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check whether the theory is right.

LESSON 1: “THE methodology creates both quantitative
(numeric) information and subjective
NATURE, GOALS (elucidating) information.

AND PERSPECTIVE In the humanistic methodology,

anthropologists continue inductively,
IN/OF seeking after an abstract strategy for
understanding humankind through the
ANTHROPOLOGY, investigation of individuals' specialty,
music, verse, language, and other forms
ANTHROPOLOGY AS A DISCIPLINE of symbolic expression.
Anthropology is the study, analysis, and
description of humanity’s past and NATURE OF ANTHROPOLOGY
present. Questions about the past The nature of anthropology can be
include prehistoric origins and human viewed from its historical perspective
evolution. The study of contemporary because it is a global discipline involving
humanity focuses on biological and humanities, social sciences and natural
cultural diversity, including language. sciences.

All in all Anthropology, "the study of Its foundations return to the scholarly
humankind," which examines people in Enlightenment of the eighteenth and mid
viewpoints going from the science and nineteenth hundreds of years in Europe
transformative history of Homo sapiens and North America. As European
to the provisions of society and culture countries created states in far off pieces
that unequivocally recognize people of the world and Americans extended
from other creature species. west and south into the regions of
Indians, it became evident to them that
Contrasted with different disciplines that humankind was amazingly changed.
address humankind like history, social
science, or brain research, human Anthropology started, partially, as an
studies is more extensive two ways. As endeavor by individuals from logical
far as mankind's past, human sciences social orders to unbiasedly record and
think about a more noteworthy grasp this variety. Curiosity in bizarre
profundity of time. individuals and customs in distant
pieces of the world is the thing that
As far as contemporary people, human principally roused these early beginner
sciences covers a more extensive anthropologists.
variety of points than different
disciplines, from sub-atomic DNA to By profession, they frequently were
intellectual turn of events and religious naturalists, medical doctors, Christian
beliefs. ministers, or educated adventurers.
They posed such essential inquiries as
Anthropologists might direct regardless of whether the contrasts
examinations in a research facility between human societies are the after
concentrating how tooth enamel effect of genetic inheritance and in case
uncovers a person's eating diet, or they there is a connection between the size
might work in an exhibition hall, looking of a human brain and intelligence.
at plans on ancient earthenware.

Research Method in anthropology range It was late nineteenth century that

from logical to humanistic. They plan a anthropology at last turned into a
speculation, or examination question, different scholastic discipline in
and afterward mention objective facts to
American and Western European dependent on their qualities nor
colleges. do they see alternate methods of
getting things done as second
In North America anthropology is rate. All things being equal,
characterized as a discipline containing anthropologists try to
four fields that emphasis on separated comprehend individuals'
yet interrelated subjects. The subjects convictions inside the framework
are archaeology, biological anthropology they have for clarifying things.
(or actual human sciences), linguistic
anthropology and cultural anthropology Comparison
(or social human studies). In cultural anthropology, we
compare ideas, morals, practices,
GOALS OF ANTHROPOLOGY and systems within or between
-to comprehend the fossil record of early cultures. We might compare the
people and their precursors just as the roles of men and women in
archaeological record of later ancient different societies, or contrast
social orders. how different religious groups
-to understand how we adapt to different conflict within a given society.
environmental conditions and how we
vary as a species. Fieldwork
-to comprehend the conduct of monkeys In Cultural Anthropology, field
and gorillas in their regular settings. work is alluded to as
-to find out about both the natural and ethnography, which is both the
social parts of humankind all throughout interaction and aftereffect of
the planet and all through time. social anthropological
-to apply anthropological information to examination. The Greek
help forestall or take care of issues of expression "ethno" alludes to
living people groups, including individuals, and "graphy" alludes
destitution, substance addiction, and to composing. The ethnographic
HIV/AIDS. interaction includes the
exploration technique for member
PERSPECTIVE OF ANTHROPOLOGY perception hands on work: you
Holism partake in individuals' lives, while
Anthropologists are keen all in all noticing them and taking field
of mankind, in how different parts takes note of that, alongside
of life connect. One can't interviews and reviews, establish
completely see the value in being the examination information.
human by contemplating a
solitary part of our mindboggling SOCIOLOGY AS A DISCIPLINE
narratives, dialects, bodies, or Sociology is the scientific investigation
social orders. By utilizing a of human culture and social behavior.
comprehensive methodology, Sociology is a discipline in social
anthropologists request how sciences concerned about human
various angles from human society and human social activities.
existence impact each other.
Generally acknowledged meanings of
Cultural Relativism social science concur that it is the
The possibility that we should try logical or efficient investigation of
to comprehend someone else's human culture. The attention is on
convictions and practices comprehension and clarifying, and goes
according to the viewpoint of their from the person in friendly collaboration
way of life as opposed to our to gatherings to social orders and
own. Anthropologists don't pass worldwide social process.
judgment on different societies
Exceptional to social science is its about society and examples of social
accentuation upon the complementary associations.
connection among people and social
orders as they impact and shape one GOALS OF SOCIOLOGY
another. The ultimate goal of sociology is to
acquire knowledge about society like all
Auguste Comte, a French social the other social sciences discipline, as
scholar, is generally known as the Samuel Koenig has pointed out the
"Father of Sociology" as he instituted ultimate aim of sociology is ” to improve
the term 'Humanism' in 1839. man’s adjustment to life by developing
objective knowledge concerning social
NATURE OF SOCIOLOGY phenomena which can be used to deal
As a discipline, sociology arose early in effectively with social problems”.
the nineteenth century in response to
rapid social change. Major 1. To understand how membership in
transformations in the eighteenth and one’s social group affects individual be.
nineteenth centuries, such as rapid 2. To understand how cultures and
industrialization resulting in a large, institutions interact in different societies.
anonymous workforce. 3. To understand the meaning and
consequences of modernity,
With laborers investing the greater part postmodernity and the new
of their energy away from families and globalization.
customs; huge scope urbanization all 4. To understand the causes and
through Europe and the industrializing consequences of social change in terms
scene; and a political upset of novel of general causes and effects as well as
thoughts (singular rights and majority unique historical circumstances.
rule government), coordinated a focus 5. To understand the causes and
on the idea of social orders and social consequences of population
change. composition and pressures and how
population affects the environment and
The French social thinker Auguste development of societies.
Comte (1798– 1857) first coined the 6. To provide information that reflects
term sociology to describe a new way of upon different policy initiatives.
thinking about societies as systems
governed by principles of organization
The fundamental knowledge of
Most agree that Émile Durkheim (1858– sociology is that human conduct is
1917), the French humanist, made the molded by the gatherings to which
biggest commitment to the development individuals have a place and by the
of social science as a social scientific social communication that happens
Discipline. inside those gatherings. We are what
our identity is and we act the manner in
Sociology has created as a worth free which we do in light of the fact that we
discipline. It is concerned with is, not end up living in a specific culture at a
with what should be. Sociology is an specific point in reality. Individuals will in
empirical discipline like Physics, general acknowledge their social world
Chemistry, or Mathematics, and not as unquestioningly, as something "regular."
an applied science like Engineering or But the sociological perspective
Computer Science. empowers us to consider society to be a
brief social item, made by people and fit
A Sociologist examines society from for being changed by them also.
various points and obtains information
The sociological perspective welcomes achieving societal goals. Nature of
us to take a look at our recognizable Political Science is a social science
environmental factors in a new manner. concerned with the theory and practice
It urges us to investigate the world we of politics and the description and
have consistently underestimated, to analysis of political systems and political
analyze our social climate with the very behavior.
interest that we may bring to an
extraordinarily unfamiliar culture. It incorporates matters concerning the
portion and move of power in making
The study of Sociology drives us into decision, the jobs and frameworks of
spaces of society that we may somehow administration including governments
have disregarded or misunderstood. and worldwide associations, political
Since our perspective is formed by our behavior and public policies.
own experience and since individuals
with various social encounters have Political Science is in this way an
various meanings of social reality, investigation of the state in the past,
sociology assists us with liking present and future of the political
perspectives other than our own and to organization, political cycles and political
see how these perspectives appeared. functions of political establishments and
political theories. Political Science has a
Sociology likewise assists us with few subfields, including political
understanding ourselves better. Without hypothesis, public policy, public
the sociological perspective (which has legislative issues, worldwide relations,
been known as the "sociological human rights, natural governmental
imagination"), individuals see the world issues and near legislative issues.
through their restricted insight of a little
circle of family, companions, colleagues. The forerunners of Western legislative
The sociological imagination permits us issues can follow their underlying
to stand separated intellectually from foundations back to Greek scholars
our restricted insight and see the Socrates, Plato (427–347 BC) and
connection between private concerns Aristotle (384–322 BC). The
and social issues. It grants us to follow investigations were theory arranged.
the connection between the patterns Plato composed The Republic and
and events of our own and the patterns Aristotle composed the Politics.
and events of our society.
Aristotle is known as the Father of
POLITICAL SCIENCE AS A DISCIPLINE Political Science. He is well known for
Political Science is the study of the his assertion "Man is a political animal".
nature, causes, and consequences of
collective decisions and actions taken GOALS OF POLITICAL SCIENCE
by groups of people embedded in 1. is the concern with the process of
cultures and institutions that structure growth, industrialization and change and
power and authority. the impact on government forms and
In other words, Political Science is a 2. is to describe how various political
social science discipline that deals with systems function, and to find more
systems of governance, and the effective political systems.
analysis of political activities, political 3. is to measure the success of
thoughts, associated constitutions and governance and specific policies by
political behavior. examining many factors, including
stability, justice, and material wealth.
Politics is not only a mere institution of PERSPECTIVE OF POLITICAL SCIENCE
governance but also a mechanism for
Methodologically diverse and explains that culture and society is
appropriates many methods originating complex.
in psychology, social research, and
cognitive neuroscience. CONCEPT OF CULTURE
Cultural anthropologists study all
Approaches include positivism, aspects of culture, but what exactly is
interpretivism, rational choice theory, “culture”? When asking students about
behaviouralism, structuralism, post- introductory to cultural anthropology,
structuralism, realism, institutionalism, what culture means to them, students
and pluralism. typically say that culture is food,
clothing, religion, language, traditions,
As one of the social sciences, uses art, music, and so forth. Indeed, culture
methods and techniques that relate to includes many of these observable
the kinds of inquiries sought: primary characteristics, but culture is also
sources, such as historical documents something deeper. Culture is a powerful
defining characteristic of human groups
that shapes our perceptions, behaviors,
and relationships.
The English word 'Culture' is gotten
CONCEPT, ASPECTS from the Latin expression 'clique or
cultus' significance plowing, or
AND CHANGES IN/OF developing or refining and love. In total it
implies developing and refining.
Culture is a lifestyle. The food you eat,
AND POLITICS” the garments you wear, the language
you talk in what's more, the God you
love, all are parts of culture. In
Culture, society and politics are
extremely straightforward terms, we can
major terms of Social Sciences. These
say that culture is the epitome of the
terminologies are used to explain the
manner by which we think and get
other disciplines such as political
things done. It is likewise the things that
science, history, psychology, and
we have acquired as citizenry. Every
economics to mention a few. In this
one of the accomplishments of
module, the topics are broadly
individuals as individuals from
conceptualized as a skeleton of
gatherings of people can be called
sociological, anthropological, political
culture. Workmanship, music, writing,
engineering, design, reasoning, religion
As exploring the lessons, culture,
and science can be viewed as parts of
society and politics are emphasized as
culture. Notwithstanding, culture
“intertextual concepts”, indicating the
likewise incorporates the traditions,
interrelationship between fundamental
customs, celebrations, methods of living
ideas of their origins, researched and
and one's attitude toward different
explained by sociologist and
issues of life.
anthropologist. Whereas, political views
are being presented in terms of
Culture thus refers to a human-made
standardized culture which transform as
environment which includes all the
time changes. Illustrated by political
material and nonmaterial products of
changes, happen when a national
group life that are transmitted from one
leader has been replaced by opposition
generation to the next. There is a
or invaded by other nation. Therefore,
general agreement among social
acquisition of knowledge needs a
scientists that culture consists of explicit
thorough understanding and this
and implicit patterns of behavior
acquired by human beings. These may
be transmitted through symbols,
constituting the distinctive achievements
of human groups, including their
embodiment as artefacts. The essential
core of culture thus lies in those finer
ideas which are transmitted within a
group-both historically derived as well
as selected with their attached value.
More recently, culture denotes
historically transmitted patterns of
meanings embodied in symbols, by
means of which people communicate,
perpetuate and develop their knowledge GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF
about and express their attitudes toward CULTURE
life. 1. Culture is learned and acquired
2. Culture is shared by a group of people
Moreover, Culture is the declaration of 3. Culture is cumulative
our temperament in our methods of 4. Culture changes
living and thinking. It could be seen in 5. Culture is dynamic
our writing, in strict practices, in 6. Culture gives us a scope of passable
amusement and happiness. Culture has standards of conduct
two unmistakable segments, 7. Culture is diverse
specifically, material and non-material. 8. Culture is ideational
Material culture comprises of articles
that are identified with the material part CONCEPT OF SOCIETY
of our life like our dress, food, and family -Society is an organization of
products. Non-material culture alludes connections between individuals or
to thoughts, standards, musings and between gatherings.
conviction. -Society is an assortment of individuals
or an association of people.
Additionally, culture changes from one
spot to another and country to country. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF
Its advancement depends on the SOCIETY
authentic cycle working in a nearby, 1. Society is abstract.
provincial or public setting. For instance, 2. Likeness and difference in society.
we vary in our methods of hello others, 3. Cooperation & conflict in society.
our apparel, food propensities, social 4. Society is a process not a product.
and strict traditions and practices from 5. Society is a system of stratification
the West. All in all, individuals of any
nation are portrayed by their particular CONCEPT OF POLITICS
social customs. -The term “politics”, is gotten from the
Greek word “Polis”, which implies the
city state.
-According to Greek Rationalists,
Politics was a subject which managed
all the exercises and undertakings of the
city state.
-Politics is the art of government, the
activity of control inside the society
through the settling on and authorization
of aggregate choices.

1. USE OF LEGAL FORCE - Explain the cultural and social-political
- It allows the legal authority to evolution: from hunting and gathering to
use force. If David Easton speaks post-industrial revolutions;
of “authoritative allocation of - Understand human cultural variation;
values”, Dahl of “Power, “rule” and
and authority”. - Understand biological and cultural
evolution: from Homo habilis to Homo
- Political system is that system
of interactions to be found in all “HUMAN BIOCULTURAL AND SOCIAL
independent societies which EVOLUTION”
perform the functions of
integration and adaptation (both A. STAGES OF HUMAN EVOLUTION
internally and vis-a-vis other 1. Hominid (Manlike Primates) –
societies) by means of the evolve 40 million years ago
employment or threat of A. “Ramapithecus” – lived 14
employment or more or less million years
legitimate physical compulsion. -Remains found in Siwalik
- The political system not only Hills in India.
includes governmental -Could stand upright and
institutions such as legislatures, used stones and sticks to
executives, courts, administrative frighten his enemies.
agencies but all structures in their -Found by Mrs. Mary
political aspect. Leakey at the volcanic ash
of Laetolil, Tanzania, East
- When the properties of one
component in a system change, B. “Lucy” – a whole skeleton
all the other components and the teenage girl
system as a whole are affected. - Discovered by Donald C.
- In political system the political Johanson at Hadar, Addis
parties having a wider base and Ababa, Ethiopa.
mass media (Television, radio
and newspapers) change the C. “Australopitecus” – believed
performance of all other to have lived in Africa about 5
structures of the system and million years ago.
affect the general working of the - Had a small brain, could
system. walk straight and used
simple tools.

LESSON 3: 2. Homo habilis (“Handy Man”) –

apelike men used stone tools as
“CULTURAL weapons and protection.

DIVERSITY A. “Zinjanthropus” – about 4 feet

tall, could walk upright with small
Lesson 1- Human Biocultural and Social brain.
Evolution -He used crude stone
Lesson 2 - Human Cultural Variation weapons for protections
against predator.
Learning Objectives: -Discovered by Dr. Louis
- Define Human Biocultural and Social S.B. Leakey (husband of
Evolution; Mrs. Mary Leakey) in
- Discuss the stages of human evolution; Olduva Gorge, Tanzania,
East Africa in 1999. -Had similar descriptions with modern
Believed to lived about man.
1.75 million years ago. -They originated as the primitive men.
-Largely dependent on hunting, fishing,
B. “Lake Turkana” man (“1470 and agriculture.
Man”) – about 5 feet tall and -They buried their dead, used hand tools
walked upright. and had religion.
-He used more refined
stone with a brain double A. Neanderthal Man
the size of a chimpanzee. -Discovered in the cave of
-Excavated in Lake Neanderthal Valley near
Turkana, Kenya, East Dusseldorf, Germany in
Africa by Dr. Richard 1856.
Leakey (son of Dr. and -Believed to appear in the
Mrs. Leakey) in 1972. high temperate zone in
-The remains consist of Europe and Asia about
shattered skull and leg 70,000 years ago.
bones. -Heavily built with powerful
jaws, brutish and
3. Homo erectus (“Upright Man”) – primitively intelligent.
believed to be the first manlike creature -Usually lived in cave and
that lived 500,000 years ago in Asia, dependent on hunting and
Africa and Europe. fishing.
-Could walk straight. -Had religious beliefs and
-With almost the same brain of a more advanced than
modern man. Homo erectus.
- He made refined stone tools for
hunting and weapons for the protection B. Cro Magnon Man
of the enemies. -More stronger Homo
sapien discovered by
A. “Pithecanthropus Erectus” French achielogists Louis
(“Java Man”) Discovered by Dr. Lartet in the Cro Magnon
Eugene Dubios at Trinil, Java, Cave at Ley Eyzies in
Indonesia in 1891. About 5 feet southern France.
tall, could walk erect; heavy and -Believed to lived in
chinless jaw; hairy body of Europe, Asia and Africa.
modern man. -Specifically their remains
have been found in
B. “Sinanthropus Pekinensis” western Asia, Italy, Spain,
(“Peking Man”) Discovered at France, and Russia and all
Choukoutien Village, Beijing, areas over Africa.
China in 1921. Discovered by -5’ 11” tall with developed
Johnn Gunnar Anderson, a brain than their
Swedish geologist. 5’ 2” tall, predecessor.
could walk upright, and brain -They had stone
almost as large as the modern implements, art objects
man. Was believed to lived and consistent hunting
500,000 years ago. skills.

4. Homo sapiens (“Wise Man”) B. THE EVOLUTION OF THE PRIMITIVE

-Believed to be the direct descendant of MAN
the modern man which lived about
250,000 years ago. 1. Paleolithic Period (Old Stone Age)
- 3 million years to 8000 BC
- Homo erectus (Java Man and Peking A. Agricultural and The Origins
Man), Homo sapiens (Neanderthal Man, of Civilization: The Neolithic
Cro Magnon Man) Revolution (Guisepi, 2012)
- Agriculture was not natural or
Characteristics of this period: inevitable. Cultivation of plants
- The rough stone tools were used as requires more labor.
main weapons and tools such as chisel, - Stone Age humans are reluctant
knives, spears and others. and slowly giving up their old
- Lived in hunting, fishing, and gathering ways of hunting and gathering. In
fruits in the forest. fact, the Bushmen of Southwest
- Able to use fire which was used to cook Africa still follow it today.
their food and protect them from cold. - Between 8000-3500 BC, an
- Lived in a cave and later learned to build increasing number of humans
primitive shelter. shifted to agricultural and
- Developed primitive arts, personal domestication of animals.
ornaments and other art forms. - About 7000 BC tools and skills
advanced sufficiently for
2. Neolithic Period (New Stone Age) cultivating peoples such as
8000 – 4000 BC Jericho in the valley of Jordan
- Disappearance of Cro Magnon and start River and Catal Huyuk in
of the new people which was considered present-day Turkey.
as modern man - By 3500 BC, agricultural peoples
in the Middle East could support
Characteristics of this period: non cultivating specialists to give
- Development of refined stone tools and rise to the first civilizations
- Made their own house. B. Causes of The Agrarian
- Learned domesticating animals such as Transformation
horses, pigs, dogs, cattle, and etc. - There are no written records of
- Learned to use wove clothes as the transition period between
protection of their skin. 8000 and 5000 BC when animals
- Begun to cut trees for boats as a were domesticated and plants
means of transportation and were cultivated on a regular
fishing in the rivers. basis.
- Climatic changes at the end of
3.Age of Metals 4000 – 1500 BC the last Ice Age (about 12000
BC) may have played an
Characteristics of this period: important role.
- Used of metals such as bronze, copper, - Climatic shifts promoted
and iron produced a new historical migration going to the north.
development. - Left dwindling supply in the
- Birth of the cradles of civilization: Egypt, Middle East where agriculture
Mesopotamia, Persia, India and China, first arose.
later spreading to Asia. - Also led to changes in the
- More developed social, cultural, political distribution and growing patterns
and economic systems. grains.
- Have direct contact to tribes, kingdoms - Shift to sedentary farming was
and empire through conquest, wars and prompted by this climate change.
C. The Domestication of Plants
EVOLUTION - From wild cereal grains hunting
people gradually collected their
1. The Neolithic Revolution seed.
- Wild barley and wheat are - Humans from Africa developed
abundant in present-day Turkey, speech and fire before the
Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Neolithic.
Israel. - Substantial evidence on the belief
- Hunting-and-gathering bands of afterlife.
may have consciously - Some societies in the late
experimented with planting and Paleolithic appear to have social
nurturing seeds around their structures and hierarchies.
campsites. - Cave paintings, burials and tools
- Agricultural evidence suggests are leftover relics from this
that the first agriculturists period.
retained their hunting-and- - Several thousand years, these
gathering activities as a hedge developments and other factors
against starvation. led to what is known as the
Neolithic Revolution or the
D. The Spread of the Neolithic Agricultural Revolution.
- The greater labor involved in B. Civilization Makes Its Debut
cultivation did not at first greatly (8000-3000 BC)
enhance peoples’ security or - Civilization debut in Neolithic
living standards. (means “new stone”) Age
- Sedentary agricultural - Civilization started out small.
communities coexisted with more Agriculture tended to tie only
numerous bands of hunters and small groups.
gatherers, migratory cultivators, - Settled along rivers as an
and fishers. important reliable and predictable
source of water.
2. Early Civilization and the Rise of - Families work on the same plot of
The State land over generations, leading to
the concept of ownership.
A. Before the Rise of - Agriculture became more and
Civilization more widespread, people began
- Early people were nomadic to accumulate surpluses of food.
hunter-gatherers, over time, they - Growing tendency to remain in
began to settle down. single location putting pressure
- Pastoral society helped to further on groups to defend and protect
tie groups to specific areas of themselves from other still
land. nomadic peoples.
- Raising animals find large and - Thus, people stayed near one
reliable sources of food. another, and cultural and social
- Drawbacks were usually bonds began to form.
aggressive, babies greatly - Thus, people began to do similar
dependent for many years on ways.
adult care, and the inevitability of - These factors, especially food
death. surplus, people began to become
- Several advantages are artisans and craftsmen.
opposable thumbs, ease of - It also brought trade and a class
reproduction, adaptability to of merchants.
varying physical environments, - Merchants caused further
advanced brain and eventually interaction and exchange, known
speech. as Cultural Diffusion.
- In the Paleolithic (means “old - Religion evolved from nomadic
stone”) Age Homo sapiens “religions”, to unified polytheism
led to further bond. Priest - Individual differences are an
became a class. essential part of self-identity.
Specialization of labor was a
direct offshoot of an *Individual differences are essential
agricultural surplus. part of self-identity.
- Membership and status in a
- Male-Female Differences.
Human Variability/Variation - Amplify or exaggeration of
is the range of possible values for differences.
any measurable characteristics, - Concealing or minimizing
physical or mental, of human differences.
beings. - Tanning, hair straightening, skin
bleaching, plastic surgery,
Individual differences is essential orthodontia, and growth
part of human experience. hormone.
Difference can be:
Trivial or important COMMON HUMAN VARIATIONS
Transient or permanent 1. Sexual orientation
Voluntary or involuntary 2. Human genetic variation
Congenital or acquired - Sex (Male, female)
Genetic or environmental - Skin or eye coloring,
Sources of Human Variability - Hair color, baldness,
* Biological Inheritance, shaped by hirsutism, body hair
Mutations, allelic differences - Supernumerary body part
Genetic drift (polydactylism,
Natural selection supernumerary nipples,
Prenatal environment and fetal hyperdontia) or missing
“programming” body parts (Hypogenesis)
Artificial or cultural selection 3. Body shape and size
Nutrition and malnutrition - Height
Quality of life and health - Body shape, thinness,
Pollution and toxin exposure and obesity
other stressors - Motor skills, dexterity
Education - Physical disabilities
Cultural and social environment - Reproductive attributes
Family environment and - Human development
upbringing - Other aspects of human
Child abuse or neglect physical appearance
Change of the body (highly subjective)
- Psychological and
Social Significance and Valuation of personality traits
Human Variability - Musical, creative,
- Variability have relative value or performance
Darker / lighter skin color
Thinness / fatness
- Abilities that are valued mostly:
Ability to learn
Musical aptitude
Strength, endurance,

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