Interest Calculation - Sap - Fico - Module
Interest Calculation - Sap - Fico - Module
Interest Calculation - Sap - Fico - Module
Step 2) Populate the following fields: Reference interest rate, Long text, Description, Date from and
Path: SPRO - Select SAP Reference IMG - Financial Accounting - General Ledger Accounting - Business
Transactions - Bank Account Interest Calculation - Interest Calculation - Define Time - Dependent Terms
(Transaction code is OB81 )
Step 2) Populate the following fields: Interest calculation indicator, Currency key, Effective from,
Sequential number, Terms select from drop down menu and Reference interest rate (M2)
Path: SPRO - Select SAP Reference IMG - Financial Accounting - General Ledger Accounting - Business
Transactions - Bank Account Interest Calculation - Interest Calculation - Enter Interest Values (Transaction
code is OB83 )
Step 2) Populate the following fields: Reference (M2, M3), Valid from and Interest rate
To check account group for the accounts to be created follow the following path (transaction code is
Step 1) In the next screen scroll down to find the position button and click on it
Step 1) Give the G/L account number, Company code and press With Template button in order to create a
new G/L account with reference to another G/L account
Step 2) Enter the G/L (Equity share capital ) and Company code
Press enter
Step 3) Change the Account group to Secured Loans, change the short and long text.
Select Create/bank/interest tab
B. Interest Account
Step 1) Give the G/L account number, Company code and press With Template button in order to create a
new G/L account with reference to another G/L account
Path: SPRO - Select SAP Reference IMG - Financial Accounting - General Ledger Accounting - Business
Transactions - Bank Account Interest Calculation - Interest Posting - Prepare G/L Account Balance Interest
Calculation (Transaction code is OB83 )
Step 2) Note interest paid - 0002 and G/L account (paid) - 2000
Select Accounts button
Step 4) Populate the following fields: Account symbol, Currency and G/L Account
Why 10 times + (plus) if we are using 6 digits for G/L account? Why not use ++++++ (6 times plus) ? Because
even though G/L is 6 digits sap adds four zero to make it 10 digits Example : 400400 ( 0000400400)
Step 1) Populate the following fields: Document Date, Type, Company Code, Period, Currency and Posting
key. Select the G/L account from the drop down button and press enter
Step 2) Populate the following fields: Amount, Business Area, Value date, Text, Posting key, Account in the
next screen and press enter
Step 3) Populate the following fields: Amount, Business Area, Value date, Text in the next screen and
press enter
Step 4) From the menu select document and press simulate to view the document details
Step 1) Populate the following fields: Document Date, Type, Company Code, Period, Currency and Posting
key. Select the G/L account from the drop down button and press enter
Step 2) Populate the following fields: Amount, Business Area, Value date, Text, Posting key, Account in the
next screen and press enter
Step 3) Populate the following fields: Amount, Business Area, Value date, Text in the next screen and
press enter
Step 4) From the menu select document and press simulate to view the document details
Path: Accounting - Financial Accounting - General Ledger -Periodic Processing - Interest Calculation -
Balance Interest Calculation (Transaction code is f.52)
Populate the following fields: Chart of Accounts, Company code, G/L account and Calculation period
Select additional balance line check box
Step 2) Populate the following fields: Reference, Valid from and Interest rate
Step 1) Populate the following fields: Chart of Accounts, Company code, G/L account and Calculation
Select Post interest settlements check box and update master records check box
Session name :MML
Posting to business area : MMLH
Posting date of session : 30.04.2017
Posting segment text : Interest for April 2017
Select Execute button
Step 2) To view the batch Input session From the menu select System - Services - Batch input - Session
Step 4) Select Display errors only radio button and press process button
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