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Lesson Plan Template - Assessment - IIPAC2022 DIDACTICS 1

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Lesson Planning Template

Lesson Plan TEMPLATE

Teacher´s name: Emilio Josué Núñez Vásquez.

Date Monday, November 27th, 2023.

Grade Ninth grade.
Topic of the lesson The semicolons.
Language skill Reading and writing.
CEFR Can do statement for speaking at (B1)  I can understand texts that consist mainly of high frequency
everyday or job-related language.
 I can write simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of
personal interest.
Assumptions (what your students know/can do  Students already know how to use colons.
already)  Students already know how to use commas in sentences.
 Students already know the difference between dependent and
independent clauses.
Predicted problems  Students may be confused when to use the semicolons.
 Students could struggle to differentiate the use of comma and
Materials to be used (in general) A digital board, a canva presentation, an online game and a kahoot
Length of the lesson 18 minutes.

 Main aim of the lesson: Students will be able to identify and correctly use semicolons in their writing.

Lesson Planning Template

Procedures (here you Sub-aims (here you Tasks/Activities (provide

have to state what the
will have to state what details about what the
teacher will perform)
Stage SS will do. It can be students will do) Materials Time Evaluation
one sub-aim per
1 Lead-in - Teacher greets - Students will be able to - Students greet the teacher - Digital board. - Make the
students and ask them recall ¨ Dependent and and answer to his question. students
about their day. independent clauses¨ in recall a
a short review. previous
- Teacher reviews a - Students pay attention to topic to
previous topic - Students will be able to the teacher. relate it with
(Dependent and identify at least one a new topic.
independent clauses) punctuation mistake in
4 min
connecting it with a written sentences.
new one.
- Students observe the
- Teacher shows some sentences carefully and
sentences that are identify mistakes on them.
wrong and ask the
students if they are able
to identify the mistakes.
2 Language - The teacher introduces - Students will be able to - Students pay attention to - Canva presentation. - Check that
Input the topic through the recognize the correct use the explanation of the students
Canva presentation of the semicolons in teacher. Canva presentation comprehend
¨Describing something¨. sentences. URL: the different
6 min
https://www.canva. uses of the
- The teacher explains com/design/DAF1P semicolons.
the topic using the 5BnP7s/jw8XvBum
Canva presentation. n1rZl7JkTEWA/edit
3 Learning - Teacher motivates the - Students will be able to - Students participate in an - The semicolon wars 4 min - Check that
students to participate choose the correct online game called ¨The online game. students are
in an online game called position of the semicolon wars¨ able to
¨The semicolon wars¨ semicolon in an online Online game URL: identify the
game. https://mrnussba correct
um.com/the- position of
semicolon-wars-the- the
fight-for-punctuation- semicolon
island-online-game in a
4 Authentic - The teacher shares a - Students will be able to - Students enter to the link - Kahoot quiz - Evaluate if
output link to make a short answer all the questions and play in kahoot. the students
quiz in kahoot. correctly in a short Kahoot quiz URL: use the
kahoot quiz. https://create. semicolons
4 min
- The teacher finishes - The students say goodbye kahoot.it/share/the- depending
the class and say to the teacher. semicolons/76ea9d2d- of the rules
goodbye to the students. a835-4f89-a2c8- of their use.

Please add details about the teaching-learning materials to be used and include the materials you elaborated in the previous task.


Scrivener, J. (2011). Learning teaching: the essential guide to English language teaching. Oxford, Macmillan Education. (3rd ed). (DVD) *

Figure 9.4 - page 232

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