Feasibility Study
Feasibility Study
Feasibility Study
The addition of grade levels in Hinapolon Primary School in Barangay
Hinapolon, Alangalang, Leyte is a timely response to economic instability of
parents from sending their children higher grade levels which is a 7 km away to
Sta. Fe Central School, a nearby school from Hinapolon PS. Also, this is to
support the goal of education to attain Education For All ( EFA ). The
community wanted to improve the participation rate and zero-out out of
school children.
The school, together with the parents and the stakeholders of the barangay
assure a quality education by maintaining a child-friendly environment in
consonance to DepEd’s mission and vision.
II. Objectives
To rename Hinapolon Primary School to Hinapolon Elementary School:
III. School History
When Cogon Elementary School was founded in the late 50’s, it faced the rough
challenge of establishing a complete school community and a school to serve
the needs of the families who are mostly farmers. The community took this
challenge seriously, defying burdens and worries just to make the school grow
from a primary to elementary school.
The school opened with a staff of 1, and as years passed enrolment continued
increasing, the school staff grew and every year the school added grade level.
Currently the school is a complete multigrade elementary school.
There was a Gabaldon Building at first, but after so many years, a complete
metamorphosis- new buildings and new landscapes, made the school stable and
far more different from what it was before.
Only a few that the school produced professionals before because of the
distance of the place to other big schools. There was a record of 2 drop outs
from Sy. 2010-2001 because of their personal worries that high school was
certain, they cannot pursue.
In 2018, the school marked an enrolment of 154. The following year, the
enrolment rose to 173. To date, the enrolment is fixed to 176 with still a chance
to storm so as to increase the average class size of 23 to 35 per grade level.
With the strong support of the community and other stakeholders, the school
emerged as one of the performing schools in the District with an immersion of a
different school set up through the construction of many projects like the
school railings, school stage, math park, signages, pathwalk and many others.
The school started its SBM documentation , SY. 2019-2021 and having
acquired a level 3 of practice through the District validation, it is now working
its way towards more commitment to the institution.
At present the school has 7 teachers and 3 Learning Support Aides, duly
financed by the Alangalang National High School through the Special
Education Fund (SEF) who were assigned to monitor the learning status of the
grade 7 students under the distance learning modality.
The study indicated that Alanglang National High School ( ANHS ) serving as
the home for most of the students of Barangay Cogon since then, is now a
populated institution. There is a total of 18 grade 7 classes with a minimum
class size of 1:60.
With such population, a number to be integrated in our school would be an
easier access to instruction by the teachers and an easier monitoring and
Mostly, families earn a living through farming, some through “pasuhol”, those
who till the land not their own,and some through very modest ways.
Barangay Cogon is located West part of the town, and an only part without a
high school institution. This is the very reason why,students from this part flock
to ANHS.
Cogon appears to be the center from the west with Barangay Lingayon, Aslum,
Cambahanon and Buri. It may also serve the boundaries of Barangay Hinapolon
and Pepita.
b. Market Potential
This is the potential projection of the study for the next 4 years.
c. Trasportation Expenses
Since Aslum, Cambahanon, Buri and Lingayon are just a few meters away from
Cogon,going to school can be done by foot.
d. Academic Performance
The effective implementation of the project would increase the level of support
from the stakeholders. The SBM implementation would be maintained if there
is continuous patronage from the communities accompanied by their
acceptance, appreciation and most of all their full participation to all the
school’s programs and projects.
More parents will and can share the willingness for school growth in various
With the establishment of the integrated school, more partnerships will emerge.
The more involvement to school parnerhip, the more successful the institution
will become.
There will be more opportunities to explore and more avenues await for
additional support.
The impact is always towards growth and development of the school and its