Reverse Engineering and CAE: Masashi ENDO
Reverse Engineering and CAE: Masashi ENDO
Reverse Engineering and CAE: Masashi ENDO
Masashi ENDO∗∗
Existing CAE is based on CAD data and is mainly applied to design and development.
Product-based CAE to acquire data from actual products and implement CAE based on the
derived data is being actively studied now. The present paper describes the important points
in using reverse engineering that acquires data using noncontact 3D measuring instruments
and generates CAD and CAE models based on the derived data. The present paper further-
more introduces the uniquely developed automatic surfacing tool, Clay Galaxy, for use in
reverse engineering. The effectiveness of reverse engineering and Product-based CAE is also
Key Words: Reverse Engineering, CAE, CAD, Automatic Surfacing, STL, FEM, Noncon-
tact 3D Shape Measuring Systems
of rapid prototyping technologies, prototypes of parts, if mately 0.1 mm or above. Furthermore, it is less expensive
products are not yet possible, are produced without nec- than other systems. The CCD camera measuring method
essarily manufacturing dies once 3D CAD is completed. is described in the rest of this paper.
Product-based CAE is basically different from the exist- 3. 2. 2 Cleaning and degreasing The cleaning
ing CAD-based CAE which generates CAE meshes af- and degreasing process is indispensable in measurement
ter generating CAD. The usefulness of CAE will be fur- with CCD cameras. Dust, dirt, chips, grease and other oils
ther enhanced by developing and applying Product-based and fats must be fully removed to achieve high-precision
CAE typically represented by reverse engineering. The measurement. These impurities, if present, will also be
Product-based CAE backed by reverse engineering creates measured and reflected in the point group data. Halation
highly accurate 3D data and promises effective utilization occurs easily to decrease accuracy.
of CAE in the development and design activity. Product- 3. 2. 3 Marking Reference points of an identical
based CAE technology will become a future technology shape are pasted to the target subjects after cleaning. The
indispensable to all manufacturers. shooting range with one shot of the measuring instrument
The data derived from reserve engineering are, like is fixed according to the conditions so that the subject to
those derived from CAE, effectively used in the inspec- be measured is adjusted in position and direction and shots
tion and quality control activity. The data are used, for are synthesized to generate the shape. The measured point
example, for checking differences between design and fin- group data are synthesized relative to the reference points.
ished products in terms of radius shape, plate thickness, When the target subject is relatively small and complex,
the amount of springback after pressing, etc. The impor- some contrivance is necessary such as fixing the subject
tant points for using reverse engineering are (1) selection on an auxiliary subject that serves as the reference and
of a measurement method according to purpose, (2) ac- pasting the reference points to the auxiliary subject.
quisition of accurate measurement data using adequate fil- 3. 2. 4 Prevention of halation Halation is a
ters, (3) efficient surfacing and concrete techniques, and blurred bright patch around a highly illuminated area.
(4) generation of data on shape and analysis models ac- Spraying of fine powder medicines, if possible, is recom-
cording to purpose (Fig. 6). mended for the prevention of halation caused by a projec-
3. 1 Selection of measurement method according to tor’s light at the time of measurement. Prevention of hala-
purpose tion enhances measurement accuracy and enables the user
3. 1. 1 Purpose of measurement The measured to acquire effective data from the widest possible single-
point groups and STL data are used in two ways: (1) ana- shot measurement range. Prevention of halation is par-
lyze own and other products (design) and (2) confirm ac- ticularly important when measuring subjects with glossy
curacy of own products (inspection). Design purpose is surfaces or materials through which the projector light will
further divided into (1) create a 3D mockup to shorten penetrate. Spraying of fine powder medicines is also effec-
the development period and (2) when own products in- tive for other materials because they keep the irradiating
clude some purchased parts, for which 3D data are not light uniform at all times and enhance the work efficiency.
available, use as CAD data to implement analysis. Inspec- 3. 2. 5 Calibration Calibration is used to set nu-
tion purpose is further broken down into (1) inspect plate merical standards for measuring instruments and the sub-
thickness in the pressing process, (2) check the amount of ject to be measured. Detailed procedures of calibration
springback and (3) check the level of shrinkage and warp differ with the measuring instrument. Generally, the sub-
in the plastic forming process. ject that serves as the reference is measured and a numer-
3. 2 Data acquisition ical standard is set. Calibration is indispensable for estab-
3. 2. 1 Measurement method Noncontact 3D lishing the standard for measurement data and stabilizing
shape measuring systems include a pattern projection accuracy.
system using CCD cameras, a CT scanner system and 3. 2. 6 Measurement The shooting range with a
an FM laser system. The CT scanner type features a single shot of the measuring instrument is fixed so that
short measurement time but introduction cost is high and to measure the target subject in its entirety the subject
many restrictions apply to the installation location. The is moved and/or gradually rotated to continue measure-
laser type is more popular but the introduction cost is still ment until the entire shape is represented. Each shot in-
higher than the CCD camera type. The laser type has the cludes at least three reference points that are included in
highest freedom for the size of the target subject. the preceding shot. The method of synthesis varies with
Means of measurement must be carefully selected to the measuring instrument. Generally, the shots are succes-
match the purpose and the subjects to be measured be- sively synthesized with the help of the minimum three ref-
cause the accuracy of point group data varies with the sys- erence points that are shared among the shots. When the
tem. Measurement by CCD cameras is generally accurate. target subject is large or long, some suitable contrivance
The CCD camera system features an accuracy of approxi- should be used to assure accuracy such as by simultane-
ously measuring a standard piece. When using a measure- 3. 4 Preparation of analysis model according to
ment method having directivity such as a CCD camera, purpose
undercuts, deep holes or bag-like shapes are difficult or For an analysis model assuming reverse engineering,
impossible to measure. In these cases, the part is disas- a full investigation including surfacing is necessary con-
sembled, or the shape of the deep hole is copied using sidering the purpose and computing technique. The shape
resins or other suitable auxiliary materials to measure the of a target subject, whether it be a single mold or a welded
inverted shape. Then the entire shape may be restored by assembly, can be perfectly reproduced but material prop-
joining the shape data thus derived with the original data. erties and mechanical structure are not reflected. It is im-
Importantly, the auxiliary materials to be used should be portant to check to which extent the mechanical structure
carefully selected by checking the material properties. and weld zones are reflected in the analysis model. It is
3. 2. 7 Output of point group data The derived also important to set adequate boundary and loading con-
data are preferably output after being converted into a data ditions taking material properties into consideration.
format suitable for the succeeding stage using an appropri-
4. Clay Galaxy — Surfacing Tool for Reverse Engi-
ate processor. Currently, however, the majority of avail-
able tools are satisfactory for data format containing only
point group data (x, y and z coordinate values) and STL Many manufacturers focus on digital mockups that
(triangular data) so that these data formats must be con- produce virtual products in an attempt to improve qual-
verted or processed as required. Measurement data cap- ity, shorten the production period, and cut costs. CAD
tured by CCD cameras contain fewer variations from the systems are sequentially switched to solid-base systems.
actual shape than other systems and no high-level filtering The current high-end CAD system requires representation
is required. Naturally, apparently improper data must be of a very accurate 3D space and does not assume use of
removed. the derived data in reverse engineering. Furthermore, the
3. 3 Efficient surfacing shape is generated by complex mathematical procedures,
3. 3. 1 Compression of point group data Data resulting in a tremendous amount of data being consumed.
obtained by CCD cameras are point groups consisting of A new surfacing tool is therefore required that uses CCD
synthesized shots. The data size can be enormous. A cameras, CT scanners, FM lasers or other noncontact 3D
small dataset contains several tens of megabytes and a measuring instruments to measure point group data and
large dataset easily exceeds 1 GB. Large datasets by far convert them into STL data with triangular patches. In the
exceed the memory area of a working machine. Pretreat- new tool, noise caused by overlapping measuring ranges is
ment is necessary such as compression or thinning using removed, and missing data caused by measuring errors are
software programs or various general-purpose tools. Sev- adequately complemented. We have independently devel-
eral types of compression procedures should be available oped the surfacing tool for reverse engineering called Clay
for selection according to the purpose of use (emphasis on Galaxy. The features of the new tool are described below.
accuracy, uniform array of point groups, etc.). 4. 1 Lightweight point group data
3. 3. 2 Definition of surfacing standard Defini- Not all of the several thousand to several million point
tion of preparation standards for surfacing is important to group data that are measured are necessary for surfacing.
enhance work efficiency and accuracy. Preparation accu- Omission is necessary to enhance work efficiency. The
racy is a function of what the prepared surface data are new tool provides several kinds of data compression pro-
used for. When the data are used, for example, in the cedures including designation of the rate of reduction, des-
design department to check design, surfacing should be ignation of the curvature maintenance rate and retention of
carefully performed especially for feature lines and sur- edge length.
face continuity. At least C1 continuity is required. When 4. 2 Editing point group data and STL data
analysis is the main purpose, finish with a high accuracy The point group data measured by a noncontact 3D
of about, say, 0.1 mm is required depending on the type of measuring instrument do not necessarily cover the re-
analysis, the part to be evaluated and the size of the tar- quired parts completely (e.g. start and stop points and
get subject. In other cases, non-evaluated areas may be the center point of a curve or a surface). The new tool
finished in a simplified form. Generally, an exact model is provided with a function to correct omissions using
is required in analyses where plastic stress and strain are point group data around the omission while maintaining
to be studied in particular. In contrast, accuracy is not so the original data quality.
important in an overall rigidity analysis. In any case, work 4. 3 Generation and edition of line and surface
efficiency can be improved if surfacing standards suitable data
for the purpose of work are set before starting operation. Lines and surfaces are generated using the point
group data. Some functions provided are the same as those
of the high-end CAD. Projection onto point group data is
Generated CAD surface and STL are checked on the contour diagram
Fig. 7 Display of tolerance between STL and CAD, and contour