UKFP 2024 Applicant Presentation

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Applying to UKFP 2024 twitter: @UKFPO

Units of Application
East of England Peninsula
Kent, Surrey, Sussex (KSS) Scotland
Leicestershire, Severn
Northumberland, Rutland
Trent 18 Foundation
Wales Schools/Units
North West of England
Wessex of Application
West Midlands Central (UoAs)
West Midlands North
Northern Ireland
West Midlands South
Oxford (Thames Valley)
Yorkshire and Humber twitter: @UKFPO

Nominations, Registration and Applications

Local Selection Process: Specialised Foundation

Programmes (SFP)

Specialised Foundation Programme Offers

Foundation Priority Programme Offers Timeline
National Allocation to Foundation Schools twitter: @UKFPO

Nomination and Registration
UK graduates are nominated by the medical school
➢ Applicants who qualified or are expecting to qualify from a UK medical school after 6
August 2022 and by 6 August 2024 are nominated by their medical school
You will receive an email inviting you to confirm your nomination
➢ You must not create an account on Oriel (only use nominated information from medical
school). Please use the link emailed to you to register on Oriel.
➢ You must confirm your nomination (click the link in your email ‘Nominee Confirmation
required’). If you do not receive this email, contact your medical school immediately
➢ You must register with the email address your medical school used to nominate you
➢ Military applicants are not required to apply via Oriel (contact Defence Deanery for
details) twitter: @UKFPO

Key Dates
Registration on Oriel
➢ From 12 September 2023 (09:00 BST)

National application window

➢ Opens 20 September 2023 (09:00 BST)
➢ Closes 04 October 2023 (12:00 midday BST)

No late applications considered under any circumstances twitter: @UKFPO
One Application Form
➢ One all-encompassing application form, so applicants will
only submit one main application form that will include:

➢ The option to apply for Specialised Foundation Programmes (SFP) as

well as Foundation Priority Programmes (FPP)

➢ Pre-Allocation for personal circumstances requests twitter: @UKFPO

Key Changes for 2024
PIA – Preference Informed Allocation
➢ Preference informed allocation is designed to give as many
applicants their first-choice preference as possible.
➢ The algorithm will work through the list of applicants in
computer-generated rank order to match as many applicants
as possible to their first choice, before allocating applicants to
their next available choice
➢ The computer-generated rank is produced when the algorithm
is run in Oriel, which takes place after preferencing has
closed. twitter: @UKFPO
Key Changes for 2024
EPM Decile and SJT
➢ The Situational Judgment Test (SJT) and EPM (decile score)
have been removed
Pre-Allocation Appeals Process
➢ The stage 1 appeal process for Pre-allocation has been
completely removed and it will no longer be possible for
applicants to submit additional or missing evidence or correct
any errors they may have made in their original application. twitter: @UKFPO

Linked Applications
➢ Both applicants must preference UoAs in the same order
➢ Linking is only possible for FP (it is not possible for SFP or FPP)
➢ Links will be severed if: -
a) Either or both accept an SFP or FPP programme
b) The PIA algorithm is unable to match both applicants to the
same school
➢ Linked applicants will be allocated to school according to the lower
ranked applicant
➢ Local foundation school programme matching policies vary at
group/programme level twitter: @UKFPO
Pre-allocation Criteria
The criteria for pre-allocation based on personal circumstances for
UKFP 2024 are:
1. Parental/guardian responsibilities
2. a) Primary caring responsibilities
b) Significant caring responsibilities
3. Medical condition
4. Unique circumstances
5. a) Educational circumstances
b) Widening participation
Applications can only be made under one criterion. twitter: @UKFPO
Pre-allocation – General
➢ Applications via Oriel
➢ Pro-forma required (found on UKFPO website)
➢ Evidence (completed form and supporting documents) required to be
uploaded to Oriel
➢ Circumstance must be relevant at the time of application
➢ Requested foundation school must be ranked first
➢ Not applicable for SFP, FPP
➢ Applicants cannot link
➢ Applications will be considered by a national panel twitter: @UKFPO
National Allocation
➢ Allocation to a Foundation School (UoA) takes place in March 2024
➢ The algorithm will work through the list of applicants in computer-
generated rank order, in two passes:
➢ Pass 1 – First-choice preference allocation only – working through the applicant list
in computer-generated rank order, if a place is available for the applicant to be
allocated a post in their first-choice preference, they are allocated a place in that
preference. If no places are available in the first-choice preference, the applicant
will be skipped.
➢ Pass 2 – Allocating unplaced applicants - working through the applicant list in
computer-generated rank order, unplaced applicants are allocated a place in their
highest ranked preference with available posts.
➢ Linked applicants will be allocated based on the lower ranked applicant
of the pair twitter: @UKFPO
Specialised Foundation
Programmes (SFP)
➢ Academic/research, education and teaching, and leadership
and management
➢ Explore academia/education/leadership as a career at the
same time as developing your clinical and generic skills
➢ ‘Academic’ or specialised supervisor
➢ All FP applicants eligible to apply, if you’re interested!
➢ Information and programme descriptions for SFPs can be
found on local Foundation School websites. twitter: @UKFPO
SFP Selection
➢ Applicants will need to apply to each SUoA (up to a maximum of
two) in part 2 of the main FP application form.
➢ “Specialised Unit of Application” (SUoA)
➢ White space questions (used by some, but not all SUoAs)
➢ Educational achievements (separate and not included in main FP)
➢ Submit SFP applications as part of, and at the same time as your
FP application
➢ SUoA selection process (including scoring) determined locally.
➢ The decile score has been removed and will not be used in SFP selection twitter: @UKFPO

SFP - General Information
✓ SFP applicants who score highest in local SFP selection process
will receive offers first
✓ If higher scoring applicants decline these offers, they will then be
offered to lower scoring applicants
✓ Familiarise yourself with the SFP offers timetable which can
be found on the UKFPO website
✓ If you accept an SFP offer, you are automatically withdrawn from
the FP allocation
✓ If you do not secure an SFP post, you will be included in the FP
allocation automatically twitter: @UKFPO
Foundation Priority
Programmes (FPP)
➢ Incentives for these posts include financial benefits, unique teaching and
leadership opportunities and specialty experiences (please look on
foundation school websites for details)
➢ Select in main application form if you wish to be considered
➢ Preference individual FPP programmes
➢ FPP offers will take place before national allocation to foundation schools
➢ Offers will be made based on a computer-generated rank, and
preferences for FPP.
➢ The rank generated for FPP will be different to the rank generated as part of the
new PIA algorithm in the main FP allocation process.
➢ If you accept an FPP offer, your FP application will be withdrawn twitter: @UKFPO

Psychiatry Foundation
Fellowships (PFF)
➢ Application to the PFF scheme will take place after allocation
to Foundation Programmes. The application process will be
separate from the UKFPO application process and will be
managed by the Royal College of Psychiatrists.
➢ Details of how to apply and the timeline for the process can be
found on the Royal College of Psychiatrists website.
➢ Queries about the fellowship programmes and the application
process should be sent to: [email protected]. twitter: @UKFPO

Supporting Trainees Entering
Practice (STEP)
➢ Supports transition from medical school to foundation training; two-
way transfer
➢ Health and welfare, educational progress and professional
performance, and patient safety
➢ Students complete STEP form online
➢ Medical school endorses information
The information you provide in your form is used to support you
during your training and is only shared with your Foundation Training
Programme Director/FP Co-ordinator (and anyone else that you give
permission for it to be shared with). twitter: @UKFPO

Employer Responsibilities:
➢ Pre-employment checks, including occupational health and
reasonable adjustments
➢ References
➢ Pay
➢ Pension
➢ Rotas
➢ Contract of employment
➢ Accommodation (if applicable)
➢ Programme/timetable for mandatory F1 shadowing and induction twitter: @UKFPO
Mandatory Shadowing and
➢ All new F1s are required to attend a mandatory, paid week*
shadowing the F1 job that they will be taking up and completing the
relevant aspects of trust-based induction prior to the official start of
their F1 responsibilities on the first Wednesday of August.
➢ This shadowing period aims to help equip recent medical
graduates with the local knowledge and skills needed to provide
safe, high quality patient care, from their first day as a F1 doctor.
➢ Applicants should take care not to book holidays or important
events (e.g. weddings) during the mandatory shadowing and
induction week
* The exact duration of the mandatory shadowing and induction period varies by employing Trust
but will be a minimum of 4 working days. twitter: @UKFPO

Useful Tips
Do not leave your registration and application to the last minute! Late
applications are not accepted under any circumstances

Ensure you read the applicant guidance carefully and refer back to it at various
Identify a
parts of the application process. Guidance can be found on the UKFPO website
referee who will
be able to
submit your
Check your Oriel account and registered email address for updates regularly

Add important dates to your diary. Always refer to the UKFPO website for the
latest timeline and updates. twitter: @UKFPO

Thank you for listening!

Any questions?

[email protected] twitter: @UKFPO

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