2013HG70003U ProdDesc
2013HG70003U ProdDesc
2013HG70003U ProdDesc
Product Description
January 2013
Document Information
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The HG-7000/3U SMS-GSM gateway enables sending The HG-7000/3U is a single unit with browser-based man-
text-messages via SMS, two-way SMS texting, SMS to agement. The HG-7000/3U connects seamlessly to an
email, PC to SMS, and reception of text messages via existing LAN and supports up to 12 SMS-GSM ports.
SMS. It is supplied with an SMS server and easy-to-use
client API tools which enable third-party applications to
send and receive SMS messages. Additional applications
are also available.
SMS PRO Gateway
Third Party
The Hypermedia SMS Campaigner is an add-on applica- The HG-7000/3U unit consists of the components
tion that has been developed to run via the HG-7000/3U described in this section.
SMS Gateway’s API interface and which utilizes the
gateway’s technology.
Hypermedia's SMS Campaigner application is designed HG-7000/3U Unit
for creating, running and managing advanced SMS cam-
paigns. The application is appropriate for SMBs, enter- The HG-7000/3U unit is a 19" x 3U rack-mountable box
prises, and service providers. that connects the PBX to the cellular network via up to 3
Marketing SMS communication is a key element in cur- cellular boards (CG boards), each with 4 ports for up to a
total of 12 SIM cards. The system enables any combina-
rent media campaigns and is one of the fastest growing
tion of connectivity between its various interfaces.
communication arenas. Hypermedia's SMS Cam-
paigner’s intuitive user interface simplifies the task of cre-
ating advanced marketing campaigns. PC Board MG Board
CG Boards
Following is a description of the boards included with the The HyperGateway Server is an application that is
unit: embedded in the PC Board. The HyperGateway Server is
• PC2 Control Board controlled and managed by the browser-based Hyper-
The PC2 is a double-slot computer designed for use media Management Console.
by alternative carriers. It enables TCP/IP access and
supports the VoIP Gateway.
The PC2 runs the HyperGateway Server for direct Hypermedia Management Console
remote access, and provides a SIP/H323 interface
The Hypermedia Management Console (HMC) is used by
when VoIP is implemented.
the system administrator for remote configuration and
• Cellular Gateway (CG) Boards monitoring of the Hypermedia Gateway system. It is
CG for GSM, CC for CDMA RUIM, and CU for UMTS, installed on the customer's PC, connects to the Gateway
are single-slot cards that enable inbound and out- system over TCP/IP, and is based on a standard WEB
bound cellular voice calls for cellular networks. browser.
• MG Board
The MG Media Matrix board is a single-slot board that
enables flexible, pre-defined, and dynamic allocation RO Board (Optional)
of GSM channels, BRI B-channels, and, optionally,
VoIP channels. It comes in two configurations: The RO board is an Ethernet Broadband Router equipped
• The basic Matrix slot board with NAT (Network Address Translation) technology. It
enables the Hypermedia Gateway to connect to a public
• VoIP Gateway add-on supporting the VoIP
IP and to operate behind firewalls equipped with Network
interface and capable of carrying 32–72
Address Translation; this provides maximum network
concurrent VoIP calls.
Note: This document uses the term GSM to describe the cellular
telephony network and service. GSM network is also known as:
mobile network, cellular network, or wireless network.
GSM Overview
Communicate effectively with clients, crew/team mem- The first SIM cards of each module are loaded from the
bers, and mobile employees. Deliver accurate informa- front of the Cellular Card.
Specific user requirements demand a flexible but powerful The HG-7000/3U gateway supports the vast majority of
gateway. Variations between service providers, locations functions required by today’s demanding users. Following
and other variables necessitate a rich suite of advanced are several highlights.
GSM settings. The HG-7000/3U can be configured to
match almost any routing design in almost any setting.
PIN Codes
GSM Settings Use the PIN Codes screen to configure the PIN code that
the gateway uses when a SIM card with an active PIN is
Use the Settings screen to enable and disable advanced inserted. Consult your GSM provider for more information
parameters. For assistance with these, contact Technical regarding the PIN code.