Nagarajan 2020

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A study of UPQC: emerging mitigation

techniques for the impact of recent power

quality issues
Ananthan Nagarajan
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vel Tech Multi Tech Dr. RR Dr. SR Engineering College, Chennai, India
Sivachandran P.
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vaigai College of Engineering, Madurai, India
Suganyadevi M.V.
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Saranathan College of Engineering, Thiruchirappalli, India, and
Muthukumar P.
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, PVP Siddhartha Institute Of Technology, Vijayawada, India

Purpose – The purpose of this study is to help the researchers, public, industries and government to realize the tremendous trends to improve the
power quality of both sources and load side.
Design/methodology/approach – The work carried out in the Facts device and power quality issues.
Findings – Maintaining the quality of electric power is always a challenging task. The effect of power electronics devices leads to improper power
quality. The use of FACTS devices is preferably the best approach to treat power-quality-related problems. Usually, all FACTS devices are constructed
to operate on the side of either the source side or the load.
Originality/value – This paper explores a broad comprehensive study of various types of power quality problems and classification of FACTS
devices with its recent developments. Furthermore unified power quality conditioner (UPQC) is particularly reviewed to highlight the
advantages over other compensating devices. An exhaustive study of literature has been carried out and most significant concepts are
Keywords Power quality problems, FACTS devices, UPQC
Paper type Research paper

1. Introduction possible. The impacts of power quality problems are voltage

surges/spikes, voltage dips, under voltage, high-voltage spikes,
Power quality involves voltage magnitude, frequency and shape frequency variation, power sag, electrical line noise, brownouts,
of the waveform. A pure noise-free sinusoidal waveform within
blackouts, very short interruptions, long interruptions, voltage
the range of voltage and frequency is good power quality. In the
swell and harmonic distortion. (Jolhe et al., 2016; Wang et al.,
modern distribution system, most of the loads have smartness.
2017). As per Indian Electrical Electronics Manufacturer
Obviously, these loads are called sensitive loads and they are
Association (IEEMA) article (IEEMA, 2012 Article
rapidly increasing all over the world day by day. These loads
Electromagnetic Compatibility Power Electronics n.d.), Sag is
have electronic circuits for smart operation. Such loads may
the serious and major problem among all other power quality
contribute to improper power quality, which leads to huge
issues as shown in Figure 1.
power loss, misbehaviour of equipment, interference with the
The Active Power Filters (APF) are the most promising
nearest communication lines and so forth. Additionally, the
power electronics loads may inject the harmonics in to the grid solution to reduce the power quality issues and make it possible
(Vinod Khadkikar, 2012; Karelia and Pandya, 2015), thereby to mitigate the PQ problems effectively. The APF is split into
reducing the equipment’s performance and its life span. In spite series active power filter (se-APF) and shunt active power filter
of above disadvantages such types of loads are definitely needed (sh-APF). The series active power filter is operated to diagnose
to reduce manpower, so the elimination of sensitive loads is not the source side problems. Likewise, shunt active power filter is
operated to diagnose the load side problems (Ko and Gu, 2016;
Jacobina and Ketzer, 2014; Dash et al., 2016; Prieto Thomas
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available on Emerald et al., 2016; Khadkikar et al., 2011; Fujita and Akagi, 1998).
Insight at: This study additionally targeted on Unified Power Quality
Conditioner (UPQC). It is one of the APF families, which

Circuit World Received 10 September 2019

© Emerald Publishing Limited [ISSN 0305-6120] Revised 30 December 2019
[DOI 10.1108/CW-09-2019-0125] Accepted 17 March 2020
Recent power quality issues Circuit World
Ananthan Nagarajan et al.

Figure 1 Power quality issues transients and waveform distortion (Babaei and Farhadi
Kangarlu, 2011).

2.1 Short duration variation

The variation in RMS voltage from its nominal value of a time
greater than 0.5 cycles of the frequency but less than 60 sec is
SDV. The SDV is classified into two categories, the first
indicates the magnitude of the voltage variation and the second
category indicates the duration of the voltage variation
(Khadkikar et al., 2007).
Sag, swell and interruption are the magnitude-based
consists of both series and shunt active power filters to achieve variations. In the power system the foremost problem is Sag,
the extreme compensation for rapid PQ problems. The UPQC and it means the decrease in RMS voltage from 0 to 10 per cent
is a hybrid compensation device which tolerates both voltage- at the power frequency for a period ranging from half a cycle to
and current-related problems. The source side problems are a minute. Sag is caused by voltage drops due to fault currents or
referred as voltage-related problems and it is compensated by starting of large motors (Olamaei et al., 2016; Kumar et al.,
series active filter (Gowtham and Shankar, 2018; Khadkikar 2011; Khadkikar and Chandra, 2008; Axente et al., 2010; Lee
et al., 2011). Typically, the load side problems are current- et al., 2010; Trinh and Lee, 2014; Zhang and Milanovic,
related problems and it is compensated by shunt active power 2010). It may lead to poor behaviour of process controller or
filter. computer system crashes.
This comprehensive research demonstrates various power The swell is a sudden increase in RMS voltage from 0 to
quality issues and their causes, different possibilities to 10 per cent at the power frequency for a period ranging from
overcome the problems, various types of APF, Structure of half a cycle to a minute. Swells are associated with system
various FACTS devices particularly highlighting the unified fault conditions. They are much less common than voltage
power quality conditioner (UPQC). This conceptual study sag (Teke et al., 2011; Kwan et al., 2009; Mohammadi et al.,
helps energy auditors, energy managers, scientists, engineers, 2009; Khadem et al., 2015; Li et al., 2012). It is caused by
etc., who are working in the field of power quality. The study suddenly switching a heavy load or by switching a huge
helps the Electricity Board of Different Governments, Private capacitor bank.
Industries and Public to realize the importance of An interruption is a very rare event in which the RMS voltage
implementing power quality standards. will maintain on zero magnitudes for a while. This event caused
by, equipment malfunction, reclose operation, or transmission
outage. The majority of power interruption is less than 60 s
2. Emerging power quality issues (Brenna et al., 2009)
In the modern power grid, the use of power electronic goods is Sag is caused by voltage drops due to fault currents or
relatively high and such load behaves as non-linear load. The starting of large motors (Olamaei et al., 2016; Kumar et al.,
only cause of power quality issues is the rapid usage of power 2011; Khadkikar and Chandra, 2008; Axente et al., 2010; Lee
electronic loads. Figure 2 shows the list of power quality et al., 2010; Trinh and Lee, 2014; Zhang and Milanovic,
disturbances that are classified into four categories, such as 2010). It may lead to poor behaviour of process controller or
short duration variation (SDV), long duration variation (LDV), computer system crashes.

Figure 2 Classification of PQ disturbances

Recent power quality issues Circuit World
Ananthan Nagarajan et al.

2.2 Long duration variation tackle either generation side issue or distribution side issue
The variation in the RMS value of the voltage from its nominal (Sujatha and Anitha, 2015).
values for a time greater than 60 sec is LDV. The LDV is again
classified as under voltage, over voltage, sustained voltage. An 3.1 Static VAR compensator
under voltage is a sudden decrease in RMS voltage to less than The SVC consists of two main building blocks, such as
90 per cent at a power frequency for the duration longer than Thyristor Switched Capacitor (TSC) and Thyristor Controlled
60 s. And it happens when connecting a huge load to domestic Reactor (TCR) which is shown in Figure 3. In TSC a capacitor
distribution system. An overvoltage is an event in which the is connected in series with two opposite pole thyristors. Current
RMS voltage is greater than a fixed level (Graovac et al., 2007). flows through the capacitor only when the opposite pole
These are caused by switching a large load or switching a large thyristors are gated (Imran, 2016; Esfahani and Vahidi, 2015;
capacitor. Chompoo-inwai et al., 2005). TSC is operated to control the
reactive power. One of the major disadvantages is switching
2.3 Transients transients while using TSC.
When the number of positive and negative cycles occur, it is Thyristor Controlled Reactor (TCR) is also connected in
transient in a very short period of time. The main reason for the series with two opposite pole thyristors. Among two thyristors,
occurrence of the transient is a sudden change in voltage or one is conducted in the positive half cycle of the supply
current in power system. This will be classified into impulsive frequency and other is conducted in the negative half cycle of
transient and oscillatory transient. An impulsive transient is a the supply frequency (Orillaza and Wood, 2013). Alpha is the
unidirectional non-power frequency event in which the steady delay for both thyristors. In addition to them, the SVC also
state condition of the voltage, current, or both change have tuned filters to minimize the harmonic current flow into
suddenly. The main source of impulsive transient is lightning the AC system.
strikes directly on the transmission line or from magnetic
induction on nearest lines. An oscillatory transient is also a non- 3.1.1 Recent development on SVC
power frequency event in which the steady-state condition of Sivachandran (2017) deals with the reactive power control of
voltage and current. These transients can occur due to Autonomous Wind-Diesel Hybrid Power Systems (AWDHPS)
resonances during switching operation (Bhui and Senroy, under d-SPACE real time environment. The reactive power
2017). The oscillatory transient is again classified as low- absorption and supply is done by a Static VAR Compensator
frequency oscillation and high-frequency oscillation transients. (SVC) controlled by proportional plus integral controller and
Less than 5 kHz are considered as low-frequency transient and tuned by d-SPACE. Rahmani et al. (2014) has experimented a
more than 500 kHz is considered as high-frequency transients. combination of shunt hybrid power filter (SHPF) and the
thyristor-controlled reactor (TCR) is presented for harmonic
2.4 Waveform distortion elimination and reactive power compensation. A Proportional-
The waveform distortion in a system is referred as steady state Integral controller was used, and by using lookup table the
deviation from an ideal sinusoidal waveform. Harmonic is triggering extraction was done to control TCR. Integral
considered as the major waveform distortion, in which compensators were added to eliminate the steady state error
unwanted signals present in the voltage and current waveforms (Table I).
(Khadkikar et al., 2011; Vasumathi and Moorthi., 2012; Swain
and Ray, 2016). The total harmonic deviation equations are as
Figure 3 Schematic of SVC
u 1
u Vh
THDvoltage ¼ 100 h¼2 (1)

u 1
u Ih
THDcurrent ¼ 100 h¼2 (2)

3. Role of facts devices in mitigation of PQ issues

Several types of FACTS devices are used to compensate real
and reactive power and to eliminate harmonics. However,
the selection of a particular type of FACTS devices for a
given power quality problem needs an intensive study of
behaviour of these FACTS devices in mitigating the
problem (Sivachandran et al., 2015). In our power
distribution systems all FACTS devices are designed to
Recent power quality issues Circuit World
Ananthan Nagarajan et al.

Table I Power quality problems and their causes

PQ issues Specific category Causes Impacts Possible solutions
Transients Impulsive Lightning Strikes, Transformer Tripping the protective devices, Power conditioners
Energization, Capacitor Switching reduces the life span
Oscillatory Line or Capacitor or Load Switching
Short duration Sag Starting of large loads and the supply Non-predictive light flicker, Voltage regulators,
voltage variation of large inductive load. tripping of sensitive loads and uninterruptable power
stalling of motors supply, power
Swell Heavy electrical equipment being Flickering lightings and screens, conditioners
turned off, poor dimensioned power equipment shutoff , error or
source, badly regulated transformer memory loss
Interruption Insulation failure, lightning, and Tripping the protective device, loss
insulator flashover of information and malfunction of
data processing equipment
Long duration Under voltage Excessive network loading, loss of Slow down the inductive machines, Uninterruptable power
Voltage variation generation, poorly set transformer taps, dimness of lights supply, power
and voltage regulator malfunction conditioners
Overvoltage when the value of the inductive Coil failure, insulation burns, high
resistance in the power system brightness or burst out of lights
becomes equal to the value of
capacitive resistance
Voltage imbalance Use of large single phase loads, Low voltage may occur, poor Capacitor banks
incorrect distribution performance on water pumps
Waveform Harmonics Adjustable speed drives and other non- Increased heating in the Active power filters
distortion linear loads equipment and conductors,
misfiring in variable speed drives,
and torque pulsations in motors.
Noise Microwave, television diffusion, and Poor performance on Power
radiation due to welding machine, arc electronic converters
DC offset Geo-magnetic disturbance, Half-wave Poor power conversion,
rectification misbehavior on AC load
Voltage flicker Arc furnace, arc lamps Giving the impression of UPS, Stabilizers
unsteadiness of visual perception

3.2 Thyristor controlled series compensator system. The optimal TCSC placement is governed by newly
Thyristor Controlled Series Compensator (TCSC) contains proposed index of apparent power flow index.
AC capacitor that is connected parallel with a TCR. Because of In this paper (Jha et al., 2016), the harmonic state space
this configuration, the TCSC is sometimes called the fixed model (HSS) for controlled balanced three-phase TCSC is
capacitor-thyristor controlled reactor (FC-TCR). It is to be presented which captures the switching instant variation. Also,
noted that since this is a series compensator, its placement is PI controller is presented to exhibit the HSS model’s ability to
not that crucial and it can be placed anywhere in the incorporate controls for possible dynamic harmonic domain
transmission line (de Almeida Carlos and Jacobina, 2017). analysis. And thus by using HSS model the current and voltage
The equivalent reactance of the parallel combination of a distortions are eliminated.
TCR with a fundamental reactance of XL (a) and a
capacitance with a reactance of Xc is given by, 3.3 Dynamic voltage restorer
The power electronic converter-based series compensator that
XC XL ð/Þ can protect a critical load from all supply side disturbance other
Xeq ð/Þ ¼ j (3)
XC XL ð/Þ than outage is called a Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) which
is illustrated in Figure 4. The DVR is capable of generating or
absorbing independently controllable real and reactive power at
3.2.1 Recent development on TCSC its AC output terminal.(SasiKiran and Gowri Manohar, 2015;
In this study (Mercado et al., 2016), a hybrid system is included Nabipour et al., 2016; Jiang et al., 2016; Shuai et al.,
for ameliorating the voltage stability of test system with 2015; Saleh et al., 2008; Li et al., 2007; Vilathgamuwa et al.,
thyristor controlled series compensator (TCSC) installation. 2002; Babaei and Farhadi Kangarlu., 2011). By connection,
The hybrid techniques are improved gravitational search the VSI is connected to the network through a transformer and
algorithm (iGSA) and firefly algorithm (FA). The voltage a filter capacitor. A common DC storage capacitor is connected
stability is evaluated with IEEE 6, 14 and 30 bus transmission to the other end of the VSI. Here the transformer not only
Recent power quality issues Circuit World
Ananthan Nagarajan et al.

Figure 4 Structure of DVR Aware, 2010). The VSI is connected through a magnetic
coupling to the utility bus. The exchange of reactive power
between the converter and the AC system can be controlled by
varying the amplitude of the three phase output voltage.
3.4.1 Recent development in STATCOM
He et al. (2017) present reactive power strategy of cascaded
delta-connected STATCOM under asymmetrical voltage
condition. The author said that the STATCOM is an effective
solution for reactive power support in middle/high voltage
condition. Additionally, in this paper, a new phase current
reference calculation method is proposed to support reactive
power (Figure 5).
This paper (Yu et al., 2017) a novel dynamic state estimation
(DSE)-current feedback with STATCOM control scheme is
proposed for mitigation of voltage fluctuation of solid oxide fuel
cell (SOFC) power station connected to complex power grids
during an electrical fault. The SOFC internal dynamic state is
able to closely reflect the transience.

3.5 Distributed static compensator

reduces the voltage requirement of the inverters but also The DSTATCOM is designed to tackle the load side problem
provides isolation between the inverters. Either of the DVR such as harmonic and power factor. The compensator is
realization can be controlled through output feedback and state connected in parallel to the distribution system. The schematic
feedback are given below: diagram of DSTATCOM is same as STATCOM. It should be
 able to regulate the voltage of the bus to which it is connected.
V ¼ V1  Vcf 1 j  XT jIS jÞða1 1 jb1 Þ (4) It contains three H-bridge VSI that are connected to a common
DC link storage capacitor (Mangaraj and Kumar Panda, 2016;
Vural, 2016). The other end of the VSI is connected to the
Vf 1 j2  2ae1 Vl jVf 1 j 1 Vl j2  V1 j2 ¼ 0 (5) network through the transformer. The purpose of including the
transformer is to provide the isolation between the inverter legs.
The above equation shows the output feedback control of 3.5.1 Recent development in DSTATCOM
dynamic voltage restorer where a1 1 jb1 is a unit vector that The nonlinear adaptive volterra filter for control of distributed
leads the line current by 900 . Equation (5) illustrates the state static compensator is proposed under mixed type linear and
feedback control of dynamic voltage restorer. nonlinear load (Patel, Arya, and Maurya, 2017). The proposed
3.3.1 Recent developments in DVR adaptive filter identifies and measures the active and reactive
In this study (Carlos et al., 2015), the investigation on dynamic
voltage restorers with two dc links and series converters for Figure 5 Structure of STATCOM
three phase four wire systems were presented. This
configuration presents the advantages in terms of switch
blocking voltages and consequently lower dc-link voltage
The switching operation of DVR is governed by PWM
technique. In this paper, Gee et al. (2017) examines the use of
the superconducting magnet and battery hybrid energy storage
to compensate grid voltage fluctuation. The bidirectional dc/dc
converters are used to control the energy storage system.
Consequently, the SMPS/battery hybrid DVR can support
both short-term high power voltage sag and long-term under

3.4 Static compensator

Static compensator (STATCOM) is shunt connected Facts
device which compensates the load side power quality
problems. It provides the desired reactive power generation and
absorption by means of electronic processing of the voltage and
current waveforms in the voltage source converter (Wang et al.,
2016; Liu et al., 2017; Chen and Cheng, 2017; Exposto et al.,
2016; Singh and Niwas, 2016; Barrado et al., 2010; Mohod and
Recent power quality issues Circuit World
Ananthan Nagarajan et al.

Figure 6 Structure of UPQC Figure 6 illustrates the schematic structure of Unified Power
Quality Conditioner. The series APF is installed to compensate
the source side issues like sag, swell and interruption. And the
shunt APF is used to tackle the load side issues like harmonic
and power factor.

ish ðv tÞ ¼ i^s ðv tÞ  il ðv tÞ (6)

The shunt inverter should inject a current as governed by above

equation (6) to eliminate the harmonics generated by the non-
linear loads in the distribution system. Also, the basic operation
of a series inverter can be represented by the below equation (7).

vse ðv tÞ ¼ vl ðv tÞ  vs ðv tÞ (7)

4.2 Classification of UPQC

weight of the fundamental components of load current. Anup The unified power quality conditioner is classified under the
Panda Kumar (Panda Kumar and Mangaraj, 2017) describes physical structure and voltage sag compensation (Rauf et al.,
neural network (NN) is employed in distributed static 2016; Modesto et al., 2016; Ambati and Khadkikar, 2014;
compensator (DSTATCOM) is proposed for power quality Melin et al., 2012; Muñoz et al., 2012; Karanki et al., 2013;
enhancement. The author targeted to reduce the dc link voltage
across the self-supported capacitor of VSI.

4. Mitigation of power quality problem using Table II UPQC Acronyms

UPQC 1 Right shunt UPQC UPQC-R
4.1 Upqc: State of art 2 Left shunt UPQC UPQC-L
Generally, the construction of unified power quality 3 Interline UPQC UPQC-I
conditioner is different from all other facts devices. It consists of 4 Multi-converter UPQC UPQC-MC
both series active power filter and shunt active power filter. 5 Modular UPQC UPQC-MD
UPQC uses two voltage source inverters that are connected to 6 Multi-level UPQC UPQC-ML
common DC energy storage capacitor. One of these two VSIs is 7 Active power controlling UPQC-P
connected in series with ac line while the other is connected in 8 Reactive power controlling UPQC-Q
shunt with the same line (Ganguly, 2014a; Kolhatkar and Das, 9 Distributed UPQC UPQC-D
2007; Khadkikar and Chandra, 2008; Leon et al., 2011). It is 10 UPQC integrated with Distributed Generator UPQC-DG
installed in the power transmission system to execute both 11 Steady state UPQC(active-reactive power) UPQC-S
series and shunt compensation at the same time. 12 Minimum VA loading UPQC-VAmin

Figure 7 Detailed classification of unified power quality conditioner

Recent power quality issues Circuit World
Ananthan Nagarajan et al.

Munoz et al., 2009; Khadkikar and Chandra. 2009; Han et al., the proposed control technique is its fast response to the change
2006a; Exposto et al., 2016; Ganguly, 2014c, 2014 b). in load current amplitude.
The different configuration of UPQC with its abbreviations
are tabulated in Table II. And detailed classification view of 4.6 Elimination of waveform distortion using UPQC
UPQC is shown in Figure 7. The combined operation of unified power quality conditioner
(UPQC) with the distributed generation was presented by Han
4.3 Mitigation of short duration variation using UPQC et al. (2006b). The author said that UPQC has compensation
This study proposed a command generator tracker-based direct capability for harmonic current and reactive power, but UPQC
adaptive control technique (CGT-DAC) in a three phase three- has no capability in compensation the voltage interruption
wire unified power quality conditioner (UPQC). CGT is a because there is no energy storage system. By using this
model reference control law for a linear time-invariant system combined operation, the power quality is improved.
with known coefficients and formulated for generation of In three phase, four-wire system both unified power quality
reference signals for both shunt and series inverter model. This conditioner and uninterruptable power supply were used to
technique is introduced to eliminate both the source side and improve the power quality (Modesto et al., 2015). The dual
load side issues like sag, swell and harmonics (Patjoshi and topology was implemented so that the parallel converter is
Mahapatra, 2016). controlled to operate the sinusoidal voltage source. Likewise,
A new algorithm is proposed for power angle control (PAC) series converter is controlled to operate the sinusoidal current
to improve power quality in the distribution system. The source. The series and parallel filtering capabilities were tested
algorithm reduces mathematical complication and its response by supplying balanced and unbalanced non-linear three-phase
time. The new concept is incorporated on triangle rules of loads connected to the 3P4W system.
vector addition/subtraction (Singh et al., 2015), and thus the Control strategy for single-phase transformer less three-leg
short duration variation is eliminated. unified power quality conditioner based on space vector
The author proposes the output regulated based unified modulation were presented (Lu et al., 2016). Author plans to
power quality conditioner (UPQC) with Kalman filter and this eliminate the transformer losses such as hysteresis loss, eddy
novelty is used to eliminate the state component of distorted current loss by using the transformer less circuit was
power supply voltage and load current. Also, it is used as a state implemented. Harmonic distortion of the drawn current can be
observer in this paper (Kwan et al., 2012). Additionally, the reduced with the implementation of MM2, as the shunt
exogenous Kalman filter also facilitates sensitive filtering of converter output current ripple introduced by the modulation
harmonic. process is minimized.
The author investigates the compensation of power quality
4.4 Mitigation of long duration variation using UPQC issues of utility connected micro grid system using unified
The protection of unified power quality conditioner against the power quality conditioner (UPQC) (Senthil Kumar, Rajasekar,
load side short circuit is presented in this paper (Axente et al., and Raj, 2015). Here Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inferences System
2010). The proposed scheme protects the series inverter from (ANFIS) is used to enhance the performance of the series and
overcurrent and overvoltage when the short circuit is on the shunt compensators. The ANFIS is trained off-line and
load side. The author used the crowbar circuit to protect the implemented in the online simulation. This investigation
secondary of the series transformer. The protection scheme is targeted to compensate sag and eliminate the harmonics.
demonstrated in both simulation and hardware in this paper.
Probabilistic estimation of LDV in the distribution system was 5. Conclusion
presented in this paper (Rodrigues et al., 2015). The proposed
method was used in the quasi-sequential Monte Carlo simulation This study elaborates the various power quality problems
method to generate the system operation scenarios. This and their causes in detail. Also the various types of FACTS
simulation method was modulated in the system failures in devices and its recent developments were explained. This
distributed generation. The uncertainties were using time series paper is made to categorize interesting features of the
models and that was tested with IEEE 33 bus system. Unified Power Quality Conditioner by organizing an
A soft switching single phase unified power quality acronymic list. This overview particularly targeted to
conditioner (UPQC) using simple resonant unit is proposed in explain the compensation property of UPQC for all power
this paper (Jiang et al., 2016). Here the author used zero voltage quality illnesses. It is desirable that this study on power
switching (ZVS) for main switches and zero current switching quality issues and improvements will serve as a useful
(ZCS) for auxiliary switches. This soft switching is used to reference guide to the researchers working in the area of
regulate both over voltage and under voltage. Additionally, the power quality enhancement by using UPQC.
shunt active filter is used to compensate the current harmonics
and improve the power factor.
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Vilathgamuwa, M., Ranjith Perera, A.A.D. and Choi, S.S. Ananthan Nagarajan can be contacted at: jananthan1991@
(2002), “Performance improvement of the dynamic voltage

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