EMDT22e in The Name of The Principle! (1e, OSRIC)
EMDT22e in The Name of The Principle! (1e, OSRIC)
EMDT22e in The Name of The Principle! (1e, OSRIC)
the Principle!
by Gabor Lux
E.M.D.T. 22.-E
In the Name of the Principle!
by Gabor Lux
Cover and maps: Gabor Lux
Playtesters: Attila Hatvagner (Attila, Fighter 6)
Peter Barkanyi (Thermos, Thief 3/Magic-User 3)
Balazs Mladonyiczki (Eric, Magic-User 6)
Tamas Illes (Fatalis, Thief 6)
Sandor Gebei (Commodus, Fighter 3/Thief 3)
This module was first run on the Random Encounters I. mini-convention, 13 November 2010.
Certain results of the playtest were subsequently used within the scope of
the Global War on Terror.
change of plans. After passing proclama- citizens (or other members of the secret
tion #3775 with a minimal plurality and police), preferably out in the open; they
against significant objections, the Highest are hard to entrap unless caught unaware.
Synod is called again a few hours after the If the characters are judged to be a
characters’ departure. Acting on a vote of threat, their surveillance is discreetly in-
ten to nine (with two undeclared and rather creased to make it easier to neutralise
mysterious abstentions), the **Arx** re- them in case they make trouble. The
scinds its death sentence, sending out a agents relay their information to others in
new team of skilled assassins to correct their team, making it likely that the appro-
the previous mistake and protect priate decision-makers will receive note of
Megakrates while wiping out the charac- dangerous irregularities. Most secret
ters. Their session concluded, the mem- agents are 3rd level Fighters or 2nd level
bers of the Synod withdraw for the hours Thieves.
before the evening soirée and informal In a crisis situation, the four members
social programme. of the Tesserarchy react in different ways:
- Megakrates and Strategos Brakton
typically stay in the palace (13.), and
stick close to each other. Both have full
control over the state apparatus, com-
Dynamics municating through soldiers, bureau-
crats and envoys. Megakrates is very
The essence of the scenario is open- hard to draw away from his protective
ended, decisive problem-solving. The glass bell, and if he ever leaves the
characters can act as they please in re- palace, he will surely use it for protec-
connaissance and action while in the city tion.
state, but they must take into account the - Aymanz the Necropope resides in the
reactions of their environment. By default, Temple of the Night (5.), being rather
everyday life goes on in Akrasia, and the isolated from current events. He and
preparations for the Mysteries draw the priests may miss lesser calamities,
enough merchants and guests that the but if they receive a formal message,
movement, innocuous questions and, to a they may either choose to barricade
certain extent, odd behaviour of a small themselves, or sally forth to protect the
group does not gain more than cursory city state. If there is an attack on the
attention. temple, Aymanz tries to request help
The more suspicious, inexplicable from Megakrates with his scroll of
events (especially crimes, disappearances sending messages.
or accidents) in the city, the more exten- - Yizil Doré, Mistress of Magic lives in
sive the mobilisation and preparedness of her tower (10.), trusting her safety to
its guards, informers, and ultimately the the superstitions surrounding her mys-
Tesserarchy itself, increasing their ability tical powers and the giant ravens
to discover and intercept the characters. which dwell with her. Since the tower
Outside the state apparatus and its sup- provides her with an excellent view,
porters, the same escalation leads to in- she can easily spot unusual develop-
creasing unease, then events of mass ments in Akrasia, and find further in-
hysteria. Atrocities such as detonating the formation through her divination spells
aqueduct or provoking civilian unrest will (clairaudience/clairvoyance, wizard
surely lead to these consequences. eye). If she is confronted by interlop-
If the party appears particularly well ers, she tries to escape, and give
equipped for regular travellers, a few warning to others with a shout spell
members of the secret police will try to and her staff of light.
gauge their intentions through discreet Since all lords of the city state except Ay-
methods – e.g. posing as „the friendly manz are highly intelligent, and all of them
merchant”, „the lost pilgrim” or „the annoy- possess a healthy degree of paranoia,
ing but clueless bureaucrat”. Informers they are unlikely to fall for badly planned
always make contact in plain sight of other schemes. They are highly loyal to each
other, and in case of a great upheaval, Megakrates, Lord of Akrasia: Fighter 6;
gather in the palace for mutual protection. AC 3 (Dex, force field gauntlets); Atk
In Akrasia, the warrior-sect guarding 2*touch staff of horrid decomposition 2d4
the Mysteries form an independent power Con; Str 14, Dex 6, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 15,
group, controlling the hill in the north- Cha 13; LE; glass bell, staff of horrid de-
eastern quarter of the city states, including composition, tforce field gauntlets,
its buildings (6.), while the park (8.) is 3*healing potion (2d8+3 Hp).
guarded by their trained black panthers Psionics: mental strike 1/3 rounds, one
and blue tarantulas. However, the guardi- person, save vs. spell or take 4d6 Hp.
ans are motivated solely by defending Hp 28
their magical gateway (7.), and as long as Glass bell: a thick, human-sized glass bell
the city itself does not appear to be in with a metal base, granting protection and
grave danger, and they remain unmolest- some mobility to one person (~1m diame-
ed within their complex, they do not get ter, 2.5m tall). The bell is completely re-
involved in the events of this adventure. sistant against physical attacks, and has a
The final group is represented by the 40% probability to deflect rays and force
hit team sent out by the **Arx**. They have fields. It can levitate slowly in the desired
the same black uniforms under their civil- direction, but has poor manoeuvrability.
ian clothes as the characters, but are Staff of horrid decomposition: the touch of
slightly weaker and less well equipped. this heavy metal staff causes the loss of
They only arrive a few days after the char- 2d4 Constitution; a target reduced to 0
acters, and practically remain out of sight immediately decomposes. 20 charges.
as long as they can protect the Tesserar- Force field gauntlets: gauntlets surrounded
chy without compromising their anonymity. by a scintillating cobalt field. Grants a DC
They will adapt their strategy to the cir- of 2 and protects from the hazardous ef-
cumstances, and may be passive (protect- fects of the staff.
ing specific targets) or aggressive (hunting
down the characters in a concerted effort). 2. Strategos Brakton is the commander
Negotiations are out of the question. All of Akrasia’s armed forces. He is a fighting
hitmen possess an information sheet with man of shaved countenance, restrained in
the most recent **Arx** proclamation his manners but unrestrained in his capa-
(#3776). bility for violence. Only seen in his cere-
monial armour, **Arx** sources also identi-
fy his hammer as magical. In spite of his
formal rank in the city state, the **Arx** is
on the position that he cannot be consid-
The Tesserarchy ered an independent political operative,
being fully dependent on the guidance of
1. Megakrates, Lord of Akrasia is a mid- Megakrates.
dle-aged man, noted for a greying beard
and wine-red nose. His gaze often ap- Strategos Brakton: Fighter 4; AC 1
pears confused and uncomprehending, (banded mail, shield, Dex); Atk
but his thinking is fast and precise, and his sparkhammer +2 1d8+3 +2d4 sparks or +5
nature merciless. He is limp in the right javelins 1d6+1; Str 13, Dex 15 [+1], Con
leg. Clothing is usually a simple toga, but 15, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 10; LN;
he wears a pair of iron gauntlets either as sparkhammer +2, dust of disappear-
a lucky charm or a sign of his station, and ance*3, rust dust*2 (rusts metal; magic
carries an ornamented, heavy metal rod. can save at +2 per plus).
According to **Arx** sources, Megakrates Hp 28
is in the possession of multiple dangerous
magical items, including a glass bell capa-
ble of locomotion, and affording him full
protection against conventional weapons.
3. Aymanz the Necropope is High Priest Spells (memorised spells underscored): 1:
at the Temple of the Night, and endowed 4, 2: 3, 3: 3, 4:2; 1: sleep, light, identify##,
with the sacred task of preparing the unseen servant, shield, charm person,
youths and maidens educated therein for Tensor’s floating disk, feather fall*2, magic
the Autumn Mysteries. He is of middle missile, detect magic, read magic; 2: de-
age, corpulent, wearing black felt clothing tect invisibility, levitation, Mel’s acid arrow,
and a heavy golden medallion. His un- gust of wind, locate object; 3: animate
kempt appearance suggests a regular dead, haste, dispel magic, clairaudi-
habit of alcoholism. **Arx** sources specu- ence/clairvoyance, lightning bolt, vampiric
late that his debaucheries have taken a toll touch; 4: shout (5d6), the imperfect
on his health, frequently rendering him preservation, fire trap, wizard eye; 5:
infirm. In the Temple, he will be protected dreaming, stone wall.
by numerous disciples and a mechanical Hp 32
Diambroid: x4 High-grade explosives in 13 13 11
sealed and numbered metal canisters 18 19 3
marked with the letters „ΔΙΑ”. Each canister 5 14 6
causes 6d6 damage on explosion (save vs. 3 13 14
breath for ½), radius 20’ per canister. 20 14 12
5 9 9
Extractor: Photovoltaic analytical instru- 10 7 11
ment with glass extraction tube. Radiation 12 10 3
emitted up to a 100’ distance removes the 5 2 9
brain through the skull via the osmotic 10 14 16
principle. The chances of withdrawal under
**standard conditions** are 1:3 / round
after the second round.
ing the festivities, it is full of chaos and 3. Marketplace: An upscale place mostly
movement where anything may happen. dealing in fruits, craftsmen’s’ products and
decorative objects. During the Mysteries, it
1. City gates: Under normal conditions, gets filled with merchants from faraway
the gates are open day and night, each lands, hawking expensive and useless
defended by 20 soldiers. Most of the time, trinkets to the strolling visitors. There are
patrols on the walls are rare, and consist usually 10 guards, but this number is in-
of 5 soldiers. The price of admission is 2 creased to 20 when the place becomes
gp per person, 1 gp per horse, 5 gp per crowded. There is a small guard post with
loaded beast or cart, and 2 gp per loaded embrasures for arrow fire.
slave. Armed travellers must leave their
weapons at the gate or pay a 5 sp deposit. 4. Processional: Ancient marble slabs
Armed groups which look organised are cover the long plaza, which becomes pro-
noted and tailed to learn their intentions. gressively filled with people as the time of
the Mysteries approaches. Even under
2. Aqueduct: This tall structure links the regular circumstances, the walls of the
fortress of Pandoramis to the metropolis of houses are covered with large green, red
Propyla, and mostly travels along the road. and blue banners; there are many balco-
It is inspected by regular patrols outside nies and windows overlooking the place.
the city, and there are watchtowers built Before the Autumn rites, an army of dili-
into the larger pillars (most of them sealed gent slaves scrubs the pillars and stone-
and empty). Within Akrasia, where the work, workers hammer the marble slabs in
great structure towers above the city- place, stone-carvers replace the less suit-
scape, the easiest way to get on top of the able ornaments and limners repaint the
aqueduct is through the stairways in the house walls for the momentous occasion.
larger pillars. Both of these are guarded by The watch is ever vigilant here, especially
5 soldiers, but they don’t normally expect at the southern end of the plaza; there are
intruders, or take their job seriously. at least 20 men, increased to 30 once the
pilgrims start to arrive.
Disciples of the Night (12): Cleric 2; DC I. „Thus have I have sanctified
7 (ring mail); Atk trident 1d6+1; CE. thy sword with the passage of
Spells: 1:2; #1-6: bless, cause light years and the measure of sto-
wounds, #7-12: protection from good, len days. Ever since thou hast
command brought this stone image into
Hp 9 3 6 thy house, there has been no
5 8 10 mountain that would deny thy
8 7 due.”
7 7 II. „Thus hast thou brought before
9 6 me the procession of thy years,
and I have given thee back thy
Guards (10): Fighter 2; DC 6 (ring mail, days, as the river grinds stone
shield); Atk scimitar 1d8 or 2*longbow 1d6. into sand and the snow caress-
Hp 14 6 es the feathers of a lost bird.”
2 13 III. „Thus have I given thee words
16 9 and long countings, questions
16 15 for thy statements and silence
13 17 in testimony of thy doubts.”
lence, order, discipline (occasionally,
someone cries in their sleep).
7. Gate: The gorge widens into a round the Fire Snake, the city’s most expensive
space surrounded by tall cliffs; stairs lead bordello (25+ gp/night); and the residence
up to a terrace and a broad cave mouth. of Otag Gash the Factor, an ultra-rich pa-
Cool air and vapours emerge from the trician from Propyla. Otag Gash is one of
dark opening. 20 fanatical fighters and two the few who have an uninterrupted way
black panthers ensure nobody can enter into the palace, and to cultivate a personal
the cave and pass through the magical friendship with Megakrates (he is a paid
gate of swirling blue mists concealed with- double agent of both city states).
10. The tower of Yizil Doré: This peaked
Black panthers (2): HD 3; DC 5; Atk tower straddles the aqueduct, rising to
2*claws 1d6 and bite 1d6; Spec move si- dizzying heights above the city state with
lently, pounce. dazzling views all around. Long, meander-
Hp 17 14 ing stairs climb up from a southern back
alley with several twists and turns.
8. Park: Tall walls divide the dense or-
chards and shrubbery of the sacred grove a. A gargoyle holding a lantern in its mouth
into a labyrinth of death. Here and there perches on a pedestal next to the fortified
are small gazebos, statues and rests; wooden door. The knocker is a bearded
stairs connect the different elevations. In- satyr’s face, inquiring about the cause of
truders are hunted by four patrols of 5 men disturbance in a booming voice if it is dis-
each, as well as 6 black panthers (1d2 turbed. It never opens the door, and raises
encountered) and 10 blue tarantulas (1d6 the alarm if there is trouble.
Gargoyle: HD 4+4; DC 5; Atk 2*claws 1d4
Black panthers (6): and bite 1d6 and horns 1d6; Spec gore
Hp 14 12 14 (send people over the parapets for 6d6
14 16 15 falling damage), +1 or better to hit; CE.
Hp 23
Blue tarantulas (10): HD 4; DC 5; Atk bite
2d4 and poison (save at -3 or dance in b. Gloomy reception room; heavy cloud of
horrible convulsions for 1d6 Hp/round pulsating crimson mist in an enormous
until dead); Spec immune to mind- metal mirror, with a mass of observing
affecting spells. eyes in its depths. This is an extranatural
Hp 21 14 10 entity trying to get free. Characters looking
19 12 25 into the mirror for too long will see the
17 9 18 eyes appear on their reflected bodies – if
nothing is done against this (blinding the
9. Avenue of Glory: This wide roadway eyes, protection from evil, getting out of
connects the Agora with the Processional. the mirror’s sight etc.), there is a 1:3 prob-
Already crowded at the time of prepara- ability the eyes will manifest physically,
tions for the rush of pilgrims, this is a place and only cutting them out (4d4 damage),
to buy all kinds of curios: glass items, exot- or removing them with remove curse, cure
ic drinks, dead lizards preserved in oil, disease or a similar method can prevent
hookahs and lucky talismans made of hideous death within 1d3+1 turns as the
Etunian amber. During the festivities, it is a victim’s body collapses into red mush un-
riot of noise and movement, lit by lampions der the strain of the entity’s magical might.
and braziers. There are 10 soldiers, 20
during the Mysteries, with a small post that c. Storage with piles of unused rugsm
can serve as a safe mini-fortress in case of candelabras and old drapes. In a corner,
trouble. there is a marble column with the bust of a
Among the main establishments lining young woman whose eyes are gemstones
the way, we should mention Ollanar’s (300 gp each). If the stones are removed,
Victuarium, an expensive restaurant the blind sockets will bleed uncontrollably.
based on firm post-geometric principles;
ters move or position themselves. Slow
movement brings slowly rising, barely au-
dible reverberations, and the more sudden
and violent the movement, the louder it
gets, until it becomes a crescendo that
inflicts 2d6 Hp (save vs. death magic to
avoid). The tubes are partially cleaned,
and their surface is etched with the glyphs
of unknown spells. There is also a thick
glass tube filled with feeding fluid and an
amorphous black blob – a black pudding!
Before each, there is a polished brass We will not venture to give a full de-
bowl burning fragrant incense, and the scription of the hallways and chambers
steps are covered in flower petals and within the palace; thus, the map and key
bayleaf in honour of the Ancients. Near the will only serve to divide up the complex
pillars, elderly citizens congregate for dis- into sections and outline the main connec-
cussion. At night, this is a place of sacrific- tions.
es and mystical rites.
The agora is watched by archers (by Veterans (45): Fighter 3; DC 5 (chain
default 10 Etunians) from the balustrades shirt, shield) or 4 (breastplate, shield); Atk
of the palace. The steps are guarded by a longsword 1d8 or halberd 1d10.
honour gard of elite soldiers, and there are Hp 6 11 17
always 20-30 extra veterans on reserve 19 14 19
nearby. 19 16 14
On the southern side of the square lies 14 19 12
the Chimera, a restaurant popular among 15 10 16
tourists. The prices are two to three times 18 21 17
the normal level, the food is bland, and the 14 11 23
cowled figures sitting at the back tables, 7 20 18
babbling strange prophecies or selling 8 8 8
treasure maps have been hired for the 13 19 21
main season by Stammas, the proprietor. 9 9 13
19 10 27
13. Palace: Neoclassical, clean-lined 25 16 12
building complex in the manner of Albert 17 18 19
Speer. The northern tract was built in the 17 25 12
times of immeasurable antiquity, miracu-
lously surviving the historical upheavals. Elites (15): Fighter 4; DC 4 (breastplate,
The south-western wing is a more recent shield) or 3 (banded mail, shield); Atk bas-
addition in the same general style. A bal- tard sword 2d4 or heavy crossbow 1d6+1.
ustrade decorated with less tasteful mar- Hp 20 24 27
ble statuary has been added on the top, 32 28 18
and this is now patrolled by nomad arch- 19 23 26
ers. 28 15 24
The gate is always open, but the guard 26 22 14
and the secret police watch movement
around it with exquisite interest. If a com- Etunian bowmen (30): Archer 2; DC 7
pany inquires about entry more than it (studded leather); Atk 2*shortbow 1d6 or
would be polite, they will suddenly become shortsword 1d6.
very interested. Hp 20 10 3
The Etunian nomads who make up the 10 6 13
archer detail only care about doing their 18 4 11
job, and are less concerned about the pal- 4 7 5
ace’s safety. Public opinion on them has 11 13 17
been exceptionally hostile since recent 7 12 3
instances of brawling and bride-napping, 14 17 6
and the proud Akrasians are growing re- 15 15 9
sentful that the protection of Megakrates 5 4 14
has had to be entrusted to this rag-tag 12 10 9
band of foreigners. Therefore, patriotic
groups (mostly organised by members of
the watch) have been holding archery
practice, waiting for the opportunity when
they can upstage these intruders and
‘make this fair city safe again for its own
ways. Aura of neglect with human-sized
vases and huge tapestries covering entire
walls; ceilings once lit up by large glass
globes but now all dormant and useless.
There is a small bathing chamber with
rare salts and perfumes, an archive with
documents from Akrasia’s former masters
(including a few ancient fragments from
the time of the civilisation that had ter-
raformed Fomalhaut), a small altar room
(idol removed from its place), and to the
northwest, a large sleeping chamber. From
here, a brass security door that can be
sealed hermetically from the inside leads
a. Columned reception hall and side- to the „pyramid”; there is also a star globe
chambers beyond entrance stairs; crowd- worth 3500 gp with the constellations of
ed day and night by porters, soldiers, offi- the sky, a scroll printed on thin golden foil
cials and citizens (who have free access with indecipherable letters (???), and a
here). During the Mysteries, security pro- crystallised eye that had belonged to a
tocols are stricter, and with the exception god.
of widely respected elder citizens, soldiers During the day, if he has nothing else
and those with a job within the palace, to do, Megakrates spends his time here
people can only enter with a good justifica- with a 80% probability, and a 50% chance
tion, after brief questioning. During the he will sleep here at night. However, he is
preparations, Megakrates appears only afraid of assassins due to an uncertain
once, receiving a delegation from Propyla bad feeling, and might choose the „pyra-
under the protection of his glass bell. mid’s” control room with 30%, and a ran-
dom room in the south-western wing with a
b. Servants’ quarters. Kitchens, dormito- 20% probability.
ries and crowded storage rooms. No
guards, but there is constant activity.
passes this place, forming a separate, massive metal body, emerging from its
well-defensible unit within the palace. Un- shaft on a column of superheated flame,
like many of his predecessors, Megakrates engulfs the building below in a firestorm,
likes to spend his time here, lost in thought and, leaving behind the sphere of Fomal-
in the solitude of the control room. In a haut-I., heading for the blind depths of in-
time of need, he retreats here with the terstellar space. There is a 1:3 probability of
surviving members of the Tesserarchy. some dreadful catastrophe on takeoff: the
The tower’s interior is filled with corrod- propulsion unit, left so long without proper
ed brass instruments, metal grilles, dials maintenance, splits under the immense
that have gone blind long ago, and tanks stress, and, above the collapsing palace, a
and containers with an unknown purpose. deadly bloom of light emerges to consume
The place is divided into four levels: Akrasia and all who are left within.
I. Propulsion: below the entrance level.
Narrow walkways around the huge, faintly Robot spider: HD 8; DC -2; Atk bite
glinting fuel tanks. 2d6+3 or 2*mandibles 1d10+3; Spec light-
II. Entrance: machinery, storage rooms with ning strike 1/3 rounds for 4d6 Hp (save vs.
inscrutable metal ingots and dusty equip- breath ½), immune to mind-affecting and
ment. A locked side storage contains a electricity, ½ damage from cold, fire and
stash of 6 laser pistols, a laser rifle (3d10+ acid.
damage!), 16 cartridges, 9 antitoxins (sure- Hp 55
fire poison removal), 7 integrators (one-use
super-hot welding sticks) and three cans of g. Wing for officials and storage.
chromathrope (spray paint).
III. Communal: one level above the en- h. South-western wing: the newly built
trance, a large single room, patrolled by a section of the palace consists of spacious
sizeable spider robot. Metal tables affixed guest rooms and bright, open community
to the floor, 12 thick glass bells in a semi- spaces. Since the palace complex is ra-
circle around the walls; defective compan- ther oversized for Akrasia’s needs, the
ions to Megakrates’ protective unit. Every- wing is not in use, and will stay that way
thing is covered with dust and cobwebs. during the Mysteries.
IV. Control room: the top of the „pyra-
mid”. Screens and commanders’ chairs, 14. Palace gardens: This garden is one
levers and roating gauges, ladders and level above the city proper, and surround-
girders climbing all the way up. An emer- ed by walls yet taller. There is only one
gency cabinet holds an empty laser pistol, entrance, from the palace’s south-western
a dose of raptogen (sublimates; save vs. wing (13 g.). Stone statues stand in the
poison at -3 or fall unconscious), 6 antitox- dense, overgrown place, which is inhabit-
ins and 10 stims (patch, heals 1d4 Hp on ed by three peacocktrices – unholy fusions
application). of peacock and cockatrice. In the middle,
In the middle, inserted into a circular the statue of a bearded old man wears a
pedestal, there is a faintly glinting metallic golden crown (crown of hubris; wearer is
cube, a communication and advisory de- overtaken by megalomania and a sense of
vice linked to Fomalhaut’s decaying ring of superiority over his peers). The statue can
geostationary communication satellites. be moved aside on its pedestal to reveal a
The device is inactive, but may be turned secret passage to the streets. This escape
on for the equivalent of a divination spell – route is only known by Megakrates.
the answers are vague and abstract as the
questions are processed by the machine Peacocktrices (3): HD 5; DC 6; Atk beak
gods. 1d3 and petrifaction; Spec flies, hypnotic
If, for whatever reason, the characters feathers (save vs. paralysis or be trans-
dedicate an unusual degree of attention to fixed, max 24 HD); CE.
the pyramid’s control system, and touch Hp 22
things they should not be touching, there is 27
a 1:6 probability they will bring the long- 20
dormant machineries into motion. The
15. Soman’s caravanserai: A favourite of
travellers stopping in the city state, with
very favourable prices by local standards
(double normal during off season, quintu-
ple during the Mysteries, 4 gp or 10 gp per
night). Soman’s men are well trained and Elite honour guard (15*Fighter 4) +
keep order without the aid of the watch. Strategos Brakton
The Mysteries
gives word to Aymanz the Necropope. to the Palace, the warrior-guardians es-
Aymanz, describing in detail the virtues corting the crowds from the sacred
and education of the youths and maidens, grounds, and the festivities are over.
then the universal delights that await them, After the Mysteries are finished, things
calls upon them by the teachings of the in the city soon return to their regular or-
Night to speak in their own words. After a der. A group of strangers who might re-
musical interlude, it is the orphans’ time. main will arouse automatic suspicion, not
Emotional farewells to the crowd, mo- the last because the secret police and the
ments that touch everyone’s hearts, then local youth, not overly fond of foreigners,
they enter the dark cave to pass through need to vent off a little steam. If the char-
the Gateway of swirling deep blue and acters do not leave the city state, they can
nevermore be seen again on the world of expect constant attention and frequent
Fomalhaut. Thereafter, the column returns harassment in Akrasia.
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Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative
Material of Open Game Content; (h) "You" or "Your" means the licensee in 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE
terms of this agreement. Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that con- System Reference Document Copyright 2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.;
tains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original
and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this Kard és Mágia © Copyright 2008 by Gabor Lux.
License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions Kard és Mágia: Szörnyek és Kincsek © Copyright 2008 by Gabor Lux.
may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License. Kard és Mágia: Mesélői Irányelvek © Copyright 2008 by Gabor Lux.
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate In the Name of the Principle! © Copyright 2016 by Gabor Lux. All rights
Your acceptance of the terms of this License. reserved.
**Laser Pistol** **Laser Pistol**
Damage 2d10+, values of 10 can be rerolled and the Damage 2d10+, values of 10 can be rerolled and the
new roll added to damage. Loaded lasers have a new roll added to damage. Loaded lasers have a
capacity of 15 shots. capacity of 15 shots.
A character moving unpredictably can avoid being hit A character moving unpredictably can avoid being hit
by rolling a successful save vs. wands, but can’t at- by rolling a successful save vs. wands, but can’t at-
tack that round. There is a penalty of -4 against all tack that round. There is a penalty of -4 against all
subsequent shots. subsequent shots.
**Laser may cause serious sight impairment. The **Laser may cause serious sight impairment. The
**Arx** assumes no responsibility for accidents **Arx** assumes no responsibility for accidents
and injuries.** and injuries.**
**PAKEMA** **Diambroid** x4
Spray equipment attached to tank and reinforced with High-grade explosives in sealed and numbered metal
gooseneck nozzle. Crystalline raptogen stored in the canisters marked with the letters „ΔΙΑ”. Each canister
containers immediate sublimates upon aerial expo- causes 6d6 damage on explosion (save vs. breath for
sure, with an acute incapacitating effect upon inhala- ½), radius 20’ per canister.
tion (save vs. poison at -3 or loss of consciousness).
Tank contains 8 doses.
** "Γ" class fire hazard. Inhalation may cause res- **Highly explosive. May explode on a strong im-
piratory problems. In case of allergic symptoms, pact, electrical impulses, electromagnetic radia-
stop using the unit and contact the appropriate tion or concentrated heat. Do not leave the box
organs of the ** Arx **. ** unattended. **
**The Extractor may only be used by trained and **Kinetic force field. Under prolonged use, wear
certified personnel in possession of the appropri- protective clothing to avoid harmful electromag-
ate permits. ** netic radiation. In closed spaces, ventilate after
usage. **
1. Megakrates, Lord of Akrasia is a
middle-aged man, noted for a greying
beard and wine-red nose. His gaze
often appears confused and uncom-
prehending, but his thinking is fast
and precise, and his nature merciless. He is limp in the right leg. Clothing is usually a simple toga, but he wears a
pair of iron gauntlets either as a lucky charm or a sign of his station, and carries an ornamented, heavy metal rod.
According to **Arx** sources, Megakrates is in the possession of multiple dangerous magical items, including a
glass bell capable of locomotion, and affording him full protection against conventional weapons.
2. Strategos Brakton is the commander of Akrasia’s armed forces. He is a fighting man of shaved countenance,
restrained in his manners but unrestrained in his capability for violence. Only seen in his ceremonial armour,
**Arx** sources also identify his hammer as magical. In spite of his formal rank in the city state, the **Arx** is on
the position that he cannot be considered an independent political operative, being fully dependent on the guid-
ance of Megakrates.
3. Aymanz the Necropope is High Priest at the Temple of the Night, and endowed with the sacred task of pre-
paring the youths and maidens educated therein for the Autumn Mysteries. He is of middle age, corpulent, wear-
ing black felt clothing and a heavy golden medallion. His unkempt appearance suggests a regular habit of alcohol-
ism. **Arx** sources speculate that his debaucheries have taken a toll on his health, frequently rendering him
infirm. In the Temple, he will be protected by numerous disciples and a mechanical servant.
4. Yizil Doré, Mistress of Magic is a powerful wizardess. Her hair is snow-white and tangled, but her brown face
is smooth and youthful. Her purple hat is decorated with golden moons and stars, while her robes are a dull red.
Known for infrequent public appearances, **Arx** intelligence suggests she keeps to her dwelling, where she
might be protected by curious beings.
1. Megakrates, Lord of Akrasia is a middle-aged man, noted for a greying beard and wine-red nose. His gaze
often appears confused and uncomprehending, but his thinking is fast and precise, and his nature merciless. He
is limp in the right leg. Clothing is usually a simple toga, but he wears a pair of iron gauntlets either as a lucky
charm or a sign of his station, and carries an ornamented, heavy metal rod. According to **Arx** sources,
Megakrates is in the possession of multiple dangerous magical items, including a glass bell capable of locomo-
tion, and affording him full protection against conventional weapons.
2. Strategos Brakton is the commander of Akrasia’s armed forces. He is a fighting man of shaved countenance,
restrained in his manners but unrestrained in his capability for violence. Only seen in his ceremonial armour,
**Arx** sources also identify his hammer as magical. In spite of his formal rank in the city state, the **Arx** is on
the position that he cannot be considered an independent political operative, being fully dependent on the guid-
ance of Megakrates.
3. Aymanz the Necropope is High Priest at the Temple of the Night, and endowed with the sacred task of pre-
paring the youths and maidens educated therein for the Autumn Mysteries. He is of middle age, corpulent, wear-
ing black felt clothing and a heavy golden medallion. His unkempt appearance suggests a regular habit of alcohol-
ism. **Arx** sources speculate that his debaucheries have taken a toll on his health, frequently rendering him
infirm. In the Temple, he will be protected by numerous disciples and a mechanical servant.
4. Yizil Doré, Mistress of Magic is a powerful wizardess. Her hair is snow-white and tangled, but her brown face
is smooth and youthful. Her purple hat is decorated with golden moons and stars, while her robes are a dull red.
Known for infrequent public appearances, **Arx** intelligence suggests she keeps to her dwelling, where she
might be protected by curious beings.
n adventurous role-playing
game with stagecoaches,
wandering students, robber
knights, priests, Calvinist
troublemakers, never-do-wells, freedom
fighters, landsknechts, dames, devils,
muskets, and man-eating ravens.
W herei n it wi ll be accurately revealed:
â How to easily create heroes who might embark on wonderful & perilous adventures.
â How to save a pretty damosel from the ring of brigands threatening her, in such a
manner that we might depart through the window without suffering a single scratch.
â How to perform magic with the bleßings of the Mother Church and His Holineß
the Roman Pope, and how it is done without the same.
â How the forces of Heaven & Hell vie for the souls of men, what might happen to
one torn betwixt them, and why true salvation might be found in the Holy Bible.
â How a gentleman paßes his time when he has naught else to do, and what follows
from this sort of idleneß.
â How to use the renowned Bitters of Mariazell, why the Eßence of Tokaj is a true
medicine, and why it is bad news to encounter the dreaded Treeyard Cat.
â How to play cards with the Devil, and how to extricate ourselves from the conse-
quences of the game.
To be released wit h t he followi ng attractions:
â A most affordable PDF edition; an attractive hardcover; and a sturdy & practical
Boxed Set whose riches will astound & delight the Owner & friends alike.
â A range of support materials, including adventure scenarios, regional supplements, ref-
erence screen, maps, rogues’ gallery &c.
â Featuring the tried letters of Nicholas Misztótfalusi Kis & several excellent illustra-
tions by past masters.
ââ C O M I N G ! â C O M I N G ! â C O M I N G ! ââ