Planning Cities
Planning Cities
Planning Cities
As China continues its impressive economic growth, livable, low-carbon cities. These cities must make public Chinese decision makers must leapfrog over the rest of The eight principles
unprecedented numbers of its citizens are migrating to
cities, seeking greater job opportunities, income, and
transport, walking, and bicycling their top priorities.
Without this planning, these burgeoning cities will not
the world’s urban planning mistakes and establish a new
paradigm for the cities of the future. The following is a 1 Develop neighborhoods that promote walking
quality of life. Car ownership is on the rise, and China has
already passed the United States as the largest car market
reach their full potential. They will be gridlocked and
polluted. The commutes of millions of people will become
guide to get started. Compiled by a world-renowned
team of urban planning experts with years of experience 2 Prioritize bicycle networks
in the world. Similar to U.S. cities in the 1950s and ’60s,
Chinese cities are working to accommodate the explosive
a daily misery, countless square kilometers of arable land
will be needlessly lost, and China’s powerful economic
working in China, this booklet summarizes international best
practices. When applied together, we believe the following 3 Create dense networks of streets and paths
growth of automobile travel by building highways, ring
roads, and parking lots. However, due to China’s high
engine will stall as goods and people become mired in
congestion. Chinese cities will struggle to attract the
principles will help China create beautiful, thriving cities
that will be models of smart urban development for the 4 Support high-quality transit
population density, the problems of private-car-oriented
transportation are much more acute than in the lower-
high-tech businesses and top-notch talent that are crucial
to maintaining economic growth.
rest of the world.
5 Zone for mixed-use neighborhoods
density cities of the West. Despite the incredible pace
of road construction, traffic in Beijing is frequently at a Benefits of sustainable urban planning
These principles depend on and reinforce each other.
Together, they are a recipe for success. We hope this 6 Match density to transit capacity
standstill. And in Shanghai, projections show that car use
will need to be restricted and transit, bike, and pedestrian
Improve mobility
Reduce carbon emissions
guide will serve as the basis for effective urban planning
that suits China’s specific needs. 7 Create compact regions with short commutes
mode share increased to improve mobility and bring
congestion back to a manageable level. Attract economic activity 8 Increase mobility by regulating parking and road use
Improve air quality
The reality is that high-density cities cannot be designed
around the car. It simply won’t work. China’s leaders have Preserve arable land
a limited window of opportunity to plan for prosperous, Support a harmonious and prosperous society
Develop neighborhoods
Shorten street crossings and emphasize pedestrian
safety and convenience.
L imit street width to 45 meters for through traffic and
Ground-floor retail and services and
car-free streets encourage walking.
walk should be the first priorities for establishing livable, • Retail uses: 1 meter
• Offices and businesses: 3 meters
low-carbon cities.
• Homes and apartments: 5 meters
Create direct routes and permeable blocks to shorten Pedestrian activity, as shown here in Chongqing,
walking distance. China, creates community and supports businesses.
Single-use, superblock neighborhoods discourage pedestrians by Dense, mixed-use development and small block sizes encourage
spacing intersections far apart and creating wide, dangerous street pedestrian activity. Smaller blocks shorten walking distances,
Single-use, superblock neighborhood. crossings. Pedestrians must walk long distances to reach destinations. Neighborhood of small blocks and mixed uses in Hong Kong and narrow street crossings help keep pedestrians safe.
5 6
The Hongzhou bike-sharing system is the largest in the world.
protected from car traffic.
Bicycling is no longer safe or convenient in many reate dedicated bike lanes, at least 3 meters
wide in each direction, on all streets except
Chinese cities. In recent years, cities across the low-speed local streets.
globe have been working to reintroduce bicycles rovide secure bike parking in buildings, on
as an integral part of city life because they are a streets, and at transit stations.
simple, inexpensive, and low-carbon way for city Create auto-free streets and greenways to
residents to travel between destinations, including encourage non-motorized travel.
transit stations. To ease congestion, Chinese cities stablish car-free corridors across the city grid,
must once again encourage cyclists by providing no more than 800 meters apart.
7 8
Discouraged: Arterial-dominant Recommended: Dense networks
street network of streets and paths
Prioritizes people over cars
Prioritizes cars over people
Supports pedestrian and economic activity
Discourages pedestrian activity
9 10
Support high-quality
Before: Guangzhou before BRT
transit After: The Guangzhou BRT system which opened in February 2010, moves
almost 27,000 passengers per hour per direction during peak commute
hours, and integrates with bike lanes, metro, and other bus systems.
Hong Kong, New York City, Singapore, and other Ensure frequent and direct transit service.
affluent cities have the densest public transit stablish at least one high-capacity, high-speed
networks in the world. While metro can be an transit corridor every 800 to 1,000 meters with
dedicated transit lanes.
integral part of a transit network, a growing number
inimize the number of transfers needed
of cities are turning to bus rapid transit for its low for most passengers. Provide an integrated
cost, quick implementation, and flexible routes. Each multi modal system and ensure seamless
Modern BRT systems, like this one in Jinan, China,
Chinese city will need to determine the appropriate transfers to all available transit options. feature all the conveniences of metro systems.
mix of transit solutions for its conditions, but cities Locate transit stations within walking distance
can guarantee the overall success of their transit by of homes, jobs, and services.
providing frequent, fast, and direct service in easily ll housing and job centers should be within
400 meters of a local transit station and
accessible locations. 800 meters of regional transit service.
11 12
Ideal travel times from
mass transit stations
10 min 10 min
Zone for mixed-use The Jing’an Metro Station is a
good example of transit-oriented,
mixed-use development.
400M 400M
17 18
Match density to
transit capacity
High density is crucial to low-carbon cities, but Match density to the maximum peak-hour
density alone is not enough. In order to avoid capacity of a transit system.
congestion, housing must be located close to public oth residential and commercial density should
be designed to match the area’s peak commute
transit and jobs. Density also needs to be related transit capacity.
to the capacity of all modes of transportation. If ajor job centers should only be located where
roads are designed as suggested in this guide — high-volume transit services are available.
with bike and pedestrian-friendly corridors, transit In key employment areas, zone for mixed-use
priority lanes on major arterials, and one-way arterial districts that combine everyday uses.
couplets — activities can be concentrated to make mix of recreation, services, and retail should
walking, cycling, and mass transit more convenient be located in employment areas to provide for In Curitiba, Brazil, high-rise development is
workers’ daily needs. focused within 200 meters of mass transit lines.
than driving. This will shorten trip distances,
save travel time, and preserve millions of square
kilometers of arable land.
Community location has a long-term impact on Reduce sprawl by focusing development in areas
sustainability. New city centers placed far from adjacent to and within existing cities.
existing cities are inconvenient and rarely thrive. egional development should seek a compact
footprint through preservation, reuse, and infill
City planners can avoid this by locating compact of existing areas, balanced with dense areas of
new sub-centers within or adjacent to existing cities. new growth.
In addition to protecting arable land, this strategy here possible, new development should avoid
significantly decreases the cost of providing transit, agricultural lands and other environmental assets.
utilities, and other services to these new locations, Create a jobs / housing balance within a short Agriculture
21 22
8 85
Cities may choose to charge tolls
for use of overloaded roads. Road pricing reduces congestion and raises money for local
government: Some facts from Singapore and London.
Increase mobility by
regulating parking
Singapore’s Electronic Road Pricing
system has cut congestion and raised
money for public transit and other uses.
37 330 20
and road use kilograms of CO2 emissions reduced in Singapore’s traffic congestion zone
Avoiding gridlock requires limiting the use of Limit parking in key employment districts to
discourage driving during peak traffic periods.
vehicles to levels that the road network can support.
Peak commute-hour car trips are often unnecessary L imit parking ratios in employment areas to
0.2 stalls per worker.
and should be discouraged. There are many ways to
liminate long-term street parking to ease
discourage driving. London, Hamburg, and Zurich, congestion and reduce street width.
for example, restrict parking in popular destinations emove all parking-space minimums for
served by public transit. Singapore and Stockholm residential buildings and establish citywide
parking-space maximums consistent with percent more Londoners
have implemented road-use charges. Chinese
targets for private car use. are riding buses into the
cities should consider these strategies — which city during toll times than million yuan in annual revenue raised by Singapore’s traffic percent increase in Singapore commuters
complement the above principles — to help relieve Adjust car fees by time of day and destination. before congestion pricing congestion zone program using public transit
65 50 30
limits auto use in key urban and employment
districts at peak traffic hours. million yuan percent decrease
annual operation in congestion since
harge tolls for use of overloaded roads and
C percent decline
cost for the congestion pricing
bridges and use the fees to support transit. in bus delays
traffic congestion was implemented
in London
ary parking charges by time of day and location
V zone program in London
to insure high turnover. in Singapore
23 24
The plan for Chenggong: The principles have been combined
to create a mixed-use, walkable, and livable town.
Rendering of Chenggong
25 26
The principles introduced here represent what some are unique. Many of these recommendations are not
of the world’s leading experts believe to be best prac- consistent with current planning rules and regulations.
tices in urban design. Cities are gradually adopting It is time to apply cutting-edge scientific thought about
these measures, but those that have embraced them what makes cities successful and to reexamine our cit-
are the most livable and economically secure cities in ies in light of this most recent understanding. China
the world. has the resources and vision to leapfrog over the rest
of the world and create the best cities of the future.
These principles support each other. Blocks with mixed Now is the time to seize this opportunity and lay the
uses encourage walking, and walkable cities create foundation for a healthy future.
customers for local businesses. Smaller block sizes
encourage bike and pedestrian use, which cuts down The ClimateWorks Foundation brought together the
on traffic, allowing public transit and automobile traf- organizations represented here. We hope this docu-
fic to run better—and so on. Enacting all eight prin- ment will serve as the beginning of a dialogue in which
ciples is the key to a sustainable, livable city. we can work together to ensure that the cities of
tomorrow are the best possible cities for China — and
While these principles are a synthesis of international the world. Soy
best practices, China’s challenges and opportunities
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