06 GMGT 2070 - Job Attitudes

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GMGT 2070 Class 06:

Job Attitudes
Wei Wang, Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Quick Check-In

 Team contract due by Sep 26 10pm & team assignments will be available this
evening or tomorrow morning
 SDP Steps 1 & 2 Due by Sep 28 10pm

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Irene Alabi, Teaching Assistant & Grader (Section A01)
Email: [email protected]
(Note: please include 2070 in the subject line to get timely responses. Thanks!)

P.S: I can’t wait to help everyone be the best they can in this

Aritzia Fanatic: I love watching Kdramas, crocheting, shopping –especially at Aritzia
and volunteering at the Office of Sustainability. One of my goals is to crochet a
Seasonal Traveller: Before I moved to Winnipeg in 2021, I lived in Lagos, Nigeria,
however, I spent all my summer and christmas breaks touring Europe, Asia and North
America. I loved being in different environments and learning new things
Fun Fact: I loved dogs till I got chased down my street by one.
Darbara Kaushal (Section A04)

‘The Hand’ of Professor Wang

(aka Teaching Assistant)

Email: [email protected]

More about me!

• 2nd Year Student at Asper School

• Majoring in Actuarial Math 😎

• I once wrote a 50-page thesis on psychological benefits

of watching Star Wars in middle of the class (it got
rejected by the World Science Association for some

• Excited to make this course a ‘grade’ A experience with

you all!
Tejal Chaytoo, Grader/Marker (Section A05)
Email: [email protected]

Feel free to reach out for help with any course related question that you

This is my second year at Asper and am an aspiring

Finance major.

Foodie- I enjoy trying out different cuisines and

cannot say no to desserts.
Fun Fact: I tend to laugh a lot in serious situations.

P.S: Sometimes you forget you’re awesome, so this is

your reminder.

Hoping you all have a great semester ahead.

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By the end of class, you should know…

 Organizational Commitment
 Employee Engagement
 Perceived Organizational Support
 Job Satisfaction
Attitudes versus Emotions

Attitudes Emotions

 Judgments about an  Experiences related to

attitude object an
 Involve conscious logical attitude object
reasoning  Exist as events,
 More stable over time usually nonconsciously
 Experienced briefly
Emotions, Attitudes, and Behaviour Model

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What is Job Attitude?

 Positive and negative evaluations employees hold about their work


 Typical job attitudes include:

• Organizational commitment
• Employee Engagement
• Perceived Organizational Support
• Job Satisfaction

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Organizational Commitment

 The extent to which an employee identifies with an

organization and is committed to its goals.
 And it leads to
• Greater employee retention
• Greater motivation in pursuit of organizational goals
Organizational Commitment
Affective Commitment
 Emotional attachment to, identification with, and involvement in an organization
 Lower turnover, higher motivation, more OCBs
 Risks of very high affective commitment -- conformity, protecting the company unethically
Continuance Commitment
 Calculative attachment: Employees stays because (a) no choice (alternative), or (b) too costly to quit
 Lower turnover, performance, org citizenship, cooperation
Normative Commitment
 Commits to and remain with an organization because of feelings of obligation
 Organizations that value loyalty and reward loyalty & visible examples of the employer being
committed to employee well-being
 Higher job satisfaction, lower turnover
How to Increase Employee Commitment:
 Hire those whose personal values most align with those of the
 Guard against managerial breaches of psychological contracts
 Build the level of trust
What Is Job Engagement?
Job Engagement: The extent to which employees give it their all to
their work roles.

And includes the feeling of:

 Urgency
 Being focused
 Intensity
 Enthusiasm
What Contributes to Job Engagement?

A mix of:
 Organizational Level Factors (i.e., career opportunities,
 Person Factors (i.e., optimistic personalities)
 Environmental Characteristics (i.e., Stressors, Job
Benefits of Job Engagement
Increases in Employee Engagement have been linked to:

 Increased Customer Loyalty and Satisfaction

 Increased Employee Performance

 Increased Employee Well-being

 Greater Financial Performance

Perceived Organizational Support

It is the extent to which employees believe that the organization:

 Values their contributions
 Genuinely cares about their well-being
Perceived Organizational Support (POS)

High levels of POS is associated with:

 Increased organizational commitment
 Job satisfaction
 Organizational citizenship behavior
 Task performance
 Lower turnover
Job Satisfaction Is…

An affective or emotional response toward various facets of one’s job.

In other words, it is the extent to which

an individual likes his or her job
Discussion Questions (5 mins):

 What are the factors may contribute to job satisfaction?

 What makes you happy at work?

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Models of Job Satisfaction
Model How Management Can Boost Job Satisfaction
Need fulfillment Understand and meet employees’ needs.

Met expectations Meet expectations of employees about what they will receive from

Value attainment Structure the job and its rewards to match employee values.

Equity Monitor employee’ perceptions of fairness and interact with them so

they feel fairly treated.

Disposition and/or genetic Hire employees with an appropriate disposition.

Average Job Satisfaction Levels by Facets

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Responses to Job Dissatisfaction

Job Dissatisfaction Video

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EVLN: Responses to Job Dissatisfaction

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Attitudes About Ourselves

Psychological Empowerment: Employees’ belief in the degree to which they affect their work
environment, their competence, the meaningfulness of their job, and their perceived autonomy in
their work.

Core-Self Evaluation (CSE): Conclusions individuals have about their capabilities,

competence, and worth as a person (Judge, Erez, Bono, & Thoresen, 2003).

 Self-esteem, Self-Efficacy, Neuroticism, Locus of control

 Positive CSE: See yourself as effective and in control of environment
 Set ambitious goals; Committed to goals; Persistence
 Better customer service; More popular; Ascend rapidly
 Negative CSE: Dislike yourself, question your capabilities, view yourself as powerless

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 Positive and negative evaluations employees hold about their work

• Organizational commitment: Identification with organization and goals;
wishes to maintain membership
• Perceived organizational support: Belief that an organization values
individual contributions and cares about well-being
• Employee engagement: Involvement, satisfaction, and enthusiasm for the
• Job (dis)satisfaction: An affective or emotional response toward various
facets of one’s job.

• Components of Job attitudes: Affective, cognitive, and behavioral

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 Listen to the Adam Grant Podcast & TED Talk

 Team assignments will be available after 11pm today and please sit with
your teammates for next class
 Briefly reflect on this class and return your name tag to the front. Thank

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It is a Wrap …

See you on Thursday…

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