Comorbidity and Overlaps Between Autism Spectrum A

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Comorbidity and Overlaps between Autism Spectrum and
Borderline Personality Disorder: State of the Art
Liliana Dell’Osso, Ivan Mirko Cremone, Benedetta Nardi * , Valeria Tognini, Lucrezia Castellani, Paola Perrone,
Giulia Amatori and Barbara Carpita

Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Pisa, Via Roma 67, 56127 Pisa, Italy;
[email protected] (L.D.); [email protected] (I.M.C.); [email protected] (V.T.);
[email protected] (L.C.); [email protected] (P.P.); [email protected] (G.A.);
[email protected] (B.C.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]

Abstract: Despite the relationship between Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and personality disor-
ders (PD) still being scarcely understood, recent investigations increased awareness about significant
overlaps between some PD and autism spectrum conditions. In this framework, several studies sug-
gested the presence of similarities between BPD and ASD symptoms and traits, based on the recent
literature that increasingly reported increased comorbidity rates and significant symptomatologic
overlaps between the two conditions. The aim of this review is to describe the available studies
about the prevalence of the association between different forms of autism spectrum (full-fledged
clinical conditions as well as subthreshold autistic traits) and BPD. Despite some controversial results
and lack of homogeneity in the methods used for the diagnostic assessment, the reviewed literature
highlighted how subjects with BPD reported higher scores on tests evaluating the presence of AT
compared to a non-clinical population and hypothesized the presence of unrecognized ASD in some
BPD patients or vice versa, while also describing a shared vulnerability towards traumatic events, and
a greater risk of suicidality in BPD subjects with high autistic traits. However, the specific measure
and nature of this association remain to be explored in more depth.
Citation: Dell’Osso, L.; Cremone,
I.M.; Nardi, B.; Tognini, V.; Castellani,
Keywords: autism spectrum disorder; autistic traits; borderline personality disorder; personality disorders
L.; Perrone, P.; Amatori, G.; Carpita,
B. Comorbidity and Overlaps
between Autism Spectrum and
Borderline Personality Disorder:
State of the Art. Brain Sci. 2023, 13, 1. Introduction
862. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that features
brainsci13060862 behavioral patterns, restricted and repetitive interests and chronic difficulties in social
Academic Editor: communication and interaction [1]. Interestingly, a central feature of ASD that has recently
Haruhiro Higashida gained more interest is an alteration in sensory processing that occurs when the ability to re-
spond behaviorally to sensory information, including sound, touch, body movement, sight,
Received: 26 April 2023 taste and smell, is diminished. This alteration can ultimately lead to unusual responses to
Revised: 17 May 2023
sensory inputs, which may impair the daily life activities of ASD subjects [2]. Even though
Accepted: 24 May 2023
ASD etiopathogenesis is still unclear [3], there is a good amount of evidence suggesting
Published: 26 May 2023
the relevance of both genetic correlates [4] and the environment [5,6]. The definition of
ASD includes conditions with different levels of severity, with or without intellectual im-
pairment or language development alterations. The DSM-5-TR recognizes three levels
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
of severity: the first one includes deficits in social communication that, without support,
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. cause noticeable impairment while the second level requires marked deficits in verbal and
This article is an open access article nonverbal social communication skills and great distress and/or difficulty changing focus
distributed under the terms and or action. Lastly, the third level presents severe deficits in verbal and nonverbal social
conditions of the Creative Commons communication skills that cause severe impairments in functioning, very limited initiation
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// of social interactions and minimal response to social overtures from others, as well as extreme difficulty coping with changes, or other restricted/repetitive behaviors which
4.0/). markedly interfere with functioning in all spheres [1]. Despite the fact that research on ASD

Brain Sci. 2023, 13, 862.

Brain Sci. 2023, 13, 862 2 of 17

has been mainly conducted on children, studies on this condition are equally significant
for adults because it frequently co-occurs with other psychiatric disorders. The existence
of undiagnosed ASD among inpatients seeking treatment is a topic of great therapeutic
importance, emphasizing the necessity of rigorous research of autistic symptoms in clinical
samples as well as in the general population [7].
A central feature of ASD is the presence of an atypical social approach to dialogue
reciprocity and a decreased sharing of interests, emotions and sentiments, caused by
difficulties in the development of an adequate Theory of mind (ToM) [7,8]. It should
be noted that, in the last decades, research in the field of ASD stressed the need to not
limit the investigation to full-blown clinical forms, but to also evaluate those milder,
sub-clinical manifestations of the autism spectrum which seem to be distributed along
a continuum from the general to the clinical population [9–13]. Sub-threshold autistic
traits were first investigated among first-degree relatives of ASD patients, where they are
known under the name of “broad autism phenotype” [14,15]. However, further studies
identified other populations at higher risk of showing autistic traits, ranging from students
of scientific courses to psychiatric patients with other kinds of disorders [3,15–22]. These
traits are divided into various dimensions, although research indicates that not all of
these dimensions strongly correlate with one another [23] and that different dimensions
may be linked to various outcomes [24]. For example, Davis et al. [24] reported that
the social and non-social facets of autistic traits differentially predicted social cognitive
processes in a sample of college students. Additionally, the various facets of autism traits
appear to be connected with sensory processing in adults with typical development in
diverse ways [25,26]. The interest in focusing on subthreshold autistic traits lies in the
fact that they seem to exert a detrimental effect on quality of life, being also a significant
vulnerability factor for the development of other psychiatric disorders, as well as suicidal
thoughts and behaviors [26–28]. As the autism spectrum is frequently closely associated
with other features beyond its core characteristics, two of which are alexithymia [29,30] and
anxiety [31,32], understanding the structure of autism traits and supporting their adequate
measurement allows for the further assessment of the relationship between these traits and
other variables of interest in the spectrum. In fact, high levels of anxiety [33,34] and anxiety
disorders [32,35] are also often reported in youth and adults with autism, influencing their
life outcomes [36]. Due to its pervasive, multiple and kaleidoscopic manifestations, which
are often associated with anxiety and mood symptoms, recognizing high-functioning forms
of ASD, and even more subthreshold autistic traits, among adults with other comorbid
psychiatric disorders can sometimes be difficult, especially when a personality disorder
(PD) is present or suspected [37–41].
According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) [1]
and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) [42], a PD is a persistent, pervasive
and rigid pattern of inner experience and conduct that diverges significantly from cultural
norms and expectations, which can influence cognition, emotion, interpersonal functioning
and impulse control. PD manifestations typically start in adolescence or early adulthood
and are present at any age. For the diagnosis of PDs, it is necessary to assess the long-term
functioning patterns of the person and the specific personality traits must be present by
early adulthood. Additionally, the personality features typical of PDs must be separated
from symptoms and traits that arise in reaction to certain situational stressors or from more
ephemeral or episodic mental states (such as bipolar, depressive, or anxiety disorders, or
drug intoxication) [1]. Three distinct clusters of PDs have been identified. The first group
(Cluster A), sharing strange or unconventional appearance and traits, includes schizoid,
schizotypal and paranoid PDs. Cluster B features instead narcissistic, borderline, histrionic
and antisocial PDs, which frequently manifest in people as dramatic, emotional or erratic
behavior. Lastly, obsessive-compulsive, dependent and avoidant PDs are all included
under Cluster C.
Even though the relationship between ASD and PD is still scarcely understood, recent
investigations increased awareness about some symptoms’ similarities, which makes differ-
Brain Sci. 2023, 13, 862 3 of 17

entiating diagnostic evaluation more difficult [39–41,43]. Moreover, considering that both
ASD and PD feature persistent traits [1], methods used to distinguish between these two
conditions, such as looking for changes in a patient’s level of functioning or behavior, could
be scarcely effective [37]. According to a recent literature review, around 50% of subjects
with ASD may also meet the diagnostic criteria for at least one PD [44]. In particular, some
papers stressed how PDs seem to be a fairly common misdiagnosis among unrecognized
ASD adults [45] while other authors highlighted a high rate of comorbidities between these
two kinds of disorders [46–48]. Among PDs, borderline personality disorder (BPD) is one
of the most investigated in the literature due to its higher prevalence with respect to other
PDs as well as its associated clinical challenges [49].
As defined by the DSM-5-TR and the ICD-11 [1,42], BPD is characterized by a pervasive
pattern of instability in affect regulation, impulse control [50,51], interpersonal functioning
(such as altered empathy and problems with trust and intimacy) [40,52], unstable mood and
self-image, emotional dysregulation and fear of abandonment [1] and difficult personality
traits (such as disinhibition and antagonism). BPD has a lifetime prevalence of 5.9% and
is more often diagnosed in females [53]. These patients frequently seek out mental-health
services due to the clinical indications of the illness, which include emotional dysregulation,
impulsive violence, repetitive self-injury and chronic suicidal thoughts. Although the
causes of the disorder’s development are only partially understood, hereditary factors and
negative childhood experiences, such as physical and sexual abuse, were reported to play a
role [54]. Although the two disorders may seem quite different, recent literature increasingly
reported significant overlaps. The two disorders mainly differentiate for the presence of
restricted interests and repetitive behaviors, as well as an alteration in sensory processing
that, while being necessary for the diagnosis of ASD, it is not required for that of BPD [1].
On the other hand, while BPD is characterized by a pervasive instability of relationship
and self-image, feelings of emptiness and desperate efforts to avoid abandonment, those
are not required features for a diagnosis of ASD [1]. Moreover, the two disorders often
report different triggers of emotional upset. For example, in ASD emotional outbursts may
be triggered by changes in the daily routine or by a cognitive or sensitive overload, while
in BPD by attachment issues.
On the other hand, interestingly, several studies have suggested similarities between
BPD and ASD symptoms and traits [50–53] (Figure 1). For example, intense relationships
and superficial friendships, as well as the tendency of acting out instead of verbalizing
emotions, even if they are typical features of BPD, are also common in ASD. ASD sub-
jects also reported consistent rates of self-injurious behaviors, which is another feature
shared with BPD [55]. Similarly, impairment in verbal and non-verbal communications,
social functioning, erroneous assumptions about motives and emotional meltdowns [56,57],
while being core features of ASD, are also frequently reported in BPD subjects [3,21,58–63].
Furthermore, a variety of studies have reported that not only could many BPD traits be
considered a consequence of emotional dysregulation [64–67], a dimension also largely
represented in ASD subjects [68], but also that people with BPD show difficulties in identi-
fying, distinguishing and integrating their emotions with those of other individuals [69].
While impaired social and relational areas may be a common core for ASD and BPD [70],
some authors stressed in BPD subjects difficulties in the ToM similar to those typical of
ASD subjects [70–74]. This is particularly relevant since altered social perception and
altered functioning of more sophisticated neurocognitive skills such as ToM and associated
mentalizing (i.e., the capacity to predict another person’s conduct based on their mental
state) may lead, in both BPD and ASD patients, to emotional disturbances, and impulsive
and self-destructive behaviors [75,76]. Additionally, both BPD and ASD symptoms have
been reported to improve after therapeutic interventions that target emotion recognition,
mentalizing and empathy, such as ToM and mentalization-based psychotherapy [77,78]
and oxytocin intranasal administration [79,80]. A possible explanation for this concordance
could be that the neurocognitive aspects of ASD that are impaired, such as mentalizing,
impulse control, empathy and communication, may have a major influence on how per-
Brain Sci. 2023, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 18

and oxytocin intranasal administration [79,80]. A possible explanation for this concord-
Brain Sci. 2023, 13, 862 4 of 17
ance could be that the neurocognitive aspects of ASD that are impaired, such as mental-
izing, impulse control, empathy and communication, may have a major influence on how
personality develops [81]. However, besides studies generically investigating the pres-
ence develops [81]. However,
of psychopathological besides
traits typical ofstudies generically
one of these investigating
two conditions in thethe presence
other [55,61–of
74], traits
or case reports [82], thetypical of one
available of these
literature two conditions
specifically in on
focused theinvestigating
other [55,61–74],
case reports
alence [82], the available
and correlations betweenliterature
the autismspecifically
spectrum focused
and BPDonisinvestigating prevalence
still limited, and differ-
and correlations
ences between
between studies the autism
assessing spectrum
sub-threshold or and BPD is still
full-threshold limited,
autism and differences
conditions should
between studies assessing
be clarified (Figure 1) sub-threshold or full-threshold autism conditions should be
clarified (Figure 1)

Figure andsimilarities

Although in the recent literature, an increasing number of studies are analyzing the
Although in the recent literature, an increasing number of studies are analyzing the
possible overlaps and correlations between ASD and BPD, to date, the literature in this
possible overlaps and correlations between ASD and BPD, to date, the literature in this
area is still fairly young, and more has to be understood about the specific features of
these is still fairly young,
correlations, the and
naturemoreof has
the to be understood about
symptomatologic the specific
overlaps and how features
they of these
relate to
the manifestationthe nature of the
of both symptomatologic
disorders overlaps
and the overall and how they relate
psychopathological to the
illness man-
ifestation of both disorders
To our knowledge, andtopic
to date the the overall
has beenpsychopathological
assessed exclusivelyillness trajectory.
by one To our
knowledge, to date the topic has been assessed exclusively by one
but without including subthreshold autistic traits [83]. In this framework, the aimmeta-analysis, but with-of
out including subthreshold autistic traits [83]. In this framework, the
this review was to describe the available studies about the prevalence of the association aim of this review
was to describe
between the forms
different available studiesspectrum,
of autism about the prevalence of the association
including subthreshold between
autistic traits, dif-
BPD, forms
focusing of autism
also onspectrum, including
possible clinical subthreshold
correlates. In the autistic traits,
discussion and BPD,
section, focusing
a dimensional
also on possible
hypothesis clinical
to the correlates. In the
psychopathological discussion
trajectory section, a dimensional
is presented, which would hypothesis
start fromtoa
the psychopathological trajectory is presented, which would start
vulnerability represented by autistic traits and identifies traumatic events and BPD asfrom a vulnerability
further steps byand
autistic traits and
crossroads identifies
for the traumatic
development events and BPD as further steps and
of psychopathology.
crossroads for the development of psychopathology.
2. Association between ASD and BPD
BPD and ASD between ASD and BPD
2.1. BPD
of ASD
the first studies aiming to examine the comorbidity between full-blown ASD
BPDof came fromstudies
the first Rydénaiming
et al. [43], who compared
to examine BPD patients
the comorbidity withfull-blown
between or withoutASDASD
with respect to significant variables such as suicide attempts, self-harm,
and BPD came from Rydén et al. [43], who compared BPD patients with or without ASD inpatient days
and respect
with symptom to burden, and
significant identified
variables suchsome distinctive
as suicide traits found
attempts, in individuals
self-harm, who
inpatient days
have both ASD and BPD. The autistic features of BPD female patients were
and symptom burden, and identified some distinctive traits found in individuals who evaluated with
have both ASD neuropsychological
and BPD. The autistictestsfeatures
and questionnaires
of BPD female as patients
well as with
werethe examination
evaluated with
of medical records. ASD has been assessed using the diagnostic standards
interviews, neuropsychological tests and questionnaires as well as with the examination for Asperger’s
ofsyndrome, ASD andASD
medical records. pervasive
has beendevelopmental
assessed using disorder NOS. Forstandards
the diagnostic adolescents,
forthe Asperger
Syndrome Diagnostic Interview (ASDI) was used alongside the “Five
syndrome, ASD and pervasive developmental disorder NOS. For adolescents, the Asper- to fifteen” (FTF)
for the autistics’ attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and other comorbidities (A-TAC).
ger Syndrome Diagnostic Interview (ASDI) was used alongside the “Five to fifteen” (FTF)
Memory, learning, language, executive functions, motor skills, perception, social skills and
for the autistics’ attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and other comorbidities (A-TAC).
emotional/behavioral issues were all assessed with the FTF. Cut-off scores for neuropsychi-
atric disorders were provided by the ATAC interview. The results were discussed with a
skilled clinician trained to evaluate and treat ASD and ADHD/ADD. The authors reported
that six of 41 patients (15%) with SCID-II (Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II
Brain Sci. 2023, 13, 862 5 of 17

Disorders)—verified BPD met the criteria for ASD. BPD patients with ASD also attempted
suicide more frequently, and showed a higher substance abuse and altered self-image, with
even less self-love and more self-hate. Furthermore, based on the lower Global Assessment
of Functioning (GAF) scores obtained by ASD subjects, the authors concluded that BPD pa-
tients with autistic traits had a higher disease severity. In general, the presence of comorbid
ASD in BPD patients resulted in lower mentalizing capacity and lower social functioning
that possibly leads to higher levels of anxiety due to interpersonal problems and a com-
promised self-image. In a retrospective case-control study by Shen et al. [84], 292 newly
diagnosed BPD patients and 5840 controls selected from the National Health Insurance
Research Database were compared to determine the prevalence of psychiatric comorbidity
throughout a 3-year period before the BPD diagnosis. Among other comorbidities, they
found in BPD patients an increased odds ratio of having an ASD diagnosis (OR = 10.0). In
order to identify ASD in adults, Brugha et al. [85] compared the effectiveness of the Autism
Quotient (AQ) and the Ritvo Autism-Asperger’s Diagnostic Scale-Revised (RAADS-R)
questionnaires in adult mental health services in two English counties. Subsequently, they
recruited 364 men and 374 women who previously completed the AQ and RAADS-R to
undergo an assessment with the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS Module
4). The authors identified more unrecognized ASD subjects among women than men.
Among others, five of the women with ADOS-determined ASD diagnosis (45%) had a
diagnosis of BPD: these data may also support the hypothesis of a greater misdiagnosis
of ASD among women [43]. It can then be inferred that disorders such as BPD can mask
the presence of ASD, especially in women, who are also more likely than men to repress
any autistic traits by mimicking normal behavior. Moreover, Hermann et al. [86] conducted
an observational study by analyzing diagnostic information taken from their BPD-specific
ward and found that ASD was diagnosed in 2.7–5.7% of BPD patients.
Other authors investigated instead the prevalence of BPD among subjects with ASD.
In a 2006 study, Anckarsäter et al. [81] evaluated 240 subjects (131 men and 109 women) for
ASD and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) using the Temperament and
Character Inventory (TCI), identifying axis II personality disorders in a subgroup of 174 sub-
jects using the SCID-II. They found an ASD diagnosis in 113 subjects, an ADHD diagnosis
in 147 subjects, while 27 subjects had neither ASD nor ADHD, but other diagnoses. All
subjects were tested with the ASDI, the Asperger Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism
Screening Questionnaire (AS-HFASQ), the Yale–Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-
BOCS), the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders (SCID-I) and DSM-IV
criteria were used to check for ASD, ADHD, Impulse Control Disorders, Tic Disorders and
other relevant disorders. The authors found that both ASD and ADHD subjects exhibited
higher rates of Personality Disorders. According to their results, Obsessive-compulsive Per-
sonality Disorder was more common in ASD subjects, and BPD more common in ADHD
subjects. Regardless of prevalence, these results highlight how a neurodevelopmental
disorder, particularly if not diagnosed at an early age, can be identified as a personality
disorder if evaluated in adult patients. Hofvander et al. [87] showed that, in a sample of 62
high-functioning ASD individuals, 68% met the criteria for one or more personality disor-
ders, 40% met those for two or more and 18% met those for three or more: in particular, 7%
of the population had BPD. Similarly, Strunz et al. [88] tried to compare the features of PD
and ASD without intellectual impairment. They enrolled 106 controls, 62 individuals with
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), 80 individuals with BPD and 59 individuals with
an ASD diagnosis (83% had Asperger syndrome and 17% had high-functioning autism).
The ASD diagnosis was made through the ADOS, which is a clinical evaluation based on
the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria and the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R). For
determining the presence of axis I disorder in ASD and BPD patients was used the German
version of the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Colloquium (M.I.N.I.), while the Ger-
man version of the SCID-I according to DSM-IV was used specifically for NPD patients.
All participants were evaluated with the NEO-Personality Inventory-Revised (NEO-PI-R),
a self-report questionnaire used to evaluate the Five-Factor Model’s (FFM) five personality
Brain Sci. 2023, 13, 862 6 of 17

traits: openness to experiences, neuroticism, sympathy, extraversion and conscientiousness.

The subjects were also tested with the Dimensional Assessment of Personality Pathology
(DAPPBQ), which is a dimensional self-report questionnaire for measuring pathological
personality traits. According to the study, there are significant differences between the
pathological personality features of BPD and NPD patients, ASD patients and non-clinical
controls. In particular, ASD subjects scored considerably higher on the DAPP-BQ compo-
nent Emotional Dysregulation and the NEO-PI-R Neuroticism dimension than controls,
while they scored lower in comparison to BPD patients. Compared to all other groups,
ASD patients reported considerably lower scores on the NEO-PI-R Extraversion dimension.
ASD patients also scored considerably higher on the DAPP-BQ dimension Inhibitedness
than NPD patients and controls. There was no statistically significant difference between
the ASD and BPD groups on the Inhibitedness dimension. The NEO-PI-R Openness to
Experience dimension, particularly the subscales Aesthetics, Emotions and Actions, had the
lowest scores among all groups in ASD patients. Furthermore, individuals with ASD scored
much higher on the subscale Ideas than BPD patients but did not statistically differ from
NPD patients or non-clinical controls. The Agreeableness scores of ASD patients were sig-
nificantly lower than those of nonclinical controls, but there were no significant differences
between the ASD group and individuals with BPD or NPD. Moreover, ASD patients scored
higher than all other groups on the NEO-PI-R subscale for Straight-forwardness. In the
DAPP-BQ scale dimension Dissocial Behaviour, ASD participants scored statistically similar
to nonclinical controls and substantially lower than BPD and NPD patients. Considering
the NEO-PI-R Conscientiousness dimension, ASD patients scored considerably higher
than BPD and NPD individuals, while considering Compulsivity in the DAPP-BQ scale
they scored significantly higher than all other groups. As compared to all other groups,
ASD patients scored considerably higher on the NEO-PI-R Straightforwardness subscale,
while they scored similar to nonclinical participants in Modesty and Compliance subscales.
Lastly, they found that the DAPP-BQ Narcissism subscale results for ASD patients and
nonclinical controls were similar. To conclude, what emerges from this study is that there
are clear differences between the personality profiles of patients with BPD and NPD and
patients with ASD. Subjects with ASD are open to exclusively intellectual experiences and
show high levels of introversion in almost all areas. Compared to BPD patients specifically,
they showed higher levels of conscientiousness and introversion. In a 2007 study, Ketelaars
et al. [89] highlighted the possible differences in comorbid Axis I and Axis II disorders
in ASD and non-ASD groups. The results indicated that, except for Psychotic Disorder
NOS which was diagnosed in roughly 20% of the non-ASD group and not in the ASD
group, there were no significant differences in the pattern of diagnoses between the ASD
and non-ASD patients. In a 2021 review, May et al. [83] aimed to analyze all evidence
exploring the overlap of clinical presentation and co-occurrence between ASD and BPD.
They examined 1633 studies, but only included 19 of them, including cross-sectional, cohort,
case control and uncontrolled studies, exploring both ASD and BPD prevalence and/or
phenomenology. Of these, 12 studies had appropriate data for the meta-analysis. Seven
of them investigated the prevalence of BPD in ASD, which ranged between 0% to 12%,
with a pooled prevalence of BPD in individuals with ASD of 4%. However, two of these
seven studies did not confirm both ASD and BPD diagnosis, confirming only BPD but
not ASD. The remaining five of the 12 suitable studies assessed ASD prevalence in BPD,
highlighting a prevalence range of 0–15%, with a pooled prevalence of ASD diagnosis
in individuals with BPD of 3%. One of these five studies did not confirm either ASD or
BPD diagnosis, and one study confirmed ASD diagnosis but not BPD. Excluding these two
studies, the pooled prevalence of ASD in BPD based on the remaining three studies was
5%. A summary of the described studies is shown in Table 1.
Brain Sci. 2023, 13, 862 7 of 17

Table 1. BPD and ASD summary table.

Reference Sample Methods Results

15% of BPD subjects met the
criteria for ASD
Rydén et al. SCID-II; ASDI; FTF; More frequent suicide
2008 BPD patients: F = 41 A-TAC
[43] attempts, higher substance
abuse and altered self-image
in BPD subjects with ASD
BPD patients: N = 292
(F = 190; M = 102; mean
Shen et al. age: 25 years) increased odds ratio in BPD
2016 ICD-9-CM patients for having ASD
[84] HC: N = 5840 (F = 3800;
M = 2040; mean age: (OR = 10.0)
25 years)
Brugha et al. AQ; RAADS-R; ADOS 45% of ASD female had a
2020 N = 378 (M = 364; F = 374) Module 4 diagnosis of BPD
Anckarsäter et al. TCI; SCID-I; SCID-II; ASD and ADHD subjects
N = 240 (M = 131; F = 109; ASDI; AS-HFASQ;
2006 mean age: 31.0 years) exhibited high rates of
[81] Y-BOCS Personality Disorders
68% met the criteria for one
or more personality
Hofvander et al. disorders
2009 ASD subjects: N = 62 ASDI; SCID-I; SCID-II 40% met those for two or
[87] more, 18% met those for
three or more: 7% of the
population had BPD
Emotional Dysregulation
scores: BPD > ASD > HC
NPD: N = 62 (F = 17; Inhibitedness scores:
M = 45; mean age ASD/BPD > HC
Dissocial Behavior scores:
30.8 ± 9.7 years) BPD> ASD/HC
HC: N = 106, 62 (F = 50; Compulsivity scores: ASD >
M = 56; mean age ADOS; ADI-R; M.I.N.I.; BPD/HC
Strunz et al. 32.7 ± 10.9 years) SCID-I; NEO-PI-R; FFM;
2015 NEO-PI-R:
BPD: N = 80 (F = 51; NEO-PI-R; FFM; Neuroticism scores: BPD >
M = 29; mean age ASD > HC,
29.7 ± 8.8 years) Extraversion dimension scores:
ASD: N = 59 (F = 32; BPD/HC > ASD
M = 48; mean age Openness to Experience scores:
32.7 ± 10.9 years) HC/BPD > ASD
Straight-forwardness scores:
Conscientiousness scores:
Outpatient: N = 369
(F = 189; M = 180; mean no significant differences in
Ketelaars et al. age: 35 years)
2007 ADI-R; ADOS; AQ the pattern of diagnoses
ASD: N = 15 (F = 3; M = 12;
[89] mean age: 22 years) between ASD and
non-ASD patients
HC: N = 21 (F = 3; M = 18;
mean age: 27 years)
BPD prevalence in ASD
May et al. ranged between 0% to 15%
2021 12 studies
[83] BPD pooled prevalence ASD
individuals of 3–5%

2.2. BPD and Subthreshold Autistic Traits

In addition to the studies that investigated the comorbidity between full-blown ASD
and BPD, other studies focused on evaluating the prevalence and correlations of sub-
threshold autistic traits in patients with BPD. In the study by Nanchen et al. [90], 38 female
participants with BPD were tested for the presence of autistic traits with the AQ, for
their degree of empathy with the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) and for alexithymia
with the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS). According to the findings, about half of the
BPD patients had rates above the ASD cut-off in the AQ test. This study also showed
that cognitive empathy ratings were lower and alexithymia scores were higher in the
subgroup with significant autistic features. In another work, Dudas et al. [91] recruited
Brain Sci. 2023, 13, 862 8 of 17

624 individuals diagnosed with ASD, 23 patients with BPD, 16 patients with comorbid
ASD and BPD and 2081 neurotypical controls. All participants completed the following
self-administered questionnaires: the AQ for the assessment of autistic traits, the Empathy
Quotient (EQ) for quantifying empathy and the Systemizing Quotient-Revised (SQ-R) for
assessing the ability to systematize. Using the latter score, participants were categorized
into one of five cognitive profiles. Results on the AQ score highlighted that patients with
BPD showed higher levels of autistic traits than controls, although lower than the ASD
group. However, the authors stressed that the difference between ASD and BPD group
was only of little significance. Moreover, adults with ASD and co-existing BPD reported
higher mean scores than adults with ASD alone, indicating that both disorders may have
an additive influence on ASD trait scores. Regarding the EQ score, they found that the
ASD group and the comorbid ASD + BPD group both performed worse than the BPD
group, which was comparable to the controls. Lastly, they discovered that both the ASD
and BPD groups outperformed controls on the SQ-R test. These findings suggest that
BPD patients, as well as ASD patients, have a higher systemizing ability compared to
controls. Considering that a high systematization is a typical feature of both disorders,
they suggested a further interpretation of these results, as a compensatory mechanism to
the high emotional instability that characterizes these disorders. All of this highlights the
importance of identifying the presence of autistic traits in patients diagnosed with BPD,
as some of them may have both disorders, especially patients with a history of childhood
neglect or abuse. In a 2018 study, Dell’Osso et al. [21] examined 50 patients who had
treatment between 2015 and 2016 and had a clinical diagnosis of BPD. The control group
consisted of 69 healthy individuals without a history of mental illnesses. Participants were
required to complete the Adult Autism Spectrum (AdAS Spectrum), the AQ and the Mood
Spectrum Self Report Measure (MOODS-SR). Women made approximately 70% of the BPD
group (35 out of 50 subjects with BPD diagnosis) and 60.9% (42 out of 69 healthy subjects) of
the control group. According to this study, patients with BPD reported higher autistic scores
than healthy controls. Using Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 Disorders (SCID-5),
the authors evaluated the BPD group for lifetime comorbidities with other psychiatric
conditions, finding that 27 subjects (54%) had a trauma-related disorder; moreover, 68%
(34 subjects) of the BPD group had a history of physical or sexual abuse. Moreover, they
found that two subjects (4%) suffered from Bulimia Nervosa (BN), one subject (2%) suffered
from Anorexia Nervosa (AN), three subjects (6%) had Binge Eating Disorder (BED) and
lastly two subjects (4%) had Other Feeding and Eating Disorders. Evaluating subjects with
MOODS-SR, they also found that 34% of the BPD group (18 individuals) committed a
suicide attempt. In their analysis, a moderate correlation was found between suicidality
and the AdAS Spectrum total score, whereas a significantly higher score on the AdAS
Spectrum was made by BPD subjects with history of physical or sexual abuse. These
results can be interpreted in two ways. In the first place, patients with subthreshold
ASD, just like those with full-blown forms, are more exposed to traumatic events, often
being the target of sexual abuse, violence and bullying, and can therefore consequently
develop BPD-like symptoms and post-traumatic stress symptoms. On the other hand,
PTSD symptoms include feelings of detachment from others and decreased participation in
or interest in meaningful activities. These may thus mimic typical symptoms of ASD and
generate higher scores on questionnaires that investigate the autism spectrum. Chabrol
et al. [92] studied instead borderline personality characteristics, autistic features, depressive
symptoms and suicide ideation in 474 college students (95 males and 379 females) between
the ages of 18 and 25 using self-administered questionnaires: the Personality Diagnostic
Questionnaire-4 (PDQ-4) was used for examining borderline characteristics, the AQ was
used for assessing autistic features, the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression scale
(CES-D) for depressive symptoms and the three-item Garrison scale for suicidal ideation.
Four groups of subjects emerged from the analysis of the results: High Traits subjects
(individuals with high scores in both the autistic and borderline dimensions), Autistic
Traits, Borderline Traits and Low Traits. The High Traits group and the Borderline Traits
Brain Sci. 2023, 13, 862 9 of 17

group had similar levels of depressive symptoms, but the former showed a higher level
of suicidal ideation than the latter. After excluding the interference of risk factors for
suicidality such as cannabis use or female sex, they concluded that autistic traits alone were
not sufficient to explain the high levels of suicidal ideation of the High Trait group (the
group with both autistic and borderline traits), which would be possibly ascribed to the
interaction between borderline traits and autistic traits. In particular, the typical BPD trait of
high emotional reactivity can interact with the feeling of despair and helplessness generated
by the high sensitivity to stress typical of ASD, leading to suicidal ideation. Moreover,
the social isolation that derives from the difficulty in interpersonal relationships typical
of ASD constitutes a further suicidal risk factor. A more recent study [27] assessed the
presence of autistic traits in a sample of 58 subjects with Bipolar Disorder (BD), 48 subjects
with BPD diagnosis and 59 healthy controls, with a specific focus on which dimensions
of the autism spectrum could represent predictive factors of suicidality. All subjects were
assessed with the following self-report instruments: the AdAS Spectrum, the Ruminative
Response Scale (RRS) and the MOODS-SR for examining mood symptoms and suicidality.
This study highlighted that autistic traits and rumination were more represented in both
BD and BPD groups than in control subjects. Both groups scored above the AdAS spectrum
threshold for the presence of significant autistic traits. Moreover, the pattern of autistic
traits was reported to be associated with suicidality: in particular, in the BPD group the
AdAS Spectrum Non-verbal communication and Hyper/Hyporeactivity to sensory input
dimensions were positive predictors of suicidality, while the Inflexibility and adherence to
routine dimension seemed to be a negative predictor. A summary of the described research
is shown in Table 2.

Table 2. BPD and subthreshold autistic traits summary table.

References Sample Methods Results

Nanchen et al. half of BPD subjects have
2016 BPD: F = 38 AQ; IRI; TAS above the ASD cut-off in the
[90] AQ test
AQ score:
ASD: N = 624; BPD: > HC
Dudas et al. N = 23; ASD + BPD: EQ score:
2017 N = 16; HC: N = 2081; AQ; EQ; SQ-R ASD and ASD + BPD
[91] mean age: performed worse than BPD
39.43 ± 12.3 years (comparable to HC)
SQ-R score:
BPD: N = 50 (F = 35; higher autistic scores in BPD
M = 15; mean age
Dell’Osso et al. subjects compared to HC
33.8 ± 10.0 years) AdAS Spectrum; AQ;
2018 MOODS-SR; SCID-5 higher AdAS Spectrum score
[21] HC: N = 69 (F = 42;
M = 27; mean age in BPD subjects with history
and 31.4 ± 11.4) of physical or sexual abuse

similar levels of depressive

symptoms in High Traits
and Borderline Traits groups
higher level of suicidal
Chabrol et al. N = 474 (F = 379, mean ideation in High Trait
age: 20.7 ± 1.9; M = 95, PDQ-4; AQ; CES-D;
2018 3-item Garrison scale compared to Borderline
[92] mean age: 21 ± 2.3) Traits group
autistic traits are not
sufficient to explain the high
levels of suicidal ideation of
the High Trait group
autistic traits and rumination
BD: N = 58 (F = 21; more represented in BD and
M = 37; mean age: BPD groups than HC
35.48 ± 11.24) BPD and BD scored above
Dell’Osso BPD: N = 48 (F = 33; the AdAS spectrum
2021 M = 15; mean age: AdAS Spectrum; RRS;
MOODS-SR threshold for the presence of
[27] 34.50 ± 9.67)
HC: N = 59 (F = 32; significant autistic traits
M = 27; mean age: pattern of autistic traits was
32.86 ± 11.69) reported to be associated
with suicidality
Brain Sci. 2023, 13, 862 10 of 17

3. Discussion
In recent years, several studies have suggested a similarity between BPD and the
manifestation of ASD without cognitive impairment [81,93]. The reviewed literature high-
lighted how subjects with BPD reported significantly higher scores on tests evaluating the
presence of AT compared to a non-clinical population [22,28,91] while others hypothesized
the presence of unrecognized ASD in some BPD patients or vice versa [43]. Despite some
controversial results and lack of homogeneity in the methods used for the diagnostic as-
sessment, the literature seems to globally point out an increased prevalence of ASD and
subthreshold autistic traits in subjects with PD [87] and, specifically, with BPD, as well
as an increased prevalence of BPD among subjects with ASD [83,90]. These data should
be also considered in light of the recent literature which focused on possible causes of
under-recognition of ASD among females [94,95], hypothesizing that females may undergo
a greater societal pressure to conform, being more motivated to learn how to hide their
autism (camouflaging) [95–97].
In particular, females with ASD may show a reduced impairment in social commu-
nication and interactions and be more aware of their social difficulties, thus developing
higher social anxiety levels and more frequently adopting social camouflaging strategies in
order to mask their difficulties [18,97–99]. This kind of coping strategy, while sometimes
being socially advantageous, may cause many ASD females to go “under the radar” and so
remain undiagnosed, besides implying a lot of mental fatigue, stress and increased anxiety
and depressive symptoms [91,96,97]. Noticeably, another feature typical of ASD females
was reported to be a different pattern of restrictive interests, which may include a specific
focus on food and diet. On the basis of these considerations, and of the symptomatologic
overlaps between ASD and Anorexia nervosa, including a common difficulty in Theory
of Mind tasks, several authors hypothesized that Anorexia nervosa, and eventually other
Feeding and Eating Disorders (FEDs), may be considered a female-specific ASD presenta-
tion [16,17,19,20,100]. While the first author to hypothesize a link between ASD and AN
was Gillberg in the 1980s [101], to date several studies supported an association between
autism spectrum and FEDs. Since Gillberg’s first idea, research on the connection between
ASDs and eating disorders has advanced [101,102], suggesting that AN could be thought
of as an empathy disease on the same spectrum of ASD, due to several parallels between
the two conditions. Longitudinal studies that found how ASD was overrepresented in the
AN community provided new information that helped to clarify this concept [16]. In this
framework, two recent reviews from Dell’Osso et al. [16] and Carpita et al. [15] summarized
the large amount of literature about the association of AN with both full-threshold and
subthreshold autism spectrum, featuring both longitudinal and cross-sectional studies.
According to the authors, which also provided insights on the historical development of the
concept of AN up to the DSM-5, the reviewed evidence seems to support the hypothesis of
a possible reconceptualization of FEDs in light of a neurodevelopmental approach. These
data are of particular interest because FEDs also show a very high comorbidity with BPD,
and both these conditions feature a higher prevalence among females. In this framework,
the different presentations of ASD among females may definitely lead to a late diagnosis of
ASD; some women may also be misdiagnosed with a condition with similar features but
more frequently associated with the female gender, such as a FED or a BPD (which, in turn,
often come together), because clinicians are not trained for searching the female presenta-
tion of ASD [103]. According to this hypothesis, the camouflaging behaviors typical of ASD
females may also explain the dramatic, sometimes artefact-expressivity and communicative
style often reported among subjects with BPD [22,97]. As a consequence, in light of the pos-
sible specific female presentations of ASD, the reported increased prevalence, with respect
to general population, of autism spectrum conditions among BPD patients and of BPD
among subjects with autism spectrum conditions, could still be an underestimation, the tip
of a greater submerged iceberg: an issue that should be addressed by further research.
Another interesting focus of some research was the correlation between suicidality, ASD
and BPD [56,92]. It is widely recognized that BPD subjects are at higher suicide risk compared
Brain Sci. 2023, 13, 862 11 of 17

to the general population [92,104,105], as well as the high prevalence of self-injurious behaviors
in individuals with ASD [106,107]. In fact, one of the most unique characteristics of BPD is the
chronic aspect of the suicidal ideation [108] and follow-back studies have found that suicide
occurs in up to 10% of BPD cases [109,110]. Interestingly, studies examining the frequencies
of diagnosis in subjects deceased by suicide via psychological autopsy and post-mortem
interviews with families, PDs occurred in around half of the cases under the age of 35, and
BPD was indeed the most common category [111–113]. Of particular interest is the report
that near to a third of youth suicides, most of whom are male, can be diagnosed with BPD
by psychological autopsy [111]. Accordingly, some studies highlighted a greater risk of
suicidality in BPD subjects with high autistic traits [22,92], interestingly showing how not only
a full-blown ASD enhanced the overall suicidality, but this was also greatly influenced by
subthreshold autistic and borderline traits [21,28,51,92,114].
Another major link between ASD and BPD is represented by the shared vulnerability
towards traumatic events, which can lead to higher rates of stress-related symptoms and
altogether worsen the global clinical picture [115–118]. Even though the studies focusing
on the correlation between high autistic traits and the likelihood of abuse are still scarce, a
growing body of evidence is reporting how individuals with autism spectrum conditions
often suffer from bullying, interpersonal trauma, violence and sexual abuse [118–122]. On
the other hand, traumatic events such as episodes of abuse are also frequently reported by
BPD patients [123–125] and, furthermore, higher levels of autistic traits have been reported
in BPD subjects who suffered from abuse (either physical or sexual) than in those without
a history of trauma [59]. A possible explanation of these data can be that subjects with
high autistic traits (either picturing a full-blown or a subthreshold disorder) may not only
face a higher risk of exposure to trauma, but also have an increased vulnerability to the
effects of the event resulting in the manifestation of post-traumatic symptoms and BPD-like
characteristics [55,126]. Noticeably, more vulnerable subjects, such as individuals in the
autism spectrum, suffering from chronic exposure to traumatic events (even interpersonal)
can develop a peculiar post-traumatic phenotype known as Complex PTSD (cPTSD) [43],
distinguished by the presence of emotional liability, long-term instability interpersonal
relationships, negative self-perception and maladaptive behaviors [38,116] that can be
easily misdiagnosed as BPD [127], further enhancing the risk of a BPD diagnosis which
would mask an underlying autism spectrum, especially among women.

4. Limits
This review should be considered in light of some limitations. First of all, this is
a narrative review, so it lacks the systematicity and reproducibility of a systematic one.
Secondly, the literature available is still limited and often based on small samples of subjects.
Thirdly, the BPD being a disorder mainly represented in females, there could be a possible
influence of gender in the symptomatologic manifestation, not yet investigated. Moreover,
to this date there is a lack of validated and widespread instruments for the evaluation of
BPD traits. Lastly, we recognize the presence of a recent meta-analysis on the topic that,
however, did not include subthreshold autistic traits in the evaluation.

5. Conclusions
In conclusion, despite the limited literature available, some interesting correlations
between BPD and ASD or autistic traits were highlighted. However, despite much evidence
supporting the possible overlap between autism spectrum and BPD, the specific measure
and nature of these associations remain to be explored. To date, many aspects of this
dimension remain controversial and should be further investigated by longitudinal studies
and integrated in light of a dimensional approach to psychopathology. Further studies in
the field should focus on evaluating the overlapping features and comorbidity between
autism spectrum and BPD in light of a gender-specific approach. Improving knowledge
in this field may ultimately lead to an improvement in the available preventive strategies,
Brain Sci. 2023, 13, 862 12 of 17

diagnostic procedures and treatment options for these conditions, as well as to reach a
better understanding of gender specific psychopathology.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, L.D., I.M.C. and B.C.; methodology, L.D., I.M.C. and B.C.;
writing—original draft preparation, B.N., V.T., L.C. and P.P.; writing—review and editing, B.N., V.T., L.C.
and P.P.; supervision, G.A. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: All data generated or analyzed during this study are included in this
published article.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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