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1.1 Background of Problem

The development of technology and information in Indonesia has reached the

fourth generation stage known as the industrial revolution 4.0. This revolution

emphasizes the use of internet technology massively so that it presents the basic

concept of automatic network connections in various sectors of human life.

Unconsciously, the use of technology automatically shifts the daily routine of the

post-millennial generation in term of lifestyle, social interaction, economic and

education (Sarica and Cavus: 2009).

English as a global language provides access and connection for every aspect

of human to have a good future career in the digital era. It cannot be denied that

Revolution 4.0 is coming because most of the people already using technology as

their daily need. The existence of technology itself should be integrated into the

learning process that purposed to make the students have the knowledge. However,

the fact is most of the students especially in Indonesia is still struggling in mastering

the English language as their foreign language.

Quizizz is an online assessment tool as a fun multiplayer classroom activity

that allows all students to practice together with their computer or Smartphone. The

aim of this paper is to describe the implementation of Quizizz as a game based

learning and assessment in the English classroom.

The implementation of Quizizz as a media of teaching and assessing has been

much elaborated in some researches. The previous study on evaluating the use of

Quizizz in classroom shows that using Quizizz in teaching enhanced students to

display positive attitude towards the teaching and learning process and assessment

during the class (Ju, S. Y., & Adam, Z : 2018). Another study depicts the success of

Quizizz on increasing significant improvement of understanding towards the material

provided through the use of it as self-assessment. Quizizz is also considered as an

innovation which taking the process of understanding into consideration with

gamified quizzes, rather than relying on classical tests and assignments (Rahayu, I. S.

D., & Purnawarman, P : 2019).

In learning English, there are four aspects of skills they are Reading, Writing,

Listening and Speaking. Reading is an important lesson for learning and a

communication tool that people use to share information. Reading is an activity for

producing and expressing, it is producing the words and sentences then it expressing

with the meaning of ideas, thus reading skill is the activity to transfer the ideas

through words and sentences the idea will change to scientific.

In other words, reading is a way to make written text that is use to

communication. In the reading process writers must explore their minds to find good

ideas for making meaningful reading. Therefore students need to improve their

proficiency in good reading ability for their academic values, and then students

understand how to communicate in written text and how to organize text.

In English Curriculum one of the Genre Text that students must learn

Narrative Text and this research was focus on Narrative Text using Quizizz

Application that helpful the students in learning. A.S Hornby in Oxford Advanced

Learner’s Dictionary defines “Narrative is a description of events, especially in a


novel or story, the act or process of feeling a story. On the other hand, according to

Pardiyono, “Narrative is a story talk the past activities or events which order to

problematic and to give lesson to readers”.

1.2 Identification of the Problem

Identification of problems we can see from students' weaknesses in

intelligence, motivation, attitude, competence, performance, and so on. The students

bored with classic method so this Quizizz Application very helpful for them and

become a new learning outcomes.

1.3 Limitation of The Problem

The researcher taken the suitable media such as laptop, projector, and

smartphones that could be improve and support the students' in learning Narrative

Text using Quizizz Application therefore it is necessary to limit the problem so this

research was more effective and efficient. In this study using the Quizizz

Application, it was associated with effectiveness of students in learning English

Subject. The material that used was Narrative Text. The object of research was the

students of class XI IPA 1 SMAN 1 Angkola Selatan.

1.4 The Formulation of the Problem

The problems formulation in this study are:

1. How is Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text Before and After Using

Quizizz Applications at the Grade XI SMAN 1 Angkola Selatan?

2. Is there any Significant Effect of Quizizz Application to Reading

Comprehension of Narrative Text at the Grade XI SMAN 1 Angkola Selatan?


1.5 The Aims of the Research

The aims of this study describes:

1. To find out about Reading Comprehension of Narrative Before and After Using

Quizizz Applications at the Grade XI SMAN 1 Angkola Selatan.

2. To know the Significant Effect of Quizizz Application to Reading

Comprehension of Narrative Text at the Grade XI SMAN 1 Angkola Selatan.

1.6 The Uses of Research

From this research we have contribution for Head master to motivate the

English teachers to teach English seriously by using Quizizz media that become

better way to learn. The teacher can contribute ideas which Quizizz learning media

which is the use of technology in improving student learning outcomes. The result of

the study can be useful information about implementing Quizizz media in teaching

reading of Narrative Text and get clear description how it is applied in the classroom.

Moreover, they can bring and apply the media into their classrooms and

become a new media for learning as we know today smartphone is so popular in

teenagers so its become an interesting way in learning and the school input can be

used as further guidance in improving students learning outcomes.

This research will be a source for those who want to raise the similar case.

From this research, they can obtain some basic information about clustering

technique, reading and Narrative Text. They can also get brief description how the

technique is applied in the classroom. And for the researcher as experience of

educational problems occur at the research site, train to solve problems in a

structured and systematic way.




2.1 The Definition of Reading

Reading is an indirect way of communication between writer and the reader

think text which leads to automatically or reading fluency. Reading is making

meaning from print and from visual information, Reading is an active process that

requires a great deal of practice and skill. Davies Florancces stated that: ”Reading

is private. It is mental, or cognitive, process of reading which involves a reader in

trying to follow and respond to a message from a writer who is distant in space and

time because of privacy, the process of reading and responding to writer is not

directly observable”.

Reading skill is an important tool for academic success it means that word

recognition refers to the process of perceiving how written symbols correspond to

one's spoken language Comprehension is the process of making sense of words,

sentences and connected text. Depending on the purpose and reading material being

faced by readers (Widianto and Subyantoro, 2015). Naf’an book’s said that reading is

one of languange skills and concurrently of the basic subjects of English Department.

Readers typically make use of background knowledge, vocabulary and

grammatical knowledge, experience with text and other strategies to help them

understand written text. By looking of the above definition, the researcher conclude

that reading is receptive skills, it is a transactional between a reader and a writer.

Reading involves an active search for information and interaction with the text and

reading purposed in order to get the information and knowledge from the text or


2.2 Purpose of Reading

Reading is an activity with a purposes. Purpose of reading is to connected the

ideas on the page to what you already know. Student do reading for some different

purposes, a student may read to prepare for a class lecture, make a note for a

discussion, review for an exam. In reading for learning the students can improve their

vocabulary, because lack of vocabularies will raise the problems for the readers that

they will hard to understand what they are reading. Rivers and Temperly in David

suggest that there are seven main purposes for reading:

1. To obtain information for some purpose or because we are curious some topic

2. To obtain instruction on how to perform some task for our work or daily life

3. To act in a play, play a game do a puzzle

4. To keep in touch with friends by correspondence or to understand business letters

5. To know when or where something will take place or what is available

6. To know what is happening or has happened (as reported in newspaper,

magazines, reports)

7. For enjoyment or excitement

Based on the explanation above, the writer concluded that the people read for

many different reason. Some of the purpose of reading is to gave information for

readers about the text, and reading is important to helped students gain accessed to

many different kinds of knowledge, information, and ideas. Also reading have many

benefit for students because it can open social skills and open up new worlds for


2.3 Types of Reading

According to Davies and Thomas, the types of reading as below:

1. Receptive reading, which is rapid, automatic reading that we do when we

read narratives.

2. Reflective reading, in which we pause often and reflect on what we have read.

This type of reading technique aims to obtain certain facts or information

3. Skim reading, in which we rapidly to establish in a general way what a text is


4. Scanning, or searching for spesific information

In teaching reading, a teacher should know some types of reading in order to

be able to know what kinds of reading the talents should study types reading.

According to Patel and Jain (2008:117-124) there are four types of reading, namely

intensive reading, extensive reading, aloud reading and silent reading.

2.3.1 Intensive Reading

Intensive reading is related to further progress in language learning under the

teacher's guidance. Intensive reading will provide a basis for explaining difficulties

of structure and for extending knowledge of vocabulary and idioms Intensive reading

is text reading or passage reading. In this practice into a mates of purposeful activity.

Thus, the attention of the reader is direct toward the extraction of information from

the text, rather than towards the reading process itself.

2.3.2 Aloud Reading


Reading aloud is an activity or activities that are tools for teacher, student,

others readers together and for listeners to get an information, understand, and

feeling a writer. In reading aloud, the students will get experience in producing the

sound, which should be practice as many as possible.

It is done to check pronunciation, vocabulary and comprehension. The

students ability to read and helps teacher to find out who among his students has

difficulty in reading. Reading aloud also play important role in teaching of English.

2.3.3 Silent Reading

In silent reading we only using visual memory that related to activating eyes

and memory. The purposes of silent reading is make student find out the information

and they are can get the high comprehension, vocabulary, and get the advantages in

language skill. This reading is skill to criticize what is written to discuss written

meaning and to draw inference and conciliation as well as to tell new ideas on thesis

of what is read. Silent reading is a very important skill in teaching of English.

This reading should be to increase reading ability among learners. Silent

reading is done to acquire a lot of information. Teacher has to make them read

silently as and when they are able to read without any difficulties.

2.3.4 Extensive Reading

Extensive Reading is used to obtain a general understanding of a subject and

includes reading longer texts for pleasure, as well as business books. It is different

from the intensive reading because comprehension students are trained to

comprehend or to understand the meaning or concept froma passage silently without


teacher’s help. The students choose what they want to read the text and interests, they

will not all be reading the same text at onces.

2.3.5 Supplementary Reading

Supplementary Reading is also done out of class. Students are free to

choose reading materials because they do not in the classroom. The Learners can

improve or develop their reading ability except in their school. The reading materials

may also consist of newspaper, bulletins, or magazines in the target language.

Based on the explanation above, the re-scanner concluded that the types of

reading helps students reading comprehensive and students' motivation and school

resources. Students can build their language competence progress in their reading

ability, become more independent in their studies and develop confidence to carry on


2.4 Teaching Reading Comprehension

2.4.1 Comprehension

Comprehension is an active, constructive process in which the ultimate

understanding of the text is determined a combination of what is stated directly in the

text. According McNamara (2007:4) comprehension is not always effortless and fast,

of course when beginning readers struggle over individual words, reading is slowed

to a near halt and deeper levels of comprehension are seriously compromised. It

means that comprehension is the active process which beginning readers with way

slowed and much focus in reading and seriously to comprehend.

Vaughn, et al. (2004:98) state that comprehension is the active process of

constructing meaning from text; it involves accessing previous knowledge,


understanding vocabulary and concepts, making inferences, and linking key ideas. It

means that comprehension is done on process of guessing of the aim to get the

information that needed. With way to accessing knowledge, have many vocabulary,

and than making conclusion of the text he teaching of reading needs to include

arrange of comprehension strategies.

Comprehension strategies can be defined as the mental processes that good

readers use to understand text. The process of comprehension begins before we start

to 'read' and continues even after the reading was finished. Good readers use pre-

reading strategies like previewing the text and use post-reading strategies like

summarizing in addition to the many strategies they use to make meaning during

'reading itself. There are three levels of comprehension in reading comprehension.

According to Raygor, “Comprehension to reading a text can be broken down into

three levels: literal, interpretative and applied comprehension.

By dividing instruction into pre-reading, during reading and post-reading,

teachers can design activities for each stage that will improve student's

comprehension and also provide opportunities for teachers to demonstrate strategies

that readers can use at each stage about understanding the reading passage.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher concluded that comprehension

is a process in which the reader may constructed meaning by interacting with the

text, and reading comprehension is a constructive process the visual information and

corrects it with information in the text. Reading comprehension text must have

interacting between the reader and the writer by having the same interpretation upon


2.4.2 Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is defined as the ability to read text for understanding

purposes. It involves using prior knowledge, making predictions, and drawing out

valuable information, among other factors. Also comprehension is the ability to read

and be in a position to learn and remember the content reading.

According to Klingner, et al. (2007) reading comprehension is

multicomponent, highly complex process that involves many interactions between

readers and what they bring to the text (previous knowledge, strategy use) as well as

variables related to the text itself. And the defined of reading comprehension as an

active thinking process through which a reader intentionally constructs meaning to

from a deeper understanding of concept and information present in a text. It means

that reading comprehension is to look for and to be able to understand something

written or printed. And reading comprehension as the activity process to make

constructs meaning from understanding reading based on concept of the material.

Reading comprehension is a complex cognitive skill of great importance for

daily activities, as well as for academic achievement (Oakhill:2015). Of course,

reading comprehension is necessarily dependent on at least adequate word reading:

readers cannot understand a whole text if they cannot identify (decode) the word in

the text.

And according to Woolley (2011:15) reading comprehension is the process of

making meaning from text. The goal, therefore, is to gain an over all understanding

of what is described in the text rather that to obtain meaning from isolated words or

sentences. In understanding read text information children develop mental models, or

representations of meaning of the text ideas during the reading process.

Concerning the definition of reading depends on the theory employed.

Principally the definitions of reading are the same. Reading does not mean just

looking at words but also more than an interaction between a reader and a text. It

means that reading comprehension is to look for and to be able to understand

something written or printed. From those descriptions above, the researcher

concluded that reading comprehension is defined as an ability to comprehend the

message from printed or written materials. It may be find a particular piece of

information, solving a problem through reading, working to understand an idea or

following a set of directions.

2.4.3 The level of Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is the ability to process information that have read

and to understand its meaning. This understanding comes from the interaction

between the words that are written. According to Smith, in Sari (2015) there are

four levels of reading comprehension, namely literal comprehension, inferential,

critical reading and creative reading.

a. Literal Comprehension

Literal comprehension is the simplest level it ,eams that what the reader need to

do is to reproduce the fact as they are related by the writer. At this level,

questions are factual and detailed. The skills needed for this level are nothing

factual data, sequence, chronology and enumeration.


b. Interpretative Level

This level requires the reader to go to beyond the information given by the witer.

The reader is required to see the significant of the data, to note various

relationships such as cause effect and relaton of the part the whole, to make

comparison, draw conclusion and interference and make generalitations.

c. Critical Level

This level requires the reader’s involvement with the information presented as he

uses it to formulate or rethink ideas of his own. Question at this level might

consist of open-ended queries which require the reader to include this own

knowledge, view, and value.

d. Creative Level

This level the students learn to evaluate and judge the information and the witer’s

use of language for guiding the reader’s interpretation, nothing evidence of the

witer’s bias, his qualifications, his point of view, intent and truthfulness.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that there are four levels of

reading comprehension, namely literal comprehension, it refers to ability to

understand the text, interpretation involves reading between the lines or making

inferences, critical reading is evaluating what read, creative reading refers to the

ability of reader to un-imagination.

2.4.4 The Cognitive Process of Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehensions involves much more than readers responses to the

text. Reading comprehension has multicomponent, highly complex process that

involves many interactions between readers and what they bring to the text.

1. Micro processes

Micro processing refers to the readers initial chunking of ideas units with in

individual sentences. Chunking involves grouping words into phrases or cluster of

words that carry meaning.

2. Integrative processes

As the readers progress thorough individual sentences, he or she is processing

more than the individual meaning units with in sentences this process of

understanding and inferring the relationship among clauses is refer to as

integrative process.

3. Macro processes

Ideas are better understood and more easily remember when the reader is able to

organize them in a coherent way the readers does this by summarizing the key

ideas. When read out prior knowledge and make the inference beyond points

describe explicit in the text. Make inferences that may or may not correspond with

those intended by the author.

4. Metacognitive processes

Much has been made of the importance of metacognition, that is thinking

about thinking. Metacognition is the readers conscious awareness or control of

cognitive process. From above explanation, the researcher concluded that the

cognitive process of comprehension have five basic comprehension such as micro

processes refers the readers catch the idea, integrative process, the reader progress

the sentences, macro processes, ideas are better to understand more easily to

remember, collaborative processes is prior a knowledge and inference, metacognitive

processes is refer to involved in monitoring understanding. selecting the words.

2.4.5 Indicators of Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is students' activity to find out the ideas of the text

and by reading comprehension students can find out knowledge and the meaning of

the text. According to Oakhill, et al. (2005:107) the component skill of reading there

are five. Namely vocabulary, background and knowledge, grammar and cohesive

ties, text structure, comprehension monitoring and making inference. Based on the

indicator above, the researcher then choose main idea, vocabulary, and

comprehension monitoring as researcher indicators to improve the students reading


a. Main idea

Main idea is stated explicit (as in the topic sentences) and other times it is implicit

and must be inferred. Knowing how to construct the main idea of what is read is

essential because it help students identify what is important to know and

remember. The ability to find the main idea of a paragraph is a precursor to being

able to summarize larges amounts of text. Although there are various ways to

come up with the main idea, the skill involves identifying the subject of the

paragraph and the most important ideas about the subject.

b. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is a valuable component of beginning reading, because student

understanding of word meanings and how words are used in text I contributes

significantly to general reading comprehension. Although understanding the


meaning of words is not the only contributing factor to reading. comprehension, it

is a significant one. Vocabulary knowledge is the tool that unlocks the meaning of


c. Comprehension monitoring

Comprehension monitoring is enable the reader to identify when comprehension

has failed, for example unknown vocabulary and unresolved pronoun or the need

for an inference Comprehension monitoring occurs when. the reader or listener

reflects on his or her own understanding.

2.5 Narrative Text

Narrative text is the text which tells about story or past event from the

beginning to the end. According to Grace and Sudawarti (2007) narrative text has a

social function to amused, entertain and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in

different ways. Otong Setiawan (2007) Narrative is kinds of text about story of

legend and resolution to amuse and to give entertain to readers.

The purpose of the narrative text is to entertain the reader with the story which can be

fiction or nonfiction.

2.6 Kinds of Narrative Text

Narrative Text is Narrative is a description of events, especially in a novel or

story, the act or process of feeling a story. There are many types of narrative:

Imaginary, factual or combination of both. They may include fairy stories, romances,

horror stories, adventure stories, fables, myths, and legends, historical and etc.

Joyce and Feez (2000) stated that Narrative readings are divided into two

kinds namely:

1. Non-fiction is kind of narrative reading that tells the true story. It is often to

recount a person’s life story, important historical event, or new stories.

2. Fiction is kind of narrative that tells untrue story the main purpose of this fiction

is to amuse, or sometimes to teach moral lessons.

The example of narrative text Fiction

Once, a hunter lived a village. He used to boast of his brave hunting trips to

the villagers. The villagers respected him a lot. He mostly told everyone how he had

fought a lion bare-handed. He said that the tiny animals used to get scared even at

sight of him. One day the hunter was passing through a forest. He met a woodcutter

from th same village. The boastful hunter approached him and said, “How are you?

it’s a fine day, isn’t it?”.

“ Well, can you tell me if you have seen some footprints of the lion nearby?

It’s been month since I defeated any”. The woodcutter knew that the hunter only

boasted, so he said “ Yes, a lion is in a nearby den. Can I take you there?”. The

scared hunter said, “ No…, no…, I only just wanted to see his footprints”. Finally,

the boastful hunter ran away from the spot.

The example of Narrative text Non-fiction

We believe the Earth is about 4.6 billion years old. At percent, we are forced

to look to other bodies in the solar system for hints as to what the early history of the

Earth was like. Studies of our moon, Mercury, Mars, and the large satellites of

Jupiter and Saturn have provided ample evidence that all these large celestial bodies

had formed. This same bombardment must have affected Earth as well. The lunar

record indicates that the rate of impacts decreased to its present low level about 4

billion years ago. On Earth, subsequent erosion and crustal motions have obliterated

the craters that must have formed during this epoch.

Scientists estimate the Earth’s age by measuring the ratios of various

radioactive elements in rocks. The oldest Earth’s rocks tested thus far are about 3 1/3

billion years old. But no one knows whether these are oldest rocks on Earth. Tests on

rocks from the moon and on meteorites show that these are about 4.6 billion years

old. Scientists believe that this is the true age of the solar system and probably the

true age of the Earth.

2.7 The Generic Structure of Narrative Text

Generic structure of narrative text show the components that built the

narrative text. Generic structures of narrative text were related to the time and place.

Generally, narrative text was common built by three components, namely:

orientation, complication, and resolution.

In addition, Knapp and Watskin (2005:223) said that generic structure of

narrative text involves time and place. Thus, narrative text gets orientation,

sequences to show problem and solve the problem. It meant that that a narrative test

could be constructed with orientation, sequences of time, and reorientation.

1. Orientation

In the first paragraph that can introduce the story, they are: what ( what is the

story tell about), who about ( who is involved the story), where (where is the

story happened), when (when is the story happened).


2. Complication

While the next paragraphs te tells the beginning of the problem which leads

to the crisis (climax) of main the participants. This paragraph which become

the point of narrative text, due to this part show the problem of the narrative


3. Resolution

The next paragraph or resolution, that problem can be solved in the narrative

text, any problem that have the solution of the paragraph can be closed with

the happy ending or sad ending.

4. Coda

The last is a closing the story and it is optional. It consist of a moral lesson,

advice or teaching from the writer.

Based on above, the researcher concluded that generic structures of narrative text

were orientation, complication, resolution and coda. In deep, all of them related to

the time and place of the story in the text to make a good text.

2.8.1 Game Based Learning (GBL)

Game Based Learning is a method to measure learning that takes place within

the natural course of gameplay, usually using log data generated through digital

gameplay. According to Prasetya (2013) game based learning is a form of planned

learning for students who use games electronic for purpose. Learning process game

based capitalizing on play digital as medium to convey learning, improve ability

understanding and knowledge, judgement or evaluation of a material scientific


Zhao (2019) states that educational game-based app, which allows

multiplayer activities in simultaneous and convert classroom exercises into a more

interactive and fun experience. Gamification hopes to create collaboration and

encourage users to use game components such as approaches, scoreboards, and

critiques along with other benefits (Viray, 2016). In this study the students require to

learn but with an approach play. Games are one of the media used to hone deep brain

skills resolve existing conflicts or problems game.

Issues or conflict created in game taken from real life and coupled with

fantasy. This matter intend to create a flow of conflict becomes more attractive to

treatment that become a learning by doing. The advantage of Game Based Learning:

a. Fun, interactive and training cooperation and invidual as well as new thoughts

b. Facilitate the stages learning because relieve stress

c. Has its own charm to learn as well get fun feedback and usefull

d. Can measure the level of understanding, train memory, relax yourself after

learning and stimulate enthusiasm.

There are 3 benefits of Game Based Learning :

a. Media new learning that is not monotous but fun

b. Improve the peformance of the left brain right and also more interactive

c. Learning become more effective and efficient

2.8.2 Quizizz Application

According to Zhao (2019) Quizizz is available for free and its easy-to-use

formative online assessment tool that teachers can use to conduct students' language

studies Among all online platforms. Quizizz will be the focus of this study as it is

believe to be a highly effective tool to support students’ self-assessment, particulary

when it comes to learning English specially in Narrative Text which is an essential

element of effective learning inable students to activate them as masters in their

learning process and develop the necessary skills for indepent learning.

Quizizz is a wonderful tools similar to Kahod in that you can make online

quiz. It is much less competitive than Kahod and students can actually see the

question on the device. All students work at their own pace and timers can be turned

of. Students can make a Quizizz homework assignment or have students complete

them in class you can easily export the result into an excel spreadsheet and the

program save the data. And you can log in simply with your Google email address.

Ja’far, Othman, Kesevan and Budi (2021), reading repeated the question in Quizizz

all the time makes they develop more vocabulary.

The colorful interface, avatars and music provide students similar experience

as a game does. After students answer each question, Quizizz will show pictures with

memes to tell whether the answer is right or wrong. This is a treat to students (Miller,

2017). This takes away the stress of students knowing that they are in last place. You

can also create your owns memes which are funny pictures. It also very easy to make

your own Quizizz by building from other people public. Quizizz gives opportunity to

complete the Quizizz with music and silly “correct” or “incorrect” image drawn from

popular media. As the teachers once the quiz is over you have access data and

analyze reports and easy to know the reading skill of the students. Teacher can see

the overall class performance on aparticular quiz or the individual student breakdown

as well.

Figure 2.1 Quizizz

How to create Teacher Account

First go to the site https://

Second steps click sign up and signing up with your email address make sure

you have google email first and choose a teacher as the following picture.

Figure 2.2 Step 2 for Creating Quizizz Account

Third, select a country. Enter the zip code. Enter the name of the school

manually by clicking can’t find your organization and click continue.

Figure 2.3 Step 3 for Creating Quizizz Account


After finish this step you already have your own account as a teacher and you

can host it. Next step is to make a question or task in Quizizz.

How to Make a Question in Quizizz

Step 1 Click open quiz creator

Step 2 Look at the following picture!

Figure 2.4 Step 2 Creating Questions

Enter the name of the quiz to be created. For example ” Gatra Guru Quiz”. Select the
language used in the quiz. Enter a picture for the quiz. This picture can be filed, can
not. When done, click save.
Step 3 Click create new question to start creating questions.

Figure 2.5 Step 3 Creating Questions

Step 4 We will be taken to a page like the one below. Please fill in according to the
information below!

Figure 2.6 Step 4 Creating Questions

Single answer is a question with incorrect answer. Multi select, is a question with

more than one correct answer.

To make a question

For option 1

For choice 2

For choice 3

For option 4

To delete the selection, just press the trash icon. For the correct answer, please click

the check mark on the left until it is green.

To add answer option

To set the answer time can be selected 5, 10, 15, 20, etc. (time in seconds)

When all is done, click save.

The screen display on the right is the question display that will appear on the

student’s phone.

Step 5

Please make as many questions as you want. If so, please click finish quiz then fill in

grade and choose relevance subject.

Grade: For what grade of the students

Choose relevance subject: please choose what our quiz is about.

How to Give Quizizz Questions to Students

Paper Mode is a live game mode that enables you to drive engagement and

support every student by blending physical and digital learning. With Paper Mode,

you can bring Quizizz into your classroom even if all your students do not have

personal devices. To conduct a quiz in Paper Mode, project the quiz questions on

your computer.

Your students can attempt these questions by holding up personalized QR

Codes. Scan these codes using the Quizizz mobile app to record their attempts.

Paper Mode provides you with insights into student responses as you scan. You can

also get detailed reports on class performance as soon as the quiz ends. How does it


1. Every student gets a unique, printed Q-card

2. This card consists of a specialized QR code. It is numbered so you can easily

keep track of all your participants


Figure 2.7 Step 1 Give Quizizz Questions to Students

Figure 2.8 Step 2 Give Quizizz Questions to Students

1. The four sides of the Q-Card are marked A, B, C, and D. These letters

correspond to the four different answer options for a Multiple Choice


2. When presented with a question, students rotate and display their Q-cards

such that the correct answer option is on top

3. The Q-cards are then scanned using your Quizizz mobile app to record

student responses

Host a quiz in Paper Mode

Select a quiz to host or teacher

1. You can:

1. create a new quiz, or


2. choose one of your existing quizzes under 'My Library', or

3. select any of the quizzes created by the teacher community on


2. Ensure that your quiz only contains Multiple Choice Questions with a

maximum of four answer options each. If there are any questions in your quiz

that are not Multiple Choice Questions, they will automatically be skipped

while playing the quiz

3. Click on 'Paper Mode'. If you don't see the Paper Mode button, click on 'Start
a live quiz' and find 'Paper Mode' in the dropdown menu

Figure 2.9 Step 3 Host a quiz in Paper Mode

Assign to a paper mode group

1. Click on the 'Print' button to access a PDF with printable Q-cards. The file
contains 60 Q-cards, so it can support up to 60 participants per quiz

Figure 2.10 Step 1 Assign to a paper mode group

2. Print the required number of Q-cards

You can choose to manually make a note of the Q-card number you assign to

each student. Or, you can allow Quizizz to keep track of these numbers by

assigning Q-cards via a Paper Mode Group or one of your classes on Quizizz.

This will allow you to view participant names on your mobile screen as you scan

responses. To assign Q-cards to a Paper Mode Group, follow these steps:

Figure 2.11 Step 1 Assign to a paper mode group

1. Select 'Create new group' from the drop-down menu

2. Enter a name for the group


3. Enter a student's name against each participant number

4. You can reorder the names, edit them, delete them, or add new participants

Figure 2.12 Step 4 Assign to a paper mode group

5. Click on 'Save'

Once you have assigned the Q-cards to a class or group, you can:

1. Click on 'View list' to view the list of students and their assigned participant


Figure 2.13 Step 1 Assign to a paper mode group

2. Click on the three dots next to 'View list' to edit the list of students or

unassign the Q-cards


3. Click on 'Modify' to change the group or class to which the cards have been


Prepare the students

1. Hand each student their assigned Q-card

2. Demonstrate to your students how these Q-cards are meant to be used.

Remind them to:

a. Hold the card upright

b. Ensure they are not tilting the card

Ensure they are not blocking the QR code on their card

Figure 2.14 Prepare the students

a. Rotate the Q-cards to change the options

b. Ensure that the correct option is above the QR code

Figure 2.15 Prepare the students


Host the quiz

1. On your computer screen, check the boxes under the list of prerequisites and

click on Start

Figure 2.16 Step 1 Host the quiz

2. Ensure that your computer screen is visible to all your students. You can also

project the quiz on a larger screen if required

3. Download the Quizizz app on your phone from the App Store or Play Store

4. Log into the app with the same Quizizz account you use on your computer

5. Tap 'Start' on the home screen of your Quizizz mobile app to open Paper Mode

Figure 2.17 Step 5 Host the quiz


6. Select your quiz from the list of running quizzes

Figure 2.18 Step 6 Host the quiz

7. Grant the app permission to access your camera. This is a one-time process

Figure 2.19 Step 7 Host the quiz

8. The first question will be displayed on the computer screen for your students to

read. It will also be visible on your mobile app. If you wish to skip the question,

tap the 'Skip' button on your mobile screen. Note that a question once skipped

will not be shown again


Figure 2.20 Step 8 Host the quiz

Figure 2.21 Step 9 Host the quiz

9. Prompt your students to raise their Q-cards to answer the question

10. Once all of your students have raised their Q-cards, tap 'Scan responses' on your

mobile app

11. Point your phone camera at your students and scan all their raised Q-cards.

Ensure that you are holding your phone in potrait mode.


12. If you assigned Q-cards via a group or class, you will be able to see the names of

your participants on your phone screen as you scan their responses. You will also

be able to see the total number of responses scanned at the bottom of phone.

Figure 2.22 Step 12 Host the quiz

13. If any errors occur while scanning, tap 'Clear' on your phone screen and begin

scanning again

14. Once all the Q-cards have been scanned, tap 'Submit' on your phone screen

15. Your phone screen will display an overview of your classroom's performance in

the question they just answered

16. Tap the arrow next to the number of responses on your phone screen to view the

names of the students who answered the question correctly or incorrectly


Figure 2.23 Step 16 Host the quiz

17. Meanwhile, your computer screen will display the overall accuracy of your

classroom along with the points and rank secured by each student. This will be

visible to your entire class

Figure 2.24 Step 17 Host the quiz

18. Repeat this process until all questions have been answered

19. Once the quiz is complete, tap End quiz on your mobile screen to generate a


Figure 2.25 Step 19 Host the quiz

2.9 Framework for Thinking

This revolution emphasizes the use of internet technology massively so that it

presents the basic concept of automatic network connections in various sectors of

human life. The wave of change is extremely notice through the information that can

be accessed every time and everywhere by many people all over the world.

In dealing with the current spread of covid-19 effect until now we enter a new

normal world we still need this for teachers and students do teaching and learning

with some students face to face meeting but still using this application, to make it

easier for teachers and students to keep learning going well. The Quizizz Application

is one of the media used today to support learning. Thus, learning the application

Quizizz is assumed to be more effective on learning outcomes , and the effectiveness

of students at this time.


2.10 Relevant Research

In this study, the researcher refer to previous research that is relevant that

will be carried out at this time. The following are some relevant research as results

that are used as a review material for researchers. In this study, the authors refer to

previous research that is relevant to the current research. Relevant to the research that

will be carried out at this time. The following are some relevant research results that

are used as a review material for researchers. There are several researchers who are

considered relevant to this research:

1. Thesis of previous UMTS alumni, namely Fitri Marianni (2022) with the title

Improving Student's Motivation in Learning English by Using Interactive Quiz at

the Grade VII of Mts Muhammadiyah 22 Padangsidimpuan Where the results of

his research state that the presentation of learning success after using the Quizizz

application is 73% and only 1 student gets a poor score out of a total of 27

students. Meanwhile, the result of questionaire showed that the students'

motivation is in level of fair it can be seen from their attitutedes and activeness in

classroom and the response using interactive quiz was very possitive. But in case

The difference between my research and fitri mariani who used Quizizz is that

the research place she took was Mts Muhammadiyah 22 Padangsidimpuan, then

at the time of the research she had several problems, especially in class VII A

Mts Muhammadiyah 22 some students did not have their own smartphones

because they also used their parents' smartphones when they needed. That is the

reason I chose this method paper in order with the aim to be more efficient not

hindered by the network and the obligation for all to have smarthphones is not so

important so that learning can take place smoothly. I chose the paper mode where

each student takes a paper as their attendance in the attendance book, in the

barcode paper they only need to flip the paper according to the instructions

written on paper A, B, C or D. The researcher only scans the answer on the paper

which will automatically print on the computer that has been connected before. In

Quizizz we make sure the internet must be stable or students will automatically

exit the game and cannot log in again.

2. Leony Sanga Lamsari Purba (2019), Indonesian Christian University, Vol. 12 no.

1, in a journal entitled "Increasing Student Learning Concentration Through the

Use of Quizizz Learning Evaluation Students Through the Utilisation of Quizizz

Learning Evaluation in Physics Chemistry I Course". Based on the results of his

research, it can be concluded that the utilisation of Quizizz learning evaluation in

Chemistry Physics I course increases learning concentration. The increase in

student chemistry learning concentration is 0.45 with a moderate category.

3. Firman, A.M. Irfan Taufan Asfar, and Suhardiman (2019), STKIP

Muhammadiyah Bone, in a journal entitled "Implementation of Media

Implementation of Android-Based Learning Media as a Fast Respond Evaluation

System". Based on the results of his research, it can be concluded that the

implementation of android-based learning media with using the Quizizz

application as a Fast Respond Evaluation system has a significant system has a

significant effect on the learning outcomes of Education Technology students in

semester 3 of STKIP Muhammadiyah Boned marked by the results of the study.


Gain student learning increased from 44% (medium category) to 97% (high


Some previous researchers in the use of Quizizz it occurred during the covid

pandemic but I see that this can be used not only during the pandemic but until now

after the pandemic outbreak is over as a learning input for students and teachers in all

aspects of the lesson. According to Simarmata and Mujiarto (2019: 82) The purpose

of media is to facilitate communication in learning.

2.11 Hypothesis

According to Arikunto (2014) hypothesis is a temporary answer to the

research problem until it is proved by the data that will be collected”. Based on the

theoretical framework and conceptual framework above, the hypothesis can be


1. Ha: There is a significant between Pre-test and Post-test on students’ score in

reading Narrative Text by using Quizizz Application.

2. Ho: There is no significant between Pre-test and Post-test on students’ score in

reading Narrative Text by using Quizizz Application.



3.1 Place and Time of Research

The place of this research was conducted at SMAN 1 Angkola Selatan, as

location of the research. It is at Jl. Marpinggan Kelurahan Napa Kec. Angkola

Selatan, Kab. Tapanuli Selatan, Sumatera Utara. This research focus on the students

at the class XI-IPA 1. The head master of the SMAN 1 Angkola Selatan Drs. M

Taufik Hidayah, and the teacher is Hotmatua Siregar S.Pd as an English teacher in

SMAN 1 Angkola Selatan.

The reason for researcher used SMAN 1 Angkola Selatan :

1. No one has ever done research at this school using the Quizizz application.

2. The learning curriculum at this school matches with title of the research

3. the data needed for the research are available in this school

3.2 Method of Research

In this case researcher using quantitative as method for research. Sudaryanto

(2016:1) research is theory seeking, theory testing or solutions problems. According

to Sugiyono (2019:17) quantitative research is defined as a method research based on

the philosophy of positivism, is used to examine on a particular population or

sample, data collection using instruments research, data analysis is quantitative /

statistical, with the aim of testing established hypothesis.

Table 3.1 Pre Experimental Design One Group Pre-Test and Post Test
Pre-test Treatment Post-test
O1 X O2
Sugiyono (2014:75)


O1 = experiment class before giving treatment

O2 = experiment class after giving treatment
x = treatment (using Quizizz of Narrative Text material)

3.3 Population and Sample

1 . Population

Population is a generalization consisting of: objects/subjects that have certain

quantities and characteristics determined by researcher to be studied and then drawn

conclusion (Sugiyono, 2019: 126). The population in this study was all grade XI at

SMAN 1 Angkola Selatan, which divide into 4 clasess namely:

Table 3.2 Population of SMAN 1 Angkola Selatan At The Grade XI

Class Number of Students

XI IPA 1 24
XI IPA 2 27
XI IPS 1 28
XI IPS 2 27
Number 106
(Source: Tata Usaha SMAN 1 Angkola Selatan)

2. Sample

Arikunto (2019:109), the sample is part of the entire population available, if

the population is known and the number of subjects is larger or more than 100 it can

be taken between 10% up to 25% or depends more on the ability of the researcher. In

terms of time, effort and funds. Sugiyono, (2010: 85) said purposive sampling is a

sampling technique based on certain considerations. The researcher choose the


sample by looking the characteristics of the class and base on information from the

teacher. The sample was students of class XI IPA 1 as an experimental class.

Table 3.3 Sample of The Research

Grade Treatment Number of Students

XI IPA 1 Experimental 24
Number 24
(Source : Tata Usaha SMAN 1 Angkola Selatan)

3.4 Instrument of Research

Arikunto (2006: 160) state that instrument of research is a tool which is use

by the researcher in gathering data to make it easier to be process. Before the Pre

Experimental the preliminary, to collect the data the researcher gave tests like

students' pretest and post test then questionnaire to the to the student at the class XI

IPA 1.

3.5 Procedure of Collecting Data

Technique of collecting data in this study was quantitative data (number-

based). The researcher gave students’ a test, reading as a pre-test (this test do before

implementing Quizizz) and post test (this test was implementing after using Quizizz)

after that Questionnaire (a series of written questions a researcher supplies to subject,

requesting their reponses). The completely explanation as follows

1. Test

a) Pre-test

Pre-test used to measure the students’ in reading ability before

implementation the theory with giving some links and they have to read according to

specified time and answer the questions in multiple choice form for 30 seconds. The

test that answered for about 10 points.

b) Treatment

The researcher in classroom and tell the students about using Quizizz

Application in Narrative Text learning and make sure projector connecting with

laptop. Show the sample of Narrative Text while the researcher reading and explain

about the theory and how to play the game. Then researcher enter the Application

with teacher account and synchronizing it with smartphone and laptop. Give each

students their barcode paper that you have organized before. Take some photos and

video as documentation while learning.

c) Post-test

After teach the students about Narrative text using Quizizz Application using

reading ability, the researcher give the test in multiple choice to evaluate the

students’ work. Each question will get 600 scores if they true but it also the same

with 10 points in count.

2. Questionnaire

Researcher will give 10 questions to students about their experiences when

using Quizizz Application to make sure this Application usefull.

3. Documentation

The researcher give the test first about narrative text and students work

invidually that scores and tasks will be shown in front of the class. In this case the

researcher use projector, smartphone, barcode paper. The students works on the tasks

while that researcher explain about the Quizizz and how to use it then record videos,

took some photos or other documentation section that needed.

3.6 Technique of Data Analysis

Data analysis is the way data analyze by the researcher. In managing and

analyzing the data collect, the researcher using quantitative data analysis so the

researcher Analyze the data by using formula. The analysis use to find the significant

difference of the students' reading Descriptive Text ability before and after use of

using a media.

The steps to analyze data as follows:

1. The test results examine and then score by using an assessment elements

consisting of content, organization, vocabulary, grammar, and mechanic.

Destager in Dahnianti (2018) reveated that there are five aspects evaluate in

reading: they are content, organization, vocabulary, grammar, and mechanic. The

following table presents the five aspect of evaluating which were uses.

2. Scoring the result of the student's reading narrative ability

Table 3.4 Scoring the result of the student's reading narrative text

No Classification Score
1. Excellent 91-100
2. Very Good 76-90
3. Good 61-75
4. Fair 50-60
5. Poor Less then 50
(Depdikbud in Dahnianti 2018)

3. Calculating pre test and post test of students' with follow formula

Total score
x 100
Maximum score

4. After doing the treatment, the result of test was evaluated. The writer analyzed the

result of the test statistically. Therefore, in analyzing the test, firstly, the writer

calculating the percentage of increasing achievement is used the following formula :

x 2 −x1
Notation :
P = Rate Percentage
x1 = The mean score of pre-test
x2 = The Mean score of Post-test

5. Calculating the mean score by using the following formula:


X = Mean Score
∑ x = Total Score
N = The number of students

5. Finding out the significant difference between the pretest and post-test by

calculating the value of the test.


√ ∑ x2 d
N (N-1 )

t = t-test score
Md = Mean from pre-test and post-test
∑ x 2 d = Sum of squared deviation
N = Total number of students

(Arikunto, 2010:349)


A. Research Results

1. Test

Before conducting research, the author conducted a pretest on 24 students.

Where the results are as follows:

Table 4.1 Student Pretest Results

No. Student Name Value

1 Anggita Moralisa Rtg 50

2 Ayu Ashari Srg 40

3 Muhammad Parlindungan 50

4 Dinda Mutiara 40

5 Doharni Siregar 50

6 Ahmad Tota 50

7 Aidil Saputra Nst 50

8 Putri Rahayu 50

9 Rahma Amelia 40

10 Samsul Bahri 40

11 Yuli Al-Aisyah 40

12 Ahmad Borandi 40

13 Dedi Saputra 30

14 Genta Harahap 40

15 Ida Tasina 40

16 Ikhwan Solih 40

17 Revaldo 40

18 Riski Febrianita 30

19 Nurhabibah 40

20 Parhan Marbun 30

21 Boy Adam Harahap 30

22 Muhammad Sahril 40

23 Najam Rama 30

24 Najamuddin 47

Toral 977

Based on the pretest results, the total test results obtained were 977. Where

the average test results are sought using the formula:



x=40 ,71

Thus the average student pretest was 40.71.

After obtaining the pretest results, the author conducted research explaining

to students about the use of quiz applications in learning narrative tests. After the

posttest, the following results were obtained:


Table 4.2 Student Posttest Results

No. Student Name Value

1 Anggita Moralisa Rtg 100

2 Ayu Ashari Srg 100

3 Muhammad Parlindungan 90

4 Dinda Mutiara 90

5 Doharni Siregar 90

6 Ahmad Tota 80

7 Aidil Saputra Nst 80

8 Putri Rahayu 70

9 Rahma Amelia 70

10 Samsul Bahri 70

11 Yuli Al-Aisyah 70

12 Ahmad Borandi 70

13 Dedi Saputra 70

14 Genta Harahap 70

15 Ida Tasina 70

16 Ikhwan Solih 70

17 Revaldo 70

18 Riski Febrianita 60

19 Nurhabibah 60

20 Parhan Marbun 60

21 Boy Adam Harahap 60

22 Muhammad Sahril 60

23 Najam Rama 60

24 Najamuddin 60

Toral 1750

Based on the pretest results, the total test results obtained were 977. Where

the average test results are sought using the formula:



x=72 , 92

Thus the average student pretest was 72.92

To find out the significant difference between the pretest and posttest, the

following table is made:

Table 4.3 Pretest and posttest results

Pre-test Posttest Deviation

x1 x12 x2 x22 D(x -x )21 D2

1 50 2500 100 10000 50 2500

2 40 1600 100 10000 60 3600

3 50 2500 90 8100 40 1600

4 40 1600 90 8100 50 2500

5 50 2500 90 8100 40 1600

6 50 2500 80 6400 30 900

7 50 2500 80 6400 30 900


8 50 2500 70 4900 20 400

9 40 1600 70 4900 30 900

10 40 1600 70 4900 30 900

11 40 1600 70 4900 30 900

12 40 1600 70 4900 30 900

13 30 900 70 4900 40 1600

14 40 1600 70 4900 30 900

15 40 1600 70 4900 30 900

16 40 1600 70 4900 30 900

17 40 1600 70 4900 30 900

18 30 900 60 3600 30 900

19 40 1600 60 3600 20 400

20 30 900 60 3600 30 900

21 30 900 60 3600 30 900

22 40 1600 60 3600 20 400

23 30 900 60 3600 30 900

24 47 2209 60 3600 13 169

Toral 977 40909 1750 131300 773 27369

Based on this table, data is obtained

N = 24

∑d = 773

∑ d 2 = 27369

To determine the significant difference between the pretest and posttest by

calculating the test scores using the formula:


√ ∑ x2 d
N (N-1 )

First look for Md with the formula

Md =

Md =

Md =32, 21

Then look for

(∑ d )

∑x 2
d =∑ d −
∑ x 2 d =27369−773

∑ x 2 d =27369−24

∑ x 2 d =27369−24897 ,04
∑ x 2 d =2471 , 96
After that, put it into the formula


√ ∑ x2 d
N (N-1 )


√ 2471 , 96
24 (24-1 )


√ 2471 , 96
24 (23 )


√ 2471 , 96

√ 4 , 48
2 ,12

t=15 , 19

Based on these calculations obtained t = 15.19. Based on these results

compared with ttabel . t table seen in the t table using an error rate of 0.05 obtained by

1.72 thus tcount (15.19) > t table (1.72).

So the research hypothesis Ha which reads "There is a significant difference

between the pretest and posttest on students' scores in reading narrative text using the

quiz app" is accepted. While Ho which reads "There is no significant difference

between the pretest and posttest on students' scores in reading narrative text using the

quiz app" is rejected.

Where the percentage increase in achievement is sought using the following


x 2 −x1

72 , 92−40 , 71
40 , 71

p=79 , 12

Based on these results, it can be said that the increase in achievement between

the pretest and posttest on student scores in reading narrative text using the quiz

application is 79.12%.

2. Inquiry

In addition to the test, the author distributed a questionnaire to students with

10 questions, where the results are as follows:

Table 4.4 I like using the Quizizz App for learning

No. Alternative Answer F F/N x 100%

Yes 22 91,67%
No 2 8,33%
Total 24 100%
Source: Author's Processed Data Year 2023

Based on the results of the questionnaire distributed, it was obtained that

students who answered Yes were 22 people (91.67%) while No were 2 people

(8.33%) thus the most answered was yes so it can be concluded that students like to

use the Quizizz Application for learning.


Table 4.5 The Quizizz app suits my learning style

No. Alternative Answer F F/N x 100%

Yes 20 83,33%
No 4 16,67%
Total 24 100%
Source: Author's Processed Data Year 2023

Based on the results of the questionnaire distributed, students who answered

Yes as many as 20 people (83.33%) while No as many as 4 people (16.67%) thus the

most answered was yes so it can be concluded that the Quizizz application is in

accordance with the learning style of students.

Table 4.6 The Quizizz application allows me to study anytime and anywhere I

No. Alternative Answer F F/N x 100%

Yes 22 91,67%
No 2 8,33%
Total 24 100%
Source: Author's Processed Data Year 2023

Based on the results of the questionnaire distributed, students who answered

Yes were 22 people (91.67%) while No were 2 people (8.33%) thus the most

answered was yes so it can be concluded that the Quizizz application allows students

to learn anytime and anywhere students are.


Table 4.7 The Quizizz app facilitates the learning needs I require

No. Alternative Answer F F/N x 100%

Yes 20 83,33%
No 4 16,67%
Total 24 100%
Source: Author's Processed Data Year 2023

Based on the results of the questionnaire distributed, students who answered

Yes as many as 20 people (83.33%) while No as many as 4 people (16.687%) thus

the most answered was yes so it can be concluded that the Quizizz application

facilitates the learning needs that students need.

Table 4.8 I use the Quizizz App because it's fun

No. Alternative Answer F F/N x 100%

Yes 23 95,83%
No 1 4,17%
Total 24 100%
Source: Author's Processed Data Year 2023

Based on the results of the questionnaire distributed, students who answered

Yes were 23 people (95.83%) while No was 1 person (4.17%) thus the most

answered was yes so that it could be concluded that students use the Quizizz

application because it is fun.


Table 4.9 My understanding of Narrative Text with the use of the Quizizz
App increased

No. Alternative Answer F F/N x 100%

Yes 22 91,67%
No 2 8,33%
Total 24 100%
Source: Author's Processed Data Year 2023

Based on the results of the questionnaire distributed, it was obtained that

students who answered Yes were 22 people (91.67%) while No were 2 people

(8.33%) thus the most answered was yes so that it could be concluded that students'

understanding of Narrative Text with the use of the Quizizz Application increased.

Table 4.10 This Quizizz application is easy to use

No. Alternative Answer F F/N x 100%

Yes 24 100,00%
No 0 0,00%
Total 24 100%
Source: Author's Processed Data Year 2023

Based on the results of the questionnaire distributed, it was obtained that 24

students answered Yes (100%) while 0 people answered No (0.00%), thus the most

common answer was yes so that it could be concluded that students felt that the

Quizizz application was easy to use.


Table 4.11 I am open to using new technology such as Quizizz

No. Alternative Answer F F/N x 100%

Yes 24 100,00%
No 0 0,00%
Total 24 100%
Source: Author's Processed Data Year 2023

Based on the results of the questionnaire distributed, it was found that 24

students answered Yes (100%) while 0 people answered No (0.00%), thus the most

common answer was yes, so it can be concluded that students are open to using new

technology such as Quizizz.

Table 4.12 Learning Narrative Text is more fun by using Quizizz

No. Alternative Answer F F/N x 100%

Yes 19 79,17%
No 5 20,83%
Total 24 100%
Source: Author's Processed Data Year 2023

Based on the results of the questionnaire distributed, it was obtained that

students who answered Yes were 19 people (79.17%) while No were 5 people

(20.83%) thus the most answered was yes so it can be concluded that students learn

Narrative Text more fun by using Quizizz.


Table 4.13 I intend to use the Quizizz App until some time in the future

No. Alternative Answer F F/N x 100%

Yes 23 95,83%
No 1 4,17%
Total 24 100%
Source: Author's Processed Data Year 2023

Based on the results of the questionnaire distributed, students who answered

Yes were 23 people (95.83%) while No was 1 person (4.17%), thus the most

answered was yes so it can be concluded that students intend to use the Quizizz

Application for some time to come.

B. Discussion

The ability to read comprehension of narratives before and after using the

quiz application in class XI students of SMAN 1 Angkola Selatan increased from the

average pretest of 40.71 to the posttest with an average of 72.92. Thus students have

understood the narrative after the research.

Meanwhile, there is a significant effect of the application of Quizizz on

reading comprehension of narrative text in Class XI of SMAN 1 Angkola Selatan,

this is evidenced by the Ha hypothesis which reads "There is a significant difference

between pretest and posttest on students' scores in reading narrative text by using

quiz application" is accepted. While Ho which reads "There is no significant

difference between pretest and posttest on students' scores in reading narrative text

using the quiz application" is rejected. While the increase in achievement between

the pretest and posttest on student scores in reading narrative text using the quiz

application is 79.12%.

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