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State the tips for answering the professional phone calls :- Avoid using slangs.

Make use of phrases such as “May I

help you”, “You are Welcome”, and “Thank You”, etc. Put the receiver down gently. Never slam the phone. Always
speak clearly so that the other person can understand what you are saying. When picking up the phone, it is good
practice to identify your company and yourself To the caller. When transferring calls, make sure that you are well
versed with the procedure for Call transfers. It is good practice to use the name of the person you are transferring The
call to. Always adopt a pleasant tone of voice and be attentive. When placing a call on hold, inform the caller of the
same. Don’t interrupt the caller when speaking. When initiating a call, spend a few moments to mentally prepare
yourself so that you Know what need to be said / discussed.

Characteristics of Advertising :1)You pay for it. 2) ou control what is said. 3) ou control how it is said. 4) ou control to
who it is said. 5) ou control where it is placed for advertising. 6) ou control the frequency of its use.
7Write down the guideline for interviews. :- i) Preparation:Mental preparation is most essential even if it has to be
done by thinking quickly a Little before the interviews. It is necessary for both the interviewer as well as interviewee.1)
Study the subject or subjects well. 2) btain necessary allied information ii) First Impression: First impression is the last
impression. Create appropriate impression by Using good manners and good language.iii) Non-verbal Judgment:Making
high speed judgment, during the interview. The interviewer looks at The way a person present himself / herself, his
grooming, his dress, his action.iv) DressThe dress is called the second self. It is said that dress and address broadly
Determine personality.v) Facial expressionFace, is the index of the mind. A lot of non-verbal leakage of which we are
Constantly although not always consciously aware arises from facial Gesture It Is yet another form of
unspoken communication which is watched and interpreted Constantly in an interview vi) Speech By speech too we
form rapid first impression based not on what the candidate say but on how he say it that is his or her manner of saying
it.vii) LanguageA good vocabulary Is always an added advantage at any interview but we must be Cautious about the
words we use.

Define News Explain the types and forms of news writing -a)Hard news : These are general in nature. Some can be
breaking news. These are news Items that require immediate publication. These cannot wait. b)Soft news : These are
light stories. They are not urgent news stories. But soft stories can make interesting reading. Readers like such stories.
These can be about a person, an event or about a developing situation. c)Features: These are detailed, in-depth stories.
In newspapers, they are carried in the magazine section. d)Profiles of Newsmakers: These are generally about people in
the news. Readers may not be aware of such persons. So through their profiles, they are introduced. Form of news
writing a) Inverted pyramid patternIt is common to represent the structure of the news story, with lead or the summary
or The most important facts forming the base, at the top, and the more important details in one Or two paragraphs,
followed by more details and additional facts supporting the main news. 1) EAD (Important fact) 2) DISCUSS LEAD
:.Sometimes it's used to tell a series of events in order in which they occurred, if you want the reader to catch readily the
sequence of incidents.c) Suspended interest form :Sometimes, you can play upon the feelings of suspense in the reader
in writing the story.

What are the problem solving skills ? How to improve problem solving skill :- Problem-solving skills help you
determine the source of a problem and find an Effective solution. Although problem-solving is often identified as its own
separate Skill, there are other related skills that contribute to this ability. How to improve your problem-solving skill :-
Acquire more technical knowledge in your field: Depending on your industry, it May be easier to solve problems if you
have strong working technical knowledge.Seek out opportunities to problem solve: By putting yourself into new
situations, You are more likely to be exposed to opportunities to problem solve.iii) Do practice problems: Practice and
role-play can be useful tools when learning To develop your problem-solving skills. You can find professional practice
books For your industry and problem-solving scenarios online. Iv)Observe how others problems solve: You may have
colleagues who are skilled Problem solvers. Observing how those colleagues solve problems can help you Improve your
own skills

Explain the element of Project Proposal :-1. General Information:-1.Project title 2.Organization submitting proposal
3.General information of applicant organization: 4. Product Details 2. Project description:-a) Site: Location of enterprise;
owned or leasehold land; industrial area; No ObjectionCertificate from the Municipal Authorities if the enterprise
location falls in the Residential area.Pollution Control: The aspects like scope of dumps, sewage system and
sewageTreatment plant should be clearly stated in case of industries producing emissions.3. MARKET POTENTIALi)
Expected Price-An expected price of the product to be realized should be mentioned In the project report.4. CAPITAL
COSTS AND SOURCES OF FINANCE An estimate of the various components of capital items like land and buildings, Plant
and machinery, installation costs, preliminary expenses, margin for working capital Should be ‘given in the project
report5. ASSESSMENT OF WORKING CAPITAL REQUIREMENTSThe requirement for working capital and its sources of
supply should be carefully and Clearly mentioned in the project report.OTHER FINANCIAL ASPECTS In order to adjudge
the profitability of the project to be set up, a projected Profit and Loss Account indicating likely sales revenue, cost of
production, allied cost and profit should be Prepared
Q1. Steps in conducting market survey Defining objectives: Decide the specific information needed. At the same time
identify the source from which the information is to be obtained. 2. Sampling plan: It will not be always possible to
collect information from the whole population. Hence select a sample size and decide a plan for contacting them at
proper time. 3. Preparing Questionnaire: In order to ask uniform questions related to the topic prepare a questionnaire
/ schedule for the survey. 4. Collect and analyse data: Collect the data from the respondents by personallycontacting
them or by mailed questionnaire. Check the data immediately after collection. 5. Reporting: Based on the analysis of the
data prepare a report and submit it to the sponsoring authority.

Q2. Explain the components of print advertisement Visual : Though you don’t absolutely require a visual, it will help
draw attention to your Advertise. Headlines :Headline is the first component of the advertisement. Let the name of the
product Be used in the headline for better recall value. The most important thing to remember here Is that your
headline must be short, snappy and must touch the people who read it. Copy :This is second major category which
constitutes the text of an ad Here’s where you, Make the case. If you have compelling arguments, make them. If you
have persuasive facts, State them. But don’t overwhelm the ad with information. Two strong arguments will make More
of an impression than a dozen weaker one. Finally, be clear, precise Slogan :The other name of slogan is theme line or
tagline. It sums up the advertisement. Slogans are equally important as the headline as it is not only used for advertising
but sales People and the company employees. Recall value. 5. Logo Logo is symbolic representation of a company.

Explain the tips for making presentation effective 1.Analyze your audience and the locale. Audience analysis is must for
preparing yourself For convincing and persuasive presentation. 2)Don’t be over confident and never underestimate your
audience. 3) ry to analyze the facilities available e.g. computer, public address, system, LCD Projector and other
equipments. Preparation should be made accordingly. 4) repare yourself to present the talk professionally. Plan and
edit your talk. Structure your talk into introduction, main section and conclusion.5) Remove too many visuals, slides,
transparencies will confuse and spoil the Presentation. 6) Make your text and numbers legible. Keep at least minimum
font of 20 points for a Room set up.7) Rehearse and restructure your talk in the allotted time. 8) Pre-test your slides /
OHP’s and other visual aids. 9) Dress appropriately as clothes communicate their message to the audience.

Give the steps for planning and conducting meeting :- 4] Plan of Meeting:Decide the Date, time, place of meeting i.e.
season of year, day of week, list of Participants. 2) elect the meeting place which will provide suitable lighting, seating
arrangement And necessary Audio visual facilities. 3) ncourage participation of all participants. 4) repare outline a
tentative agenda or the programme for meeting. 5) ecure speakers or resource persons for meeting. 6) nform speaker
regarding subject matter (purpose) of the meeting.Conduct of Meeting:1) Start the meeting on the scheduled date and
time. 2) eeting begins after the chairperson declares, in presence of experts and participants. 3) Introduce the purpose,
topics to the group of participants aninitiate the discussion. 4) Make introduction in brief. 5) ocus attention on central
theme. 6) xplain the points of agenda. 7) atch reaction of audience.8)Assist the group to take decision and make record
of important decision 9)Distribute the relevant material like folders, pamphlets to the participants. 10.eep the record of

Give the tips for participating in Seminar & conferencei) Select the seminar / conference which is useful for your
enterprise. ii) Ensure your registration for the seminar 1 time by sending abstract of your paper / speech and registration
fees before due date as stated by the organizers.iii) Prepare your presentation in the seminar / conference properly with
adequate use of Modem presentation techniques. iv) Utilize the seminar /conference purposefully to gain maximum
knowledge and share your experiences with other participants. v) Try to develop insights for future projections and
developments in your field of operation. vi) Physical appearance while participating in the seminar or conference should
be neat and tidy. The dress should be formal and presenter should feel comfortable in it. vii)The body language should
be positive and confident about the presentation and topics of discussions. viii) The speakers should maintain eye
contact with the audience and avoid looking nervous. This can be achieved by practice and adequate preparation before
participating in the seminar or conference. ix) Select proper audio – visual aids for presentation, Rehearse and practice
before actual presentation.

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