Drip Design Template
Drip Design Template
Drip Design Template
Please Read: User shall provide information for those white text boxes; the yellow boxes are calculated
A. Preliminary Design
Input parameters
Command Area 30 ha
Application Efficiency 90 %
Leaching Requirement 0
Lateral spacing 1m
B. Detail Design
Step 1. System Layout
Average Elevation Difference along Laterals 0.5 m *Please use positive for upslope an
Diameter of Lateral 12.8 mm
Length of Lateral 50 m
Pressure variation between laterals 1.01 m The selected size of lateral is suitabl
Shorter Manifold
Average Elevation Difference along shoter manifold -2.5 m *Please use positive for upslope an
Longer Manifold
Average Elevation Difference along longer manifold -4.0 m *Please use positive for upslope an
Inlet operating pressure head of longer manifold 11.71 m The longer manifold is the governing
Segment 1
Length 263 m
Segment 2
Length 384 m
Segment 3
Length m
Diameter mm Inlet
Segment 2
Length 85 m
Segment 3
Length 83 m
Pump efficiency 70 %
System Discharge 100.00 m3/hr
Pump capacity 42 hp
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LAND HOLDINGS Generation Consultant PLC.
llow boxes are calculated values by the computer
For Vegatables make 'Width of the wetted area' equal to 'spacing between laterals'
st dripper is considered to be connected at just the regular dripper spacing
Velocity along segment 1 1.99 m/s The selected size of main pipe is suitable
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all or any
Internal Diameter of PE pipes
Nominal Diameter
Class 4 Class 6
12 9.4
16 12.8
20 16.6
25 20.8
32 28.8 27.9
40 36.6 34.8
50 45.6 43.6
63 57.6 55.0
75 68.6 65.4
90 79.8
Class 10
(ID, mm)