The Filter Aid Forms A Fine Surface Deposit That Screens Out All Solids Preventing Them From Contacting and Plugging The Supporting Filter Medium
The Filter Aid Forms A Fine Surface Deposit That Screens Out All Solids Preventing Them From Contacting and Plugging The Supporting Filter Medium
The Filter Aid Forms A Fine Surface Deposit That Screens Out All Solids Preventing Them From Contacting and Plugging The Supporting Filter Medium
The quantity of the filter aid greatly influences the filtration rate. If too little filter aid is
used, the resistance offered by the filter cake is greater than if no filter aid is used,
because of added thickness to the cake. On the other hand, if high amounts of filter aid
are added, the filter aid merely adds to the thickness of the cake without providing
additional cake porosity.
Figure 7-1 is a typical plot of filter aid concentration versus permeability. In the figure,
flow rate and permeability are directly proportional to each other.
At low concentrations of filter aid, the flow rate is slow because of low permeability.
As the filter aid concentration increases, the flow rate increases and peaks off. Beyond
this point, the flow rate decreases as the fllter aid concentration is increased.
The ideal filter aid performs its functions physically or mechanically; no absorption
or chemical action is involved in most cases. The important characteristics for filter
aids are the following:
1. It should have a structure that permits formation of pervious cake.
2. It should have a particle size distribution suitable for the retention of solids, as
3. It should be able to remain suspended in the liquid.
4. It should be free of impurities.
5. It should be inert to the liquid being filtered.
6. It should be free from moisture in cases where the addition of moisture to the fluid
would be undesirable.
The particles must be inert, insoluble, incompressible, and irregularly shaped. Filter
aids are classified from low flow rate (fine: mean size in the range of 3 to 6 microns) to
fast flow rate (coarse: mean size in the range of 20 to 40 microns).
Clarity of the filtrate is inversely proportional to the flow rate, and selection requires a
balance between these factors. Filter aids are considered to be equivalent in
performance when they produce the same flow rate and filtered solution clarity under
the same operating conditions when filtering a standard sugar solution.
Table 7-2 lists the advantages and disadvantages of filter aid material.
Diatomite (diatomaceous earth) is the most important filter aid. Processed from
fossilized diatoms, it has an irregularly shaped porous particle that forms a rigid
incompressible cake.
Since diatomite is primarily silica, it is relatively inert and insoluble. Perlite, an
aluminum silicate, forms filter cakes that are 20 to 30% less dense than diatomic
cakes. Perlite is not a porous incompressible particle, but it has· an economic
advantage over diatomite.
Cellulose, asbestos, and carbon filter aids are also commercially available. Cellulose is
highly compressible and costs two to four times more than diatomite or perlite. It is
reserved for applications where the liquids may be incompatible with silica compounds.
Cellulose is used as a coarse precoat. It is available in high-purity material and has excellent
chemical resistance.
Asbestos has good retention on coarse screens, but has limited application because of high
cost, and because of concern over its toxicity should the fibers carry over into the filtrate.
Asbestos filters may be used in pharmaceutical industry if their application is followed by a
membrane filter.
Nonactivated carbons that are not suitable for decolorization or absorption are rarely used
in pharmaceutical applications because of cleanliness problems. They may be used for
filtering strong alkaline solutions.
Commercial blends of various filter aids are common, and these specialities, particularly
those intended as water scavengers in oil filtrations, must be considered in selection of a
filter aid.
Filter aids may be applied by precoating or body-mix techniques.
Precoating requires suspending the filter aid in a liquid and recirculating the slurry until
the filter aid is uniformly deposited on the filter septum. The quantity varies from 5 to 15
pounds per 100 square feet of filter area, or that sufficient to deposit a cake 1/16 to 1/8
inches thick. The liquid is preferably a portion of the feed or retained filtrate from a prior
cycle, since the physical properties of the precoat liquid must approximate those of the
material to be filtered. Precoating should proceed at the same flow rates and pressures to
be used in final filtration, and the transition from precoat liquid to regular feed must be
rapid to prevent disruption of the cake.
Body mix (direct addition of filter aid to the filter feed) is more common in batch
pharmaceutical operations.
The filter aid, 1 to 2 pounds per pound of contaminant, or 0.1 to 0.5% of total batch weight, is
mixed into the feed tank. This slurry is recirculated through the filter until a clear filtrate is
obtained; filtration then proceeds to completion.
The body-mix method minimizes equipment requirements and cross-contamination
Filter aids are chosen by trial and error in either laboratory or plant. Within ranges
previously indicated, the filter aid is usually selected to give acceptable filtrate at the highest
flow rate; however, in pharmaceutical operations in which quality is a primary consideration,
the selection usually favors the fine grades, which yield low flow rates. The most important
pharmaceutical factor is inertness. A filter aid may have such extensive absorption properties
that desired colored substances and active principles are frequently removed. The total quantity
of any ingredient absorbed may be small, but it may be a considerable portion of the original
Filtration efficiency also may be affected by changes in temperature, since there is an
inverse relationship of flow rate to viscosity. The viscosities of most liquids decrease with
increase in temperature. According to the "hole theory," there are vacancies in a liquid,
and there is a continuous movement of the molecules into these vacancies, thus causing
vacancies to move around. This movement of vacancies permits flow, but requires energy.
This energy is the activation energy with which a molecule has to move into a vacancy.
The activation energy is more readily available at higher temperatures than at lower
temperatures. Thus, the liquid can flow more easily at higher temperatures than at lower
temperatures. Table 7-3 lists the viscosities of some common liquids at different
temperatures. Equation (5) represents the relationship of the coefficient of viscosity to
ɳ = coefficient of viscosity of the liquid
E = activation energy
R = ideal gas constant
T = absolute temperature
A = pre-exponential factor
According to the "hole theory," the viscosity of a liquid increases as the pressure is
increased. Since the number of holes is reduced, it is more difficult for molecules to move
around. Increasing the temperature of heavy pharmaceutical syrups lowers the viscosity and
increases filtration rates. Most liquids must be maintained at a high temperature during
filtration to prevent the formation of crystals.
The filtration of cosmetic products at low temperatures, approximately 5°C, is also common.
The consequent reduction in flow rate is tolerated, since the goal is reduced solubility of
contaminants or perfume oils, resulting in their more effective removal. Filtration at room
temperature would yield a liquid that might cloud at the lower temperatures encountered by
the product under field conditions.
Filter Selection
In designing or selecting a system for filtration, the specific requirements of the filtration problem must be
defined. The following questions should be answered before any assistance is requested from the
manufacturers of filtration
Nonsterile Operations
For nonsterile polish filtrations, the quality level must be established prior to choice of
Particulate matter above 30- to 40-micron particles may be noticeable. Most
pharmaceutical filtrations therefore aim for removal of particles of 3 to 5 microns or less.
A nephelometer, an instrument that measures the degree of light scattering (Tyndall effect)
in dilute suspensions, is an excellent tool for assessing effectiveness in this range.
The nephelometer gives a quantitative value to the formulator's quality specification of
Sparkling clear. This value may be used to compare results using different filtration media.
Figure 7-6 shows a typical curve obtained from filtration of an elixir through disposable
cartridges and standard kraft paper. If an existing process is to be shifted from paper on a
filter press to cartridges, this curve permits selection of an element that gives comparable
performance. The technique also may be applied to assessment of filter aid effectiveness
by determining transmittance as a function of filter-aid type, quantity, or method of use.
The question of time for a filtration cycle is resolved by determining total volume versus
time during a test run at pressures approximating normal operating conditions. Flow
rate decreases with time as the media plugs or as the cake builds up. Plotting log total
volume per unit area versus log time usually gives a straight line suitable for limited
extrapolation (Fig. 7 -7). If the filter area of production equipment is fixed, the time to
filter a given batch size may be estimated.
Alternately, the filter area required to complete the process within an allotted time period
may be established.