Classical School of The Medes AP Exam Application Academic Year 2023 - 2024

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11/13/23, 10:58 PM Classical School of the Medes AP Exam Application Academic Year 2023/2024

Classical School of the Medes AP Exam

Application Academic Year 2023/2024
Submitting this form with payment is required prior to registration

* Required

1. Student's First Name (as shown in your College Board Account) *


2. Student's Last Name (as shown in your College Board Account) *


3. Student's Middle Name (as shown in your College Board Account)

4. Student's Date of Birth (as shown in your College Board Account) *

September 15, 2009… 1/7
11/13/23, 10:58 PM Classical School of the Medes AP Exam Application Academic Year 2023/2024

5. Gender *



6. Phone Number *


7. Email Address *

[email protected]

8. Home Address *

Aram City Duhoj, Kurdistan, 42001 Iraq

9. List the CSM you Attend *




Not CSM Student… 2/7
11/13/23, 10:58 PM Classical School of the Medes AP Exam Application Academic Year 2023/2024

10. If you are not a CSM student please add your school's name and your supervisor's
name and phone number. *

Iam a CSM student

11. Grade Level *

Grade 9

Grade 10

Grade 11

Grade 12

Not in school

12. Your College Board account access information. *


13. AP Exam #1 *

Calculus AB Standard Exam (May 13th, 2024)

Chemistry Standard Exam (May 5th, 2024)

Biology Standard Exam (May 16th, 2024)

Physics 2: Algebra Based Standard Exam (May 17th, 2024)

Calculus AB Late Exam (May 24th, 2024)… 3/7
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Chemistry Late Exam (May 22nd, 2024)

Biology Late Exam (May 23rd, 2024)

Physics 2: Algebra Based Late Exam (May 24th, 2024)


14. AP Exam #2

Calculus AB Standard Exam (May 13th, 2024)

Chemistry Standard Exam (May 5th, 2024)

Biology Standard Exam (May 16th, 2024)

Physics 2: Algebra Based Standard Exam (May 17th, 2024)

Calculus AB Late Exam (May 24th, 2024)

Chemistry Late Exam (May 22nd, 2024)

Biology Late Exam (May 23rd, 2024)

Physics 2: Algebra Based Late Exam (May 24th, 2024)


15. AP Exam #3

Calculus AB Standard Exam (May 13th, 2024)

Chemistry Standard Exam (May 5th, 2024)

Biology Standard Exam (May 16th, 2024)… 4/7
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Physics 2: Algebra Based Standard Exam (May 17th, 2024)

Calculus AB Late Exam (May 24th, 2024)

Chemistry Late Exam (May 22nd, 2024)

Biology Late Exam (May 23rd, 2024)

Physics 2: Algebra Based Late Exam (May 24th, 2024)


16. Each Standard Exam registration is $175 by November 15th, 2023 *

I agree

17. Each Standard Exam registration is $215 after November 15th, 2023 *

I agree

18. Each Late Exam registration is $215. *

I agree

19. Each Standard Exam cancelation fee is $40. *

I agree

20. Each Late Exam cancelation fee is $80 *… 5/7
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I agree

21. Not showing on Exam day (Late and/or Standard) has an $80 cut *

I agree

22. There is no registration and drop out after March 15th of 2024 *

I understand

23. Date of Form Submission *

11/13/2023 

24. I need to fill out this form digitally, print it, sign it by a parent, submit it to school
as a hardcopy with a copy of my passport. *


25. Parent Name and Signature at Submission *

Madyan A Balo

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