LEAP RE Call 2022 - TEXT V2.0 2022 - 12 - 08
LEAP RE Call 2022 - TEXT V2.0 2022 - 12 - 08
LEAP RE Call 2022 - TEXT V2.0 2022 - 12 - 08
Europe-Africa Research and Innovation call on
Renewable Energy
DATE OF PUBLICATION in 08 July 2022 – Version 1.0
Warning: This Call document is subject to updating regarding the list of funding
organisations participating to the Call.
Applicants should check potential updating on LEAP-RE website in coming weeks
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement 963530.
Table of Contents
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement 963530.
1. About LEAP-RE
The Long-term Europe Africa Partnership on Renewable Energy (LEAP-RE) is a 5 years program co-
funded by the European Commission under Horizon 2020. It will aim at developing a long-term
partnership between Europe and Africa on Research and Innovation (R&I) in renewable energy. The
program is conducted by a consortium of 83 partners from European and African countries. The total
budget of the program is around 32 Million Euros, including 15 Million Euros from the European
Commission. The program is focused on research and innovation projects proposed by public and
private stakeholders. Within the consortium 16 African and European funding agencies launched a
first joint Call for Proposals in early 2021.
Activities of LEAP-RE are within the framework of the Climate Change and Sustainable Energy
partnership of the AU-EU High Level Policy Dialogue on Science, Technology and Innovation.
LEAP-RE is structured in three Pillars, Pillar 1: implementation of transnational open calls for proposals
for research, innovation and capacity building, funded by national/regional funding agencies and by
the European Commission; Pillar 2: a cluster of individual R&I and capacity building projects
implemented by members of the consortium; Pillar 3: program management and strategic issues to
build the future AU – EU long term partnership on renewable energy.
The projects selected through Pillar 1 Calls will focus on achieving goals of mutual benefit for Member
States, Associated Countries and African countries, based on a balanced and cooperative approach.
Particular attention will be given to strengthening the impact of R&I supported activities for the benefit
of the society, in Europe and in Africa.
A first Call was launched in 2021. 124 applicants submitted a pre-proposal of which 92 were eligible. A
first step of preselection allowed to select 36 pre-submissions. 32 full-submissions were submitted and
13 projects were selected for funding1 through this second step. The global funding budget for the first
call was € 10.3 million, with € 7.8 provided by funding organizations + € 2.54 million from the EC
Taking into consideration the remaining available budget of funding agencies and European Commission
grant and new budget committed LEAP-RE decided to launch a second Call in 2022. Several eligibility
criteria and evaluation criteria have been adapted in order to take into account the results of the first
Call (see below).
The LEAP-RE group of funding organisations participating to this second Call, gathered among the
consortium members in Pillar 1, consists of several funding organisations from Africa (Ministère de
l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique - MESRS – Algeria; Ministère de l’Education
Nationale, de la Formation Professionnelle, de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche
Scientifique -MENFPESRS – Morocco; Department of Science and Innovation – DSI – Republic of South
Africa and several funding organisations from Europe : Osterreichische
Forschungsforderungsgesellschaft Mbh - FFG – Austria; Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique-FRS-FNRS
– Belgium; Agence Nationale de la Recherche - ANR – France; Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH - FZJ-
PtJ – Germany; Ministry of University and Research - MUR – Italy; Executive Agency for Higher
13 project proposals selected for funding via LEAP-RE Call for proposals
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement 963530.
Education, R&D&I Funding - UEFISCDI – Romania2.
The call also reflects the European and African funders preferred approaches and their understanding
that achieving energy solutions in African countries is a complex challenge crossing many sectors,
disciplines and policy areas as well as being exposed to profound dynamics at national, regional and
global level. 840 Million people in the world have no-access to energy of which 570 Million live in Sub
Saharan countries. Furthermore 2.9 Billion people do not have access to sustainable non-polluting
cooking devices. Systemic change and transformation are needed, which requires a more holistic and
integrated approach.
The thematic priorities addressed by the call are in accordance with the 6 Multi-Annual Roadmaps
developed during the preparation of LEAP-RE (see 4., below). These Multi-Annual Roadmaps are part
of the Roadmap for a jointly funded AU-EU research & innovation partnership on Climate Change and
Sustainable Energy (CCSE) established under the UE-AU High Level Policy Dialogue on Science,
Technology and Innovation, which prioritizes:
- Development and integration of renewable energy in the energy system
- Planning and modeling future sustainable energy systems
- Including society as an important stakeholder
- Market, pricing and business models for future sustainable energy systems
- Strengthening basic research and technology development
The projects conducted under LEAP-RE are encouraged to develop collaboration with other projects
funded by the European Commission such as the EU Call “Building a low-carbon, climate resilient
future: Research and innovation in support of the European Green Deal (H2020-LC-GD-2020)”
launched in September 2020.
The list of participating funding organisations may be updated in the coming weeks
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement 963530.
Country Funding National Contact E-mail (s) Budget
/Region Organisation Point(s) (Euro)
Joël GROENEVELD joel.groeneveld@frs-fnrs.be 200 000
Belgium FRS-FNRS
Florence QUIST florence.quist@frs-fnrs.be
Elli Stepanovic Elli.Stepanovic@ffg.at 300 000
Austria FFG
Ursula Bodisch Ursula.Bodisch@ffg.at
François MOISAN Francois.moisan@anr.fr 500 000
France ANR
Marie-Laure TAROT Marie-Laure.tarot@anr.fr
Johanna OHNESORG j.ohnesorg@fz-juelich.de 1 000 000
Germany FZJ-PtJ
Kerstin ANNASSI k.annassi@fz-juelich.de
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement 963530.
. # 2: End‐of‐life and second‐life management and environmental impact of RE
End‐of‐life (EoL) components (batteries, solar panels from large PV plants, etc.) used in renewable
energy (RE) production or storage present a new environmental challenge, but also an
unprecedented opportunity to create value and pursue new economic avenues. More energy
systems will get decommissioned at the end of life, or when out of specification (OoS) for their initial
purpose as RE technology is mainstreamed. To contextualize this, the volume of decommissioned
solar PV panels will increase as the global solar PV market increases thus large amounts of EoL PV
components are anticipated. The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) estimates that
there will be a surge in solar panel disposal in the early 2030s, and that by 2050, there will be 60 to
78 million cumulative tons of photovoltaic panel waste globally. The rise of electric vehicles and the
increase in adoption of storage systems will also lead to a large amount of EoL/OoS batteries.
Accordingly, new energy paradigms are emerging in both Africa and Europe where ‘second life’
components are presented as appropriate solutions. In this regard, RE EoL/OoS components and
their supply chains require research, development, innovation and capacity support. Materials that
enable RE should be recycled or reused to prevent a scenario where the envisaged clean energy
future becomes anything but clean. In Africa, off‐grid solar products are revolutionizing the quality
of life. Current EoL component volumes from this sector are small in proportion to the quantity and
environmental impact of the total e‐waste stream. However, due to rapid sector growth, there is a
need to develop the end‐of‐life management of off‐grid solar and storage products without delay.
In Africa, and in most developing countries, collection of EoLcomponents is done by informal
collectors with rudimentary methods. These rudimentary methods tend to be unsafe and
environmentally unfriendly. There is need to regularize this sector, ensuring that the informal
collection and re-purposing of EoL RE components becomes part of formal, regulated systems
(including waste collection, disposal, reuse and recycling process such as extraction of reusable
materials), whilst paying attention to the needs of the informal workers whose livelihoods will be
Moreover, where there are new products developed then innovation needs to take questions of
lifecycle analysis into account right from the start.
Innovations for reuse, business models, testing procedures that are compatible with industrial
standards should be developed and shared among business actors.
References to results of existing research and innovation projects in this field will be positively
valued in the selection process.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement 963530.
Access to energy, especially electricity, is thus a fundamental component to address rural or
isolated communities and support economic and social development. Specific needs include
lighting, phones charging, domestic refrigeration. Beyond these essential needs some productive
use of energy such as water pumping, grains milling, sewing machines, soldering iron, health devices
such as vaccine storage…should drive developments and innovation in smart standalone systems in
order to ensure power production for these uses.
Researchers and innovative engineers should be involved in improving the technology of stand-
alone components and usability of the whole systems. New business models should also be
developed in order to ensure affordable solutions for the poorest. The LEAP-RE programme focuses
on innovations that relate to the whole Stand alone system including energy storage and uses
rather than to the performance of PV cells alone.
References to results of existing research and innovation projects in this field will be positively
valued in the selection process
# 6: Innovative solutions for priority domestic uses (clean cooking and cold chain)
Specific Challenges
Today, there are 4 billion people worldwide who lack access to modern energy cooking services (SDG
7 definition)– more than half of the world’s population. Fifty percent of these people are living in
developing countries. In Africa alone, 700 million people lack access to clean cooking. Currently,
traditional devices use firewood, or charcoal, and have very low efficiency.
The utilization of traditional biomass poses numerous environmental challenges:
• Traditional biomass utilization is a recognized contributor to deforestation & land
• Biomass burning in traditional cook-stoves has been found to be responsible for about 20%
of global black carbon emissions;
• Indoor cooking with traditional devices causes respiratory illness, which contribute to the
premature death of millions of people from associated diseases. In addition, the utilization
of traditional biomass also poses social challenges, including:
• The time spent by women and children in gathering firewood;
• Absenteeism from school caused by Illness due to respiratory infections, common in some
countries of sub‐Saharan Africa.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement 963530.
Actions necessary to overcome the challenges associated with the use of traditional cooking systems
represent technological, economical and social challenges:
• Improving the design of existing stoves has been attempted for the past twenty to thirty years
and has made few in-roads into the total numbers lacking access to modern cooking or effectively
addressing the health and environmental impacts of cooking with biomass. The LEAP-RE
programme focuses on innovations that relate to the grasping of opportunities for the substantial
deployment of highly efficient cooking appliances (eg the emerging potential for electric cooking),
new or improved approaches to LPG retail, and delivery such as PAYG, new larger-scale approaches
to biogas via municipal scale developments or the development of other innovative new fuels such
as ethanol.
Complementary to clean cooking is food and drug preservation, a second common issue at the
domestic and community levels in Africa. In sub‐Saharan Africa nearly 40% of food perishes before
it reaches the consumer, while the lack of effective refrigeration limits the possibilities for vaccine
distribution in rural, and in remote areas : a factor taking on greater significance in the current covid
era. Here the cold chain can play a crucial role in reducing food waste, improving public health, and
enabling African communities, especially in rural areas, to participate in national and international
trade as producers and consumers. The technological challenges are mainly based on the energy
vector, with the use of heat in place of electricity to generate low temperatures in domestic and
community systems, or the use of static and compact technologies with higher reliability compared
to traditional systems, and the coupling of refrigeration units with off‐grid electric power systems.
The development of movable autonomous systems is another important element. Finally, the need
for compact and fully reliable systems that avoid breaking the cold chain for medicine, and for food
preservation with reasonable costs represents a significant socio‐economic challenge.
References to results of existing research and innovation projects in this field will be positively
valued in the selection process.
Please note that not all topics are supported by all Funding Organisations, see summary in Table 2.
means that there are some related restrictions. Always check with the corresponding
national/regional Funding Organisation for restrictions. As informed in Appendix IV.
Table 2: Summary of the main call topics supported by the Funding Organisations.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement 963530.
Country/region MAR 1 MAR 3 MAR 6
Organisation 2 4 5
France ANR Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
(*): Regarding MAR 4 FZJ-PtJ concentrate on a technical focus on open-access tools (See Appendix IV)
Each Consortia must include at least one partner from the public sector (academic, public research
centre…) and one partner from a commercial company coming from participating countries.
African Public Organisations (Universities, public research centres…) from countries/regions
not participating in the Call are eligible to apply for funding, although the resources available for
this are limited. Such organisations wishing to be a partner within a consortium can be funded
through LGI but the potential for funding these African partners will be examined by the Joint Call
Secretariat and LGI at the time of the pre-submission evaluation of all projects.
There is no limit to the maximum consortium size, but it should be suitable for the level and
complexity of the project and each partner should have a significant contribution in order to
demonstrate the transnational added value of collaboration.
EU Member States and associated countries
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement 963530.
Consortia may gather different academic and sectoral backgrounds, e.g. physical scientists,
engineers and technology developers, but also social scientists and policy advisors (in
interdisciplinary consortia) working closely together and covering different parts of the renewable
energy value chain.
Project consortia covering the entire innovation chain from idea to end-user/market are
considered positive as well as consortia with actors traditionally working in other industries, so that
more ground-breaking innovations can be created through new approaches.
LEAP-RE Joint Call 2022 supports gender equality, therefore applicants should consider gender
equality and gender issues wherever possible, including in, for example:
6. What do we fund
LEAP-RE Joint Call 2022 addresses all aspects of renewable energy value chain, covering energy
production as well as transformation, storage and utilization. It is encouraged to include cross-cutting
Overall, LEAP-RE Joint Call 2022 can fund basic research, industrial research, applied research and
experimental development projects (covering all innovation steps) that are 12-24 months long.
However, not all funding agencies can fund all types of research (or TRL), see Table 3 and Appendix
The maximum funding for each project is 700 k€ and the maximum funding per partner in one
project is 300 k€. However not all funding agencies will apply these amounts (see Appendix IV). The
funding maximum for one partner 300 k€ will apply for each project but does not accumulate for a
partner present in several projects. It should be noted that the budget requested regarding the
work plan and the research objectives (value for money) will be part of the evaluation notation
Table 3: Type of research and entities eligible for funding by the participating Funding Organisations.
Algeria MESRS Yes Yes Yes 2-8 research
centres, SMEs
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement 963530.
Industrial/ Type of entities
Funding Fundamental/ Experimental Project
Country/region Applied TRL eligible for
Organisation Basic research research duration
research funding
from the
partnership in
with public
Morocco MENFPESRS Yes Yes Yes Any
institutions in
with public
-Public research
institutions in
with public
South African
education or
such as a
university of
technology or
South science council.
DSI 24
No Yes Yes 5&6 South Africa
Africa months
Private Sector
companies and
companies in
the field of
energy, Small
(SMEs) and
NGOs in the
field of
Belgium Public research 24
Yes No No 1-3
FNRS organisations months
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement 963530.
Industrial/ Type of entities
Funding Fundamental/ Experimental Project
Country/region Applied TRL eligible for
Organisation Basic research research duration
research funding
Austria FFG Up to 24
No Yes Yes 2-8 innovation
agents, non-
profit legal
entities (e.g.
France All except
ANR 18 to 24
Yes Yes Yes 2-6 public
Germany FZJ-PtJ Up to 24
Yes Yes No 2-6* All*
Italy MUR 2- Up to 24
Yes Yes Yes(**) All*
7(**) month
Romania Research
Yes Yes Yes Any organisations,
Always check with the corresponding national/regional Funding Organisation for any restrictions and
‘State Aid Rules’.
(*): see national regulations for each funding agency (Appendix IV)
(**): MUR can fund research activities ranging from TRL 1 to 7, but with the caveat that the
activities classified as basic research (approx. TRL 1 and 2) and industrial research (TRL 3 and
4) must predominate over to experimental development (TRL 5-7). Different funding rates
TRL – Technology Readiness Level (as defined in Appendix II).
7. Eligibility criteria
The pre-proposals and full-proposals have to meet the following eligibility criteria, as detailed further
below, as well as the national/regional funding regulations (see the respective document at the LEAP-
RE -website):
Eligibility Criteria
Pre-proposal ➢ The pre-proposals must be submitted, via electronic form exclusively through
submission the LEAP-RE Electronic Submission Plateform of the French National
deadline Research Agency (ANR), by the consortium coordinator no later than
September 23rd 2022, at 12:00:00 CEST4;
Full proposal ➢ Upon invitation, the full-proposals must be submitted, only via electronic
submission form through the LEAP-RE Electronic Submission System, by the coordinator
deadline of the consortium no later than January 27th 2023, at 17:00:00 CET5.
Consortium ➢ A consortium applying to the Call must consist of at least four project
composition partners from 4 different countries (2 from Europe6 and 2 from Africa).
➢ At least one partner of the Consortium of each continent (Europe and Africa)
should be from a country participating in the Call and eligible to receive
support from the relevant participating funder.
➢ At least half of the partners in a consortium must belong to countries
participating in the Call and eligible to receive support from the relevant
participating funder.
➢ Each consortium must include at least one partner from the public sector
(academic, public research …) and one partner from a commercial company
located in participating (to this Call) countries
Applicant/ ➢ The coordinator of the consortium must request and be eligible to receive
Coordinato support and be established in a country or region participating in the Call.
Applicant/ ➢ A Lead Researcher can only represent the coordinator in one proposal (i.e. if
Lead a Lead Researcher coordinates one proposal, he/she can only participate in
researcher other proposals as a researcher/key personnel of a consortium partner).
Applicant ➢ Researchers members of the IRP (International Review Panel) or experts of
proposals cannot be member of a consortium applying to this Call.
➢ Researchers employed or affiliated to a funding Organisation cannot apply to
the Call except where explicitly authorized.7
Eligible ➢ Each partner requesting funding MUST comply with the national/regional
consortium funding rules and regulations of their respective Funding Organisation to
/applicant ensure the eligibility of the consortium proposal (see Appendix IV). Please
consult your National/Regional Contact Point. Public organisations from
African countries/regions not participating in the Call have a limited
possibility to be funded and become partner of funded consortia (see
appendix IV).
17.00 CET/Central European Time
EU Member States and associated countries
7 As an exception, for example, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (FZJ) is eligible to apply since measures were already
established to avoid any possible conflict of interest with Project Management Jülich as a beneficiary which is a largely
independent unit within the research centre Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (FZJ). These measures include that Project
Management Jülich will be excluded from all decisions concerning the evaluation, selection and funding of proposals
submitted by Forschungszentrum Jülich within funding programmes managed by Project Management Jülich. This role will
be taken over by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research as the responsible programme owner. To assure the quality
of services, Project Management Jülich introduced a quality management system that was certified according to DIN EN ISO
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement 963530.
Eligibility Criteria
Project ➢ The project duration should be a minimum 12 months and should not
duration exceed 24 months (national/regional regulations MUST be consulted in
this respect. See APPENDIX IV).
Pre- ➢ LEAP-RE Templates must be used, i.e. Forms A (Calibri, 11pt, single spaced
proposal for all text except references and footnotes; the pages’ margins 2.5 cm
and Full should be kept), Form B and C. Ethics issue and CV’s of lead researcher/key
proposal personnel, template for Budget (at the full-proposal stage, in a separate
templates Excel file). All fields of the pre-proposal and full-proposal technical
descriptions must be filled in. A Guide for Proposal Submission, including all
templates, is available on the LEAP-RE website.
Pre- ➢ The total proposal length (Form A) cannot exceed 6 pages. Images and tables
proposal must be included in the maximum page length.
Full ➢ The total proposal length (Form A) cannot exceed 30 pages, including the
Proposal Gantt chart, the references, the Budget table, the transnational and
length international collaboration and the Ethics, Gender balance, and other issues
section. All images and tables must be included in the maximum page
Budget and ➢ The detail budget is asked at the full-proposal stage using the Excel template
funding “Budget and funding request ”.
request ➢ The maximum funding for each project is 700 k€ and the maximum funding
per partner in one project is 300 k€. However not all funding agencies will
apply these amounts (see Appendix IV). The funding maximum for one
partner 300 k€ will apply for each project but does not accumulate for a
partner present in several projects.
➢ The total funding rate of partners from the same country in a proposal
cannot exceed 50% of the full funding of the project
Applicant ➢ At the pre-proposal step: online validation of the “Commitment of
requesting applicants” by each partner on the submission platform.
funding ➢ At the full proposal step: All applicants requesting funding must provide a
statement of commitment duly signed by the legal representative of the
organisation, in coherence with national/regional regulation (see Appendix
IV), Form B.
Applicant ➢ At the pre-proposal step: online validation of the “Commitment of
not applicants” by each partner on the submission platform
requesting ➢ At the full proposal step: Applicants not requesting funding, can be partners
funding of the consortium on the condition that they provide evidence of the
availability of their own funds to cover their costs by providing a signed
statement duly signed by the legal representative of the organisation, Form
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement 963530.
Eligibility Criteria
CV ➢ A maximum of three CVs (of lead researcher and two key personnel) per
template consortium partner is allowed. Each CV must not exceed 2 pages. LEAP-RE
CV template must be used.
Language ➢ The language of the proposal is English.
A summary of some national/regional funding rules is provided in Table 2 and 3, as well as in the
national/regional funding regulations (Appendix IV) but applicants should check with their
national/regional contact point (Table 1) their eligibility conditions. Applicants from African
countries not participating to the Call should contact the Call secretariat at pilier1@leap-re.eu
(please read carefully pilier1 and not pillar1) and LGI in charge of contracting with these partners
All researchers involved in funded projects should follow fundamental ethical principles and adhere to
the principles of good scientific practice and to The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity
Pre-proposal form
A joint transnational pre-proposal shall be prepared in English by the consortium and submitted
in pdf form via the LEAP-RE Electronic Proposal Submission System by the lead researcher representing
the coordinator. The pre-proposal submission is mandatory and must be submitted no later than
September 23rd 2022 at 12:00:00 CEST.
If required by the national/regional regulations, submission forms or other documents must be
submitted directly also to the participating Funding Organisations according to their deadlines. Please
consult your regional/national contact point (Table 1) for further details.
The pre-proposal form must be filled in by the coordinator, except for the partner’s profiles and
respective CVs. LEAP-RE templates for the technical description of the proposal (6 pages, Calibri, 11pt,
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Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement 963530.
single spaced; the template’s margins of the page should be kept) and annexes are available at on the
available on LEAP-RE website.
All partners requesting funding should Signed Statement of Commitments on the electronic
submission system. Resubmitting the proposal before the submission deadline is possible.
9. Evaluation criteria
Pre-proposals and full-proposals will be evaluated based on three main evaluation criteria: 1)
Scientific Excellence, 2) Impact and 3) Quality and Efficiency of the Implementation:
➢ Clarity and pertinence of the objectives;
➢ Soundness of the concept, and credibility of the proposed methodology;
➢ Extent that the proposed work is beyond the state of the art, and demonstrates innovation
potential (e.g. ground-breaking objectives, novel concepts and approaches, new products,
services or business and organisational models);
➢ Appropriate consideration of interdisciplinary approaches and, where relevant, use of
stakeholder knowledge (only for stage 2)
➢ Proposal should take into account societal needs, including one or more of the following
aspects: market evaluation, business models for long-term sustainability, and solution
deployment as well as the long-term impact on society.
➢ The extent to which the outputs of the project would contribute at the European and
African level to expected impacts in line with the integrated strategy proposed in the
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement 963530.
Roadmap for a jointly funded AU-EU research & innovation partnership on climate change
and sustainable energy (CCSE), especially the impact on renewable energy access in African
countries and in Africa context (and not only the enhancement of renewable energy
performances at global level);
➢ Any substantial impacts that would enhance innovation capacity, create new market
opportunities, strengthen competitiveness and growth of companies, address issues related
to barriers/obstacles, and any framework conditions such as regulation, standards, public
acceptance, workforce considerations, financing of follow-up steps, cooperation of other
links in the value chain, or bring other important benefits for society;
➢ Quality of the proposed measures to exploit and disseminate the project results
(including management of IPR), and to manage research data where relevant (only for stage
➢ Quality of the proposed measures to communicate the project activities to different
target audiences (only for stage 2);
➢ Supporting the development of non-technological solutions to address environmental, social
impact and health safety issues, within, if convenient, a life cycle analysis approach, or the
development/deployment of tools, applications, and services enabling to respond population
➢ When relevant, to what extent the project will contribute to a gender equal societal
➢ The effective collaboration and IP co-ownership between the partners in the consortium
beyond sharing different tasks or working packages (only for stage 2);
➢ Quality and effectiveness of the work plan, including extent to which the resources assigned
to work packages are in line with their objectives and deliverables (only for stage 2);
➢ Appropriateness of the management structures and procedures, including risk and
innovation management (only for stage 2);
➢ Quality and complementarity of transnational activities by the participants and extent to
which the consortium as whole brings together the necessary expertise;
➢ Gender perspective of research and development content; the participation of females as
main researchers in consortium will be part of the note.
➢ Appropriateness of the allocation of tasks, ensuring that all participants have a valid role
and adequate resources in the project to fulfil that role (only for stage 2).
➢ Value for money : the budget requested regarding the work plan and the research objectives
will be part of the evaluation notation
Evaluation scores will be awarded to the three main evaluation criteria and not for the different sub-
criteria. Each main evaluation criterion is rated using the 0-5 scale (half-points are not allowed):
0 — The proposal fails to address the criterion or cannot be assessed due to missing or
incomplete information (unless the result of an ‘obvious clerical error’).
1— Poor: the criterion is inadequately addressed or there are serious inherent weaknesses.
2—Fair: the proposal broadly addresses the criterion but there are significant weaknesses.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement 963530.
3—Good: the proposal addresses the criterion well but with a number of shortcomings.
4—Very good: the proposal addresses the criterion very well but with a small number
of shortcomings.
5—Excellent: the proposal successfully addresses all relevant aspects of the criterion; any
shortcomings are minor.
The threshold for individual criterion is 3. The overall rating is the sum of the individual criterion scores
For the evaluation of pre-proposals, the three main evaluation criteria will apply but with fewer sub-
criteria (those indicated as “only for stage 2” will NOT be considered).
The overall threshold for pre-proposals will be 9.
The coordinators will receive the results of the pre-proposal assessment including the peer-review
reports and will be able to address the evaluators’ questions in the full-proposals.
For the evaluation of full proposals, the overall threshold for full-proposals, applying to the sum of the
three individual scores, will be 10. Proposals not meeting the thresholds will not be recommended for
funding by the IRP.
The final list of funded projects will be published on the LEAP-RE website.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement 963530.
agreements without a signed CA. Each Funding Organisation will indicate when they expect the CA
and how to submit it. A copy of the duly signed CA should be sent to the JCS and the Funding
Organisations if required by national/regional regulations (see Appendix IV).
The purpose of the CA is to ensure a well-functioning research collaboration and protection of
partners’ rights and obligations. Moreover, the CA should provide for a decision-making process to
deal with all relevant issues during the project lifetime. Models of CA are available (http://www.desca-
2020.eu/). Nevertheless, the consortium is free to define its own CA subject to applicable legal and
regulatory provisions. For guidance. The CA must address (as a minimum), the following points:
• Common start date and duration of the research project;
• Organisation and management of the project;
• Role, tasks, and responsibilities of each partner;
• The resources and funding;
• Confidentiality and publishing;
• Intellectual Property Rights (if applicable);
• How the ten principles of Socially Responsible Licensing will be addressed (if
• Decision making within the consortium;
• Handling of internal disputes;
• The liabilities of the research partners towards one another (including the handling
of default of contract)
The national/regional Funding Organisations shall have the right to use documents, information and
results submitted by the research partners and/or to use the information and results according to their
national/regional rules on IPR.
10.3 Monitoring and reporting procedures
Beneficiaries must ensure that all project publications etc. include a proper acknowledgement to
LEAP-RE co-funded by the Horizon2020 programme of the European Union, and the respective Funding
On behalf of the consortium, the coordinators of the funded projects will submit annual and final
reports in English to the JCS that contain information on scientific and administrative aspects. In
addition, each beneficiary in a selected funded project must report to their respective
national/regional Funding Organisation, according to their administrative funding rules. The
beneficiaries are instructed to immediately contact the coordinator, the Funding Organisations
involved and the JCS with any contingency that may arise.
This data base respects appropriate and secure use of material and data according to the application
of common standards, following the guidelines on data management in Horizon 2020. The collected
data will require a prior informed consent, will be protected and secured, in order to avoid a
malevolent use of it.
The mid-term scientific evaluation exercise of funded projects will be based on the annual project
reports and presentations made by the coordinators at the mid-term Seminar with the participation
of the CSC members and invited stakeholders. As a result, the CSC may propose the continuation, the
re-organisation or the suspension of the research project activities. Accordingly, travel expenses to
attend this Seminar and the final Seminar should be included in the proposal budget plans, if eligible
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement 963530.
for the Funding Organisations. The representative of the coordinator should also attend to the kick-off
The final scientific evaluation of funded projects will be organised under the LEAP-RE Final Conference
based on the final project reports and presentations made by the coordinators.
The final assessment of results will be made available on the LEAP-RE website and a wider
dissemination through other relevant means will be carried out.
The representative of the coordinator should attend a minimum of three meetings organised by LEAP-
RE (kick-off meeting, mid-term and final seminars). In addition, the beneficiaries are expected to
participate and contribute to any communication activity initiated by LEAP-RE in the funding period
and beyond.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement 963530.
APPENDIX I Areas for research
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement 963530.
APPENDIX II Technology Readiness Level (H2020 definition)
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement 963530.
APPENDIX III Definitions
Applicant: is a legal entity, represented by a Lead Researcher that forms a consortium at the stage
of proposal submission.
Beneficiary: is a legal entity, represented by a Lead Researcher, member of a consortium selected
for funding that receive financial support from the respective national/regional Funding Organisation.
Call: Refers to the LEAP-RE Joint Call 2022 opening on June, 2022.
Call Steering Committee (CSC): Comprises representatives of the Funding Organisations that have
committed national/regional funds to support the selected R&I projects. It supervises the whole Call
procedure and agrees on the final list of proposals recommended for funding. It supervises the
activities of the Joint Call Secretariat.
Consortium: Group of legal entities, each represented by a Lead Researcher, that are part of a
joint collaborative transnational R&I project proposal submitted to the Call or a project selected for
Coordinator: One partner of the consortium represented by a Lead Researcher, who will be
responsible for the internal scientific management of the project, intellectual property rights
management, project reporting towards the JCS and CSC and will represent the consortium externally.
Evaluation Criteria: criteria used by the expert members of the International Review Panel to
evaluate the projects and note them. Evaluation criteria are those of H2020 EC Programme.
Funding Organisations: are responsible for providing funding under relevant rules and regulations
to the beneficiaries from the respective country/region.
International Review Panel (IRP): Panel of internationally independent recognised scientific
experts responsible for the quality assessment of the submitted proposals. IRP members will not
submit or participate in proposals within this Call and must sign declarations of confidentiality and of
conflict of interest.
Joint Call Secretariat (JCS): Is responsible for the implementation of the Call and the follow-up
phase until the funded projects and all reporting requirements have ended. All submitted proposals
are collected by the JCS, which makes them available to the CSC and the reviewers of the
International Review Panel. The JCS handles the communication with the applicants, reviewers, CSC
and beneficiaries. ANR, MESRS, FFG and UEFISCDI are JCS members,
Key personnel: is a team member person of an applicant or a beneficiary.
Lead researcher: is the main responsible person of a legal entity and is the contact point with the
corresponding national/regional Funding Organisation and the JCS.
Partners: legal entities, each represented by a Lead Researcher within a department or institute
from universities, research organisations, companies etc., forming a consortium.
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APPENDIX IV National/regional funding regulations
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- Data bank (acquisition and subscribing).
- -Website design, production and maintenance.
- -Advertising and publication costs
- -Translation costs of scientific documents.
- -Car rent for research in the field.
- Costs of training and support of project holders.
- Costs of intellectual property:
▪ Anteriority research.
▪ Patent, brand and template deposit request.
▪ Software deposit.
▪ Protection of vegetable, animal obtentions and other.
▪ Costs of representatives.
- Costs of design and definition of the project to be developed.
- Incubation costs.
- Costs of valorization services.
- Costs of design and developping prototypes, mock-ups, test series,
pilot facilities and demonstrations.
NB: It should be noted that according to the provisions of the regulations in force,
other costs under the international projects are subject to a request for the
Maximum 50 000 € / project
amount of
b) Funding rates
Maximum funding percentages:
Basic research
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National eligibility criteria
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Eligible expenses :
Budget Premier Deuxième
demandé (DH) versement (DH) versement (DH)
Dépenses du personnel
Indemnités liées aux travaux de recherche et de prestation
de service (Bourses des doctorants, CDD, …)
Taxes postales et frais d’affranchissement
Taxes et redevances pour l’utilisation des lignes de réseaux
Taxes et redevances de télécommunications
Matériel, Mobilier de bureau et fournitures
Achat de fournitures de bureau, de papeterie et d’imprimés
Achat de fournitures informatiques
Achat de matériels informatiques
Achat de matériels scientifiques
Achat de matériels et mobilier de bureau
Achat de réactifs, kits et produits chimiques
Entretien et réparation
Entretien et réparation de matériels scientifiques et
Transport et Déplacement
Indemnités de déplacement à l’intérieur du Royaume
Indemnités Kilométriques
Frais de transport au Maroc et à l’étranger
Frais de transport des missionnaires et chercheurs étrangers
Frais de mission à l’étranger
Frais de séjour des missionnaires étrangers au Maroc
Autres Dépenses
Frais de documentation, d’impression et de publication
Achat de matières premières et de petit outillage
Frais de réalisation de maquettes et de prototype
Frais de démonstration et de publicité
Frais d’étude, d’analyse et de sous-traitance
Frais de participation aux séminaires
Frais d’organisation de séminaires
Frais de dépôt et de gestion des brevets, de licence et/ou de
droit auteur
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South Africa
Eligible entities South African higher education or research institutions such as a university
(especially historically disadvantaged institutions), university of technology
or science council. South Africa Private Sector companies and parastatal
companies in the field of renewable energy, Small Medium Enterprises
(SMEs) in the field of renewable energy. A multiinstitutional and
multisectoral approach is encouraged. Therefore, applicants are allowed to
collaborate with other partners such as NGOs, SMEs and other industry
players such as the private sector which are also eligible for funding.
In terms of South Africa’s transformation agenda, South African Principal
Investigators based at historically disadvantaged institutions will be
prioritised. Principal Investigator based at historically advantaged
institutions should include, as part of the research team, a research partner
from any of the historically disadvantaged institutions in South Africa.
Proposals submitted by an applicant based at a historically advantaged
institution without a research partner from a historically disadvantaged
institution will be ineligible (and will not be submitted for review).
Applicants based at historically disadvantaged institutions can function as
PIs and submit proposals without the involvement of and or partnering with
researchers based at historically advantaged institutions if they so wish.
Note that the following universities will be recognised as historically
1. University of Limpopo (UL),
2. University of Fort Hare (UFH),
3. University of Venda (Univen),
4. Walter Sisulu University (WSU),
5. University of the Western Cape (UWC),
6. University of Zululand (UniZulu),
7. Mangosuthu University of Technology (MUT),
8. Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University (SMU),
9. Cape Peninsular University of Technology (CPUT),
10. Durban University of Technology (DUT),
11. Tshwane University of Technology (TUT)
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Eligible topics MAR 2,3,4, 5 and 6 – all sub-topics but with a focus on TRLs 5 and 6
Additional eligibility criteria The following criteria will be used to review projects nationally:
▪ The South African applicant (i.e., the main Principal Investigator) must
be in possession of a PhD if representing an academic institution
however this is not applicable to a consortium led by a coordinator who
represents an SMME or private sector company.
▪ The involvement of a South African private sector company (including
SMEs) is required.
▪ The project proposal should explicitly demonstrate the project’s
capacity building model. This includes the involvement of young,
emerging and/or early-career researchers and a balanced involvement
of female and black researchers.
▪ South African researchers are not allowed to submit more than 1
Eligible costs The following costs will be permissible:
o Personnel costs
o Operational costs
o Investment costs
o Indirect costs (10% of personnel +operational costs)
o Subcontracting
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Maximum amount of The total amount requested from the DSI should be between R1 000 000 and
requested funding R1 800 000 per project. Funding will be made available for a maximum of
2years, to be paid in annual instalments and exclusively for research activities
commencing in 2023.
Projects that will exploit South Africa’s publicly funded Intellectual Property
(IP) and projects that aim to general IP that will be fully or partly registered in
South Africa will receive first preference.
Ethical Clearance
It is the responsibility of the grant holder, in conjunction with the institution,
to ensure that all research activities conducted in or outside South Africa
comply with the laws and regulations of South Africa and/or the foreign
country in which the research activities are conducted. These include all
human and animal subjects, copyright and intellectual property protection,
and other regulations or laws, as appropriate. A research ethics committee
must review and approve the ethical and academic rigor of all research prior
to the commencement of the research and acceptance of the grant. The
awarded amount will not be released for payment if a copy of the required
ethical clearance certificate, as indicated in the application, is not attached
to the Conditions of Grant. Please also refer to the
“Statement on Ethical Research and Scholarly Publishing Practices” on the
South African Journal of Science website at
b) Funding rates
Maximum funding percentages:
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b) Funding rates
Maximum funding percentages:
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Belgium/Fédération Wallonie – Bruxelles
Eligible topics The F.R.S.-FNRS will only finance basic (fundamental) research
performed in MAR’s 1, 2, 3 and 4
Eligible type of research and Please note that the F.R.S.-FNRS only funds Basic research (low
TRL Technology Readiness Level) carried out in a research institution from
the “Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles”. The F.R.S.-FNRS will not fund
industrial partners or any activity related to the private sector.
Nevertheless, partners funded by the F.R.S.-FNRS can be in a
consortium where there are also partners from the private sector.-
Additional eligibility criteria Applicants to F.R.S.-FNRS funding must provide basic administrative data by
submitting an administrative application on E-SPACE within 5 working days
after the general deadline of the LEAP RE call to be eligible. Please select
the “PINT-MULTI” funding instrument when creating the administrative
application. Proposals invited to the second stage will be able to complete
the pre-proposal form and provide information for the full proposal upon
validation by the F.R.S.-FNRS.
Eligible costs All eligibility rules and criteria can be found in the PINT-MULTI regulations.
This call is co-funded by the European Commission (see article III.6).
“Overhead” is not an eligible cost. If the project is selected for funding, these
costs will be subject to a separate agreement between the institution of the
beneficiary and the F.R.S.-FNRS.
Maximum amount of The maximum amount of requested funding per project is 120.000 EUR for
requested funding a total period of two years.
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b) Funding rates
Maximum funding percentages:
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a) National eligibility criteria
National Contact Marie-Laure Tarot
Point Chargée de mission scientifique ANR
Tel : +33 (0) 1 80 48 83 74
E-mail: marie-laure.tarot@anr.fr
Eligible entities -French* entities as following, are eligible:
- French Public research organization,
- French commercial companies,
- NGO and French private entities (except French commercial companies)
only if they collaborate with a French public research organization
-Ineligible: territorial collectivities
*Whose real registered office is in France
Eligible topics Projects concerning the following MARs:
MAR 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6: all sub-topics
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b) Funding rates
Maximum funding percentages:
Please note that the above information are summarized and translated from official relevant
documents and regulations (“Modalités de participation pour les partenaires sollicitant une aide de
l’ANR” and the ANR Funding regulations). In case of inconsistencies, the terms of the latter shall prevail.
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Eligible type of research and Types of research: basic research and applied research
TRL TRL: 2 to 6
Additional eligibility criteria 7. Energieforschungsprogramm der Bundesregierung (7. EFP)
The regulations of the BMBF Call within the 7.EFP apply:
Bekanntmachung zur Förderung
The FZJ-PtJ is committed to avoid double funding. We take into account all
projects (finished and running) funded by German Ministries.
The German partners of the emerging consortia are required to obtain
information from the funding institution in advance.
Professional Focus:
- Multilateral joint projects between African, European and German
research institutions and companies to develop successful business
cases for energy supply services as well as (where applicable) green
hydrogen value chains.
Eligible costs o Personnel costs
o Operational costs
o Investment costs
o Indirect costs (10% of personnel +operational costs)
o Subcontracting
o Travel costs
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Maximum amount of Maximum of 300.000 € per German consortium.
requested funding (Included within the funding amount is an overhead of 20% for universities
and overhead costs for small and medium-sized enterprises of up to 100%
on the personnel costs. The German participants need to include these
overheads into their proposed budget.)
Additional information Additional Information for applicants:
o With regard to the emerging consortia, we strongly welcome the
involvement of partners from sub-Saharan Africa.
o Please refer to this website for further details on the application process.
This information is provided in German.
Leap-re-long term Europe Africa partnership on renewable energy
o For the preparation of the full proposals, please refer to this website. This
information is provided in German.
Formularschrank für Fördervordrucke des Bundes
b) Funding rates
Maximum funding percentages:
Type of research Large Enterprises Medium Small Enterprises Academia,
Enterprises associations
activities, public
authorities *
Fundamental No No No No
Basic research 50 60 70 100
Industrial/Applied 50 60 70 100
Experimental No No No No
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Rachele Nocera
E‐mail: Rachele.Nocera@mur.gov.it
Contact Point Aldo Covello
E‐mail: Aldo.Covello@mur.gov.it
Tel: +39 06 9772 7705
The following entities are eligible, providing that they have stable
organization in Italy: enterprises including foundations and non-economic
entities, universities, research institutions, research organizations in
accordance with EU Reg. n. 651/2014 of the European Commission - June 17,
Specifications :
The participant must be registers into the “Anagrafe Nazionale delle Ricerche”.
The participant must not be defaulting with regard to other funding received by
the Ministry.
The participant must not have requested/got any other funding for the same
The participant must respect the Italian law "D.Lgs. n 159 del 6/09/2011 e
successive modificazioni ed integrazioni".
The participant must not be subject to bankruptcy proceedings as of art. 5,
comma 4, letter b) of DM 1314/2021 or must not be a company in difficulty
according to the definition under number 18) of article 2 "Definitions" of
Regulation (EU) no. 651/2014.
Eligible entities The participant must be in compliance with the obligations laid down in the
contributory and social security regulations (DURC).
The judicial and pending records of the legal representative of the participant are
For any private entity, the following financial criteria, calculated using the data
reported in the last approved balance sheet, must be fulfilled:
a. CN > (CP – I)/2
CN = net assets (Capitale netto)
CP = sum of the costs of all the projects for which public funding has been
requested by the participant during the year
I = sum of the contributions received, approved or requested for the same
b. OF/F < 8%
OF = financial charges (Oneri finanziari)
F = turnover (Fatturato)
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# 1: Assessment of Renewable Energy Sources and integration of RES in sustainable
energy scenarios
# 2: End‐of‐life and second‐life management and environmental impact of RE
Eligible topics # 3: Smart stand‐alone systems
# 4: Smart grid (different scales) for off grid application
# 5: Processes and appliances for productive uses (agriculture and industry)
# 6: Innovative solutions for priority domestic uses (clean cooking and cold chain)
Type of research:
All R&D activities classifiable as Basic research, Industrial research and
Experimental development are eligible for funding.
Eligible type of However, Basic Research and Industrial research activities must be
research and TRL predominant with respect to Experimental development activities (in terms
of budget share).
TRL can range from 2 to 7
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All costs incurred during the lifetime of the project under the following categories
are eligible:
• Personnel,
• Equipment
• Consulting and equivalent services
Eligible costs
• Consumables
• Indirect Costs/Overheads (“Spese generali”): shall be calculated as a
percentage of the personnel costs and shall not be higher than 50% of
them. Travel expenses, dissemination and coordination costs are to be
included in the overheads
Maximum amount of Within a single project proposal, the maximum contribution to the Italian partners
requested funding can be up to 200 k€
On request of applicants a pre-payment may be done immediately after the
signature of the national Grant agreement, equal to 50% of the total contribution.
Halfway through the project, on request of the beneficiaries, a second pre-
payment may be done up to 40% of the total contribution, depending on the
Additional information
achievement of the deliverables and milestones planned for the first half of the
The remaining part of the contribution will be paid at the end of the project.
For those beneficiaries who does not request the pre-payments, the contribute
will be paid in instalments after each reporting period.
b) Funding rates
Maximum funding percentages:
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Eligible type of research and UEFISCDI will fund research projects implemented by research
TRL organisations and/or SMEs, according to the European State Aid legislation
and the national requirements: Information package Suprogram 3.2 Horizon
Additional eligibility criteria For the Romanian partners, more information about the eligibility
criteria is available at: Information package Suprogram 3.2 Horizon 2020
Maximum amount of 200.000 EUR maximum total budget for a Romanian consortium
requested funding participating as partners in a transnational project;
250.000 EUR maximum total budget for a Romanian consortium
participating as a coordinator of a transnational project.
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b) Funding rates
b) Maximum funding percentages:
Basic research
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Funding regulation for African partners from non-participating countries
Organization Name : LGI Sustainable Innovation
a) Eligibility criteria
Contact Point Name: Léonard Lévêque
E‐mail: leonard.leveque@lgi.earth
Tel: +33(0)622982764
Eligible entities • African public research organizations
• African Universities
• African research institutes
Eligible topics MARS Numbers : MAR 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
# 1: Assessment of Renewable Energy Sources and integration of RES in
sustainable energy scenarios
# 2: End‐of‐life and second‐life management and environmental impact of
RE components
# 3: Smart stand‐alone systems
# 4: Smart grid (different scales) for off grid application
# 5: Processes and appliances for productive uses (agriculture and industry)
# 6: Innovative solutions for priority domestic uses (clean cooking and cold
Eligible type of research and Type of research (fundamental, basic research, applied research)
TRL TRL- 2 to 6
Additional eligibility criteria Each organisation will be required to complete the full due diligence
process requested by LGI Sustainable Innovation
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