This document presents a statement of financial position as of December 31, 2022 and December 31, 2021 for a general industry company. It shows the company's current assets, which include cash and cash equivalents, trade receivables, inventories, and other current assets, totaling $853.98 billion as of December 31, 2022. It also lists the company's non-current assets such as property, plant and equipment, intangible assets, and investment properties, totaling $236.77 billion as of December 31, 2022. On the liabilities side, it presents the company's current liabilities including short term bank loans, trade payables, accrued expenses, and current maturities of long
This document presents a statement of financial position as of December 31, 2022 and December 31, 2021 for a general industry company. It shows the company's current assets, which include cash and cash equivalents, trade receivables, inventories, and other current assets, totaling $853.98 billion as of December 31, 2022. It also lists the company's non-current assets such as property, plant and equipment, intangible assets, and investment properties, totaling $236.77 billion as of December 31, 2022. On the liabilities side, it presents the company's current liabilities including short term bank loans, trade payables, accrued expenses, and current maturities of long
This document presents a statement of financial position as of December 31, 2022 and December 31, 2021 for a general industry company. It shows the company's current assets, which include cash and cash equivalents, trade receivables, inventories, and other current assets, totaling $853.98 billion as of December 31, 2022. It also lists the company's non-current assets such as property, plant and equipment, intangible assets, and investment properties, totaling $236.77 billion as of December 31, 2022. On the liabilities side, it presents the company's current liabilities including short term bank loans, trade payables, accrued expenses, and current maturities of long
This document presents a statement of financial position as of December 31, 2022 and December 31, 2021 for a general industry company. It shows the company's current assets, which include cash and cash equivalents, trade receivables, inventories, and other current assets, totaling $853.98 billion as of December 31, 2022. It also lists the company's non-current assets such as property, plant and equipment, intangible assets, and investment properties, totaling $236.77 billion as of December 31, 2022. On the liabilities side, it presents the company's current liabilities including short term bank loans, trade payables, accrued expenses, and current maturities of long
[1210000] Statement of financial position presented using current and
non-current - General Industry
Laporan posisi keuangan Statement of financial position
31 December 2022 31 December 2021 Aset Assets Aset lancar Current assets Kas dan setara kas Cash and cash 98,585,282,128 18,829,083,743 equivalents Aset keuangan lancar Current financial assets Aset keuangan lancar Other current financial 591,977,413 5,590,170,000 lainnya assets Piutang usaha Trade receivables Piutang usaha pihak Trade receivables third 182,164,126,246 132,631,060,814 ketiga parties Piutang usaha pihak Trade receivables 8,187,681,241 20,538,739,970 berelasi related parties Piutang lainnya Other receivables Piutang lainnya pihak Other receivables third 668,743,237 695,583,000 ketiga parties Piutang lainnya pihak Other receivables 4,880,000,000 0 berelasi related parties Persediaan lancar Current inventories Persediaan lancar 395,834,877,831 263,354,894,168 Current inventories Biaya dibayar dimuka Current prepaid expenses 3,527,869,072 3,838,142,345 lancar Uang muka lancar Current advances Uang muka lancar atas Current advances on pembelian aset tetap 0 0 purchase of property, plant and equipment Uang muka lancar Other current 136,159,894,072 27,060,827,874 lainnya advances Pajak dibayar dimuka Current prepaid taxes 15,634,364,507 25,020,372,280 lancar Aset non-keuangan lancar Other current non-financial 7,748,000,000 1,425,000,000 lainnya assets Jumlah aset lancar 853,982,815,747 498,983,874,194 Total current assets Aset tidak lancar Non-current assets Uang muka tidak lancar Non-current advances Uang muka tidak Non-current advances lancar atas pembelian on purchase of 0 145,500,000 aset tetap property, plant and equipment Aset keuangan tidak Non-current financial lancar assets Aset keuangan tidak Other non-current 821,335,500 126,368,500 lancar lainnya financial assets Aset pajak tangguhan 3,551,509,570 2,479,428,910 Deferred tax assets Properti investasi 2,515,821,822 1,720,649,518 Investment properties Aset tetap Property, plant, and 204,460,557,575 192,302,524,430 equipment Klaim atas pengembalian Non-current claims for tax 19,377,501,146 0 pajak tidak lancar refund Aset takberwujud selain Intangible assets other 6,043,138,786 1,143,037,282 goodwill than goodwill Jumlah aset tidak lancar 236,769,864,399 197,917,508,640 Total non-current assets Jumlah aset 1,090,752,680,146 696,901,382,834 Total assets Liabilitas dan ekuitas Liabilities and equity Liabilitas Liabilities Liabilitas jangka pendek Current liabilities Utang bank jangka Short term bank loans 172,248,000,000 99,995,000,000 pendek Utang usaha Trade payables Utang usaha pihak Trade payables 282,453,251,346 167,998,218,659 ketiga third parties Utang lainnya Other payables Utang lainnya pihak Other payables 3,878,959,947 26,448,655,710 ketiga third parties Utang lainnya pihak Other payables 634,504,167 4,100,000,000 berelasi related parties Beban akrual jangka Current accrued 2,244,501,239 1,681,939,219 pendek expenses Utang pajak 2,872,681,734 25,241,591,211 Taxes payable Pendapatan diterima Current unearned 63,946,395,413 41,177,982,582 dimuka jangka pendek revenue Provisi jangka Current provisions pendek Provisi jangka Other current 5,597,993,354 4,140,909,764 pendek lainnya provisions Liabilitas jangka Current maturities of panjang yang jatuh long-term liabilities tempo dalam satu tahun Liabilitas jangka Current maturities panjang yang jatuh of bank loans tempo dalam satu 19,580,728,371 22,663,806,573 tahun atas utang bank Liabilitas jangka Current maturities panjang yang jatuh of finance lease tempo dalam satu 1,151,974,229 1,163,412,356 liabilities tahun atas liabilitas sewa pembiayaan Jumlah liabilitas Total current 554,608,989,800 394,611,516,074 jangka pendek liabilities Liabilitas jangka Non-current liabilities panjang Liabilitas jangka Long-term liabilities panjang setelah net of current dikurangi bagian maturities yang jatuh tempo dalam satu tahun Liabilitas jangka Long-term bank panjang atas utang 21,240,864,471 30,207,768,242 loans bank Liabilitas jangka Long-term finance panjang atas lease liabilities 1,115,867,402 1,275,942,996 liabilitas sewa pembiayaan Pendapatan diterima Non-current unearned 10,442,604,378 0 dimuka jangka panjang revenue Kewajiban imbalan Long-term pasca kerja jangka 6,098,226,468 3,779,458,601 post-employment panjang benefit obligations Jumlah liabilitas Total non-current 38,897,562,719 35,263,169,839 jangka panjang liabilities Jumlah liabilitas 593,506,552,519 429,874,685,913 Total liabilities Ekuitas Equity Ekuitas yang Equity attributable to diatribusikan kepada equity owners of parent pemilik entitas induk entity Saham biasa 146,003,162,500 74,908,000,000 Common stocks Tambahan modal Additional paid-in 117,344,405,912 3,541,315,072 disetor capital Cadangan revaluasi 59,730,555,359 58,646,492,302 Revaluation reserves Cadangan pengukuran Reserve of kembali program ( 3,459,400,180 ) ( 713,110,921 ) remeasurements of imbalan pasti defined benefit plans Komponen ekuitas Other components of 757,891,880 757,891,880 lainnya equity Saldo laba Retained earnings (akumulasi kerugian) (deficit) Saldo laba yang Appropriated telah ditentukan 14,981,600,000 14,981,600,000 retained earnings penggunaannya Saldo laba yang Unappropriated belum ditentukan 144,178,270,792 101,427,800,391 retained earnings penggunaannya Jumlah ekuitas yang Total equity diatribusikan kepada attributable to equity 479,536,486,263 253,549,988,724 pemilik entitas induk owners of parent entity Proforma ekuitas 0 0 Proforma equity Kepentingan Non-controlling interests 17,709,641,364 13,476,708,197 non-pengendali Jumlah ekuitas 497,246,127,627 267,026,696,921 Total equity Jumlah liabilitas dan Total liabilities and equity 1,090,752,680,146 696,901,382,834 ekuitas