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I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to;
a. Describe the historical and cultural background of popular music,
b. Identify the different styles of popular music and its origin that evolved
from the different forms of music
c. Analyze musical characteristics of popular music through listening
d. Show appreciation by listening attentively to popular music
e. Explore ways by listening sounds on a variety of sources suitable to
chosen vocal and instrumental selections.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Popular Music
Reference: MAPEH Book “My Distance Learning Buddy “Modular Textbook for
the 21st century learner
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Laptop

III. Procedure


Preliminary Activity
• Physical arrangement/House
• Prayer
• Greetings
• Checking of attendance and
collecting of assignment
• Review of the previous
Can you recall what was our
discussion last meeting all about?

A. Motivation
I’ve prepared here an activity for you to
be able to make a wild guess about our
topic for today.

This activity is entitled “Song Tanong”

(play a music) “My Heart Will Go On”

 A song popularized by CELINE (Student will listen)
 A soundtrack of a movie
Anyone who can guess the title of the
My Heart Will Go On
(play a music) “Greatest Love of All”
 This is a song written &
(Student will listen)
popularized by her
powerful, soulful vocals
Whitney Houston
 The song is well known for
its distinctive electronic
dance music genre and was
dedicated to the children
What is title of the song? Anyone who
can share their idea?
(Student will raise their
Greatest Love of All
What do you think is our topic for
today based from the 2 songs I’ve
played? Who can share their
guess/ideas? It is all about Popular Music

B. Presentation
“Okay class your ideas are all correct”
“Now let’s proceed to our topic which
is all about Popular Music. Let me ask
you class, in your own what is Popular (Student will raise their
“Yes class that is a great answer”
“ So, Popular Music is an inferior type
of music. Literally, popular music is for
the people because in Latin populous (Student will listen)
means “the people”. This kind is
composed and published to make
profit. This is why pop music can heard
over the radio, television, and other
similar media. During the twentieth and
twenty-first centuries, pop music
widely exists that people would love to
listen more to recorded music than to
go to concert halls to experience live
“Now do you understand what popular
music is?”
“Yes Ma’am/Sir”

“Are you ready to learn more class?”

“Yes Ma’am/Sir”

C. Lesson Proper

“So class, lets proceed to the Origins

of Pop Music which is there are four
forms of music. Number 1 we have
Folk Songs next is Broadside Ballad
next is Eighteenth- century English
Songs and the last one is Scottish and
Irish Songs”

“Anyone who wants to read about

(Students will raise their
the Folk Song”
“Yes Dear”
“The early popular music
came from folk songs. These
are narrative songs passed on
from one generation to
another through oral
“Very Good” tradition.”

“Next is Broadside Ballad, who wants

to read?”
(Students will raise their
“These are topical narrative
songs that have the following
features simple and appealing
with melody as the main
feature, with meaningful lyrics
can be performed by an
amateurs and made to earn a
“Very Good”
“And the third one is Eighteenth-
century English Songs”

“These songs are similar to Broadside

Ballads. However this topics and lyrics
are intended more for entertainment
than politics. They are typically
performed in big places where people
enjoy eating, talking, and listening to

“So class, do you know any popular

songs during 1800s?”


“Okay class here are some popular “Yes Ma’am”

song in 1800s we have happy birthday
to you in 1893, Jingle Bells in 1857”

“Now Class lets proceed to the last

form, we have Scottish and Irish Songs.
Who wants to read ?” “Ma’am”
“These are songs with
pentatonic melodies and
Romantic lyrics during the
nineteenth century”

“Very good class , okay let me ask you

what are the four origins of Pop
“We have Folk Songs next is
Broadside Ballad next is
Eighteenth- century English
Songs and the last one is
Scottish and Irish Songs”

“Very good class”

“Now lets proceed to the Genres of Pop
Music. We have Rhythm and Blues,
Rock and Roll, Country Music, Soul,
Heavy Metal, Punk Rock, Disco and

“First, we have Rhythm and Blues Also

called R&B or RnB, rhythm and blues
is an American popular music,
influence by the blues of the African
Americans. This is characterized by a
strong beat in quadruple meter, which
has a backbeat, with a regular emphasis
on the second and fourth beats.”

“Okay, lets proceed to the next, who

wants to read?”

“Yes Dear” “Ma’am”

“Rock and Roll - Is said to be
an extension of the rhythm
and blues. This is
characterized by the use of
electric guitar, a strong
“ Now , anak do have any example of syncopated rhythm, and
Rock and Roll?
youth-oriented text.”

“Okay thank you”

(Student answer)
“Next is Country Music - Also western
music, is practiced and enjoyed by the
European Americans of the working
classes in the South. It is derived from
the folk ballad tradition, instrumental
dance pieces and a white gospel music.
It is performed with nasal tone
characteristics of the Southern accent”

“and the next who wants to read?”

“Yes “


Soul - Is a pop music style

among African American. Its
musical instrumentation is
“thank you, and for the next we have from Motown and the intense
Heavy Metal - Is rock music with very and spontaneous passion of
loud amplification, electric guitars in black gospel music”
long virtuosic acts, electronic distortion
of sounds, throbbing rhythms, and
attention- grabbing stage acts like
shouting of lyrics, outrageous clothing,
light shows and visual images. It
usually deals with rebellion, sex, and

“Who wants to read the next one?’

“Punk Rock- originated from
the working class of South
London. This is loud, fast
style rock music characterized
by nihilistic lyrics of rejecting
values, religion and morality.
Performers were dressed in
wildly unconventional ways
“ Based on what you have read do you and behaved in a violent
have any idea or some example of
song?” manner.”

“Okay Thank you, now let’s proceed to

Disco- has elements of soul music- (Student answer)
simple repetitive lyrics and strong
Latin- American rhythm. This
encourages freestyle dancing”

“and for the last one we have the Rap

who wants to read?”

“Rap - This African American
popular music has rhymed
verses improvised and chanted
to a highly rhythmic dance-
based accompaniment.
Initially, its rhythmic
background was produced by
scratching where an LP record
was moved by hand to
“ Anyone who can give me an example
produce rhythm. Later,
of Rap?”
rhythms were played usually
on drums or synthesizers.”

(Student answer)
D. Generalization

Okay, anyone who you can summarize

our lesson for today?

What is our topic all about?

It is all about popular music
ma’am which known as pop
How about the four following forms of
music or the origins of Pop Music? The Folk Songs next is
Broadside Ballad, Eighteenth-
Okay what else century English Songs and the
last one is Scottish and Irish
Yes, very good.

What about the 8 genres of Pop music?

“We have Rhythm and Blues,
Rock and Roll, Country
Music, Soul, Heavy Metal,
Punk Rock, Disco and Rap”
Okay very good!!!

E. Application

Individual Activity
Direction: In this activity, you will
listen to and analyzed the music of
Bamboo entitled “TATSULOK” and
try to understand the meaning of the

Answer the following guide questions:

1. what is the form or style of the song?
2. What is the message of the song
3. How do you relate the song to the
things that are happenings in our

Content- 15%
Relatability- 10%
Organization/Presentation- 5%

IV. Evaluation
Given the different genres of pop music choose the characteristics below of each genre by
placing the possible answers in the graphic organizer.

Rhythm Rock and Country

and Blues Roll Music

Soul Metal


Disco Punk

Strong Strong The musical Elements of soul

V. beat in Syncopated instrumentation is music-simple
quadruple rhythm from Motown repetitive lyrics

Perform Very loud Loud, fast style of Music has rhymed

with Amplification, rock music, rejecting verses improvised
nasal electronic distortion values, religion, and and chanted
tone morality


Have an advance reading about the modern Filipino Artists and Their Works.

Prepared by:

Sherwin C. Tamayao

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