What Is Talent Management
What Is Talent Management
What Is Talent Management
May 2023
In good times, it can be easy to take your company’s According to the research, organizations with all
talent for granted. But do so at your peril—investing three practices in place (only 17 percent of the
in talent management, or the way that your organi sample) are vastly more likely than their peers to say
zation attracts, retains, and develops its employees that overall performance, plus total shareholder
(sometimes referred to as “talent” or “human capital”) returns, has an edge on their competition.
can give your company an edge. Look no further
than the much-discussed “Great Resignation,” also
called the “Great Attrition” or “Big Quit,” of 2021 What’s involved in talent management?
and its impact. Putting people first is vital to building Five areas of talent management are particularly
a healthy workforce. important to the chief human resource officer’s
(CHRO) playbook:
It’s important to manage talent and deploy it well,
and leaders need to know how to rise to the — finding and hiring the right people
occasion. To help shape workforces that have the
skills to achieve, leaders can establish a talent- — learning and growing
first culture. Too many organizations don’t consider
the talent required to implement different ideas. — managing and rewarding performance
By putting talent first, companies can improve
organizational performance and potentially gain — tailoring the employee experience
a competitive advantage.
— optimizing workforce planning and strategy
Why is talent management important? A more in-depth look at these topics can
Analysis shows there is a significant relationship offer insights.
between effective talent management and an
organization’s overall performance. In fact, in a 2018
McKinsey survey, 99 percent of respondents who How do I find and hire the right people
reported their company’s talent management was or attract and retain talent?
very effective said they outperform their competitors, High-performing employees are up to eight times
compared with 56 percent of all other respondents. more productive than others. To quote the late Steve
And the effects may be cumulative, given that abilities Jobs, the iconic leader of Apple, talent matters: “Go
to attract and retain talent seem to support after the cream of the cream. A small team of A-plus
outperformance as well. players can run circles around a giant team of B
and C players.”
What actions are linked to good That may be easier said than done. But there are still
talent management? several principles to consider if you want to hire the
Survey findings indicate three practices that are most best people and keep them at your organization:
closely linked with effective talent management:
— Focus on the 5 percent of employees who
— rapid allocation of talent—that is, being able to deliver 95 percent of the value. Certain
move people among strategic projects quickly employees have a disproportionate impact on
as priorities emerge and fade creating or protecting value, and it’s not always
obvious who they are. Focus efforts on the
— HR’s involvement in creating a positive few critical areas where the best people have
employee experience the biggest impact. To do so, start by looking at
roles, not processes or specific people.
— a strategically minded HR team
— Money matters, even if it’s not a panacea; When it comes to a broad skill transformation,
companies can revise compensation and nine key practices in three overarching areas can
benefits in ways that will attract and retain be applied.
disillusioned employees.
Scout: Conduct workforce planning to assess
— “Sticky” workplaces can make a difference— potential skill gaps
listen to employees, anticipate and address their — assess demand and/or the need for specific
concerns, foster psychological safety and skills in the future
community, and measure outcomes.
— determine the current supply of specific skills
— Expand your talent pool by thinking more
creatively about candidates. That includes — analyze gaps (and develop a business case to
considering nontraditional workers (such close them)
as students or people currently doing contract
Shape: Develop a skill strategy to ensure that the Within the learning space, intentional learning can
workforce is future-ready yield a career advantage. And if you want to get
— design a portfolio of initiatives to close skill gaps intentional when it comes to your own learning, the
3x3x3 approach can help. Here’s what it entails:
— design tailored learning journeys and
delivery plans for specific roles and/or groups — Define three development goals (for example,
of employees improve time management, expand professional
network, and hone presentation skills).
— decide on learning infrastructure and enablers
— Aim to achieve them in a three-month period.
Shift: Reimagine infrastructure for skilling at scale
— launch a “skilling hub” or other organizational — Engage three other people to support you and
structure dedicated to learning hold you accountable to them.
— deliver a skill transformation at scale across the Embracing continuous learning can help drive your
organization via comprehensive capability- business forward, and employees that develop a
building programs that address the most critical lifelong learning mindset may find that it keeps them
skill needs relevant and in demand in the eyes of employers.
Developing a growth mindset and setting goals that
— implement dynamic tracking of workforce are a stretch can be part of that journey.
and impact (for example, return on investment,
impact on business outcomes) Some companies are also exploring apprenticeship
programs to unlock continuous skill development.
Organizations that have implemented all nine Modern apprenticeship is a model for learning that
practices report a nearly 100 percent chance of is driven by relationships and based on real day-
having a successful skill transformation. It’s to-day work, thus allowing novices to gain hands-on
also important to note that a mix of learning formats, experience from experts to acquire skills and act
beyond digital learning, can improve the odds more independently.
of success.
Transforming the learning and development function How can I improve performance
may also be necessary. While good learning management?
programs are a must, their utility will be limited if they At a high level, strong performance management
don’t begin with an intimate understanding of what relies on the guiding principle that what gets
the organization needs—today and in the future. measured gets done. Ideally, an organization would
— Grasp the power of differentiation. Rewards Nine elements, grouped into three overarching
should link clearly to talent ratings. Focus areas, can help make sure you’re asking the right
on rewarding clear overperformers while also questions to get employee experience right:
developing others—instead of trying to
differentiate the broad middle. Social
— People and relationships. Am I seen and treated
— Encourage peer-based feedback. Employees by my leaders as a significant contributor to
naturally work with more people as organizations the organization?
become flatter. Gathering peer-based feedback
from a large sample can help eliminate biases and — Teamwork. Do the people I work with every day
provide a more accurate, comprehensive trust and care for one another enough to create
perspective on performance. a collaborative and innovative environment?
If your employee experience isn’t what it should be, Individuals themselves can take action. And if you’re
your organization can take a systematic approach, short on inspiration, you can explore an interactive
grounded in design thinking, to improve it. Three that unpacks nine universal values (such as