Investigation in The Microbiological Purity of Paper and Board Packaging Intended For Contact With Food
Investigation in The Microbiological Purity of Paper and Board Packaging Intended For Contact With Food
Investigation in The Microbiological Purity of Paper and Board Packaging Intended For Contact With Food
Monika Owczarek,
Investigation in the Microbiological Purity
Marzena Dymel of Paper and Board Packaging Intended
for Contact with Food
Institute of Biopolymers and Chemical Fibres, Abstract
ul. M. Skłodowskiej-Curie 19.27 Łódź, Poland Paper is one of the main materials in the manufacture of packaging for contact with food.
E-mail: [email protected] Microbes that are present in the paper or board may penetrate into the food- health hazard
for the consumers. Consistent and unified regulations have not been enacted yet in the UE
to prevent health hazards which may arise from infected packaging. Examination was car-
ried out of the microbiological contamination in various paper and paperboard materials
designed for uses in food packaging. The following three methods were applied in the test-
ing: defibering-, agar flooding- and smear method. It has been proven that the defibering
method yields best results in the testing of microbes’ concentration in paper and board. In
some of the commercial materials tested a high level of contamination was found raising
concern whether the products can be used in contact with food. No clear criteria are pres-
ently defined to qualify the material in respect of microbiological purity.
In the European Union the annual per contents, the microbial infection is not
capita consumption of plain paper used easy detectable.
in direct contact with alimentary prod-
ucts is estimated at about 0.9 kg while Microorganisms may attack on many
consumption in coated and laminated pa- ways, they cause decay of food (Entero-
per products for liquid and wet food is as bacter cloacae, Bacillus subtilis), deliver
high as 4.5 kg [1]. volatile odorous compounds generated
in the course of microbe metabolism (eg
Paper and paperboard is in 99% com- Clostridium spp, Desulfovibrio spp, Ac-
posed of natural materials: cellulose fi- tinomycetes), produce mucus (e.g. Bur-
bres, calcium carbonate and natural poly- kholderia spp, Klebsiella spp, Bacillus
mers primarily starch. The packaging is spp). They also may badly affect human
to protect the food against the action of health (e.g. (Bacillus cereus, coliformy,
hazardous factors of the environment Staphylococcus spp.). Bacteria and fungi
thus prolonging the useful life of the present in the paper and paperboard, can
packed food [3], however, it may carry penetrate from the packaging to the food
microbiological impurities [4]. where they can find ideal conditions for
growth, causing serious health problems
Paper packaging material may be in- [7, 8].
fected with microorganisms by many
Products of paperboard and paper de-
ways. Pathogens can be found in raw
signed for contact with food are one of
n Introduction materials, chemicals, air, operation sur-
the factors determining safety of alimen-
faces and protective clothing of the op-
Paper is one of the the main packaging tary products. It is therefore why legisla-
erators. A serious source of infection is
materials; plastic, glass and metal being tion has been set up placing quality de-
the circulation of technological water. mands before the materials [9 - 12]. Pro-
the other ones [1]. Paper and paperboard With a high content of nutritive substanc-
have a long history in the food industry in ducers are required to meet the demands
es and temperature within the range of in order to put the products on the market
a multitude of uses. The materials are of-
25 - 45 °C, the water is a comfortable [13]. The regulations unfortunately disre-
ten applied in close contact with alimen-
abode for the growth of microbes [5]. gard microbiological purity.
tary products, let only give the instances
of teabags, backing paper and coffee
Starch is the crucial factor affecting the All documents anticipate issuing of de-
filters. As a packaging material, paper
microbiological purity of the paper prod- tailed decrees concerning individual
comes often in direct contact with food
like butter, sugar, flour etc. Paperboard ucts. It is commonly used in the paper in- groups of materials. The European Union
boxes serve as containers for dry food dustry as reinforcement, surface glue and has not issued any specific demands con-
and frozen products. Candies, sandwich- adhesive means [6]. Starch, an easy ac- cerning paper and paper board designed
es and many other foods are wrapped in cessible source of carbon, is conducive to for contact with food. Individual coun-
paper. the growth of microorganisms. It is only tries have enacted national regulations,
a very intensive growth of the microor- or use related EU legislation. The Con-
Paper and paperboard are also widely ganisms within the range of about 108 federation of European Paper Industries
used in collective packaging in transport u/ml that causes a decrease in the starch (CEPI) has published guidelines con-
and distribution. viscosity. This is the reason why at lower cerning methodology of estimating the
186 Guzińska K, Owczarek M, Dymel M. Investigation in the Microbiological Purity of Paper and Board Packaging Intended for Contact with Food.
FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2012; 20, 6B(96): 186-190.
suitability of paper and paperboard to n Materials on the PM2 substrate (agar with casein
contact with food (Industry Guideline for and soy hydrolyzate), and at 28 ± 1 °C
the Compliance of Paper & Board Ma- Microbiological contamination of paper for 5days for fungi on the PM3 substrate
terials and Articles for Food Contact, 1 and paperboard samples received from (agar Sabouraud with benzylopenicillin
March 2010) [2]. The guidelines could producers of packaging and acquired Fluka). After the incubation had finished,
form a basis for a relevant universal law on the market was estimated. Materials the amount of grown colonies of bacteria
in this field. Commonly applied are rec- in close contact with food like bags for (PM2) and fungi (PM3) was counted for
ommendations XXXVI (plus parts of I, sugar and flour, candy wrappings, pizza each of the sample. The number of the
II and III) of the German Bundesinsti- boxes as well as packaging which does microorganisms was calculated per 1 g of
tut für Risikobewertung ( Federal Insti- not come in direct contact with food like tested sample, per dry mass of the paper,
tute for Risk Assessment)which quote boxes for confectionary (1) and (2), and and per 100 cm2 of the paper [15].
the allowable limits of composition and collective packaging for chocolate bars
form a base to the CEPI guidelines. The (1), (2) and (3) were tested (see Table 3).
guidelines concern paper and paperboard Examination of the total
designed for contact with food, or if the
Examination of the total number of microorganisms
contact is conjectural and it might be ex- in paper materials by smear
number of microorganisms
pected that constituents of the material method
penetrate into the food. in paper materials
by defibering method Since no standard is available for the mi-
Some European countries have issued crobiological testing on the paper surface
1 g of a sample was disintegrated in
specific national regulations which domi- by smear method, the standard for the
Ringer liquid [composition: NaCl - 2.5 g,
nate over the CEPI guidelines. KCl - 0.105 g, CaCl2 - 0.12 g (POCh), sampling from flat surfaces was applied
NaHCO3 - 0.05 g, water - 1000 ml] in (PN-ISO 18593 ‘Microbiology of food
In Poland in compliance with the decree a homogenizer at sterile conditions till a and fodder. A horizontal method of sam-
1935/2004 art. 3, materials and products homogeneous mixture was obtained with pling from the surface by using contact
of paper and paperboard are to be pro- concentration of 1%. The operative sur- dishes and smears’) as well as the stand-
duced according to GMP principles in a face of the homogenizer was before hand ard for the estimation of total number of
way that prevents the material constitu- sterilized with a 70% ethanol followed by bacteria and fungi in paper products. The
ents to penetrate into the food at normal rinsing with sterile distilled water. Then, microorganisms were washed out from a
or foreseeable conditions in amounts the 1% suspension was 10-fold diluted for paper surface limited by a template pat-
which could: the measurement of the bacteria and fun- tern of 25 cm2 by means of a swab wet-
n pose threat to human health or gi number. 2 ml of each of the dilutions ted in Ringer fluid. The swab was then
n cause inacceptable change in the food were put onto 5 Petri dishes and flooded put to a flask holding 20 ml of Ringer
composition or with nutrient medium TGEA [compo- fluid and the stick was cut off. The flask
n cause deterioration of the organoleptic sition: bovine extract (BTL) - 3.0 g, was shaken for 30 seconds. 4 Petri dishes
properties of the food
tripton - 5.0 g, glucose (Chempur) - were inoculated with 1 ml of the fluid, of
1.0 g, agar (BTL) = 15.0, water 1000 ml, which 2 dishes were flooded with PDA
Point 5 of the decree stipulates paper and
pH = 7.0 for bacteria and with glucose- medium (tripton glucose extract agar)
paperboard to be of an adequate micro-
starch agar (PDA) for fungi. For each (BTL) and 2 with glucose-starch agar
biological purity.
medium a separate series of 7 dishes (TEAG). For much contaminated sam-
were prepared. The dishes were incu-
Polish standard PN-P-50430:1998 which ples incubation was made from a series
bated at 37 ± 1 °C for 48 ± 2 hours for
stipulates health standards of paperboard of dilutions from 10-1 - 10-3 in Ringer
bacteria and at 30 ± 1 °C for 5 days for
and paper packaging for food sets de- fluid. Incubation of the Petri dishes with
mould and yeast. The grown colonies
mands concerning organoleptic features the TEAG medium was made at 371 °C
were counted and the number of bacteria
and content of heavy metals only. Micro- for 48 to 72 hours and at 30 ± 1 °C for
biological demands are not contained in and fungi per 1 g of dry paper mass was
calculated (u/g) [14]. 5 days for mould and yeast with medium
the standard. No other Polish standard PDA. The number of microorganisms per
deals with microbiological purity of pa- 1 cm2 of the tested paper or board surface
per and paperboard. Examination of the total was calculated [13, 16].
number of microorganisms
The aim of the work was to assess the in paper materials by agar
microbiological infection of various pa- flooding method n Results
per and paperboard materials for uses in
contact with food. A review of the legal 20 mm × 20 mm sized samples were pre- The total number of bacteria and fungi
regulations and available testing methods pared in a total amount of 1 g. Two-layer estimated by three methods is shown in
was made in order to select the best suit- dishes were used in the examination Tables 1 and 2 (see page 188); it was on a
ed one which would enable the estima- with top and bottom layer of agar nutri- low level, and depended upon the applied
tion of total number of microorganisms ent medium between which the tested method.
in the packaging. The results of the total sample was placed. The tested surface
number of microorganisms in paper and was directed to the bottom of the Petri The number of bacteria by the defibering
paperboard obtained by three methods dishes. Incubation was done at 37 °C for method was in the range of 102 - 103 u/g,
were compared. 48 ± 2 hours for the microorganisms Highest bacteria number of 1.2×103 was
FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2012, Vol. 20, No. 6B (96) 187
Table 1. Total number of bacteria in the tested paper samples. to fast growth of the bacteria making the
computing of the single colonies impos-
Method to estimate the total bacteria number
sible. They were marked as uncountable
Dry Defibering
Kind of sample mas, method
Flooding method Smear method (uc). In the flooding method in case of
% Bacteria Bacteria Bacteria number, Bacteria number, high contamination, the reading of the
number, u/g number, u/g u/100 cm2 u/1 cm2 result is impossible (Figure 1.a ).
Paper wrapping for
96.0 1.0×102 4.0×101 3.0×101 <1.0
soft candies
The smear method applied did not reveal
Pad for box of
93.6 5.4×102 uc. uc. <1.0 the contamination of the paper surface. It
Paper bag for dry could have been caused by the presence
96.0 1.2×103 uc. uc. <1.0
material, sugar of the bacteria in the deeper layer. Even
samples with smooth surface imbibe wa-
Table 2. Total number of fungi in the tested paper samples ter making the smearing sampling diffi-
Method to estimate the total fungi number
Fibrtion The total amount of fungi according to
Defibering Flooding method Smear method defibering method was 2.0×101 u/g in
Kind of sample mass,
Smear method the sugar bag (Table 2). In most of the
samples tested the number of fungi was
Bacteria Bacteria Bacteria number, Bacteria number,
number, u/g number, u/g u/100 cm2 u/1 cm2
undetectable. In the wrapping paper for
Paper wrapping candies, the method detection limit of
96.0 <1.0×101 5.7×100 4.3×100 <1.0
for soft candies 1.0×101 units per 1 g did not allow to
Pad for box of
93.6 <1.1×101 0 0 <1.0 estimate the number of fungi. The number
of fungi in the sample according to the
Paper bag for dry
material sugar
96.0 2.0×101 1.0×101 7.1×100 <1.0 flooding method was 4.3×100 u/100 cm2
and calculated on 1 g - 5.7×100 u. Alike in
bacteria, the smear method did not yield
Table 3. Total number of bacteria in tested paperboard samples; „-”- not estimated. results in the form of washed out colonies
Method to estimate the total bacteria number
of mould or yeast. In one of the samples
Dry Defibering (pads for confectionary box) mould was
Flooding method Smear method
Kind of ample mass. method not detected by any of the methods.
% Bacteria Bacteria Bacteria number. Bacteria number.
number. u/g number. u/g u/100 cm2 u/1 cm2
The number of estimated microorgan-
Board box for
confectionary (1)
92.8 7.4×105 uc. uc. - isms in paperboard was distinctly higher
Board box for than in paper (Tables 3 and 4). The to-
92.6 5.3×105 uc. uc. <1.0
confectionary (2) tal amount of bacteria in paperboard by
93.6 4.4×106 1.8×102 2.8×102 - the defibering method was in the range
paperboard (1)
of 105 - 106 u/g. Counting of the bacte-
paperboard (2)
93.6 4.4×106 uc. uc. - ria colonies in the flooding method was
Paperboard impossible in most of the samples test-
91.9 6.5×106 1.1×102 3.9×102 -
packaging for pizza ed due to the intensive growth. In the
board (1) and pizza packaging the num-
Table 4. Total fungi number in tested paperboard samples. ber of bacteria was in the range of 1.1 -
1.8 ×102 u/g, much lower than in the
Method to estimate the total fungi number defibering method. The counting of the
Dry Defibering colonies of bacteria and mould was dif-
Flooding method Smear method
Kind of sample mass, method
% ficult in the agar flooding method due
Bacteria Bacteria Bacteria number, Bacteria number,
number, u/g number, u/g u/100 cm2 u/1 cm2 to the character of the growth. Even at
Board bo× for a low contamination, the counting was
92.8 <1.1×101 0 0 -
confectionary (1) restrained with high measurement error.
Board bo× for Bacteria tend to flood along the edge of
92.6 <1.1×101 2.0×100 5.0×100 <1.0
confectionary (2)
the sample which practically makes the
93.6 2.6×103 8.0×101 1.3×102 - counting of the singular colonies impos-
paperboard (1)
93.6 4.3×101 uc. uc. -
sible (Figure 1.b). When colonies were
paperboard (2) growing on the sample surface, the read-
packaging for pizza
91.9 4.4×102 uc. uc. - ing was hindered because the colour of
the paper and the colonies was the same.
found in sugar bags and the lowest - soft confectionary) and the result was The smear method was applied to only
1.0×102 in paper for soft confectionary. half of that from the defibering method. one sample of paperboard with smooth-
The method of agar flooding enabled to Reading the result was difficult due to est surface. Presence of bacteria was not
estimate the number of bacteria only for high error. With numerous samples the detected by the method. A strong swell-
the least contaminated sample (paper for counting of colonies was deceiving due ing of the samples was seen during the
188 FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2012, Vol. 20, No. 6B (96)
smearing; the samples though smooth on
the surface quickly imbibed the Ringer a) b)
fluid from the smear stick. Growth of
neither bacteria nor mould was observed
by the method in the sample though it re-
vealed microbiological contamination by
the defibering- and agar flooding meth-
a) b) c)
Figure 2. Agar flooding method. Growth of mould on: a) pizza packaging, b) paperboard samples, c) box paperboard.
FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2012, Vol. 20, No. 6B (96) 189
2. Industry Guideline for the Compliance
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3. Kata Gali, Mario Scetar, Mia Kurek. The
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4. Mohamed Alwaeli. The impact of prod-
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Poland. Resources, Conservation and
Recycling 2010; 54: 609–614.
medical products are tested in accordance with European EN, International
5. Claudia Esperanza Torres, Giles Lenon, ISO and Polish PN standards.
Delphine Craperi, Reinhard Wilting,
Tests within the accreditation procedure:
Ángeles Blanco. Enzymatic treatment
for preventing biofilm formation in the
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paper industry. Appl Microbiol Biotech- n mass per unit area using small samples
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9. REGULATION (EC) No 1935/2004 OF
n for yarn
n yarn twist
OF THE COUNCIL of 27 October 2004 n contractility of multifilament yarns
on materials and articles intended to n for textiles
come into contact with food and repeal- n mass per unit area using small samples
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EEC. n tenacity
n for films
2023/2006 of 22 December 2006 on
n thickness-mechanical scanning method
good manufacturing practice for mate-
rials and articles intended to come into n mechanical properties under static tension
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11. Law of safety in food and alimentation n determination of the compressive strength of skull bones
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13. Ćwiek-Ludwicka K. Demands and duties n consultancy and expertise
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Przegląd papierniczy 2010; 11: 646-648. n Instron Tensile testing machines
14. ISO 8784.1 Pulp, paper and board- Mi- n Electrical Capacitance Tester for the determination of linear density un-
crobiological examination. Total count evenness - Uster Type C
of bacteria, yeast and mould based on n Lanameter
15. DIN 54 378 Estimation of total bacteria
and fungi number in paper products.
Agar flooding metod (in Polish). Contact:
16. PN-ISO 18593 Microbiology of food and
fodder. A horizontal method of sampling INSTITUTE OF BIOPOLYMERS AND CHEMICAL FIBRES
from the surface by use of contact plates ul. M. Skłodowskiej-Curie 19/27, 90-570 Łódź, Poland
(in Polish). Beata Pałys M.Sc. Eng.
tel. (+48 42) 638 03 41, e-mail: [email protected]
190 FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2012, Vol. 20, No. 6B (96)