1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. Objectives of the Study
4. Problem Statement
5. Literature Review
6. Methodology
6.1 Data collection and Analysis
6.2 Regression Analysis
6.3 Analysis of Real GDP measure
(Hypothesis testing)
6.4 ANOVA Table
6.5 Correlation
6.6 P value
7. Findings and Recommendations
8. Limitations of the study
9. Conclusion
The manufacturing public enterprises have now begun to realize the significance
of enhancing labor productivity with the emerging environment of competition
and liberalization. The ever-growing process of globalization, the open-door
policy to imports, and the obvious shift to buyer's market have thrown new
demands and challenges on these enterprises. Given these opportunities and
challenges provided by the emerging realities, the enterprises have now to match
markets with products and other corporate resources more effectively and
efficiently to strengthen their competitive advantage. In the current
manufacturing environment purchases and personnel expenses (labor) are
representing the major proportion of total input. Generally, labor productivity
refers to the quantity of output produced by a given quantity of labor input. The
laborers are the key determinant of the total value added. More precisely labor
productivity is often used as a test of industrial efficiency and even as an index
of economic development of a society. Labor productivity is, therefore, fully
concerned with the efficient use of labor, so that optimum outputs and benefits
could be achieved. Productivity had also suffered because of the failure of the
management to adjust to the changes taking place within the workforce. In
managing human resources, leadership styles, and motivational systems had not
kept abreast of these changes. Furthermore, the negligence to improve and
monitor employee productivity and taking corrective actions are evident.
Growth accounting is a procedure used in economics to measure the contribution
of different factors to economy Growth and to indirectly compute the rate of
technological progress, measured as a residual, in an economy Growth
accounting decomposes the growth rate of an economy's Total output into that
which is due to increases in the contributing amount of the factors used—usually
the increase in the amount of capital and labor and that which cannot be
accounted for by observable changes in factor utilization. The unexplained part
of growth in GDP is then taken to represent increases in productivity (getting
more output with the same amounts of inputs) or a measure of broadly defined
technological progress.
While the growth accounting equation can seem somewhat simple, identifying
the data factors and calculating it can be tedious. The Conference Board (CB) can
help as it provides an annual breakdown of economic growth accounting by
Below is a look at the growth accounting factors along with one-year data results
for a nation, Investopedialand.
GDP: Investopedialand's annual GDP was $20.5 trillion while the GDP growth
rate was 2.90%.
Capital: Adding capital to the economy should, among other things, increase
productivity. Capital investment is of key importance to the growth accounting
equation. Capital investment was $3.65 trillion for a capital contribution of
17.82%. Capital investment grew from $3.25 trillion at a growth rate of 13%.
Labor: Labor looks at the number of people employed to identify a growth rate.
Typically, more workers will generate more economic goods and services. In
Investopedialand, the labor market for full-time workers grew from 125.97
million to 128.57 million or 2.06%. Its weight is identified by subtracting the
capital weight, considering that capital and labor are the only two factors. Thus,
labor would have had a weight of 82.18%.
1.To study the level of productivity awareness among the employees of these
Labor productivity measures the efficiency of a country with which inputs are
used in an economy to produce goods and services and it offers a measure of
economic growth, competitiveness, and living standards within a country.
Problem Statement
Developing countries like Bangladesh are using labor in production. And human
capital investment is a necessary condition for improving labor productivity.
Empirical studies to investigate labor productivity and its linkages on the labor
demand side. With this view the following research problem of this study:
2.Lack of technology:
3.Productivity awareness:
In Bangladesh lack of productivity awareness demotivate the labor and the labor
are not fully capable to think the workplace is their own productivity.
4.Proper planning:
The plans which are made by respective authority is not good enough to
implement those plans. So, fail to achieve desired progress and decrease GDP
5.Capital shortage:
6.Underdeveloped of Industries:
Although there are unlimited natural resources and huge manpower in the
Bangladesh industrialization process is slow here because of lack of capital, low
skilled manpower, infrastructure and planning.
7.Political instability:
Literature Review
There is extensive empirical literature on the factors affecting labor productivity.
In most studies the dependent variable is labor productivity and the independent
variables are physical capital, labor and knowledge capital. In this section each
of these variables and because of their influence on labor productivity will be
his effect has been explained by Welch (1970). He assumes that firms produce
only one good with the production factor education, and that other resources are
given. The worker effect refers to the positive marginal productivity of education
with respect to that particular good. Workers with a higher level of education are
assumed to be more efficient in working with the resources at hand, i.e., these
workers produce more physical output. In other words, education increases the
effective labor input from the hours worked. Therefore, a better educated labor
force shifts the production possibility curve outwards.
. The diffusion effect; Stresses that better educated workers have more ability to
adapt to technological change and will introduce new production techniques more
quickly. Nelson and Phelps (1966) state that "educated people make good
innovators, so that education speeds the process of technological diffusion" (see
also Bartel and Lichtenberg, 1987). Moreover, Nelson and Phelps (1966) stress
the role of receiving, decoding and understanding information in performing a
job.6 A higher level of education increases the ability to discriminate between
more and less profitable innovations and reduces the uncertainty about
investment decisions with regard to new processes and products.
. The research effect; refers to the role of higher education as an important input
factor in research and development (R&D) activities. R&D, in turn, is a key factor
for technological progress and productivity growth (see, e.g., the endogenous
growth models in Romer, 1990 and Grossman and Helpman, 1992). Since R&D
activities are very complex, a relatively large proportion of intermediate and
highly-skilled workers are a prerequisite to increase technological knowledge and
achieve productivity growth.
*Firm export status Based on existing studies there are two major reasons for a
positive influence of firm export status on labor productivity:
Firstly, firms that export their products due to transport costs, marketing,
distribution and etc. must have lower domestic price in order to determine a price
commensurate with their costs and willingness to pay of foreign buyers for their
exporting products. In other words, extra cost for sales in export markets will be
as a barrier to prevent nonefficient firms’ entry.
*Firm ownership Many economists believe that productivity and efficiency in the
private sector is higher than public sector:
*Wage Level Based on models of wage-efficiency, the wage rate above the
market clearing level will increase labor productivity.
This research is qualitative in nature but quantitative methodology also has been
chosen. This section we discuss the data sources and statistical analysis which we
are going to use.
Here we give clear view about Denison’s sources of growth model also discuss
about how it applies in implications of growth accounting in Bangladesh.
A number of studies for United States have done by Denison. He has identified a
number of sources of growth and estimates the portion of the growth rate
attributable to each. He divides the sources of growth into four important
I. The contribution of two factor of production i.e., labor and capital, adjusted for
quality changes but not depend on technical change.
II. Advancement in knowledge, which is a true measure of total factor
productivity (TFP), obtained as a residual.
In his study The Sources of Economic Growth in the U.S., Denison estimated the
contribution of different resources with the help of Cobb-Douglas type
production function. He kept all inputs together. He took two factor inputs, labor
and capital. He derived an index of the stock of inputs on the basis of a particular
base year, 1929. In order to construct this index, he took data of different inputs
and multiplied them with their relative contribution to output which were
estimated by the relative shares of income in the base period. In calculating the
contribution of education to output, Denison treated workers of different
educational categories as different inputs. Then the growth rates of the number
of workers in different educational categories were aggregated into an index of
the growth rate of total labor input according to their shares of total labor hours.
From the 2-factor input of Denison's Sources of Growth model we use labor. We
show relation between labor productivity increment and GDP increment.
In this study we have used only secondary data. The secondary data will be
collected from the organizations as well as publications such as journals,
newspapers, magazines, books, internet, and from other studies taken up by
government or other independent organizations. We have also taken three
hypotheses for testing in order to know the relation between independent
variables and dependent variable.
Data collection and Analysis
We Have collected secondary data from World Bank national accounts and
OECD national accounts data files report 2020
Labor GDP
Productivity Growth Predicted GDP
Year Growth Ratio Ratio Growth Ratio
2007 4.123 7.100 6.298485093
2008 3.291 6.130 6.205341253
2009 2.921 5.150 6.163919113
2010 2.261 5.570 6.090030971
2011 5.172 6.460 6.415922458
2012 5.213 6.520 6.420512479
2013 4.700 6.010 6.363081241
2014 4.376 6.060 6.326808881
2015 4.920 6.550 6.387710622
2016 5.532 7.110 6.456225081
2017 0.675 6.590 5.912475527
2018 5.446 7.320 6.446597232
2019 6.107 7.880 6.520597326
2020 5.763 3.450 6.48208593
2021 4.585 6.940 6.350206792
According to the Denison’s model, we determine the predicted GDP growth rate
from 2007 to 2020. In this table, we assume that labor productivity is the
independent variable and GDP growth rate is dependent variable. We see that the
predicted GDP growth rate up-down but very narrow. Also, how shows labor
productivity affects GDP.
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.157
R Square 0.02465
Adjusted R
Square -0.0504
Standard Error 1.08199
Observations 15
Multiple R means the relationship between the labor productivity and GDP. In
this table we see that Multiple r value is 0.157, which indicates that the positive
relationship between labor productivity and GDP.
Regression Analysis:
In this graph shows correlation between GDP growth and predicted GDP
growth. In this regression table, the GDP growth shoes rate up-down and the
predicted value is average percentage. As a result, we say that there are 15%
relationship between GDP growth and predicted GDP growth rate.
df SS MS F F
Regression 1 0.384624723 0.38462 0.32854 0.576301812
Residual 13 15.21926861 1.17071
Total 14 15.60389333
F test is any statistical test in which the test statistic has a F distribution under the
null hypothesis. The F test of overall significance is regression is a test of whether
or not the linear regression model provides a better fit to a data set than a model
with no predictor variables.
Also, ANOVA shows that that P value is 0.5763 or about 57% and the level of
significant 0.05, p<0.05.
So, the null hypothesis is accepted and the alternative hypothesis is rejected.
That’s means there is significant relationship between Lobar Productivity Growth
ratio and GDP Growth Ratio.
Finding and Recommendations:
Agricultural development
The increase of food production will fill up food deficit problem and agricultural
development will increase the standard of living of rural people. Agricultural
production will increase by modern technology, use better fertilizer and hybrid
seeds, expansion irrigation and food control.
Capital Accumulation
Investment can increase production in agriculture, industry and service sector. To
increase investment Bangladeshi people should start savings and the government
of BD should cooperate on profitable investments.
Rapid Industrialization
It is impossible to get developed badge without industrialization. Industrialization
can fasten urbanization and use natural resources. Job opportunities will create
for working force and they will lead a better life. RMG is doing better here.
Population Control
Economic development will not be easy unless the growth rate becomes slower.
Bangladesh should create awareness on family planning program. As a result, per
capita, income will increase.
Technical Education
The education rate of common people should increase. The government should
implement a technical education system, training everywhere. If every people
took technical education, they will become an asset to our country.
Full Employment
Full employment is necessary for a developed country. We should create
entrepreneurs in all sectors to employ all working people. Labor-intensive
industries should get high priority.
Skilled worker
Skilled laborers can increase production and able to complete his job in a short
time. Although this country has a huge unemployed person, there is a shortage of
skilled labor. So, we import laborers from foreign countries.
Developed infrastructure
The infrastructure of our country is not good enough. We should build up new
roads, buildings, airports, waterways and repair the existing ones.
Anti-Corruption commission
Corruption is the main problem for a developing country. To accelerate the
development process, corruption should be eradicated from this country.
Proper planning
Proper and effective planning is the key to economic development. The plan
should be made by the expertise and the government should implement those. For
the rural sector there must have a rural development plan.
Labor productivity relates output to the number of workers employed. It does not
measure the specific contribution of labor alone. Rather, it reflects the joint
effects of many factors, including new technology, capital investment, health and
skills of workers and the use of more efficient management and production
practices. For labor productivity calculation, Number of worked hours would be
a more Accurate and thus a more recommendable Measure of labor input than the
number of Employees (Number of persons employed). However, Eurostat uses
the latter in the calculation Of Apparent labor productivity, due to much better
data availability.
The downward trend of labor productivity in the EU-28 mining and quarrying
industry in.
Conditioning generation sector, the EU-28 mining and quarrying industry had the
As also emphasized in OECD (2008), “it is generally accepted that the total
number of hours worked is the most.
Appropriate measure of labor input because a simple headcount of employed
persons can hide changes in average.
Manufacturing environment purchases and personnel expenses (labor) are
representing the major proportion of total input. Every year population are
increasing dramatically. Even though unemployment rate is increasing. We have
summarized the differences among our estimates of the rate of growth of total
factor productivity The main reason behind this young people don’t go for stating
a business. Even though people wait for 30 years for finding a government job.
The people of Bangladesh are not skilled in technology. At the time of covid 19,
people sit in the inside of the home. At that time, people give interest to work at
home. People were getting knowledge about technology at that time. From a
conceptual point of view the greatest difference among alternative
procedures are in the allocation of income from property among its components.
Except for our assumption that replacement requirements should be estimated by
the double declining balance formula, our estimates of capital stock for each class
of assets are very similar to Denison's estimates. Our estimates of capital input
differ very substantially from his due to differences in treatment of the tax
structure for property income, the use of real rates of return balances than nominal
rates for each class of assets, and the use of declining balance