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BBA/Bcom Hons. Fifth SEMESTER

Code No. Paper L T/P Credits

BBA 311 Summer Training Report & Viva Voce - - 6

SUMMER TRAINING PROJECT: Each student shall undergo practical training of six to eight weeks
during the vacations after fourth semester in an approved business / industrial / service organization and
submit at least two copies of the Summer Training Report to the Director / Principal of the Institution
within two weeks of the commencement of the Fifth Semester. The Summer Training Report Shall Carry
100 marks. It shall be evaluated for 50 marks by an External Examiner to be appointed by the
University and for the rest of the 50 marks by an Internal Board of Examiners to be appointed by
the Director / Principal of the Institution. This internal Board of Examiners shall comprise of a
minimum of two Internal Faculty Members.

2.0 for Summer Training Report


The project study is to be based on the leaning and the responsibilities performed in the organization.
It may be noted that the chosen functional area is not restrictive. If the student finds any other area
interesting or otherwise, they must explore it and comment on it in his /her report. Each student is
required to carry out the work and submit the report individually.


1. Work & gain knowledge of real time business environment.

2. Explore the various functional areas and analyze how theoretical concepts taught are applied in
real life situations.
3. Analyze best practices, system, processes, procedures and policies of a company/industry in
different functional areas and bring forward the deviations.
4. Develop skills in report writing through data collection, data analysis, data extraction, and
presentation and draw lessons vis-à-vis firm or company.

Note : Once The Title & The Organization Is Approved, It Cannot Be Changed arbitrarily

Guidelines of th

The Guidelines for carrying out the Summer Training Report (STR) is given in the following
paragraphs. Each student is to compile his/her study in six chapters as detailed below:

Chapter-I : Introduction


It should include (a) Meaning of the concept, I e, Job Satisfaction, Consumer Satisfaction,
Working Capital Management, (b) Rationale for choosing the topic/problem under study, (c)
Implementation strategy of concept in your present study.

1.2 Objectives of Study: It should be pragmatic and consistent with the title of the study and
achievable during the course of study within the prescribed schedule. Students are advised to
develop the objectives in consultation with their respective guides. The objectives must start
with action oriented verbs. A sample of objectives is given below as example:

“(a) To study the growth of sales of online companies.

(b) To compare the market share of on-line and off-line companies.”

1.3 Scope of Study: The scope of the study refers to the parameters in which the study will be
operating in. This also reminds a researcher that his method of investigation should be centered
around trying to solve the problem within the provided scope. The scope of study should
clearly mention the activities that are actually performed in the study. It should include the
period of study, the functional area (HR, Finance and Marketing) and volume of work carried
out in the study. With reference to above objectives, the scope of study could be as follows (note
this is suggestive and not exhaustive):

(a) To collect and analyze the sales data of identified company in Delhi/NCR region of last
five years. For this purpose, secondary data from the published sources is collected.

1.4 Company Profile:

Following aspects need to be covered in the first chapter in order to know the company profile:

1.4.1 Name of the firm/company, its complete address along with telephone numbers, email
address, website name. Mention whether local, national or multinational. If

national/multinational, give location & address of the registered office and geographical
areas of operation of the company.

1.4.2 Explain the nature of the Organization and its business (service/production/trading etc),
i.e., type of industry & business in which the company is operating. Mention specific
functional area, if any, such as marketing, finance, HR, logistics etc, in which the
company is operating.

1.4.3 Company’s vision & mission.

1.4.4 Product range of the company.

1.4.5 Size (in terms of manpower & turnover) of organization.

1.4.6 Organization structure of the company.

1.4.7. Market share & position of the company in the industry.

1.5 Industry Profile:

Brief profile of the Industry including its current status from which the company belongs.

Chapter-II: Review of Literature

Students have to carry out a methodical examination of available study material (books, journals,
periodicals, official gazettes, etc.) on the topic of your study. Provide the existing information on
the work already done by way of fundamental nature of the study and the writer’s name and
references of publications.

Chapter-III: Research Methodology

Specify research objectives.

It must specify the
Research Problem
Objectives of Study
Sources of data collection
Method of data collection
Any statistical tool applied

Chapter-IV: Data Analysis & Interpretation

Raw data (primary or secondary) collected must be reduced to standard formats such as tables,
charts, graphs, diagrams etc and is to be presented in this chapter. This chapter will include
Classification of Data, Tabulation of the data, Use of graphs and its observation and inferences
drawn. Students are required to apply established theoretical concepts/tools/techniques to the
data to interpret the data.

Chapter-V: Findings

Results of the study are to be presented and supported by facts & figures in narrative form and be
culled out from the Chapter-IV. The sequence of the results must be consistent with the objectives
of the study mentioned in Chapter-I. Also, mention the achievement of objectives or otherwise.

Chapter VI: Conclusion and Suggestions

This Chapter should comprise the following:

6.1 Conclusion:

Conclusion should cover findings of the work, whether the stated objectives of the work is achieved with
full justification, recommendations, limitations, directions for future development.
6.2 Suggestions and Scope for further Study: Suggestions based on results of the study is to be
provided. Any scope for extension of the study to new geographical areas, segments, time with larger
data, is to be mentioned under this heading.

6.3 Limitations: The limitations could be mentioned in terms of data insufficiency, time &
expertise constraints etc.

The format of Contents is as follows

Topic Page No
Certificate -

Summer Training Appraisal

Acknowledgement -
Executive Summary -
Chapter I: Introduction -
Chapter II: Review of Literature -
Chapter III: Research Methodology (In case of Primary Data)
a.) Objectives of the study
b.) Research Design
c.) Data Collection
d.) Data Sampling
e.) Statistical tools used
Chapter IV: Data Analysis & Interpretation
Chapter V: Findings
Chapter VI: Conclusions & Suggestions
References/ Bibliography

Specifications of STR
Following aspects must be adhered to as given in while compiling the body of report
(a) Page Size: Good quality white A4 size executive bond paper should be used for typing and

(b) Page Specifications

(i) Left Margin : 1.25 inch
(ii) Right Margin : 1.25 inch
(iii) Top Margin : 1 inch
(iv) Bottom Margin : 1 inch

(c) Page Numbers: All text pages starting from Body of the Project Report as well as
program source code listings should be numbered at the bottom center of the pages.

(d) Normal Body Text

(i) Font Size: 12, Times New Roman, 1.5 Spacing, Single Side Writing.
(ii) Paragraphs Heading Font Size: 12, Times New Roman, Bold
(iii) Page/Title Font Size: 14

(e) Table and Figure Number: Table and figure numbers are to be written at the bottom of
the table/ figure as given below:

(g) Binding & Color Code of the Report

(i) Hard Bound Report

(ii) Background of the cover page – Black
(iii) Color of Letters: Golden



Undertaken at


Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

award of the degree of



Name of the student

Enrollment no.

Vivekananda School of Business Studies

Vivekananda Institute of Professional studies
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi
December 2022

To Whom It May Concern

I , Enrolment No. from BBA-V Sem of the

Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies, Delhi hereby declare that the
Summer Training Report (BBA 311) entitled
_at is an original work and the same has not
been submitted to any other Institute for the award of any other degree. A presentation of the
Summer Training Report was made on and the suggestions as
approved by the faculty were duly incorporated.

Signature of the Student

Certified that the Summer Training Report submitted in partial fulfillment of Bachelor of
Business Administration (BBA) to be awarded by G.G.S.I.P. University, Delhi by
_, Enrolment No. has been completed under my guidance and is

Signature of the
Guide Name of the
Guide: Designation:



This is to certify that………………(Full Name of the Student), a student of Bachelor of Business Administration
(BBA), a class of 2013, Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies, Affiliated to GGS.IP. University
bearing Enrolment No.………………., has undertaken the Summer Internship Training at
………………………………… (Name of the Company) during…………… to.........................under my supervision &
guidance. He / She has conducted a study
& completed the Project on

Seal of Organization Signature of the Guide

Date: Name of the Guide:
Designation: Address:

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