Cloninger Kasey D DSM CAO 06-26-08 Redacted

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oss 6/23/08 2:02 PM Renote Case Register. Clatsop County Courts status Co Jail Case#...... 071216 Oregon State Of/Cloninger Kasey David Offense Felony ~ Rape-1 ~ A/FEL case Filed Date 8/09/07 Starting Instrument. Information Case Started Date... 8/09/07 Originating From..... Original filing ist Appearance Date. 8/09/07 Originating Agency... Clatsop County Distric Ready for Trial... originating agency# First Setting Date.. 2/12/08 Previous Court. Trial Scheduled Date 4/09/08 Previous Court Case# ‘Trial Start Date... Previous Decision Length of Trial..... Master Case Number... 071216 Disposition pate. Relation to Master... Related Case Same Defe Final Order Date Termination stage. Reinstated Date ‘Termination Type Citation in Lieut... Judgment Type. District Attorney... 07-1364 | Judgment status. Booking# Judgment Volume/Page. RELATED CASES 1 € 074216 Oregon State Of/Cloninger Kasey David 2 € 0721143NP Oregon State Of/Cloninger Kasey David ___ ROLE, PLAINTIFF, ATTORNEY T plaintiff Oregon state OF Brown Ronald Lee ___ ROLE, DEFENDANT T Defendant....... Cloninger Kasey David Birth Dt. SOX... cece rece eeees Male Hght /wght. 510 180, Drivers License. 7 Nair...... Brown Phonett. (503) 325-9516 Byes. * Brown, Control#..........., 09000000 Race. caucasian Address. 92481 FERN HILL ROAD ASTORIA OR 97103 custody status...... Jailed-county jail pate 5/08/07 2 crt Appntd i. settles Ty Ron Bart. 8363, __ CHARGING INSTRUMENT Indictment Date...... 8/16/07 Status... we Date count... seed 1 ORS 163375. Rape-1 A/FEL status. Active Date. Incident Date 3/07/07 Date Charged/iesuea Citation# current Plea... 8/16/07 Plea Entry Not Guilty Security.. Disposition. . Platet. count. ceeeeeees 2 2 0RS 163427 Sexual Abuse 1 B/FEL status se. + Removed pate = 8/16/07 Incident Date... 8/07/07 Date Charged/Tssued. Citationt PAGE 1 June 26, 2008 Kasey D. Cloninger 636 Duane Street Astoria, OR 97103 Re: — Ronald Brown (Kasey D. Cloninger) Dear Mr. Cloninger: ‘The Oregon State Bar has received your recent correspondence concerning Deputy District Attorney Ronald Brown. The Client Assistance Office (CAO) is responsible for reviewing concerns regarding Oregon lawyers. Under Bar Rule of Procedure 2.5, CAO determines whether there is sufficient evidence to support a reasonable belief that misconduct may have occurred warranting a referral to Disciplinary Counsel’s Office for further investigation. Misconduct means a violation of the rules of professional conduct and applicable statutes that govern lawyer conduct in Oregon. Your concerns about Mr. Brown do not fall within the bar's jurisdiction. Instead, it appears you need legal advice. We are unable to provide legal advice or representation and encourage you to contact an attorney of your choice for assistance. You may also be able to get the name of an attorney to help you by calling the OSB Referral and Information Service at (503) 684-3763 or (800) 452-7636 (within Oregon). T hope this information is helpful Sincerely, Us/ Chris 1. Mullmann Chris L. Mullmann Assistant General Counsel Ext, 392 CLM/jmm cew/encl: Ronald Brown, Attorney at Law 001463 2c 16037 SW Upper Boones Ferry Road, PO Box 251935, Tigard, Oregon 97281-1935 (803) 620-0222 _olhee in Oregon (800) 452-8260 fax (503) 684-1366 wwnmosbarorg RECEIVE oa JUN 2 3 2008 ‘OREGON STATE BAR. NT ASSISTANCE OFF To whets i May Gree, . ANCE Orr My name is Kesey Betas T Live iy Astota oR, Cladsoh Candy. TH has come to my atbenMon thet you guys Peegible hele Qeadle Valeo are Cuan felse Chasges. wale Cor Prove mucld Coupler iw Wreic Cues. TF recently Conlacted Agnnesty Trdecnahonal USA Western Lesion offer, whe Farawcd my. Shalt So Trkinedional Seccelar of Ger in Londen Pax Cone Cemed. bub alse celered + Wrcancager tne Yo Witte yous offen. My Cote A AS GTAAZG, CladsoP Cound Thave been Trtarstatad Sence Aagust 2007 my 1S* Taek Lous ser for Feb 12, 2oy bu Vans Cersek For Aored ats ooh, due to Diskia Aetnys afbrer Ae} Lucning aver oy discovery VAL \:2 Weeks before Leads Ab bool canela Game ouk. AY Ma End of Bday Adal, Tre ary Adeberated for CHR Friday Might before Racy Lows Sen Some to Come tek Mendey. TL cecieved a Prone Cal monday ah Zeon Seaing * gong, Yo Caudk, Tary has been seaberch wis! Yodge \eld wo she had Fossa owt ah Aan Monday, The Jue “whe us Med yaar” hud gone home over dine Weekend , Talked bo Pedle, god shalements, § looked up new Afaltoas ™ akin Coutt! had brass Herr bac Se Cork to dey Ye Prasade Say Yo stots. Side. Larrick a Yaak Dont Gaus dreamed, a shia Ab Hee Mere Jevy Cows sph) 7-S my fave we Fulvey Found oud Wed Suor whe Cursed (ins, is bg Sig iw Commanihy 's also Kaons Bilde Abboiney! pl boa. We all Fadl. Brod Des Coas Tahananaly corsed Aue to Das afbree \osting Now am back in Qa\ La Quaust of Seplember. My hal For 3 charges Was ab Artanment Ugus sor ok §500,00, then om Tadibment \urcek ladber, | charge Compe My Aropped, One Went bo adtempk, one skayed Wye Sune eerd unas Catsed bo $750,000, whey T vows bold tn Court 1S 7% ines Hee Amount ik shawl be sek by Sader Court dKonders, Whids iso Arrek yidlelicrs of ny et? Admendment Rgds. T have No Pls & Wo Proc (lonis seo Mo feuser Sor Excess bad, - = _ - __ During my Yaad mossy Courdh rings Came ovd.T donk Wonk ko Waste your Yon, gpg iva he. Salo deed Lars all, Lanes you guys Car ined me} Wea me tes) T wd ak second Vroags S Gales LT Can prove! by Astamens OF on dae Cebord Wn Conc. 1S Tampetng wikk Evidence,” The 6nly Supposed Evidence shee ras is a Qrerkevk Call Whers Aey Soy one vasord admis Yo. A\ Zara ib ddacl? they Played a cd of shod § also Taesieusn Coo. 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Ashore Pda, he also cadiartled on Shand dhe cxslecel Ae cD rad Keen adlaceds 1h is cso my understands Ron Brown is also calveady in quesion by You gers TrDicleic AMeaney. hed So Sudes Face tah Corginton BD Voor whe Conged Maleial is Paend of Dishoe AWetney. W) Gods never Fudd Trveslag asd get Lsaienls, neuer Sook. every* ning From th, Wao Crovdd Vrowe nedved mel - BY Medgcd Qeklon edonilted on sland, Pred Cops vordte ook Cotvesied Scivh For Pre-Ved cath, Cots WA Mer wshhal bo Say whale Kure, bub never crtied Aid spidlic Mra Lonly Subste exrdence > 1 Aledged Weller Sorc vnore on shand_ about Deh, Myer would Thast possible Led lo Lesser clnavges. 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LK T suid am nob drying So geh one over om be System, bat Ye narges ave do Loy Ceckaned s bamped oP X Me Kes, kumbering be. by Yo gel bean Yo sk) TF did in oo Lay Commit Uslhek Prey ave saying of Charging oe vailla. Every reir Declors § forensic Screnbish Sey tede Gading? do rok Suppor’ adlegadion. Thank: yor for your Mine's Considerabion My a\\ocney Knows Sis leMer Was Seat. T look Coruevd S¢ Wreating From you * hoe Cally Caurkung wrbla you, te shop Mas CouruPlion & Prove my. Trnacents Those no. Complaints of edbur of my abboineys alder News any Rishiic AMermy O& -Ron Brow, wire Toad You Wave Ween Passe Teves Seagallony: Sudge - Condy Ndyas Dettelare: Berean Sut -/Astoirn Dehee odin Wenn Mrs} clalsal seilt “Thaw = a “ Kasey Dasid clanunges IC 2 _ claksod Counby Sarl Bonets, 2008.

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