LESSON 1: “THE methodology creates both quantitative
(numeric) information and subjective
NATURE, GOALS (elucidating) information.
All in all Anthropology, "the study of Its foundations return to the scholarly
humankind," which examines people in Enlightenment of the eighteenth and mid
viewpoints going from the science and nineteenth hundreds of years in Europe
transformative history of Homo sapiens and North America. As European
to the provisions of society and culture countries created states in far off pieces
that unequivocally recognize people of the world and Americans extended
from other creature species. west and south into the regions of
Indians, it became evident to them that
Contrasted with different disciplines that humankind was amazingly changed.
address humankind like history, social
science, or brain research, human Anthropology started, partially, as an
studies is more extensive two ways. As endeavor by individuals from logical
far as mankind's past, human sciences social orders to unbiasedly record and
think about a more noteworthy grasp this variety. Curiosity in bizarre
profundity of time. individuals and customs in distant
pieces of the world is the thing that
As far as contemporary people, human principally roused these early beginner
sciences covers a more extensive anthropologists.
variety of points than different
disciplines, from sub-atomic DNA to By profession, they frequently were
intellectual turn of events and religious naturalists, medical doctors, Christian
beliefs. ministers, or educated adventurers.
They posed such essential inquiries as
Anthropologists might direct regardless of whether the contrasts
examinations in a research facility between human societies are the after
concentrating how tooth enamel effect of genetic inheritance and in case
uncovers a person's eating diet, or they there is a connection between the size
might work in an exhibition hall, looking of a human brain and intelligence.
at plans on ancient earthenware.
1. USE OF LEGAL FORCE - Explain the cultural and social-political
- It allows the legal authority to evolution: from hunting and gathering to
use force. If David Easton speaks post-industrial revolutions;
of “authoritative allocation of - Understand human cultural variation;
values”, Dahl of “Power, “rule” and
and authority”. - Understand biological and cultural
evolution: from Homo habilis to Homo
- Political system is that system
of interactions to be found in all “HUMAN BIOCULTURAL AND SOCIAL
independent societies which EVOLUTION”
perform the functions of
integration and adaptation (both A. STAGES OF HUMAN EVOLUTION
internally and vis-a-vis other 1. Hominid (Manlike Primates) –
societies) by means of the evolve 40 million years ago
employment or threat of A. “Ramapithecus” – lived 14
employment or more or less million years
legitimate physical compulsion. -Remains found in Siwalik
- The political system not only Hills in India.
includes governmental -Could stand upright and
institutions such as legislatures, used stones and sticks to
executives, courts, administrative frighten his enemies.
agencies but all structures in their -Found by Mrs. Mary
political aspect. Leakey at the volcanic ash
of Laetolil, Tanzania, East
- When the properties of one
component in a system change, B. “Lucy” – a whole skeleton
all the other components and the teenage girl
system as a whole are affected. - Discovered by Donald C.
- In political system the political Johanson at Hadar, Addis
parties having a wider base and Ababa, Ethiopa.
mass media (Television, radio
and newspapers) change the C. “Australopitecus” – believed
performance of all other to have lived in Africa about 5
structures of the system and million years ago.
affect the general working of the - Had a small brain, could
system. walk straight and used
simple tools.