T2.202.how Habitat Heterogeneity Affects Pollinators Communities in Cocoa Based Agroforestry Systems
T2.202.how Habitat Heterogeneity Affects Pollinators Communities in Cocoa Based Agroforestry Systems
T2.202.how Habitat Heterogeneity Affects Pollinators Communities in Cocoa Based Agroforestry Systems
Title: How habitat heterogeneity affects pollinator’s communities in cocoa-based agroforestry systems?
CIRAD, Lima, Peru.
CIRAD, Montpellier, France.
CIRAD, Turrialba, Costa Rica.
Abstract: In the humid tropics, a significant amount of the agricultural landscape where cocoa (Theobroma
cacao) is grown is managed as agroforestry systems. As pressure to intensify cocoa production is
increasing, the current worldwide trend for the intensification of cocoa production aims at significant
reductions of the shade canopy. However, this trend implies losing the potential to produce valuable
ecosystem services. Among those services, pollination is a limiting factor of cocoa production that has been
investigated in the 70’s and 80’s essentially by trapping methods. The genus Forcypomia sp. is
acknowledged to be the main insect responsible for cocoa pollination, when other insects such as ants and
Trips sp. would play a secondary role. Regulation and habitat provision for cocoa pollinating insect
communities are poorly documented in the literature. Most pollinating species are known from trapping
methods in the immediate surroundings of the tiny cocoa flowers and no study has succeeded so far in
observing and describing the insects actually visiting the inside of the cocoa flowers. In this investigation,
we characterized habitats for pollinating insects at plot scale, in a 1.5 ha cocoa-based agroforestry system
located in the Peruvian Amazon. Local climate, topography, leaf litter’s biomass, composition and water
content, cocoa trees and associated plant diversity and structure, were described, as well as farmer’s
practices. Based on habitats characterization, we compared the pollinating insects’ communities of two
contrasted habitats within the same plot. We used a digital video recording system that allowed us to
monitor and record all insects visiting cocoa from 6:30 am to 05:30 pm during the main flowering season.
Each habitat was sampled in 2 or 3 different locations when possible and 20 to 30 flowers were monitored
in each repetition, resulting in a total amount of 180 monitored flowers. Our results showed that the diversity
and the frequency of insects visiting cocoa flowers are influenced by habitat quality. The heterogeneity of
habitat often found in cocoa-based agroforestry system is mostly due to farmer’s practices relying on
opportunistic shade management. Pollinating insects’ communities do not always rely specifically on the
Forcypomia genus but rather depend on habitat quality. These results open good perspectives for the
ecological intensification of cocoa production in Agroforestry Systems.
During the past two centuries, the impact of human activities on landscapes and biodiversity at global scale
has considerably increased (DeFries et al., 2004). More food production is needed to feed the growing
human population, and terrestrial natural habitats are being massively converted into agro-ecosystems
(August et al., 2002; Forman, 1995; Sala et al., 2000; Laurance, 1999). In tropical areas, perennial crops
such as oil palm, tea, rubber, coffee and cocoa represent a significant amount of the cultivated land
(Neufeldt et al., 2012), especially at the forest margin of the Amazon (Laurance et al., 2001). Some of these
crops may have strong negative impacts on ecosystem services, affecting local biodiversity, soils and
waters. Others, such as cocoa-based agroforestry systems in the humid tropics, have more limited impacts
and provide interesting synergies between socio-economic and environmental challenges. (Schroth et al.,
2004 ; Vandermeer et al., 1998). These cropping systems, where the main crop is associated with a number
of other cultivated plants on the same plot, often offer higher plant biodiversity levels and improved
ecosystem services than in mono-cropping systems (Deheuvels et al., 2014, 2012; Malézieux et al., 2009;
Chen et al., 1999). In particular, the presence of different strata, among the cultivated plant species, creates
micro-climate conditions that can be favorable for wild plant and animal species (Martin-Chave et al., 2016;
Burgess, 1999). Because they provide a wide variety of habitats and food, agroforestry systems are known
to be of importance for the populations of pollinating animals (Varah et al., 2013; Jha and Vandermeer,
2010; Klein et al., 2007). Most of the area (95%) where cocoa is grown is cultivated by small farmers (Rice
and Greenberg, 2000) on farms smaller than 10 hectares (Nolte, 2014; MINAGRI, 2003) with low
investment capacity, family workforce and low risk strategies often including agroforestry. There, the
design of the cocoa plantation is rarely conventional and both the cocoa trees and the associated plants often
present a heterogeneous distribution on the cocoa plot (Gidoin et al., 2014; Matey et al., 2013; Ngo Bieng
et al., 2013; Deheuvels et al., 2012). Since before the early 70’s, the cocoa tree was known to be a species
pollinated by insects (Glendinning, 1972), with only 5% of its flowers receiving enough pollen to get
fecundated. A number of insects families are hold responsible for the pollination of the cocoa tree, such as
Cecidomyiidae (Garibaldi et al., 2011), Ceratopogonidae (Young, 1982; Winder, 1978), but also ants,
mealybugs, Thrips and Cicadella (Orwa et al., 2009). Following Frimpong et al. (2011) and Young (1982),
we make the hypothesis that the heterogeneity of plant distribution in cocoa-based agroforestry systems
reflects farmer’s practices
2017 International Symposium on Cocoa Research (ISCR), Lima, Peru, 13-17 November 2017
and has an influence on the composition and abundance of cocoa-pollinating insects at the micro-habitat
level. In the Peruvian Amazon, we studied micro-habitats at plot level in one single cocoa-based
agroforestry system, including topography, plant composition and structure, and local climate. We then
monitored and compared pollinating insect populations in two major micro-habitats during the dry season.
In this communication we present very preliminary results of our study to be published in 2018.
Preliminary results
The Figure 1 presents the results of the cluster analysis and the repartition of micro-habitats 1 and 2 within
the cocoa plot. A transition area between the two habitats is clearly visible.
Figure 1. Cluster analysis and its translation on the geo-referenced grid and on each 100 m² sampling unit
of the cocoa-based agroforestry plantation.
2017 International Symposium on Cocoa Research (ISCR), Lima, Peru, 13-17 November 2017
Among the 55 variables tested, these two micro-habitat significantly differed according to 12 variables
described in Table 1.
Habitat descriptor Variable df P
Slope inclination and orientation (*) 106,6 2 < 0,001
Topography inside the
Relative elevation coefficient (*) 84,7 8 < 0,001
Micro topography (*) 56,9 1 < 0,001
Soil cover including % of opened pods on the ground 7,6 1 0,006
dead biomass and % of leaf litter on the ground 12,0 1 0,001
vegetation under the
% of medium sized herbaceous plants 16,0 1 < 0,001
cocoa trees
Associated plants % of service plants 8,2 1 0,004
% of shade trees with spherical shaped canopy 8,7 1 0,003
% of shade trees with inverted pyramid shaped
9,5 1 0,002
Shade plant structure
% of short plants [0 - 0,65 m] in total height 9,1 1 0,003
% of plants with short trunk [0 - 0,50 m] 13,2 1 < 0,001
% of plants with high dbh [0.67 – 4.71 m] 8,6 1 0,003
Table 1. Variable showing significant differences between Habitat 1 and Habitat 2, based on the X²-test
for qualitative variables (*) and the Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared test for other variables.
Figure 2 presents the insect orders observed in the two micro-habitats and show that in both cases
hymenoptera (mostly ants) represent more than 92% of the visiting insects.
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