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Bioplastics are the plastics derived from natural sources like corn starch, biomass, sugar cane, food waste etc. Unlike
fossile fuel based plastic, they are entirely or partially bio-degradable as a result of which they are less harmful to the
environment. Bio based plastic are extensively used for the production of cutlery, bowls and straws, however their cost and
performance cannot match with that of chemically derived plastics. The rationale of this study is to develop starch based
bioplastic from food material for which corn, potato and rice starch were used. Due, to high tensile strength, fair
biodegradability and low moisture content resulted in the production this combination resulted in the production of stable
bioplastic which was also enriched with fair amount of carrot powder and tulsi extract. The developed film was also blend with
glycerine which was used as a plasticizer showing consistency and promising results. The results of the study produced an eco-
friendly alternative to conventional petro-based chemical plastic polymer with a futuristic application as edible food wraps
(toffee wappers) were produced. However, more awareness programs are required to create awareness for production and use
of bioplastic, which in near future will be an essential tool for minimizing use of petro based chemical plastics.
KEYWORD: Bio Degradable, Bioplastic, Corn starch, Rice Starch and Potato Starch
Plastics have an importance role in today’s commonly include use of polysaccharide, protein, and
world as they are widely used for various applications lipids (Fakhoury et al. 2012; Guerrero et al. 2011,
like in the production of polythene bags, cold drink Lopattananon et al. 2012). One of the biggest advantage
bottles, toys, containers etc. (Bayer et al., 2014) This has of using these products is that they are fully
led to rise in the annual production of petroleum based biodegradable, renewable and non-toxic for the
plastic, which has also been a major cause for the environment. Use of edible ingredients in formulation of
emission of dangerous gases leading to many bioplastic makes it edible and formation of an edible
environmental problems (Emadian 2017). Due, to its non- biofilm on the food product makes it easier for
degradable nature its use has become limited which preservation distribution and marketing (Matta et al.
further led to emergence of a news concept known as 2015). One important component which is widely used
“Bioplastics” which refers to plastics made from starch, for polymer production is starch, as the production of
cellulose, chitson and protein renewable biomass starch-based bioplastics is quite simple, and it is widely
(Azahari et al., 2011). More precisely a Bioplastics is a used for packaging applications. Starch is highly suited
plastic that is made partly or wholly from polymers for bioplastic production due to its tensile property and
derived from biological sources such as sugar cane, the addition of eco-friendly polyesters makes it more
potato starch or the cellulose from trees straw and cotton suitable. It is a carbohydrate which contains great amount
(Meshram 2022). Bioplastics are not just one single of glucose units, combined together by glycosidic links
substance they comprise of a whole family of materials (Marichelvam et al., 2019). Starch is whitish in color,
with differing properties and applications. The European does not contain any specific taste or odor, it is non-toxic,
Bioplastics is defined as a plastic material which is either biologically absorbable and semi-permeable to carbon
bio-based, biodegradable or a combination of both dioxide.Pure starch is white in color and the starch
features (Izquierdo and Krochta 2008). The research and powder does not possess any specific taste or odor.
development of biodegradable bioplastics formed with Furthermore, pure starch cannot be dissolved in cold
raw materials from agricultural origin has been a new water or alcohol. It is non-toxic, biologically absorbable,
concept which has gained attention in recent times and semi-permeable to carbon dioxide (Ceseracciu et al.,
ecologically safe sustainable industrial development. 2015). The linear and helical amylose and the branched
Many different natural biopolymers derived from the amylopectin are the two types of molecules present in
agricultural product or by-product are proposed for the starch. Both amylose and amylopectin content of starch
formulation of biodegradable and edible bioplastic these may vary from 75 to 80% by weight, depending on the
Corresponding author
type of plant used. Starch has the property of becoming MATERIALS AND METHODS
soluble in water after being heated, after which starch
For preparation of the Bioplastic, corn, potato
becomes a paste and the viscosity is also increased. High
and rice starch were extracted in the laboratory. Food
amylose starch is a smart reserve for use as an obstruction
Glycerine, Citric acid and gelatin were used as
in packing materials. Due to the low price, renewability,
plasticizes, Carrot powder and tulsi was used as a
and decent mechanical properties, it was used to produce
flavouring agent and Stevia was used as a sweating agent.
decomposable films to partly or completely substitute the
For, preparing bioplastic following steps are being
plastic polymers (Wang et al., 2002). The current
investigation uses combination of rice, corn and potato
starch for the production of edible bioplastic, due to high Extraction of Starch
amylose content in the starch source the tensile property
For extracting starch from corn manually firstly,
of the bioplastic was found to be high, the study will be a
100 gm of corn was washed and boiled with water for
great assert for countries where environmental conditions
about an hour. After this the corn was grounded in motar
affect economy. The prepared bioplastic was found to be
with 100 ml water. Mixture was filtered and remaining
soluble in water and degradable in soil, which makes it
solid portion was reused, the process was repeated for
perfect for environmental use and such bioplastics in
five times, after which blend was allowed to settle in
future can be used as a potent source of packing material.
beaker for 10 minutes. About 100 ml water was added to
the mixture and water was removed after repeating
process for 4 to 5 times. Approximately, 40 gm starch
was obtained from 100 gm corn starch, similarly rice and
potato starch were also extracted (Table 1).
Preparation of Bioplastic Film (6) The sample was then poured in teflon glass plate and
was spread uniformly, after which it took 3-4 days to dry
Due, to good mechanical property and water
and cast film was removed.
solubility, food glycerol was used as a plasticizer. The
bioplastic film was prepared in following manner: Characteristicks of Bioplastics
(1) Firstly, 300 ml distilled water was taken in a beaker. Certain important characteristicks like tensile
strength, thickness, moisture content, water solubility,
(2) To this, 10 gm of extracted each corn, rice and potato
water contact angle, sealing property and biodegradability
starch were added.
of bioplastic were tested.
(3) 10 ml of citric acid and 10 ml of food glycerine were
(1) The tensile strength test was performed using
added to the preparation in the beaker.
Testometric Machine M 350 10 CT in accordance to
(4) 3 gm of Carrot powder (Daucus carota sativus) ASTM D882, where initial grip separation was 50 nm.
,flavouring agent 5gm of stevia and 2 gm of Tulsi extract and cross head speed was 50 nm/minute (Salarbakshi, et
(Ocimum tenuiflorum) were added to the mixture. al., 2013). Cut samples from film were subjected for
(5) The mixture was then stirred at a rate of 180 rpm for recording tensile strength (MPa).
10 minutes, after which the mixture was heated in hot (2) The thickness of bioplastic was measured by using
plate at 100 degree and was manually stirred for 70 thickness guage.
minutes continuously.
(3) The sample was cut into piecies after which it was glycerine in the bioplastic makes it rigid and less pialable
weight, then the sample was kept in oven at 110 degree C (Eerhart et al., 2012). Because of its brittleness the
until fixed dry weight was acquired, the film was polymer can be molded into any shape like spoon, straws
subsequently given 5 repetitions and the moisture content and cups as per wish (Figure 1). However, in the present
was measured accurately (Kim et al., 2017). study the polymer was used to prepare candy (toffee)
wappers which will allow direct consumption of the
Moisture Content in %= Initial weight of sample-Final
candies (Yaradoddi et al, 2022).
weight of sample/Final weight of sampleX100
Several studies across the globe report the
(4) The film sample was cut in to pieces, and were
production of bioplastic from different components as in
weight, after which sample was immersed in 100 ml
2017 Patel and Parvathi reported the production of edible
distilled water and fixed agitation was carried at 180 rpm
bioplastic from tropica starch by using red cabbage as a
for 6 hours, lasting portions were filtered for 6 hours. The
pH indicator. Lubis et al., (2018) produced bioplastic
samples were then dried in hot air oven at 110 degrees
from jackfruit starch using glycerol as plasticizer. Hasen
until an immediate fixed weight was found (Gaspar et al.,
et al., (2018) used Chitosan and yellow pumpkin starch
2005). Percentage of total soluble material was calculated
for production of bioplastic where castor oil was used as a
plasticizer. Marichelvan et al., (2019) used combination
WS% = [(W0-WF)/W0]X100 of corn and rice for the production of bioplastic. Another
Where WS is the solubility in water W 0 is the weight in study by Arikan (2019) reported the production of
beginning and Wf is the final weight of bioplastic bioplastic from potato peel waste. Yaradooddi et al.,
(2022) reported the use of orange peel for the production
(5) The specimen was cut into pieces found near the root of bioplastic, similarly Ashfaq et al., (2022) used papaya
of plants rich in nitrogenous bacteria, 500g. soil was kept for the production of biodegradable and edible film to
in a container along with samples, two samples were counter plastic waste generation. Chalermthai, et al.
prepared . One was kept at 2cm depth while the other was (2023) reported the production of edible Bioplastic from
kept at 3cm depth respectively. The biodegradability test Spirulina. The current study is a genuine and first attempt
was measured by following equation- to produce bioplastic from a combination of rice, potato
Weight Loss (%) = [(W0-W)/W0]X100 and corn starch by using food glycerine as a plasticizer.
Since the study reports formation of edible bioplastic or
where W0 and W are the weight of samples before and (toffee wrapers) so, ingredients which can increase the
after test. medicinal benefits of the biofilm were added so that a
(6) For seal production, bar Sealing Technique was strong platform can be laid for research on this topic in
applied where heat is applied for moulding sealing layer the coming time. Various properties of bio plastics have
to produce a molten state. been analyzed as which are important to narrate the
stability of bioplastics. Results of the test are following-
Tensile Properties
The high content of pectin, hemi cellulose,
cellulose and lignin in the carrot powder make it fit for Tensile strength may be defined as the strength which
making edible bioplastic. Carrot is one of the important is required to break bioplastic film. The sample reported
root vegetables which is rich in dietary fibers and tensile strength of about 12.5 MPa, Youngs Modulus of
contains optimum functional components having many about 0.182 GPa and elongation of about 7.2 %. The
beneficial health effects. It contains about 50% of Beta- presence of glycerol in the film made it more flexible by
carotene which is highly beneficial for skin and eye reducing the inter molecular bond and by modifying the
(Sharma et al., 2012). At the same time tulsi extract was mechanical properties of the bioplastic. It is also reported
also added to the bioplastic film, it is widely considered that mechanical resistance of film against rupture can be
to be a tonic for the as it is used for treating different improved by impregmentation of the rice starch
conditions and its fresh flowers are used for treating (Larotonda et al., 2004). The starch cross linking of ether
bronchitis, it is widely used for protecting the skin from or ester linkage among hydroxyl clusters in starch
various damages caused by free radicals, it is also used molecules can decrease density and can improve
for lowering uric acid level of body (Bhasin et al., 2023). mechanical property of the bioplastic (Woggum et al.,
Due to the positive effects of these ingredients on body 2014).
the current study uses these components for the first time
in the production of bioplastic. The addition of food
Thickness of Bioplastic rate. The weight of sample before and after the test was
found to be 0.452 gm and 0.285 gm respectively.
The thickness of bioplastic was measured at 10
different places using a thickness gauge, after which Sealing Nature of Bioplastics
average was taken. Various studies on thickness of
It is evident that plastic can be sealed at molten
bioplastic report thickness value of cornstarch film to be
or melting conditions and a range of temperature is set as
somewhere around 0.15 nm (Ghasemloue et al., 2013)
an acceptable sealing temperature which can create a
whereas, thickness ranging between 53-63 micron was
good seal is decided. In the present study, samples were
reported from potato, rice, wheat, gelatin and sorghum
inspected manually and were reported to have excellent
respectively. However, in the current study thickness of
sealing properties and can be used for making plastic
about 270 microns is reported which is attributed to the
bags, cups, plates, toffee wrapers etc.
used of rice, potato and corn starch respectively
(Fakhouri et al., 2015). Advantages of Using Bioplastics
Water solublity is one of the main characteristics (3) They can easily enhance oraganoleptic properties by
which is used to distinguish starch type to film formation providing flavour, color and sweetness to them.
method. The amount of amylose in starch is a key factor (4) They can serve as food supplements and can be
in deciding the solublity of starch in water. The current applied to heterogeneous foods.
study reports water solublity of about 12% in synthesized
bioplastic which is considered to be optimum for a (5) They are trailed to prevent deteriorative inter-
bioplastic (Fakhouri et al., 2015, Martelli et al., 2012). component moisture and solute migration in food like
pizzas etc.
(6) This can function as carrier for antimicrobial and
Biodegradablity test was successfully conducted antioxidant agent.
by taking two samples respectively. The weight loss
registered in the sample indicated the biodegradation of (7) They can be used for micro encapsulation of food
the compound by microorganisms. Samples buried in flavouring and can be used in multi layer food packaging.
different depth show approximately same degradation
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