Mcse 302 C Network Security Dec 2020

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Total No. of Questions : 8] [1] [Total No.

of Printed Pages : 3

Roll No ..................................
M.E./M.Tech., III Semester
Examination, December 2020
Network Security
Time : Three Hours
Maximum Marks : 70
Note: i) Attempt any five questions.
ii) All questions carry equal marks.

1. a) Define digital signature. List the security services

provided by the digital signature.
b) Distinguish between passive and active security attacks
with suitable example.

2. a) What are the key features of Windows security

architecture? How it differs from Linus security
b) Explain Diffie Hellman key exchange protocol. List and
discuss security attacks possible against the Diffie
Hellman key exchange protocol.

3. a) Define affine cipher (encryption, decryption and key

domain). Assume that attacker intercept the following
ciphertext (by chosen-plaintext attack):
Attacker also very briefly obtains access to sender’s
computer and has only enough time to type a two-letter
plaintext: “et”. She then tries to encrypt the short plaintext
using two algorithms, because she is not sure which one
is the affine cipher:

Algorithm 1 : Plaintext: et Ciphertext: WC

Algorithm 2 : Plaintext: et Ciphertext: WF
Find out the key of affine cipher using given data.
b) Design a secure two-message authentication protocol that
provides mutual authentication and establishes a session
key K. Assume that Alice and Bob know each other’s public
keys beforehand. Does your protocol protect the
anonymity of Alice and Bob from a passive attacker (i.e.,
an attacker who can only observe messages sent between
Alice and Bob)? If not, modify your protocol so that it
does provide anonymity.

4. a) SSL and IPSec are both designed to provide security over

the network.
i) What are the primary advantages of SSL over IPSec?
ii) What are the significant differences between the two
b) Explain why mode of operation are needed if modern
block cipher are to be used for encipherment. List five
modes of operation and discuss ECB mode of operation.

5. a) Define RSA cryptosystem. How does we perform

factorization and chosen-plaintext attack on RSA?
b) What is cryptographic hash function? Define
cryptographic hash function criteria (preimage resistance,
second preimage resistance and collision resistance).
6. a) Define pigeonhole principle and birthday problem.
Assume that message in a hash function are 6 bits long
and the digest are only 4 bits long. Find out how many
messages are corresponding to one message digest.
b) Define cookies, spyware, virus, logic bomb, worms,
ransomware and rootkit.

MCSE-302(C) Contd...

7. a) Does a MAC work as an HMAC? That is, does a MAC

satisfy the same properties that an HMAC satisfies?
b) Discuss X.509 Certificates in detail. What is the role
X.509 Certificates in cryptography?
8. a) Suppose that you have a message consisting of 1024 bits.
Design a method that will extend a key that is 64 bits long
into a string of 1024 bits, so that the resulting 1024 bits
can be XORed with the message, just like a one-time pad.
Is the resulting cipher as secure as a one-time pad? Is it
possible for any such cipher to be as secure as a one-time
b) What is Electronic mail security? Provide the application
of pretty good privacy (PGP) in transaction



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