participated in the surveys.
Finally, at the end of the survey you may also be asked if you want to participate in a focus
group or in interviews after final grades have been assigned in order to gather yours and other
student opinions about specific course delivery methods and technologies used.

Odette School of Business Policies:

 Academic Integrity and Code of Conduct
 Missed Exams and Late Assignments
 Registration, Adding, and Dropping Courses
 Odette School of Business Grade Conversion Scale
 Odette School of Business Grading Policy
 Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET)

Refer to the Odette School of Business Course Policies document for specific information on all
the above subjects. The Course Policies document is available electronically on each course site
and in paper form outside each area secretary’s office on the 4th floor of the Odette Building.

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Your Name:

Team Members Name:

1: _________________________________ 4: ________________________________________

2: _________________________________ 5: ________________________________________

3: _________________________________
I. One form is to be completed by each team member.
II. Fill out the names of your team members in the numbered spaces above.
III. Rate the members of your team on a 10-point scale (with 0 being lowest and 10 being
highest) in each of the categories below.
IV. Please ensure that you also rate yourself as one of the team members for the
instructor’s evaluation and analysis.
Criteria Member Member Member Member Member
(Rate between 0 and 10) #1 #2 #3 #4 #5
Oral Communication Skills

Written Communication

Listening Skills

Problem-Solving Skills

Conflict Management

Positive Influence of Team

Commitment to the Team

Ethical Actions

(Between 0 and 10)

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