Ecb 201
Ecb 201
Ecb 201
Nationai Institute ojrrecfino{ogy, (j)e[lii
Name of the Examination: B. Tech
Branch :ECE Semester : III
Title of the Course : Solid State Devices Course Code : ECB 201
Time: 1.5 Hours Maximum Marks: 25
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .._-----------------
• Questions are printed on BOTHsides. Answers should be CLEARANDTO THE POINT.
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' • All parts ofa single question must be answered together. ~-""""""""":--__:_
.. ·Use follewing data if not given in a problem: Eo = 8.85x10·14F/cm, Er (SiOz) = 3.9, Er (Si) = 11.8,
At room temperature for Si [!In = 1350cmz/V·S, !lp = 480 cmz/V·S, n, = 1.5xl01o/cm3, Eg = 1.12 eV],
k == 8.62x10's eV/K. 'tn = Lp= 1!ls, Eg(Ge) = 0.7 eV, ni (G~)= 2.5xl013 /cm3.
1. t'
In. a Si semiconductor sample, the doping profile is given by the following acceptor impurity [4-M]
. profile: NA = 1014. exp( -a. x2). For x 2:: 0 and assume, a = (tL:1/2)'
(a) Find the expression/ equation for the electric field for this sample at above conditio.'}.
(b) Then from part (a), calculate the values for the electric filed at x=a/2 and at x=a distances
in unit ofV /crn only.
2. In a Si semiconductor sample, the doping profile is expressed in terms of the following figure. i_3lViJ
:' ,', •I .' f," 1(
(a) At x =0 urn, what is the type of the extrinsic semiconductor material and why?
(b) At x =i um, what is the type of the extrinsic semiconductor material and why?
(c) At x =1 urn, what should be the position of Fermi level [Es] w.r.t to intrinsic Fermi
level [Ei] for this semiccnductor materiai?
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_, 3. Consider a Ge crystal. at room temperature doped with 5*1017 /cm" A~ atoms. [3M]
. [nr=Zx l 013/ crn ']
5. Consider a Si sample kept at room temperature having band gap Eg = 1.12 eV. [2M]
If the Fermi level Ep, is located exactly at the middle of the band gap for this sample, then
what will be the probability of finding an electron at E = Ec + 2KT?
6. Derive the expression for the electric field across a linearly graded pn junction diode having [2M]
physical contact at x=O. The space charge profile is given as p(x) = qax, where, x is the
distance with [z] = ±xo from x = 0 on either of the sides and a is constant.
, B®
iGe @E>
-'Xo t;t=o
7. In a CROj DSO, sweep rate frequency is 100 Hz with 2 full sinusoidal cycles observed in the [lM1
screen. What will be the frequency of the voltage applicable at the input vertical parallel
Quantum Mechanics is supported by which mathematical equation?
Write true (T)jfalse (F) only against each of the following:
[0.5x 10 =
(a) Slow luminescence process is known as fluorescence. 5M]
(b) Any drift, diffusion or combination of two in a semiconductor results in current
proportional to the gradients of the two quasi-Fermi levels.
(c) Depletion approximation is related to carrier depletion within space charge
(d) Carbon (C) is an indirect band gap semiconductor.
(e) Junction potential decreases with increasing temperature.
(f) Junction width decreases with increasing temperature.
(g) Conductivity of a semiconductor decreases with increasing temperature.
(h) Band gap (Eg) increases with increasing temperature.
(i) Band gap increases with increasing doping.
CD Lattice controlled mobility decreases with increasing temperature.
Useful Equations
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/2 1:(1
, p,
p .. N.'l
c r .,
n - !\~i;'
, fiP
p :\£ I: (.' r- -,
d F,
D kT
Diffu:.ion ien?,th: 1. D7 cmstem
C' .
re I'anon:
op (lfr.
q ,'tt' • r;
r .:
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" ! rn P: r:. I .\ \ .\
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