0 Loads On Structures TDS III
0 Loads On Structures TDS III
0 Loads On Structures TDS III
Arch 2191
Dictionary definition
Everything even intangible things as thought,
emotions and social relationships frequently have
definite pattern called Structure.
Structures is a way of
achieving the most
strength from the least
material through the most
appropriate arrangement of
elements with a form
suitable for its intended use
Loads (Actions)
Loads can be;
Point, uniformly distributed or distributed.
Permanent, variable or accidental.
Static, impact or dynamic.
Dead Loads (DL) –fixed loads
building materials/components and the weight of
structural components
Loads (continued)
Live Loads (LL) – transient and moving loads
Occupancy loads (usage) and furnishing loads
Stored materials
Movable partitions
Movable machinery
Snow loads
Construction loads