HANDICRAFT 7.8 - Week 1 - SSLM
HANDICRAFT 7.8 - Week 1 - SSLM
HANDICRAFT 7.8 - Week 1 - SSLM
Let Us Discover
Tools and Material in Embroidery
Embroidery is the ornamentation of textiles and other items with needlework not only
for home use and decoration but also for offices. Embroidery work is best accomplished
when using correct tools and materials. Tools are applied to the small or useful sewing
devices while materials the ones consumed while finishing a project.
2. Tape measure- use for measuring distance of more than one foot of materials.
3. Thimbles- made of metal or plastic, it covers the middle finger and moves the
needle when doing the job on your embroidery.
6. Needle threader - a tool used to thread a needle for those sewers with poor
8. Embroidery needle- A small piece of steel where at one end has a fine point
and a little gap like an eye at the other.
9. Water color brush- Using methods for pricking and pouncing to pass
12. Sewing box- is a tool where embroidery tools and materials keep together.
13. Bag- it is made of washable material and to keep your work clean.
Directions: Identify the following embroidery tools and materials. Write your answer on the
space provided.
_____________4. _____________5.
Let Us Do
Activity 1. Directions: Fill in the blanks with appropriate words that fit the sentence.
1. ____________________ Is used to keep together the embroidery tools and materials.
2. ____________________ Is a small piece of steel at one end with a fine point and a little
gap like an eye at the other.
3. ____________________ Is used for easier threading especially by those sewers with poor
4. ____________________ made from wood, bone, metal or plastic produce eyelets in the
fabric for embroidery.
5. ____________________ A tiny, sharp and pointed that is used in fine work to trim scallops,
cut threads and cut large eyelets.
Activity 2. Directions: Complete the sentence by filling in the blanks with the missing
information. Write your answer in your answer sheet.
1. _________________ your hair before you will start working.
2. The light should fall from the left side or from the ____________ onto the working
3. Used needles with ____________ numbers, which suit the type of embroidery being done.
4. The thread should not exceed ___________, otherwise it will tend to coil towards the end.
5. ______________ the needle, pins and other tools and materials after working.
Directions: Discuss briefly.
TLE HANDICRAFT 7/8 EXPLORATORY Self-Learning Module. Use Basic Tools and
Materials in Embroidery.Nerisa B. Forro, Antonette E. Lapasaran. pp.1-32