We hereby request your services to be carried out for compliance towards MARPOL ANNEX VI
CHAPTER 4 (Please select from Table 1 on Page 2)
Company Details
Table 1:
Approval of EEXI Technical File for compliance to Regulation 23 & Regulation 25 of Revised
MARPOL Annex VI adopted vide MEPC 328 (76)
1. Approved NOX Technical File for Main and Aux. Engines (if applicable)
2. Shop Test Results for Main and Aux. Engines or SFC values provided by engine
3. Approved Stability Booklet
4. Approved / Estimated Speed vs Power curve obtained from the tank test and/or numerical
calculations and/or the sea trial results
5. Onboard Management Manual (OMM) for overridable Shaft / Engine Power
Limitation (If applicable)
Examination of SEEMP Part II for compliance to Regulation 26.2 of Revised
MARPOL Annex VI adopted vide MEPC 328 (76)
Following supporting documentation is to be submitted by the company at the time of submitting SEEMP
1. Certificate of Registry, ISM DOC and SMC
2. Certificate copies of emission sources (M/E, A/E, Boiler, Gas Turbine, Inert Gas Generator)
3. Description of flow meters (if fitted) including type, details of maintenance and calibration
4. Calibration certificate copies of measuring equipment
5. Drawings and Documents:
a. General Arrangement of vessel
b. Engine room layout / G.A of machinery space
c. Fuel Oil Supply system plan
Examination of SEEMP Part III for compliance to Regulation 26.3 of Revised
MARPOL Annex VI adopted vide MEPC 328 (76)
1. Certificate of Registry
2. ISM DOC and SMC
3. IEE Certificate
4. Verified Annual Fuel Oil Consumption Report for previous year (for existing ship)
5. Statement of Compliance – Fuel Oil Consumption Reporting (for existing ship)
Verification of fuel consumption data for compliance to Regulation 27 and CII for compliance to
Regulation 28 of Revised MARPOL Annex VI adopted vide MEPC 328 (76)
Following supporting documentation is to be submitted by the company at the time of reporting annual
fuel consumption data and CII
1. A copy of the ship's Data Collection Plan (SEEMP Part II) [If not reviewed by IRS]
2. Summaries of bunker delivery notes (BDNs).
3. Summaries of disaggregated data of fuel oil consumption, distance travelled and hours
4. Copies of documents containing information on the amount of fuel oil consumption, distance
travelled and hours underway for the ship's voyages during the reporting period (the ship's
official logbook, oil record book, BDNs, arrival/noon/departure reports, etc.).
5. Information on data gaps, if any, and how they were filled as well as how the event that
caused the data gap was resolved. (Described in SEEMP-II)
6. Any other document as deemed necessary and relevant at a later stage while carrying out
verification of data.
• We agree to make all necessary arrangements for the conduct of verification, including
o Provisions for examining documentation
o Access to all relevant processes, areas, records and personnel as deemed necessary by
We also agree to communicate to IRS in the event the vessel changes ownership/management/
Flag or is sent to recycling yard
SEEMP documentation (Tick as appropriate)
Part of Safety Management System
Independent of Safety Management System
• Whilst Indian Register of Shipping, a Classification Society, along with its subsidiaries and
associates (hereinafter referred to as the Society) and its Board/Committees use their best
endeavors to ensure that the functions of the Society are properly carried out, in providing
services, information or advice neither the Society nor any of its servants or agents warrants the
accuracy of any information or advice supplied.
• Except as set out herein neither the Society nor any of its servants or agents (on behalf of each of
whom the Society has agreed this clause) shall be liable for any loss damage or expense whatever
sustained by any person due to any act or omission or error of whatsoever nature and however
caused of the Society, its servants or agents or due to any inaccuracy of whatsoever nature and
howsoever caused in any information or advice given in any way whatsoever by or on behalf of
the Society, even if held to amount to a breach of warranty.
• Nevertheless, if any person uses services of the Society, or relies on any information or advice
given by or on behalf of the Society and suffers loss damage or expenses thereby which is proved
to have been due to any negligent act omission or error of the Society, its servants or agents or
any negligent inaccuracy in information or advice given by or on behalf of the Society then the
Society will pay compensation to such person for his proved loss up to but not exceeding the
amount of the fee charged by the Society for that particular service, information or advice.
• Any notice of claim for loss, damage or expense, as referred to above, shall be made in writing to
the Society’s Head Office within six months of the date when the service, information or advice
was first provided, failing which all the rights to any such claim shall be forfeited and the Society
shall be relieved and discharged from all liabilities.
• Information on procedures for handling complaints and appeals is available on IRCLASS website.
• IRS shall not disclose information that is not public about a client or responsible party to a third
party without their written consent.
Signature for and on behalf of the company Signature for and on behalf of IRS
Place: Navi Mumbai Place:
Date: 11-Oct-2022 Date:
Form No: SRF_MARPOL Annex VI Chapter 4_Rev.0 Page 3 of 3