Venus As A Laboratory For Exoplanetary Science: Skane@ucr - Edu
Venus As A Laboratory For Exoplanetary Science: Skane@ucr - Edu
Venus As A Laboratory For Exoplanetary Science: Skane@ucr - Edu
University of California, Riverside, CA, USA
NASA GSFC, Greenbelt, MD, USA
JPL, Pasadena, CA, USA
University of Victoria, Canada
Planetary Science Institute, Tucson, AZ, USA
Brown University, Providence, RI, USA
Rice University, Houston, TX, USA
Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA
NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, USA
Key points:
1. The characterization of terrestrial exoplanets, including interior structure and
atmospheres, is becoming a primary focus of exoplanetary science.
2. The boundaries of habitability are best understood through the study of the
extreme environments present on Earth and Venus.
3. There are many outstanding questions regarding Venus that are critical to
answer in order to better constrain models for exoplanets.
The current goals of the astrobiology community are focused on developing a framework for the
detection of biosignatures, or evidence thereof, on objects inside and outside of our solar system.
A fundamental aspect of understanding the limits of habitable environments (surface liquid
water) and detectable signatures thereof is the study of where the boundaries of such
environments can occur. Such studies provide the basis for understanding how a once inhabitable
planet might come to be uninhabitable. The archetype of such a planet is arguably Earth’s sibling
planet, Venus. Given the need to define the conditions that can rule out bio-related signatures of
exoplanets, Venus provides a unique opportunity to explore the processes that led to a
completely uninhabitable environment by our current definition of the term. Here we review the
current state of knowledge regarding Venus, particularly in the context of remote-sensing
techniques that are being or will be employed in the search for and characterization of
exoplanets. We discuss candidate Venus analogs identified by the Kepler and TESS exoplanet
missions and provide an update to exoplanet demographics that can be placed in the potential
runaway greenhouse regime where Venus analogs are thought to reside. We list several major
outstanding questions regarding the Venus environment and the relevance of those questions to
understanding the atmospheres and interior structure of exoplanets. Finally, we outline the path
towards a deeper analysis of our sibling planet and the synergy to exoplanetary science.
1. Introduction
The new era of exoplanet research provides a basis to place the terrestrial planets of our
planetary system into a much broader context and explore a wide range of potential variability
through comparative planetary system research. One of the most compelling questions in
comparative planetology of our Solar System is the origin and evolution of life (astrobiology):
when, where, how and under what conditions did life arise, and what environments encourage its
evolution or cause its extinction? The prime focus of astrobiology research is the search for life
elsewhere in the universe, and this search proceeds with the pragmatic methodology of looking
for liquid water and Earth-like conditions. In our solar system, Venus is the most Earth-like
planet, yet at some point in planetary history there was likely a bifurcation between the two:
Earth has been continually habitable since the end-Hadean, whereas Venus became uninhabitable
at some point in its past. Indeed, Venus may be the type-planet for a world that has transitioned
from habitable and Earth-like conditions through the inner edge of the Habitable Zone (HZ); thus
it provides a natural laboratory to study the evolution of habitability. Exoplanet detection
methods are becoming increasingly sensitive to terrestrial planets, resulting in a much-needed
collaboration between the exoplanetary science and planetary science communities to leverage
the terrestrial body data within the solar system. In fact, the dependence of exoplanetary science
on solar system studies runs deep, and influences all aspects of exoplanetary data, from orbits
and formation, to atmospheres and interiors.
A critical aspect of exoplanetary science to keep in mind is that, unlike the solar system,
in situ data for exoplanet surface environments will not be obtained in the foreseeable future, and
thus exoplanet environments may only be characterized indirectly from other measurables, such
as planetary mass, radius, orbital information, and atmospheric composition. Inferences about
those environments in turn are derived from detailed models constructed using the direct
measurables obtained from observations of and missions to solar system bodies (Fuji et al. 2014;
Madden & Kaltenegger 2018). Thus, even as we struggle to understand the fundamental
properties of terrestrial objects within the solar system, the task of characterizing the surface
environments of Earth-sized planets around other stars will remain ever moreso inaccessible. If
we are then to seek to understand the habitability of planets similar to the Earth, proper
understanding of the boundaries of the HZ are necessary, exploring both habitable and
uninhabitable environments. Furthermore, current and near-future exoplanet detection missions
are biased towards close-in planets (i.e., those with relatively short orbital periods), so the most
suitable targets for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) are more likely to be Venus-like
planets than Earth-like planets. Thus, the ongoing efforts to further study and understand the
evolution of Venus’ atmosphere and surface, including its present state, provides critical
information that complements the interpretation of these exoplanet observations. Here, we
review the current state of knowledge regarding Venus in the context of habitability and the
potential of past temperate conditions. We further discuss the relevance of Venus to the study of
terrestrial exoplanets, as well as current and future exoplanet missions, and the primary
outstanding questions on Venus, the answers of which will greatly inform our understanding of
terrestrial planetary evolution and habitability in general.
history (e.g. Strom et al. 1994; Moresi & Solomatov 1998; Armann & Tackley 2012)? Does the
current surface temperature and environment influence the style of tectonics through deeply
penetrating thermal effects (Ghail 2015; Platz et al. 2015)? Perhaps examples of these separate
and divergent evolutionary paths are present in the cornucopia of discovered Venus-like
exoplanets. Exploring this coupled geological-geophysical-atmosphere parameter space, by way
of future missions to Venus, continued exoplanet surveys, and geodynamic and climate
modeling, will help to crystallize an understanding of, and bring new insight to, the formative
years of Venus as well as Earth.
Although Venus accounts for 40% of the mass of terrestrial planets in our solar system,
fundamental properties of its interior composition have been predicted (e.g. Zharkov, 1983), but
not yet measured. As we expand the scope of planetary science to include those planets around
other stars, , core-size and state, seismic velocity and density variations with depth, and thermal
profiles, will provide us with critical benchmarks for testing geochemical and geodynamic
models of terrestrial and exoplanet interiors in general. Furthermore, measurements of the
relative abundances of Venus’ refractory elements can greatly inform models of the degree of
mixing of planetesimals within the critical zone of the protoplanetary disk where terrestrial
planets formed. If the relative refractory element ratios found for the Venus surface are reflected
in the size of the core, we gain a key benchmark for studies of how this and other planetary
systems formed by constraining even this simple parameter for Venus. Such a finding, in turn,
will greatly aid in our studies of exoplanets, where stellar composition may set the initial
compositional gradient of planetesimals within the disk but for which the degree of mixing
remains an elusive, underconstrained parameter.
Figure 3: A top-down view of the K2-3 and TRAPPIST-1 planetary systems, showing the orbits
of the planets and the extent of the HZ (green) annd VZ (dark green).
The occurrence rate of Venus analogs will continue to be relevant in the current era of the
Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) mission, as hundreds of terrestrial planets orbiting
bright host stars are expected to be detected (Sullivan et al. 2015; Huang et al. 2018).
Simulations by Huang et al. (2018) predicted that TESS will discover ~100 planets smaller than
1.25 Earth radii during the primary mission, of which ~30 will orbit stars brighter than a TESS
magnitude of 10, making the stars amongst the brightest of those hosting transiting terrestrial
planets. The discoveries of TESS will thus provide key opportunities for transmission
spectroscopy follow-up observations during planetary transit using JWST, amongst other
facilities (Seager & Sasselov 2000; Kempton et al. 2018), and will be used to investigate upper
atmosphere compositions. Such observations that are capable of characterizing the atmospheric
compositions of terrestrial planets will need to face the challenge of distinguishing between
possible Venus and Earth-like surface conditions by combining observations of identifying
relative amounts of atmospheric greenhouse gases with geological models that accounts for those
abundances (Schaefer & Fegley 2011; Ehrenreich et al. 2012; Kane et al. 2018). Apart from
wavelength coverage and signal-to-noise considerations, the challenge of correct interpretation
of transmission spectra arises from such modeling aspects as atmospheric opacity as a function
of scale height and the degeneracy between models that can distinguish between runaway
greenhouse and temperate surface conditions (Robinson 2017). Overcoming these challenges
will be combined with a simultaneous statistical analysis of potential Venus analogs and their
occurrence rates, leading to a quantitative assessment of the primary contributors toward the
emergence of runaway greenhouse atmospheres and thus allowing us to decode why the
atmosphere of Venus may have so radically diverged from its sibling planet, Earth.
Figure 4: A summary of some outstanding questions regarding the atmosphere and surface of
Venus (Taylor et al. 2018).
7. Conclusions
The only in situ terrestrial planetary data available to us are here in our solar system, and there
are many opportunities to study exoplanet analogs from our terrestrial body inventory. Since
efforts towards the detection and characterization of exoplanets are focussed on Earth-size
planets, Venus is an ideal and accessible exoplanet laboratory. Data from Venus have wide-
reaching consequences for studying exoplanets, and may be applied to modeling planetary
atmospheres, surfaces, interiors, and geological processes that contribute to detectable
atmospheric signatures. The next greatest advances in studies of Venus will come from improved
answers to the top-level questions described in Section 6; in particular, the finding of evidence
for previously temperate conditions on Venus would significantly enhance studies of habitability
and our understanding of the prevalence of life in the universe.
Atmospheric modeling of exoplanets is also of critical importance and improved
measurements of pressure, temperature, composition, and dynamics of the Venusian atmosphere
as a function of latitude and altitude would aid enormously in our ability to interpret and model
exoplanetary atmospheres. In particular, new direct measurements of D/H ratios within and
below the clouds are needed to better constrain the historical volume of water on Venus.
Combined with D/H, isotopic measurements in the atmosphere would yield insights into the
origins and fate of the Venusian atmosphere. Further measurements of the Venusian deep
atmosphere will allow a detailed study of the atmospheric chemistry that occurs at very high
temperature and pressures. Such measurements are important for exoplanet atmospheric studies
because the deep atmosphere of exoplanets will be inferred from models that use data of the
upper atmosphere obtained via transmission spectroscopy (Hu et al. 2012; Forget & Leconte
Detailed knowledge of the Venusian interior also plays an important role in our ability to
construct robust models of exoplanetary interiors. Current interior models of exoplanets are
based upon limited solar system data and phase transition diagrams combined with mass/radius
measurements and extraction of stellar abundance information (Valencia et al. 2007; Dorn et al.
2015; Hinkel & Unterborn 2018; Wang et al. 2019). Such interior modeling efforts would benefit
enormously from additional data of the interior of Venus since the planet, along with Earth, best
represent the terrestrial planets that are accessible via current exoplanet detection methods.
Specifically, the most valuable interior data will come from measurements that refine Venus’
moment of inertia and allow for the determination of the planet’s geologic evolution, its current
level of activity, and indications of key geodynamic changes (e.g., tectonic and thermal regime)
with time. These fundamental measurements would stimulate progress in addressing the key
questions described in Section 6 on multiple fronts, and vastly improve our understanding of
both modern Venus and its pathway to that modern state.
Ultimately, Venus is an exoplanet laboratory next door that presents an opportunity to
conduct a detailed study of planetary atmospheres and the evolution of habitability that will
never be available to us elsewhere. The considerable number of unanswered, major questions
regarding Venus and their profound bearing on the correct interpretation of atmospheric data and
the connection to the geophysics of the planet, means that we must recognize the consequential
limitations of our ability at present to reliably infer the surface conditions of exoplanets for
which data will always be several orders of magnitude less accessible. Importantly, and despite
its current surface environment, Venus has a vital story to tell regarding the evolution of a
habitable planet, from starting conditions that may have been similar to Earth, through a period
of temperate climates, to an eventual fall into post-runaway greenhouse calamity. It is critical,
now more than ever, that we consider carefully that story.
The authors would like to thank the referees, Paul Byrne and Richard Ghail, whose detailed
comments greatly improved the quality of the manuscript. This research has made use of the
following archives: the Habitable Zone Gallery at and the NASA Exoplanet
Archive, which is operated by the California Institute of Technology, under contract with the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration under the Exoplanet Exploration Program. The
results reported herein benefited from collaborations and/or information exchange within
NASA’s Nexus for Exoplanet System Science (NExSS) research coordination network
sponsored by NASA’s Science Mission Directorate.
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