Seminar Report Format
Seminar Report Format
Seminar Report Format
Name of the Candidate (14)
Roll Number: (14)
I, Name of the candidate, Roll Number, hereby declare that the work which is being
presented in the seminar report entitled, “Title of the seminar” in the partial fulfillment
of requirement for the award of degree of B.E. (CSE) and submitted in the Department
Name, Model Institute of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous), Jammu is an
authentic record of my own work carried by me under the supervision of Seminar
Coordinator Name (Designation, Institute) and Co-Coordinator Name(if any)
(Designation, Department, Institute).The matter presented in this seminar report has not
been submitted in this or any other University / Institute for the award of B.E. Degree.
Roll Number
Roll No., of 7th Semester, Branch Name, Model Institute of Engineering and
Technology (Autonomous), Jammu”, who carried out the seminar work under
Seminars make the students aware of the updated technologies and provide latest
information about things which are happening in the field of engineering. The present
shape of this work has come forth after contribution from different spheres.
I would also like to thank my parents, friends etc. who helped me in my Seminar
I express my sincere gratitude to Model Institute of Engineering and Technology
(Autonomous), Jammu for giving me the opportunity to work on the Seminar Report
during my/our final year of B.E.
At the end thanks to the Almighty for (entirely on personnel belief)…………
Roll Number
Note 1: The number of Chapters is just indicative. There may be more number of
Chapters in the Seminar Report but the format of the index has to be followed as
given above.
Note 2: Page numbering should be as per the given format i.e. pages from
candidates’ declaration to list of abbreviations should be in Roman and page
All the table no. and captions should be in Time New Roman and of
font size 12
All the figure no. and captions should be in Time New Roman, font size 12
This list is optional. It should be included only if absolutely necessary, i.e. there being
plenty of abbreviations that have been used in the Project. It should be contained in a
single page if possible. The list should be in alphabetical order, Font size 12 in Times
New Roman
Chapter 3-4 or 5: These chapters describe the overall in-depth information about the
seminar topic. These chapters also involve the basic theoretical information about each
and every component & aspect of the topic, such as architecture design, simulation,
implementation and modeling, software implementation, statistical analysis and
calculations done, results gained, and so on.
Results and Discussions chapter shall form the penultimate chapter of the seminar
report and shall include a thorough evaluation of the investigation carried out and bring
out the contributions from the study. The discussion shall logically lead to inferences and
conclusions as well as scope for possible further future work.
This will be the final chapter of the report. A brief report of the work carried out shall
form the first part of the Chapter. Conclusions derived from the logical analysis presented
in the Results and Discussions Chapter shall be presented and clearly enumerated, each
point stated separately. Scope for future work should be stated lucidly in the last part of
the chapter.
All these activities require appropriate and authentic sources of information and that
particular information must be referenced or cited according to the copyrights and other
guidelines. Therefore, to make the report original, it should be free from plagiarism and
must follow standard citations and guidelines of citations to represent the reference
The appendices of a report should be written in Times New Roman format, and it should
contain the information which is appropriate and added to the main text like Embedded
C program code, raw data, and so on.
• Figures and tables should be presented immediately following their first mention
in the text. Short tables and figures (say, less than half the writing area of the
page) should be presented within the text, while large table and figures may be
presented on separate pages.
• Equations should form separate lines with appropriate paragraph separation above
and below the equation line, with equation numbers flushed to the right.
The citations should appear as Ignizio [3, 4], Osyczka[6], Ignizio and Cavalier [5]
and Badri et al. [1]. Note here that only the last names of the authors are being used.
While citing a research article/book authored by more than 2 authors, “et al.” should be
used with the last name of the first author so as to indicate the article/book is authored by
more than 2 people but the names of all the authors should appear in the References
section while describing the respective article/book. If more than one article by the same
author(s) is being cited at a single place then the numbers of both the articles (separated
by a comma) should appear in the same square bracket. Note Ignizio [3, 4] as cited
above. If more than one citation by different authors is occurring together, then the
citations should appear chronologically, i.e. the older article should be cited first.
The mathematical equations (if any) should be written using Equation Editor or
Math Type only. All the equations should be centrally aligned and only those equations
should be numbered which are being referred in the Project. Due care should also be
given to the variables that appear in the running text. Such variables should also be
written using the Equation Editor or Math Type using the inline equation option. It is also
important to note that the bold face variables represent the vector quantities so the
variables should not be written in bold face letters. Some examples are given below.
Where represents the binary variable, represents the variable assuming any real
value. Also important to note the “small w” in “where” written after the equations to
describe the variables present in the equations.
1.5 Summary This will be the last title of the chapter. Summarize the whole chapter
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
The bullet marks may be used to list items. Try to use as simple bullet marks as
possible as given below.
● List item 1
● List item 2
● List item 3
● List item 4
void main()
All the tables that are present in the Project report should be cited at the relevant
places. The caption of the tables should be written above the table and should be written
in font size 10 as given below in an example. While citing a table, complete “Table 3.1”
should be written rather than “Tab. 3.1” or “table 3.1”.
The alignments of the columns may be adjusted as per the type of data being projected.
More importantly, do not use the complete text width until unless it is required. The
squeezed tables appear better than the other ones. Table 3.1 is an example of such a case.
A table should preferably be completed in a single page, so the space should be adjusted
accordingly. If however, a complete table cannot be put at the current position, then the
All the figures that are present in the Project report should be cited at the relevant
places. The caption of the figures should be written below the figure and should be
written in font size 10 as given below in an example. While citing a figure, complete
“Figure 3.1” should be written rather than “Fig. 3.1” or “figure 3.1”.
In case of using an abbreviation and if the list of abbreviations has not been
included in the Project report, the full form of the abbreviation should be mentioned at
the first instance where it is introduced, thereafter the abbreviation can be used anywhere
in the Project report. ANN (Artificial Neural Network) is a mathematical model that is
inspired by the functional aspects of biological neural networks. In most cases, an ANN
is an adaptive system that changes its structure based on external or internal information
that flows through the network during the learning phase.
● Each listed reference in the bibliography must be cited in the text of the report.
● For a book give the name(s) of author(s), title of book, edition, chapter number,
[25] Jones, C.D., A.B. Smith, and E.F. Roberts, 1994, “Efficient Real-Time Fine Grained
Concurrency”, 2nd Ed., Ch. 3, pp. 145-7, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.
For a journal/conference paper, give the name(s) of authors, title of paper, name of
journal/ conference, volume and issue number (for journal), page numbers, and month
and year of publication.
[1] Badri, M.A., Mortagy, A.K. and Alsayed, A., 1998, “A multi-objective model for
locating fire stations”, European Journal of Operational Research, Volume Number
110, Issue Number 2, pp. 243-260.
[2] Chatani, E., Hayashi, R., Lange, R. and Balny, C., 2002, “Thermal and pressure
stability of Phe46 mutants of ribonuclease A”, Proceedings of First International
Conference on High Pressure Bioscience and Biotechnology, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 27-
[3] Ignizio, J.P., 1968, “A Method to Achieve Optimum Air Defense Sensor Allocation”,
MS Dissertation, University of Alabama, Alabama.
[4] Ignizio, J.P., 1971, “A Heuristic Solution to Generalized Covering Problems”, Ph.D.
Dissertation, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg.
[5] Ignizio, J.P. and Cavalier, T.M., 1994, “Linear Programming”, Prentice-Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, pp. 457-505.
[6] Osyczka, A., 1985, “Multicriteria optimization for engineering design”, Design
Optimization, Academic Press, Cambridge, pp. 193-227.
It is very important that all the references should be cited in the text and those cited
in text should be mentioned in the references. Complete information of all the
references should be provided, i.e. name of the journal, volume number, issue
number, pp., year etc. The same goes for the books as well the details of the
publisher should be provided here, however, the pp. in this case is optional. In case
of a reference from a conference then the complete title of the conference should be
provided together with the venue where it was held.
● Page numbering should be in roman (i, ii, iii….) for front pages and at left bottom on
above mentioned and in numeric’s (1, 2, 3….) and should be accordingly as used in
this report i.e. in the footer at left bottom on chapter1 onwards.
● Margins: Top 1.0, Bottom 1.0, Left 1.5 and Right 1.0.
● Caption for table (size 10): - above the table, in bold only and rest simple and should
● Caption for figures(size 10): - below the figure in bold only and rest simple and
should be marked as Figure 2.1, Figure 2.2 (under chapter 2) and so on.
eg. Figure 1.1: Title of the Figure
(sentence case, bold), 16 for chapter title (Caps, Bold) and 12 for Sub headings
Paper Quality
The project report shall be printed on white bond paper, whiteness 95% or above, weight
70 gram or more per square meter.
The size of the paper shall be standard A 4; height 297 mm, width 210 mm.
A chapter can be divided into Sections, Subsections and Sub subsections so as to present
different concepts separately. Sections and subsections can be numbered using decimal
points, e.g. 2.2 for the second section in Chapter 2 and 2.3.4 for the fourth Subsection in
third Section of Chapter 2. Chapters, Sections and Subsections shall be included in the
contents with page numbers flushed to the right.
Small size tables and figures (less than half of the writing area of a page) should be
incorporated within the text, while larger ones may be presented on separate pages.
Tables and figures shall be numbered chapter wise.
For example, the fourth figure in chapter 5 will bear the number Figure 5.4.
Reference for Table and Figures reproduced from elsewhere shall be cited in the last and
separate line in the table and figure caption, e.g. (Name of the table [12]).
The evaluation copies of the seminar report may be spiral bound or soft bound. The final
hard bound copies are to be submitted at the end of the session.
This is the final and delicate stage of the art of report writing and preparation. As simple
as it looks, it can spoil all the efforts that have been put forth on the seminar report, if
handled carelessly. The final hardbound reports should look professional and neat, since
this is the first point of contact with the reader. An aesthetically pleasing cover page of a
report can surely persuade the reader to go deeper into the contents of the report. This
could only be achieved if the student hands the job to a competent printer.
Bound back
The degree, the name of the candidate and the year of submission shall also be embossed
on the bound (side) in gold.
Blank Sheets
In addition to the white sheets (binding requirement) two white sheets shall be put at the
beginning and the end of the seminar report.