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Machine Learning, 20, 273-297 (1995)

© 1995 Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston. Manufactured in The Netherlands.

Support- Vector Networks

CORINNA CORTES [email protected]

VLADIMIR VAPNIK vlad @neural att.com

AT&T Bell Labs., Holmdel, NJ 07733, USA

Editor: Lorenza Saitta

Abstract. The support-vector network is a new learning machine for two-group classification
problems. The machine conceptually implements the following idea: input vectors are non-linearly
mapped to a very high-dimension feature space. In this feature space a linear decision surface is
constructed. Special properties of the decision surface ensures high generalization ability of the
learning machine. The idea behind the support-vector network was previously implemented for the
restricted case where the training data can be separated without errors. We here extend this result
to non-separable training data. High generalization ability of support-vector networks utilizing
polynomial input transformations is demon-strated. We also compare the performance of the
support-vector network to various classical learning algorithms that all took part in a benchmark
study of Optical Character Recognition.

Keywords: pattern recognition, efficient learning algorithms, neural networks, radial basis function
classifiers, polynomial classifiers.

1. Introduction

More than 60 years ago R.A. Fisher (Fisher, 1936) suggested the first algorithm for pattern
recognition. He considered a model of two normal distributed populations, N(m;, 3) and N (my, X,) of
n dimensional vectors x with mean vectors m; and my and co-variance matrices 2; and 33,, and
showed that the optimal (Bayesian) solution is a quadratic decision function:


In the case where X; = X, = X the quadratic decision function (1) degenerates to a linear function:

F(x) = sien] 3x —- m) B(x —my) — Sex —- my)" 37 (x —my) + In tl] (0D


Fin (x) = sgn] om my)’ EZ x — (mi ="'m, -m] =m) . 2)

To estimate the quadratic decision function one has to determine nets) free parameters. To estimate
the linear function only n free parameters have to be determined. In the case where the number of
observations is small (say less than 10 n?) estimating o(n*) parameters is not reliable. Fisher
therefore recommended, even in the case of 33; # X,, to use the linear discriminator function (2) with
¥ of the form:

T=1% + (1-15, (3)

where 7 is some constant’. Fisher also recommended a linear decision function for the case where
the two distributions are not normal. Algorithms for pattern recognition

B perceptron outputweights of the output unit,

gy ogdot-productoutput from the 5 hidden units: zy, ..., z5— mm weights of the 5 hidden units


AY .


output from the 4 hidden units weights of the 4 hidden units input vector, x

Figure 1. A simple feed-forward perceptron with 8 input units, 2 layers of hidden units, and 1 output
unit. The gray-shading of the vector entries reflects their numeric value.

were therefore from the very beginning associated with the construction of linear decision surfaces.

In 1962 Rosenblatt (Rosenblatt, 1962) explored a different kind of learning machines:perceptrons or

neural networks. The perceptron consists of connected neurons, where each neuron implements a
separating hyperplane, so the perceptron as a whole implements a piecewise linear separating
surface. See Fig. 1.

No algorithm that minimizes the error on a set of vectors by adjusting all the weights of the network
was found in Rosenblatt’s time, and Rosenblatt suggested a scheme where only the weights of the
output unit were adaptive. According to the fixed setting of the other weights the input vectors are
non-linearly transformed into the feature space, Z, of the last layer of units. In this space a linear
decision function is constructed:

I(x) = sign (= a) (4)

by adjusting the weights o; from the ith hidden unit to the output unit so as to minimize some error
measure over the training data. As a result of Rosenblatt’s approach, construction of decision rules
was again associated with the construction of linear hyperplanes in some space.

An algorithm that allows for all weights of the neural network to adapt in order locally to minimize
the error on a set of vectors belonging to a pattern recognition problem was found in 1986
(Rumelhart, Hinton & Williams, 1986, 1987; Parker, 1985; LeCun, 1985) when the back-propagation
algorithm was discovered. The solution involves a slight modification of the mathematical model of
neurons. Therefore, neural networks implement “piece-wise linear-type” decision functions.
In this article we construct a new type of learning machine, the so-called support-vector network.
The support-vector network implements the following idea: it maps the input vectors into some high
dimensional feature space Z through some non-linear mapping chosen a priori. In this space a linear
decision surface is constructed with special properties that ensure high generalization ability of the

Figure 2, An example of a separable problem in a 2 dimensional space. The support vectors, marked
with grey squares, define the margin of largest separation between the two classes.

EXAMPLE. To obtain a decision surface corresponding to a polynomial of degree two, one

can create a feature space, Z, which has N = En coordinates of the form:

21 = X1y-en Zn = Xp, n coordinates,

Zpbtl = Xp... Zan = 22, n coordinates,

nn —1) .

Zand] = X1X2, IN = XpXp-1, — coordinates,

where x = (xy, ..., x,). The hyperplane is then constructed in this space.

Two problems arise in the above approach: one conceptual and one technical. The conceptual
problem is how to find a separating hyperplane that will generalize well: the dimensionality of the
feature space will be huge, and not all hyperplanes that separate the training data will necessarily
generalize well®. The technical problem is how computationally to treat such high-dimensional
spaces: to construct polynomial of degree 4 or 5 in a 200 dimensional space it may be necessary to
construct hyperplanes in a billion dimensional feature space,

The conceptual part of this problem was solved in 1965 (Vapnik, 1982) for the case of optimal
hyperplanes for separable classes. An optimal hyperplane is here defined as the linear decision
function with maximal margin between the vectors of the two classes, see Fig. 2. It was observed
that to construct such optimal hyperplanes one only has to take into account a small amount of the
training data, the so called support vectors, which determine this margin. It was shown that if the
training vectors are separated without errors by an optimal hyperplane the expectation value of the
probability of committing an error on a test example is bounded by the ratio between the
expectation value of the number of support vectors and the number of training vectors:

E[Pr(error)] < E[number of support vectors]


number of training vectors


Note that this bound does not explicitly contain the dimensionality of the space of separation. It
follows from this bound, that if the optimal hyperplane can be constructed from a small number of
support vectors relative to the training set size the generalization ability will be high—even in an
infinite dimensional space. In Section 5 we will demonstrate that the ratio (5) for a real life problems
can be as low as 0.03 and the optimal hyperplane generalizes well in a billion dimensional feature


Woz + by=0

be the optimal hyperplane in feature space. We will show, that the weights wy for the

optimal hyperplane in the feature space can be written as some linear combination of

support vectors

wg = ) OZ. ©)

SUPPOT Vectors

The linear decision function 7 (z) in the feature space will accordingly be of the form:

10 sin 3 n-th) ©)

support vectors

where z; - z is the dot-product between support vectors z; and vector z in feature space. The decision
function can therefore be described as a two layer network (Fig. 3).

However, even if the optimal hyperplane generalizes well the technical problem of how to treat the
high dimensional feature space remains. In 1992 it was shown (Boser, Guyon, & Vapnik, 1992), that
the order of operations for constructing a decision function can be interchanged: instead of making a
non-linear transformation of the input vectors followed by dot-products with support vectors in
feature space, one can first compare two vectors in input space (by e.g. taking their dot-product or
some distance measure), and then make a non-linear transformation of the value of the result (see
Fig. 4). This enables the construction of rich classes of decision surfaces, for example polynomial
decision surfaces of arbitrary degree. We will call this type of learning machine a support-vector

The technique of support-vector networks was first developed for the restricted case of separating
training data without errors. In this article we extend the approach of support vector networks to
cover when separation without error on the training vectors is impossible. With this extension we
consider the support-vector networks as a new class of learning machine, as powerful and universal
as neural networks. In Section 5 we will demonstrate how well it generalizes for high degree
polynomial decision surfaces (up to order 7) in a high dimensional space (dimension 256). The
performance of the algorithm is compared to that of classical learning machines e.g. linear classifiers,
k-nearest neighbors classifiers, and neural networks. Sections 2, 3, and 4 are devoted to the major
points of the derivation of the algorithm and a discussion of some of its properties. Details of the
derivation are relegated to an appendix.


™ = i= in, support vectors z ;

in feature space

I input vector in feature space

non-linear transformation

input vector, x

Figure 3. Classification by a support-vector network of an unknown pattern is conceptually done by

first transforming the pattern into some high-dimensional feature space. An optimal hyperplane
constructed in this feature space determines the output. The similarity to a two-layer perceptron can
be seen by comparison to Fig. 1.

2. Optimal Hyperplanes

In this section we review the method of optimal hyperplanes (Vapnik, 1982) for separation of training
data without errors. In the next section we introduce a notion of soft margins, that will allow for an
analytic treatment of learning with errors on the training set.

2.1. The Optimal Hyperplane Algorithm

The set of labeled training patterns

01, %1)s «+5 (es Xe), yi € {—1,1} ®)

is said to be linearly separable if there exists a vector w and a scalar b such that the inequalities

w-x;+b>1 ify =1,

w-x;+b<—-1 if yy =-1, ©

[] classification

og Lagrange multipliers


S uE Kixgex )

2] [2] [2] [7].

input vector, x

Figure 4. Classification of an unknown pattern by a support-vector network. The pattern is in input

space compared to support vectors. The resulting values are non-linearly transformed. A linear
function of these transformed values determine the output of the classifier. are valid for all elements
of the training set (8). Below we write the inequalities (9) in the form

yi(w-x; +b) > 1, i=1,...,¢t (10)

The optimal hyperplane

wo-X+by=0 (11)

is the unique one which separates the training data with a maximal margin: it determines the
direction w/|w| where the distance between the projections of the training vectors of two different
classes is maximal, recall Fig. 2. This distance p(w, b) is given by


pw, b) = min ead (12)

— max -—-—.

xy |w| (xy=—1} |w|

The optimal hyperplane (wg, bo) is the arguments that maximize the distance (12). It follows from
(12) and (10) that


bpm — 2 13

p (wo, bo) ol ~ Jee (13)


This means that the optimal hyperplane is the unique one that minimizes w - w under the

constraints (10). Constructing an optimal hyperplane is therefore a quadratic programming


Vectors x; for which y;(w- x; +b) = 1 will be termed support vectors. In Appendix A.1

we show that the vector wy that determines the optimal hyperplane can be written as a linear

combination of training vectors:

wy = 3 yiodx;, (14)


where af > 0. Since or > 0 only for support vectors (see Appendix), the expression (14)

represents a compact form of writing wo. We also show that to find the vector of parameters


Al = (orf, . cal)

one has to solve the following quadratic programming problem:


WA) =AT1— 7A DA (15)

with respect to AT = (eq, ..., ag), subject to the constraints:

A>0, (16)

ATY = 0, an

where 17 = (1, ..., 1) is an £-dimensional unit vector, YT = (31, ---» ye) is the £-dimen-

sional vector of labels, and D is a symmetric £ x £-matrix with elements

Di; = yiyj%; - Xj, Lj=1..L (18)

The inequality (16) describes the nonnegative quadrant. We therefore have to maximize the

quadratic form (15) in the nonnegative quadrant, subject to the constraints (17).

When the training data (8) can be separated without errors we also show in Appendix A

the following relationship between the maximum of the functional (15), the pair (Ag, bo),

and the maximal margin pg from (13):

Who) = —. (19)


If for some A, and large constant W; the inequality

WAL) > Wo (20)

is valid, one can accordingly assert that all hyperplanes that separate the training data (8)

have a margin

If the training set (8) cannot be separated by a hyperplane, the margin between patterns of the two
classes becomes arbitrary small, resulting in the value of the functional W(A) turning arbitrary large.
Maximizing the functional (15) under constraints (16) and (17) one therefore either reaches a
maximum (in this case one has constructed the hyperplane with the maximal margin pp), or one
finds that the maximum exceeds some given (large) constant Wy (in which case a separation of the
training data with a margin larger then 2] Wy is impossible).

The problem of maximizing functional (15) under constraints (16) and (17) can be solved very
cfficiently using the following scheme. Divide the training data into a number of portions with a
reasonable small number of training vectors in each portion. Start out by solving the quadratic
programming problem determined by the first portion of training data. For this problem there are
two possible outcomes: either this portion of the data cannot be separated by a hyperplane (in
which case the full set of data as well cannot be separated), or the optimal hyperplane for separating
the first portion of the training data is found. Let the vector that maximizes functional (15) in the
case of separation of the first portion be Ai. Among the coordinates of vector A; some are equal to
zero. They correspond to non-support training vectors of this portion. Make a new set of training
data containing the support vectors from the first portion of training data and the vectors of the
second portion that do not satisfy constraint (10), where w is determined by A,. For this set a

new functional W,(A) is constructed and maximized at A,. Continuing this process of incrementally
constructing a solution vector A, covering all the portions of the training data one either finds that it
is impossible to separate the training set without error, or one constructs the optimal separating
hyperplane for the full data set, A, = Ay. Note, that during this process the value of the functional
W(A) is monotonically increasing, since more and more training vectors are considered in the
optimization, leading to a smaller and smaller separation between the two classes.

3. The Soft Margin Hyperplane

Consider the case where the training data cannot be separated without error. In this case one may
want to separate the training set with a minimal number of errors. To express this formally let us
introduce some non-negative variables & > 0, i =1,..., £. We can now minimize the functional

eE) =) & @1)


for small & > 0, subject to the constraints

yiw-x; +b) > 1—§&, i=1,...,¢ (22)

£ =0, i=1,...,¢ (23)

For sufficiently small o the functional (21) describes the number of the training errors”. Minimizing
(21) one finds some minimal subset of training errors:

{vir xi), ees (Fier Xq,)-


If these data are excluded from the training set one can separate the remaining part of the training
set without errors. To separate the remaining part of the training data one can construct an optimal
separating hyperplane. This idea can be expressed formally as: minimize the functional


SW CF (x ) (24)

subject to constraints (22) and (23), where F(x) is a monotonic convex function and C is

a constant.

For sufficiently large C and sufficiently small a, the vector wy and constant by, that minimize the
functional (24) under constraints (22) and (23), determine the hyperplane that minimizes the
number of errors on the training set and separate the rest of the elements with maximal margin.

Note, however, that the problem of constructing a hyperplane which minimizes the number of errors
on the training set is in general NP-complete. To avoid NP-completeness of our problem we will
consider the case of oo = 1 (the smallest value of o for which the optimization problem (15) has a
unique soluticn). In this case the functional (24) describes (for sufficiently large C) the problem of
constructing a separating hyperplane which minimizes the sum of deviations, &, of training errors
and maximizes the margin for the correctly classified vectors. If the training data can be separated
without errors the constructed hyperplane coincides with the optimal margin hyperplane.

In contrast to the case with 0 < 1 there exists an efficient method for finding the solutionof (24) in
the case of ¢ = 1. Let us call this solution the soft margin hyperplane.

In Appendix A we consider the problem of minimizing the functional

1, £

FW + CF (> :) (25)

subject to the constraints (22) and (23), where F(x) is a monotonic convex function with F(0) = 0. To
simplify the formulas we only describe the case of F (u) = u? in this section. For this function the
optimization problem remains a quadratic programming problem, In Appendix A we show that the
vector w, as for the optimal hyperplane algorithm, can

be written as a linear combination of support vectors x;:


Wo = > of Vix.


To find the vector A” = (a1, ..., a) one has to solve the dual quadratic programming

problem of maximizing

1 82

WA, 8) =AT1- 3|ATDA + Z| (26)

subject to constraints

ATY =0, @n

5 = 0, (28)

0 <A <31, (29)


where 1, A, Y, and D are the same elements as used in the optimization problem for

constructing an optimal hyperplane, § is a scalar, and (29) describes coordinate-wise in-


Note that (29) implies that the smallest admissible value & in functional (26) is

§ = max = max(ay,..., dg).

Therefore to find a soft margin classifier one has to find a vector A that maximizes

T ar Opa

WA) =A 1-2 [ADA + 2% (30)

under the constraints A > Oand (27). This problem differs from the problem of constructing an
optimal margin classifier only by the additional term with oy, in the functional (30). Due to this term
the solution to the problem of constructing the soft margin classifier is unique and exists for any data

The functional (30) is not quadratic because of the term with ey. Maximizing (30) subject to the
constraints A > 0 and (27) belongs to the group of so-called convex programming problems.
Therefore, to construct a soft margin classifier one can either solve the convex programming problem
in the £-dimensional space of the parameters A, or one can solve the quadratic programming
problem in the dual £ + 1 space of the parameters A. and §. In our experiments we construct the soft
margin hyperplanes by solving the dual quadratic programming problem.

4. The Method of Convolution of the Dot-Product in Feature Space

The algorithms described in the previous sections construct hyperplanes in the input space. To
construct a hyperplane in a feature space one first has to transform the n-dimensional input vector x
into an N-dimensional feature vector through a choice of an N-dimensional vector function ¢:

¢: Rv" — KY.

An N dimensional linear separator w and a bias b is then constructed for the set of transformed
P(x) = d1(xs), d2(X1), ..., PN (Xs), i=1,...,¢

Classification of an unknown vector x is done by first transforming the vector to the separating space
(x — ¢(x)) and then taking the sign of the function

FE =w-¢x) +b (3h

According to the properties of the soft margin classifier method the vector w can be written as a
linear combination of support vectors (in the feature space). That means

w=) yicib (xi). (32)


The linearity of the dot-product implies, that the classification function f in (31) for anunknown
vector x only depends on the dot-products:

FRO =¢® WHb=> yc$(x) d(x) +b. (33)


The idea of constructing support-vector networks comes from considering general forms of the dot-
product in a Hilbert space (Anderson & Bahadur, 1966):

pu) - pv) = K(u,v). (34

According to the Hilbert-Schmidt Theory (Courant & Hilbert, 1953) any symmetric function K (u, v),
with K (a, v) € Ly, can be expanded in the form

K(u,v) =)" igi(u)- ¢;(v), (35)


where A; € 9 and ¢; are eigenvalues and eigenfunctions

| K@ w= nam.

of the integral operator defined by the kernel K (u, v). A sufficient condition to ensure that (34)
defines a dot-product in a feature space is that all the eigenvalues in the expansion (35) are positive.
To guarantee that these coefficients are positive, it is necessary and sufficient (Mercer’s Theorem)
that the condition

I] Ku, v)g(w)g(v)dudv > 0

is satisfied for all g such that

[#wao < 00.

Functions that satisfy Mercer’s theorem can therefore be used as dot-products. Aizerman,
Braverman and Rozonoer (1964) consider a convolution of the dot-product in the feature space given
by function of the form

K (u,v) = exp (==) , (36)

which they call Potential Functions.

However, the convolution of the dot-product in feature space can be given by any function satisfying
Mercer’s condition; in particular, to construct a polynomial classifier of degreed in n-dimensional
input space one can use the following function

Km, v)=(u-v+1)7. (37)


Using different dot-products XK (u, v) one can construct different learning machines with arbitrary
types of decision surfaces (Boser, Guyon & Vapnik, 1992). The decision surface of these machines has
a form

f=) ye Kx x),


where x; is the image of a support vector in input space and «; is the weight of a support vector in
the feature space.

To find the vectors x; and weights «; one follows the same solution scheme as for the original optimal
margin classifier or soft margin classifier. The only difference is that instead of matrix D (determined
by (18)) one uses the matrix

Diy = yy; Kx, x;), iL j=1,...L

5. General Features of Support-Vector Networks

5.1. Constructing the Decision Rules by Suppori-Vector Networks is Efficient

To construct a support-vector network decision rule one has to solve a quadratic optimization


WA) =A"1 FA PA+Z |

under the simple constraints:

0 <A <1,

ATY =0,

where matrix

Dj; = yy; K(x, x5), Lh j=1...,L

is determined by the elements of the training set, and K (u, v) is the function determining the
convolution of the dot-products.

The solution to the optimization problem can be found efficiently by solving intermediate
optimization problems determined by the training data, that currently constitute the support
vectors. This technique is described in Section 3. The obtained optimal decision function is unique’.

Each optimization problem can be solved using any standard techniques.

5.2. The Support-Vector Network is a Universal Machine

By changing the function X (u, v) for the convolution of the dot-product one can implement different

In the next section we will consider support-vector network machines that use polynomial decision
surfaces. To specify polynomials of different order d one can use the following functions for
convolution of the dot-product

K(u,v) = (u-v+1)%.

Radial Basis Function machines with decision functions of the form

fx) = ssn a exp ES xl )

can be implemented by using convolutions of the type


K(u,v)= exp - fu ml |

In this case the support-vector network machine will construct both the centers x; of the
approximating function and the weights o;.

One can also incorporate a priori knowledge of the problem at hand by constructing special
convolution functions. Support-vector networks are therefore a rather general class of learning
machines which changes its set of decision functions simply by changing the form of the dot-product.

5.3. Support-Vector Networks and Control of Generalization Ability

To control the generalization ability of a learning machine one has to control two different factors:
the error-rate on the training data and the capacity of the learning machine as measured by its VC-
dimension (Vapnik, 1982). There exists a bound for the probability of errors on the test set of the
following form: with probability I — » the inequality

Pr(test error) < Frequency(training error) + Confidence Interval (38)

is valid. In the bound (38) the confidence interval depends on the VC-dimension of the learning
machine, the number of elements in the training set, and the value of 7. The two factors in (38) form
a trade-off: the smaller the VC-dimension of the set of functions of the learning machine, the smaller
the confidence interval, but the larger the value of the error frequency.
A general way for resolving this trade-off was proposed as the principle of structural risk
minimization: for the given data set one has to find a solution that minimizes their sum. A particular
case of structural risk minimization principle is the Occam-Razor principle: keep the first term equal
to zero and minimize the second one. It is known that the VC-dimension of the set of linear indicator

I(x) =sign(w-x+b), |x} <Cy

with fixed threshold b is equal to the dimensionality of the input space. However, the VC-dimension
of the subset

I(x) =sign(w-x+b), [x|<C, |wl=<C,


(the set of functions with bounded norm of the weights) can be less than the dimensionality of the
input space and will depend on Cy. From this point of view the optimal margin classifier method
executes an Occam-Razor principle. It keeps the first term of (38) equal to zero (by satisfying the
inequality (9)) and it minimizes the second term (by minimizing the functional w - w). This
minimization prevents an over-fitting problem.

However, even in the case where the training data are separable one may obtain better
generalization by minimizing the confidence term in (38) even further at the expense of errors on the
training set. In the soft margin classifier method this can be done by choosing appropriate values of
the parameter C. In the support-vector network algorithm one can control the trade-off between
complexity of decision rule and frequency of error by changing the parameter C, even in the more
general case where there exists no solution with zero error on the training set. Therefore the
support-vector network can control both factors for generalization ability of the learning machine.

6. Experimental Analysis

To demonstrate the support-vector network method we conduct two types of experiments. We

construct artificial sets of patterns in the plane and experiment with 2nd degree polynomial decision
surfaces, and we conduct experiments with the real-life problem of digit recognition.

6.1. Experiments in the Plane

Using dot-products of the form

Kw, v)=u-v+ 1)? (39)

with d = 2 we construct decision rules for different sets of patterns in the plane. Results of these
experiments can be visualized and provide nice illustrations of the power of the algorithm. Examples
are shown in Fig. 5. The 2 classes are represented by black and white

Figure 5. Examples of the dot-product (39) with d = 2. Support patterns are indicated with double
circles, errors with a cross.


Figure 6. Examples of patterns with labels from the US Postal Service digit database.

bullets. In the figure we indicate support patterns with a double circle, and errors with a cross. The
solutions are optimal in the sense that no 2nd degree polynomials exist that make less errors. Notice
that the numbers of support patterns relative to the number of training patterns are small.

6.2. Experiments with Digit Recognition

Our experiments for constructing support-vector networks make use of two different data bases for
bit-mapped digit recognition, a small and a large database. The small one is a US Postal Service
database that contains 7,300 training patterns and 2,000 test patterns. The resolution of the
database is 16 x 16 pixels, and some typical examples are shown in Fig. 6. On this database we report
experimental research with polynomials of various degree.

The large database consists of 60,000 training and 10,000 test patterns, and is a 50-50 mixture of the
NIST? training and test sets. The resolution of these patterns is 28 x 28 yielding an input
dimensionality of 784. On this database we have only constructed a 4th degree polynomial classifier.
The performance of this classifier is compared to other types of learning machines that took part in a
benchmark study (Bottou, 1994).

In all our experiments ten separators, one for each class, are constructed. Each hypersurface makes
use of the same dot product and pre-processing of the data. Classification of an unknown patterns is
done according to the maximum output of these ten classifiers.

6.2.1. Experiments with US Postal Service Database. The US Postal Service Database

has been recorded from actual mail pieces and results from this database have been reported by
several researchers. In Table 1 we list the performance of various classifiers collected

Table I. Performance of various classifiers collected from publications and own experiments. For

see text.

Classifier Raw error, %

Human performance 2.5

Decision tree, CART 17

Decision tree, C4.5 16

Best 2 layer neural network 6.6

Special architecture 5 layer network 5.1


Table 2. Results obtained for dot products of polynomials of various degree. The number of “support

is a mean value per classifier.

Degree of Raw Support Dimensionality of polynomial error, % vectors feature space

1 12.0 200 256

2 4.7 127 ~33000

3 4.4 148 ~1 x 10°

4 43 165 ~1 x 10°

5 4.3 175 ~1 x 10"

6 42 185 ~1 x 104

7 43 190 ~1 x 106

from publications and own experiments. The result of human performance was reported by J.
Bromley & E. Sackinger (Bromley & Sackinger, 1991). The result with CART was carried out by Daryl
Pregibon and Michael D. Riley at Bell Labs., Murray Hill, NJ. The results of C4.5 and the best 2-layer
neural network (with optimal number of hidden units) were obtained specially for this paper by
Corinna Cortes and Bernard Schoelkopf respectively. The result with a special purpose neural
network architecture with 5 layers, LeNetl, was obtained by Y. LeCun et al. (1990).

On the experiments with the US Postal Service Database we used pre-processing (centering, de-
slanting and smoothing) to incorporate knowledge about the invariances of the problem at hand.
The effect of smoothing of this database as a pre-processing for support-vector networks was
investigated in (Boser, Guyon & Vapnik, 1992). For our experiments we chose the smoothing kernel
as a Gaussian with standard deviation o = 0.75 in agreement with (Boser, Guyon & Vapnik, 1992).
In the experiments with this database we constructed polynomial indicator functions based on dot-
products of the form (39). The input dimensionality was 256, and the order of the polynomial ranged
from 1 to 7. Table 2 describes the results of the experiments. The training data are not linearly

Notice that the number of support vectors increases very slowly. The 7 degree polynomial has only
30% more support vectors than the 3rd degree polynomial—and even less than the first degree
polynomial. The dimensionality of the feature space for a 7 degree polynomial is however 10'® times
larger than the dimensionality of the feature space for a 3rd degree polynomial classifier. Note that
performance almost does not change with increasing dimensionality of the space—indicating no
over-fitting problems.

The relatively high number of support vectors for the linear separator is due to non-separability: the
number 200 includes both support vectors and training vectors with a non-zero £-value. If £ > 1 the
training vector is misclassified; the number of mis-classificationson the training set averages to 34
per classifier for the linear case. For a 2nd degree classifier the total number of mis-classifications on
the training set is down to 4. These 4 patterns are shown in Fig. 7.

It is remarkable that in all our experiments the bound for generalization ability (5) holds when we
consider the number of obtained support vectors instead of the expectation value of this number. In
all cases the upper bound on the error probability for the single classifier does not exceed 3% (on the
test data the actual error does not exceed 1.5% for the single classifier).


Figure 7. Labeled examples of errors on the training set for the 2nd degree polynomial support-
vector classifier.

The training time for construction of polynomial classifiers does not depend on the degree of the
polynomial—only the number of support vectors. Even in the worst case it is faster than the best
performing neural network, constructed specially for the task, LeNetl (LeCun, et al., 1990). The
performance of this neural network is 5.1% raw error. Polynomials with degree 2 or higher
outperform LeNetl.

6.2.2. Experiments withthe NIST Database. The NIST database was used for benchmark

studies conducted over just 2 weeks. The limited time frame enabled only the construction of 1 type
of classifier, for which we chose a 4th degree polynomial with no pre-processing. Our choice was
based on our experience with the US Postal database.

Table 3 lists the number of support vectors for each of the 10 classifiers and gives the performance of
the classifier on the training and test sets. Notice that even polynomials of degree 4 (that have more
than 10® free parameters) commit errors on this training set. The average frequency of training
errors is 0.02% ~ 12 per class. The 14 misclassified test patterns for classifier 1 are shown in Fig. 8.
Notice again how the upper bound (5) holds for the obtained number of support vectors.

The combined performance of the ten classifiers on the test set is 1.1% error. This result should be
compared to that of other participating classifiers in the benchmark study. These other classifiers
include a linear classifier, a k = 3-nearest neighbor classifier with 60,000 prototypes, and two neural
networks specially constructed for digit recognition (LeNet1 and LeNet4). The authors only
contributed with results for support-vector networks. The results of the benchmark are given in Fig.

We conclude this section by citing the paper (Bottou, et al., 1994) describing results of the

For quite a long time LeNetl was considered state of the art. ... Through a series of experiments in
architecture, combined with an analysis of the characteristics of recognition error, LeNet4 was

The support-vector network has excellent accuracy, which is most remarkable, because unlike the
other high performance classifiers, it does not include knowledge Table 3. Results obtained for a 4th
degree polynomial classifier on the NIST database. The size of the training set is 60,000, and the size
of the test set is 10,000 patterns.

CL <C.1 CL2 CL3 cL4 C5 a6 a7 C.8 CL9

Supp. patt. 1379 989 1958 1900 1224 2024 1527 2064 2332 2765

Error train 7 16 8 11 2 4 8 16 4 1

Error test 19 14 35 35 36 49 32 43 48 63



Figure 8. The 14 misclassified test patterns with labels for classifier 1. Patterns with label “1” are false
negative, Patterns with other labels are false positive.




29, + 4 {

qd b


1% 1 2.4


1.1 1.1

linear k=3-nearest LeNetl LeNet4 SVN

classifier neighbor

Figure 9. Results from the benchmark study about the geometry of the problem. In fact the classifier
would do as well if the image pixels were encrypted e.g. by a fixed, random permutation.

The last remark suggests that further improvement of the performance of the support-vector
network can be expected from the construction of functions for the dot-product

K (u, v) that reflect a priori information about the problem at hand.

7. Conclusion

This paper introduces the suppori-vector network as a new learning machine for two-group

classification problems.

The support-vector network combines 3 ideas: the solution technique from optimal hyperplanes
(that allows for an expansion of the solution vector on support vectors), the idea of convolution of
the dot-product (that extends the solution surfaces from linear to non-linear), and the notion of soft
margins (to allow for errors on the training set).

The algorithm has been tested and compared to the performance of other classical algorithms.
Despite the simplicity of the design in its decision surface the new algorithm exhibits a very fine
performance in the comparison study.

Other characteristics like capacity control and ease of changing the implemented decision surface
render the support-vector network an extremely powerful and universal learning machine.

A. Constructing Separating Hyperplanes

In this appendix we derive both the method for constructing optimal hyperplanes and soft margin
hyperplanes. A.l. Optimal Hyperplane Algorithm

It was shown in Section 2, that to construct the optimal hyperplane

Wo -X+by=0, 40)

which separates a set of training data

Ox), (es Xe),

one has to minimize a functional

subject to the constraints

yitxi -w+b)> 1, i=1...,¢ 41)

To do this we use a standard optimization technique. We construct a Lagrangian

L(w,b, A) = Zw w=} oilyi(xi -w+b) — 1], (42)


where AT = (a, . .., a) is the vector of non-negative Lagrange multipliers corresponding

to the constraints (41).

It is known that the solution to the optimization problem is determined by the saddle point of this
Lagrangian in the 2¢ + 1-dimensional space of w, A, and b, where the minimum should be taken with
respect to the parameters w and b, and the maximum should be taken with respect to the Lagrange
multipliers A. At the point of the minimum (with respect to w and b) one obtains:

= (vo - >a) =0, (43)


dL(w,b, A)


aL(w, b, A)


= yo; =0. (44)

b=by a;

From equality (43) we derive

wo = aiyx, (45)


which expresses, that the optimal hyperplane solution can be written as a linear combination of
training vectors. Note, that only training vectors x; with o; > 0 have an effective contribution to the
sum (45).

Substituting (45) and (44) into (42) we obtain

WA) = pC @; — Wo Wo (46)

‘ 1S


i=1 i=l j=1

In vector notation this can be rewritten as

WA) =AT1- SATDA, (48)

where 1 is an !-dimensional unit vector, and D is a symmetric £ x £-matrix with elements

Di; = yiyjxi - x.

To find the desired saddle point it remains to locate the maximum of (48) under the

constraints (43)

ATY =0,

where YT = (y1,..., y¢), and

A> 0.
The Kuhn-Tucker theorem plays an important part in the theory of optimization. According to this
theorem, at our saddle point in wy, by, Ag, any Lagrange multiplier of and its corresponding
constraint are connected by an equality

oi[yi(x; - Wo + bo) — 1] = 0, i=1,...,¢

From this equality comes that non-zero values ¢; are only achieved in the cases where

Yi(xi -wo + bo) —1=0.

In other words: «; # 0 only for cases were the inequality is met as an equality. We call vectors x; for

yi(Xi wo +b) =1

for support-vectors. Note, that in this terminology the Eq. (45) states that the solution vector wp can
be expanded on support vectors.

Another observation, based on the Kubn-Tucker Eqs. (44) and (45) for the optimal solution, is the
relationship between the maximal value W (Ao) and the separation distance Pol

£ [4 £

Wo Wg = > elyix; Wo = 3 ela - vibo) = > af

i=l i=1 i=l

Substituting this equality into the expression (46) for W (Ao) we obtain

Wo - Wo

Wo Wo =

Who) =) of — 3 .


Taking into account the expression (13) from Section 2 we obtain

W(Ao) = =,


where py is the margin for the optimal hyperplane.

A.2. Soft Margin Hyperplane Algorithm

Below we first consider the case of F (1) = u*. Then we describe the general result for a monotonic
convex function F(u). To construct a soft margin separating hyperplane we maximize the functional

owe (yu) , k=,

under the constraints

Yili -w+b) > 1-4, i=1,...,¢, (49)

& > 0, i=1,...,¢ (50)

The Lagrange functional for this problem is

L(w,&,b, A,R)

1 ¢ k [3 ¢

=sww+C (3+) = alii w Hb —1+&1—) niki, (51)

i=1 i=1 i=1

where the non-negative multipliers AT = (ay, oy, ...,q) arise from the constraint (49),

and the multipliers RT = (r(, ry, ..., r) enforce the constraint (50).

We have to find the saddle point of this functional (the minimum with respect to the variables w;, b,
and &;, and the maximum with respect to the variables o; and r;). Let us use the conditions for the
minimum of this functional at the extremum point:

=wo— )_0oyx =0, (52)



Wl = 2 eo =0, (53)

aL k—1

aE. =kC 24 —o ri. 54

Es ym b> ) -

If we denote

Se = (2) - (55)

! Ck ’

we can rewrite Eq. (54) as

§—a; —1r; =0. (56)

From the equalities (52)—(55) we find

Wo = > 0; yiXi,


> ay =0, (57)


&= o; + 7. (58)
Substituting the expressions for wp, bg, and § into the Lagrange functional (51) we obtain

1- 7) . (59)

To find the soft margin hyperplane solution one has to maximize the form functional (59) under the
constraints (57)—(58) with respect to the non-negative variables o;, r; with

£ 1 tt Sk/k=1

W(A, 8) = De - 2 DD ew yiyixi ‘Xj — COAT (

i=1 i=1 j=1

i =1,...,1 In vector notation (59) can be rewritten as

WA, 8 =AT1 LATDA + sr 1 ! (60)

9) = 2 (kCY/E-1 k)]

where A and D are as defined above. To find the desired saddle point one therefore has to find the
maximum of (60) under the constraints

ATY =0, (61)

A+R =941, (62)

A=0, (63)


R > 0. (64)

From (62) and (64) one obtains that the vector A should satisfy the conditions

0<A <sl (65)


From conditions (62) and (64) one can also conclude that to maximize (60)

8 = Qmax = max(ay, ..., a).

Substituting this value of § into (60) we obtain

T 1,7 or | 1

To find the soft margin hyperplane one can therefore either find the maximum of the quadratic form
(51) under the constraints (61) and (65), or one has to find the maximum of the convex function (60)
under the constraints (61) and (56). For the experiments reported in this paper we used k = 2 and
solved the quadratic programming problem (51).

For the case of F(x) = u the same technique brings us to the problem of solving the following
quadratic optimization problem: minimize the functional

WA) =AT1- 5ATDA,

under the constraints



ATY =0.

The general solution for the case of a monotone convex function F (1) can also be obtained from this
technique. The soft margin hyperplane has a form


w= > wy,


where Al =@..., 9) is the solution of the following dual convex programming prob-

lem: maximize the functional

— ATI [1AT i (Zmex )) 1 (max

W(A) = AT1 [34 DA+ (af (2 )) cr(s (2 hil

under the constraints

ATY =0,


where we denote

fla) = F'(u).

For convex monotone functions F(u) with F(0) = 0 the following inequality is valid:

uF'(u) > Fu).

Therefore the second term in square brackets is positive and goes to infinity when oy,, goes to

Finally, we can consider the hyperplane that minimizes the form

1 [4

5 wewty gf


subject to the constraints (49)—(50), where the second term minimizes the least square value for the
errors. This lead to the following quadratic programming problem: maximize the functional

WA) =AT1— 3 [A7Da + FATA] (67)

in the non-negative quadrant A > 0 subject to the constraint ATY = 0.


1. The optimal coefficient for T was found in the sixties (Anderson & Bahadur, 1966).

2. Recall Fisher's concerns about small amounts of data and the quadratic discriminant function.

3. With this name we emphasize how crucial the idea of expanding the solution on support vectors is
for these learning machines. In the support-vectors learning algorithm the complexity of the
construction does not depend on the dimensionality of the feature space, but on the number of
support vectors. Note that in the inequalities (9) and (10) the right-hand side, but not vector w, is
normalized. A training error is here defined as a pattern where the inequality (22) holds with £ > 0.
The decision function is unique but not its expansion on support vectors.

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Received May 15, 1993

Accepted February 20, 1995

Final Manuscript March 8, 1995

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