Waves Combined
Waves Combined
Waves Combined
1) What does a wave transfer? 1) A wave transfers energy from one place to another.
2) What causes a wave? 2) A vibration.
3) What is the definition of a transverse wave? 3) The vibration causing a transverse wave is
4) What is the definition of a longitudinal perpendicular to the direction of travel of the wave.
wave? 4) The vibration causing a longitudinal wave is parallel
5) Give three examples of longitudinal waves. to the direction of travel of the wave.
6) Give three examples of transverse waves 5) Sound, ultrasound and primary earthquake (P) waves
7) What is a compression? 6) Water waves, all EM waves and secondary
8) What is a rarefaction? earthquake (S) waves.
9) What is the amplitude? 7) A compression is when particles in a longitudinal
10) What is the wavelength? wave are closest together.
11) What is the frequency? 8) A rarefaction is when particles in a longitudinal wave
12) What are the units of wave speed, are furthest apart.
wavelength and frequency? 9) The amplitude is the maximum displacement of a
13) What is the wave speed equation? wave from its equilibrium position.
14) What speed do EM waves travel at? 10) The wavelength is the distance from a point on one
15) What speed does sound travel at? wave to the same point on the next wave.
16) List the EM waves in order from longest to 11) The frequency is the number of waves passing a point
shortest wavelength. each second.
17) Which EM wave has the highest frequency? 12) Wave speed – m/s, wavelength – m, frequency – Hz.
18) Which EM wave has the most energy?
19) Which three EM waves are ionising? 13) v=f×λ
20) What happens when light travels from air 14) 300,000,000 m/s
into a glass block? 15) 330 m/s
21) What happens when light travels from a 16) Radio, microwave, infra-red, visible, ultra-violet,
glass block into air? x-ray, gamma.
22) What is the law of reflection? 17) Gamma
23) What is the danger of ultra-violet radiation? 18) Gamma
19) Ultra-violet, x-ray and gamma.
24) What is the danger of X-rays and gamma 20) It refracts towards the normal as glass is more dense
ray? than air.
25) What are radio waves used for? 21) It refracts away from the normal as air is less dense
26) What are microwaves used for? than glass.
22) The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of
27) What is infra-red used for? reflection.
28) What is visible light used for? 23) Can cause skin to age prematurely and increase the
29) What is ultra-violet used for? risk of skin cancer.
30) What are X-rays used for? 24) X-rays and gamma rays are ionising radiation that can
31) What are gamma rays used for? cause the mutation of genes and cancer.
25) Television and radio transmission.
26) Satellite communication (as they can travel through
Name ______________________________
ionosphere) and for cooking food.
Electrical heaters, cooking food and infrared cameras
28) Fibre optic communications (and our vision!)
Class ______________________________
Energy efficient lamps, sun tanning.
Medical imaging and security scanning.
31) Medical treatment (radiotherapy).
Teacher ______________________________
Transverse and longitudinal waves
1 Waves transfer energy from one place to another.
3 In longitudinal waves, the vibrations are parallel to the direction of wave travel.
4 In a longitudinal wave, the region where the particles are closest together is
5 called a compression. The region where the particles are furthest apart is called
6 a rarefaction. The distance between one compression/rarefaction and the next
7 compression/rarefaction is called the wavelength.
8 In transverse waves, the vibrations are at right angles to the direction of wave
9 travel.
For each wave described below, identify the wave as a transverse or longitudinal wave.
1. The wave created by moving the end of a spring toy up and down.
2. The wave created by moving the end of a spring toy back and forth parallel to the length of the spring.
3. A sound wave.
4. An ocean wave.
5. An electromagnetic wave.
Hard: Use complete sentences. Look at the number of marks available.
1. Describe the differences between longitudinal waves and transverse waves (3).
2. Radio waves are electromagnetic waves. Describe how radio waves are different from sound waves. (4)
3. Describe how switching the desk lamp on and off shows that light waves transfer energy. (2)
(i) Name one wave quantity that is the same for the two waves. (1)
(ii) Name one wave quantity that is different for the two waves. (1)
Figure 2
(b) Which of the letters on Figure 1 shows the centre of a rarefaction? (1)
(b) Which two letters in Figure 1 have a distance of one wavelength between them? (1)
(d) Describe how the end of the stretched spring should be moved in order to produce a
transverse wave. (1)
3 The frequency measures how many waves travel past a point every second.
4 The equation that links time period and frequency is:
5 T=1÷f
8 Stretch:
17 The smaller the wavelength, the higher the pitch of the sound
1 Example question 2) Which of these waves has a higher pitch? Why?
Q1: Write the equation that links time period and frequency.
Q2: What are the units of time period and frequency?
Q3: Calculate the time period when the frequency is:
a) 10 Hz b) 5 Hz c) 0.2 Hz d) 1200 Hz e) 0.006 Hz
Q4: What is the definition of frequency?
Q5: Rearrange the equation to give an equation for frequency.
Q7: A note is played on an electric keyboard. The frequency of the note was 440 Hz. What
does a frequency of 440 Hz mean?
Q8: Calculate the time period when the
To go from kHz to Hz → × 1000
frequency is:
a) 2 kHz. b) 0.5 kHz c) 150 kHz d) 0.2 kHz e)
0.01 kHz
Q9: Calculate the frequency when the time period is:
a) 0.5 seconds b) 0.01 seconds b) 5 milliseconds c) 2 milliseconds
d) 1 minute e) 30 minutes f) 1 hour g) 1 year.
To go from milliseconds to seconds → ÷ 1000
Q10: What is the time period of the wave
Q11 Using the answer to Q10, what is the
frequency of the wave opposite?
1 mark
Q2. The diagrams below show the patterns produced on an oscilloscope by three
different sound waves.
............................................................................................................2 mark
(ii) Which two waves have the same pitch?
Write the letters.
.............................................................................................................2 mark
1 The wavelength equation says that the velocity of a wave is equal to the
2 frequency multiplied by the wavelength:
4 v=f × λ
(ii) The sound waves produced by the keyboard travel at a speed of 340 m / s.
(b) Figure 1 shows a microphone connected to a cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO) being used
to detect the note produced by the keyboard.
Figure 1
Figure 2 shows the trace produced by the sound wave on the CRO.
Figure 2
Figure 3 shows the trace produced by the sound wave of the second note on the CRO.
Figure 3
What two conclusions should be made about the second sound wave produced by the
keyboard compared with the first sound wave?
Conclusion 1 ________________________________________________________
Reason ____________________________________________________________
Conclusion 2 ________________________________________________________
Reason ____________________________________________________________
(Total 8 marks)
10 Mini-task.
Q3. Once we’ve measured the frequency and the wavelength of a wave in a ripple tank, how do we find out the
wave speed?
Q4. Why is it a benefit to measure the length of ten wavelengths and then take an average?
Q6. The measured frequency of a wave is 5 Hz. Calculate the wave speed for each of the wavelengths:
a) 0.1 m
b) 20 cm
c) 2 mm
Q7. The measured wavelength is 0.02m. Calculate the wave speed for each of the frequencies:
a) 10 Hz
b) 0.2 kHz
c) 5 kHz
Q10. The bar is made to move faster. It now produces waves with a frequency of 20 Hz and a wavelength of 0.5 cm.
Calculate the speed of the waves in units of cm/s.
Small water waves are created in a ripple tank by a wooden bar. The wooden bar vibrates up
and down hitting the surface of the water.
The figure below shows a cross-section of the ripple tank and water.
(b) The speed of the wooden bar is changed so that the bar hits the water fewer times each
(c) Describe how the wavelength of the water waves in a ripple tank can be measured
accurately. (2)
(d) The water waves in a ripple tank have a wavelength of 1.2 cm and a frequency of 18.5
How does the speed of these water waves compare to the typical speed of a person
All EM waves reflect if they hit a reflective surface. Light is the most common
example of this and it’s how we can see ourselves in a mirror.
Law of Reflection:
i (°) = r (°)
The law of reflection is true for any type of wave being reflected from a surface.
Put your mirror carefully on the line labelled ‘mirror’. Draw a line from each dot
to the point where the normal line meets the mirror. Shine your light ray along
this line and
Angle of incidence (°) Angle of reflection (°) then draw
another line
1 to show
where the
3 ray is.
Measure the angles using a protractor and fill in the table below:
Plot your results on the graph below.
The diagram below shows the apparatus a student used to investigate the reflection of light by a
plane mirror.
The student drew four ray diagrams for each angle of incidence.
(a) For each angle of incidence, the angle of reflection has a range of values.
What type of error will have caused each angle of reflection to have a range of values?
(b) Suggest what the student may have done during the investigation to cause each angle of
reflection to have a range of values.
(c) Estimate the uncertainty in the angle of reflection when the angle of incidence is 50°.
Uncertainty = ± _____________________ °
(d) The student concluded that for a plane mirror, the angle of incidence is equal to the angle
of reflection.
Use examples from the results in the table below in your answer.
(e) What extra evidence could be collected to support the student’s conclusion?
(f) State one change the student should make to the apparatus if he wants to use the same
method to investigate diffuse reflection.
(Total 8 marks)
1 When an EM wave (like light) travels into a material that is more dense (for
1 example from air into a glass block), it refracts towards the normal (an
2 imaginary line at right angles to the surface). This is because light travels
3 slower in objects that are more optically dense.
4 Label the diagram below:
1 Refraction can also be shown with wavefronts.
2 In a more dense material (like glass) the wave travels more slowly. The
3 wavelength therefore decreases.
4 Waves can be absorbed, transmitted, reflected or refracted when travelling
5 from one object to another.
1. Put a piece of plain ________ on the desk. (use the blank page opposite)
2. Set up a power pack and ____ _______ so that a single ray of light is shining across
the plain ________.
3. Place a rectangular _________ _________ on the paper.
4. Draw around the ______ ___________.
5. Draw a normal line at _______ ________ to the block.
6. Shine the ray of light into the _________ line.
7. Using a ________, put small crosses to show where the rays of light go.
8. Take the __________ __________ off the paper. Use a ________ to join the crosses
and show the path of the light.
9. Use a ___________ to measure the angles of incidence and the angles of refraction
from the normal.
Light entering the block Light leaving the block
The data given in the table below was obtained from an investigation into the refraction of light
at an air to glass boundary.
Angle of Angle of
incidence refraction
20° 13°
30° 19°
40° 25°
50° 30°
(a) Describe an investigation a student could complete in order to obtain similar data to that
given in the table above.
(b) State the reason why light is refracted as it crosses from air into glass.
(Total 7 marks)
Electromagnetic Waves
1 Mini task:
2 1. Which wave has the longest wavelength?
3 2. Which wave has the highest frequency?
4 3. Which wave has the highest energy?
5 4. Which wave has the biggest hazard?
6 The three EM waves with the most energy are ionising:
7 • UV
8 • X-rays
9 • Gamma rays
10 The order of visible light: ROY G. BIV
1 Q1. The diagram shows some of the kinds of waves in the electromagnetic spectrum.
2 Choose words from this list to complete the empty boxes on the diagram. (3)
9 (a) Name one type of electromagnetic radiation which has more energy than infrared. (1)
10 ___________________________________________________________________
11 (b) Use the correct answer from the box to complete each sentence.
12 Each answer may be used once, more than once or not at all. (3)
greater than less than the same as
6 Q3. (a) Which one of the following is not an electromagnetic wave? (1)
7 Tick one box.
Gamma rays
10 ___________________________________________________________________
12 Some of the radio waves from the distant galaxy have a frequency of 1 200 000 000 hertz.
1.2 gigahertz
1.2 kilohertz
1.2 megahertz
1.2 millihertz
16 (d) Radio waves travel through space at 300 000 kilometres per second (km/s).
17 How is 300 000 km/s converted to metres per second (m/s)? Tick one box. (1)
300 000 ÷ 1000 = 300 m/s
1 (e) Write the equation which links frequency, wavelength and wave speed. (1)
2 ___________________________________________________________________
3 (f) Calculate the wavelength of the radio waves emitted from the distant galaxy.
5 ___________________________________________________________________
6 ___________________________________________________________________
7 ___________________________________________________________________
Uses of Electromagnetic Waves
Radio waves are used for radio/TV transmissions. They are used for this
purpose because they are long wavelength and can diffract (bend) around
large objects. They are reflected from a part of the atmosphere called the
ionosphere and so travel long distances.
Microwaves are used in microwave ovens (duh!), mobile phones and
satellite communication (as they can travel through the ionosphere). A
danger of microwaves is that they can cause internal tissue heating.
Infrared is used in remote controls, heating and in night vision (because
warmer objects give out more infrared). A danger of infred is skin burns.
Light is used for seeing, in devices that look inside our body (called
endoscopes) and for fibre-optic communication. The danger of light is
blindness. This is why you should never look directly into the Sun.
Ultraviolet is used in sun beds and in security marking on bank notes. Too
much ultraviolet can cause sun burn (sun cream works by absorbing U-V).
As ultraviolet is ionising it can damade/mutate cells and cause cancer.
X-rays are used to image luggage and to X-ray broken bones. X-rays are also
ionising and so X-rays should not be taken of pregnant women. Instead
ultra-sound scans are used as ultra-sound is not ionising.
X-rays are absorbed by dense structure like bone (but go through less
dense objects). X-rays show up on film or charge-couple device (CCD).
Gamma radiation is used to sterlise food and medical equipment. It can
also be used in radiotherapy to kill cancerous cells. Gamma is the most
ionising out of all the EM
Basic: Match up the following parts of the EM spectrum with their uses
1. What is the danger of:
a) Visible light
b) Infra-red
c) Microwaves
2. Which three EM waves are ionising? What
does ionising mean and what is it dangerous?
3. What does sterilisation mean? What property
of gamma waves makes it suitable for
sterilising food/medical equipment?
4. What does sun-screen do to UV light?
5. Different parts of the EM spectrum are useful
for different methods of communication. The diagram shows a transmitter emitting two electromagnetic
waves L and M.
a) i) Wave L is used to send a signal to a satellite. Which part of the electromagnetic spectrum does wave L
belong to?
ii) What name is given to the process that occurs as wave L passes into the ionosphere?
b) I) Wave M is reflected by the ionosphere. On the diagram above, draw the path of wave M until it
reaches the receiver.
ii) On the diagram above, draw a line to show the normal where wave M meets the ionosphere. Label
the line N.
c) Give two properties of all electromagnetic waves.
6. The photo shows an X-ray of an arm with a
broken bone.
a) Complete the following sentence. X-
rays are part of the ________________
b) The graph shows how the intensity of
the X-rays changes as they pass
through soft tissue and reach a
i) Use the graph to determine the intensity of X-rays
reaching the detector for a 3cm thickness of soft tissue.
ii) Describe how the thickness of soft tissue affects the
intensity of the X-rays.
iii) The data in the graph is shown as a line graph and not as a bar chart. Explain why.
c) What happens to X-rays when they enter a bone?
d) How are images formed electronically in a modern X-ray machine?
e) Radiographers who take X-ray photographs may be exposed to X-rays. X-rays can increase the risk of the
radiographer getting cancer. Why can X-rays increase the risk of getting cancer?
f) What should the radiographer do to reduce the risk from X-rays?
The figure below shows an incomplete electromagnetic spectrum.
(a) What name is given to the group of waves at the position labelled A in the figure above?
visible light
Draw one line from each type of electromagnetic wave to its use.
Gamma rays
To sterilise surgical
_____________________ radiation.
(Total 5 marks)
Diagram 1 shows four of the seven types of wave in the electromagnetic spectrum.
Diagram 1
Visible Radio
J K L Infrared Microwaves
light waves
(a) The four types of electromagnetic wave named in Diagram 1 above are used for
(i) Which type of electromagnetic wave is used when a traffic signal communicates
with a car driver?
(b) Gamma rays are part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Diagram 2
(i) Which one of the arrows, labelled A, B or C, shows the wavelength of the wave?
(ii) Draw a ring around the correct answer to complete the sentence.
shorter than
longer than
of radio waves.
(d) Mobile phone networks send signals using microwaves. Some people think the energy a
person’s head absorbs when using a mobile phone may be harmful to health.
(i) Scientists have compared the health of people who use mobile phones with the
health of people who do not use mobile phones.
Which one of the following statements gives a reason why scientists have done
(ii) The table gives the specific absorption rate (SAR) value for two different mobile
The SAR value is a measure of the maximum energy a person’s head absorbs
when a mobile phone is used.
X 0.28
Y 1.35
Using the information in the table, suggest why buying mobile phone X was the best
Infra-Red radiation
8 An object called a Leslie cube can help show this. A Leslie cube is a
9 metal can with one silvered side and one matt black side. There is a
10 hole in the hole so that it can be filled with hot water.
11 The matt black side is a better emitter of IR radiation and so a thermal
12 camera or IR thermometer shows a greater temperature.
13 This can also be shown by using an aluminium can, with one side
14 painted matt black.
1. How do infrared waves heat objects?
2. What is another name for infrared waves?
3. Which type of surface is the best absorber of infra-red radiation?
4. Which type of surface is the worst absorber of infra-red radiation?
5. Which type of surface is the best emitter of infra-red radiation?
6. Which type of surface is the worst emitter of infra-red radiation?
7. Using the diagram opposite, which of the metal plates (J, K or L) will have the hottest temperature after
being heated for 5 minutes. Explain why.
10. a) A company is developing a system which can heat up and melt ice on roads in the winter. During
the summer, the black surface of the road will heat up in the sunshine. This energy will be stored in a
large amount of soil deep under the road surface. Pipes will run through the soil. In winter, cold water
entering the pipes will be warmed and brought to the surface to melt ice. The system could work well
because the road surface is black. Suggest why.
c) Calculate the amount of energy required to melt 15 kg of ice at 0°C. Specific latent heat of fusion
of ice = 3.4 × 105 J/kg.
The diagram shows the design of a solar cooker. The cooker heats water using infrared
radiation from the Sun.
(a) Why is the inside of the large curved dish covered with shiny metal foil? (1)
(b) Which would be the best colour to paint the outside of the metal cooking pot?
(d) Calculate how much energy is needed to increase the temperature of 2 kg of water by
80 °C. (3)
Energy = ___________________________________