Chapter 10
Chapter 10
Chapter 10
Vapor/Liquid Equilibrium:
Phase equilibrium
• Application
– Distillation, absorption, and extraction bring phases of
different composition into contact.
• Both the extent of change and the rate of transfer
depend on the departure of the system from
• Quantitative treatment of mass transfer the
equilibrium T, P, and phase compositions must be
The nature of equilibrium
• A static condition in which no changes occur in
the macroscopic properties of a system with time.
• At the microscopic level, conditions are not static.
– The average rate of passage of molecules is the same in
both directions, and no net interphase transfer of
material occurs.
• An isolated system consisting of liquid and vapor
phases in intimate contact eventually reaches a
final state wherein no tendency exists for change
to occur within the system.
– Fixed temperature, pressure, and phase composition
Phase rule vs. Duhem’s theorem
• (The number of variables that is independently fixed in a
system at equilibrium) = (the number of variables that
characterize the intensive state of the system) - (the
number of independent equations connecting the variable):
• Phase rule: F 2 ( N 1)( ) ( 1)( N ) 2 N
Liquid region
Critical point for
component 1 (x1=1)
Constant temperature
regions are vertical Vapor & Liquid in
slices equilibrium is
within the thumb
Vapor region
• Within this space, the states of pairs of phases coexisting at
equilibrium define surfaces.
– The subcooled-liquid region lies above the upper surface; the
superheated-vapor region lies below the under surface.
– UBHC1 and KAC2 represent the vapor pressure-vs.-T curves for
pure species 1 and 2.
– C1 and C2 are the critical points of pure species 1 and 2.
– L is a bubble point and the upper surface is the bubblepoint surface.
– Line VL is an example of a tie line, which connects points
representing phases in equilibrium.
– W is a dewpoint and the lower surface is the dewpoint surface.
Vapor Liquid Equilibrium: VLE
2 chemical species, 2 phases (liquid and vapor)
N = 2, = 2
The intensive properties of the system is 2.
PT diagram
Pxy diagram
Txy diagram
Simple models for VLE
• The simplest are Raoult’s law and Henry’s law.
• Raoult’s law:
– the vapor phase is an ideal gas (apply for low to
moderate pressure)
– the liquid phase is an ideal solution (apply when the
species that are chemically similar)
– yi P xi Pi sat (i 1, 2, ..., N )
• although it provides a realistic description of actual behavior
for a small class of systems, it is valid for any species present
at a mole fraction approaching unity, provided that the vapor
phase is an ideal gas.
yi P xi Pi sat
(i 1, 2, ..., N ) P (i 1, 2, ..., N )
yi / Pi sat
x i 1 i
i 1 i
For dewpoint calculation
P xi Pi sat (i 1, 2, ..., N )
For bubblepoint calculation
Binary system
P P2sat ( P1sat P2sat ) x1
(a) Prepare a graph showing P vs. x1 and P vs. y1 for a temperature of 75°C.
2945.47 2972.64
ln P1 sat
/ kPa 14.2724 ln P2sat / kPa 14.2043
t / C 224.00 t / C 209.00
At 75°C, a liquid mixture of 60 mol-% (1) and 40 mol-% (2) is in equilibrium with
a vapor containing 74.83 mol-% (1) at pressure of 66.72 kPa.
(b) Prepare a graph showing t vs. x1 and t vs. y1 for a pressure of 70 kPa.
2945.47 2972.64
ln P1 sat
/ kPa 14.2724 ln P2sat / kPa 14.2043
t / C 224.00 t / C 209.00
P1sat P P2sat
Select t x1 sat t vs. x1 t vs. y1
P2sat P1 P2sat xP sat
y1 1 1
VLE modified Raoult’s law
• Account is taken of deviation from solution
ideality in the liquid phase by a factor inserted into
Raoult’s law:
yi P xi i Pi
(i 1, 2, 3, ...N )
P xi i Pi sat
i ii
y /
P sat
For the system methanol (1)/methyl acetate (2), the following equations provide a
reasonable correlation for the activity coefficients:
ln 1 ( 2.771 0.00523T ) x22 ln 2 (2.771 0.00523T ) x12
The Antoine equations provide vapor pressures:
3643.31 2665.54
ln P1sat / kPa 16.59158 ln P2sat / kPa 14.25326
T ( K ) 33.424 T ( K ) 53.424
(a): P and {yi} for T = 318.15 K and x1 = 0.25
(b): P and {xi} for T = 318.15 K and y1 = 0.60
(c): T and {yi} for P = 101.33 kPa and x1 = 0.85
(d): T and {xi} for P = 101.33 kPa and y1 = 0.40
(e): the azeotropic pressure and the azeotropic composition for T = 318.15 K
(a) for T = 318.15, and x1 = 0.25
(a) for T = 318.15, and x1 = 0.25
P1sat 44.51 P2sat 65.64 1 1.864 2 1.072
y1 P
x1 x2 1 x1
1 P1sat
Converges at: P 62.89 kPa 1 1.0378 2 2.0935 x1 0.8169
(c): for P = 101.33 kPa and x1 = 0.85
T1sat 337.71 T2sat 330.08
A iterative process is applied, with T (0.85)T1sat (0.15)T2sat 336.57
1 ... 2 ...
ln P1sat / kPa 16.59158
T ( K ) 33.424 P xi i Pi sat
P1sat ...
Converges at: T 331 .20 K 1 1.0236 2 2.1182 y1 0.670 y 2 0.330
(b): for T = 318.15 K and y1 = 0.60
P1sat 44.51 P2sat 65.64
A iterative process is applied, with 1 1 2 1
i ii
y /
P sat
y1 P
x1 x2 1 x1
1 P1sat
Converges at: P 62.89 kPa 1 1.0378 2 2.0935 x1 0.8169
(d): for P = 101.33 kPa and y1 = 0.40
T1sat 337.71 T2sat 330.08
A iterative process is applied, with T (0.40)T1sat (0.60)T2sat 333.13
1 1 2 1
ln Pi sat / kPa Ai
T ( K ) Ci
x1 ... x2 ...
1 ... 2 ...
zi K i
The moles of vapor The vapor mole fraction yi
1 V ( K i 1)
The moles of liquid The liquid mole fraction zi K i
1 V ( K 1) 1