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‫الطريق إلى عضوية المعهد الملكي للمساحين القانونيين‬



Dr. Moustafa I. Abu Dief, Ph.D, MRICS, CFCC™

MRICS Over view By Dr. Moustafa Ismail

Guidance: Why and How to become an (MRICS)

Pathways to:
Membership of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.

How to become an (MRICS)

Dr. Moustafa I. Abu Dief, Ph.D, MRICS, CFCC

MRICS Over view By Dr. Moustafa Ismail
The Worthy Journey





MRICS Over view By Dr. Moustafa Ismail


Are You a chartered professional?

Recruiters are Hiring:

Contract Manager/Contract Eng./Contract Admin/Senior Chartered
Qs/ Commercial Manager/procurement Manager/Supply Chain
Manager/PM/CM./Project Eng./ Discipline Eng./Cost Manager/Cost
Eng./Cost controller/Cost Estimator/ Construction lawyer/ claims

MRICS Over view By Dr. Moustafa Ismail


Moustafa I. Abu Dief, FCIOB, MRICS, CFCC™, , FCInst.CES, PMP®, CCP, PMI-RMP.

Contact details

[email protected]



00966508297971- 00966560074207 KSA


MRICS Over view By Dr. Moustafa Ismail




1. Zero Failed Project %

2. Continuous Business Relationship
Dr. Moustafa Ismail, MRICS, CFCC, FCIOB, FCInstCES:

• Associate Prof. ABMS University- Switzerland

• Fellow, Chartered Institute Of Building, UK. (FCIOB)

• Consultant engineer, Saudi Council of Engineers

Profile • Fellow, Institute of Civil Engineers Surveyors, (FCInstCES).

• Certified Arbitrator, Egypt, Kuwait, Bahrain, and KSA

• Fellow and A Prof. Justice Academy for Legal and economics studies, 2017

• Risk Management Professional, and PMP®, 2006, MCI.Arb, MRICS, PMOC

• QMS/ Qa Management IRCA Certification.

• CCP - Certified Cost Consultant AACEI, US.

• Contracts/commercial Director, ZAMIL, Ital consult, Parsons, DAR , AECOM.


‫دكتورمهندس مصطفى إسماعيل أبوضيف ‪MRICS‬‬

‫• عضو مجمع المحكمين البريطانيين‪ -.‬ماجستير القانون الخاص‬
‫• محكم معتمد بالهيئة السعودية للمهندسين ومستشار هندسى( عضوية ‪ 27‬سنة)‬
‫أستاذ مساعد بالجامعة السويسرية (العقود وإدارة المشروعات)‪.‬‬ ‫•‬
‫• ممتحن معتمد لشهادات دولية التكاليف والمطالبات وعضوية منظمات اإلعتماد الدولى‬
‫• ماجستير ودكتوراه جامعة اإلزهر (العقود والمطالبات)‪.‬‬
‫• ماجستير القانون الخاص‬
‫• زميل المعهد البريطانى للبناء– ‪FCIOB‬‬
‫• زميل المعهد البريطانى للمهندسين المساحيين ‪FInstCES‬‬
‫• حاصل على اإلعتماد المهنى ‪ CFCC™- AACE- USA‬لمطالبات العقود‪.‬‬
‫• مهندس معتمد ®‪PMOC , SSGB, and PMP® - PMI-RMP® - CCP‬‬
‫• مراجع معتمد عقود ومشروعات ‪(L-Auditor) IRCA-UK Certification‬‬
‫• أستاذ العقود والتحكيم يأكاديمية العدالة ‪-‬‬
‫• محاضر بيم أرابيا‬
‫• مهندس مدنى‪ -‬إنشاءات – هـندسة عين شمس ‪1988‬‬
‫• ‪Comercial/Claims director: Zamil, Ital consult, DAR, Parsons,‬‬
‫‪MRICS Over view By Dr. Moustafa Ismail‬‬

Moustafa I. Abu Dief, FCIOB, MRICS, CFCC™, , FCInst.CES, PMP®, CCP, PMI-RMP.

Contact details

[email protected]



00966508297971- 00966560074207 KSA


MRICS Over view By Dr. Moustafa Ismail


Moustafa I. Abu Dief, FCIOB, MRICS, CFCC™, , FCInst.CES, PMP®, CCP, PMI-RMP.

/ ‫ رمضان رقم‬11 ‫ إيريل‬2‫مالحظات عن محاضرة اليوم‬
‫مالحظاتى‬ ‫املوضوع‬ ‫م‬
Contract Manager/Contract Eng./Contract ‫مالحظاتي أثناء‬
Admin/Senior Chartered Qs/ Commercial ‫الوظائف املناسبة‬ ‫حضوراملحاضرة‬
Manager/procurement Manager/Supply Chain ‫للمساحين‬ 1 ‫عام‬
Manager/PM/CM./Cost Manager/Cost ‫القانونيين‬
Eng./Cost controller ........ ‫مدينة‬
!!!!!‫كانت أيام‬

MRICS Over view By Dr. Moustafa Ismail

RICS Overview
[ A s a g l o b a l l y r e c o g n i s e d p r o f e s s i o n a l b o d y, e v e r y t h i n g w e d o
is designed to effect positive change in the built and natural
e n v i r o n m e n t s ] . ‫كل المخرجات تضيف إيجابيا بصناعة اإلنشاءات والبيئة‬

• Through our global standards, leading professional progression. ‫تقود التقدم المهني‬
• we promote and enforce the highest professional standards in the development and management of
land, real estate, construction and infrastructure. ‫تشجع وتلزم أعلي المقاييس المهنية‬
• Our work with others provides foundation for confident markets, ‫تولد الثقة باألسواق‬
• With +134,000 highly qualified trainees & professionals, & offices in financial market, we are placed
to influence policy & embed our standards within local marketplaces to protect consumers/ businesses
• ‫ محترف وشركة يمكنهم التأثير في السياسات وتطبيق المستوى القياسي في األسواق المحلية لحماية المستخدم‬134000 ‫بمشاركة‬
RICS Overview
RICS (institution not institute)
An independent, not-for-profit organisation, RICS acts in the public interest: ‫منظمة غير ربحية تعمل للصالح العام‬
✓ setting and regulating the highest standards of competence and integrity among our members;
‫إعداد وتنظيم أعلى المستويات القياسية للجدارة و النزاهة بين األعضاء‬ ‫تقديم الرأي المحايد بالمواضيع الرئيسية‬
✓ providing impartial, authoritative advice on key issues for business, society & governments worldwide
✓ Serving the public interest:1881 ‫ و الميثاق الملكي‬1868 ‫تأسست‬
o RICS was founded in London in 1868, and granted a Royal Charter by Queen Victoria in 1881.
o The Charter requires the Institution "to maintain and promote the usefulness of the profession for
the public advantage." ‫الميثاق الملكي يتطلب أن تحافظ وتطور إفادة الصالح العام‬

An Institution is an organisation that An institute is an organisation to advance

exists to serve a public purpose. the study of a particular subject.

RICS Overview
Why Join RICS?

Global passport: Our standards and

qualifications are recognised worldwide, opening
doors to global career opportunities. Increased
earning ‫مقاييس ومؤهالت معترف بها عالميا‬

potential: On average RICS professionals earn

more than their unqualified peers. An RICS
qualification also ensures that you can command
higher fees from clients.
‫ كما يمكنك طلب‬-‫الدخل يتوقع أن يكون أعلى من األقران الغير معتمدين‬
‫أتعاب أعلى نظرا لجودة الخدمات المتوقعة‬.
RICS Overview
Why Join RICS? Five of the key benefits of RICS membership are:
1. Status: RICS credentials command respect from clients & peers by demonstrating you work to
highest professional&ethical standard.‫تحوز اإلحترام وتقدير العمالء واألقران باظهار المستوى المميز للخدمات والمهنية‬
2. Recognition: promoting value of RICS standards we aim to ensure that professionalism is embedded in
the market, which provides public confidence ‫مقاييس عالية تهدف إلى زرع المهنية والحرفية مما يولدثقة الممارسين‬.
3. Market advantage: By working to RICS standards you provide unequalled confidence to the market
and gain a competitive advantage. ‫ باتباع مقاييس عالية تزيد الثقة والفرص التنافسية‬-‫الميزات السوقية‬
4. Knowledge: RICS provides a range of practice standards, CPD and best practice guidance to help
you maintain highest levels of professionalism, develop knowledge. ‫تتوفر أفضل الممارسات والتدريب ومصادر‬
‫للتطوير المهني والمعرفي‬
5. Network: With 125,000 professionals worldwide RICS connects you to professionals & clients in
local/global markets. ‫عضو توصلنا المنظمة مع األسواق العالمية والمحلية‬/‫ محترف‬125000 ‫بفضل‬
RICS Overview
Why Join RICS?
❑ world of opportunity
1. Competitive advantage: RICS qualification looks good on your CV. Recruiters&employers demand it.
Professional development: Enhance your career prospects and support your development with RICS
CPD and world-class training.
2. Global passport: Our standards and qualifications are recognised worldwide, opening doors to global
career opportunities. ‫تسهل الترشيح والوصول إلى وظائف مختلفة‬
3. Increased earning potential: On average RICS professionals earn more than their unqualified peers.

An RICS qualification also ensures that you can command higher fees from clients. ‫دخل أعلى‬
4. Risk mitigation: RICS qualification offers you greater protection against risk of redundancy
(termination), employers are increasingly using our accreditation to benchmark their people. ‫اإلستقرارالوظيفي‬
RICS Overview

In practice, the ‫امليثاق امللكي والطلب‬

charter means ‫املستمر‬
Our Royal that important
Charter changes to our The continued
‫امليثاق امللكي‬ requires us to constitution – its demand for royal
promote the bye-laws – have charters, which
‫التنظيمات‬ We're usefulness of to be ratified by may seem an
incorporated the UK antiquated
Royal Charter the profession Government, concept, shows
and Bye-Laws by Royal for the that they retain
through the Privy
10 Charter, which advantage of Council, even their cachet in
sets out our the UK public after they’ve the modern
objectives and in other been approved professional
parts of the by a majority of world as a “gold
world. our members standard” of
voting at a excellence and
general meeting. integrity.

‫أي تغييرهام في التشكيل‬ ‫امليثاق امللكي يبين بأنها‬

‫التأكيد على أنها تفيد‬
‫يعتمد من الحكومة‬ ‫تتبوأ موقع مميزفي املجال‬
‫املهنة لصالح اململكة‬
‫البريطانية‬ .‫املنهي الحديث‬
Corporate RICS Governance
RICS Overview
RICS Overview
Corporate RICS Governance
Our governance structure
Our Royal Charter requires RICS to act in the public interest. Under the Royal Charter, RICS’
governing body is the Governing Council, which is responsible for approving RICS strategy and
vision, overseeing the effective delivery of the strategy’ , standards & regulation. Governing Council is
also responsible for approving changes to RICS’ constitution. Governing Council is supported by the
Executive Board and expert governance bodies populated by active RICS members, RICS employees &
independent non-executives. ‫العمل للصالح العام‬

RICS Overview
Corporate RICS Governance

World Regional Boards ‫مجالس إقليمية‬

RICS has divided its global membership into five world regions which each have a World Regional
Board reporting to the Member Services Committee. Each Board is responsible for developing a
strategy and business plan for their region.
UK and Ireland World Regional Board
Asia Pacific World Regional Board
Europe World Regional Board
Middle East and Africa World Regional Board
Americas World Regional Board
View all World Regional Boards
RICS Standards & Guidance

6 Sectors
FIVE (5) Rules of Conduct

1 2 3 4 5
Members and firms Members and firms Members and firms Members and firms Members and firms
must be honest, act must maintain their must provide good- must treat others must act in the
with integrity and professional quality and diligent with respect and public interest, take
comply with their competence and service. ‫الخدمات بكد‬ encourage diversity responsibility for
professional ensure that services ‫وجودة عالية‬ and inclusion. their actions and act
obligations, are provided by
including competent ‫اإلحترام والتنوع واإلستيعاب‬ to prevent harm and
maintain public
obligations to RICS individuals who confidence in the
‫أمانة ونزاهة‬. have the necessary profession. ‫العمل للصالح‬
expertise‫مؤهلين أشخاص‬
‫العام وتحمل املسئولية‬
Chartered Quantity
Surveyor Role

• What is Chartered surveyor?

• A Chartered Surveyor is a
building surveyor who
assesses properties for
defects, future issues or
p r o b l e m s . Va l u e t h e p r o p e r t y .
Surveyors produce a report so
you can see if the property is
a good investment, or if there
a r e a n y i s s u e s . ‫كان‬ ‫يعد تقرير لتتبين إن‬
‫إستثمار مناسب‬

❑ What is Chartered surveyor?

To b e c o m e a ' C h a r t e r e d S u r v e y o r ' , a s u r v e y o r w i l l h a v e t a k e n e x t r a
qualifications and had a certain level of experience, which is approved
by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).

Some surveyors:
may not have gone on to get these extra levels
o f e d u c a tio n to b e c o m e c h a r te re d, b u t will s till
b e re g u l a t e d b y R I CS , a n d b e f u l l y q u a l i f i e d .
These can be known as Assoc RICS, associates,
or simply building surveyors(not chartered).
Chartered Quantity Surveyor Role

• What does a surveyor do?

• RICS develops and enforces leading international

standards to protect consumers and businesses,
ensuring the highest level of professionalism.

Chartered surveyor’s job involves:

• land, property and construction. They might be

asked to value property and examine buildings for
structural defects; they might also offer expert
advice on environmental issues and construction.

‫تقريرلإلستثمار‬-‫ النواحي البيئية‬-‫العيوب‬-‫الفحص‬-‫التقييم‬

Can I do It?

Assessment of Professional Competence (APC)

The Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) ensures that candidates are competent and meet the
high standards of professionalism required to become a chartered surveyor.

The APC is based on candidates achieving a set of requirements and competencies. These are:

a mix of technical and professional practice, interpersonal, business and management

skills. Completing the APC and the professional interview successfully leads to

Professional qualification with RICS and the much sought after letters – MRICS.
RICS -Pathways


RICS’ pathways and competencies define the knowledge, skills, experience and competence

Those required to become a chartered surveyor.

Candidates must achieve a set of requirements and competencies.

Again, technical and professional practice, business, interpersonal, and management skills.

The technical/optional competencies undertaken will depend on your pathway.


Things to consider before you apply

Are you a senior professional, specialist or academic?

▪ your career has progressed based on seniority, specialisation or through academia, there is
assessment routes to match your experience:
✓ senior professional – you have experience as a leader and manager
✓ specialist – you have enhanced skills as a recognised authority
✓ academic – you are teaching or researching at a university.

Things to consider before you apply

Direct entry (CCP): you may be eligible if you already have professional qualifications If you

already have professional qualifications, or are a member of another professional body, you may be
exempt from some of our entry criteria and be eligible for direct entry. ‫إعفاء من بعض معايير التسجيل‬
Ex. Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors. CICES.org

Things to consider before you apply

To apply to be Chartered through direct entry, you’ll need:

✓ a proposer who is Chartered (MRICS) or a Fellow (FRICS)
✓ a record of your recent CPD (Continuing Professional Development)
✓ a letter from the professional body confirming your membership (i.e. CICES.org)
This form is to enrol for the MRICS qualification through direct entry.
To complete this form and enrol online you will need:
• Proof of qualification or professional body membership - upload a copy of this to the form.
• Your employer contact details
• Your payment details. e.g. Credit card is required

Things to consider before you apply

APC Prelim: do you have 5 or more years of relevant work experience?

✓Combine 5 years or more with any degree,
✓or with an RICS-approved professional body membership qualification, and you may be able
to progress to a final APC assessment following a preliminary review.
You can enrol on APC Prelim at any time, but must have 12 months of experience post degree
or membership qualification when you submit at the preliminary review stage.

Recognized in the region

Recognized in the region

Featured in Kuwait
Things to consider before you apply
Do you have an RICS accredited degree?
✓ If hold an RICS accredited degree, a number of entry points depending on your relevant experience
Find out if you have an RICS accredited degree
Things to consider before you apply
Do you have an RICS accredited degree?
Things to consider before you apply

For Chartered membership, you can choose from 22 different

Sector Pathways.

Find out more about Sector Pathways:

Things to consider before you apply

Things to consider before you apply

Find out if you have an RICS accredited degree

Your entry route will depend on how much relevant work experience you have or 'Structured training' .
Obtain sign off of the sector pathway competencies achieved, by a professional member, in order to be
able to use this experience towards the minimum of 400 days/2 years APC requirement.

For Chartered membership, you can choose from 22 different Sector Pathways.
Find out more about Sector Pathways:
Things to consider before you apply


APC Prelim: do you have 5 or more years of relevant work experience?

Combine 5 years or more with any degree,

or with an RICS-approved professional body membership qualification, and you may be

able to progress to a final APC assessment following a preliminary review.

You can enrol on APC Prelim at any time, but must have 12 months of experience post
degree or membership qualification when you submit at the preliminary review stage.
APC Components-Submission

FOUR Components
1. 48 Hrs CPD
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Record
✓ If structured training you must complete a minimum of 48 hours per 12 months of structured training.
✓ If not structured training, you need to demonstrate 48 hours in the 12 months prior to you final assessment.
✓ If you are required to take a preliminary review you must demonstrate a minimum of 48 hours in the 12 months
prior to your review and you must maintain an up to date CPD record prior to your final assessment.
✓ At least 50% of your CPD must be dedicated to formal development.
APC Components-Submission
2. Summary of Experience (SOE) / Competencies
Summary of Experience - Mandatory Competencies (1500 words in total)

Summary of Experience - Technical Competencies

You are required to write a maximum of 4000 words in total for your technical
competencies, this includes the core and optional competencies.
Please complete the required number of competencies for your chosen pathway to
the specified level.

1500+4000= 5500 Word

3. Case Study (3000 word-2years)
4. Professional Module (Ethics-Rules of Conduct) (Care to be demonstrated in the SOE and CS).
Mandatory – personal and professional practice and business skills (these are the same for all sector pathways)
Core – the main skills of your chosen pathway
Optional – additional skills for your chosen pathway.

Each competency is assessed at three levels:

Level 1 – knowledge and understanding
Level 2 – application of knowledge
Level 3 – depth & synthesis/combination of technical knowledge & implementation. advise your client
The levels you are required to reach for each competency vary across sector pathways and depending
on whether you are applying to be Associate Member (AssocRICS) or a Chartered Member (MRICS).

Technical Technical
Mandatory core optional

personal, the primary skills Selected as

interpersonal, of your chosen additional skill
professional pathway requirements for
practice & business your pathway from
skills common to all a list of
pathways and competencies
mandatory for all relevant to the
candidates. area of practice
Select higher level
Inclusive list of Pathways:

Example 1.

Building Surveying Chartered Member (MRICS)

Involved in all aspects of property and construction from supervising large mixed-use developments to
planning domestic extensions. This requires enhanced technical knowledge and enables you to work in
niche areas including building conservation, insurance, rights to light, party wall matters and

✓ you will be assessed against seven (7) Core Competencies and three (3) Optional Competencies.
❑ Core Competencies (to Level 3) 6x3+1x1
1.Building pathology 2.Construction technology and environmental services 3.Contract administration
4. Design and specification 5. Inspection 6. Legal/regulatory compliance 7.Fire safety (to Level 1)
Example 1. Building Surveying Chartered Member (MRICS)
❑ Optional Competencies: two to Level 2+1x2
1. BIM management 2. Commercial management 3. Client care (to level 3), or Conflict avoidance,
4. management and dispute resolution procedures 5. or Health and safety (to Level 3) or
6. Inclusive environments or Sustainability 7.Conservation and restoration 8. Contract practice
9. Design economics and cost planning 10. Development/project briefs 11. Fire safety 12.
Housing maintenance, repair & improvements 13.or Maintenance management 14. Insurance
Landlord and tenant 15.Measurement 16. Procurement and tendering 17. Project finance
18. Quantification and costing 19. Risk management 20. Works progress and quality management
Plus one to Level 2 from the full list of technical competencies, including any not already chosen from
optional list.
Inclusive list of Pathways:
Example 2. Project Management

You occupy a central role (PM/CM/Head/Quality/Control M) in development process driving

successful completion of projects. From project brief to selecting, appointing and coordinating teams,
represent clients through construction programme, managing inputs consultants contractors, stakeholders
Associate Member (AssocRICS)
you will be assessed against six out of eight Core Competencies.
Core Competencies
1.Commercial management of construction.
2.Construction technology and environmental services.
3.Contract practice. 4. Procurement and tendering.
5.Programming and planning. 6. Project administration.
7.Project evaluation. 8. Risk management
Example 2. Project Management
Chartered Member (MRICS)

To become a Chartered Member on PM pathway, you will be assessed against eight Core Competencies
and two of the Optional Competencies.
❑ Core Competencies
1.Contract practice (Level3)
2.Development/project briefs (Level 3).
3.Leading projects, people and teams (Level 3). 5x3+2x2
4.Managing projects (Level 3).
5.Programming and planning (Level 3).
6.Construction technology and environmental services (Level 2).
7.Procurement and tendering (Level 2). 8. Project finance (Level 2).
Example 3. Project Management
Chartered Member (MRICS)
❑ Optional Competencies: one to Level 2

•Accounting principles and procedures or Communication and negotiation (must be to Level 3) or

Conflict avoidance, management and dispute resolution procedures or Sustainability

•BIM management Commercial management
•Consultancy Services Contract administration
•Development appraisals Legal/regulatory compliance 2x2
•Maintenance management Performance management
•Purchase and sale Stakeholder management
•Supplier management Works progress and quality management
Plus one to Level 2 from either the Core Competencies or Optional Competencies.
Example 3. Quantity Surveyor and Construction
Chartered Member (Ass/MRICS)
• You are the cost manager. This involves the capital expenditure phase of a building or facility
(feasibility to design and construction).
• Involved with extensions, refurbishment, maintenance and demolition of a facility.
• Your experience may be in residential, commercial, industrial, leisure, agricultural or retail facilities;
you require the ability to manage cost effectively, equating quality and value with client needs.

Suits: ‫تناسب الوظائف التالية‬

Contract Manager/Contract Eng./Contract Admin/Senior Chartered Qs/ Commercial
Manager/procurement Manager/Supply Chain Manager/PM/CM./Cost Manager/Cost Eng./Cost
controller/ Construction lawyer/ claims professional.
Example 3. Quantity Surveyor and Construction

❑ Associate Member (AssocRICS) 5+1

you will be assessed against five Core Competencies and one of the Optional Competencies.
❑ Core Competencies
Construction technology & environmental services. Contract practice. Procurement and tendering.
Project financial control & reporting. Quantification &costing of construction works.
Example 4. Quantity Surveyor and Construction ASS. member
❑ Optional Competencies
BIM management Commercial management of construction Design economics and cost planning

❑ Chartered Member (MRICS) 6x3+2 ***************************

you will be assessed against six Core Competencies and two of the Optional Competencies.
❑ Core Competencies: to Level 3
1. Commercial management (of construction works) or Design economics and cost planning.
2. Construction technology and environmental services. ( dewatering- Concrete vs steel structures)
3. Contract practice.
4. Procurement and tendering.
5. Project finance (control and reporting).
6. Quantification and costing (of construction works). (NRM1-NRM2-NRM3)
Example 4. Quantity Surveyor and Construction
What is the structure of the NRM 1? Order of cost estimating and cost planning for capital building works
A Part 1: General Introduction
Part 2: Measurement rules for order of cost estimate
Part 3: Measurement rules for cost planning
Part 4: Tabulated rules of measurement for elemental cost planning
- Appendices
What is the structure of the NRM 2? Detailed measurement for building works
A Part 1: General introduction
Part 2: Rules for detailed measurement of building works
Part 3: Tabulated rules of measurement for building works
- Appendices
What is the structure of NRM 3? Order of cost estimating and cost planning for building maintenance works
Part 1: General introduction
Part 2: New rules of measurement for building maintenance works
Part 3: Measurement rules for order of cost estimating (renewal and maintain)
Part 4: Measurement rules for cost planning and renewal (R) and maintain (M) works
Part 5: Calculation of annualized costs for renewal (R) and maintain (M) works
Part 6: Tabulated rules of measurement for elemental cost planning
Example 4. Quantity Surveyor and Construction

Chartered Member (MRICS)

Optional Competencies: two to Level 2
Capital allowances

Commercial management or Design economics and cost planning (whichever is not selected as core
Conflict avoidance, management and dispute resolution procedures or Sustainability
Contract administration Corporate recovery and insolvency Due diligence ‫العناية الواجبة‬
Insurance Programming and planning Project feasibility analysis Risk management
Sector pathways: find the right way for you
Example 4.

Building Control
You ensure that building regulations and other legislation are followed in the design and construction stages of new
and altered buildings, giving advice when designs fail to meet standards or where unforeseen problems are found
on site. This includes fire safety, energy conservation, structural stability and disabled access.
Associate Member (AssocRICS)
To become an Associate Member on the Building Control pathway, you will be assessed against five Core
Competencies and one of the Optional Competencies.

Core Competencies 1. Applied sustainability. 2. Building control inspections.

3. Construction technology and environment services. 4. Fire safety. 5. Legal/regulatory compliance.
Sector pathways: find the right one for you
Example 4. Building Control Associate Member (AssocRICS)
❑ Optional Competencies BIM management Contaminated land Planning Works progress & quality M.

Chartered Member (MRICS) Building Control Mandatory + Core + Optional

you will be assessed against four Core Competencies and four of the Optional Competencies.
❑ Core Competencies (to Level 3) 4x3 Levels = 12
1. Building control inspections. 2. Fire safety. 3. Inspection. 4. Legal/regulatory compliance.

❑ Optional Competencies: two to Level 3 and one to Level 2 2x3 +2= 8

1. BIM management 2. Building pathology 3. Client care (to Level 3) or Data management
4. Conservation and restoration 5. Construction technology and environmental services
6. Contaminated land Measurement 7. Planning and development management 8. Risk management
9. Sustainability 10. Works progress and quality management Plus one L 2 either Core or Optional.


For APC Preliminary route

Enrolment Fee £575
+Annual Membership Fee 2023
162+VAT+Fee 2024(162)=

The APC Preliminary Review, or Prelim for short, is ideal for those that have the requisite years of
experience and want to formalise their knowledge with a qualification.
Writing the Competencies

Business Planning Level 1.

• Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of how business planning activities contribute to the
achievement of corporate objectives.
Examples of knowledge comprised within this level are:
• Types of business plan, e.g. strategic, departmental, operational, corporate
• The essential elements of a business plan
• Organisational structures
• Methods for financial benchmarking (e.g. key financial ratios)
• Meaning of working capital, stock, debtors and creditors
• Accounting techniques
• Forecasting techniques
• Planning to meet corporate objectives.

Ethics, rules of conduct and professionalism

Level 1
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the role and significance of RICS and its functions. Also an
appreciation of your personal professional role and society’s expectations of professional practice and
RICS code of conduct and conduct regulations, including the general principles of law and the legal
system, as applicable in your country of practice.

Examples of knowledge comprised within this level are:

• The structure of RICS
• RICS’ global and professional ethical standards
• Mandatory Professional Statements e.g. Conflicts of Interest
• Guidance notes and their status
• RICS’ CPD policy
• The role of Professional Groups
Writing the Competencies
Ethics, rules of conduct and professionalism

Level 1
Examples of knowledge comprised within this level are:

Bodies within the RICS e.g. Matrics, LionHeart

• Rules of conduct for members
• Rules of conduct for firms
• Policy documents
• Help sheets
• RICS Bye-laws
• Government, legislation and regulation
• Common law
• Construction and Technology Court.
Writing the Competencies
Ethics, rules of conduct and professionalism
Level 2
Provide evidence of practical application in your area of practice, being able to justify actions at all times
and demonstrate personal commitment to the rules of conduct, ethics and RICS standards.
Examples of activities and knowledge comprised within this level are:
• Your involvement with RICS
• Identifying a conflict of interest
• Transparency in professional fees
•Checking a terms of an appointment document for compliance with RICS rules
• Handling gifts and hospitalities
•Complying with RICS’ CPD policy for members
• Checking your employer’s compliance with RICS rules for firms.‫ار‬
Writing the Competencies
Ethics, rules of conduct and professionalism
Level 3
Provide evidence of application of the above in your area of practice in the context of advising clients.
Examples of activities and knowledge comprised within this level are:
• Dealing with a conflict of interest
• Dealing with a complaint
• Handling client’s money
• Setting up professional indemnity insurance
• Registration of a firm with RICS.
• Checking your employer’s compliance with RICS rules for firms.‫ار‬


Examples of likely knowledge, skills and experience at each level
This competency covers the
commercial management of
construction works.
Candidates should have an
awareness of how
commercial competitiveness
balances against profitability.
They must have a thorough
understanding of the
financial processes used to
achieve profitability and how
these integrate with the
overall delivery of the project


Examples of likely knowledge, skills and experience at each level
This competency covers the
quantity surveyor’s
involvement with the
avoidance, management and
resolution of disputes in
construction projects.
Candidates should be aware
of the various processes
and techniques commonly
used in the industry. They
should have a detailed
understanding of how
these are applied in practice


Examples of likely knowledge, skills and experience at each level
This competency covers the
design and construction of
buildings and other
structures. Candidates
should have a clear
understanding of the design
and construction processes
commonly used in the
industry. They should have
detailed knowledge of
construction solutions
relevant to their projects.

Examples of likely knowledge, skills and experience at each level
This competency covers the
design and construction of
buildings and other
structures. Candidates
should have a clear
understanding of the design
and construction processes
commonly used in the
industry. They should have
detailed knowledge of
construction solutions
relevant to their projects.

Examples of likely knowledge, skills and experience at each level
This competency covers the
various forms of contract
used in the construction
industry. Candidates
should have an awareness
of all of the main standard
forms of contract and a
thorough understanding
of contract law, legislation
and the specific forms that
they have used


Examples of likely knowledge, skills and experience at each level
This competency covers the involvement and
actions of a quantity surveyor when
insolvency occurs
on a construction project. Candidates should
have an awareness of the processes and
that can apply when a party to a contract
becomes insolvent and what help and
support a quantity
surveyor can give to the various parties
involved, including the insolvency
practitioner. They must have
a thorough understanding of the how
insolvency has affected their project and the
legal and contractual
position of the parties involved


Examples of likely knowledge, skills and experience at each level
This competency covers the impact of design
and other factors on cost throughout the life
the building and the control of cost during the
pre-contract stage. Candidates should have
awareness of how design decisions and
construction processes impact on
construction and
operational costs. They must have a
thorough understanding of techniques used
to manage and
control costs pre-contract.

Examples of likely knowledge, skills and experience at each level
This competency covers the due diligence
work and/or fund monitoring on construction
It may also cover the duties of quantity
surveyors monitoring the financial
management of management
style contracts. Candidates should have an
awareness of the areas of concern for
funders and clients
within a project and the techniques used in
the forensic interrogation and monitoring of
those areas.
They must have a thorough understanding of
the techniques used on their projects.


Examples of likely knowledge, skills and experience at each level
This competency covers the relationship
between the work of the quantity surveyor
and health
and safety issues within the construction
industry. Candidates should be aware of
legal, practical
and regulatory requirements. They should
have a detailed understanding of the
health and safety
processes and guidelines used to achieve

Examples of likely knowledge, skills and experience at each level
This competency covers specific
insurance provisions related to property
and development.
Candidates should be aware of how
insurance is used to deal with risk in
development. They should
have a detailed understanding of the
contractual requirements under the
various standard forms
of contract.


Examples of likely knowledge, skills and experience at each level
This competency covers how a project is
structured and delivered in terms of risk
and contractual relationships and how
tendering processes are used to establish
a contract price.
Candidates should have a clear
understanding of the different types of
procurement and tendering
commonly used and the advantages and
disadvantages of each to the parties
involved. They should
have a detailed working knowledge of the
procurement routes and tendering
procedures used on
their projects.


Examples of likely knowledge, skills and experience at each level
This competency covers a surveyor’s
involvement with the programming and
planning of construction
projects. Candidates should have an
awareness of the various principles,
techniques and issues that
relate to the programming and planning of
projects generally. They must have a
thorough understanding
of how these principles and techniques
have been used and how specific issues
have been dealt with
on their projects.

Examples of likely knowledge, skills and experience at each level
This competency covers the financial
aspects of feasibility studies and
development appraisals.
Candidates should be aware of the
various elements of a feasibility study and
development appraisal
and the factors that can affect them. They
should have a detailed understanding of
the techniques
used to assess financial viability.


Examples of likely knowledge, skills and experience at each level
This competency covers the effective cost
control of construction projects during the
phase. Candidates should be aware of
the principles of controlling and reporting
costs on any
construction project. They should have a
detailed understanding of the control and
reporting processes
used on their projects (please note: for
surveyors working in contracting this
competency covers
externally issued cost advice and reports).


Examples of likely knowledge, skills and experience at each level
This competency covers the
measurement and definition of
construction works in order to value
and control costs. Candidates should
have an awareness of the various
methods of quantifying and
pricing construction works used
throughout a project. They must have a
thorough understanding of
the specific methods used on their

Examples of likely knowledge, skills and experience at each level
This competency covers the management
of risk on construction projects.
Candidates should
be aware of the benefits to be gained and
the techniques and processes used to
manage risk.
They should have a detailed
understanding of how risk is dealt with on
their projects.

SUSTAINABILITY Examples of likely knowledge, skills and experience at each level

This competency covers the role of the

quantity surveyor in dealing with the
impact of sustainability
issues on development and construction.
Candidates should have an awareness of
the various ways
in which sustainability can impact on
development and construction. They must
have a thorough
understanding of the impact made by
sustainability on their projects and have
been involved with the
financial management of that impact.
Case Study
Case Study
Case study
Submit one case study of 3000 words. The focus of the case study must be on a single project or piece(s) of work undertaken in the last 24
months. The project you choose MUST allow you to demonstrate technical competencies from your chosen pathway, and how you used
the competency skills. It must be written as a professional report.
Name of case study: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date the project or piece(s) of work were carried out: not before June 2022 (Sep+6+2= May)
Confidentiality statement
The following case study contains confidential information included for the purpose of the Assessment of Professional Competence.
(DARC), hereinafter termed (Mohamed Abdulmoez) and (DARC) have given their consent to disclose details for the case study on the
basis that the information is not to be used for any other purpose or by any person other than those authorised by the Royal Institution of
Chartered Surveyors (e.g. staff and assessors).
1. Introduction 2. My Approach
3. My Achievements 4. Conclusion
5. Appendix A – Competencies demonstrated in the Case Study 6. Appendices B, C, D, E, F
Word Count: xxxxxxx words (Not including content list or Tables, Appendices or Abbreviations)
Continuous Professional Development CPD
Activities that do not count CPD
Any CPD activity, whether formal or
informal, should be planned wherever
possible and be relevant to your role or
specialism. Any activity that does not
have a clear learning objective that
relates to your role and specialism cannot
be considered as appropriate CPD.
Activities such as networking, social
events, informal team building or
planning events and involvement on
boards, committees or clubs that have
little or no relevance to your professional
role will not count towards your CPD
Continuous Professional Development CPD
Continuous Professional Development CPD
Continuous Professional Development CPD
Formal CPD
Formal CPD can be any form of structured learning that has clear learning objectives and outcomes,
such as a professional course, structured online training, technical authorship, learning that includes an
assessment measure. This can include self-managed learning as long as it has a clear learning outcome
which is clearly linked to the member’s development needs. We may request to see evidence of any
formal CPD activity; this may include demonstration of learning outcomes together with any supporting
Informal CPD
Informal CPD is any self-managed learning that is relevant or related to your professional role. This
could include activities such as private study, on-the-job training, attendance at informal seminars or
events where the focus is on knowledge sharing.
Gain all your informal CPD hours from one reliable resource with isurv

APC Process.
Following steps are outlines of the steps, different requirements depends on the rout to membership:
1. Registration online RICS website (www.rics.org) or Send CV to ([email protected]).
2: RICS team will approve the enrolment route for APC (any structured training or Preliminary Assessment
Route). You will have to apply online enrolment through the provided link with a counsellor chosen M/FRICS.
3. Payment ( = Pay your enrolment fee).
4. Provide your information in APC Resource Centre (ARC) portal.
5. submit your submissions when eligible (from 1st-15 March and from 1st -15 September), middle east).
6. Select APC pathway (slide- Inclusive list of Pathways)
7. Choose competencies
8. Counsellor approve the chosen competencies. THEN Continue the process – Professional Module-
competencies- Case Study-CPD). Always answer in direct path.


March May September December

Preliminary Submission Preliminary Submission Final Assessment Final result


Q : Why did you choose to become a surveyor?

A: I found the field a bit challenging but also an innovation trigger that could give me the
opportunity to prove my potential, hence l embraced the challenge.
Q : How did you choose your pathway?
A: I considered my area of specialization back then which was also my strength, that is
Valuation, although over the years l have also diversified into Property Management.
Q: What has been your biggest challenge and your biggest achievement so far in your
A : My biggest challenge was to prove my capacity in a male dominated industry, and l am glad l
have not only managed to undertake portfolio Valuations but to have big organizations having
confidence in me to train and impart knowledge to aspiring Chartered Surveyors. One gains
more knowledge by imparting the same to others rather than keeping it to themselves.

Q : What steps can professionals in the sector take, including those in leadership positions, to level the
playing field, champion and support the creation of a more diverse and inclusive industry that is inviting,
welcoming and fosters talent?
A: Probably considering accreditation with Universities and Real Estate Institutions in developing
countries and charging affordable membership fees in such countries as Zimbabwe, Malawi,
Mozambique etc. to enhance affordability and increase membership

Q : What advice would you give to young professionals considering a future in the built environment?
A : Go for it expectantly! A career in the built environment is worth it, it is the future!
The Worthy Journey





MRICS Over view By Dr. Moustafa Ismail

‫‪Thanks for attentions‬‬
‫السالم عليكم ورحمة هللا وبركاته‬

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