Forest and Wildlife Resources - Exam Pack
Forest and Wildlife Resources - Exam Pack
Forest and Wildlife Resources - Exam Pack
Exam Pack
Class 10th - Forest and Wildlife Resources - Exam Pack - Most Important Question
Que. Where was the first resolution on joint forest management passed?
a. Tamil Nadu
b. Jharkhand
c. Odisha
d. Chhattisgarh
Class 10th - Forest and Wildlife Resources - Exam Pack - Most Important Question
a. Rajasthan
b. Uttar Pradesh
c. Gujarat
d. West Bengal
Class 10th - Forest and Wildlife Resources - Exam Pack - Most Important Question
a. Developmental projects
c. Overpopulation
d. Exploitation of resources
Class 10th - Forest and Wildlife Resources - Exam Pack - Most Important Question
a. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
b. Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
Que. Which of the following conservation strategies do not directly involve community
b. Chipko Movement
a. Felling of trees
Que. Consider the following statements regarding the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972.
1. Under this act, all India list of protected species was published.
2. Under this act, the remaining population of certain endangered species is
protected by banning hunting and restricting trade in wildlife.
3. Wildlife Protection Act of 1980 and 1986 were only applicable to large creatures.
Which of these statements are correct?
d. All of these
Class 10th - Forest and Wildlife Resources - Exam Pack - Most Important Question
More than half of the total forest land in India has been
declared reserved forest . These forest come under
government protection and are completely reserved , activities
Reserved forests
like poaching and hunting are said to be illegal and have the
most valuable resources.
Class 10th - Forest and Wildlife Resources - Exam Pack - Most Important Question
Forests play a vital role in our life as they are the house of all the resources and necessities
(1) They are the natural air purifiers, they provide food and are the natural habitat to animals.
(2) They contain natural medications and provide us with fuel wood.
(3) The cattle graze in the forests and get their food as well.
● In the Sariska wildlife sanctuary in Rajasthan, villagers have fought against mining
● The Chipko Movement which was conducted in the Himalayas, has successfully resisted
deforestation in several areas.
● The Beej Bachao Andolan in Tehri district of Uttarakhand conserved local seed diversity
and Forest.
Class 10th - Forest and Wildlife Resources - Exam Pack - Most Important Question
● The Government of India has implemented the Indian Wildlife (protection) Act in 1972
for conservation of wildlife and forests.
● The government has classified forests into three categories such as reserved forests,
protected forests and unclassed forests.
● The Central and many State Governments established national parks, wildlife
sanctuaries and biosphere reserves to protect forest and wildlife of India.
Class 10th - Forest and Wildlife Resources - Exam Pack - Most Important Question
What has been the contribution of the Indian Wildlife Protection Act in protecting animal
habitats in India?
The contribution of India Wildlife Protection Act can be seen through the following points
● An all India list of protected species was published. The act banned hunting of certain endangered
● It also gave legal protection to their habitats and restricting trade in wildlife.
● Many national parks and wildlife sanctuaries were established in which commercial activities were
● Central Government also announced several projects for protecting specific animals, which were
gravely threatened. These include the tiger, the one-horned rhinoceros, the Kashmir stag or hangul.
● Under the notification of wildlife act of 1980 and 1986 insects have been added to the list of
protected species.
Class 10th - Forest and Wildlife Resources - Exam Pack - Most Important Question
● In reserved forests, right to all activities like hunting, ● But in protected areas, right to do activities
grazing etc are banned unless specific orders are like hunting and grazing etc are sometimes
issued by the government. given to communities living on the fringes of
● Reserve forests enjoy a higher degree of protection the forests.
and may be upgraded to the status of wildlife ● The protected forests do not face such
sanctuary and national parks. possibility.
● More than half of the total forest land has been ● On the other hand, only one-third of the
declared as reserved forests. total forest area is under protected forests.
● Madhya Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Andhra ● Bihar, Odisha, Haryana, Punjab, Himachal
Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, West Pradesh and Rajasthan have their large area
Bengal and Maharashtra have large percentages of under protected forests.
reserved forests of their total forest area.
Class 10th - Forest and Wildlife Resources - Exam Pack - Most Important Question
Explain any five reasons responsible for depletion of flora and fauna in India.
Five major reasons which are responsible for depletion of flora and fauna in India are as follows
● Agricultural expansion
● Mining
● Large-scale development projects
● Rapidly expanding industrial-urban economy
● Over population
Class 10th - Forest and Wildlife Resources - Exam Pack - Most Important Question
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