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Procedia Technology 23 (2016) 20 – 27

3rd International Conference on Innovations in Automation and Mechatronics Engineering,


An experimental study on stress concentration around a hole under

combined bending and stretching stress field
Sushanta Ghukua, Kashi Nath Sahab*
a, b
Mechanical Engineering Department, Jadavpur University, Kolkata–700032, India


It is well known that in a loaded structural member, redistribution of stresses occur near a discontinuity, thus increasing the
induced stress value significantly over the nominal stress value. The paper presents an experimental study on existence of stress
concentration in the vicinity of drill hole present in master leaf of a leaf spring bundle. For the purpose of experimentation a leaf
spring testing rig is set up and master leaf of an automobile leaf spring is procured. To investigate the state of stress field
produced in the master leaf spring, load-deflection behavior of the master leaf is first studied experimentally. Experimental stress
concentration factors are obtained by mounting strain gauges at different locations, around the central drill hole of the master
leaf. In corresponding theoretical analysis, the master leaf spring is modeled as a curved beam with a circular hole on its centre
line subjected to combined bending and stretching. Theoretical and experimental stress concentration factors are reported in an
appropriate form which will facilitate to undertake rigorous theoretical analysis of stress distribution around geometric
discontinuities in beam under different loading conditions.
© 2016
The Authors. Published
by Elsevier by Elsevier
Ltd. This Ltd.
is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of ICIAME 2016.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of ICIAME 2016
Keywords: Leaf spring; Three point bending; Large deflection; Combined bending and stretching; Stress concentration.

1. Introduction

Presence of any geometric irregularity [1, 2] in the body shape of a loaded mechanical part impedes the orderly
flow of stress trajectories, causing them to crowd together and locally increasing the stress above the nominal level
as calculated by conventional mechanics of materials. Presence of drill hole in master leaf spring (LS) produce stress

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 332 414 6890; fax: +0-000-000-0000 .

E-mail address: ksaha@mech.jdvu.ac.in

2212-0173 © 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of ICIAME 2016
Sushanta Ghuku and Kashi Nath Saha / Procedia Technology 23 (2016) 20 – 27 21

concentration in the vicinity of the hole. The failure of LS due to large bending or other types of loading such as
braking torque, driving torque, fatigue load, shock loads, etc. are aggravated due to this stress concentration effect.
Several researchers have used strain gauge (SG) technique to study development of stresses in LSs made of spring
steel [3] and composite material [4] under concentrated load. Later on, Aşık et al. [5] used SGs with a portable strain
indicator for calculation of stresses developed in a curved glass beam under concentrated load. Ghuku and Saha [6]
performed experiment where load-deflection behavior of a master LS under concentrated load is studied by post
processing photographs of the master leaf at each step of loading. In theoretical research works, LSs are generally
modeled as bundle of curved beams [6] and analysis is carried out with small deflection theory. Many researchers [6,
7] have pointed out that for better characterization of such bending problems, analysis should be carried out with
large deflection theory.
Several researchers [6, 8, 9] have proposed various methods to study development of stresses and deflections in
curved beams under different loading conditions, whereas many research papers, for example, papers by Chu et al.
[10] and Li and Lee [11] considered combined bending and stretching effect as well. Ryan and Fischer [12] studied
stress concentration effect due to presence of a hole in a beam under pure bending using the concept of
photoelasticity. Castagnetti and Dragoni [13] examined Neuber’s criterion to investigate stress concentrations
produced by periodic notches in elastic solids under different loading conditions. Batista [14] presented stress
concentration around a hole in an infinite plate subjected to a uniform load by using a modified Muskhelishvili
complex variable method. Mohammadi et al. [15] considered plate of functionally graded material with a circular
hole under uniform biaxial tension and pure shear in this context. Troyani et al. [16] considered length as a
parameter in determining stress concentration factors (SCF) for rectangular plates, with opposite U-shaped notches,
under in-plane bending and presented the results in standard graphical form.
A huge number of studies on stress and deformation analysis of LS are reported in literature but experimental
study on stress concentration effect due to presence of drill hole in a master LS is not yet reported. In this work, a
special LS testing rig is set-up for the purpose of experimentation and asymmetry in the LS geometry is considered.
In corresponding theoretical analysis, the master LS is modeled as curved beam with geometric discontinuity in form
of a circular hole, under combined bending and stretching loading condition.

2. Description of experimental set-up

Fig. 1. Photographs of the experimental setup taken from front and right side, A is plumb, B is height gauge, C is scale and D is strain indicator.

The photographs of experimental set-up taken from front and right sides are shown in Fig. 1 and some
measurement contrivances are marked as items A-D. The corresponding schematic diagrams shown in Fig. 2 (a-b)
indicate the major sub-assemblies and some major dimensions of the set-up. Individual sub-assembly drawings are
not furnished to maintain brevity. The kernel of the set-up is the master leaf of a LS bundle (item 8) which is
mounted on a machined cast iron bed (item 10) by using roller supports at the ends (item 9). Profile of the master LS
in its free state is shown in Fig. 3. In Fig. 3, cross-section and major dimensions (span, camber, eccentricity and arc
22 Sushanta Ghuku and Kashi Nath Saha / Procedia Technology 23 (2016) 20 – 27

length) of the master leaf are also shown and enlarged details of mounting drill hole is shown separately. It is
apparent that the centre of the drill hole is not passing through the midpoint of span and the eccentricity between
them is 1.6 mm. LS is loaded by placing slotted discs (item 4) over load connector (item 7). Horizontal movement of
the load is restricted by the vertical guide rod (item 1). The rod is kept fixed in its position by the bush (item 2),
which is fitted on the guiding disc (item 3) for centre line alignment. The guiding disc is bolted over bridge structure
(item 5) after proper centre line alignment is made. The load connector produces concentric loading due to the fact
that it has eccentricity of 1.6 mm in itself.

Fig. 2. Schematic diagrams of the experimental setup: (a) front view and (b) side view.

Fig. 3. Profile of the master leaf spring in its free state and its major dimensions.

Table 1. Locations of strain gauges in Cartesian and polar coordinates.

Strain gauge 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
x -20.1227 -21.6162 -21.0495 -20.9790 20.7508 21.4540 20.8382 21.6691
y 12.7044 -11.9744 13.1993 -12.4150 12.0027 -12.3413 13.7341 -11.4341
r 23.798 24.711 24.846 24.377 23.972 24.750 24.957 24.500
T $
( ) 147.733 208.984 147.910 210.616 30.046 330.091 33.388 332.181

To determine stresses developed in the master LS, eight (Nsg) SGs (Make – TML, Tokyo, Gauge resistance – 350
± 1.0 ohm, Gauge factor – 2.1 ± 1% and Gauge length – 5 mm) are placed on the master leaf along longitudinal
direction and a portable 5 channel strain indicator (Make – Syscon Instruments, Bangalore) is used. Locations of the
SGs ( xi , yi ), i = 1, 2, …, Nsg (number of SGs) with respect to the centre of the drill hole are given in table 1, both
in Cartesian and polar coordinates. Individual SG readings are obtained by using half bridges for each strain gauge,
formed by mounting a dummy gauge on a similar piece of material as that of the master leaf spring. As it is shown
in Fig. 4, SGs 1 and 2 are located on the top surface of the master LS in left side, whereas SGs 3 and 4 are placed on
Sushanta Ghuku and Kashi Nath Saha / Procedia Technology 23 (2016) 20 – 27 23

the bottom surface in the same side. Similarly SGs 5 and 6 are placed on the top surface and SGs 7 and 8 are placed
on the bottom surface in the right side of the drill hole.

Fig. 4. Photographs and schematic diagram of strain gauges indicating their locations.

3. Experimental procedure and observations

During experimentation, the applied load on the master leaf is increased until the induced bending stress equals to
75% yield stress value of the spring material. The limit load is calculated by using bending stress equation of
Winkler-Bach curved beam theory. Experiment is carried out at seven different load steps. The first load step is
designated as pre-load, as no disc weight is mounted on load connector, but the guiding rod and load connector
attachment produces an initial load of 8.142 N on the LS.

Fig. 5. Photographs of deflection profiles at two different load steps.

Fig. 6. Curvature lines of the master leaf at two different load steps.

At a particular load step, span of the master leaf is obtained from locations of the plumb pointers along horizontal
scales and camber is measured by using height gauge (item B). Horizontal coordinates of other marked points are
24 Sushanta Ghuku and Kashi Nath Saha / Procedia Technology 23 (2016) 20 – 27

determined by taking projection of those points over the scales (item C) using a separate plumb (item A).
Experimental readings are taken at 14 marked points for each load steps. At each step of load, deflection profile of
the master LS is captured from the front side of the experimental set-up and recorded by using a digital camera.
Photographs of deflection profiles at two different load steps are shown in Fig. 5. By taking each photograph as
background in the editor of AutoCAD ® software, centers of the rollers are located and roller pitch circles are drawn.
Then the vertical load line and the horizontal line between the two roller centers are drawn and their intersection
point is considered as origin of present coordinate system. Thereafter, the centre line of the master leaf is drawn
making its ends tangential to the roller pitch circles. These points of tangencies are denoted by A1 and B1 for left
roller and right roller respectively as shown in Fig. 6. Then the drawing is scaled with respect to the origin by using
scale factors with respect to the span of the master leaf ( L' ) and with camber of the spring ( H ' ) respectively along
x and y direction. Curvature lines of the master LS at the two load steps as shown in Fig. 5 are considered and
presented in Fig. 6.

Fig. 7. Deflection profiles of the master leaf spring.

Table 2. Strain gauge readings (micro- strain) at each load step.

Individual strain gauge readings
Load (N)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
75.537 -160 -158 160 161 -168 -166 156 156
151.074 -332 -350 330 325 -352 -346 363 346
226.611 -553 -544 525 522 -544 -580 473 565
302.148 -721 -705 711 715 -741 -746 710 713
376.704 -926 -914 878 902 -962 -878 895 924
462.051 -1033 -1110 1072 1099 -1118 -1175 1075 1125

x, y coordinates of curve A1 B1 are measured from the drawing at twenty equal division points and exported in a
data file by using an auto-lisp code. Deflection profiles of the master leaf under each step of loading are drawn in
MATLAB® computational platform from the data files and presented in Fig. 7. The figure also shows results from
direct measurement, which are in good agreement. At pre-load condition, SG circuit is balanced and at each of the
six load steps, individual SG readings are observed by using a portable strain indicator (item D) and given in table 2.

4. Mathematical formulation

Free body diagram (FBD) of the master leaf is shown in Fig. 8 (a) by modeling it as an initially curved beam
under three point bending. The FBD is drawn in equilibrium position attained after application of load and point A1
is considered as origin of the present coordinate system Oxyz . At a particular load step, distance of load line from
Oxyz is LW , where horizontal restraining force P develops with load W due to the geometric asymmetry of the LS.
Reaction forces at left and right ends of the curved beam are RL and RR respectively coming from the roller
Sushanta Ghuku and Kashi Nath Saha / Procedia Technology 23 (2016) 20 – 27 25

supports. The lines of action of these forces make angle D L and D R with negative and positive x axis. Reaction
force coming from left roller RL has components ( PxL , PyL ) and in case of the right end roller, components of RR
are ( PxR , PyR ).

Fig. 8. (a) Free body diagram and (b) cross-section of curved beam in normal plane.

From force equilibrium condition in vertical and horizontal directions: W PyL  PyR and P PxL  PxR . Taking
moment of all forces about point A1 , PyR WLW  PH W L and PyL W  PyR , where HW is y coordinate of
master leaf profile at x LW . Horizontal components of reaction forces at left and right ends are PxL PyL / tanD L
and PxR PyR / tanD R respectively, which yields restraining force P at load application point. At location x
( 0 d x d L ) shear force and bending moment are given by

Vx PyL , for 0 d x d LW and Vx PyL  W , for LW d x d L (1)

­ PyL x  PxL y, 0 d x d LW
Mx ® (2)
¯ PyL x  PxL y  W ( x  LW )  P( H W  y ), LW d x d L

According to Winkler-Bach formula, bending stress developed in the beam at location x ( 0 d x d L ) is given by

V bx  M x y Ae(rn  y) . (3)

For rectangular cross-section, as shown in Fig. 8 (b), radius of curvature of neutral axis is given by
rn h /[ln(r2 / r1 )] . The beam is not only subjected to bending but there is in plane tensile load as well. At location
x ( 0 d x d L ) in plane load is given by Ptx PxL cosIx  Vx sinIx , where I x is slope of the beam profile at that
location. This in plane load produces axial stress which is given by

V tx Ptx bh . (4)

Presence of circular hole in master LS gives rise to stress concentration. Overall stress distributions around the
circular hole in an infinite plate subjected to nominal stress V , as given by [2], are
Vr V / 2 [(1  O2 )  (1  3O4  4O2 ) cos(2T )] , V T V / 2 [(1  O2 )  (1  3O4 ) cos(2T )] and V rT  V / 2 [(1  3O4
 2O2 ) sin(2T )] , where a is the radius of hole (refer Fig. 4), O a / r and V V bx  V tx . Due to the state of stress
( V r ,V T ,V rT ) at point ( r ,T ), the induced stress along x axis is back calculated using the analytical form of Mohr’s

V x [(V r  V T ) / 2]  [(V r  V T ) / 2] cos 2(180  T )  V rT sin 2(180  T ) (5)

26 Sushanta Ghuku and Kashi Nath Saha / Procedia Technology 23 (2016) 20 – 27

5. Results and discussions

Profiles of the master LS under each of the load steps are exported from AutoCAD® figures and stored in
MATLAB® computational platform. Now locations of SGs are taken on the LS profile and at each of these N sg
points shear force and bending moment are calculated from equations 1 and 2 respectively. As the LS profile has
non-uniform curvature, radii of curvature of its centroidal axis and neutral axis are calculated numerically at each of
the N sg points. Thereafter, combined stresses at locations of each SG are calculated by calculating bending stress
and in plane tensile stress from equations 3 and 4 respectively. Now, at each of these location, induced stress along
x axis due to presence of drill hole are calculated using equation 5. It is apparent that Eq. 5 has an in-built SCF,
applicable for flat infinite plates with a circular hole under uniform uniaxial loading. Experimental stress values
V exp at locations of SGs are obtained by multiplying experimental strain values presented in table 2 with modulus of
elasticity of spring material (considered as 207 GPa). Now experimental stress values are plotted against theoretical
stress values V x at each SG location under each step of loading and presented in Fig. 9. The figure also contains
plots of percentage deviation between experimental and theoretical results against theoretical ones.

Fig. 9. Theoretical vs. experimental stresses for the eight strain gauges.

Best fitted lines are drawn from data points of plots presented in Fig. 9 and slopes of these lines are obtained.
These slopes are function of SG locations and their variations are presented in Fig. 10 (a). Figure 10 (b) plots the
variations separately with x, y, r and T coordinates of the SG positions. From the plots of these slopes, it is clearly
seen that variations of slopes with positions have no definite trends. However, from Fig. 9, it is obvious that the
slopes are dependent on nominal stress V x and hence on load W . This discrepancy may be due to the fact that the
equations used for calculating stress field are not readily applicable in the present problem. The limitations of the
theory lies in the assumptions that the hole present in the member is small compared to the width, so that stress
distribution around a hole in flat infinite plate is applicable. But in actual case the ratio ( a b ) is a parameter which
need to be incorporated in the overall stress distribution equations. Moreover, the uniaxial stress field is produced
through combined effect of bending and stretching, which is in deviation with theoretical assumption.

6. Conclusions

Stress concentration effect due to presence of drill hole in master LS has been studied experimentally and
theoretically, and the observations made will facilitate future rigorous studies on stress analysis of LS.
Sushanta Ghuku and Kashi Nath Saha / Procedia Technology 23 (2016) 20 – 27 27

Fig. 10. Variations of slopes with strain gauge positions.


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