FY21 Schedules
FY21 Schedules
FY21 Schedules
(Amount in `)
For Borkar & Muzumdar Rajendra Agrawal Sudatta Mandal V. Satya Venkata Rao Sivasubramanian Ramann
Chartered Accountants Chief Financial Officer Deputy Managing Director Deputy Managing Director Chairman & Managing Director
(Amount in `)
March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
INCOME Schedules
Interest and Discount XII 1,02,21,35,67,271 1,10,20,93,69,739
Other Income XIII 9,44,26,93,251 10,69,36,41,116
Total 1,11,65,62,60,522 1,20,90,30,10,855
Interest & Financial charges 65,42,87,64,888 77,22,05,87,193
Operating Expenses XIV 5,60,00,42,556 6,07,45,88,592
Provisions & Contingencies 9,15,23,84,536 9,52,98,06,119
Total 80,18,11,91,980 92,82,49,81,904
Profit before Tax 31,47,50,68,542 28,07,80,28,951
Provision for Income Tax 7,68,66,09,000 5,17,47,06,878
Deferred Tax Adjustment [(Asset) / Liability] (19,43,10,130) (24,18,96,000)
Profit after Tax 23,98,27,69,672 23,14,52,18,073
Profit brought forward 96,17,75,070 49,99,16,015
Total Profit / (Loss) 24,94,45,44,742 23,64,51,34,088
Transfer to General Reserve 22,50,00,00,000 22,10,00,00,000
Transfer to Special reserve u/s 36(1)(viii) of 80,00,00,000 55,00,00,000
The Income Tax Act, 1961
Transfer to Investment Fluctuation Reserve - 33,59,018
Transfer to Staff Welfare Fund 4,10,00,000 3,00,00,000
Dividend on Shares 1,06,38,44,062 -
Tax on Dividend - -
Surplus in Profit & Loss account carried forward 53,97,00,680 96,17,75,070
Total 24,94,45,44,742 23,64,51,34,088
Basic/Diluted Earning Per Share 45.09 43.51
Significant Accounting Policies XV
Notes to Accounts XVI
The Schedules referred to above form an integral part of the
Profit & Loss Account.
For Borkar & Muzumdar Rajendra Agrawal Sudatta Mandal V. Satya Venkata Rao Sivasubramanian Ramann
Chartered Accountants Chief Financial Officer Deputy Managing Director Deputy Managing Director Chairman & Managing Director
(Amount in `)
Schedule II: Reserves, Surplus and Funds March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
A) Reserves
i) General Reserve
- Opening Balance 1,46,73,51,37,200 1,24,63,51,37,200
- Additions during the year 22,50,00,00,000 22,10,00,00,000
- Utilisations during the year - -
- Closing Balance 1,69,23,51,37,200 1,46,73,51,37,200
ii) Share Premium
- Opening Balance 16,68,07,79,690 16,68,07,79,690
- Additions during the year - -
- Utilisations during the year - -
- Closing Balance 16,68,07,79,690 16,68,07,79,690
iii) Specific Reserves
a) Investment Reserve
- Opening Balance - -
- Additions during the year - -
- Utilisations during the year - -
- Closing Balance - -
b) Special Reserve created and maintained u/s 36 (1) (viii) of The
Income Tax Act, 1961
- Opening Balance 16,22,00,00,000 15,67,00,00,000
- Additions during the year 80,00,00,000 55,00,00,000
- Utilisations during the year - -
- Closing Balance 17,02,00,00,000 16,22,00,00,000
c) Other Reserves
i) Investment Fluctuation Reserve
- Opening Balance 1,14,93,45,044 1,14,59,86,026
- Additions during the year - 33,59,018
- Utilisations during the year - -
- Closing Balance 1,14,93,45,044 1,14,93,45,044
(Amount in `)
(Amount in `)
Schedule IV: Borrowings March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
I) Borrowings in India
1. From Reserve Bank of India - -
2. From Government of India 20,40,09,88,429 21,07,48,45,249
(including Bonds subscribed by GOI)
3. Bonds & Debentures 1,70,87,50,00,000 1,75,62,50,00,000
4. From Other Sources
- Commercial Paper 38,75,00,00,000 49,50,00,00,000
- Certificate of Deposits 42,85,00,00,000 1,98,90,00,00,000
- Term Loans from Banks 48,14,20,83,006 14,36,35,43,399
- Term Money Borrowings - -
- Others 4,99,94,82,245 4,74,98,02,338
Subtotal (I) 3,26,01,75,53,680 4,64,21,31,90,986
(Amount in `)
Schedule IV: Borrowings March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
II) Borrowings outside India
(a) KFW, Germany 7,92,50,08,344 11,60,28,09,154
(b) Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) 20,87,89,58,963 34,07,23,44,393
(c) IFAD, Rome 1,10,10,79,766 1,15,34,15,466
(d) World Bank 33,21,79,18,293 43,46,01,15,739
(e) Others 1,76,13,89,180 2,53,19,61,804
Subtotal (II) 64,88,43,54,546 92,82,06,46,556
Total (I & II) 3,90,90,19,08,226 5,57,03,38,37,542
(Amount in `)
Schedule V: Other Liabilities and Provisions March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Interest Accrued 20,83,21,62,892 27,16,74,34,630
Provision for SIDBI Employees' Provident Fund 3,26,55,18,260 3,09,97,41,738
Provision for SIDBI Pension Fund 13,50,36,000 62,60,20,000
Provision for Employees’ Other Benefit 2,48,86,71,702 1,93,65,85,000
Provisions for Exchange Rate Fluctuation 1,53,73,62,766 1,53,73,62,766
Contingent provisions against standard assets 11,06,49,47,151 6,55,00,89,506
Proposed Dividend (including tax on dividend) 1,06,38,44,062 -
Funds viz. Aspire Fund, FoF for Startups, PRF, PRSF etc. 12,33,11,61,527 8,49,58,08,897
Floating provision 10,99,96,00,000 10,99,96,00,000
Others (including provisions) 11,60,09,43,291 8,23,70,76,885
Total 75,31,92,47,651 68,64,97,19,422
(Amount in `)
Schedule VI: Cash & Bank Balances March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
1. Cash in Hand & Balances with Reserve Bank of India 6,54,935 6,16,569
2. Balances with other Banks
(a) In India
i) in current accounts 92,06,46,927 31,01,91,553
ii) in other deposit accounts 1,34,15,99,19,330 60,47,58,45,836
(b) Outside India
i) in current accounts 1,90,00,930 5,19,09,337
ii) in other deposit accounts 2,97,93,46,299 3,99,53,27,832
Total 1,38,07,95,68,421 64,83,38,91,127
(Amount in `)
Schedule VII: Investments [net of provisions] March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
A) Treasury operations
1. Securities of Central and State Governments 36,25,12,72,542 4,91,62,54,874
2. Bonds & Debentures of Banks & Financial Institutions 5,24,16,82,049 7,39,95,25,696
3. Stocks, Shares, Bonds & Debentures of Industrial Concerns 1,98,08,42,613 1,99,92,72,771
4. Mutual Funds 37,50,81,24,592 34,10,00,00,001
5. Commercial Paper 65,68,39,65,908 5,99,41,36,088
6. Certificate of Deposit 13,97,08,63,310 25,67,58,49,839
7. Others - -
Subtotal (A) 1,60,63,67,51,014 80,08,50,39,269
B) Business Operations
1. Shares of Banks & Financial Institutions 1,84,97,71,142 1,82,22,71,142
2. Bonds & Debentures of Banks & Financial Institutions - -
3. Stocks, Shares, bonds & Debentures of Industrial Concerns 4,46,46,49,681 4,63,89,03,959
4. Investment in Subsidiaries 17,51,04,98,740 17,51,04,98,740
5. Investment in Venture Capital Fund - RCF 6,42,18,48,997 6,45,75,11,219
6. Others 65,11,58,907 66,43,08,907
Subtotal (B) 30,89,79,27,467 31,09,34,93,967
Total (A+B) 1,91,53,46,78,481 1,11,17,85,33,236
(Amount in `)
Schedule VIII: Loans & Advances [Net of provisions] March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
A) Refinance to
- Banks and Financial Institutions 13,16,64,02,14,298 14,32,32,64,04,547
- Micro Finance Institutions 16,72,32,44,874 18,21,00,01,621
- NBFC 1,12,92,14,25,624 1,03,74,97,12,032
- Bills Rediscounted - -
Subtotal (A) 14,46,28,48,84,796 15,54,28,61,18,200
B) Direct Loans
- Loans and Advances 1,15,81,08,75,592 98,66,91,14,927
- Receivable Finance Scheme 23,22,39,426 1,26,03,81,426
- Bills Discounted - -
Subtotal (B) 1,16,04,31,15,018 99,92,94,96,353
Total (A+B) 15,62,32,79,99,814 16,54,21,56,14,553
(Amount in `)
Schedule IX: Fixed Assets [Net of Depreciation] March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
1. Premises 2,75,92,83,828 2,83,87,18,310
2. Others 1,39,42,607 2,83,96,859
Total 2,77,32,26,435 2,86,71,15,169
(Amount in `)
Schedule XI: CONTINGENT LIABILITIES March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
i) Claims against the Bank not acknowledged as debts 5,06,41,82,735 5,74,27,63,852
ii) On account of Guarantees / Letters of Credit 20,23,30,137 46,99,22,915
iii) On account of Forward Contracts 21,81,77,727 5,79,87,607
iv) On account of Underwriting Commitments - -
v) On account of uncalled monies on partly paid shares, debentures & 17,46,36,734 5,19,13,80,042
undrawn commitment under VCF etc.
vi) On account of derivative contracts 53,84,68,08,765 64,67,78,37,345
vii) Other items for which the Bank is contingently liable - -
Total 59,50,61,36,098 76,13,98,91,761
Schedule XII: Interest and Discount March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
1. Interest and Discount on Loans, Advances and Bills 90,55,19,84,990 1,03,92,13,18,393
2. Income on Investments / Bank balances 11,66,15,82,281 6,28,80,51,346
Total 1,02,21,35,67,271 1,10,20,93,69,739
(Amount in `)
Schedule XIII: Other Income: March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
1. Upfront and Processing Fees 35,38,16,367 47,71,19,491
2. Commission and Brokerage 83,89,829 1,25,57,895
3. Profit on sale of Investments 1,25,88,60,175 3,98,46,25,620
4. Income earned by way of dividends etc. from Subsidiaries / Associates 25,39,38,889 4,97,93,519
5. Provision of Earlier Years written Back - -
6. Recoveries out of Bad Debts 1,42,52,18,289 1,02,21,91,305
7. Reversal of Provisions/ERFF under FCL 5,17,85,60,369 3,71,15,35,404
8. Others 96,39,09,333 1,43,58,17,882
Total 9,44,26,93,251 10,69,36,41,116
(Amount in `)
Schedule XIV: Operating Expenses: March 31, 2021 March 31, 2020
Payments to and provisions for employees 3,87,77,13,208 3,93,57,01,040
Rent, Taxes and Lighting 14,97,56,156 16,53,46,313
Printing & Stationery, Postage/Courier & Tele and Insurance 1,23,90,186 1,76,97,415
Advertisement and Publicity 2,84,12,385 9,89,69,313
Depreciation / Amortisation on Bank's Property 24,03,93,728 18,27,17,393
Directors’ fees, allowances and expenses 36,23,666 42,99,620
Auditor’s Fees 28,66,387 29,24,757
Law Charges 1,41,97,202 1,52,91,720
Repairs and maintenance 11,20,92,010 17,21,34,109
Issue Expenses 42,82,499 12,45,45,493
Capital Commitment, Management Fees etc. 1,49,78,690 7,70,27,713
Input Tax Credit not Available 9,30,45,281 12,40,21,740
Other Expenditure 1,04,62,91,158 1,15,39,11,966
Total 5,60,00,42,556 6,07,45,88,592