mV20 EN G5 Literacy Stations Web

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Literacy Stations

Literacy Stations are useful tools for Small Group time. They
provide students opportunities to practice strategies and
improve skills.

Word Wise
Get Fluent Students will read aloud various texts while
focusing on reading with accuracy, at an appropriate
rate, with appropriate phrasing, and with expression and

Word Work Working individually or with partners, students

will identify, build, and pronounce words to build phonics

Read for Meaning These reading comprehension activities

provide additional materials for students to practice target
comprehension skills and strategies.

Let’s Write! These writing activities provide students

opportunities to extend concepts learned while writing in
multiple genres.

Words to Know To improve their vocabulary skills, students

will use vocabulary strategies and word analysis skills to
extend and enrich their word knowledge.

Word Wise Using Word Wise, students can work individually

or with partners to spell words. Students will practice by
sorting, combining, and spelling words.

Each page has three separate activity levels. The circle

marks the activity for struggling students, the triangle is for
on-level students, and advanced students can attempt the
activity marked with the square.

Grade 5 i
Table of Contents

Get Fluent Practice Fluent Reading: 1

Practice Fluent Reading: 2
Practice Fluent Reading: 3
Appropriate Phrasing
Practice Fluent Reading: 4

Word Work Short Vowel Patterns VCCV 5

and VCV
Long Vowel Sounds 6
Long Vowel Digraphs 7
Verb Forms -ing and -ed 8
Contractions 9
Digraphs th, sh, ch, and ph 10
Irregular Plurals 11
Vowel Sounds with r 12
Final Syllables -en, -an, -el, 13
-le, and -il
Words Ending with -er, -ar, 14
Words with Schwa 15
Compound Words 16

Grade 5 ii
Table of Contents
Consonant Sounds /j/, /ks/, 17
/sk/, and /s/
Double Consonants 18
Prefixes un-, re-, and dis- 19
Word Origins 20
Prefixes over-, under-, sub-, 21
super-, and out-
Homophones 22
Suffixes -ible and -able 23
Negative Prefixes 24
Multisyllabic Words 25
Related Words 26
Greek Word Parts 27
Latin Roots 28
Suffixes -ous, -sion, -ion, 29
and -ation
Final Syllables -ant, -ent, 30
-ance, and -ence

Read for Meaning Character and Plot 31

Cause and Effect 32
Theme and Setting 33
Cause and Effect 34
Compare and Contrast 35
Sequence 36

Grade 5 iii
Table of Contents
Author’s Purpose 37
Sequence 38
Main Idea and Details 39
Fact and Opinion 40
Graphic Sources 41
Draw Conclusions 42
Generalize 43
Draw Conclusions 44
Compare and Contrast 45

Let’s Write! Step-by-Step Directions 46

Step-by-Step Directions 47
Tall Tale 48
Friendly Letter or Invitation 49
Newsletter Article 50
Expository Composition 51
Description 52
Friendly Letter 53
Poem 54
Personal Narrative 55
Narrative Fiction 56
Play 57
Persuasive Speech 58
Advertisement 59

Grade 5 iv
Table of Contents
Description 60
Expository Composition 61
Picture Book 62
Friendly Letter 63
Formal Letter 64
Narrative Poem 65
Autobiographical Sketch 66
Rhyming Poem 67
Paraphrase 68
Biographical Sketch 69
Letter to the Editor 70
Summary 71
Journal Entry 72
Mystery 73
Parody 74
Book Review 75

Words to Know Homographs 76

Homonyms 77
Unknown Words 78
Multiple-Meaning Words 79
Unfamiliar Words 80
Unknown Words 81
Unfamiliar Words 82

Grade 5 v
Table of Contents
Words with Endings -es, 83
-ed, -ing
Greek and Latin Roots 84
Antonyms 85
Prefixes pre- and re- 86
Endings -s, -ed, -ing 87
Synonyms 88
Unfamiliar Words 89
Suffixes -ion and -ish 90
Prefixes over- and in- 91
Endings -s and -es 92
Suffixes -less and -ful 93

Word Wise Short Vowel Patterns VCCV 94

and VCV
Short Vowel Patterns VCCV 95
and VCV
Long Vowel Pattern VCV 96
Long Vowel Digraphs 97
Words Adding -ed and -ing 98
Contractions 99
Digraphs th, sh, ch, and ph 100
Irregular Plurals 101
Vowel Sounds with r 102

Grade 5 vi
Table of Contents
Final Syllables -en, -an, -el, 103
-le, and -il
Words Ending with -er, -ar, 104
Words with Schwa 105
Compound Words 106
Consonant Sounds /j/, /ks/, 107
/sk/, and /s/
Double Consonants 108
Prefixes un-, re-, and dis- 109
Word Origins 110
Prefixes over-, under-, sub-, 111
super-, and out-
Homophones 112
Suffixes -ible and -able 113
Negative Prefixes 114
Multisyllabic Words 115
Related Words 116
Greek Word Parts 117
Latin Roots 118
Suffixes -ous, -sion, -ion, 119
and -ation
Final Syllables -ant, -ent, 120
-ance, and -ence

Grade 5 vii
Get Fluent
Practice Fluent Reading: Expression

You will need 15 min.

• Leveled Readers

Work with a partner. Choose a leveled reader

from those provided by your teacher. Take turns
reading a page from the book. Use the words
and punctuation to help you read with correct
expression. Provide feedback to your partner.

Work with a partner. Choose a leveled reader

from those provided by your teacher. Take turns
reading a page from the book. Use the words
and punctuation to help you read with correct
expression. Provide feedback to your partner.

Work with a partner. Choose a leveled reader

from those provided by your teacher. Take turns
reading a page from the book. Use the words
and punctuation to help you read with correct
expression. Provide feedback to your partner.

Grade 5 1
Get Fluent
Practice Fluent Reading: Rate

You will need 15 min.

• Leveled Readers

Work with a partner. Choose a leveled reader

from those provided by your teacher. Take turns
reading a page from the book. Think about the
topic of the book. As you read, match your rate to
what you are reading. Provide feedback to your

Work with a partner. Choose a leveled reader

from those provided by your teacher. Take turns
reading a page from the book. Think about the
topic of the book. As you read, match your rate to
what you are reading. Provide feedback to your

Work with a partner. Choose a leveled reader

from those provided by your teacher. Take turns
reading a page from the book. Think about the
topic of the book. As you read, match your rate to
what you are reading. Provide feedback to your

Grade 5 2
Get Fluent
Practice Fluent Reading:
Appropriate Phrasing

You will need 15 min.

• Leveled Readers

Work with a partner. Choose a leveled reader

from those provided by your teacher. As you
read, look at how words are grouped into
phrases. Read with appropriate phrasing, using
punctuation as a guide. Provide feedback to your

Work with a partner. Choose a leveled reader

from those provided by your teacher. As you
read, look at how words are grouped into
phrases. Read with appropriate phrasing, using
punctuation as a guide. Provide feedback to your

Work with a partner. Choose a leveled reader

from those provided by your teacher. As you
read, look at how words are grouped into
phrases. Read with appropriate phrasing, using
punctuation as a guide. Provide feedback to your

Grade 5 3
Get Fluent
Practice Fluent Reading: Accuracy

You will need 15 min.

• Leveled Readers

Work with a partner. Choose a leveled reader

from those provided by your teacher. Take turns
reading a page from the book. Use punctuation
clues to help you read with accuarcy. Provide
feedback to your partner.

Work with a partner. Choose a leveled reader

from those provided by your teacher. Take turns
reading a page from the book. Use punctuation
clues to help you read with accuracy. Provide
feedback to your partner.

Work with a partner. Choose a leveled reader

from those provided by your teacher. Take turns
reading a page from the book. Use punctuation
clues to help you read with accuracy. Provide
feedback to your partner.

Grade 5 4
Word Work
Short Vowel Patterns VCCV and VCV

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose six word cards from those provided

by your teacher. Write the words in a list. Say
each word aloud. Circle the short vowel sound in
each word. Write a rhyming word next to each of
your words.

Choose eight word cards from those provided by

your teacher and write the words in a list. Say
each word aloud. Write a rhyming word next to
each of your words. Use some of the words in a
funny, four-line poem.

Choose ten word cards from those provided by

your teacher and write the words in a list. Say
each word aloud. Write a rhyming word next to
each of your words. Use some of the words in a
funny, four- or eight-line poem.

Grade 5 5
Word Work
Long Vowel Sounds

You will need 15 min.

• magazines   • paper   • pencils

Find ten pictures in a magazine that have long

vowel sounds. Write the words in a list. Say each
word aloud. Write sentences for three of the

Make a list of ten words that have long vowel

sounds. Include two examples of each vowel: a,
e, i, o, u. Say each word aloud. Write sentences
using five of the words.

Make a list of fifteen words that have long vowel

sounds. Include three examples of each vowel: a,
e, i, o, u. Say each word aloud. Write sentences
using nine of the words.

Grade 5 6
Word Work
Long Vowel Digraphs

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose five word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Write the words in a list. Circle the
long vowel sound in each word. Say each word
quietly to yourself. Think of other words with
long vowel sounds. Add them to your list.

Choose eight word cards from those provided by

your teacher and write the words in a list. Circle
the long vowel sound in each word. Say each
word quietly to yourself. Think of other words
with long vowel sounds. Add them to your list.

Choose twelve word cards from those provided

by your teacher and write the words in a list.
Circle the long vowel sound in each word. Say
each word quietly to yourself. Think of other
words with long vowel sounds. Add them to your

Grade 5 7
Word Work
Verb Forms -ing and -ed

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose six word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Make a three-column chart with
headings Base Word, Ending -ed, and Ending
-ing. Fill in your chart with the correct words.
Quietly say each word.

Choose nine word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Make a three-column chart with
headings Base Word, Ending -ed, and Ending
-ing. Fill in your chart with the correct words and
quietly say each word.

Choose twelve word cards from those provided

by your teacher. Make a three-column chart with
headings Base Word, Ending -ed, and Ending
-ing. Fill in your chart and quietly say each word.

Grade 5 8
Word Work

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose six word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Write the words in a list. Quietly
say each word to yourself. Think of other
contractions you know. Add them to your list.

Choose nine word cards from those provided by

your teacher and write the words in a list. Quietly
say the words to yourself. Write sentences using
the contractions.

Choose twelve word cards from those provided by

your teacher and write the words in a list. Quietly
say each word to yourself. Write sentences using
the contractions.

Grade 5 9
Word Work
Digraphs th, sh, ch, and ph

You will need 15 min.

• magazines  • paper  • pencils

Use the magazines to find two words or pictures

for each of the digraphs th, sh, ch, and ph. Write
the words in a list. Quietly say each word. Circle
the digraph in each word.

Use the magazines to find three words or pictures

for each of the digraphs th, sh, ch, and ph. Write
the words in a list. Quietly say each word. Circle
the digraph in each word.

Make a four-column chart using the digraphs th,

sh, ch, and ph as headings. Think of four words
for each digraph sound and write them under the
correct heading. Quietly say the words.

Grade 5 10
Word Work
Irregular Plurals

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose six word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Write your words in a list. Quietly
say each word. Think of other words that have an
irregular plural form. Add the words to your list.

Choose eight word cards from those provided

by your teacher and write your words in a list.
Quietly say each word. Add other words with
irregular plural forms to your list. Use some of
your words in a funny, four-line poem.

Choose ten word cards from those provided

by your teacher and write your words in a list.
Quietly say each word. Add other words with
irregular plural forms to your list. Write a funny,
eight-line poem using some of the words.

Grade 5 11
Word Work
Vowel Sounds with r

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose eight word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Write the words in a list. Quietly say
each word. Think of other words you know that
have a vowel sound with r. Add these words to
your list.

Make a five-column chart with headings a + r,

e + r, i + r, o + r, and u + r. Choose twelve word
cards from those provided by your teacher. Write
the words in the correct column. Quietly say
each word.

Make a chart with headings a + r, e + r, i + r, o + r,

and u + r. Choose fifteen word cards from those
provided by your teacher and write the words in
the correct column. Quietly say each word. Add
other words with these sounds to your chart.

Grade 5 12
Word Work
Final Syllables -en, -an, -el, -le,
and -il

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Find two word cards provided by your teacher for

each final syllable sound. Make a five-column
chart with each final syllable sound as a heading.
Write the words in the correct column. Quietly say
each word.

Find two word cards provided by your teacher for

each final syllable sound. Group your words by
final syllable sound. Quietly say each word and
write sentences using five of your words.

Find three word cards provided by your teacher

for each final syllable sound. Group your words
by final syllable sound. Quietly say each word
and write sentences using each of your words.

Grade 5 13
Word Work
Words Ending with -er, -ar, -or
You will need 15 min.
• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Find two word cards provided by your teacher for

each of the following final syllables: -er, -ar, -or.
Write the words in a list. Say each word quietly
to yourself. Add other words ending with these
syllables to your list.

Choose ten word cards provided by your teacher

that end with the syllable -er, -ar, or -or. Write
the words in a list. Say each word quietly to
yourself. Add other words ending with these
syllables to your list.

Make a three-column chart using final syllables

-er, -ar, -or as headings. Use the word cards
provided by your teacher to fill in the chart.
Quietly read the words aloud. Add other words
with these final syllables to the chart.

Grade 5 14
Word Work
Words with Schwa

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose six word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Write the words in a list. Say each
word quietly to yourself. Circle the schwa sound
in each word. Think of other words you know
with a schwa sound. Add them to the list.

Choose eight word cards from those provided by

your teacher and write the words in a list. Quietly
say each word. Circle the schwa sound in each
word. Think of other words you know with a
schwa sound and add them to the list.

Choose twelve word cards from those provided

by your teacher. Write the words in a list and
quietly say each word. Circle the schwa in each
word. Add other words with a schwa sound to
the list.

Grade 5 15
Word Work
Compound Words

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose eight word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Write your words in a list. Quietly
say each word. Circle the two words that form
each compound word. Add other compound
words you know to the list.

Choose ten word cards from those provided

by your teacher and write your words in a list.
Quietly say each word. Circle the two words that
form each compound word. Add other compound
words you know to the list.

Choose twelve word cards from those provided

by your teacher and write the words in a list.
Quietly say each word and circle the two words
that form each compound word. Add other
compound words to the list.

Grade 5 16
Word Work
Consonant Sounds /j/, /ks/, /sk/,
and /s/

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose three word cards from those provided

by your teacher for each of these consonant
sounds: /j/, /ks/, /sk/, and /s/. Write the words in a
list. Circle the letters that form each consonant
sound. Quietly say the words aloud.

Choose four word cards from those provided

by your teacher for each of these consonant
sounds: /j/, /ks/, /sk/, and /s/. Write the words in a
list. Circle the letters that form each consonant
sound, and quietly say the words aloud.

Make a four-column chart with the headings

/j/, /ks/, /sk/, and /s/. Choose five word cards
from those provided by your teacher for each
consonant sound. Write each word in the correct
column. Quietly say each word aloud. Add other
words with these consonant sounds to the chart.

Grade 5 17
Word Work
Double Consonants

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose eight word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Write the words in a list. Circle the
double consonant in each word. Quietly say each
word aloud. Write a rhyming word next to each
of your words.

Choose ten word cards from those provided by

your teacher and write the words in a list. Circle
the double consonant in each word and quietly
say each word aloud. Write a rhyming word next
to each of your words.

Choose twelve word cards from those provided

by your teacher and write the words in a list.
Quietly say each word aloud. Write a rhyming
word next to each of your words. Use some of the
words to write a funny eight-line poem.

Grade 5 18
Word Work
Prefixes un-, re-, and dis-

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Find three word cards provided by your teacher

with each prefix: un-, re-, and dis-. Make a three-
column chart with the prefixes as headings. Write
your words in the correct column. Say each word.

Find four word cards provided by your teacher

with each prefix: un-, re-, and dis-. Make a three-
column chart with the prefixes as headings
and write your words in the correct column.
Say each word.

Find five word cards provided by your teacher

with each prefix: un-, re-, and dis-. Make a three-
column chart with the prefixes as headings
and write your words in the correct column.
Say each word.

Grade 5 19
Word Work
Word Origins

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose six word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Write the words in a list. Quietly
say each word aloud. Use your words to write a
short, fiction story about an adventure.

Choose eight word cards from those provided by

your teacher and write the words in a list. Quietly
say each word aloud. Use your words to write a
short, fiction story about an adventure.

Choose ten word cards from those provided

by your teacher and write your words in a list.
Quietly say each word aloud. Use your words to
write a short, fiction story about an adventure.

Grade 5 20
Word Work
Prefixes over-, under-, sub-,
super-, and out-

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Use the word cards your teacher provided

to find two word cards with each prefix.
Make a five-column chart with prefixes over-,
under-, sub-, super-, and out- as headings.
Write the words in the correct column. Quietly say
each word aloud.

Make a five-column chart with the prefixes as

headings. Choose twelve word cards from those
provided by your teacher. Write your words in the
columns. Quietly say each word aloud. Add other
words with these prefixes to the chart.

Make a five-column chart with the prefixes as

headings. Write each word card provided by your
teacher in the correct column. Quietly say each
word aloud and add other words you know with
these prefixes to the chart.

Grade 5 21
Word Work

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Match four pairs of homophones from the

word cards provided by your teacher. Write the
homophone pairs in a list. Pronounce each word.
Think of other homophones you know. Add them
to your list.

Place the word cards face down on the table to

play a memory game. Match the homophone
pairs and say the words. Write sentences using
three pairs of homophones.

Place the word cards face down on the table to

play a memory game. Match the homophone
pairs and say the words. Write sentences using
five pairs of homophones.

Grade 5 22
Word Work
Suffixes -ible and -able

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Make a two-column chart with the suffixes -ible

and -able as headings. Choose ten word cards
from those provided by your teacher. Write the
words in the correct column. Say each word.

Make a two-column chart with the suffixes -ible

and -able as headings. Write each teacher-
provided word card in the correct column. Circle
the base word in each word. Say each word.

Make a two-column chart with the suffixes as

headings. Write each teacher-provided word
card in the correct column. Say the words. Write
sentences that use at least two of the words in
each sentence.

Grade 5 23
Word Work
Negative Prefixes

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose five word cards from those provided

by your teacher. Write the words in a list. Quietly
say each word aloud. Circle the base word in
each word. Write sentences using each word and
each base word to show their different meanings.

Choose seven word cards from those provided

by your teacher. Write the words in a list. Quietly
say each word aloud. Circle the base word in
each word. Write sentences using each word and
each base word to show their different meanings.

Choose ten word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Write the words in a list. Quietly
say each word aloud. Circle the prefix in each
word. Underline the base word. Add other words
with negative prefixes to your list.

Grade 5 24
Word Work
Multisyllabic Words

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose six word cards from those provided by

your teacher. List the words on a sheet of paper.
Quietly say each word aloud. Think of other
multisyllabic words you know. Add them to your

Choose nine word cards from those provided

by your teacher and list the words on a sheet
of paper. Quietly say each word aloud. Write
sentences using five of your words. Add other
multisyllabic words you know to your list.

Choose twelve word cards from those provided

by your teacher and list the words on a sheet of
paper. Quietly say each word aloud. Write three
sentences, each using two words on your list. Add
other multisyllabic words to the list.

Grade 5 25
Word Work
Related Words

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose four pairs of related word cards from

those provided by your teacher. Quietly say each
word. Make a four-column chart. Use base words
as headings. Write each word’s related word. Add
other related words in the columns.

Choose six pairs of related word cards from those

provided by your teacher. Make a six-column
chart. Use base words as headings. Write each
word’s related word and other related words in
the columns. Quietly say each word.

Choose six word cards from those provided by

your teacher that are not related. Make a six-
column chart using the words as headings. Add
related words you know to each column. Quietly
say each of the words aloud.

Grade 5 26
Word Work
Greek Word Parts

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose four word cards from those provided by

your teacher with different Greek word parts.
Make a four-column chart. Use the word parts as
headings. Say each word aloud. Fill in your chart.
Add other words you know with these word parts.

Choose five word cards from those provided by

your teacher with different Greek word parts.
Make a five-column chart using the word parts
as headings. Say each word. Fill in the chart and
add other words with these parts.

Sort the teacher-provided word cards by Greek

word parts. Make a column chart using the word
parts as headings. Say each word. Fill in the chart
and add other words with these word parts.

Grade 5 27
Word Work
Latin Roots

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose four word cards from those provided

by your teacher with different Latin roots.
Make a four-column chart. Use the Latin roots
as headings. Quietly say each word aloud.
Fill in your chart. Add other words with these
Latin roots.

Choose five word cards from those provided by

your teacher with different Latin roots. Make
a five-column chart using the Latin roots as
headings. Quietly say each word. Fill in the chart.
Add other words with these Latin roots.

Sort the teacher-provided word cards by Latin

roots. Make a column chart using the roots as
headings. Quietly say each word. Fill in the chart
with the cards. Add other words that share these
Latin roots.

Grade 5 28
Word Work
Suffixes -ous, -sion, -ion, and -ation

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose ten word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Make a four-column chart using
the suffixes as headings. Write the words in the
correct column. Quietly say each word aloud.
Write each word’s base word.

Choose fifteen word cards from those provided

by your teacher. Make a four column chart and
use the suffixes as headings. Write the words in
the correct column. Quietly say each word aloud.
Write each word’s base word.

Group the teacher-provided word cards by suffix.

Quietly say each word aloud. Make a four-
column chart and use the suffixes as headings.
Write the words in the correct column. Write each
word’s base word.

Grade 5 29
Word Work
Final Syllables -ant, -ent, -ance,
and -ence

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose two word cards from those provided by

your teacher for each final syllable: -ant, -ent,
-ance, and -ence. Quietly say each word aloud.
Write the words in a list. Circle the final syllable
in each word.

Choose ten word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Quietly say each word aloud. Write
the words in a list. Circle the final syllable in each
word. Write sentences using six of the words.

Choose twelve word cards from those provided

by your teacher and quietly say each word aloud.
Write the words in a list. Circle the final syllable
in each word. Write sentences using eight of the

Grade 5 30
Read for Meaning
Character and Plot

You will need 15 min.

• Leveled Readers   • paper   • pencils

Choose and read a book provided by your

teacher. Think about the story’s characters and
plot. Choose two characters. Write a sentence
describing each character. Write a sentence that
explains the story’s plot.

Choose and read a book provided by your

teacher. Pay attention to the story’s characters
and plot. Choose two characters and write
sentences that describe each one. Write two
sentences explaining the story’s plot.

Choose and read a book provided by your

teacher. Think about the characters and the plot
of the story. How do a character’s actions shape
the story’s events? Write a paragraph that tells
about the story’s characters and plot.

Grade 5 31
Read for Meaning
Cause and Effect

You will need 15 min.

• Cause and Effect • Leveled Readers
graphic organizer
• pencils

Choose a book from those provided by your

teacher. As you read your book, think about what
happens. What causes this to happen? Use the
graphic organizer. Write about why something
happens under Cause. Write what happens under

Choose and read a book provided by your

teacher. As you read, think about what happens
and what causes this to happen. Use the graphic
organizer to identify three causes and three

Choose and read a book provided by your

teacher. As you read, identify the causes and
effects of the events. Use the graphic organizer to
list causes and effects. Place an “X” next to any
event that has more than one cause or effect.

Grade 5 32
Read for Meaning
Theme and Setting

You will need 15 min.

• Leveled Readers   • paper   • pencils

Choose and read a book provided by your

teacher. Think about the story’s theme and
setting. Write one sentence telling the story’s
setting. Write one sentence that states the story’s

Choose and read a book provided by your

teacher. Think about the story’s theme and
setting. Write a sentence that describes the
setting. Then state the story’s theme. Include
a story detail that supports your statement of

Choose and read a book provided by your

teacher. Think about the setting and theme
of the story. Where does the story take place?
What is the theme of the story? Write a
paragraph that answers these questions.

Grade 5 33
Read for Meaning
Cause and Effect

You will need 15 min.

• Leveled Readers   • paper   • pencils

Choose and read a book provided by your

teacher. Think about something that happens
in the book. What causes this to happen? Write
one sentence that tells about an effect. Write
one sentence that tells what causes the effect.

Choose and read a book provided by your

teacher. Think about the causes and effects the
author writes about. Write sentences telling
about two causes. Then write sentences stating
the effects.

Choose a book from those provided by your

teacher. As you read, think about the causes and
effects the author describes. Explain three causes
in the selection. Then describe the effects.

Grade 5 34
Read for Meaning
Compare and Contrast

You will need 15 min.

• Leveled Readers   • paper   • pencils

Choose and read a book provided by your

teacher. Choose two characters from the
story. Write one sentence that tells how the
characters are alike. Write one sentence that tells
how the characters are different.

Choose and read a book provided by your

teacher. Choose two characters from the
story. Write a short paragraph that compares
and contrasts the characters. Tell how they
are alike and how they are different.

Choose a book from those provided by your

teacher. As you read, think about how two
characters are alike and how they are different.
Write a short paragraph that compares the
characters and a short paragraph that contrasts

Grade 5 35
Read for Meaning

You will need 15 min.

• Leveled Readers   • paper   • pencils

Choose and read a book provided by your

teacher. Think about the order of events in the
selection. Write three sentences that tell what
happens using the words first, next, and finally.

Choose and read a book provided by your

teacher. Think about the selection’s sequence
of events. Write four sentences that tell the
selection’s sequence of events in the order they

Choose a book from those provided by your

teacher. As you read, think about the sequence
of events. Write a short paragraph that tells the
selection’s important events in the order they

Grade 5 36
Read for Meaning
Author’s Purpose

You will need 15 min.

• Leveled Readers   • paper   • pencils

Choose and read a book provided by your

teacher. Think about the author’s purpose for
writing the story. Write one sentence stating
the author’s purpose. Write one sentence with a
detail from the story that supports your thinking.

Choose and read a book provided by your

teacher. Think about the author’s purpose.
Write a short paragraph stating why you think
the author wrote the selection. Support your
reasoning with details from the selection.

Choose and read a book provided by your

teacher. As you read, think about the author’s
purpose for writing. Write a paragraph that
explains the author’s purpose. Include details
from the story that support your reasoning.

Grade 5 37
Read for Meaning

You will need 15 min.

• Leveled Readers   • paper   • pencils

Choose and read a book from those provided

by your teacher. Make a list of the events that
happen. Number the events to show the sequence
in which they occur.

Choose and read a book from those provided by

your teacher. Think about the order of events.
Write three sentences that tell the order of
events. Use words, such as first, next, and finally,
to help show the story’s sequence of events.

Choose and read a book from those provided

by your teacher. Think about the sequence of
events. Write a short paragraph that tells the
story’s sequence of events in the order they occur.
Use words such as first, next, then, and finally.

Grade 5 38
Read for Meaning
Main Idea and Details

You will need 15 min.

• Leveled Readers   • paper   • pencils

Choose and read a book provided by your

teacher. Think about what the selection is
mostly about. Write a sentence that tells the
selection’s main idea. Write one sentence with
a detail that tells more about the main idea.

Choose and read a book provided by your

teacher. Think about the selection’s main idea.
Write a sentence that tells the main idea of the
selection. Write two sentences with details that
tell more about the main idea.

Choose a book from those provided by your

teacher. As you read, think about the selection’s
main idea. Write a short paragraph that tells the
main idea. Include at least three details from the
selection that tell more about this idea.

Grade 5 39
Read for Meaning
Fact and Opinion

You will need 15 min.

• Leveled Readers   • paper   • pencil

Read a book provided by your teacher. Think

about the statements the author makes. Which
statements can be proven true or false? Write
one statement of fact from the book. Write one
statement of opinion.

Read a book provided by your teacher. Think

about the statements the author makes. Write
two statements of fact and two statements of
opinion the author gives.

As you read your assigned book, think about

some of the statements of fact and opinion.
Write a short paragraph stating some of the facts
the author provides. Write a short paragraph
stating some of the opinions the author gives.

Grade 5 40
Read for Meaning
Graphic Sources

You will need 15 min.

• Leveled Readers   • paper   • pencil

Choose a book from those provided by your

teacher. Think about the graphic sources in
the book. Choose one graphic source. Write
one sentence telling about the information it
provides. Include the type of graphic source it is.

Read a book provided by your teacher. Think

about the information provided in the graphic
sources. Choose two graphic sources. Write
sentences naming the type of sources and
explaining the information they provide.

Read a book provided by your teacher. Think

about the information provided by the graphic
sources. Write a paragraph listing the different
graphic sources in the book. Include details about
the information they provide.

Grade 5 41
Read for Meaning
Draw Conclusions

You will need 15 min.

• Leveled Readers   • paper   • pencil

Read a teacher-assigned book. Draw a conclusion

based on what you read. Write one sentence
stating your conclusion. Write one sentence with
information from the story that supports your

Read a teacher-assigned book and draw

a conclusion based on the information you
read. Write a short paragraph that states your
conclusion. Include information that supports
your conclusion.

As you read your teacher-assigned book, think

about two conclusions you can draw. Write a
short paragraph that explains each conclusion.
Include at least one detail that supports each

Grade 5 42
Read for Meaning

You will need 15 min.

• Leveled Readers   • paper   • pencil

Read a book provided by your teacher. Think

about a generalization you can make based
on the story. Write one sentence stating the
generalization. Write a sentence with a story
detail that supports your generalization.

Read a book provided by your teacher. Make

a generalization based on evidence presented
in the text. Write a sentence stating the
generalization. Write sentences with textual
evidence that support the generalization.

Read one of the books provided by your teacher.

As you read, think about two generalizations you
can make based on textual evidence. State your
generalizations in a short paragraph. Support
your generalizations with textual evidence.

Grade 5 43
Read for Meaning
Draw Conclusions

You will need 15 min.

• Leveled Readers   • paper   • pencil

Read a teacher-assigned book. What conclusion

can you draw about the person the book
is about? Write a sentence that states your
conclusion. Write another sentence with a detail
that supports your conclusion.

Read a teacher-assigned book. Draw a conclusion

about the person the book is about. Write a
sentence stating your conclusion. Write two
sentences with details from the book that
support your conclusion.

Read a teacher-assigned book and draw a

conclusion about the person the book is about.
Write a short paragraph that states your
conclusion and includes details from the book
that support your conclusion.

Grade 5 44
Read for Meaning
Compare and Contrast

You will need 15 min.

• Leveled Readers   • paper   • pencil

Compare and contrast two stories you read

recently. Write two sentences that tell how the
stories are alike. Write one sentence that tells
how the stories are different.

Compare and contrast two stories you read

recently. Write a short paragraph that compares
and contrasts the stories. Describe how the stories
are alike and how they are different.

Think about two stories you read recently. Write

a short paragraph that compares the stories.
Then write a short paragraph that contrasts the

Grade 5 45
Let’s Write!
Step-by-Step Directions

You will need 15 min.

• paper   • pencils

Write step-by-step directions for how to do a

task, such as making a sandwich or playing a
game. Number the steps in the order they should
be done.

Write step-by-step directions for how to do a

task, such as making a snack or playing a game.
Include specific details. Use words, such as first,
next, and then, to indicate the order of steps.

Write specific, step-by-step directions that tell

how to do a task or how to get to a place. Write
your steps in a paragraph. Use words, such as
first, next, and then, to make the sequence clear.

Grade 5 46
Let’s Write!
Step-by-Step Directions

You will need 15 min.

• paper   • pencils

Write step-by-step directions for how to get from

your classroom to another place in your school.
Number the steps in the order they should be
followed. Make sure your directions are clear.

Write step-by-step directions telling how to do

something. Be clear and specific. Use words,
such as first, next, and then, to indicate the
order of steps.

Write specific, step-by-step directions that tell

how to do a task. Write your steps in a paragraph.
Use words, such as first, next, and then, to
indicate sequence.

Grade 5 47
Let’s Write!
Tall Tale

You will need 15 min.

• paper   • pencils

Think of your favorite tall tale. Use the same

characters in a tall tale of your own. Use a lively
voice that reflects your personality. Include
sensory details that help your readers imagine
the setting.

Write a tall tale about a character with a special

ability or talent. Include sensory details that
exaggerate the character’s special ability. Write
in a lively voice that reflects your personality.

Write a tall tale about a character with a unique

talent or ability. Use exaggeration to describe the
character and write in a voice that reflects your
personality. Include sensory details in your tale.

Grade 5 48
Let’s Write!
Friendly Letter or Invitation

You will need 15 min.

• paper   • pencils

Imagine you have a friend who lives in another

city. Write a short letter inviting your friend
to visit for a weekend. Include important
information, such as dates and directions.

Think of a place that you would like to visit. Write

a letter to a friend inviting him or her to meet you
there. Include specific details, such as date, time,
and travel information.

Imagine you are planning a surprise party for a

relative. Write a letter that you could use to invite
guests to the party. Include specific details, such
as the location, date, and time of the party.

Grade 5 49
Let’s Write!
Newsletter Article

You will need 15 min.

• paper   • pencils

Think of an interesting event you know about.

Write a newsletter article that tells about the
event. Describe the action. Tell who was at the
event. Include information about when the event

Write a newsletter article about an interesting

event you know about. In your article, answer
the questions Who? What? Where? When? Why?
and How? Proofread your article for word choice.

Write a newsletter article about a recent event

that interests you. Include information that
provides details explaining the 5 W’s + How.
Proofread your article, and focus on word choice.

Grade 5 50
Let’s Write!
Expository Composition

You will need 15 min.

• paper   • pencils

Think about a problem that someone found a

solution to. Write a short composition that tells
about the problem. Explain what the solution to
the problem was. Include details and facts.

Many inventions have made people’s lives easier.

Write a short composition describing a problem
that existed before an invention. Explain how the
invention helped solve the problem.

Write a short composition describing a problem

that an invention helped solve. Give details about
the problem and explain how the invention
was the solution. Organize your writing into

Grade 5 51
Let’s Write!

You will need 15 min.

• paper   • pencils

Think about a place you have visited. Write a

description telling what the place is like. Use
sensory details that help your readers imagine
the place.

Write a description telling about a place you

have visited. Use sensory details that help your
readers imagine the place. Describe why this
place was memorable. Vary the length of your

Write a paragraph describing a place you have

visited. Use sensory language that makes your
description vivid. Vary sentence length and give
details telling why this place is memorable.

Grade 5 52
Let’s Write!
Friendly Letter

You will need 15 min.

• paper   • pencils

Think of a time when something surprising

happened. Write a letter to a friend describing
the event. Write your letter in a voice that
expresses your personality.

Write a friendly letter to someone describing a

surprising event. Include the date, an opening
greeting, and a closing in your letter. Use a
writing voice that expresses your personality.

Write a friendly letter to someone describing a

surprising event. Include the date, an opening
salutation, and a closing in your letter. Use a
writing voice that expresses your personality.

Grade 5 53
Let’s Write!

You will need 15 min.

• paper   • pencils

Think about a fun time you had with your family.

Write a four-line poem about it. Include rhyming
words and words that sound like they are spelled
in your poem.

Write a four- or eight-line poem about a fun

time you had with your family or friends. Give
your readers details. Include an example of
onomatopoeia, alliteration, or assonance.

Think about an exciting or scary experience

you’ve had. Write an eight-line poem that
describes the experience for readers. Include
examples of onomatopoeia, alliteration, or

Grade 5 54
Let’s Write!
Personal Narrative

You will need 15 min.

• paper   • pencils

Think about a time when you had to make

a difficult choice. Write a personal narrative
describing your experience. Use powerful verbs
that describe your experience. Proofread for word

Write a personal narrative describing a

challenging experience. Use powerful verbs
that help your readers imagine the experience.
Proofread your narrative and focus on word

Write a personal narrative about a challenge

you faced. Provide details and use powerful
verbs that help readers imagine the experience.
Proofread your narrative, focusing on word

Grade 5 55
Let’s Write!
Narrative Fiction

You will need 15 min.

• paper   • pencils

Write a short story of historical fiction set 100

years ago. What would life be like? Use imagery
that describes the setting of your story. Include
sensory details that appeal to the five senses.

Write a story of historical fiction that takes place

100 years ago. Use imagery that describes the
setting of your story, and include sensory details.

Write a story of historical fiction that imagines an

event that happens 100 years ago. Use imagery
that describes the story’s setting. Include sensory
details in your story.

Grade 5 56
Let’s Write!

You will need 15 min.

• paper   • pencils

Imagine two young characters are working on an

invention. Write a short play that tells the story
of their invention. Write dialogue that shows
how young inventors would really speak to each

Write a play about two young characters working

on an invention. Write realistic dialogue that tells
the story of their invention. Proofread your play
and focus on word choice.

Imagine three young friends are working on an

invention. Write a play that tells the story of
their work. Write realistic dialogue to show how
young inventors might speak. Proofread for word

Grade 5 57
Let’s Write!
Persuasive Speech

You will need 15 min.

• paper   • pencils

Think about an improvement that should be

made to your school. Write a persuasive speech
convincing others that this improvement is a
good idea. Give details that persuade others to
agree with you.

Write a persuasive speech about an improvement

that should be made to your school. Include
details that tell how the school would be better.
Provide reasons why the improvement is a good

Think about a change you’d like to see in your

school. Write a speech persuading others why
this change is a good idea. Give detailed evidence
telling how your school would benefit from the

Grade 5 58
Let’s Write!

You will need 15 min.

• paper   • pencils

Think of a place you like to visit. Write an

advertisement that persuades people to visit
this place. Choose words that tell why the place
is so great. Draw a picture to go with your

Think of a place you like to visit. Write an

advertisement persuading others to visit this
place. Explain why this place is so great, using
specific details. Draw a picture to go with your

Write an advertisement persuading others to

visit a place you like to go. Explain some of the
activities the place offers and give details about
why it is so great. Include a drawing with your

Grade 5 59
Let’s Write!

You will need 15 min.

• paper   • pencils

Think about your favorite meal. Write a short

description of this meal that tells why it is your
favorite. Use vivid adjectives that describe this
meal to your readers. Proofread for word choice.

Write a description about your favorite meal. Use

sensory words and vivid adjectives that describe
why this meal is so fantastic. Proofread your
description and focus on word choice.

Write about your favorite meal. Include sensory

words and vivid adjectives that describe what
makes this meal so delicious. Focus on word
choice when you proofread.

Grade 5 60
Let’s Write!
Expository Composition

You will need 15 min.

• paper   • pencils

Compare two movies that you’ve enjoyed. Which

was better? Write a short paragraph telling
why you liked one more than the other. Include
specific details that explain how you reached
your decision.

Compare two books that you’ve read. Which was

better? Write a short paragraph telling why you
preferred one over the other. Include details that
explain how you reached your conclusion.

Compare and contrast two places you’ve visited.

Which did you prefer? Explain your reasons in a
paragraph that has a strong introduction and
conclusion. Include details that support your

Grade 5 61
Let’s Write!
Picture Book

You will need 15 min.

• paper   • pencil   • crayons or markers

Think about a person who makes people laugh.

Write a picture book that tells about this person.
Focus on what makes this person special. Include
a drawing of the person with your book.

Write a picture book telling about a person you

know who has an interesting hobby. Focus on
explaining why the person and the hobby are
special. Include an illustration of the person.

Write a picture book that tells about a person

with an interesting skill or ability. Include details
focusing on how the person developed this skill
or ability and draw an illustration of the person.

Grade 5 62
Let’s Write!
Friendly Letter

You will need 15 min.

• paper   • pencils

Choose a character from a favorite book or story.

Write a friendly letter to the character. Ask the
character questions. Tell what you have been
busy doing. Include a mix of short and long

Choose two characters from a book or story.

Pretend you are one of the characters and
write a letter from one character to the other.
Ask the character questions and tell what your
character has been doing. Use a mix of simple
and compound sentences.

Choose two characters from a book. Pretend you

are one of the characters and write a letter from
one character to the other. Then write the second
character’s response. Include a mix of simple and
compound sentences in the letters.

Grade 5 63
Let’s Write!
Formal Letter

You will need 15 min.

• paper   • pencils

Think of an environmental issue you would

like to know more about. Write a letter to the
state environmental department asking for
information. Include the date, a greeting,
and a closing in the letter.

Write a letter to the state environmental

department asking for more information about
recycling in your community. Include the date,
a greeting, and a closing in your letter.

Write a letter to the state environmental

department asking for more information about
recycling programs in your area. Include the
date, a greeting, and a closing in your letter, and
thank your recipient.

Grade 5 64
Let’s Write!
Narrative Poem

You will need 15 min.

• paper   • pencils

Write a short, narrative poem that tells about

something fun you did recently. Choose words
that give sensory details that help your readers
imagine being there with you.

Write a narrative poem about an interesting

or fun experience you had. Choose words that
provide sensory details that help readers imagine
the experience. Capitalize the first letter of
each line.

Write a narrative poem describing an interesting

experience you had. Choose words that provide
sensory details to your readers. Capitalize the
first letter of each line and vary the line length.

Grade 5 65
Let’s Write!
Autobiographical Sketch

You will need 15 min.

• paper   • pencils

Think about something you did last year. Write

an autobiographical sketch describing your
experience. Write your sketch using a voice that
shows your personality.

Write an autobiographical sketch describing

something you did last year. Write your sketch in
a voice that shows your personality. Check to see
that your sentences are complete.

Write an autobiographical sketch that describes

something you did last year. Write in a voice that
shows your personality. Include details that help
the reader imagine the event.

Grade 5 66
Let’s Write!
Rhyming Poem

You will need 15 min.

• paper   • pencils

Write a rhyming poem about a silly character.

To get started, write down words that describe
the character. List some rhyming words. Check
the rhyme by reading the poem quietly aloud.

Write a rhyming poem about a pet you wish you

had. To begin, write down words that describe
the pet. Next to each word, list rhyming words.
Write a poem that has a noticeable rhyme.

Write a rhyming poem about an imaginary place.

To begin, write a few words that describe this
place and list some rhyming words. Use figurative
language and write a poem with a strong rhyme.

Grade 5 67
Let’s Write!

You will need 15 min.

• newspaper   • paper   • pencil

Read an article in a newspaper that interests

you. Take notes about the most important
ideas and details in the article. Write sentences
that paraphrase the article’s most important

Read a newspaper article that interests you. Take

notes about the most important ideas and details
in the article. Write a short paragraph that
paraphrases the information in the article.

Read a newspaper article that is of interest

to you. Take notes about the information and
details the author presents. Write a paragraph
that paraphrases the information.

Grade 5 68
Let’s Write!
Biographical Sketch

You will need 15 min.

• paper   • pencils

Write a biographical sketch about someone you

know. Tell about a major event in this person’s
life. Include interesting details that tell about
the person. Include a variety of short and long

Write a biographical sketch about someone you

know. Tell about a major event in this person’s
life and include interesting details. Vary sentence
length. Try to include a quotation from the

Write a biographical sketch about someone you

know. Describe a major event in the person’s life
and include interesting details. Vary sentence
length and include a quotation from or about the

Grade 5 69
Let’s Write!
Letter to the Editor

You will need 15 min.

• paper   • pencils

Think of an issue or problem in your community.

Write a letter to the editor telling about the
problem. Write in a voice that fits your purpose
and audience.

Write a letter to the editor and explain an

issue or problem in your community. Suggest a
solution to the problem. Use an appropriate voice
for your message and audience.

Write a letter to the editor that discusses a

problem or issue in your community. Express your
views on the problem and suggest a solution.
Write using a voice that is appropriate for your
message and your audience.

Grade 5 70
Let’s Write!

You will need 15 min.

• paper   • pencils

Think of a book you read recently. Write a

summary of the book. Explain what the book is
about. Include the book’s most important events
and details in your summary.

Write a summary of a book you read recently.

Explain what the book is about and include only
the most important ideas and details in your

Write a summary of a book you read recently.

Provide an explanation of what the book is about
and summarize the book’s most important facts
and details.

Grade 5 71
Let’s Write!
Journal Entry

You will need 15 min.

• paper   • pencils

Think about a day that was exciting for you.

Write a journal entry that tells about the day’s
events. Include one detail that explains why the
day was so exciting. Write in a voice that shows
your excitement.

Write a journal entry describing a day that was

especially memorable to you. Include at least
three details that tell about the day’s events.
Write your entry in a voice that reflects your

Write a journal entry describing a weekend that

was especially memorable to you. Include several
details telling about the weekend’s events.
Write your entry using a voice that reflects your
personality and excitement.

Grade 5 72
Let’s Write!

You will need 15 min.

• paper   • pencils

Think of mystery stories you have read. Write a

mystery about a strange event. Explain what the
mystery is. Write clues that reveal what happens.
Tell how the mysterious event happens.

Write a mystery about a strange event or

occurrence. Explain what the mystery is and
write sentences with clues that reveal what
happens. Include details that provide an
explanation to the mystery.

Write a mystery about a strange event or

occurrence. Explain what the mystery is and give
clues that reveal what happens. Include details
that describe how and why the mystery happens.

Grade 5 73
Let’s Write!

You will need 15 min.

• paper   • pencils

Think of a popular story that you have read. Use

your imagination to write a parody of the story.
Imitate the plot and characters in a funny way.
Write with a consistent point of view.

Write a parody of a popular story that makes fun

of the story in a humorous way. Write in a lively
voice and from a consistent point of view. Imitate
the original story’s plot and characters.

Write a parody of a popular story and make

fun of the story in a humorous way. Imitate
and exaggerate the original story’s plot and
characters. Use a lively voice and consistent point
of view.

Grade 5 74
Let’s Write!
Book Review

You will need 15 min.

• paper   • pencils

Think of a book or story you have read recently.

What happens in the story? Write a paragraph
that describes the book. Tell about the plot and
characters. Give your opinion of the book.

Write a review about a book you have read

recently. Include the title, author’s name, and
the genre. Describe the plot and characters. Give
your opinion of the book.

Write a book review of a book you have read

recently. Include the title, author, and genre.
Give your opinion and describe the book’s plot
and characters. Check for proper grammar and

Grade 5 75
Words to Know

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word • paper
• pencils
• dictionary

Choose two word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Find two different meanings for
each homograph in the dictionary. Write two
sentences for each word that show the different

Choose four word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Find two different meanings for
each homograph in the dictionary. Write two
sentences for each word that show the different

Choose six word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Find two different meanings for
each homograph in the dictionary. Write two
sentences for each word that show the different

Grade 5 76
Words to Know

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word • paper
• pencils
• dictionary

Choose three pairs of homonym word cards

from those provided by your teacher. Check the
meaning of each word in the dictionary. Write
two sentences for each pair of homonyms that
show their different meanings.

Choose five pairs of homonym word cards from

those provided by your teacher. Check the
meaning of each word in the dictionary. Write
two sentences for each pair of homonyms that
show their different meanings.

Choose seven pairs of homonym word

cards from those provided by your teacher.
Check the meaning of each word in the
dictionary. Write sentences that show each
pair’s different meanings. Make a list of other
homonyms you know.

Grade 5 77
Words to Know
Unknown Words

You will need 15 min.

• newspaper • paper

• dictionary • pencils

Use the newspaper to find three unknown words.

Write the words in a list. Use the dictionary to
find each word’s meaning. Write a sentence for
each of the words.

Use the newspaper to find five unknown words.

Write the words in a list. Use the dictionary to
determine each word’s meaning. Write a sentence
for each of the words.

Use the newspaper to find seven unknown words

and write the words in a list. Use the dictionary
to determine each word’s meaning. Write a
sentence for each of the words.

Grade 5 78
Words to Know
Multiple-Meaning Words

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word • paper
• pencils
• dictionary

Choose three word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Write the words in a list. Use the
dictionary to find two meanings for each word.
Write two sentences for each word that show its
multiple meanings.

Choose five word cards from those provided by

your teacher and write the words in a list. Use the
dictionary to find two meanings for each word.
Write two sentences for each word that show its
multiple meanings.

Choose seven word cards from those provided by

your teacher and write the words in a list. Use the
dictionary to find two meanings for each word.
Write two sentences for each word that show its
multiple meanings. List other multiple-meaning
words you know.

Grade 5 79
Words to Know
Unfamiliar Words

You will need 15 min.

• teacher-made vocabulary cards   • paper   • pencils

Choose four vocabulary cards from those

provided by your teacher. Write each word and
its definition. Write a sentence for each word that
shows its meaning.

Choose six vocabulary cards from those provided

by your teacher. Write each word and its
definition. Write a sentence for each word that
shows its meaning.

Choose eight vocabulary cards from those

provided by your teacher. Write each word and
provide its definition. Write a paragraph that
uses context clues to demonstrate each word’s

Grade 5 80
Words to Know
Unknown Words

You will need 15 min.

• magazines • paper

• dictionary • pencils

Use a magazine to find four unknown words. Use

the dictionary to find each word’s meaning and
part of speech. Write sentences using each of
your words.

Use a magazine to find six unknown words. Use

the dictionary to find each word’s meaning and
part of speech. Write sentences using each of
your words.

Use a magazine to find eight unknown words.

Find each word’s meaning and part of speech in
the dictionary. Write sentences using your words.

Grade 5 81
Words to Know
Unfamiliar Words

You will need 15 min.

• magazines • paper

• dictionary • pencils

Look through the magazines. Make a list of four

unfamiliar words. Use context clues to determine
word meanings. Check each word’s definition in
a dictionary. Write a sentence using each of your

Look through the magazines and make a list

of six unfamiliar words. Use context clues to
determine word meanings. Check each word’s
definition in a dictionary. Write a sentence for
each word on your list.

Look through the magazines to find eight words

that are unfamiliar to you. List each word and
write its definition and part of speech. Check your
work in a dictionary. Write a sentence for each
word on your list.

Grade 5 82
Words to Know
Words with Endings -s, -ed, -ing

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose three word cards from those provided by

your teacher. List the base words on paper. Next
to each word, write the -s, -ed, and -ing forms of
the word. Then write one sentence for each base
word, using one of the words you formed.

Choose five word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Write the base words on paper.
Next to each word, write the -s, -ed, and -ing
forms of the word. Then write one sentence for
each base word, using one of the words you

Choose seven word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Next to each one, write the -s, -ed,
and -ing forms of the word. Then use a variety of
the words to write a short, fictional paragraph.

Grade 5 83
Words to Know
Greek and Latin Roots

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose five word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Write the words in a list. Circle
the Greek or Latin root in each word. Write a
sentence for each word. List other words you
know with these Greek and Latin roots.

Choose seven word cards from those provided

by your teacher and list the words on paper.
Circle the Greek or Latin root in each word. Write
sentences using each of your words. Add other
words with Greek and Latin roots to the list.

Choose eight word cards from those provided

by your teacher and list the words on paper.
Underline the Greek or Latin root in each word.
Write sentences using each of your words. Add
other words with Greek and Latin roots to the list.

Grade 5 84
Words to Know

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word • paper
• pencils
• thesaurus

Choose four word cards from those provided

by your teacher. Write the words in a list. Use
a thesaurus to find an antonym for each word.
Write sentences for each word and its antonym
that show the opposite meanings.

Choose six word cards from those provided by

your teacher and write the words in a list. Use
a thesaurus to find an antonym for each word.
Write sentences for each word and its antonym
that show the opposite meanings.

Choose eight word cards from those provided by

your teacher and write the words in a list. Use
a thesaurus to find an antonym for each word.
Write sentences for each word and its antonym
that show the opposite meanings.

Grade 5 85
Words to Know
Prefixes pre- and re-

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word • paper
• pencils
• dictionary

Choose four word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Write the words in a list. Use the
prefix to help determine each word’s meaning.
Check definitions in the dictionary. Write a
sentence using each of the words.

Choose six word cards from those provided by

your teacher and write the words in a list. Use the
prefix to help determine each word’s meaning
and then check each definition in the dictionary.
Write sentences using the words.

Choose six word cards from those provided by

your teacher and write the words in a list. Use the
prefix to help determine each word’s meaning
and then check each definition in the dictionary.
Write sentences using the words.

Grade 5 86
Words to Know
Endings -s, -ed, -ing

You will need 15 min.

• magazines • paper

• dictionary • pencils

Use a magazine to find two verbs with each

ending: -s, -ed, and -ing. Write the words in a list.
Check each word’s meaning in a dictionary. Write
sentences using each of the words.

Make a three-column chart with headings -s,

-ed, and -ing. Use a magazine to find three verbs
for each column. Check word meanings in a
dictionary. Write sentences using the words.

Make a three-column chart with headings -s,

-ed, and -ing. Use a magazine to find four verbs
for each column. Check word meanings in a
dictionary. Write sentences using the words.

Grade 5 87
Words to Know

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made • paper
word cards
• pencil
• dictionary

• thesaurus

Choose three word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Write the words. Use a thesaurus to
find a synonym for each word. Write sentences
using each word and its synonym that show their
similar meanings.

Choose five word cards from those provided

by your teacher and write the words. Use a
thesaurus to find a synonym for each word. Write
sentences using each word and its synonym that
show their similar meanings.

Choose five word cards from those provided

by your teacher and write the words. Use a
thesaurus to find a synonym for each word. Write
sentences using each word and its synonym that
show their similar meanings.

Grade 5 88
Words to Know
Unfamiliar Words

You will need 15 min.

• newspaper • paper

• dictionary • pencil

Use the newspaper to find four unfamiliar

words. Write the words in a list. Use context
clues to determine each word’s meaning. Check
definitions in the dictionary. Write sentences
using the words.

Read the newspaper and make a list of six

unfamiliar words. Use context clues to determine
each word’s meaning. Check definitions in the
dictionary and write a sentence for each word.

Read the newspaper and make a list of eight

unfamiliar words. Use context clues to determine
each word’s meaning and check definitions in
the dictionary. Write a sentence for each of the

Grade 5 89
Words to Know
Suffixes -ion and -ish

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencil

Choose two teacher-provided word cards with

each suffix. Write the words in a list. Circle the
suffix in each word. Write sentences using each of
your words. Use a dictionary to determine each
word’s meaning.

Choose three teacher-provided word cards with

each suffix and write the words in a list. Circle the
suffix in each word. Write sentences using each of
your words. Use a dictionary to determine each
word’s meaning.

Choose four teacher-provided word cards with

each suffix and write the words in a list. Write
sentences using each of your words. Think of
other words you know with these suffixes. Add
them to your list.

Grade 5 90
Words to Know
Prefixes over- and in-

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencil

Choose three teacher-provided word cards that

have each prefix. Write your words in a list. Circle
the prefix in each word. Write a sentence for each
of your words. Add other words you know with
these prefixes to your list.

Choose four teacher-provided word cards that

have each prefix. Write your words in a list. Circle
the prefix in each word and write a sentence for
each word. Add other words you know with these
prefixes to your list.

Choose six teacher-provided word cards that

have each prefix and write your words in a list.
Circle each word’s base word and write sentences
using the words. Add other words you know with
these prefixes to your list.

Grade 5 91
Words to Know
Endings -s and -es

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencil

• dictionary

Choose six word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Write the words in a list. Use the
dictionary to check each word’s part of speech.
Next to the word, write its part of speech. Write
sentences using your words.

Choose eight word cards from those provided by

your teacher and write the words in a list. Check
each word’s part of speech in the dictionary and
write it next to the word. Write sentences using
your words.

Choose ten word cards from those provided by

your teacher and write the words in a list. Check
each word’s part of speech in the dictionary and
write it next to the word. Write sentences using
your words.

Grade 5 92
Words to Know
Suffixes -less and -ful

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word • paper
• pencils
• dictionary

Choose five word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Write the words in a list. Circle the
suffix in each word. Use the dictionary to check
definitions. Write a sentence for each word. Write
each word’s base word.

Choose seven word cards from those provided by

your teacher and write the words in a list. Circle
the suffix in each word. Use the dictionary to
check definitions. Write a sentence for each word.
Write each word’s base word.

Choose nine word cards from those provided by

your teacher and write the words in a list. Use the
dictionary to check definitions. Write a sentence
for each word. Write an antonym for each of your

Grade 5 93
Word Wise
Short Vowel Patterns VCCV and VCV

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose five word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Write the words in a list. Circle the
short vowel sound in each word. Write a sentence
for each word. Add other words you know with
short vowel sounds to your list.

Choose seven word cards from those provided

by your teacher. List the words. Circle the short
vowel sound in each word. Write a sentence for
each word. Add other words with short vowel
sounds to your list.

Choose nine word cards from those provided by

your teacher and list the words. Circle the short
vowel sound in each word. Write sentences using
the words. Add other words with short vowel
sounds to your list.

Grade 5 94
Word Wise
Short Vowel Patterns VCCV and VCV

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose six word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Write the words in a list. Circle the
vowel pattern in each word that creates the short
vowel sound. Write a sentence for each word.
Add other words you know with short vowel
sounds to your list.

Choose eight word cards from those provided by

your teacher and write the words in a list. Circle
the vowel pattern in each word that creates the
short vowel sound. Write a sentence for each
word. Add other words you know with short
vowel sounds to your list.

Choose ten word cards from those provided by

your teacher and write the words in a list. Circle
the vowel pattern in each word that creates the
short vowel sound. Write sentences using the
words. Add other words you know with short
vowel sounds to your list.

Grade 5 95
Word Wise
Long Vowel Pattern VCV

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose five word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Write the words in a list. Circle the
long vowel sound in each word. Write a sentence
for each word. Add other words with long vowel
sounds to your list.

Choose seven word cards from those provided

by your teacher and write the words in a list.
Circle the long vowel sound in each word. Write
a sentence for each word. Add other words with
long vowel sounds to your list.

Choose ten word cards from those provided by

your teacher and write the words in a list. Circle
the long vowel sound in each word. Write a
sentence for each word. Add other words with
long vowel sounds to your list.

Grade 5 96
Word Wise
Long Vowel Digraphs

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose five word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Write the words in a list. Circle the
long vowel sound in each word. Write sentences
using your words. Add other words with these
long vowel sounds to your list.

Choose seven word cards from those provided

by your teacher and write the words in a list.
Circle the long vowel sound in each word. Write
sentences using your words. Add other words
with these long vowel sounds to your list.

Choose ten word cards from those provided

by your teacher and write the words in a list.
Circle the long vowel sound in each word. Write
sentences using your words. Add other words
with these long vowel sounds to your list.

Grade 5 97
Word Wise
Words Adding -ed and -ing

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose five word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Write the words in a list. Circle each
word’s base word. Write a sentence for each of
the words.

Choose seven word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Write the words in a list and circle
each word’s base word. Write a sentence for each
word. Next to each word, write the base word
and add the other ending.

Choose ten word cards from those provided by

your teacher and write the words in a list. Circle
the base word and write sentences for each word.
Next to each word, write the base word
and add the other ending.

Grade 5 98
Word Wise

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose five word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Write the words in a list. Write the
two words that form each contraction. Write
sentences using your contractions.

Choose seven word cards from those provided by

your teacher and write the words in a list. Write
the two words that form each contraction. Write
sentences using each contraction.

Choose ten word cards from those provided by

your teacher and write the words in a list. Write
the two words that form each contraction. Write
sentences for each of your contractions.

Grade 5 99
Word Wise
Digraphs th, sh, ch, and ph

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose six word cards from those provided by

your teacher that contain the th, sh, ch, or ph
digraph. Write your words in a list. Circle the
digraph. Write a sentence for each of the words.
Add other words with these spellings to your list.

Choose eight word cards from those provided

by your teacher that contain the th, sh, ch, or ph
digraph. Write your words in a list and circle the
digraph. Write sentences for your words. Add
other words with these spellings to your list.

Choose ten word cards from those provided by

your teacher that contain the th, sh, ch, or ph
digraph. Write your words in a list and circle the
digraph. Write sentences for your words. Add
other words with these spellings to your list.

Grade 5 100
Word Wise
Irregular Plurals

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose five word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Write your words in a list. Write
sentences using each of the words. Next to each
irregular plural word, write its singular form.

Choose seven word cards from those provided by

your teacher and write your words in a list. Write
sentences using each of the words. Next to each
irregular plural, write its singular form.

Choose ten word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Write your words in a list. Write
sentences using each of the words. Next to each
irregular plural, write its singular form.

Grade 5 101
Word Wise
Vowel Sounds with r

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose five word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Write the words in a list. Circle the
vowel sound with r in each word. Write sentences
using the words.

Choose seven word cards from those provided

by your teacher and write the words in a list.
Circle the vowel sound with r in each word. Write
sentences using the words. Add words with these
spellings to your list.

Choose nine word cards from those provided

by your teacher and write the words in a list.
Circle the vowel sound with r in each word and
write sentences using the words. Add words with
similar spellings to your list.

Grade 5 102
Word Wise
Final Syllables -en, -an,
-el, -le, and -il

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose five word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Write your words in a list. Underline
the final syllable in each word. Write sentences
using the words. Add other words you know with
these final syllables to the list.

Choose seven word cards from those provided

by your teacher and write your words in a list.
Underline the final syllable in each word. Write
sentences using the words. Add other words with
these final syllables to your list.

Choose nine word cards from those provided

by your teacher and write your words in a list.
Underline the final syllable in each word. Write
sentences using the words. Add other words with
these final syllables to your list.

Grade 5 103
Word Wise
Words Ending with -er, -ar, -or

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word • paper
• pencils
• Letter Tiles

Find two word cards from those provided by your

teacher for each of the following final syllables:
-er, -ar, -or. Use the Letter Tiles to spell the
words. Write sentences using each of the words.

Choose ten word cards from those provided

by your teacher and write your words in a list.
Underline the final syllable in each word. Write
sentences using six of your words.

Choose ten word cards from those provided

by your teacher and write your words in a list.
Underline the final syllable in each word. Write
sentences using the words. Add other words you
know with these endings to your list.

Grade 5 104
Word Wise
Words with Schwa

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose five word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Write the words in a list. Underline
the vowel that makes the schwa sound in each
word. Write sentences for each of your words.

Choose seven word cards from those provided

by your teacher and write your words in a list.
Underline the vowel in each word that makes the
schwa sound. Write sentences using each of
the words.

Choose ten word cards from those provided

by your teacher and write your words in a list.
Underline the vowel in each word that makes the
schwa sound. Then write a paragraph using as
many of your words as possible.

Grade 5 105
Word Wise
Compound Words

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose five word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Write your words in a list. Next
to each word, write the two words that form
the compound word. Write a sentence for each
compound word.

Choose eight word cards from those provided

by your teacher. Write your words in a list. Next
to each word, write the two words that form the
compound word. Write sentences using each of
the compound words.

Choose ten word cards from those provided by

your teacher and write the words in a list. Next
to each word, write the two words that form the
compound word. Write sentences using each of
the compound words.

Grade 5 106
Word Wise
Consonant Sounds /j/, /ks/, /sk/,
and /s/

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Find at least one word card from those provided

by your teacher with each of the consonant
sounds: /j/, /ks/, /sk/, and /s/. Write the words.
Write sentences using each of the words. Add
other words with these sounds to the list.

Find at least two word cards from those provided

by your teacher with each of the consonant
sounds: /j/, /ks/, /sk/, and /s/. List the words and
then write sentences using the words. Add other
words with these sounds to the list.

Find at least three word cards from those

provided by your teacher with each of the
consonant sounds: /j/, /ks/, /sk/, and /s/ and write
the words in a list. Write sentences using each
of the words. Add other words with these sounds
to the list.

Grade 5 107
Word Wise
Double Consonants

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose six word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Write the words in a list. Write
sentences using each of the words. Think of other
words you know spelled with double consonants.
Add the words to your list.

Choose eight word cards from those provided by

your teacher and write the words in a list. Write
sentences using each of the words. Think of other
words you know spelled with double consonants
and add them to your list.

Choose ten word cards from those provided by

your teacher and write the words in a list. Write
sentences using each of the words. Think of other
words you know spelled with double consonants
and add them to your list.

Grade 5 108
Word Wise
Prefixes un-, re-, and dis-

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose five word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Write your words in a list. Circle the
prefix in each word. Underline the base word.
Write sentences using each of your words. Add
other words with these prefixes to your list.

Choose seven word cards from those provided by

your teacher and write your words in a list. Circle
the prefix in each word and write sentences using
the words. Add other words with these prefixes to
your list.

Choose ten word cards from those provided by

your teacher and write your words in a list. Circle
the prefix in each word and write sentences using
the words. Add other words with these prefixes to
your list.

Grade 5 109
Word Wise
Word Origins

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made • paper
word cards
• pencil
• dictionary

Choose five word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Write your words in a list. Write
sentences using each of the words. Think of other
words you know from different cultures. Add
them to your list.

Choose seven word cards from those provided

by your teacher and write the words in a list. Use
a dictionary to look up the origin of each word.
Write sentences using each of your words. Add
other words from different cultures to your list.

Choose ten word cards from those provided by

your teacher and write the words in a list. Check
the origin of each word in a dictionary. Write
sentences using each of the words. Add other
words from different cultures to your list.

Grade 5 110
Word Wise
Prefixes over-, under-, sub-, super-,
and out-

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose six word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Write your words in a list. Circle the
prefix in each word. Write sentences using each
word. Think of other words you know with these
prefixes. Add them to your list.

Choose eight word cards from those provided

by your teacher and write your words in a list.
Circle the base word in each word. Notice how
the prefix changes the word’s meaning. Write
sentences using each of your words.

Choose ten word cards from those provided by

your teacher and write your words in a list. Circle
the base word in each word and notice how the
prefix changes word meaning. Write sentences
using each of your words.

Grade 5 111
Word Wise

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose three pairs of homophones from the word

cards provided by your teacher. Write the words
in a list. Write two sentences for each pair of
homophones that show the different meanings.

Choose five pairs of homophones from the

word cards provided by your teacher. Write
the words in a list. Write two sentences for
each homophone pair that show the different
meanings. Add other homophones to your list.

Choose seven pairs of homophones from the

word cards provided by your teacher. Write
the words in a list. Write two sentences for
each homophone pair that show the different
meanings. Add other homophones to your list.

Grade 5 112
Word Wise
Suffixes -ible and -able

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose five teacher-made word cards. Write the

words in a list. Circle the suffix in each word.
Write sentences using the words. Think of other
words you know with these suffixes. Add those
words to your list.

Choose seven teacher-made word cards and

write the words in a list. Circle the suffix in each
word. Write sentences using the words. Add other
words you know with these suffixes to your list.

Choose ten teacher-made word cards and write

the words in a list. Circle each word’s base word.
Write sentences using the words. Add other
words you know with these suffixes to your list.

Grade 5 113
Word Wise
Negative Prefixes

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose five word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Write the words in a list. Circle the
prefix in each word. Write sentences using each
of your words. Add other words with negative
prefixes to your list.

Choose seven word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Write the words in a list. Circle the
prefix. Underline the base word. Write sentences
using each of your words. Add other words with
negative prefixes to your list.

Choose seven word cards from those provided by

your teacher and write the words in a list. Next to
each word, write the base word. Write sentences
for the base words and the negative prefix words
to show the different meanings.

Grade 5 114
Word Wise
Multisyllabic Words

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose four word cards from those provided

by your teacher. Write the words in a list. Next
to each word, write the number of syllables
the word has. Write sentences using each of
your words.

Choose six word cards from those provided by

your teacher and write the words in a list. Next to
each word, write the number of syllables in the
word. Write sentences using each of your words.

Choose eight word cards from those provided

by your teacher and write the words in a list.
Next to each word, write the number of syllables
the word has. Write sentences using each of
your words.

Grade 5 115
Word Wise
Related Words

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose three pairs of related word cards from

those provided by your teacher. Write your words
in a list. Write sentences for each pair of words to
show their related meanings. Add other related
words to your list.

Choose four pairs of related word cards from

those provided by your teacher. List the pairs on
paper. Write sentences for each pair of words to
show their related meanings. Add other related
words to your list.

Choose six pairs of related word cards from those

provided by your teacher. List the pairs on paper.
Write sentences for each pair of words to show
their related meanings. Add other words related
to these words to your list.

Grade 5 116
Word Wise
Greek Word Parts

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose four word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Write the words in a list. Circle the
Greek word part in each one. Write a sentence for
each of your words. Add other words with these
Greek word parts to your list.

Choose five word cards from those provided by

your teacher. List the words and circle the Greek
word part in each one. Write sentences using
each of your words. Add other words with these
Greek word parts to your list.

Choose seven word cards from those provided

by your teacher and write your words in a list.
Circle the Greek word part in each word. Write
sentences using each of your words. Add other
words you know with these Greek word parts to
your list.

Grade 5 117
Word Wise
Latin Roots

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose four word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Write the words in a list. Circle the
Latin root in each word. Write a sentence for each
of your words. Add other words you know with
these Latin roots to your list.

Choose five word cards from those provided by

your teacher. List the words and circle the Latin
root in each word. Write sentences for each of
your words. Add other words you know with
these Latin roots to your list.

Choose seven word cards from those provided by

your teacher and write your words in a list. Circle
the Latin root in each word. Write sentences using
each of your words. Add other words with these
Latin roots to your list.

Grade 5 118
Word Wise
Suffixes -ous, -sion, -ion,
and -ation

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose five word cards from those provided by

your teacher. Write the words in a list. Circle the
suffix in each word. Write a sentence using some
of the words. Add other words with these suffixes
to your list.

Choose seven word cards from those provided by

your teacher and write your words in a list. Circle
the suffix in each word. Write a sentence using
each of your words. Add other words you know
with these suffixes to your list.

Choose nine word cards from those provided by

your teacher and write your words in a list. Circle
the suffix in each word. Write sentences using
each word. Add other words to your list that
share these suffixes.

Grade 5 119
Word Wise
Final Syllables -ant, -ent, -ance,
and -ence

You will need 15 min.

• Teacher-made word cards  • paper  • pencils

Choose two word cards from those provided by

your teacher for each final syllable: -ant, -ent,
-ance, and -ence. Write the words in a list. Write
sentences using each of your words. Add other
words with these final syllables to the list.

Choose three word cards from those provided by

your teacher for each final syllable: -ant, -ent,
-ance, and -ence. Write the words in a list. Write
sentences using each of your words. Add other
words to the list with these final syllables.

Choose four word cards from those provided by

your teacher for each final syllable: -ant, -ent,
-ance, and -ence. Write the words in a list. Write
sentences using each of your words. Add other
words with these final syllables to the list.

Grade 5 120

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