Endotelna Disfunckija I MetS
Endotelna Disfunckija I MetS
Endotelna Disfunckija I MetS
available at www.sciencedirect.com
Department of Clinical Biochemistry (Vascular Prevention Clinic), Royal Free Hospital Campus,
University College Medical School, University College London (UCL), London, UK
Department of Surgery, Royal Free Hospital Campus, University College Medical School,
University College London (UCL), London, UK
Second Propedeutic Department of Internal Medicine, Aristotle University,
Hippokration Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece
Received 9 March 2009; received in revised form 9 June 2009; accepted 3 August 2009
KEYWORDS Abstract The metabolic syndrome (MetS) is characterized by the presence of central obesity,
Metabolic syndrome; impaired glucose metabolism, dyslipidemia and hypertension. Several studies showed that
Endothelial dysfunction; MetS is associated with increased risk for type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and vascular events.
Lifestyle measures; All components of MetS have adverse effects on the endothelium. Endothelial dysfunction
Statins; plays a role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and might also increase the risk for insulin
Metformin resistance and T2DM. We review the prevalence and pathogenesis of endothelial dysfunction in
MetS. We also discuss the potential effects of lifestyle measures and pharmacological interven-
tions on endothelial function in these patients. It remains to be established whether improving
endothelial function in MetS will reduce the risk for T2DM and vascular events.
ª 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0939-4753/$ - see front matter ª 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Endothelial dysfunction in metabolic syndrome 141
dysfunction might be more prevalent in patients with MetS that plasma PAI-1 levels and activity rise as the number of
and could play a role in the increased risk for vascular disease MetS components increases [32,33]. Patients with MetS also
and T2DM in this population. have higher circulating levels of the vasoconstrictor agent
We review the prevalence and pathogenesis of endothelial endothelin-1 [34].
dysfunction in MetS. We also discuss the potential effects of Microalbuminuria is more common in patients with MetS
lifestyle measures and pharmacological interventions on [35,36]. In addition, the prevalence of microalbuminuria
endothelial function in patients with MetS. increases when more MetS components are present [35,36].
It should also be noted that according to the World Health
Organization (WHO), microalbuminuria is one of the
Markers of endothelial function in patients diagnostic criteria of MetS [37].
with MetS
in most studies [46,57] but not in all [24,29]. In a recent healthy subjects or patients with IFG, IGT or T2DM
large study (n Z 1016), acetylcholine-induced vasodilation [w12,w13] but not in all [w15,w16]. Leptin also induces
correlated with insulin resistance whereas FMD did not [28]. NO-independent vasodilation [w17,w18] and leptin levels
Insulin resistance also correlated with sICAM-1, sVCAM-1 directly correlate with EDV in obese patients [w14]. In
and E-selectin levels [w2] and was associated with the patients with MetS, resistin levels correlate with EDV [26]
presence of microalbuminuria [w3]. but this association was not observed in patients with IGT
MetS is considered a pro-inflammatory condition or T2DM [w16].
[29,32,w4]. Several studies showed that hsCRP levels are Serum uric acid levels are raised in MetS [w19,w20].
elevated in MetS [29,32,w4] and rise as the number of MetS Elevated serum uric acid levels appear to be associated
components increases [32,w4]. This pro-inflammatory state with endothelial dysfunction [w19,w21] and may play a role
might play a role in the pathogenesis of endothelial in the increased vascular risk of patients with MetS
dysfunction in MetS, since elevated hsCRP levels are [w20].Table 1
associated with impaired EDV [w5,w6] although not in all It is of interest that endothelial dysfunction might play
studies [w7,w8]. The correlation between hsCRP levels and a role in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance and T2DM
FMD was also observed in patients with MetS [w9]. [9]. Endothelial dysfunction in the skeletal muscle might
Patients with MetS have lower circulating adiponectin lead to decreased blood flow, which in turn could
[26,32,55] and higher resistin [55,w10] and leptin levels contribute to insulin resistance [9]. In prospective studies,
[32]. These alterations in adipokine levels may contribute impaired EDV was associated with increased risk for T2DM
to the development of endothelial dysfunction [w11e in healthy postmenopausal women [10] and in hypertensive
w14]. Adiponectin levels independently correlated with patients [11]. In the general population, circulating
EDV in hypertensive patients [w11] and in some studies in markers of endothelial dysfunction, including sICAM-1,
Table 1 Effects of therapeutic intervention on markers of endothelial function in patients with the metabolic syndrome.
Intervention Endothelial Endothelial Endothelial Effect Reference
dysfunction activation damage
Low-fat diet FMD NA PAI-1 Significant improvement [w38,w44]
in both markers
Low-carbohydrate diet FMD NA NA Significant deterioration [w38]
High-carbohydrate meal, FMD at 4 h NA NA Significant improvement [w43]
rich in cereal fiber postprandially
Soy nuts NA NA E-selectin Significant improvement [w45]
Physical exercise FMD NA NA Significant improvement [w54,w55]
(more pronounced with
higher-intensity exercise)
Metformin EDV, FMD NA NA Significant improvement [w61,w62]
in both markers
Rosiglitazone FMD NA NA Significant improvement [22,27]
Pioglitazone NA hsCRP NA Significant improvement [w66]
Atorvastatin FMD sICAM-1 NA Significant improvement [30,w9]
in both markers
Simvastatin NA NA PAI-1 Significant improvement [w72]
Pravastatin NA sICAM-1, sVCAM-1, NA No effect [w73]
Fenofibrate FMD sICAM-1, sVCAM-1 NA Significant improvement [w78ew80]
in all markers
Bezafibrate FMD NA NA Significant improvement [w9]
Nicotinic acid FMD NA NA Significant improvement [w85,w86]
or no change
Ezetimibe combined FMD NA NA Significant improvement [w87]
with statins
Eicosapentaenoic acid NA sICAM-1, sVCAM-1 NA Significant improvement [w89]
in both markers
Irbesartan FMD NA PAI-1 Significant improvement [w94]
in both markers
Oral estradiol NA E-selectin NA Significant improvement [w108]
Transdermal estradiol NA E-selectin NA No change [w108]
FMD Z flow-mediated vasodilation in the brachial artery, NA Z not assessed, PAI-1 Z plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, EDV Z endo-
thelium-dependent vasodilation in the forearm assessed with venous occlusion plethysmography, hsCRP Z high sensitivity C-reactive
protein, sICAM-1 Z soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1, sVCAM-1 Z soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule-1.
Endothelial dysfunction in metabolic syndrome 143
sVCAM-1, E-selectin, tPA antigen and vWF also predicted prospective studies, increased physical activity reduced the
T2DM in some but not all studies [w22ew27]. risk for MetS [w40,w49]. Higher cardiorespiratory fitness,
a marker of increased recent physical activity, is also asso-
ciated with reduced incidence of MetS [w49,w50]. In patients
Therapeutic interventions in MetS e effects on
with MetS, higher cardiorespiratory fitness is also associated
endothelial function Table 1 with reduced risk for vascular and all cause mortality [w51].
Several studies showed that physical activity reduces the
Lifestyle measures prevalence of MetS [w52,w53]. A 3-month physical training
program improved FMD in MetS despite the lack of change in
According to current guidelines, lifestyle measures are the BP, body mass index, plasma lipids or insulin resistance
first-line treatment of MetS [1,w28]. In the Diabetes [w54]. In a recent study in patients with MetS, high-intensity
Prevention Program [3234 overweight patients with IFG or exercise increased FMD more than moderate-intensity
impaired glucose tolerance (IGT); 53% had MetS], lifestyle exercise [w55].
changes reduced the prevalence of MetS [w29]. A reduction Smoking is associated with endothelial dysfunction
in MetS prevalence with lifestyle modification was also [12,w56]. Smoking also appears to increase the risk for insulin
reported in smaller studies [w30,w31]. In overweight resistance, MetS and T2DM [w57]. On the other hand,
patients with IFG or IGT, intensive lifestyle intervention smoking cessation resulted in improvement in endothelial
also reduced the risk for developing MetS [w29] or T2DM function [w58,w59]. Interestingly, even though smoking
[w32,w33]. Regarding diet, a moderately-reduced-energy cessation is associated with a temporary increase in body
diet with a low intake of trans fats, saturated fats and weight [w57], an improvement in insulin sensitivity was
simple sugars and increased consumption of fruits, vege- reported in patients who stopped smoking [w60].
tables and whole grains is recommended for patients with
MetS [1]. Low-fat and low-glycemic load diets appear to Pharmacological treatment
induce similar weight reductions but the former had less
beneficial effects on HDL-C and TG levels [w34,w35]. In the DPP, metformin reduced the risk for developing
However, low-fat diets decrease low density lipoprotein MetS [w29] and T2DM in overweight patients with IFG or
cholesterol (LDL-C) levels more than low-glycemic load IGT but was less protective than lifestyle measures
diets [w34,w35]. Other studies reported more weight loss, [w29,w33]. Moreover, metformin did not reduce the
greater improvement in HDL-C and TG levels and no prevalence of MetS in the same study [w29]. In patients
differences in LDL-C levels with low-glycemic load diets with MetS and normal glucose tolerance, metformin
compared with low-fat diets [w36,w37]. Interestingly, in improved EDV independently of changes in glucose, LDL-C
obese patients, a low-fat diet improved FMD whereas a low- and HDL-C levels, body weight and BP [w61]. In another
carbohydrate diet decreased FMD despite similar weight study in MetS, metformin improved FMD and this
loss [w38]. improvement correlated with the decrease in insulin
In a cross-sectional study, increased intake of fiber was resistance [w62]. Metformin also increased circulating NO
associated with reduced prevalence of MetS [w39]. levels in patients with MetS [w63].
However, this was not confirmed in prospective studies In the Diabetes Reduction Assessment with Ramipril and
[w40,w41]. In patients with MetS, the fiber-rich dietary Rosiglitazone Medication (DREAM) trial, rosiglitazone
approaches to stop hypertension (DASH) diet reduced the reduced the incidence of T2DM in patients with IFG and
prevalence of MetS more than a weight-reducing diet increased the rate of regression to normoglycemia [w64].
emphasizing healthy choices [w42]. This difference was However, there was no change in vascular events and the
independent of weight loss [w42]. In patients with MetS, risk for heart failure increased [w64]. In several studies
consumption of a high-carbohydrate meal, rich in cereal involving patients with MetS, rosiglitazone improved FMD
fiber, improved FMD at 4 h postprandially [w43]. A hypo- [22,27,w65]. The reduction in hsCRP levels and the increase
caloric low-fat diet enriched with whole or refined grains in adiponectin levels correlated with this improvement in
also reduced serum PAI-1 levels in patients with MetS [w44]. endothelial function [27,w65]. In patients with MetS,
In postmenopausal women with MetS, soy nut consumption pioglitazone reduced hsCRP levels but endothelial function
increased plasma NO levels and reduced serum E-selectin was not assessed [w66].
levels more than a control diet [w45]. Subgroup analyses of both primary and secondary
The Mediterranean diet appears to induce similar prevention trials showed that statins reduce vascular
weight loss as low-carbohydrate diets and greater than events in patients with MetS [w67ew69]. In some trials,
low-fat diets [w37]. In cross-sectional studies, the Medi- statins conferred greater risk reduction in patients with
terranean diet is associated with reduced prevalence of MetS [w69]. In patients with MetS, atorvastatin reduced the
MetS [w46]. The Mediterranean diet also reduced the risk prevalence of MetS [w70,w71], increased FMD [w9] and
for MetS in some prospective studies [w47] but not in reduced sICAM-1 levels [30]. Simvastatin reduced serum
others [w48]. In patients with MetS, Mediterranean diet PAI-1 activity in patients with MetS [w72] whereas pravas-
enriched with nuts reduced the prevalence of MetS more tatin did not affect sICAM-1, sVCAM-1 or E-selectin levels
than a low-fat diet [w48]. In contrast, Mediterranean diet [w73]. These limited data suggest that different statins
enriched with virgin olive oil and the low-fat had similar might not have the same effect on endothelial function in
effects [w48]. patients with MetS. However, no comparative studies
A daily minimum of 30 min moderate-intensity physical assessed whether one statin improves endothelial function
activity is recommended in patients with MetS [1]. In more than others.
144 K. Tziomalos et al.
A post-hoc subgroup analysis of the bezafibrate infarction addition, both orlistat [w77,w101] and sibutramine reduced
prevention (BIP) study showed that bezafibrate reduces the the prevalence of MetS [w31] but their effects on endo-
risk for myocardial infarction (MI) in patients with estab- thelial function in these patients are unclear.
lished coronary heart disease (CHD) [w74]. Other post-hoc Estradiol stimulates NO production and improves
analyses of the same study suggested that bezafibrate endothelial function [w102ew105]. Interestingly, these
reduces the risk for T2DM in obese patients [w75] and in effects of estradiol appear to be carried out through its
patients with IFG [w76]. Fenofibrate reduced the prevalence association with HDL particles [w102]. Other atheropro-
of MetS [w70,w71,w77]. In addition, fenofibrate increased tective effects of HDL, such as macrophage cholesterol
FMD [w78,w79] and reduced sICAM-1 and sVCAM-1 levels in efflux, also appear to be enhanced by HDL-associated
patients with MetS [w80]. Bezafibrate also increased FMD estradiol esters [w106]. Oral hormone therapy appears to
[w9]. The combination of statins and fibrates also increased have more beneficial effects on circulating levels of
FMD more than either monotherapy in patients with mixed adhesion molecules, PAI-1 and tPA than transdermal
dyslipidemia [w81]. However, switching from atorvastatin to hormone therapy [w107]. However, the former increased
bezafibrate in patients with MetS was associated with hsCRP levels more than the latter [w107]. In post-
a reduction in EDV [w82]. menopausal women with MetS, oral estradiol lowered
Nicotinic acid (NA) might be useful in the management circulating E-selectin levels whereas transdermal estradiol
of combined dyslipidemia in MetS [w83]. A post-hoc analysis had no effect [w108].
of the Coronary Drug Project showed that NA reduces the
risk for non-fatal MI and all cause mortality in patients with Bariatric surgery
CHD and MetS [w84]. In patients with MetS, NA increased
FMD [w85]. However, no change in FMD was observed with
Bariatric surgery results in resolution of MetS in most cases
NA treatment in another study that included patients with
[w109,w110]. Bariatric surgery also appears to be more
MetS [w86].
effective than lifestyle modifications and pharmacological
In patients with MetS, ezetimibe plus atorvastatin
treatment in reducing the prevalence of MetS [w111]. In
10 mg/day reduced LDL-C levels and improved EDV more
obese patients, bariatric surgery improved EDV and reduced
than atorvastatin 40 mg/day [w87]. In another study, eze-
E-selectin, vWF and PAI-1 levels [w112ew114] whereas the
timibe plus simvastatin 10 mg/day prevented the post-fat-
effects on sICAM-1 and sVCAM-1 levels were inconsistent
load decline in FMD more than simvastatin 80 mg/day alone
[w113,w114]. In patients with MetS, a reduction in albu-
[w88]. In patients with MetS, eicosapentaenoic acid
minuria was observed after bariatric surgery [w115].
reduced plasma sICAM-1 and sVCAM-1 levels [w89].
However, bariatric surgery in patients with MetS was asso-
Subgroup analyses of secondary prevention trials
ciated with longer hospitalization [w116].
showed that angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors
(ACE-I) reduce vascular events in patients with MetS
[w90]. In hypertensive patients, ACE-I and angiotensin Conclusions
receptor blockers (ARB) appear to reduce the risk for T2DM
whereas diuretics and beta-blockers appear to increase it Endothelial dysfunction is observed in patients with MetS.
[w91]. Calcium-channel blockers have a neutral effect Abdominal obesity, dyslipidemia, hypertension and
[w91]. However, in the placebo-controlled DREAM trial, impaired glucose metabolism appear to contribute to the
ramipril did not reduce the incidence of T2DM or vascular pathogenesis of endothelial dysfunction in these patients.
disease in patients with IFG [w92]. However, more Limited data suggest that both lifestyle measures and
patients assigned to ramipril regressed to normoglycemia pharmacological intervention might partly restore endo-
[w92]. In a recent subgroup analysis of the Antihyperten- thelial function in MetS. It is also unclear whether an
sive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart improvement in endothelial function will reduce vascular
Attack Trial (ALLHAT) trial, treatment of patients with risk in patients with MetS.
MetS with chlorthalidone was associated with a higher risk
of developing T2DM but with a lower risk for vascular
events than treatment with lisinopril [w93]. However, Conflict of interest
patients assigned to lisinopril had higher systolic BP during
follow-up than those receiving chlorthalidone [w93]. The This review was written independently; no company or
risk for T2DM and vascular events was similar in patients institution supported it financially. Some of the authors
with MetS treated with amlodipine and those assigned to have attended conferences, given lectures and partici-
either chlorthalidone or lisinopril [w93]. Regarding the pated in advisory boards or trials sponsored by various
effects of antihypertensive treatment on endothelial pharmaceutical companies. Konstantinos Tziomalos is
function in MetS, a study reported improvement in FMD supported by a grant from the Hellenic Atherosclerosis
and reduction in plasma PAI-1 levels with irbesartan Society.
despite the lack of fall in BP [w94]. In dyslipidemic
patients with hypertension or T2DM, statins or fibrates
combined with ACE-I or ARB improved FMD more than each Appendix A
agent alone [w95ew97]. Supplemental material
In obese patients with IGT, treatment with orlistat
reduced the risk for T2DM [w98]. Both orlistat and sibutr- Supplementary information for this manuscript can be
amine improved FMD in obese patients [w99,w100]. In downloaded at doi:10.1016/j.numecd.2009.08.006.
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