Care Plan Fall 2023
Care Plan Fall 2023
Care Plan Fall 2023
Care Plan submission will use findings from included patient information.
Student Name Andrea Cazares Puente
Patient Name Brown, Mabel Age 25
Chief Complaint: Bleeding gums
1. Medical History: (list any positive medical history findings from the medical & social history.
Correlate what the positive findings place the patient at risk for.)
Medical History Findings At Risk For: ______________
2. Dental History: (List past and/or present dental disease, the chief complaint, and the present
oral hygiene habits. Correlate what the findings place the patient at risk for.)
Dental History Findings At Risk For:_____________
3. Extraoral & Intraoral Examinations: (List the positive findings, occlusion, midline shifts,
habits and awareness. Correlate what the findings place the patient at risk for.)
Extra & Intraoral Examination Findings At Risk For:___________
6. Dental Charting Examination: (List all findings from dental charting exam. Examples are
caries, attrition, abfractions, etc. Correlate what the findings place the patient at risk for.)
Dental Charting Findings: At Risk For:___________________
7. Dental Hygiene Diagnosis: (List all of the dental hygiene related problems associated with
this patient, with each problem list the etiology)
Dental Hygiene Problem: Etiology:_________________
Appointment 2:
Plan for Treatment: Goals: Plan for Education and/or Oral
______________________________________________________Hygiene Instruction________
LTG #1: The main goal is to get I will use disclosing solution
Medical/Dental History her bleeding score to a low to see if she is brushing
review score, since this is her chief correctly. If she does it
Patient education and complaint. correctly I will tell her she did
instruction session a good job. Next, I will
Take bleeding score STG: Patient will be able to introduce her to the
Begin scaling maxillary understand what plaque is toothbrushing PowerPoint so
right quadrant and be able to understand that she gets an
how to prevent it. understanding of what she is
doing. I will also introduce
STG: She will be able to the plaque PowerPoint so
correctly show the new that she understands that
brushing technique that I plaque is the main cause to
taught her. many oral diseases.
9. Prognosis: (Is the prognosis good, fair, poor, questionable, or hopeless? Base and support
your answer on age, number of teeth, systemic/social background, malocclusion, periodontal
examination, recall availability)
Based on this patient’s existing factors, her overall prognosis is good. She is still at a young
age of 25 and has a good chance at healing. She makes sure she goes to the dentist every 6
months for her dental checkup. She also brushes her teeth twice a day and does not smoke.
The medication that is taking part in her xerostomia is only being taken in the meantime for
nausea since she is pregnant. Since she has a good history with keeping up with her dental
appointments, I know she will be able to commit to come every 4 months.
10. Supportive Therapy: State the suggestions made to patient regarding re-evaluation,
referral, and recall schedule. (Note: Include date of recall appointment below.)
I have recommended to her to change her toothbrushing technique, floss daily, understand
how to prevent periodontitis and gingivitis, and change her diet. If the disease does not get
any better after treatment, we will have to get her a referral to the periodontist. Her
appointments will be every 4 months: Appointment 1- 10/28/2023. Appointment 2-
2/28/2024. Appointment 3- 6/28/2024. Appointment 4- 10/28/2024. Appointment 5
2/28/2025. The ideal recall appointment will be in 3 months, so it will be on 5/28/2025.
Referral to dentist for 4-MOD, 5-DO, 29-DO, 30-MOD, possible consult for dental implants to
replace teeth #12, 21, 28 if space has not been closed due to orthodontics.