Cheatsheet: Performance Principles Patterns and Anti Patterns
Cheatsheet: Performance Principles Patterns and Anti Patterns
Cheatsheet: Performance Principles Patterns and Anti Patterns
Centering Principle (CP) Fixing-Point Principle (FP) Locality Principle (LP) Processing vs. Frequency Principle (PFP) Shared Resources Principle (SRP) Parallel Processing Principle (PPP) Spread-the-Load Principle (STLP) Description Define specific, quantitative, measurable performance objectives for performance scenarios. Instrument systems as you build them to enable measurement and analysis of workload scenarios, resource requirements, and performance objective compliance. Identify the dominant workload functions and minimize their processing. For responsiveness, fixing should establish connections at the earliest feasible point in time, such that retaining the connection is cost effective. Create actions, functions, and results that are close to physical computer resources. Minimize the product of processing times frequency. Share resources when possible. When exclusive access is required, minimize the sum of the holding time plus the scheduling time. Execute processing in parallel (only) when the processing speedup offsets the communication overhead and resource contention delays. Spread the load when possible by processing conflicting loads at different times or in different places. Principle(s) CP FP CP, LP, PFP PFP STLP STLP CP
Pattern Fast Path First Things First Coupling Batching Alternate Routes Flex Time Slender Cyclic Functions Antipattern god Class
Description Identify dominant workload functions and streamline the processing to do only what is necessary Focus on the relative importance of processing tasks to ensure that the least important tasks will be the ones omitted if everything cannot be completed within the time available Match the interface to objects with their most frequent uses Combine requests into batches so the overhead processing is executed once for the entire batch instead of for each individual item Spread the demand for high-usage objects spatially, that is, to different objects or locations Spread the demand for high-usage objects temporally, that is, to different periods of time Minimize the amount of work that must execute at regular intervals Solution Refactor the design to distribute intelligence uniformly over the applications top-level classes, and to keep related data and behavior together. 1) Recycle objects (object pool) rather than creating new ones each time. 2) Use Flyweight pattern to eliminate need to create new objects Refactor design to provide alternative access paths that do not require a Circuitous Treasure Hunt (or to reduce the cost of each look) To alleviate the congestion, use the Shared Resources Principle to minimize conflicts
One-Lane Bridge
Traffic Jam
Problem Occurs when a single class either 1) performs all of the work of an application or 2) holds all of the applications data. Either manifestation results in excessive message traffic that can degrade performance. Occurs when an application unnecessarily creates and destroys large # of objects during its execution. Overhead in creation and destruction of objects degrades performance Occurs when an object must look in several places to find the information that it needs. If a large amount of processing is required for each look performance will suffer Occurs at a point in execution where only one, or a few, processes may continue to execute concurrently (e.g., when accessing a database). Other processes are delayed while they wait for their turn. Occurs when one problem causes a backlog of jobs that produces wide variability in response time which persists long after the problem has disappeared
Begin by eliminating the original cause of the backlog. If this is not possible, provide sufficient processing power to handle the worst-case load.
Based on Addison Wesleys: Performance Solutions - A Practical Guide to Creating Responsive, Scalable Software Connie U. Smith and Lloyd G. Williams
Cheatsheet created by: Mohit Soni (http://